Repair Design Furniture

How to bypass the gas pipe in the kitchen. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen - consider the options. How to hide piping behind a kitchen façade

Agree that the pipe, the counter, gas water heater or the boiler is quite capable of ruining it if it is located in the most conspicuous place and at the same time is not hidden by anything. Even at the stage of planning a kitchen renovation, experts recommend thinking about how to equip the space so that the equipment does not spoil appearance the interior was easily accessible. Taking advantage of practical ideas how to hide gas equipment in the kitchen, it is quite possible to create an aesthetic interior that pleases the eye.

The need for free access to gas pipes does not allow them to be hidden in walls or moved, placing them behind the floor of the furniture set. In such conditions, only by decorating, closing or beating it as an element of the interior, you can hide the pipe. Options for such transformations can be seen in the photo below.

A visible pipe will acquire an aesthetic appearance if hidden:

  • having painted to match the wall decoration. In this case, it will simply visually merge with the walls and become invisible. As one of the options to hide the pipe, effectively presenting it in the interior, the designers recommend painting its surface in unusual shades. For example, golden paint, if the kitchen is decorated in warm colors or silver, if its design is made in cold colors;

Attention! Effective painting is the most economical option aesthetically pleasing the pipe in the kitchen interior.

  • by painting with paints, imitating a birch trunk or a bamboo stem, you can not only hide communications, but also use them as an interior decor. Those who can draw well can decorate them with a more complex pattern, for example, a graphic ornament. Such option will do to the kitchen decorated in ethnic style;

  • if the pipe passes near the window, it can be hidden behind blackout curtains;
  • wrapped with textured rope or flower garlands, using any other decor, you can also effectively hide any communications;
  • having decorated in the decoupage technique, picking up interesting drawings that correspond to the interior design, you can hide communications and use them as an art object. This technique is appropriate for a Provence or vintage style kitchen;
  • hide behind a cardboard sleeve or thick bamboo stalks, after cutting them lengthwise into halves. The installed sleeve should be painted in the color of the walls, bamboo stems for greater decorativeness - varnished, red or black paint. A kitchen made in Chinese or Japanese style will only benefit from this.

A surefire way to completely hide a vertical pipe is to install kitchen pencil case- long narrow cabinet, from which you must first dismantle back wall... Another way to hide the pipe is to close it with a special box made of drywall or chipboard.

A horizontally located pipe can be completely hidden by hanging cabinets, in which a part of the back wall is cut out. Another good way to disguise a horizontal pipe is to use it as a part of the railing system, painting it with an appropriate shade of paint. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to load it by hanging heavy kitchen utensils.

Options for masking a gas boiler, column or meter in the kitchen

Thanks to the efforts of manufacturers, heating boilers and columns have a modern and aesthetic design. If you choose a model to match the interior of the kitchen, then you don't have to hide it. This option - optimal solution for a kitchen made in white or high-tech style, since gas equipment casings are most often produced in a chrome or white design. In addition, both a floor-standing boiler and a wall-mounted column or meter can be hidden behind a kitchen set by placing them in the far corner. In this case, protruding furniture facades will cover the equipment.

Advice! If there is a niche in the kitchen, then you can hide the equipment by placing them in it, and from above by closing it with a door, removable panel, curtain or blinds.

If such an arrangement in the kitchen space is impossible, then hide necessary equipment you can use the built-in false furniture. For this, a cabinet is selected, the size of which is larger than the column itself. They dismantle the rear wall, cut out the bottom and roof with a jigsaw, drill the remaining side walls and the door to ensure free ventilation. Finished false cabinet, processed fireproof impregnation, after which they are attached over the column or boiler. A cabinet devoid of a back is also suitable to hide a gas meter. This option allows you to well disguise the equipment and at the same time not restrict access to it. The optimal combination of aesthetics and practicality will be the installation of a lattice door on such a structure. If ready wardrobe, which can be altered, could not be found, then you can make a collapsible box from drywall, chipboard or plywood yourself.

If the column ends up squeezed between wall cabinets, it is important to create conditions that meet safety requirements:

  • natural ventilation will provide a free space between the speaker and furniture of at least 3-5 cm;
  • placing refractory materials between the equipment and the side walls of adjacent cabinets will prevent them from heating up and reduce the level of fire hazard. For the same purpose, it is recommended that all furniture in the kitchen be treated with a special impregnation.

A variety of solutions, how to hide a pipe, as well as the necessary gas equipment in the kitchen interior without losing its aesthetics, makes it possible to choose the best option tailored kitchen space... And the ideas presented above may inspire you to come up with your own original way how to hide communications in the kitchen.

How to hide gas pipes: video

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The frequently encountered question about the possibility to close up the chimney in the kitchen worries many people who are going to make repairs. When asked if it is possible to sew gas pipe drywall, gas workers most often allow this operation to be done with one condition - a window for viewing the pipe. Is it possible to close a gas pipe with drywall and what methods are there for this? You can close the pipeline and not violate safety standards by building a plasterboard box.

In what cases is the gas duct allowed to be sewn up with drywall?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to hide gas pipes under drywall is in the standards. It is necessary to follow safety precautions when erecting such structures, relying on paragraph 7 of SNiP 42-01-2002. According to the document, gas pipelines can be laid in an open and closed way.

  • An open laying involves ensuring free access to the gas duct, which is not sealed or sewn up with anything
  • Concealed laying of a gas pipeline is allowed to be carried out using removable structures. For this, additional measures must be provided to protect it from corrosion, access to the pipeline for its maintenance, repair and work. It is possible to hide the pipe behind plasterboard screens, covers, casings. It can be embedded in a drywall case or hidden behind a partition. It is impossible to sew up the gas duct tightly

Advantages of drywall for the construction of removable panels

For repairs, this material is indispensable due to its advantages:

  • Has thermal and waterproofing properties
  • Flexible (the material lends itself to bending, which allows you to form rounded shapes)
  • Lightweight (suitable for erecting removable devices)
  • Fire-resistant (this property is typical for fire-resistant gypsum plasterboards - GKLO)

A possible disadvantage for its use in closing kitchen flue gas ducts is the inability to support heavy weight. Therefore, it is not recommended to make shelves or hang a TV on the structure.

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How to hide a gas pipeline under drywall with your own hands

The best option offered by gas workers is the construction of a box that will cover and hide the gas duct from floor to ceiling. A box that will allow you to visually remove part of the pipe or the entire pipeline must have the following characteristics:

  • Be ventilated for most of it
  • Cover the whole pipe
  • Be lightweight and easy to take off

Is it possible to hide a gas pipe behind drywall in a tunnel with permanent walls that are sewn to the wall? Alternatively, the walls of the box in the kitchen can be made of it using a metal profile, and the front part is designed as a blown-through screen, mesh, blinds. Such a screen will close the tube, it can be disguised decorative materials and elements. Most often screens are made of perforated materials. The ventilation function will be performed simultaneously. It is preferable to hide pipeline products in this way. The screen must be removed in such cases:

  • Apartment renovation
  • Replacement or repair of a gas pipeline
  • Confirmation of the availability of access to it in the event of the sale of an apartment or when checked by employees gas service

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It takes ~ 3 minutes to read

In any kitchen where a gas stove is used, supply pipes will be used. Such engineering Communication spoil the appearance of the room, irritate the residents. If the plumbing and sewerage system can be easily disguised, then you have to tinker with the gas lines. There are certain rules for handling such communications. Next, we will figure out how to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen without harm to the residents, in accordance with legal acts.


What the regulatory documents say

Before deciding on masking a gas pipeline, you need to understand the requirements for the operation of such pipes in a private house or city apartment. This is what the legal acts say:

  • The user must provide unimpeded access to the lines to eliminate gas leaks and carry out repairs. Failure to comply with such standards can cost human life.
  • It is forbidden to close the pipe tightly, for example with a box. This will tend to build up fuel, ultimately increasing the likelihood of an explosion. It is not recommended to hide engineering communications in the structure of the walls. To do this, you need to use decorative ventilated products.
  • It is forbidden to independently replace pipes and other elements of the gas pipeline. This should be done by a qualified technician.
  • The pipelines must be painted. A layer of paint prevents metal corrosion and prolongs the service life of the pipeline.
  • Cannot be hung on pipes heavy objects or try to fix them in the event of a breakdown or gas leak.

While doing renovation works be sure to turn off the supply tap. Do not try to make the interior of the kitchen ideal; when choosing a decor, follow the recommendations of a gas specialist.



The cheapest and in a safe way masking a gas pipeline is considered staining. With the right approach, interfering parts can be disguised as general interior kitchens. Any person, even not related to the construction industry, can perform such operations. During the work, the pipe remains in the same place, the specialist's access to the main is not difficult. You can paint the internal pipeline in any color you choose; yellow paint is used to protect external engineering communications from corrosion.

There are several ways to paint:

  • Use of pigment dyes that match the tone of the walls. If the shades coincide, the interfering part will not stand out against the general background, it will simply merge with the enclosing structure.
  • The use of contrasting colors in relation to the general background. This option is typical for saturated pastel colors kitchen. It will be good if the engineering communication repeats some piece of furniture, for example, kitchen set or curtains. Such non-standard solution can be used in avant-garde or kitsch style. When using the interior, minimalism or high-tech pipe is painted with metallic paint.
  • In some cases, decoupage (painting) is used, especially if an ornament is applied in the room, on any interior items (vegetation, images of dishes, geometric patterns). Similar patterns can be applied to pipes, for this it is used hand-painted or stencils. With drawing skills, the pipeline can turn into a beautiful birch or bamboo trunk.

For painting engineering communications, acrylic or Oil paint as well as nitro enamel. Before applying decorative coating it is necessary to turn off the gas and carefully clean the surface sandpaper... After that, a layer of primer is applied, when the soil is dry, they begin to paint the product with the selected color. Ideal option will use a dye from a spray can, but some users use a regular paint brush for this purpose.


Using the roof rail for camouflage

Regulatory documents prohibit hanging heavy objects on the pipeline, but this element can be successfully disguised as a hanger for kitchen appliances... A railing is a product on which hooks, shelves and holders are fixed.

The essence of the method is to paint the pipe to match the color of the hanger. The railing can have a copper or bronze surface, some products are made with a special chrome coating. A real hanger is mounted slightly below the gas pipeline. All cutlery is placed on the railing, and the communication itself will look like a part of the system. This is especially true for modern style interior.


The nuances of masking pipes over furniture

Not every user knows how to hide pipes in the kitchen if they are at a height. In this case, a shelf is fixed under the gas pipeline and various kitchen utensils are installed there. Such items will hide engineering communications from prying eyes, but the installation of the shelf must be carried out with special care so as not to accidentally damage the highway. The pipe itself must be hidden against the background of the wall, it is painted in the same color as that of the enclosing structure.

To further mask the gas pipeline, you can place it behind cabinets or other furniture. In this case, the user must comply with all safety requirements, ensure normal ventilation and unhindered access to the pipe. A similar method is used to mask horizontal sections of engineering communications.

How to hide piping behind a kitchen façade

Kitchen furniture allows you to mask horizontal and vertical sections of pipelines, as well as some gas equipment, for example, columns or meters. It is better to install the kitchen facade during repair work, for this they order a false cabinet the right size or upgrade existing furniture.

Before closing the pipes in the kitchen, you need to make holes in the facade from the side of its lower and upper parts. The inner space of the cabinet will not only hide the gas main, but will also be used for its intended purpose, for storing cutlery and kitchen utensils.

The main condition for such masking is considered to be sufficient ventilation of the space, which will prevent the accumulation of gas during a leak. For this, several holes are made in inconspicuous places, but they should not be blocked by pots or jars. The ideal way out of the situation would be the installation of the lattice. Vertical pipes are usually hidden in a pencil case, and horizontal ones are placed in a cabinet. The main condition for such camouflage is considered to be unhindered access to utilities.


Is it possible to mask a pipe in a box

The above methods allow you to disguise the pipe, but you cannot hide it from prying eyes. If there is a desire to hide the gas main, then for this you need to make a decorative box. To ensure maximum safety, you must follow these rules:

  • Part of the box must be removable, which will provide access to utilities if necessary.
  • V protective structure it is necessary to provide a grill or perforation for ventilation of the space. If this is not done, then a possible gas leak will provoke its accumulation and explosion.

Many users ignore these requirements and build a sealed box. They believe that a thick sealed pipe will not be able to let the gas through. Perhaps this statement is correct, but such a design does not meet safety requirements. The first check of the gas service will reveal inconsistencies. The owner of the apartment will receive a fine and will be obliged to release utilities from such a box. It is better not to create problems for yourself and make the camouflage element in accordance with all the rules. The decor of the box can be any, in it in mandatory a removable grill is provided.

  • We make markings on the wall, determine the places of fixing the metal guides. When designing a structure, it is necessary to take into account that the width of the product must be sufficient for servicing the pipeline.
  • We carry out the installation of the steel frame, while using the building level.
  • Cut out parts of the required size from a drywall sheet.
  • We fix the drywall to the frame, we fix the removable decorative grill on the box.

If you only need to hide the pipes, then the box can be made from wood or any other suitable material... After the frame is installed, a metal grate is attached to the guides, the part is fixed with a screwdriver and screws.

Polycarbonate is often used for the box. A part of the required width is cut from a whole sheet. In places in the middle of the stiffness lines, cuts are made and the element is bent, so that the product gets the shape of the symbol P. Several holes are drilled in the box for ventilation, then fixed on the wall.

Instead of drywall, wood or polycarbonate for construction decorative box plywood sheets can be used, organic glass, plastic and wooden lining... Any panel is suitable for making a panel. available material but it should be removable, ventilated and easily removable. On sale there is various designs to mask gas pipes, they are quickly installed on the wall surface and just as quickly disassembled. The main advantage of the box is the ability to mask the pipeline, but this product occupies a certain area.

When starting repairs in the kitchen, I want to make sure that all surfaces and details look harmonious and are as functional as possible. However, in apartments and houses with gas stoves and heating boilers there will inevitably be a problem with masking gas pipes. According to the requirements of building codes, access to these communications should be unimpeded. There are several solutions to this problem. The choice of a specific solution depends on the ability to pay and the preferences of the owners.

A budget solution to the problem of decorating gas pipes

Those who are significantly limited in funds can solve the problem of masking a gas pipe with elementary painting. The paint can be selected to match the wall against which it will be located, or it can be made in a contrasting design.

The gas pipe will not decorate the interior of the kitchen

In order for the painted pipe to have an attractive appearance, its surface must be prepared. For this you will need:

  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer for metal.

Attention! Under no circumstances should electric grinders be used for such work. Intense overheating of the pipe walls can lead to dire consequences.

After the surface is cleaned from old paint and primed, it is once again smoothed with emery and proceeds to painting.
For a high-tech interior, chrome-like paint is well suited. A pipe painted in this way will look very similar to a chrome-plated surface.

Attention! When choosing paint for pipes, be sure to pay attention to what surfaces it can work on.

Unusual decoration of gas communications

In addition to the monochromatic coloring of gas pipes, you can apply a decorative ornament or pattern to their surface, which will fit into the overall design picture. The easiest option is coloring under a birch trunk. Such a solution would be appropriate for a kitchen that is designed in a natural or rural style.

Sometimes it will be appropriate to refine the gas pipe with the help of scrap materials. For example, you can wrap it hemp cord or twine... In order for the cord to hold well on the vertical pipe, it must be wound tightly, without loosening areas. Over time, when such decor loses its visual appeal, it can be easily removed or replaced.

Some craftsmen use to decorate gas pipes decoupage technique... But this approach requires special care. The cheapest way to do this is to use ordinary paper napkins with a pattern you like. For work you will need:

  • napkins;
  • glue;

First, the pipe is smeared with glue, and then wrapped with a napkin. In order for the cellulose to be well saturated with glue, coat it again on top. To increase the service life of the coating, it is fixed on top with varnish. By the way, the functions of decoupage films can be performed by leftovers regular wallpaper, which are pasted over the walls in the kitchen. In this case, it is also advisable to open the surface with varnish after gluing to extend the life of the decor.

Plasterboard box for masking pipes

A common option for "hiding" pipes is to use drywall. For this, a decorative box is mounted around the pipe on metal frame... If you have little experience with this material, you can easily assemble such a structure yourself. To do this, you should stock up on the following materials:

  • moisture resistant drywall;
  • metal profiles;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • docking tape;
  • putty.

The set of tools for such work is also not particularly complex:

  • screwdriver;
  • puncher;
  • scissors for metal;
  • drywall knife;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • a set of spatulas.

The box assembly technology involves the implementation of the following stages:

  • First, vertical or horizontal (depending on how the gas communications are located) profiles are placed along the pipe. For these purposes, the CD rack profile is usually used. Less commonly, the UD guide profile is used.
  • The rest of the frame is assembled on the basis of the base profiles.

Advice. In order for the structure to be rigid, cross bars are required on all sides of the box. If the box runs horizontally under the ceiling, then you can additionally use a straight perforated suspension for the CD profile (sometimes it is called a "paw").

  • Now under the assembled frame from large sheet drywall, parts of the desired size are cut.

  • Installation of parts is carried out using self-tapping screws.

Advice. So that the heads of the screws are not visible in the future, when screwing them in, they are slightly sunk below the plane of the drywall part.

  • In order for the box to visually represent monolithic structure, the joints of the plasterboard parts are glued with a joint tape, and the entire surface is putty and cleaned.
  • The final stage is application finishing coating... It can be paint, tiles, wallpaper, or something else.
    A similar scheme can be used to assemble a decorative box made of plywood, chipboard, plastic or any other sheet material.

Advice. You can use and wooden bar... But such a structure can deform over time under the influence of vapors, the presence of which is characteristic of the kitchen.

In order to have access to the taps and to monitor the state of the pipeline, inspection holes are initially designed on it.

The main advantages of this method of masking pipes are considered to be the relative ease of implementation and low cost. If it is necessary to repair or replace pipes, the box can always be quickly dismantled.

Cabinets as elements of the "camouflage system" of gas pipes

Often used to hide pipes kitchen furniture... Hanging cabinets are best suited for horizontal pipe sections, and pencil cases for vertical sections.

In order for the pipes to take up as little space as possible in the internal volume of the cabinets, it is best to make furniture "to order". In this case, the manufacturer either does not install the rear wall at all or makes a cutout corresponding to the size and configuration in it. Also, cutouts are made in the walls of the cabinet at the point of entry and exit of the pipe.

The advantage of this option is that the pipe will be freely accessible along almost the entire length, and there will be no need to provide additional technological holes for access to the taps. Also, in such a cabinet, you can easily hide a gas meter. It is only necessary to correctly design the corresponding element of the kitchen furniture.

Advice. It is better not to make the door of the cabinets, in which the gas pipes are hidden, transparent. Through such facades, pipes can be seen.

The simplest wall cabinets can be made independently by ordering a chipboard cut from a specialized company, and complex structures it is better to entrust it to specialists.

Using roof rails

On many modern kitchens to save the internal space of cabinets and nightstands, a railing system is used, located in the area of ​​the kitchen "apron" (part of the wall from the tabletop of the lower part of the kitchen set to hanging cabinets). In fact, this is a set of tubes and shelves on which various kitchen utensils are placed with the help of hooks, hangers, clamps. This method also saves time for housewives, saving them from unnecessary gestures to find the right accessory.

If the number of kitchen tools that are planned to be placed on the rails is small, then a horizontal pipe can also be used for these purposes. You just need to bring it into proper form. For this, the same chrome paint is usually used. But it is better not to overload the pipe (there is a separate paragraph about this in the corresponding building codes) and hang the rail in such a way that it disguises the pipe. That is, the gas pipe will become, as it were, part of the rail system.

Thus, the problem of how to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen is not absolute. There are many options for solving it. Moreover, this can be done for any room design and with minimal financial costs. You can involve professionals in this procedure, but you can do without on their own and the simplest set of tools that any home master... It is enough just to have a little imagination and artistic taste.

Mounting the box: video

How to disguise a gas pipe in the kitchen: photo

Some people do not see anything reprehensible in a gas pipe open for observation, to others, on the contrary, pipe communications in the middle of the kitchen seem extremely ugly. Judging by the photo, in some cases, a radical transfer or at least an ingenious method of disguise is really indispensable. But household gas is explosive, and strict requirements are imposed on the installation of the pipeline for its transportation. But how to hide pipes in the kitchen so that there are no problems, it is worth studying now.

Not every option suggested by a neighbor or seen on the Internet can be applied to your situation. For example, it is strongly discouraged to cut and move gas equipment yourself - this work must involve the appropriate service at the place of registration. The troubles associated with this process cannot be called simple: gas workers are reluctant to undertake any redevelopment, their interest needs to be “warmed up”.

Sometimes pipes spoil the pleasant experience of the kitchen.

At the same time, the uncoordinated transfer of the gas pipe is fraught, firstly, with the imposition of a large fine and the obligation to return everything to its former form. Secondly, with unskilled installation there is always a danger of an explosion - the media often report about would-be experimenters whose mistakes led to accidents.

In other cases, they do not interfere at all

So it turns out that for the majority of ordinary fellow citizens The best way to achieve the desired perfection - to hide the awkward structure. The repair and construction forums offer a lot of options on how to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen, photos of completed projects and expert advice. But behind the discussions, many forget that the SNiPs for gas supply regulate some modifications. So, the gas pipe cannot be manipulated as follows:

  • hide the pipe in the ventilation shaft;
  • close the riser with a non-removable one-piece box;
  • sink it into the wall and sew it up tightly.

Compliance with these requirements is in the interests of the residents themselves: the space around the pipe must be open in order to prevent the accumulation and excess of a dangerous concentration of gas in the event of a leak from a leaky line. In addition, if it is tightly closed, a person will not be able to smell a specific smell in time and prevent an accident. Finally, the gas pipe must be easily and quickly accessible for inspection by inspectors.

Gas pipe hidden in a locker

Cabinet doors should not be blind

How to hide a riser when renovating a kitchen

Based on SNiPs, it can be concluded that the hidden laying of the gas pipeline is permissible, provided that removable ventilated shields are used. Justified installation decorative screens, wide open shelves and wall units without top cover and bottom. Before hiding the pipes in the kitchen, it is recommended to show a photo or sketch of the room to a gas specialist to make sure that it is correct. technical solution.

Installation of a ventilated box made of gypsum plasterboard

To hide not only the pipeline, but also the gas meter or column, you can make a box. Its dimensions are large enough, this method is only suitable for spacious kitchens... To make it you will need:

How to hide a gas pipe

Frame options for decorative grilles

Work algorithm:

  1. Determination of the dimensions of the structure - the box must be wide so that it does not interfere with carrying out Maintenance equipment.
  2. Installation of frame profiles - they need to be fixed with self-tapping screws in a strictly vertical and horizontal position, for this, a building level is used.
  3. Taking measurements from the finished frame - according to the measured distances, draw a sketch on drywall sheets.
  4. Cutting and securing blanks - with solid sheets you need to close the top, bottom and sides of the frame.

The front of the box can be finished with a decorative furniture grille, made to order or purchased from a building supermarket. In this case, no one forbids (see photo below) to hide the gas meter in the kitchen as you like.

Correct design boxes made of chipboard sheets

Deaf box made of gypsum plasterboard with shelves

Gas equipment locker

If you plan to replace the kitchen set, it is easy to provide for the so-called false cabinet, in which you can hide all objectionable communications. Again, it must be ventilated. This problem is solved by carefully drilling small holes or installing ventilation grill... If the column is placed between two cabinets, it can be hidden simply by a hinged door.

If desired and the availability of tools, a wall cabinet with a standard width of 457 mm is made by hand from plywood or chipboard. To do this, first you need to cut out its elements (the number of pieces is indicated in brackets):

  • roof 19x286x438 (1),
  • side walls 19x286x762 (2),
  • bottom 19x286x438 (1),
  • shelves 19x260x413 (2),
  • stop strips 19x38x419 (2),
  • racks 19x38x279 (2),
  • crossbeams 19x57x381 (2),
  • door - 19х387х413 (1)

It is necessary to stock up on fittings in advance (pins, finishing and finishing nails, as well as hinges and doorknob). Then the process looks like this:

  1. Cut the required number of all elements to exact dimensions.
  2. On the inside of the sides, drill out the sockets for the pins.
  3. Select the grooves and folds on the side walls and roof.
  4. On the horizontal parts, mark the position and dimensions of the gas pipe and make cutouts for it.
  5. Using glue and nails (50 mm), assemble the cabinet body and attach the stop strips to the side parts.
  6. Install shelves and doors.

Now it remains to process the wood with polyurethane varnish and hang the finished cabinet on the meter, column and / or gas pipe.

Homemade locker details

Wall cabinet

Wall cabinet perfectly hides the column

Lightweight body made from scrap materials

Studying in the photo how to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen, you can find solutions that use lightweight structures. They can be easily dismantled on occasion. The following materials can be used for the quick-mount enclosure:

  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • perforated plywood;
  • a cardboard sleeve (rolled building materials are wound on it);
  • bamboo trunk (sold in hardware stores).

Here is the technology that allows you to design a decorative polycarbonate visor:

  1. Determine the required width and height of the visor by measuring the gas pipe and calculate the width of the workpiece.
  2. Cut the polycarbonate sheet along the stiffeners and drill several holes along the two bending lines at equal intervals.
  3. Bend the sheet so that the holes are at the corners of the box.
  4. On both sides of the gas pipe, attach wood or metal mounting strips to the wall with dowels.
  5. Fix the polycarbonate cover to them with self-tapping screws.

Polycarbonate box

According to the same principle, a box made of perforated lumber or plastic is mounted:

  1. You need to cut 3 parts from the plate - 2 side walls and 1 frontal one.
  2. Connect them using the teeth formed on the edges when cutting.
  3. Install spacer brackets on both sides of the pipe and attach the body to them with glue or hardware.

Cut out the details

Assembling the box in the kitchen

Finished construction

It is even easier to hide a pipe in the kitchen behind a half of a cardboard sleeve - you just need to cut it straight lengthwise and install it on a gas pipe. You can mark the cardboard surface as follows:

  1. Install the sleeve on flat surface and press it on both sides with several massive objects.
  2. Mark the top from one end by eye and use a thread to transfer it to the other end. Connect the points.
  3. Wrap the tube with the same thread so that its ends coincide (cut off the excess).
  4. Divide the thread exactly in half, attach it to the marks of the vertices and obtained with back side connect the points.

Along the lines formed, cut the sleeve, make several ventilation holes, if desired, paint it and install it in the right place. Similarly, you can hide communications behind bamboo halves.

Workpiece marking

Cutting into two straight pieces

Pipe installation

Cardboard lids

How to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen

If a major reorganization in the kitchen is not foreseen in the near future, the highway can be decorated. In some photos, the gas pipe in the kitchen is hidden like seven locks - under a layer of stones, magnets, twine and decorative figurines. But gas workers have an extremely negative attitude to such decoration, because access to equipment is difficult because of them. Here are a few acceptable options that shouldn't be upset with supervisors.

Painting the internal gas pipeline is not only permissible, but also highly desirable - this protects it from corrosion. The only question is the composition and type of coloring material. It is logical that for the best camouflage, it is better to paint the pipe in a color that matches the shade of the wall or apron. The statement that inside the house mains should, by analogy with the outside, be painted in yellow wrong - the norms of PB 12-529-03 are not limited to the color and composition of the paint.

As a coating, you can safely use PF paint, nitro enamel or acrylic composition... The main thing is to approach the process responsibly:

  • shut off the gas supply before work;
  • remove the old coating as much as possible;
  • apply a primer to the cleaned surface;
  • and only after that - a decorative coating.

Competent coloring helps to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen so successfully, as if it were not there at all.

Compact placement equipment in the corner

How to hide a pipe behind a microwave oven

Controversial - the gas pipeline is hidden in suspended ceiling

Another thing is when the highway is drawn directly along the center of the wall. It is likely that it can be hidden behind a microwave oven, multicooker or bread maker. It is also allowed to conceal the pipeline with a system of kitchen rails. Someone even uses an inverted ceiling plinth... In general, if desired, there are a lot of options. It is important only in the pursuit of beauty not to forget about common sense and safety requirements.