Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself insert into a gas pipe under pressure without welding: video. Features of tapping into gas pipes Should neighbors allow gas tapping

Gas has a responsible mission - to ensure that we do not freeze and starve. Meanwhile, he himself does not come to visit, for example, like the wind or the sun, gas must be properly “invited”, a green corridor should be organized for him and reliable “transport” provided. Let's see how to bump into gas pipe according to the letter of the law and hooligan style - for those who like to tickle their nerves by breaking the rules.

Types of gas pipelines

A gas pipeline is a means for transporting and simultaneously storing gas. These designs can vary depending on what mission they are performing. For example, networks that ensure the transmission of blue fuel over long distances are naturally more powerful, and the pressure in them is high. Because of this, it is dangerous to "experiment" with such systems, you can provoke trouble, moreover, concerning not only you, but also your neighbors. Better to worry about how to make a tie-in into a gas pipe of this format, the relevant services that arrived at your request. From the pipes working at long distances, like vessels in the human circulatory system, small pipes - called distribution pipes, in which the pressure is lower than in the main networks, depart. But it can also range from low to high. With such structures, you can already try to "make friends" on your own, however, you need to clearly know what and how to do, as well as observe safety measures.

It is certainly better to entrust the connection to the highway to professionals.

Sidebar features

What is a sidebar? In professional terms, this is the connection of a new pipe to a working "relative" - ​​already transporting blue fuel. Often, systems are connected without shutting off the gas, even the main ones, but in this process there is important nuances... So let's take a look at how to bump into a pressurized gas pipe.

Work rules

Remember the basic rules for handling these systems:

  • it is permissible to insert into the network with low pressure at pressure indicators not exceeding 80 mm of water column, but also not lower than 20;
  • connection to highways or networks with high / medium pressure is possible only after its level has been reduced to permissible;
  • if the pressure cannot be reduced, you will have to find special equipment allowing you to make a tie-in under non-standard circumstances;
  • work without relieving pressure, according to the law, is allowed to be carried out only by appropriate organizations that have permission for this type of activity (sometimes even those who receive a special outfit);
  • welding and cutting with gas can be carried out in areas with a pressure of 40 to 150 kg / cm (and this corridor must be observed throughout the entire process).

Technicians working with the gas network must have a special permit. Before starting the process, make sure that the contractor has such a document.

Sidebar types

You can connect a new network with a working system using the following technologies:

  1. Cold tapping, in which the main pipeline works unchanged (the volume of blue fuel in the structures and the supply pressure remain the same - working). According to this “scenario”, new users are often connected to the gas pipeline. Many craftsmen know how to cut into a gas pipe without welding, since this technology is relatively simple.
  2. Welding, popularly called " the traditional way", Is a reliable, time-tested methodology, although it requires certain qualifications and special access from the contractors involved in the connection.

As for the methods of the insert itself, they are divided into:

  • reel-to-reel, implying connection to the end of the operating system;
  • T-shaped, when the tie-in is made with the intersection of the axes of the networks.

Video: connecting to the gas system with your own hands

Process description

Connecting metal systems

  1. Surface cleaning. Remove paint, debris, rust from the place where you planned to make a tie-in.
  2. Markup. Determine where the connection will be, check the boxes.
  3. Making holes (with the reel-to-reel method - 1, with the T-method - 2).
  4. Well treatment. The slots should be treated with clay, and it is recommended to start this process even during the dissection of the surface in order to minimize the risk of burning / ignition of the leaked blue fuel. The finished holes must be closed as quickly as possible with a special (made of asbestos and clay) plug. The treated area must be cooled.
  5. Installation of the shut-off device. When the metal has cooled, the plug can be opened to remove a piece of cut pipe from the structure. After removing a piece of metal, a disconnecting device is placed in the gap, which is a set of disks made of wood and rubber, as well as bags with viscous clay. If you adhere to the T-method, then there will be two such slots.
  6. Installing the branch pipe. When the disconnecting device has covered the gap, it's time to start making the main hole - under the attached (new pipe). Check the correctness of the diameter, it is possible that the marking will have to be corrected. Punch a hole, install the pipe. Weld the pipe joints on both sides, then close the valve on it.
  7. Sealing the hole. So, the branch pipe is welded, now you need to weld on a new pipe. To do this, first remove the metal residues that have appeared as a result of making the main gap. Insert them into place, process with clay, and brew too. Check for gas leakage in the weld (using soap).
  8. Joining a new pipe.

After installation metal constructions it is advisable to paint in order to protect them from corrosion

Insert into a plastic pipe

Increasingly for installation engineering networks use plastic structures. If you need to connect to such a system, what should you do? First, be happy that the process will not be any more complicated than in the case of metal. Secondly, strictly adhere to such recommendations.

Buy high-quality - factory, GOST-compliant connecting elements (fittings), ideally - metal. Use a socket joint and special glue to increase the strength of the joint. Make sure that the junction is perfectly sealed, has maximum tightness. Treat the insert with an anti-corrosion compound before installation.

How is the tie-in itself carried out in the case of plastic nets? Attachment is done by creating inserts that are perpendicular to the running system. The length of the inserts can vary within the range of 70-100 cm. The extension should be carried out using plastic pipes - on the basis of a socket-contact connection. What is this technology? The steel insert is heated (up to approximately 60 degrees). And they are already planting on it plastic construction, moreover, instantly and with force. If you crash into a system with medium pressure, experts advise to connect to the "case" and powdered polyethylene in order to make the connection as strong as possible.

This is how the connection to the plastic network takes place.

It is certainly better to crash into a gas pipe with the help of professionals, however, having a theory, you can experiment, meanwhile, it's up to you.

Video: insert into the gas system using special equipment


Any engineering structures, including gas supply pipes, have their own service life, after which they must be dismantled and replaced. If you have planned repairs in the house, then it is worth remembering these parameters so that everything cosmetic work could be done after servicing the home gas pipe.

In this material, we will talk about how to make a tie-in into a gas pipe in order to replace it, and what subtleties need to be taken into account in this process.


Uninterrupted gas supplies to consumers' homes directly depend on the throughput of gas pipes. In this regard, the calculation of this parameter is made especially carefully. Moreover, this process is mandatory regardless of the material of the products used - polymers or steel.

To determine the maximum throughput of each specific pipe, the following formula is used:

Q max = 196.386 T × (P / Z) × (D y / 2),

where P is the value of the constant working pressure in the gas pipe, increased by 0.1 MPa; D y - the size of the nominal bore of the pipe; T is the temperature indicator of the gas passing through the pipe in degrees Kelvin; Z is the compression ratio.

Based on the formula, we can conclude that the higher the temperature of the gas transported through the pipes, the higher should be throughput to prevent leaks, leakage or even explosions.

Although in their professional activities, craftsmen often use more complex formulas for calculating the throughput, nevertheless, the given method of calculations is more than enough for self-selection pipes of the required diameter.

Nevertheless, to make it easier for yourself, you can take ready-made data from a special table, which indicates the throughput of pipes depending on the gas pressure in the system.

Preparing to replace gas pipes

Thanks to its complex design the gas supply system performs two functions at once - transportation and storage of gas. Depending on the main purpose, various systems may have their own characteristics. In particular, the main gas pipelines, the main task of which is to supply the energy carrier over long distances, are characterized by high pressure indicators in the system.

Therefore, tapping into a gas pipe under pressure poses a great danger to an untrained person. Such actions can pose a danger not only to the employee himself, but also to the life, health and property of others. Therefore, illegal tapping into a gas pipe, without the involvement of specialists with the proper level of clearance and professional skills, is strictly prohibited.

If you do not know how to connect to a gas pipe, or there is a high pressure line near your house, you should contact a special service to replace communications in the house, and in no case do such work yourself.

At the same time, it is unlikely that your pipes will be replaced already in the first visit of a gas worker. Usually, he first measures the length of individual components of the system, conducts visual diagnostics of the condition of the pipes, after which he makes a construction estimate within a few days. In it he brings everything specifications required pipe products, describes the cost of materials and work.

Standards for safe tapping into gas pipes

Before you crash into a gas pipe, you need to take care of the observance of safety measures at the facility. There should be no open sources of fire near the gas pipes, so the place of work must be isolated from smokers, and indeed strangers in general.

In addition, warning signs with the words "Caution, gas!", "No entry!", "No smoking!" and others with similar content. Such requirements are mandatory in order to avoid accidents.

When tapping into a gas pipe, you must also follow certain standards for working with them.

The most essential norms are as follows:

  • when connecting to a gas pipeline with low pressure, it is necessary to ensure that its value does not rise above 80 mm Hg, but does not fall below 20 mm Hg;
  • if work is planned in networks with high or medium pressure, then before starting the tie-in, this indicator must be lowered to an acceptable level;
  • gas cutting or welding of pipes can be carried out only on those sections of the pipeline where the pressure fluctuates within 40-150 MPa. Moreover, it is important to ensure that this indicator is within acceptable limits during the entire period of work.

Legislatively enshrined a standard according to which only enterprises that have received a special permit or even an outfit can carry out a tie-in into gas pipes without lowering the pressure level in them.

Please note that those cases where there is no way to relieve pressure are rather exceptions, non-standard situations. Under such circumstances, to conduct renovation works special equipment is required.

Variety of tie-in and preliminary actions

Stage preliminary preparation is a must in any case, whether you are a beginner or experienced master... If you yourself do not know how to cut into a gas pipe without welding or in any other way, contact an office that specializes in such work.

When contacting a contractor, when filling out an application for the implementation of a tie-in, you may be asked to present a whole package of documents provided by law for such cases.

When carrying out the initial tie-in into the gas main of the communications of a newly built house, the following documents will be required:

  • permission for a tie-in into a gas main from an architectural and planning institution;
  • topographic photograph of a specific site, certified by the gas industry. In addition to gas pipes, all communications connected to the building should be marked on it: water supply and sewerage, heating;
  • technical certificate or a copy of it, certified by a notary, a number of other documents.

But those owners who understand the intricacies of work on tapping into main gas pipelines, and are also quite sure that they can cope on their own, should only purchase necessary materials... However, be careful, as it is illegal to crash into a gas pipe, and it is not entirely safe. In the event of a violation of technology, it is possible to provoke damage to the main line, which can threaten not only harm to life and health, but also administrative and criminal liability.

There are two ways to dock a working gas pipeline with a new branch.

Cold tap

In this case, the main pipe continues to operate normally without changes in the volume and pressure of the transported gas. They prefer to use this method for the initial insertion of new subscribers.

Those who prefer to do the tapping into the pipe under pressure on their own, most often prefer this technology, since it is easiest to perform.

Welding method

And here is the way to connect gas pipes to trunk lines can be reel or tee. With the coil connection, the ends of the pipes and the operating system are joined, and with the T-method, the pipelines are crossed.

Connecting the system to the gas main

To insert into a common highway, it will be necessary to carry out the following measures:

  • Clean the joint from debris, rust or paint.
  • Make a markup, mark the insertion point.
  • Make holes, of which there will be two - in the case of the T-shaped method, and one - with the reel-to-reel method.
  • Close the cracks with clay. Processing should be started at the moment when the surface is dissected. This will reduce the risk of gas fire. Immediately close the holes made with a clay and asbestos plug, after finishing work cool the surfaces.
  • Install the disconnecting device after the final cooling of the metal. To do this, pull out the plug and remove part of the cut pipe. After that, insert a disconnecting device into the resulting gap - it looks like a bag made of viscous clay and several rubber and wooden discs... In the case of the T-method, there will be two slots.
  • Now you need to mount the branch pipe through which the gas pipe is connected to the main. But first check that the diameters match. If nothing needs to be corrected, then make a hole and mount the branch pipe, then weld the joints and close the valve installed on the branch pipe.
  • Close the holes and weld on a new pipe. To begin with, get rid of any metal residues that have formed during the process of creating the main gap. After that, connect the pipe to the branch pipe, process with clay and brew. The quality of the weld is checked with soapy water.

It should be noted that welded seams and their types have strict designations and comply with GOSTs. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out work only taking into account all the requirements and norms that correspond to the characteristics of our gas pipeline.

If no leaks were found, then you can go to finishing works- that is, backfilling the trench. Despite the fact that the work may seem very simple, they must also be carried out in compliance with the regulatory documents.

As a rule, such documents contain the following information:

  • Soft soil no more than 20 cm thick is poured around the cut-in unit, pipe and crane, followed by compaction.
  • At the very end of backfilling into the trench, heavy equipment must not be allowed to run over pipes, cut-in units and a ball valve.

Upon completion construction works you will need to sign an agreement with the local gas service to start the supply of blue fuel. In addition, the gas service will be required to provide technical and emergency dispatch services. The same organization will deal with the acceptance of the finished gas pipeline system. After the start-up and adjustment work, it is imperative to draw up an act, as well as to seal the gas control system.

In our time, it is difficult to imagine a residential building - private or multi-apartment - that would not be connected to gas. Thanks to this wonderful substance, we can cook food and will definitely not freeze. However, gas by itself cannot enter the house, and thank God, it needs a special route - a gas pipeline. And in order for it to be, it is necessary to crash into a gas pipe.

In our country, the unauthorized process of tapping into a gas pipe is strictly prohibited, but the number of those who want to do everything with their own hands and against the law does not decrease in any way. Meanwhile, this business is dangerous and often ends in death, which is precisely why, and not because the state is greedy, unauthorized insertion is prohibited. We offer a little theory for home craftsmen and non-conformists going against the system.

A gas pipeline is a means of transporting and storing gas. Depending on the mission of the gas pipeline, the structures can be different: for example, powerful networks are installed to transport gas over long distances, and the gas flows through them under high pressure. It's definitely not worth experimenting with him - a very large hole can be in the place of not only a home-grown craftsman, but also the connected house itself. Here it is better to contact special services that know how to work with such systems.

From any powerful network, smaller distribution pipes branch off, the pressure in which is lower than in the main ones. However, it can still vary from low to high. You can crash into such a pipe on your own, but still it is better to turn to special services if there is no understanding of what needs to be done and knowledge of safety precautions.

More about the stub mechanism

In professional language, a tie-in is the connection of a new pipe to a working gas-transporting pipe. Such a connection can go through even without turning off the gas, however, in this process there are a lot of nuances that must be taken into account so that, no matter how pretentious it may sound, you do not give your life for connecting the house to the gas main.

There are two types of sidebars:

  • cold: it is in this case that the main pipeline works without any changes - the volume and pressure of the supply remain at the same working level;
  • the traditional method is welding: this method is time-tested and highly reliable, but the work requires certain qualifications and special access from the contractor.

Traditionally, gas pipeline pipes are metal, which is why welding is used - after all, only it can give the most tight and strong connection. However, at present, polyethylene pipes are often used to connect houses to the gas pipeline and install utility networks. low pressure... For tapping into such pipes, you need factory fittings that correspond to GOST, fittings - connecting elements. Of course, when installing branches, heating is indispensable, so this process, in any case, remains highly hazardous.

Exists general rules for work on tapping into a gas pipe under pressure.

Firstly, the tie-in into the network with low pressure should take place at values ​​not higher than 80 mm of water column, but not lower than 20.

Secondly, when working with networks with high or medium pressure, the pressure must first be reduced to an acceptable level. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to find special equipment that allows you to work under unusual circumstances.

Thirdly, work without reducing pressure, according to the law, can only be carried out by organizations that have permission to conduct this type of activity (often there should even be a special category).

Fourthly, welding and cutting with gas must be carried out in areas with a pressure of 40 to 150 kg / cm - and this corridor must be observed throughout the entire working process.

Well, and most importantly, it will be better if you entrust all the work professional organizations who have the necessary experience, qualifications and, if necessary, grade. Yes, you will have to give some money, but this is not dearer than life... And even if you manage to crash on your own and stay alive, the very first check will reveal an illegal connection. What's next? Payment for stolen gas, a fine, testimony, the imposition of criminal liability up to the deadline - depending on how much you have harmed by illegal insertion. And the pipe will be cut off, so that all the work will go down the drain.

Below we attach several videos on how NOT to make a tie-in into a gas pipe =)

An inset is the connection of a pipe to a gas pipeline under pressure. Technologies allow making tie-ins even into main gas pipelines without stopping gas pumping.

Conditions for tapping into a gas pipeline:

  1. the working gas pressure in the pipe must be 20–80 mm. water Art .;
  2. tie-in pipe high pressure can be done only after reducing the pressure to the permissible;
  3. if it is impossible to reduce the pressure, you need to use special equipment;
  4. without pressure reduction, tie-ins into pipelines are performed only by organizations with special permits;
  5. gas welding and cutting of metal can be carried out during the production of tie-in at a gas pressure in the pipe of 40-150 kg / cm 2.

An insert into a gas pipe can be:

  • Cold. With such a tie-in, the pipeline operates as usual, that is, the volume and pressure of the gas do not change. The technology is usually used to connect new users to gas pipelines.
  • Welded. Traditional welding on gas pipelines under pressure. This type of work requires high qualifications and special clearance.

How is a tie-in into plastic gas pipelines under pressure?

For such inserts, prefabricated fittings and fittings are used. As a rule, metal fittings are used with a socket joint, which is glued after installation with special adhesive compositions. The glue line must be sealed and the steel insert must be treated against corrosion. The tie-in is made with steel inserts located perpendicular to the gas pipeline. The length of the metal insert is 70-100 cm. It heats up to 60 degrees and is placed on it. plastic pipe... The method is used for tapping into high and medium pressure pipes.

How is a tie-in into steel gas pipelines under pressure?

Steel gas pipelines remain the most common, and tap welding is the main type of connection. Of all the types, the tee insert into the gas pipeline is most often used. Without reducing the pressure in the gas pipe, the tie-in is made through a gate valve or using a special PGVM device. The first method is inconvenient, in particular, due to the necessity of arranging wells. The PGVM device in the walls of pipes with diameters from 186 to 529 mm makes it possible to cut holes of 80 and 140 mm, making taps through a pre-welded branch pipe. The method with the use of PGVM is more technological, convenient and reliable.

How much is a tie-in to a gas pipeline in the Moscow region

In the Moscow Region, only the gas supplier Mosoblgaz deals with gas pipelines. All documents, technical specifications and approvals are issued by the same organization. The minimum price for a tap into a gas pipeline under pressure will be 30,000 rubles. The cost depends on the type of gas pipeline (medium or low pressure) into which the tie-in is made, and the length of the gas pipeline from the tie-in point to the house.

The cost of tapping into a low-pressure gas pipeline without shutdown

Tie-in into a low-pressure gas pipeline without shutting down is the most common type of tie-in when connecting private houses to gas networks. Prices for tie-ins into low-pressure distribution gas pipelines (up to 0.005 MPa) are minimal: in the Moscow region they range from 30,000 rubles, in other regions of Russia from 15,000 rubles.

The price of a tie-in into a medium-pressure gas pipeline

Medium pressure distribution gas pipelines include gas pipelines with a pressure of 0.005 to 0.3 MPa. The cost of a tie-in into a medium-pressure gas pipeline is one third higher than into a low-pressure gas pipeline, and ranges from 25,000 rubles, depending on the region and other circumstances.

The price of a tie-in into a high-pressure gas pipeline without shutdown

A tie-in into a high-pressure gas pipeline without shutdown (above 0.3 MPa) is approximately equal in cost to a tie-in into a medium-pressure gas pipeline: the cost in the regions is from 25,000–28,000 rubles, and in the Moscow region from 38,000 rubles.

Responsibility for illegal tapping into a gas pipeline

Despite the serious statistics of punishments for unauthorized tie-ins into gas pipelines, the number of cases of this type of violation is not decreasing. The punishment for this offense depends on various kinds of circumstances that are taken into account in the investigation of each individual case. For example, if a violation is detected immediately after an illegal pipe tapping, an administrative penalty can be applied to violators under Art. 7.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the violators will face an administrative fine in the amount of 1,000 to 3,500 rubles. In this case, the offender must pay off the debt to the gas supplier and reimburse the costs of restoring pipelines and other equipment.

If there were repeated tie-ins into the gas pipelines, the offender evaded payment for the selected gas, his actions are regarded as a crime in accordance with paragraph "b" of Part 3 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Theft with open access". This article provides for a fine of 100 to 500 thousand rubles or imprisonment for a period of 2 to 6 years.


A tie-in into a gas pipeline is a responsible and unsafe operation that must be performed by specialists. Do not trust this job to random people and do not try to do it yourself - it can be life-threatening.

Replacement of gas pipes in an apartment, like any other pipelines, is required after many years of operation. Therefore, if you plan to make repairs, pay attention to the service life of gas pipes, since leaks may occur in old pipes and, when changing them, the repair will have to be redone at least partially.

Cutting off old pipes is done with a grinder, and the products of such work, for sure, will not go unnoticed on the walls and other interior elements.

Replacing the gas pipeline in the apartment

As you know, replacing gas pipes with your own hands is prohibited, so only specialists of service gas companies have access to this type of work.

Therefore, if a replacement is necessary, you will need to contact the appropriate institution and wait for the arrival of the master.

Most likely, the pipe will not be replaced with the first visit of the gas service employee, since the master will need to inspect gas system, measure the length of gas pipes, make an estimate for the performance of work, as well as the cost of new pipes for a household gas pipeline.

Gas pipe replacement work

Arriving at the installation site, the foreman must remove unauthorized persons from the site, take care of the absence of smokers and sources of open fire.

Before entering the work site, a warning sign “Caution! Gas! "," No smoking! "," No entry! " etc.

Before cutting the gas pipe and starting work on the installation of a new one, the gas operator must block the gas access to the gas pipeline, to which the new pipe will be welded, and remove (blow out) the remaining gas from it. Blow out gas inside the room ( ventilation ducts etc.) is strictly prohibited.

After all safety precautions have been taken, the gas pipe can be trimmed. As already mentioned, it is usually produced using a conventional grinder. Further into place old pipe a new one is welded.

Checking the integrity of the domestic gas pipeline and the rules for starting gas

It is prohibited to start gas into the pipe until its integrity, the presence of all required plugs and the serviceability of the connected gas equipment.

When starting the gas, the gas pipeline must be purged until all air is displaced from it. The duration of the purge is determined by analyzing the gas samples taken.

The oxygen content in the gas should not be more than 1%, the combustion of the last sample should be calm, without cotton. When blowing through the gas pipeline, after the gas pipe has been replaced, it is prohibited to release the gas-air mixture inside the room, the ventilation outlet, staircase etc. When gas is started up, the room in which assembly work must be provided with constant ventilation.

During and after the start-up of gas into the newly connected branch of the gas pipeline system, it is necessary to ensure enhanced monitoring of the operation of the gas system.

Gas pipe connection

Apartment buildings are often equipped with a gas pipeline system even from the very beginning before the occupants move in. But what if you need a gas pipe connection in a newly built house? Let's describe what the gasification procedure looks like at home.

Preparation of the necessary documents

The list of documents required to connect to a gas house is as follows:

  • those. home passport or certified copy;
  • a snapshot of the topographic survey of the site at a scale of 1: 500, certified in gas service, with a gas pipeline and other communications applied to it (,);
  • permission to connect to the gas pipeline of an architectural and planning institution;

  • documents for equipment planned to be installed in the house to which the gas will be connected - a certificate of conformity, a contract for equipment maintenance, a conclusion that it is to be used in housing construction;
  • inspection certificate (VDPO), obtained after contacting Gorgaz.

How to get a permit for tapping into a gas pipeline

In Gorgaz, you will need to find out which design organization for gasification of the house they recommend, since this will guarantee the absence of problems in the future. With the design engineer, you will need to agree on the layout design and the brand of gas equipment and heating appliances, after which the specialist will independently be obliged to coordinate the project in the technical department of Gorgaz.

Study the contract carefully. You should be interested in items with clearly spelled out guarantees on the part of the contractor.

Installation of a household gas system and connection to a gas pipeline

After the installation of the piping from the gas pipeline and equipment, the design organization draws up a package of executive and technical documentation. The work is accepted by a special commission consisting of a representative of Gorgaz, a contractor and a customer.

You will also need to pay for the technical supervision receipt and provide a copy of it to the installation company. In the near future, representatives of Gorgaz will seal the meter, and an agreement has been signed with the customer for the supply of gas and maintenance of the part of the gas system belonging to him.

Not sure how to bump into a gas pipe? To do this, you will need to hire a special service that performs tie-ins.

By connecting you to the gas pipeline, experts will open gas cock and carry out a test run of the gas, thereby checking the entire system for leaks.

After making sure that everything is in order, you will only have to carry out the commissioning of the equipment, which, however, can also be carried out by the sales organization, of course, if you have an appropriate contract for technical and warranty service.