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Lily of the valley where this flower grows. May lily of the valley is a dangerous berry of a delicate flower. Planting lily of the valley in autumn

Lily of the valley poisonous plant but very popular in the treatment of various diseases human body... Besides healing properties it's still cute and delicate plant decorating our gardens with their flowering at the end of spring. Consider the description of this flower.

The early variety was included in the lily family, was later separated into a separate class and named it Landyshev. This family has the Maisky species as its main representative, but also has other varieties.

The Maisky variety is considered the most common species.


The inflorescence emerges from the growing point between the two leaf plates. The flower arrow reaches 20 cm and has 10 to 20 small white bells on it. on one arrow.

At the same time, they have a wonderful aroma that can be heard at a distance of 5 m from the Lily of the Valley thickets.

What does it look like

This perennial which grows due to the rhizome and thus captures new territories. It looks like this: leaf plates come out of the outlet and grow to a height of up to 30 cm.

In this case, the width is about 13 cm.After flowering, the leaf plates die off and appear already next spring to repeat its bloom.

Where grows

About the homeland of the flower: grows throughout Russia except for the Far North. Also in North America and Europe, where it prefers shady places of forests, ravines and between low bushes.


The variety is characterized by white bells on a low stem.

The creeping rhizome allows the flower to firmly anchor in the soil


After flowering stops, small red berries appear in place of the white fragrant bells.

This happens only if at the time of flowering pollination occurred at the expense of bees or other insects.


The fruits of Lily of the Valley of any kind are red berries appearing after flowering.


The root system branches quite well, horizontally not far below the surface of the earth. There are growth buds on it, from which in the spring leafy plates appear first, and then fragrant flowers.

Rhizome perennial and does not die off as opposed to foliage.

General information and characteristics

How to combine with other colors

Lilies of the valley are combined with Periwinkle, Tulips, Daffodils and other flowers that bloom during the same period.

When planting Lily of the Valley with Periwinkle, it is worth noting that the second must be limited to growth, otherwise he will destroy his neighbor.

  • Among legends Ancient rome there is one in which the goddess Diana was carried away by hunting and was lost in the forest. Faun began to chase after her and, fleeing from them, beads of sweat appeared on her body, which, touching the ground, turned into wonderful flowers of Lilies of the Valley

  • In one of the legends, they tell how the flowers of Lily of the Valley grieved about the passing spring and small green tears flowed from the buds. At the end of summer, Lily of the Valley's heart could not stand it and broke and the tears turned red.

How is it used in gardening

People decorate with this flower shady areas of your garden... And then in the spring among the thickets beautiful leaves the fragrant bells of the Lily of the Valley bloom.

When planting plants, the soil is prepared in advance in the fall, digging it up and fertilizing it with nitrogen fertilizers.

What role did he play in the USSR

In times Soviet Union such a cologne for men as "Silver Lily of the Valley" was strongly known. But in perfumery it is used artificially created scent as it is cheaper to produce than to extract from a plant.

Whether you know or not, nowadays the natural scent of the plant is used only in expensive women's perfume.

How was it listed in the Red Book

It was listed in the Red Book, as it is often uprooted during harvesting for medicinal purposes or knitting bouquets. So that it does not disappear altogether, it was decided to keep it and put it in the Red Book.

The Red Book saved more than one variety of plants from destruction


For distillation, you can use only garden views Lilies of the valley... Wild varieties will not survive such an experiment. In the middle of autumn, they dig out the rhizome and cut it so that in each container with a volume of 0.5 liters. it was possible to plant a rhizome with one growth bud.

After cooling the roots are brought into the room and warmed in water heated to 30 degrees Celsius.

Then they are planted in containers with nutritious and loose soil and watered with warm water.

To keep the moisture well, you can cover the surface of the soil with moss.

After all procedures, a container with Lily of the Valley roots put in a dark place... When they begin to sprout, they will need to be exposed on a warm and light windowsill.

It usually takes 23 days from planting to flowering.

Most popular varieties

Lily of the valley has many varieties with their own characteristics that grow in different parts our mainland, but they are all poisonous and you should be careful about cut flowers.


Lesnoy has more narrow green leaf plates and fragrant white flowers. The height of the bush is up to 25 cm, the rhizome is located underground and has a creeping structure.


Ordinary also has a second name Maisky. The description is given below.


All varieties of Lily of the Valley are poisonous and you should be careful when working with this plant. If you are interested in the topic of poisonous plants, we have prepared for you.


This species grows throughout Europe and beyond the Ural Mountains in Russia. Prefers forests with little undergrowth:

Variety Forest Variety Poisonous Variety Maisky


Preparations prepared on the basis of Lily of the Valley are widely used both in official medicine and folk medicine.

With its help, tinctures, decoctions and other drugs are made that help a person with various diseases.

Medicinal plant

Medicinal qualities known since ancient times... All parts are collected when the active phase of flowering passes. Preparations from extracts of Lily of the Valley treat people.

Workpiece for treatment

Collect these leaves and flowers, as well as the rhizome in May and dry in the shade under a canopy in the fresh air.

Dry in the shade so as not to evaporate beneficial features plants.

How to cook

To apply medicinal properties need to know the recipes that can help in the treatment of diseases.


A small container is covered almost to the very top with lily of the valley flowers and filled with medical alcohol to the neck. Insist all this in a dark place for 21 days. Reception is 20 drops 4 times a day.

Before using the tincture, a specialist consultation is required.

Tincture is not a remedy for adolescents, which helps with various ailments. We have described its preparation with other varieties. For instance, .


Take a tablespoon of dried flowers and pour 200 gr. boiling water. Insist for 40 minutes, filter and take 1 tbsp. every 2 hours.

Take infusions of Lily of the Valley only after consultation with your doctor.

Poisonous Lily of the Valley or not

It is both a poisonous plant and a medicinal plant. The main thing is in the dosage, because any medicine in large doses is poison.


Since this is a poisonous plant, it is impossible for children to collect it. Also, it is strictly forbidden to take decoctions to pregnant and lactating women, people with allergies and with acute kidney or liver diseases.

In case of overdose nausea and tinnitus may occur - when these signs appear, it is worth stopping the use of the decoctions.

An overdose is extremely dangerous, regardless of what the person is poisoned with.

Application in medicine

All parts are used in medicine:

  1. Rhizome;
  2. Leaves;
  3. Flowers;
  4. Berries.

These parts are used to make various decoctions, infusions and other preparations.

The action of the preparations of May

Preparations based on Maysky have a wide range of effects on the human body.

Normalizes the work of the heart

Fresh plucked Lily of the valley flowers 10 pcs. pour 200 gr. boiling water and wrapped insist for an hour. This glass is taken in small sips during the day, and the drug normalizes the work of the heart.

Relieves pain in the region of the heart

To remove pain in the heart, they make a drug based on flowers and sugar:

Such a composition can retain its medicinal qualities for 3 years, provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

Eliminates shortness of breath

Dry leaves are brewed 300 gr. boiling water insist for half an hour and take 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.

Relieves cyanosis, swelling

15 gr. flowers are steamed 500 gr. hot water and insist 60 minutes. this tincture is drunk during the day. The treatment lasts three days.

Another remedy can help with edema. For instance, .


They drink to put their nerves in order lily of the valley tea... For one cup of 250 gr. put 4 pcs. flower add honey or sugar and brew with boiling water.

They drink no more than 5 cups of this tea per day.


One tablespoon of leaves is poured with boiling water in the amount of 250 grams. infused for 12 hours wrapped in a blanket. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons. before eating.

If you suffer from insomnia, lily of the valley may help.

Lilies of the valley are the most delicate creations of nature that deserve human attention, not because included in the Red Book, and therefore one hundred is the main messenger of spring and warmth.

Family: liliaceae (Liliaceae).


Lily of the valley grows throughout Russia, as well as in the temperate zones of Eurasia, the Caucasus and North America.

Form: herbaceous plant.


Lily of the valley is an unusually beautiful rhizome plant. Prized primarily for the beauty of small bell-shaped flowers, collected in drooping racemose inflorescences and possessing a strong aroma. The color of lily of the valley petals depends on the variety, but most often the petals are white. Lily of the valley inflorescences are located on a long, thin peduncle. Lily of the valley flowers are among the first to bloom in spring - from mid-May. No less beautiful smooth lily of the valley leaves have a wide elliptical shape and are colored in dark green, veins are sometimes clearly visible on the leaf blade. In culture, the most common lily of the valley may be found.

(C. majalis) is a herbaceous perennial plant. Lily of the valley rhizome is creeping, leaves are broadly ovate, dark green, shiny. The flowers are small, strong-minded, graceful, white petals. After the end of the flowering period, the fruits of lily of the valley appear - small red berries.

Growing conditions


Lilies of the valley in the garden are used for planting with other spring-flowering crops. All parts of the lily of the valley are poisonous, so it should be kept out of the reach of children.

Despite the apparent fragility, the lily of the valley flower is quite hardy and retains freshness in water for a long time. That is why it is often used to decorate living quarters. The strong scent of tiny flowers can cause headache, therefore, the room in which there is a bunch of lilies of the valley must be regularly ventilated.


Most often, garden lilies of the valley are propagated by segments of rhizomes in spring or autumn. The seed method is used much less frequently. Lily of the valley seeds are sown in the ground in the fall.

Diseases and pests

Lily of the valley can be affected by fungal diseases. Of the pests, sawflies and nematodes are the most annoying.

Popular varieties

Lily of the valley varieties:

    'Grandiflora'- the variety differs from the main species in larger flowers;

    ‘Rosea’- pink lily of the valley;

    'Latifolia'- very decorative variety with double flowers;

    'Variegata'- white lily of the valley, the variety differs from the main type in leaves, against a dark green background of which white longitudinal stripes are clearly distinguished.

Modest, but lovely and attractive lily of the valley flowers are familiar, perhaps, to everyone. Lily of the valley is a monotypic plant, which means that there is only one species in the genus "lily of the valley" - May lily of the valley. The name itself answers the question: "When do lilies of the valley bloom?" This gentle unpretentious flower will delight our eyes with its beauty in May. However, blooming lilies of the valley can be seen at the end of April and in the first half of June. This is due to the breadth of the distribution area of ​​lily of the valley, as well as some climate changes that have taken place in recent decades.

Lily of the valley is a perennial herb, in its natural environment its height ranges from 15 to 30 cm. Garden lilies of the valley can grow up to 40 - 50 cm. But when they bloom after transplantation, it is difficult to predict - perhaps in the first year, but, it is more likely to happen in the second or third year after the transplant. In the garden, lily of the valley can quite actively "capture". His root system branched, thin, but strong roots grow shallow from the soil surface in different directions for several meters. Growth buds are formed on the rhizome - these will be new plants. A clearing of lilies of the valley may turn out to be a single living organism, and a flower carpet of lilies of the valley is a couple of highly overgrown plants. Most often, from 3 to 5 lower leaves are hidden in the ground, they are scaly, small. There are 2 or 3 basal leaves, they are oblong, the top of the leaf is pointed.

The leaves are quite large: the length is about 20 cm, and the width is about 8 cm. From a large bud located between the leaves, a single stem grows, on the upper part of which a one-sided raceme of 5-20 white or light pink flowers will form. They have the shape of a rounded bell with six teeth and are up to 10 mm in diameter. The vertical rhizome forms leaves annually, and the flowering stem - every 2-3 years. But since the lily of the valley has a strong vegetative propagation, then real lily of the valley thickets are formed, it is difficult to track the flowering of an individual specimen, and the erroneous impression may be created that lilies of the valley bloom every year. They bloom within 15-20 days. Lily of the valley fruits are orange-red shiny berries, almost round shape, 6-8 mm in diameter. They contain from two to eight seeds.

Where are lilies of the valley found?

Lily of the valley growing area:

  • forest and forest-steppe zones of Europe,
  • Western Siberia,
  • Transbaikalia,
  • Kurile Islands,
  • Sakhalin,
  • China,
  • Japan,
  • Amur region,
  • Primorsky Krai,
  • Crimea,
  • Caucasus,
  • North America.

Under natural conditions, lilies of the valley are also found in coniferous forest, and in mixed and deciduous. But there are especially many such flowers in the aspen, oak, and birch forests. Lilies of the valley can also be found in meadows and mountain slopes. Lily of the valley loves shade, moisture and humus-rich soil. This plant is not afraid of frost, but does not like drafts. Many people have succumbed to the temptation to bring an unusually fragrant bouquet of lilies of the valley from the forest. To date, this wonderful plant "lives", unfortunately, also in the Red Book.

When lilies of the valley bloom on private territory parents of small children must be especially careful. Lily of the valley refers to medicinal plants but it is poisonous! And berries are especially toxic.

April 7, 2016

Modestly lowered white balls of flowers with an enchanting scent ... The shy nature makes the lily of the valley hide in dense foliage, but the aroma will certainly give out a secretive plant. Lily of the valley flowers cannot be called luxurious - small, light-colored bells. Wide juicy leaves are another matter! Outwardly, they are similar to the host, and are just as supportive of shady areas. But it is not the foliage, but the blooming lily of the valley that leaves no one indifferent. If you also love these delicate plants, try planting them in your garden.

Having started reading this article, you have probably already sung the famous song "Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley will wow ..." True, for some time "Lilies of the Valley" was scolded for vulgarity and anti-Sovietism, although half a century has passed, and everyone knows the song. Everything ingenious is simple, it's not for nothing that "Lilies of the Valley" is sung on different languages, and even in Japanese. Listen:

Without affecting the artistic value of the song (in Russian, of course), let's take on its content. No, we will not "dissect the classics", but simply state a fact - only residents of the warm regions of the country can rightfully call the lily of the valley a spring flower in May. In the central part of Russia, lilies of the valley appear in June, well, maybe at the end of May, if the spring is hot. You can give primroses, mother-and-stepmother or garden bulbs in spring days, but you still need to wait for lilies of the valley.

The easiest and most inexpensive way to plant lilies of the valley in your garden is to bring a cut from the forest. This can be done in the spring or fall. The plant reproduces well by seeds, but the cut will bloom faster.

When you go to the forest for lilies of the valley, be sure to take gloves and work only in them. And the roots, and flowers, and foliage, and berries are poisonous!

Put on gloves, dig out a bush you like and check that it has a piece of rhizome and small roots, as well as a bud, which will then turn into fragrant flower... Just don't cry and lament that lilies of the valley are listed in the Red Book. You will not dig a lily of the valley meadow or dig a foundation pit in this place, but you will only take two or three bushes. In addition, you have a noble goal - you will plant these kids, take care of them, and soon the flowers will grow.

Lilies of the valley will be grateful if you plant them near trees or near bushes, where they will receive enough light, and at the same time will be protected from the midday sun and overheating of the soil. It is good if the soil on your site is loose, saturated with nutrients, and neutral in acidity.

By the way, when choosing a place for lilies of the valley, think - would a place along the fence be suitable for them? .. In the Kuban it is believed that this plant is able to divert people with bad thoughts from the house. It may be superstition, but flowers on both sides of the fence are really planted.

If you are planning to make a lily of the valley flower garden, then, no matter how you like, do not plant flowers too close to each other. The optimal distance between the bushes will be 20 centimeters. Your endurance and patience will give a wonderful result, because lilies of the valley grow very well, and in a dense planting they will be cramped, the flowers are crushed or completely disappear. And let the foliage look beautiful, are you waiting for fragrant flowers?

Lilies of the valley love moisture, so it is very important to water them regularly, especially in the first half of summer. If there is a lack of water, there is a danger that the flowers will become smaller. The plant also does not like wetlands, but requires harmony ...

With outward modesty and tenderness, the cunning lily of the valley refers to aggressor plants. V favorable conditions it will actively expand, capturing areas suitable for life. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to thin out the planting of lilies of the valley at least once every three years. Be careful with him and do not fall for the charm of the bells inclined to the ground! And don't forget about its toxicity!

Types and varieties of lilies of the valley

The question of the types of lilies of the valley is not an easy one. In specialized literature, the only species is sometimes called lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis), and sometimes two more are added - lily of the valley (Convallaria keiskei) and mountain lily of the valley (Convallaria montana)... These species or varieties of lily of the valley are distinguished by geography. May lily of the valley is found in Europe, mountain lily in North America, and Keiske lily of the valley can be found in the Far East. And in the Caucasian forests you can also find Transcaucasian lily of the valley (Convallaria transcaucasica)

What are their differences? May lily of the valley is a low forest plant with white flowers. Compared to May, the Keiske (or Keiske) lily of the valley blooms later and has more large flowers... The bells of the mountain lily of the valley are slightly longer, and the leaves are larger than those of the May. The Transcaucasian lily of the valley is distinguished by large and wide flowers.

The differences are minimal, it is difficult to understand all the subtleties, and it is not necessary for amateur gardeners. There is no need for botanical controversy and debate if there is no practical benefit from them. Is the plant beautiful? Is everything clear with leaving? What then to argue about if planting (weeding, watering, etc.) is necessary ?!

Among garden forms lily of the valley, you can find bright and unusual varieties, which only in their aroma resemble a modest forest flower. The foliage can be green, yellow, striped and speckled, and the flowers can be pink, cream, double, what do you say if you come across such a specimen:

Yes, it's a lily of the valley with white double flowers! The variety of this handsome man is called ‘Flore Plena’ (the spelling ‘Flore Pleno’ occurs). Plant height ranges from 15 to 25 centimeters. The snow-white bells are so large that they seem to have grown together, but in fact they have a double corolla.

It is impossible to pass by the pink ‘Rosea’ lilies of the valley. Delicate saturated color appeared as a result of painstaking work of breeders on crossing lily of the valley and red tulip. This spectacular, winter-hardy, non-aggressive lily of the valley has a very pleasant smell, although its aroma is lighter than that of May. But the number of flowers on one cluster is much higher - up to 14 pieces, while Convallaria majalis has no more than 6-8 light bell-shaped droplets.

In height, a handsome pink man can reach 20-30 centimeters. To maintain an unusual color, it is better to plant the plant in partial shade, the bright sun can discolor the blush. Also, do not plant white lilies of the valley next to 'Rosea', which can oppress pink neighbors.

Variegated leaves increase the value of varietal lilies of the valley in the eyes of gardeners, because the flowering period does not last very long, and unusual foliage adorns the site all season. The 'Albostriata' variety is surprisingly beautiful: light cream stripes run along the leaves in even parallels.

It is better to place ‘Albostriata’ lily of the valley in a bright place to maintain a contrasting pattern. The grower will have to watch out for new shoots, because sometimes the plant can grow with normal green foliage. In this case, you must carefully remove the beauty offender along with a piece of root.

It is similar to this variety 'Vic Pawlowski's Gold', but the veins on its leaves have a golden hue, light stripes are wider and they are more common on a green background.

May lily of the valley ‘Vic Pawlowski’s Gold’

With strong shading, the leaves can lose their decorative effect and become completely green, so choose a bright place with a reasonable shade. Both striped varieties of lily of the valley cannot be attributed to the aggressors, since they grow slowly.

Another variegated variety, ‘Aureovariegata’ (also ‘Variegata’) is prized not only for its yellowish stripes on wide leaves, but also for profuse flowering- in a large fragrant brush there are up to 15 white flowers. In the dense shade, the lily of the valley will bloom weakly, although such behavior can be forgiven for the beautiful foliage.

The ‘Aureovariegata’ grows up to 20 centimeters in height, up to 25 centimeters wide, the variety does not require careful maintenance and grows quickly.

The 'Green Tapestry' foliage is covered with light spots and stripes. This is not a viral disease or the effects of heat, but decorative feature this form of lily of the valley. The plant is absolutely healthy and simply pleases the owner with its unusual appearance.

Some varieties of lilies of the valley have green leaves with a light border around the edge. An uneven, cream-colored, wide border adorns the foliage of the ‘Hofheim’ lily of the valley, and the ‘Hardwick Hall’ has a golden border.

The beautiful golden yellow color of the foliage of some varieties of lily of the valley will help brighten the dark corners of the garden. A little sun will add to shady places funny company from ‘Golden Jubilee’ or ‘Aurea’ lilies of the valley.

The large-flowered 'Grandiflora' has simple green foliage, but this lily of the valley is hardly humble. In all its glory, it appears during the flowering period: shining white large flowers on strong tall stems will not go unnoticed!

The 'Grandiflora' Lily of the Valley is great for cutting. Another variety - ‘Dorien’ (the spelling ‘Doreen’ is found) will also look good in a vase. Tall, with large flowers and broad leaves, this lily of the valley can grow up to 30 centimeters in height.

Another garden giant is Fortins Giant. This French variety is distinguished not only by its impressive size, but also by its strong aroma. The 'Fortins Giant' bouquet of lilies of the valley will be incredibly spectacular!

Small babies are also ready to surprise potential owners - pay attention to the ‘Prolificans’ variety. This is a stunted form that enchants gardeners with voluminous flowers (the secret of splendor is that several flowers are located on one peduncle at once), a strong aroma and long flowering.

Lilies of the valley in garden design

Lily of the valley is a real find for shady garden in landscape style. For disembarkation it is worth choosing low varieties May lily of the valley, tall plants will look too pretentious.

Lilies of the valley planted along the path look beautiful. In order for such a border to remain neat, you need to make an additional fence of stones or dig in plates, otherwise the flowers will grow strongly and you will be left without a path!

A lonely lily of the valley in the garden is a rarity. Even tall varieties suitable for cutting do (and look) better in group plantings. It is necessary to find good neighbors for the lily of the valley for two reasons: first - the leaves appear late enough, and empty spaces need to be decorated; the second - by the end of summer, the lush green foliage loses its beauty.

Lilies of the valley are not the friendliest flowers, a dense network of rhizomes is ready to oust any competitors from the territory. For this reason, for compositions with lilies of the valley, it is better to take plants with shallow roots or ground covers that produce whiskers or propagate by rooting shoots.

Advantageous neighborhood can turn out with hosts, forget-me-nots, veronica. A good addition to the white lily of the valley will be the pale blue Brunner flowers. Both plants are shade-loving, so dark areas of the garden will become noticeably lighter.

If the shadow on the site is not very deep, then you can plant a catchment to the lilies of the valley. Good company it will turn out from lilies of the valley with a lamb, a spring navel, and also with a creeping tenacious.

A safe option for a shady garden is to plant ferns on the lilies of the valley. So you will play on the contrast of foliage: a combination of smooth glossy and openwork leaves will give the site interesting view, and decorativeness will remain even after the lilies of the valley have faded.

A good way to diversify the lily of the valley thickets (if you have already acquired them) is to put containers with bright plants on this picturesque meadow. So after the end of flowering, you can dilute the green monotony with cheerful spots.

For those who like to combine different plants in flower beds and cannot imagine their future masterpiece without lilies of the valley, we recommend choosing slowly growing varieties. This will allow the plants to coexist comfortably in a small area.

The smell of lilies of the valley

Some gardeners with forest lilies of the valley on their plots have mixed feelings: "It grows like a weed, but the smell is noble ..." Aggressive behavior and quarrelsomeness of flowers is easy to forgive for their incomparable scent. A huge number of perfumers were inspired by this discreet delicate flower.

Many Russian women associate lily of the valley perfume with the once popular series "Flowers of Russia", and older ladies may remember the perfume "Forest Lily of the Valley" or even "Silver Lily of the Valley". These scents were not considered luxurious (French perfume was the ideal), but the bottle smelled like real lily of the valley. The scent was said to be soothing and help relieve headaches. The result can and was, however, in this case, probably, only a real lily of the valley or its tincture could help. The fact is that in perfumery, aroma is obtained exclusively with the help of synthetic compounds, since essential oil you can't get from a lily of the valley ...

The smell of delicate flowers is trying to repeat not only perfumers - breeders and variety testers are also working to give the smell of lily of the valley to other flowers. For example, peonies with a lily of the valley aroma have already been bred (varieties ‘Le Sin’, ‘Duchesse de Nemours’, ‘Excels’).

Do you like lilies of the valley? We have told in this article not about all existing varieties. If your garden grows unusual shapes lily of the valley - tell us about them, send a photo flowering plant, and the article will definitely be supplemented. We are waiting for your letters and photos by e-mail!

I think any girl or woman loves flowers. I especially like lilies of the valley. This delicate plant with tiny white flowers symbolizes the arrival of summer. The son recently brought from school a drawing with lilies of the valley, it was the best bouquet. Many are known interesting information about this plant, which I will share with you now.

Lily of the valley and its types

Lily of the valley flowers resemble bells... They white and have small size... Lily of the valley can be recognized not only by its outward appearance, but also by the unique aroma of flowers. After the flowering period ends, a small red fruit... In no case should they be eaten. Both the fruits and the flowers of the lily of the valley themselves are poisonous to us.

Many people consider lily of the valley a monotypic plant, that is, there is only one species of it. But it is not so. Known several of its types:

  • lily of the valley;
  • lily of the valley Keiske;
  • mountain lily of the valley.

May lily of the valley meets v European countries , including a fairly large part of Russia. You can meet this plant in the forests. different types. Lily of the Valley Keiske has a slightly different territorial location. In Russia it can be found on the territory of Transbaikalia, the Far East, Primorye... In addition, this type of lily of the valley is found in northern China and Japan. Mountain lily of the valley in Russia it will not work. It only grows in North America.

When and how much lilies of the valley bloom

Lilies of the valley growing in wildlife, or in some botanical garden they begin to sprout at the same time. It happens with the onset of spring... At this time, only first leaves, and only a little later you can see the stem, on which small white flowers will bloom in the future.

You can already see the flowering of lily of the valley in the middle of May or in the first half of June... It won't take long to admire the beauty of the lily of the valley. They bloom only about 10-20 daysth... The flowering period depends on the climate of the area where the lily of the valley grows.

Lily of the valley and customs

Lily of the valley is not just considered so a symbol of tenderness and loveand. Previously, one custom was associated with this flower. The groom gave the girl he liked a bouquet of lilies of the valley. If the girl accepted the presented bouquet, it meant that she agreed to courtship young man... If the girl threw the received bouquet on the ground, then this gesture meant a refusal to the groom. Now brides and grooms sometimes pinned to their outfits on their wedding day lily of the valley flowers.

Perhaps not everyone knows that in France May 1 is celebratedLily of the valley day... On this day, you can meet everywhere merchants with bouquets of these flowers. This tradition has been observed in France for several centuries.