Repairs Design Furniture

Round strawberry growing. Care for greenhouse strawberries. Proper selection of strawberry seedlings

Some gardeners argue that the usual variety cannot be froning 3-4 or more than a year, as the plant focuses on the duration of the daylight and has biological clock like animals. And if you try to grow it, it turns out much less harvest and a maximum of 2 times a year. In fact, everything is wrong. Each plant has its time for the formation of generative kidney, of which the fruits are formed. The usual grade is genetically "coded" on 1 harvest and it can be both in the middle of summer and in winter, depending on the conditions of its cultivation.

For happiness, modern selection sections have brought special repairful varieties, which have no frequency of generating kidney education at all. That is, the main thing is to create optimal conditions for the development of the fetus, and there is no difference when it happens. It may be in summer, in the spring and at any other time every 2-3 months. Get 5 yields during the year will not be a lot of work. Removable varieties bloom constantly, but strongly depleted the soil, so very serious plant care is required.

Consider the best varieties that are acclimatized in the territory of the Russian Federation.

  1. Queen Elizabeth 2.An excellent variety, became famous thanks to its big yield - on one bush, it grows about 5 kg of berries for one harvest and it is not a record! With hectares, provided excellent care, it is possible to receive up to 19-25 tons, which is why Queen Elizabeth is an optimal option for those gardeners who seriously engaged in the cultivation of berries for sale. The mass of one fetus can reach 150-200 grams, the average berries - 60-80 grams. It has a very sweet taste. The removable grade allows you to receive up to 4-5 yields for the year with good soil fertilizer and constant watering. Resistant to mildew and fungal diseases - they are almost never happening on the stem under the condition of growing in greenhouses.
  2. San Andreas.. California removable, but more than 15 years is acclimatized by Russian breeders, recommended for industrial use. High density of berries allows them to be transported without any problems for any distances and store in basement. From one bush, you can collect up to 2 kg, with a hectare - up to 10 tons. Resistant to fungal diseases, especially for drone spot. Fruits have a very sweet taste.
  3. Temptation. One of the best repair hybrids, which is characterized by high yield and large size of fruits. From one bush, you can collect up to 1500 grams, and each of which will be at least 60 grams. Thus, with good watering and constant fertilizer of the soil by a organic basis, you can get up to 50 tons from one hectare. It has high decorativeness, inflorescences are bright, bushes are not sprawling. Crop the harvest can be carried out already 2 months after landing a new bush into the soil, the full maturity of the bush comes in a year.
  4. Lyubava.If you count on year-round growing strawberries in the greenhouse, then you should pay attention to this variety. Despite the small size of the berries (30-45 grams), yield reaches 2kg from one bush and up to 250 c / ha, as the landing density is relatively large. It is very sweet, has excellent freight and smell. Even young bushes are fruiting, and they begin to bloom immediately after rooting. The repairing grade practically does not require pollination, it is enough for him that the bushes will be in close proximity. Another advantage of this plant - forms very little mustache, as a rule, not more than 7 pieces. Thus, you do not have to constantly care for plants and turn them into an increase in yield.

These were the most popular removable varieties that are very easy to grow in a greenhouse. They practically do not react to the duration of the daylight and be satisfied with artificial lighting. Unpretentious disease makes them perfect Material For landing in greenhouses, where there will be a high relative humidity.

Strawberry all year round - practical guide to landing bushes

The most important part is planting plants. Not only the future yield of your site will depend on it, but also the susceptibility of the plant to diseases, the number of fruiting waves, the rate of aging fruit and much more. To date, there are many techniques, but consider several of the most popular ways of landing.

Growing strawberries in pots . Advantage this method is a high area organization - you can make rows of the right form, place pots into several tiers (usually 5-6), as well as streamline it relatively different varieties and boom. The disadvantage is perhaps one - relative high cost. To do metal frames And place ceramic or plastic pots will be very expensive on them, costs can be up to 1000 rubles per 1 square meter Square greenhouses and it is excluding irrigation yet. This is the so-called "Dutch technology", which involves a minimum cost of area and maximum yield from one square meter (in this case, even cubic).

The plant with pots is also very convenient: the fruits hang and always clean, watering to produce easily and you can do the usual irrigation system, to pass and collect the harvest is convenient, as there is nothing on the floor, and the person is fluent in the territory. The yield increases 4-5 times due to a large landing density, but if the plant is sick with particularly fungal diseases, the disease in a matter of days will disappear throughout the area.

Growing in boxes. This is the most common technology of growing strawberries all year round in Russia. It provides for the construction of wooden boxes of different shapes (75x25x25, 50x25x25, 150x30x25 and other dimensions) in which strawberries are planted. It is relatively easy to care for it, as the site is well organized, the floor is free again, it is possible to divide the territory for different maturation and varieties. The disadvantage - on the unit of the square there will be a small harvest, as the plants of the smears "Raskidsty" are placed. Advantages - boxes can be done by themselves, so the costs will be minimal, there is no need to build an expensive metal frame.

Growing on the floor. Option when seedlings are planted directly into the soil. The advantage of this method is low cost, as there is no cost to arrange space. 10 minutes with a shovel or tie - and the territory is ready for reception seedlings. The shortcomings, of course, very much, otherwise no one would have traveled to make drawers, pots, metal structures and other devices. The first drawback is the absence of free square. This is similar to the cultivation of strawberries in open soil - A few weeks after the start of the growing season, it is already impossible to go through the site, since everything overgrown with the mustache. Much forces goes to remove them. Landing density - 10-15 bushes on a square meter, no more, while the Dutch technology allows you to put up to 60-90 bushes. Consequently, the index of yield will suffer.

Growing in bags . This method for those who want to learn how to grow in winter a strawberry in the Dutch technology, but with Russian costs. Folk craftsmen could hundreds of times to reduce the price of pots and shears, replacing them with a conventional polypropylene bag, which hangs on the rope or simply falls. Inside the bag is fertile soil, holes are cut down 5-8 centimeters and seeds. As a result, we have suspended "pots", huge savings in the greenhouse and all other advantages of the Dutch technology. For watering, you can use conventional sprayers or manual watering can. The only difficulty is to fix the bag so that it does not swing. We will have to go very carefully or make special stretch marks between the adjacent "pots".

What a soil is necessary for year-round cultivation of berries

Special attention should be paid to the soil. It is from its quality that will depend on how quickly the next wave of the harvest is formed. To do this, you need to remember only a few rules for creating a soil. Consider them in more detail.

  1. Must be drainage. Regardless of where you grow it, it is necessary that the moisture falling into the ground quickly passed through the root system and did not delay in it. In this case, oxygen will be better to come to the roots, and the plant itself is faster. It will also allow to maintain the ground loose, which is important when cultivation berry cultures. To prepare the drainage, we need crushed stone or gravel, which should be placed on the bottom of the pot, drawer, beds or bag. As a rule, it takes no more than 25% of the soil volume.
  2. Mix fertile land with sand. At least 25% should be sand so that the soil is very loose. This will allow an increase in the root system gas exchange, as a result - bushes will grow much faster and form new berries. It is best to use coarse sand, which mix with the soil and fall asleep immediately on drainage rubbank or gravel.
  3. The soil must contain peat, organic fertilizer And other useful substances that will help start the plant and quickly go to the stage of education of generative bodies. If the soil is poor quality, the bushes will be "dwarf" for a month and may not grow up to the size you need. The amount and size of fruits will also be affected.
  4. High-quality fertilizer. Without it, nothing will grow up - it is also clear a newcomer. If you grow removable varieties, you need to double the fertilizer portionSince these varieties pull out from the ground to all until the last gram and after them the soil becomes deserted. The constant addition of nitrogen and ammonia fertilizers should be a rule for you. When landing the bushes it is necessary to make a lot of organic components, as well as nitrogen to root system As quickly as possible, it was rooted and began to give the useful substances to the stalk. Immediately after the plant arrives in a new place, you need to make superphosphate and ammonium saltpered - they will help to gain a vegetative mass and grow the bustle to maximum size. Then adopt orthophosphorous fertilizers - they will help to increase the fruits in size and collect a maximum of one bush.

If you do everything right, and the soil will not only be perfectly composed, but also saturated with minerals and macroelements, you can count on a solid harvest and high quality berries!

How to grow strawberries all year round - properly organize a plot

If you have already dealt with this culture, then, most likely, imagine how many problems can you bring the growing of strawberries all year round. During the period of fruiting (and it will be almost permanent) you will need to perform many operations at the same time. Watering the plants, fertilizer, trimming of the mustache, harvesting, spraying from the fungus and the like to fall on you at one moment, and the compatibility of some operations will not work. For example, it is impossible to spray at once before collecting berries, even if these drugs are almost harmless to human health.

The first error of the young gardener is the simultaneous landing of several removable varieties. Experienced specialists plant strawberry so that the harvest time was different. If even it coincides, it is possible to artificially extend it or accelerate with watering, a light day (artificial lighting), as well as fertilizers.

Automated watering is a significant savings of your free time. As you know, there is a lot of strength to watering berries, as the area is large, and they have to spray them very often. In order not to torment yourself with work, and the boom plants are best right hose PVC and several sprayer cleansing. They can be installed under the roof of the greenhouse and set up so that water takes to all its corners. Thus, all you have to do is connect the hose to the water supply and turn on the water supply. 5-8 minutes and not only land in pots (bags, boxes, in bed) will be wet, but also leaves! And this will significantly increase the productivity of the plant.

Watering will help solve the fertilizer problem. How? Just use carbamide and other liquid preparations that can be mishaced in water and spray all the room at once! Remember that it is impossible to be indoors and enter it 3-4 hours after the end of the procedure, since substances can be dangerous to human health. If necessary, use sprayers!

Strawberry in winter is not a myth, but a reality! All you need to implement this project is a greenhouse, some money for seedlings and a great desire to receive 5 yields per year!

Do you want to yearly rummage strawberries yourself and have it for sale? It is easy - you just need to know the secrets of growing this dietary food in the closed soil!

Home conditions help increase the duration of the full-fledged strawberry development period, turning the winter outside the window under the roof. It should be emphasized that the presence in the rooms of pots and vases, suspended kashpo or balcony boxes, vertical containers, polyethylene bags give the room an elegant decorative look.

Home conditions help increase the duration of the full-fledged strawberry development period, turning the winter outside the window under the roof.

Not only benefits, but also beauty is an additional benefit from strawberry growing all year round on the balcony, windowsill or wall. The use of removable strawberry varieties of a neutral light day provides regular fruiting subject to the organization of lighting light light lighting lights. They have the composition of the spectrum not much different from sunlight. For proper choice Growing technology I. good care You can receive up to 5 strawberry yields during the year.

Selection of strawberry grade for year-round cultivation

The preference of strawberry grades grown in the home environment should be approached with special attention. It is necessary that they are all removable (for 40-45 days they have inflorescences, ovary and berries) and high-yielding. For Dutch technology, we need varieties that can be stored for a long time without losing their attractive qualities. The Dutch seedlings of Frigo (Frigo) enjoy high popularity. It is able to give an abundant harvest and after 7-10 months of storage with a cold way. Also, high-yielding Dutch varieties have proven well: darkness, polka, Darslek, Sonata, Marmolad, Tribute, Maria and others, which can also be kept in sleeping condition.

For the usual technology of growing strawberries, without frequent replacement of seedlings, it is recommended to use the grade of the Queen of Elizabeth 2, which is famous not only to a high harvest, but also the ability to form a berries 2-4 times after collecting the first harvest. Important note - you need to choose self-pollized varieties, otherwise the difficulties for the care of strawberries will be added.

Cultivation of strawberries at home

Vintage strawberries depends on the use of biological technologies. It is they who, first of all, form all the conditions that allow year-round cultivation of strawberries with healthy, environmentally friendly berries.

In the absence of experience in growing any plants in the apartment, it is better to first start strawberries to breed only for your needs. But if it turns out, you will like it, you will like it - then you can think about strawberry business. First you need to decide on the place where the juicy berries will grow. For them, the wall of the room, insulated balcony or loggia, windowsill. Let's not forget about the advantages of closed soil:

  • it takes much less space for cultivation of plants;
  • there is no dependence on weather on the street.

The cultivation of strawberries all year round at home should be started with the study of the phased and detailed methodology, which will help create all the conditions for obtaining rich yields. So that year-round growing strawberry has become a reality:

  • the desire to do business;
  • create the necessary conditions;
  • apply special technologies.

No need to reinvent the bike, you just need to start to get acquainted with the experience of people who really seek high strawberry harvests all year round - practical guide For you is presented below.

Excellent results gives seedlings of strawberries, planted in compact greenhouses using Dutch technology. The essence of it is simple.

Excellent results gives seedlings of strawberries, planted in compact greenhouses using Dutch technology.

Otherwise, this technology of growing strawberries is called an outcast all year round. Harvesting the berries is made possible by increasingly disembarking new bushes seedlings every 30-45 days. Old seedlings are usually emitted. This technology is presented special requirements To the soil - it must be sterile without microorganisms and weed plants - to lighting, watering and feeding used by strawberry varieties. Dutch technology equally can apply to the cultivation of strawberries on sheer and horizontal surfaces. Advantages of Dutch technology:

  • seedlings can be planted in any containers: plastic bags, clay pots, wooden and plastic boxes, pallets and containers;
  • ability to grow strawberries on the balcony, wall, windowsill, garage;
  • berries harvest every 1.5-2 months, which allows the use of this business technique;
  • the greatest efforts and costs are needed only at the initial stage.

Once, running the year-round production of strawberry growing in the home environment, in the future it can only be maintained in a working condition by spending small efforts.

For this method, it is not necessary to harm the seedlings of the future. It is enough to plant a variety that are capable of giving several crops in good conditions for the season. Their distinctive feature is to form bodies of berries regardless of the duration of the daylight. This method is best suited for growing strawberries all year round for the table of your family. For this technology, pots, boxes, containers are considered the best tanks. They will have enough space on the windowsill, loggia, or on the slopes of the windows.

Technology of growing neutral daylight varieties

The main difference of this method from the Dutch technology is that seedlings are used during the year, and not within one or a half months. And in the rest of the agrotechnical techniques for care, feeding, watering, artificial pollination for all technologies are similar.

Modern technologies greatly simplify the cultivation of many vegetables, medicinal herbs and berries at home. There is a wall-mounted economical system of Fazendagreen, which is designed for year-round removal of organic strawberry harvest. The FAZENDAGREEN module consists of a wall-mounted shelf, on three shelves of which is located 7 special pots. From above, there is a phytolampa, which has ideal for strawberry vegetation by light spectrum. Also in the upper part of the design there is a container designed for 5 liters of water, and a special system of watering.

Using ready-made automated strawberry growing systems at home

Water flows down and comes to each of the 21 pot evenly, which creates the perfect microclimate for the growth and development of strawberry seedlings. There is a special sensor that automatically monitors lighting, temperature, fertilizer and soil humidity. When deviating from the norm, it sends an SMS to the host smartphone. The size of the entire design is 1040x670 mm, and one portion of water is enough for 7 days of irrigation. This installation allows you to grow 6 kg of strawberries per month. On the Internet there are quite a few materials on the topic: Strawberry all year round, grown in Dutch technology.

Rules for growing strawberries in the house

To create in the apartment good conditions For the cultivation of strawberry seedlings, you need to know the preferences of the useful berries. Strawberry loves:

  • the abundance of light - the duration of the daylight cannot be less than 14 hours;
  • fresh light breeze - need to systematically ventilating the room with the help of the window;
  • comfortable temperature in plus 18-22O S.

To create good conditions in the apartment for the cultivation of strawberry seedlings, you need to know the preferences of the useful berries.

To create concrete favorable conditions of strawberry seedlings - begins with the choice of place (it is desirable that it was as much sunlight as possible). A good option is the placement of strawberry seedlings near the window. But if you use phytolamba, strawberries can be grown in a warm, but dark garage. The backlight is in any case. The practice has been proven that the light day at 16 o'clock significantly accelerated the growth and fruiting of plants, and the day at 10 o'clock - all stages of growth and development of strawberry saplings - extended.

Any capacity can be used as disadvantages. But, in the apartment to use polyethylene bags is not desirable. They are well used in greenhouses, where optimal microclimate is supported: uniform lighting, comfortable temperature and required humidity. It is difficult to achieve such conditions in the home atmosphere. For the apartment there will be pots, drawers, a variety of containers. They are beneficial because they can easily organize the collection of excess water from watering. To do this, put a pallet under them.

Instead of the usual soil, a special substrate is used, which consists of a mixture of the disinfected rigid seed peat without seeds of weeds and microbes with various additives: perlite (to improve aeration), coconut fiber and mineral fertilizers (potassium chloride and superphosphate). But you can do and applied additives.

Instead of the usual soil, a special substrate is used

Here is an example of a substrate prepared in domestic circumstances. 2 or 3 tablespoons are added to 10 kg of peat dolomite flour (You can replace 200 grams. wood ash). All ingredients are diligently mixed. For storage, this mixture is poured into a plastic bag and water from the old kettle is specially cooked solution. In three liters of water, half a teaspoon of copper sulfate and 200 ml of liquid cowboat are divorced. Before use, the peat is mixed with 2 kg of fine wood sawdust, pre-dipped with urea solution (0.5 liter of water divorces 1/3 tablespoon of urea). A small amount (1/10 part of the total volume) of river coarse sand is also added.

With the Dutch technology, the cultivation of seedlings will need a lot. Therefore, you immediately need to decide the question: when and how to grow it? Where and how to store? If you have a garden, and you are engaged in the cultivation of strawberries in the open soil, the seedlings can be raised in the summer months. For this in June and July, strong, well-developed outlets are selected and sit in the container from peat. The varieties must be removable (that is, giving a harvest immediately a month and a half after the transplantation in the closed soil) and self-polished. If there is no site, the seedlings will have to buy in specialized stores. It is not cheap.

If you have a garden, and you are engaged in the cultivation of strawberries in the open soil, the seedlings can be raised in the summer months.

For storage for winter, strong outlets are selected with a cold way, which appeared 3-4 leaves. The thickness of the root neck should be at least 5 or 6 cm. The length of the root liner is not more than 5 cm. The seedlings neatly folded into plastic or wooden boxes, the bottom of which is eliminated with wet moss. From above the boxes need to be covered with a lid. The seedlings are stored in the refrigerator: temperature - +1 or +2 degrees; Humidity - 90%. In such conditions, it can be saved from 1.5 to 10 months.

It is possible to grow seedlings from seeds that are bought in stores for summer residents. This method requires time spent, effort and patience. Strawberry seedlings landing is made in plastic bags in a chess scheme: 25x25 cm into cut holes at an angle of 40 degrees.

Caring for strawberries

To get a rich strawberry harvest, you need to care for it. Care lies in proper lighting, timely feeding and watering. Additional lighting with fluorescent lamps is needed to extend the light day to 14 hours. Watering and feeding is done with the help of a drip system. It is this watering system that provides an optimal microclimate and the best conditions for the development of strawberries. If the substrate has been prepared correctly and use healthy strong seedlings - the fight against pests and diseases at home should not be.

How to increase strawberry yield at home

Strawberry is very responsive for feeding, moderate, but timely watering, good uniform lighting. Important agrotechnical reception at home to obtain a good harvest - artificial pollination. In natural conditions, strawberry self-polls with the help of the breeze and insects. At home, this can help the fan. The best option It is considered a soft tassel that the inflorescences should be concerned.

Delicious, juicy, ripe strawberry berries - delicacy for children and adults! In the garden in the summer in northern latitudes, she feels great. But using the above-described technology, it can be achieved with success at home. Strawberry all year round - these are vitamins, delicacy, exotic! But it may be a profitable, fascinating, pleasant occupation.

Sweet fragrament berry strawberries love children and adults. In long winter months People look forward to summer when you can enjoy her taste. Why wait so long? You can grow strawberries in winter in the greenhouse. Moreover, a favorable business will bring considerable income.

What is the benefit

So the nature ordered that the mass maturation of this delicious and all beloved berries falls at the beginning of the summer. But, strawberries are growing and selling many daches and farmers, therefore competition between them is huge. However, at the end of the season, the berry is not found. Frozen strawberries are sold in stores. But it is not compared with a berry, torn from the bed.

An enterprising person can start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round and will not disappoin to the choice of business. The main thing is to plant commercial berries, which will make a profit. For reference: the use of strawberries Russians increases from year to year to fifty percent. This means that the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all-round can serve as a good investment of own funds for the future. Of course, strawberries are a demanding plant. However, with appropriate care, this culture gives good yields and does not require significant costs.

How to register a business?

If you were convinced that the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all year round begins to bring good income, start the registration of your business. This business is classified as an individual form of entrepreneurship and has a category of agricultural producer. This accrued a single tax not exceeding more than six percent. To exercise strawberry in the greenhouse all year round as a business, one registration is not enough. You need to stock up with several certificates:

  • Belode berries to a certain variety.
  • The type of fertilizer with a brief annotation of the composition of the mixture.
  • License to the implementation of strawberries.
  • Declaration of compliance of the GOS berry with an indication of product quality information and compliance with all required standards.
  • Sanitary certificate.

Profitability of berry business

Under this concept implies the payback of all costs. This is the ratio between the profit gained as a result of the sale of the product and the cost. Moreover, business depends on the value of all the funds spent, plus a trade cape. If you first decide to start growing strawberries in the greenhouse all year round, the business plan should be made to take into account all the advantages and minuses. It is better to refer to specialists for help.

The cost includes all costs: the price of seedlings, fertilizers, the payment of the salary to workers to care for strawberries, the rental fee and so on. The Dutch cultivation method of berries requires smaller costs, then costs will significantly decrease. If the business is not large enough, you can not hire workers, do it on your own. At the expense of salary salary, employees will also save money. So, for example, the average value of the cost per kilogram of strawberries for 2012 amounted to one and a half dollar.

You can easily get a significant profit in the period when the berry season ends, if you exercise strawberry growing in the greenhouse all year round. The photo, represented by your attention, reminds of a delicious and fragrant berry, especially in the winter when it is not easy to get a strawberry. Therefore, you can put the desired price for the product, and due to this profit.

Strawberry sales

Entrepreneur raised and collected good harvest Berries that meet all requirements. The question arises about her marketing. Some do it yourself, organizing several points of sale in advance. But it is not always profitable. In the winter season, up to eighty percent of strawberries are sold by supermarkets. If you exercise the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all-year year as a business, then long before the harvest is taken to find search for future customers for their products.

It should be considered that the stores are made by very high demands, first of all, to the appearance of berries: it should be clean, without leaves and twigs, one-dimensional color. If it is impossible to implement strawberries through the store, you can pass it with wholesale processors: manufacturers of juices, jams and other semi-finished products.

Strawberry Growing in Bags

How to grow strawberries in bags. And watering, and lighting, and pollination is easier to exercise, using Dutch technology. To begin with, finding and equip the room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich depends on your needs. You can use a balcony if its area allows. The prerequisite is to maintain the temperature regime: during the day - twenty-five degrees, at night eighteen. You need to stock and patience, since the troublesome business is to grow strawberries in the greenhouse all year round.

In bags of polyethylene, longitudinal openings are made in a checker order, only four rows. The length of the opening is eight centimeters, and the distance between them is twenty-four. These holes are planned to plant young bushes of strawberries. Bags, a diameter of fifteen centimeters and up to two and a half meters high, are put on the floor into one tier. If they smaller or allows the height of the room, a lot of long-term accommodation is allowed. The square meter of the square is placed 2-3 bags filled with a substrate from a peat mixture and perlite.

Seed seeds immediately in bags inefficient. It is better to buy seedlings or grow it yourself. Before boarding, she should be in a hibernation. For this use freezing Camera Or a cold basement. IN this issue Perspective pleases: After the harvest of the first year you will have your own seedlings.

Future landings need to provide food. To do this, the irrigation system should be built. The tubes for droppers are suitable, which come to each bag: from below, from above and in the middle at a distance of 55 centimeters. The ends of the tubes are connected to the pipeline located above the bags, each of which requires two liters of water during the day.

A large role for growing strawberries has lighting. It should be adjusted so as to bring close to the natural as possible. Within 8-12 hours a day, the lamps must be turned on, and the rest of the time is turned off.

Strawberry in the greenhouse. Benefits

  • The possibility of growing berries is year-round.
  • There is no dependence on weather conditions. It is no secret that rain and dampness reduce yield by 25 percent. Berry in the greenhouse is not subject to these phenomena.
  • There is no need for additional land resources.
  • The costs associated with the cultivation of berries pay off in just one season.
  • Strawberry, grown in a greenhouse, is better taken to implement supermarkets.
  • Great demand for the berry in winter makes it possible to decently earn.
  • Current care in the greenhouse is easier than on the garden bed.
  • The profitability indicator can be closer to one hundred percent.

Disadvantages of the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse

If you decide to build a berry business, the question will definitely arise how to grow strawberries in the greenhouse all year round for sale. Do not hurry with the answer and do not take hasty decisions. The fact is that here, as in any business, there are their problems.

  • First you need to solve the issue with heating. If it does not matter in mind the limited funds, you can immediately forget about the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing strawberries year-round.
  • For cultivation of culture in greenhouse conditions, funds will be required at the initial stage, and considerable. First, it is necessary to build a greenhouse with an artificial lighting system, irrigation and pollination. Buy all the necessary equipment and planting material.
  • The problem lies in constant leaving of plants. Not everyone can do it on its own. Sooner or later, the question will be the issue of hiring utility workers. And these are additional costs. Perhaps for someone cheaper will cost to grow strawberries in the open soil. Each himself appreciates its capabilities.

Types of greenhouses

  • Premises with film coating. Such greenhouses for growing strawberries requires a minimum of costs. Probably, so they are available to novice gardeners. But, there is a huge minus: the film does not protect the plants from frost in winter. It is impossible to heat the greenhouse. So in conditions of harsh climate, it is very risky to use such greenhouses.
  • Glass greenhouses are sufficiently bulky structures that need foundation. But they can be used, and the walls are transparent.

  • Polycarbonate greenhouses are advisable to build for the organization of serious business on long yearsSince such premises have a long service life, they are durable and lungs, albeit the most expensive.

How to grow landing material?

First you need to plant a plant, and then start growing strawberries in the greenhouse all year round. Business directly depends on the quality of the planting material. His preparation has some features. The seedlings grown independently will reduce its purchase costs. Get a plant for landing in different ways.

One of these is the use of young sockets, for which in the fall, before the onset of frost, it is necessary to carefully dig up the rooted young mustache from the uterine plantations. Freshly prepared seedlings with open roots should be stored in the basement or refrigerator, with air temperature of 0- + 2 degrees. But, some experienced entries - entrepreneurs consider unprofitable to distinguish special squares for the uterine plantation. This brings losses.

Cassette seedlings

Based on the rich experience of Russian crop, more suitable option is the use of cassette seedlings if you start growing strawberries in the greenhouse all year round. The yield when landing this type of seedlings is much more. The increasing root system quickly carries out and fully ensures the useful nutrition of the plant. To get a cassette seedlings, it will take about one and a half months.

For this, young mustache is separated from the uterine plants and put a period of one hour in a cool room, 0- + 1 degree for cooling. Then planted in plastic containers with cells, pre-filling them with a nutrient earth mixture. After 2-3 days, the roots grow on 3-4 centimeters, and after 10 days the root system is fully formed.

In the first month, it is necessary to ensure that the straight sun rays do not fall into seedlings. Only after five weeks, young plants can be reached on the sun. By this time the cell is filled with roots, and it can well be transferred to a permanent place of growth. The cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all year round should be started with the use of self-pollinated repair varieties, such as the Crown, Kimberly, Florence, Marmolad, Honey, Anannas, Selva, Sakhalin and others. Otherwise you will have to manually pollinate each flower. Perfect chamomile, Yuni SMYADS, if you exercise strawberry in the greenhouse all year round in Siberia. These varieties are typical representatives of the high-yielding industrial type of this culture.

Berry business in greenhouse

You can successfully build your business on the cultivation of strawberries in a closed room, having enough funds for this. A year before landing in a greenhouse, it is necessary to start training the planting material in the open soil. The soil should be chosen of the weakness, druminous or neutral. It should have a huffing enough. For reference: To take 1 hectare of the greenhouse area, you need to lay the uterine plantation in the open soil in 150 square meters.

Experts and gobble-lovers know several ways with which you can get a seating material. But, the most fruitful are seedlings from plants - two years. They are transplanted in autumn, in October-November according to the 20x30 centimeters scheme. In arid weather, young plants should be water.

Caring for greenhouse strawberries

When stormy bloom begins, the greenhouse needs regular ventilation. This decreases the humidity of the air and associated diseases of the plants. At this time, feeding is carried out using carbon dioxide. After her, it comes to fruiting and increases yield.

Strawberry demanding to moisturizing. But water should not fall on the plants, watering is carried out under the root. In the West countries, the soil in the greenhouse is covered with a film of black. It does not allow the berry to touch with the ground, weeds grow slower, and the land is better preserved heat than a film of another color.

The greenhouse conducts the procedure for artificial pollination of strawberries. On small plantations, this is done manually 2-3 times a day. After a few days, pollination is repeated. If the greenhouse occupies a huge area, then at the time of flowering it is placed with bees.

The vintage of strawberries are collected from mid-March to the end of April with without it the collection of berries falls at the end of March - mid-May.

Strawberries is the most popular berry, as it appears on our table first among garden crops. But the summer quickly passes, and I always want berries, especially in winter. Breeders brought such varieties that grow and give high yields of delicious berries all winter. How is the industrial cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all year round? What varieties are suitable for this, read in the article.

Growing strawberries

Depending on production facilities and economic opportunities, different ways of growing strawberries are chosen. Large popularity enjoys a Dutch technology. How it works? Growing strawberries industrial method It is carried out due to the continuous planting of seedlings throughout the year, regardless of the season. After a month and a half, when the harvest is completed, the plants are thrown out, new ones are planted in their place.

In order for the fruiting strawberries to be ambiguing, the bushes of plants receive special food, which comes to them through pipelines. A drip fluid feed method is used.

Following this technology, plants in the greenhouse can be placed vertically in pots or horizontally on racks. For comfortable grow, they need to provide decent content:

  • Normal lighting. If it is not enough, installed additional sources Sveta. Approximate calculation: only one light bulb per sixty watts is needed for six square square. If you increase the light day to twelve-sixteen hours, strawberries will bloom in ten days.
  • Watering using a drip system. It should be carried out regularly and stable.
  • The optimal humidity in the greenhouse is not higher than eighty degrees. This is achieved at the expense of the regular upper irrigation. Procedures are terminated during flowering, as water entering the vegetative part of plants leads to fungal diseases.
  • If there is no greenhouse ventilation system, the room needs to be tired. Control over the level of carbon dioxide is carried out by special sensors.
  • Need to constantly maintain temperature mode. Before the start of flowering, there is enough eighteen - twenty-one degrees, when the first flowers will appear - twenty-eight.
  • If necessary, artificial pollution of plants is carried out.

The landing of strawberries in the greenhouse is carried out in the same way as in the open soil. The planting material are seedlings obtained by rooting musty and seedlings grown from seeds. Industrial strawberry cultivation is carried out by a seedler purchased in specialized stores or nurseries.

Strawberry varieties for industrial cultivation

There is a huge set of strawberry varieties and hybrids. But for industrial cultivation in the greenhouse conditions of the Far East, Siberia and the Urals are better suited by removable varieties. For them, it is not necessary to create artificial pollination, as it is pollinated varieties. The removable strawberry ripens, which provides a good harvest even if the bushes are thickened.

This strawberry refers to a plant group with a neutral light day, so there is no need to install additional lighting in the greenhouse. Repairing varieties are many, some of them are presented below.


This strawberry variety is popular and grown throughout the open soil and in greenhouses. Value is B. high quality Berries, attractive form. The fruits are well transported, it is long stored without damage to quality even at room temperature.

This is a dessert variety of Dutch selection. Berries are distinguished by large sizes and bright red color with a shiny surface. They have the form of a wide cone and amazing taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the exposure of fungal diseases and low frost resistance. So that the plants live to spring, they need to be stolen for the winter.


This strawberry variety is highly harvest. If the plans are growing strawberries on an industrial scale, Honey is ideal for greenhouses and open soil, as it has good transportability. The berries of this variety are large, with dense skin and dark red have a spicy taste with sourness and glossy shine on the surface. The harvest is collected when the berries will completely mature.

This strawberry grade is resistant to diseases. He is not afraid of temperature drops, strong rains and frosts, in the case of growing open-air. Strawberry is growing even on soils with excessive calcium content.


Growing strawberries in industrial greenhouses for business is recommended to start with this removable variety, which love gardeners. After all, this strawberry has the longest fruiting time. Berries have excellent taste and excellent transport. They are transported without loss of quality.

Large, elongated berries have an attractive form in the form of a cone. They are used in fresh and recycled: preparing confiture, jams, boiling. Strawberry is resistant to the impression of phytoofluoric, verticillosis and other diseases. Stalling tolerates ne. favorable conditions Weather.


This variety of removable strawberries from America is new. But he managed to establish well, especially for those who plan to start the industrial cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all year round. Portolate is a continuation of a variety with a good reputation - Albion. But the new variety is yields above its predecessor for thirty percent.

Berries are very large, heavy, their mass reaches thirty grams and more. Different with an expressive form, in the form of a wide cone. The flesh is solid, without a crunch. Very nice, harmonious taste.

The disadvantage of the variety is weak stability against such a disease, like bright spot. Therefore, prophylactic treatment of fungicides should be carried out regularly, for example, by quadris.


This is a removable strawberry grade from California. It is a continuation of Albion, only its yield is twenty-five percent higher. Industrial growing strawberry Monterey is a good choice for successful business. Especially for the autumn-winter and spring periods. Berries are distinguished by large sizes, pulp - juit and sweet taste.

Industrial greenhouses

In order to receive delicious and useful berries for a long time, they are grown in greenhouses that are two types:

  • Seasonal. They are greater popularity, as small investments are required to their structure. In such greenhouses, cultural plants of vegetable gardens and gardens are grown in the period from March to November, that is, until that time, the room is not required.
  • Year-round. For the construction of such greenhouses need large investments. This is due to the construction of equipment for equipment. Such buildings have high profitability, as vegetables and fruits and fruits are grown in them.

Greenhouses for growing strawberries on an industrial scale differ in many other features. Thus, the glass covering is used for seasonal greenhouses, since it requires a durable frame for its installation.

Much popularity, like a coating material, acquired polycarbonate. It is easily installed, has great strength, high thermal insulation properties and misses light. Stalling tolerates temperature differences and is easily transported, it is not deformed.

The beds in the greenhouses are equipped in the ground, on racks (horizontally) or in suspended bags (vertically). Greenhouse frame can be wooden, metallic or polymer. The choice of greenhouse depends, above all, from financial capabilities and production areas.

Strawberry in the open soil

Industrial growing strawberries in the open ground is characterized by simplicity and good economic benefits. This is achieved due to the fact that strawberries grows on soils with different granulometric composition.

In order for the yield to be high, the soil is filled with fertilizers, sites and perennial herbs. To grow strawberries, dry areas are unsuitable, raw with large quantity congestive waters and wetlands. Surface lounge groundwater undesirable.

Industrial growing strawberries is carried out on even areas or gentle slopes. If you define low places for it, it may suffer from frosts. Near the site should be natural or artificial reservoirs.

Ridges with strawberries from all sides are shaking aspirations. They are planted with quarters, 4x10 hectares, which are separated by internal roads in three or four meters wide. Rows for planting strawberries should be at least a hundred meters wide.

Crop rotations

Industrial growing strawberries provides such an agrotechnical event as the design of crop rotations. Growing in one place, high strawberry yields gives three or four years. Then she faintly opposes frosts, more often amazed with diseases, its berries are minced. As a result, yield decreases.

The crop rotation of each farm is drawn up taking into account production conditions and economic opportunities. An example of seminal crop rotation for black earth areas of Russia:

  • On the first field the strawberries are planted.
  • On the second, third, the fourth - the fruitless strawberry grows, it gives good crops.
  • On the fifth plot where the strawberries grew, Oats or rye landed for the preparation of green mass on the feed of a cattle.
  • On the sixth plot, planting a wicked mixture is carried out, from which cattle feed is prepared.
  • The seventh plot is left under steam, they do not sit on it.

How to prepare the soil?

Before planting strawberries, in an open soil or greenhouse, the soil plowing to the depth of forty centimeters or a little less. Then its surface is aligned with the harrow first in one direction, then in the other, and in the completion of the process - across the rows.

The next step is to make manure. On the meter Square Square of Chernozem Soil - thirty-forty tons, podzolic - eighty - one hundred on the same area. Approximately a couple of years before the planned planting of strawberries to a new place, one field participating in the crop rotation is selected, and its soil is made from three to six tons of lime fertilizers per hectare.

Strawberry landing

The technology of industrial strawberry cultivation can be different, but more often use a single row planting method. Plants are planted with rows, the distance between them is seventy-ninety centimeters, and between the saplings - fifteen - thirty.

If strawberries are grown using a mulching film (in open ground), planting plants is carried out by a two-row way. Between the rows, the distance is eighty five centimeters. But in one row, the strawberries landed with two ribbons, the distance between them is thirty-five centimeters, and between the plants in each tape - fifteen.

The landing scheme is directly related to the use of strawberry bushes. If the culture on one field will grow long, the plants should be planted tightly, as in the Dutch technology in the greenhouse.

Optimal dates of planting in open soil conditions are considered to be the end of summer - the beginning of autumn and early spring. But it's better to plant strawberries early autumn. This time is characterized by the loss of numerous precipitation, which is a favorable condition for good seedling. For areas where little snow falls, it is not recommended to plant a strawberry in the fall, since the plants do not have time to grow and can freeze.

Strawberries on an industrial scale on large plantations are planted with special machines, which are called semi-cell (brands of aggregates - SKN-6, SKNB-4A and others). If it fails to use machine work, apply manual. But it is pre-carried out by watering and marking the Belarus tractor with a cultivator attached to it.

On the strawberry growing in the greenhouse, these deadlines do not apply. So, following the Dutch technology, planting seedlings is carried out every a year and a half, regardless of the time of year.

The voiced technology is suitable for both industrial scales and to grow strawberries at home (the difference only in the size of the room and the amount of harvest).

Strawberry - This is not only a rapid and yield berry that does not require high labor costs in its cultivation, but also an excellent opportunity for earnings. However, having come to the idea that on the strawberry it is possible to earn good money, almost everyone who wants to engage in such business faces elementary technical problems:

- How to establish year-round growing strawberries?

To answer this question with the maximum clarity, the clear and slim system will be presented below, which allows you to understand not only strawberry growing agricultural engineering, but also to get real data about required equipment and all kinds of components expressed in specific figures. All this will allow you to significantly save time and money by spending the necessary calculations right here and now.

Strawberry growing rooms.

Growing strawberries all year round is possible not only in greenhouses, but at home. For this purpose, an absolutely any room will suit, and even a city apartment (in fact, you can grow strawberries at home)! As it is possible, you will understand a little later. And now I will explain what the requirements should be a strawberry plantation in a room with a complete absence of sunlight.


In order to provide strawberry bushes Normal photosynthesis, you need to create artificial lighting. For these purposes, 4 types of lamps are suitable:

  1. Fluorescent lamps.
  2. Sodium lamps high pressure.
  3. ESL (energy-saving lamps).
  4. Metal halide lamps.

In our case optimal option - High pressure sodium lamps. The fact is that the large pressure of sodium vapor in the lamp allows you to give such spectra like red and blue radiation, which are closest to the bright summer sun in their parameters.

At the same time, it is not enough to simply install the lamp over a certain section of the bed, since its light should be evenly distributed over the entire surface. That is, the lamp must be concluded to a special lamp equipped with a reflector, which helps not only optimize the lighting, but also contributes to the reduction of electrical appliances throughout the strawberry plantation area, thereby reducing electricity costs.

Sodium lamp characteristics:

  • Optimal power - 400 W.
  • Lighting area - 1 m².
  • Height above the bed level - not more than 1 m.

That is, in order to highlight 1 m² of beds, you will need 1 lamp. At the same time, the lighting intensity should be at least 12 hours for varieties of remote strawberry of a neutral day. And there is a natural question:

- What time will such pleasure cost, in terms of electricity costs?

And here is a rather impressive figure - 1296 kW electricity for the year. And if more precisely, for 9 months in rubles it is about 2 thousand.

But these expenses with interest will overcome the yield, which under all equal conditions can reach 40 kg of strawberries with 1 m². But the wholesale price of 40 kg of strawberries in winter will plunge you into a light shock - at least 20 thousand rubles! Well, from such income has become more fun? Then read on.

Strawberry growing technology in the greenhouse also assumes the presence of additional lighting. Let's say an option of the thermos greenhouse proposed by me in an article about growing colors, which saves up to 75% of electricity on its heating, also needs artificial lighting, especially in winter. Just in the case of a greenhouse, the lighting intensity will be significantly less.

Strawberry beds.

Strawberry beds are, of course, a generalized expression, and, in fact, you will have to construct three-row stellags.

The optimal width of such an shelving is 1 m (see lighting), the height is 1.5 meters, the length is arbitrary. The rack must be divided into 3 rows and in each of the rows set containers: the container width in the lower part is 15 cm, in the upper part 20 cm, the height of the container is 20 cm, the length corresponds to the length of the shelving. The distance between the rows of containers is 20 cm.

Since high load will go on racks, then make them better welded from metal products. For containers, such materials as: plywood, fiberboard, plastic, wood, etc. will be quite suitable.

Other features of the indoor type:

  • Air humidity - 75-80%.
  • Air temperature is 20-22 ° C heat, but not more than 25 degrees.
  • Ventilation is moderate.

So, with the room and its equipment, we figured out and now consider the basic methods of growing strawberries in so unusual conditions for it.

Cooking compost for growing strawberries.

Main compost composition for strawberries - It is 80% light sandy and 20% humus.

As for light sandy, it is not a problem to get such a soil. How to do it correctly, read in the aforementioned article about how to grow flowers in the greenhouse.

But with a slower you need to be careful, as many confuse it with manure. Manure and humus are completely different things, and it is the latter that comes from the first. It doesn't matter what type of manure served as the initial raw material for the formation of humus, the main thing is that the humus is set aside. That is, it must be at least 3 years, the humus should be homogeneous and without any smell of ammonia.

The second moment to pay attention to, after careful mixing of all components of the compost - it is his pasteurization. It would be nice if you equipped the special chamber of compost pasteurization (followed by compost pasteurization in the article on the technology of growing champignons). But if you do not have such an opportunity, you can go to another way.

For compost pasteurization, you will need a closed type capacity of any volume. After the container is filled, thoroughly shed the compost with water and put it on a slow fire. The main thing is to arm a thermometer with a division scale up to 100 ° heat and ensure that the compost temperature is fluctuated in the range of 55-60 ° heat for 10-12 hours, while stirring it constantly.

Before filling the containers with a compost, they must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. And whatever the methods of growing strawberries, such an irrigation system is optimal for each of them. Just surface watering for strawberries is not recommended.

And the drip system of strawberry watering is as follows:

  1. I fill in each container of the compost layer with a height of 10 cm.
  2. We pave on the surface of the compost in the tube containers.
  3. We do in the tubes of the hole at the calculation of the flow of water - 3-4 liters. per 1 m² of rack per day.
  4. We establish the water capacity above the shelving level by 1 m. And connect the system of the tubes to it.

If there is no possibility to automate such watering system, then the required water consumption (3-4 liters per 1 m²) is measured experienced wayThe actual size and number of holes in the tubes.
In addition to its main function, the drip watering system serves as a tool for the delivery of strawberry bushes of nutrients. It can be water-soluble fertilizers, and growth regulators. But it is worth using them or not, everything will depend on the specific situation.

Well, when the watering system is mounted and adjusted, it remains only to fill the containers with soil and move to the cultivation of strawberries.

Selection of strawberry varieties.

What specifically the strawberry grade grow, personally, I can not advise you. The fact is that strawberry varieties are constantly updated and coordinated, but the main criteria for choosing a variety for year-round strawberry cultivation I will give you:

  • The first is a grade ranked repairing strawberries Neutral day (such a strawberry blooms several times a year).
  • The second is the period of formation of berries and barriers from this variety should go continuously.
  • The third is the maximum possible size of berries and their uniform color at the stage of maturity.
  • The fourth is high taste, as well as a strong aroma of berries.

Bookmark of uterine plantation and year-round strawberry crop rotation.

Let's immediately determine the technological period of strawberry fruiting.

Delicious sweet strawberries at home

He will make us 9 months since September to MaySince to grow strawberries in summer on the technology proposed by me is unprofitable, by virtue of its low cost and high competition.

To prepare a good uterine plantation capable of producing a stable harvest in September, it is necessary to hold it back in early April. This is done in two ways: or through the cultivation of removable strawberries by seeds, or through its growing seedlings.

If you do not have the required amount of seedlings obtained from your strawberry plantation, then the second way is the least preferable. Simply in this case, you risk purchased strawberry planting material, not fully appropriate to its initial varietal qualities. Therefore, the best method of booking the first plantation is seeds.

Strawberry seeds are sown in small boxes, Previously with a well-moistened soil and only slightly cover them with a thin layer of land. At the same time, the germination of strawberry seeds is rather low and does not exceed 50%. The main criterion of high seed seeds is bright sunlightIn our case, the light of the sodium lamp, as well as the high humidity of the surface of the soil.

Maintain high humidity of the soil follows water by spraying on it, i.e., drip, surface watering in this case is inappropriate, as water will wash upper layer Soil.

After the first shoots and seedlings of strawberries will be rooted, conducting the first pickup, deploying a strawberry in a checker order according to the scheme - 5x5 cm. Approximately 1.5 months after the first dive, spend the second pickup, deploying strawberries or in rows, with a distance in a broader 20 cm, or in a checked order according to the scheme - 10x10 cm.

As a result, after all this work, you must get required amount The uterine bushes of strawberries, which are in the stage close to the bootonization. In time and quantity, this is expressed as follows: by the end of July you should grow 100 strawberries at the rate of 1 m² of racks.

But for the second year of growing strawberries, you can get planting material not using seeds, but with the help of young sockets. That is, year-round crop rotation in this case will cost you completely free. It is done quite simple. In April, in the free plots of land in containers make a grafting of a mustache, and by the end of May, young bushes of strawberries, referred to as sockets, receive young bushes.

Of all the above, it becomes clear that all strawberry beds require an annual update. And this is not just a whim, but necessity, since the repairing strawberry, unlike the ordinary garden, rarely fruits more than 2 years.

The planting of the uterine bushes on plantation is carried out at the end of July, and by this time it is desirable to obtain the planting material, just typing color. Further care It comes down to watering, fertilizers and, of course, harvest.

In conclusion, I would like to note that for the reproduction of landing material, you need to equip the room equal to the area with the main plantation of strawberries, or just grow the planting material in the open soil.

Home »Strawberry» Cultivation of strawberries at home all year round

Growing strawberries home all year round

Strawberry Growing Technology All year round

Growing strawberries at home!

Strawberry growing technology all year round will allow you to constantly enjoy the taste of these ripe berries. It should be noted that such a method is relatively simple, and if it is ideal to master you can even create a small business at home, which will bring regular income.

How to grow strawberries at home?

First you need to study in more detail these berries, in particular strawberry varieties. Then you should carefully deal with each stage, proper fulfillment Which will allow to collect a high yield. Strawberry exercise at home:

  • establishment of the premises of the necessary system for providing a favorable microclimate (heating, ventilation, feeding, irrigation, feeding) Preparation of components Substratus preparation and storage of seedlings Berry-acquisition of polyethylene bags for growing seedlings of moistened substrate repairs

After planting strawberries is carried out, it is necessary to maintain the optimal microclimate in the room. Moreover, it can be like a glazed balcony and an attic, a veranda, a loggia. Remember that you need to equip, so-called berry blocks.

They can be placed even in several tiers, if the height of the room allows. In order to care for strawberries, it is necessary to build a homemade irrigation system. I see the strawberry all year round can quite grow at your home. The main thing is to just carefully examine all the stages of its cultivation, and strictly follow each item, supporting the favorable conditions for these capricious berries.

How to make money on growing strawberries at home?

Many mistresses are currently trying to make money own hands, growing or designing certain products for vital activity. I want to tell about the cultivation of strawberries at home, it is one of the ways to get money.

Pleasant, juicy, tasty, fragrant, strawberry at home all year round is a big luxury. All year round, looking from the strawberry season in the store there are huge money, and you can not buying to grow strawberry at home.

In search of who grows strawberries at home, I found many blogs on the Internet, and it didn't really surprise me. After all, every thinking mistress takes care of his desk.

Do not forget about the most important thing - to legally maintain a business easily. We start to prepare the premises for growing strawberries, it will be necessary to maintain a favorable temperature all year round. For this, a balcony, a garage, or a non-residential room, will create favorable conditions for growing strawberries.

To do this, in the room microclimate, it has never been making any changes throughout the entire growth of strawberries. In the room 21 degrees wakes up optimal for product growth.

Try indoor lighting closer to natural lighting, turn on the light for 16 hours a day, the night imitation is very useful for the berries. Equip the room with daylight lamps.

The air ventilation is necessary daily, ventilation should be artificial. Fill out with a special substrate polyethylene bags and planted strawberry seedlings, if not, then in ordinary pots.

It just depends on the room and the number of breeding objects, and from future profits. Whatever a huge harvest is required to use polyethylene bags.

Fill the bags with fertilizer and special soil, the same you need to do the hole in the bag (only 4-5), well, and plant seedlings. The most favorable time for planing is considered autumn and spring, and in the home conditions the time is always favorable.

Best is suitable for seedlings repairing strawberry. This variety without irrigation, brings 4-5 yields per year. This is a variety of a yellow miracle, Cardinal, Geneva, Moscow Delicates, Brighton.

If you want to use only these varieties, then in a year, the growth of strawberries up to 2 kg from the area to 20 liters. Natural pollination in the home conditions is absent.

How to pollinate a berry? In the home conditions, we pollinate the berries here are these ways: - Fan, send every morning in the direction of colors. - Use a tassel for drawing, take a tassel for a tassel every morning. Fertilize the berry periodically, the best fertilizer for strawberries is a manure or humus, or mineral fertilizers (which are sold in any flower shop), do not forget after fertilizer, handle strawberry bushes with drugs.

Water strawberry often, but do not pour, but, then destroy the bushes, you need to water each bush per day with 3 liters of water. To do this, prepare a pot or container with a large drainage layer.

There may absolutely every strawberry at home, but there are no patience, but strawberries requires attention and care. Daily daily a few hours for a care for strawberries, and you will feel in harvesting and selling his huge money.

I think you should try. There is also a Dutch method of growing strawberries, which lies in the fact that the plastic bag (2-2.5 m) is filled with peat. In the bag in checkers, small holes are made for seedlings.

Tubes for irrigation are bodied to this bag. Such bags can be accommodated almost everywhere: from the balcony to the garage, so the need for a land plot disappears.

Profitability of strawberry business

How strawberry sales will be held, is the important component of the business. It is very desirable to preliminarily draw up a business plan for the cultivation of strawberries. Possible:

  1. Implementation in fresh form; Recycling.

Experts believe that the opening of its own outlets is not always favorable decisionSince, for example, in the winter season, up to 80% of strawberries are implemented through supermarkets, and in the spring and summer, the main part of sales falls on the markets. After how the main components are purchased to launch a business, it is also worth considering the purchase of a refrigeration chamber for berries. . Trade view is one of the main conditions for the successful sale of strawberries. Thanks refrigerated cameras You can save berries over two weeks.

According to experts, the profitability of strawberry growing is a greenhouse in more than 100%, and attachments pay off for 1-2 seasons.

How to grow strawberries at home

Costs for keeping strawberry business In greenhouses, 40-60% higher than the use of the method on the open soil.

Cultivation of strawberries at home

Strawberry can be grown at home or at the cottage. This follows:

  1. Decide on the choice of place. Future profit depends on the size of the plot and the possibility of investment. Support the necessary funds and equipment. Clear varieties.

When caring for strawberries, it is necessary to remember these rules:

  1. Strawberries need constant watering, especially this is important in hot weather. Regular watering will make berries more juicy. For rapid growth and good "well-being" strawberries need sunlight, so constant access to it is needed. After which the strawberry grows, needs a constant fertilizer feeding. There are special mixtures, but nitrogen fertilizers, humid, ash, etc. can be used. It is necessary to continuously clean the soil from weeds so that they do not take all the necessary vitamins.

Rabbit-breeding as a business way can be earned on animal husbandry in Russia today? Is it profitable to engage in beekeeping - the answer in our review. The extension of strawberries at home as a business is common among those who live in own home with land. Who has large premises, He can deal with the cultivation of strawberries at home all year round, including in winter.

Industrial growing strawberries

For the industrial scales of growing strawberry, plantation is used for only one season. To reduce the costs and preservation of yield after the first harvest, the plantation is usually praised. One-year strawberry is best to plant in summer and regularly water, but the seedlings must be prepared in the fall and stored in the refrigerator until landing.

In addition to special training, it is necessary to plant a strawberry enough, about 180-220 thousand plants for one hectare of the Earth. It is a way to plant several varieties of strawberries in one section at different speeds of fruit ripening, thus ensures regular harvest for a long time. The most popular varieties of strawberries, giving a good harvest, is a talisman, redgountner, Zenga Zeengan, etc.

The cultivation of strawberries is a very profitable and interesting business. Like any other sphere, it requires a business plan and thinking of all parts of the production of berries. Everything that is necessary for growing berries can be easily purchased.

In compliance with all the features, such an attachment quickly pays off and brings good income.

We bring to your attention a video on business for the cultivation of strawberries:

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New Growing Technology

Method of hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a locked way. At the same time, the plants receive all the most necessary useful elements that are supplied as nutrient solutions.

Such solutions are prepared on the basis of which plants are grown, and in which growth period they are. Due to the hydroponic method, not only the cultivation of plants can be carried out, but also landing seeds for seedlings.

Copies grown with hydroponics develop far much faster. And the fruits bring much more often.

This method justified occupied his niche among modern technologieswhich create comfortable and economical conditions for breeding plants.

Hydroponic - advantageous cultivation. Many developed countries have long switched to the hydroponic cultivation method in room conditions.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the video that will help to fold the overall idea what hydroponics is at home. Gydroponika, as an ordinary greenhouse on the windowsill, only more comfortable in caring, and convenient in the plan of cultivation. No need to pull out the earth and wear heavy pots.

Usually, the tanks for hydroponics are light and comfortable. Even flower lovers began to abandon classical ways to grow homemade plants in favor of a modern hydroponic method.

Advantages of alternative technology

Using a bought hydroponic or hand-made equipment, you can simplify the cultivation of plants. Will not need:

  • loose soil; get rid of pests; treat plants from different diseases.

This is the charm of this innovation method that costs are required at least, and the crop will delight constantly. Also, in almost any room, where there is heating in winter, you can grow plants regularly.

Vintage varieties of strawberries

Returning to all the favorite strawberries, which can be grown yearly in apartments, greenhouses and even the premises of the base type, we note that the most common varieties for hydroponic techniques have become removable. Such as fresco, Mount Everest and a yellow miracle. The giant Maxim, Crown, Elvira, were best suited for the Dutch varieties of strawberries, For growing in conditions of closed rooms. And for beginners in breeding by a hydroponic way, it is better not to find these.

Methods for the implementation of hydroponic cultivation

This or another grade is chosen, now you can start the selection of the method of hydroponics itself. The method according to which strawberry cultivation will be taken, are chosen based on the location and number of plants. There are several effective methods, one of which is the "periodic flooding system".

This method is perfect for a large number of strawberry seedlings. The hydroponics of periodic flooding, simply speaking, is a constant system with well-established processes. The next method of hydroponics is "deep-water culture".

It is for strawberries that he is not very suitable. All because strawberries are a plant that loves water, but does not transfer her stagnation.

Of course, the plants will grow and bring a crop, but still not so much and not as fast as I would like. The suitable and optimal method of growing strawberries in hydroponics is the "nutritious layer". In such installations, useful substances in the form of aqueous solutions are circulated by the bottom of the containers constantly.

The strawberry itself is placed for growing in the cups. As the "adults" of plants, their roots will be immersed in solution, getting everything you need. The next method is called "drip watering".

It is perfect for large strawberry lovers who exercise its cultivation in fairly large quantities. The piquancy of this method is that strawberries can be placed vertically, building a sort of rack in several "floors".

Ideally, a strawberry is suitable for such a hydroponic method, which can produce berries and on subsidiaries. By choosing this method, you can get large crops of fragrant berries, while saving space in the conditions of home premises. What does this method of hydroponics look like, you can see the next video.

Sounds of growing strawberries in hydroponics

No matter what method you choose to grow strawberries at home, it is worth considering some features and moments. They will help achieve better results and get a whole year large yields. First, the solution with nutrients should not fall on the plant.

Secondly, a standing solution for strawberries is not suitable. Third, so that strawberries grew well, you need to pick up a vessel with a capacity of 3 liters. For example, for 4 bushes of strawberries, a capacity of 10 - 15 liters will be needed. And in one square meter will fit from 18 to 22 plants.

Medium-sized bushes can be planted with a gap at 15 - 30 cm. And large bushes with wide leaves can be placed away from each other.

The substrate for strawberries should be chosen by hard, but with excellent air passability. For example, clamzite, large river sandchips with coconuts or mineral wool. Plants feel great in such mail, and their root system breathes perfectly.

As for the compositions of nutrient solutions, it is better to contact the specialists. They will help to make up right proportions. As a rule, the main criteria in this will be the time of year and the current stage of the growth of strawberries.

Flowers and gardeners Amateur are often used by universal solutions. Exactively strawberries in hydroponics, in comfortable conditions for you, you need to monitor the temperature in the room. Meeting the temperature norms necessary for strawberries, you can immediately notice the results of excellent yield.

For the night, try to maintain the indicators on the thermometer in the range of 16-18 C. During the day, increase the temperature of up to 24 s or 25 s. Dlya hydroponic strawberry is very important. Try to create lighting conditions in 60 000 lumens at least 12 hours per day.

If possible, such a backlight comparable to the solar light in power must be left at 17 to 18 hours. The extension is quite common in such a method. And many say that the bright future will be secure, thanks to precisely hydroponics.

It can be grown not only to strawberries, but also other plants for agriculture. As, for example, in Holland, hydroponics is used for cultivation and strawberries, and vegetables, and even colors.

Posted on November 25, 2013 by Farmer without hassle in video, gardening // 0 Comments, fiction - you say, reality - Let's say we! Very few know that strawberries can be grown all year round, and today we share our secrets so that you can grow strawberries all year round .

Strawberry Queen of berries, as well as rose queen flowers . Which in winter is reminded of such a pleasant time of year as summer, maybe not only in the photo, but on your plate. If you are interested in it, then carefully read our article - strawberries all year round, and you can enjoy the taste of these magic berries, when you only wish.

Strawberry all year round

So, strawberry all year round, myth or reality? the method is to plant a strawberry after she gave a harvest and keep a certain time in this anabiosis, after which it is planted in greenhouses, apartments or in the open ground, it all depends on climatic conditions.

Store strawberry in the state of the anabiosis you can 8-9 months, after you landed such a strawberry in the ground, for a week, two, the first shoots will appear. Growing strawberries round year What to start, first of all, you need to take care of the room in which you will grow strawberries, you need to come from whether you are going to sell strawberries or you will grow it for your needs, the area of \u200b\u200bthe required premises depends on this, it should be stable in the room , Room temperature. The mincer is grown in large polyethylene bags, the bag must be filled with a substrate, for this you can use a mixture of perlite and peat.

Along the bag, the elongated approximately eight centimeters, planting holes, in checker, four vertical rows are made. At the same time, the distances between the holes are approximately 23-24 cm.

Bags are placed on the floor if the bags are small allowed to place them in two tiers. The density of bags is about two, three bags per square meter. The next action is to supply bags, for this you need to build a small irrigation system.

It is made from the tubes for the dropper, to each bag, you need to spend 3 tubes, to the bottom, middle and upper parts of the bag, the gap in 55 centimeters. The upper ends of the droppers are connected to the distribution pipe, which is placed above the bags.

For each bag, you need about two liters of solution per day. Growing strawberries all year round may become a profitable business for you, but it will require a lot of strength and perseverance, but if you do not scare hard work, then growing strawberries all year round can significantly replenish your budget.

Strawberry growing problems all year round

One of the main problems is that in the open ground with hot weather, in bags the temperature increases very much, and the roots of plants are preferred, so that this method is most suitable for growing strawberries in the premises, but not in the open soil.

Nutrient solution for growing strawberries or strawberries.

Nutrient formula for strawberries

Year-round growing of strawberries - what technology will take advantage of?

  • What way to better grow strawberries in winter?

With the word "strawberry" in the mouth, her amazing sweetness is felt in his mouth, and pleasant images swim in front of her eyes: ripe strawberries on a bush, heated by the sun; Strawberry with cream; Gentle dessert, decorated with strawberries ... This summer delicious berry Quite often at our desk, and imagine how guests and household survive, if you delight them with fresh strawberries in the "not season"! And not the imported berry, which lies on the counters of supermarkets, causing doubts about its utility, but the most real home strawberry, juicy and fragrant. Now the growing of strawberries all year round is able to engage in anyone who will have such a desire.

To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to have a heated greenhouse, you can grow a berry and in the usual flower pot On the kitchen window. All that will be required of you: stock seedlings, earth, tanks under strawberry seedlings and, of course, patience, because strawberries - a rather capricious plant.

The main secrets and subtleties of year-round growing of strawberries ^

How can I get the bushes of strawberries to be fruit in autumn, winter and spring? The secret is simple: in the sleeping condition, strawberry seedlings, duck up in the fall from your site, can be stored until nine months, for this it is enough to keep it in the refrigerator or in a cool basement.

In the natural environment, the strawberry "wakes up" after the snow comes down, and when stored at home you can "wake up" the seedlings at the moment when you want. Thus, getting alternately bushes seedlings from the basement or refrigerator and planting them into the ground, you can get the desired result - the strawberry will be fruit without a break. important momentThat you will need to take into account - the seedlings of strawberries need a long-lasting day (up to 14 hours a day).

In the autumn-winter period, the days are very short, so you have to use artificial lighting. Any of the technology of growing strawberries all year round is based on the fact that plants provide additional illumination with the help of fluorescent lamps. Executive will also pollinate flowers, regardless of what strawberry varieties have chosen for year-round cultivation.

If you planted a few strawberry bushes at home or in a greenhouse, you can pollimate them with a simple soft tassel, affecting her every day every flower. In large greenhouses you can put a hive with bees to ensure natural pollination. The best thing is fruitful all year round strawberries, whose varieties are distinguished by high yield and ability to tie the bers several times after the first fruiting. These are such a variety as.