Repairs Design Furniture

Indoor plants in the interior, design and accommodation (57 photos). Flowers in the interior of the apartment and at home how beautifully put flowers

By purchasing new plants into the room, few people think about how to position them correctly and combine each other. But thanks to correctly selected compositions, you can hide flaws or form bright splashes in the interior. Indoor Flowers in the Interior

Indoor plants in the interior are visually expanding the room, create a special atmosphere and allow you to divide the space of the apartment.

Do you use live flowers or artificial, they must come to:

  • interior and furniture;
  • room dimensions;
  • stylistics.

Room design with flowers

Purchasing plants for design, first of all it is necessary to take into account - can you create optimal conditions content, and to give time to care for them. To flowers in the interior of the apartment become an ornament, they need to choose, drawing on the style of the room.

  1. Under high-tech, it is necessary to acquire simple houseplants With the leaves of the right shape, aspiring up.
  2. If the design uses elegant furniture from expensive wood, with elements of marble, steel, glass, then beautifully will look at the plants of distinct forms.
  3. Under the furniture of English and french styles Ideal fit blossoms and bush species.
  4. Camellia, azaleas, campaunduls, roses will help to give a romantic mood.
  5. Those who are primarily important clean air, you can stop your choice on aloe, and abandon growing lilies.
  6. An important role is played by the background. Large varieties are suitable for the wallpaper with a small pattern.
  7. Plants repeating the color of wallpaper, curtain or upholstery look very impressive.
  8. Black and white contrast interior refresh bright plants.

Room decor bouquets

Room decor with flowers

Popular plants in the interior

The most common flowering room plant in the interior of the house - orchid. She fits B. various styles, thanks to the nobility and restraint of lines, abundance of colors. Lovers of living decor often acquire palm trees, ficuses and monsters. Green anthuriums and hypipersmamum are also popular.

Bocarnea and Yucca are often placed in living rooms and kitchens. They have a powerful stem, which is perfectly combined with minimalist stylization. In the children's most often you can meet violets and drabs. They can replace the ionizer, as the air is well moisturized. In the nursery should not have cacti and monsters.

Very popular ficus with motley foliage, as it retains an attractive appearance throughout the year. Unpretentious, in addition, it highlights certain substances that contribute to cleaning air from bacteria, and creates a good microclimate indoors. Among the blooming can be distinguished by such popular views of the house as: Stefanotis, Clivia, Gardenia, Camellia and Echmea. With proper care, they will delight abundant and long blossoms.

Beautiful flowers in room design

Positive aspects of landscaping

Live plants in the house absorb carbon dioxide, enrich air oxygen, moisturize it, purified from gases and dust. Green color Soothes and relaxes man. In addition, flowers in pots have healing properties - they highlight phytoncides that contribute to the destruction of microbes.

And, of course, indoor plants are a natural element of decoration, which allows you to create a unique atmosphere, filled with harmony in the apartment.

Flowers in vases in the interior

Room design with flowers

Interior design

If the flora in the interior of the apartment is much, then you need to take into account whether living plants can safely be with each other. In the neighborhood, it is necessary to place plants, taking into account the similarity of their lighting requirements and watering. In addition, when creating beautiful design It is advisable to place flowers with different shapes, texture and leaves color.

You can position the classic composition in one vase: on the edges, miniature plants forming a lush border, then a flora with bright large leaves, and in the center a high flower.

Under minimalist stylization, you can pick up large outdoor species: Picky tail, drazes. Modern interior Stressed vasons performed under the steel. The Scandinavian style is actively used by flowering flora. For such a decor the ideal option We will become pots of bright contrasting color.

Beautiful room design with flowers

Room decoration with live flowers

Flurarums are glass vessels in which the thermal-loving tropical representatives of flora grow. At the peak of popularity in Phytodizain today - the Rutary. Various stumps, roots and branches of trees are the basis for installing vases with blooming varieties in the niche velocked in them. Such a decor is characterized by a bizarre form and looks stylish and natural.

One more interesting idea - A high single flower is planted into the floor vase in which moss or curly varieties are planted.

Live flowers in the interior of the room

Room decor with flowers

Artificial plants

More recently, the use of artificial plants was considered vulgar and testified to the lambless of the owners. After all, such a decor was performed from cheap materials, he had an unnatural shape and often was painted in excessively bright colors. Today, artificial plants good quality It is almost impossible to distinguish from natural. Therefore, they are increasingly used when decorating the interior.

The minimalism is suitable: rice straw, jasmine or bamboo. For high-tech can be purchased decorative flowers Digid tones, they will give the room a feeling of beauty and harmony. The main advantage of artificial decor lies in the fact that it does not require special care. Place decorative flowers needed away from hitting sun raySince they are susceptible to burnout.

Room decor with flowers

Flowers in Room Design

Plants in the lobby

For the decor of the hallway it is necessary to use unpretentious teothelubile live plants. It can be lush bushes or plants with strong leaves that are not damaging with random touch. On the floor, the room flowers must stand in low heavy tipping resistant vases. In the hall often placed cissor, palm trees and ivy. Plants from the hallway periodically need to be taken over to light, otherwise they may heat.

Room design with flowers

Room design with flowers

Plants in the kitchen

Various views grow well in the kitchen. The main rule is not to install flowers around the slab. In the kitchen, elevated humidity and regular temperature differences, so live flowers must be purchased based on the specified features. On the table, miniature vases with flowers look good. Pots should be combined with kitchen topics, for example, steel pots will be appropriate in High-tech, and not ceramic.

An interesting and practical idea is to grow fragrant herbs and spices, fruit plants (pepper, small pomegranate or coffee, lemon tree). Depending on the stylization of the kitchen, cups, saucepans, chairs, clay dishes can be applied as a container.

White flowers in the interior of the room

Flowers in the interior

Plants in the living room

In a spacious living room, you can install large plants, for example, yukka, draping. You can visually expand the space using climbing, small plants. Decorating the living room can suspend baskets, flurarals. Miniature flower arrangement not exceeding 30 cm may become beautiful decoration Table.

New trend in landscaping living room - terrarium. The composition can be placed in any corner of the room. The terrarium looks original and gives the room a unique and unique view.

Room decor with flowers

Live flowers in the interior

Plants in the bedroom

Spacious bedrooms harmoniously fit outdoor plants in stylish vases. For Country or Provence Rooms miniature Roses or violet. It is undesirable to overload the bedroom with an abundance of flowers, especially with a strong smell. It is better to avoid lilies and fern, as they "steal" oxygen.

Trend in landscaping the bedroom is the cultivation of essential greenery. You can fill the room with a pleasant aroma, putting myrtle, mint, tea tree or oleander. Waving stress, and insomnia will help Lavender.

Room design with flowers

Room decor with flowers

Indoor flowers in the bathroom

The bathroom is installed a flora that loves high humidity, twilight and warmth. If there is no window in the bathroom, it is recommended to install phytolampu.

Flowers in the bathroom create a cozy unusual setting, but at the same time they can form a number of inconvenience. In a small bathroom, flowers can be installed on the shelves, or in suspended vases. This option is not covered with space, fills empty places, and the flowers do not interfere. In large bathrooms will be appropriately tree flowers and not lush plants. To the flora, placed in the bathroom must be treated very carefully. You can not install colors on the bath, washing machine, sink or near shower.

Beautiful bouquet in the interior of the room

Flowers in the interior of the room

Color Vazone in the Interior

The gorgeous range of indoor plants provides an opportunity to beautifully arrange any room. Each type is revealed completely differently depending on the background, falling light, adjacent colors and general interior. The main advice is fantasize, because first of all the flowers in the interior of the apartment should like you. If you do not know where to install a container, you can experiment with its location, and the most suitable place there is itself.

A distinctive feature of the residential interior can be considered the active inclusion of greenery into it, the use of its hygienic and aesthetic qualities. Especially since compared to other design details, indoor plants in the interior of the apartment often occupy a neutral position.

Positive aspects of landscaping

Greens in the interior can solve several tasks, for example:

  • promoting environmental equilibrium of human habitat can both artificial and live flowers;
  • the abundance of green helps to ease the visual work of the eyes;
  • indoor plants in the interior are able to increase air humidity.

In addition, green compositions, both artificial and alive, can visually change the proportions of the room and significantly increase the color expressiveness of the design of residential space.

Interesting information for the owners of small rooms! The position of the green composition, in which larger plants are located in the foreground, and in the depths - those that less, visually extends the space.

The green group can have both independent artistic value and, as used as a background, can emphasize the advantages of works of art, such as:

  • collections of sea shells;
  • plastic;
  • butterflies.

As indoor plant paints a place

Comfortable existence in the walls of the apartment depends on how correctly plants are selected depending on the activity flowing here. For example, a neutral working environment is welcomed in premises for sleep and mental work, and the greens must match it.


Planning, try to avoid the accumulation of living room plants in the interior that "steal" oxygen indoors (at night the flowers consume oxygen, and in the afternoon it is distinguished). You can replace them with similar artificial flowers.

Aloe and Kalanchoe - plants that suitable for accommodation in the bedroomBecause they allocate oxygen at night. Aloe is still to begin and because extracts that increase the protective functions of the body are prepared from its healing leaves. And the juice of this "green friend" heals the skin and prolongs her youth.


Choose flowers in the children's room should be so that they have a beneficial effect on the child, especially on psycho-emotional and physical level.

Fern (Nephrolesceis) and AdianTum (Veineline Hair) - have soothing effects, affect mainly on nervous system. Cyclamen and fat mans develop creative abilities and hard work in humans. And Solerolia and Uzambar violet bring a good mood and positive settinghelp remove depressive condition.

Important! It is necessary to know the measure and better restrict ourselves to the room with two and three small plants.


For example, the kitchen should acquire plants that can carry the temperature differences. To tolerate kitchen flavors and heat can aloe, ficus, asparagus, as well as any artificial flowers.


"Picky tail" or Sanseviewier - It looks very interesting in any room. This flower is extremely unpretentious and straightened - it is easy to fit not only on a well-lit sunny window sill kitchen, but also in a steadless place, and even the shadow in the hallway will endure. In the hallway, which usually experiences a daylight deficiency, nevertheless, can quite safely exist both live plants and artificial flowers capable of bringing comfortable.

Aspidistra - modest in its beauty, but it is difficult not to notice it. This indoor plant has endurance and the ability to exist in any conditions - a real gift for the hallway and kitchen.

Fern With its bright greens and elegant form of plants, perfectly fit into any interior. There are many of their varieties, and some - the need for light is not very high.

Monster - Full shadowish plantAnd if you put it in a pot in a pot with green leaves or mellitant phylogendrons, then such a spectacular composition is able to decorate the interior of the hallway and the kitchen.

Living room

The center of active gardening in the apartment is a living room and for it their compositions are chosen. For a common room, you should select bright or large types of colors. Zamiculkas, or " dollar tree", - the perfect accent version of landscaping. He will decorate any living room interior, giving him a kind of "Europe", despite its "African" origin.

In the outdoor placement of living or artificial flowers in the living room, they are usually installed in the recreation area - in chairs, chaise lounges.

Vrizia He got the name "Flaming Sword" due to its spectacular transverse leaves and bright accommodate inflorescences - orange or red. It is amazing for creating bright accents In the interior of the living room, especially if it is located in a well-lit place.

Anthurium It will also help "add fire" in the living room with its red shades, regardless of whether artificial is flowers or alive. Externally, this "handsome" with its bright red color resembles a graceful bird flamingo, he is shadowed, but it will be good to bloom only in a bright living room. Most often on the floor of the living room are installed decorative vases With branches, artificial colors or large alive plants.

Properly selected pot will be able to emphasize the beauty of the indoor flower in the interior of the apartment, so the choice of it is no less responsible than the acquisition of the plant itself. So, the modest Sansevieria (sicky tail) "will play" by other colors if placing the flower in the color of gold color.

On a note! achieve the sophistication of the style in the interior can simple way: choose the right color and shape pot for indoor plants.

When choosing a container, follow the rules:

  1. Focus on your apartment style:
  2. In order for the pot to fit the flower, pick up bright but not screaming, products for plants with monoocratic leaves, but for volatile - one-photon containers are better suitable. The flowering plant, which in the offseason loses its decorativeness, also need to maintain the original pot, for example, glass or metal container. Transparent dishes are usually chosen for orchids, and chrome products are most often used as a cuisine;
  3. in a bright monochrome classic, bright pots with domestic flowers will perfectly fit, quite suitable for the kitchen;
  4. for a concise interior in the photo, the dishes for indoor plants need to be selected brilliant - black or white;
  5. the interior of the room in a rustic or romantic style, originality will give painted capacity from under sweets or tea, in this case the acting part of the pots for indoor plants.

The effect of exposure to even the simplest compositions from indoor plants can be enhanced by backlight to emphasize the originality of the interior.

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Room Flowers, bringing family happiness

Plants located in the house are able to have a positive effect on the relationship between all households. However, in addition to favorable exposure, they can make a disharmony in family relationships. Look at your windowsill, it is likely that it is where the reason for misunderstanding and the frequent conflicts in the family is.

Ficus has a very powerful positive energy that applies throughout the apartment. Big Ficus will look good in the kitchen. This indoor plant helps smooth conflict situations And makes harmony in family relationships.

Cactus absorbs harmful radiation emanating from household appliancesAnd also protects the dwelling from evil forces. However, this plant is not recommended to put in the bedroom, because it can make a disharmony in sexual relations between spouses. The needles of this room plants are able to cool the passion.

Monster radiates severe positive energy. Monster also helps get rid of headaches. If you feel a caustic longing, then this is a house plant will help to overcome apathy and depression. Family people, this flower helps to achieve an understanding, quarrels between spouses occur much less often.

Dracaenait is a symbol of well-being, success and execution of desires. Get in your apartment in the apartment is a truly magic room plant to make it easier to overcome everyday problems.

Room Flowers bringing

Lonely people dreaming of finding family happiness, you can give spathifylum. This unusual indoor plant will be a reliable assistant for a young unmarried girlwhich has already desperately gain family happiness. However, Nickythillum cannot be given to anyone or take out of the house. Together with a plant from the house can leave and happiness.

The violet is a symbol of devotion. This beautiful indoor plant will help get rid of loneliness and find a suitable satellite of life.

Hibiscus is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. This room flower also helps to get rid of loneliness

Zamiculkas is a houseplant that is revered from various peoples of the world for a long time. This exotic flower attracts good luck and helps to find a life satellite.

Indoor Flowers bringing financial well-being

Fasting is a houseplant that is specifically cropped in order to attract money to the house. To strengthen the energy of this plant, put it in a bright red pot, and put several coins on the bottom.

Geranium also brings prosperity to the house. This houseplant is a symbol of financial well-being and stability.

Bamboohe has many shoots that arrive rushes upwards. Bamboo brings good luck to its owner in all spheres of his life.

Video on the topic


  • Houseplants of happiness

All that surrounds us has its own, unique energy and appearing in our lives, anyway, affects us. Most strong energy They have live beings and plants, so choosing a room flower, listen to yourself how comfortable your neighborhood will be.

Flowers with positive energy beneficially affect the state of the health of tenants, and on the relationship in the family. Such plants include geranium, myrth, foolishness, violet, poinsettia and chrysanthemum. Each of them, giving up its energy, nourishes your house with calm and pacification.

Geranium will calm the nerves and clean the air, the Mirt will help to establish relationships with his spouse, and Poinsettia will make it look at this world in a new way and reveal the secret talents.

Flowers with severe energy will protect your home from negative and bad thoughts. Monster neutralizes bad energy and brings good luck to the house, cactus helps to pacify the rage, and Echmea will give you confidence.

Drycakes and artificial plants have gained popularity due to its original kind and minimal care, but, unfortunately, these plants have a very negative energy and are unlikely to benefit and comfort your home. Leave these compositions for offices and non-residential premises.

Listen to your colors, watch them, make friends, then they will answer you reciprocity and will direct all their strength to improve energy in your home. If you subconsciously do not like some flower, better give it to friends, since you did not find with him common languagePerhaps in your friend's house you need just such a plant to create harmony.

Video on the topic


  • First on Feng Shui

Tip 3: Gerana is beautiful, unpretentious and useful plant for home

Geranium (Pelargonium) is very popular home plant And all because it is beautiful and easy to care. And that is not all…

Even if you do not have special knowledge to grow plants at home, gaining geranium in a pot, you will long years Enjoy her healthy view and beautiful bloom, since this plant does not require particularly difficult care. In order for geranium to feel well, it will be enough good watering and lighting.

Gerana also a good choice To decorate the balcony in the summer, planting on the flower in the country. You can find geranium different colors - From white to dark burgundy, moreover, new ones are constantly appearing.

Geranium can easily breed with stalling (just ask the owner of a beautiful geranium to "tear off a piece" for breeding), as well as grow from seeds.

To form a lush bush, geranium is recommended to trim, pinch. Geranium trimming is carried out in autumn, in the spring you can fix the shortcomings formed in the winter. If you want, Gerani's bush is great and lush, as Geranian grows, it is worth transferring it to a more spacious pot.

Gerani benefit

Geranium essential oil is recommended for aromatherapy with poor mood, depression, it also improves blood circulation. Its analgesic, antiseptic effect on the human body. The healing gerainist is still many in the ear at otitis or applied to a sick tooth. Geranium cleans the air indoors, its smell does not tolerate some types of insects. It is also considered that it does not give people to quarrel, normalizes the atmosphere in the family.

Plants, and all the green mass of the globe, appeared long before the first person. This is nature, nature, cleanliness and freshness. It is not surprising that a person strives to be closer to nature and the surrounding greenery. Parks big cities Not empty on weekends, collecting cheerful children and their parents. Many families create whole gardens and mini-greenhouses in their apartments to see greens and rejoice at this.

Plants in the house are needed. Just. For the soul. For joy. For good health. You can list a lot of items and explain each of them, but any "home gardening" has noted for myself for myself.

Room flowers, firstly, create comfort. The very, family and warm, corner of Paradise in a huge metropolis. Many people growing and leaving home in personal housing seek the same idyll of childhood. Plants soothe after work and a difficult day. They fill us with energy, causing rejoice in life in any of its manifestations.

Plants in the house saves a person from diseases. From contaminated air in the city, from the noise of the civilized world, from harmful emissions. No vain city authorities try to ride the city. In the past, there were no synthetic drugs, many diseases treated herbs. And now it is practiced. Even doctors advise to lamel at least those rooms in the house where you spend the most time.

All colors, whether they are large or small, blooming or evergreens, have their own bioenergetic field. Of course, human mood also affects them. Flowers grow well and develop in the house where calm or fun reigns, where there is no constant swearing and a fight, where cheerfulness is a family credo. Plants absorb the state of the owners, and then again give energy whatever it is.

Flowers can be grateful to the owners. Good care, timely watering, feeding - and they will give you blossom or rain green mass.

Plants are needed to people. Just like that for mood.

Most of the owners of the household plots would like to see in its garden an aquatic area - at least small, but still his personal "lake". In response to this request on sale appeared finished structures For the device of express reservoirs from polymeric materials. The task of those who want to have a reservoir comes down to dig a suitable pit and install the plastic bowl of the selected configuration into it. But how to choose the right tank for the pond?

The zucchini contains vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and other useful substances. Its dietary fibers are adsorbed toxins, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This vegetable is considered an indispensable dietary product. Thanks to a gentle pulp, easily digestible by the body, it is recommended as the first lure for children. At the same time, the zucchini is not so difficult and growing. But there are tricks that will help get a truly rich harvest from each bush.

Cultivation of crops with a long period of vegetation through seedlings is a painstaking process that occupies more than one month. And, agree, incredibly disappointing when the results of our works are dying in a matter of days. Seedlings grown on the windowsill, very difficult to rebuilt and get used to the new habitat, although the conditions open soil Much naturally for plants. Our task is to do everything possible that their survival level is approaching 100%.

When there is a desire to plant and grow a small care garden, in which, if you work, then not "before you drop", then you have to look for suitable decorative plants. Naturally, these plants should be not demanding of soils, watering, resistant to diseases and pests. But, moreover, we need them to be decorative! And if it were also beautifully blooming ... And what do you think? There are such plants. About one of them today and talk - Magonia Padoliste.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet pepper - juicy, tasty and useful. This dish is suitable for the dietary and low-calorie menu. Several thin slices of a juicy meat roll with a salad of fresh vegetables - than not breakfast before working day. We'll have to tinker with the formation of the product itself, and then a couple of hours to observe the preparation - the rolls can be prepared for a pair in packages for baking or cook in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 ° C.

Pasternak ordinary, or Pasternak field, or Pasternak Sowing (Pastinaca Sativa) in the wilderness is widespread in regions with a temperate climate (the middle strip of Russia, the North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but still rarely meets garden areas. True, today the popularity of Pasternak is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping, it is used as a feed plant and honey, and in cooking - as a delicious and useful vegetable.

Among the plants, one type of which seems to transfer us to the rainforest filled with aroma, Kviscvais is one of the most "atmospheric". It is a rare and valuable room and greenhouse liana. And although the plant has long been retrained to the genus of combolds, not recognizable it is very difficult. This topwick is unusual. The favorite feature of the quincels remains the inflorescences, in which elegant flowers from snow-white are quickly repainted in crimson-red.

Fast and very tasty cabbage and pork salad. A similar salad prepares Koreans, apparently our hostesses they have spied this delicious recipe. Indeed, it is very fast in the preparation of the dish, and even without having special culinary experience, it is easy to cook it. Pork choose a non-fat, the shoulder blade is suitable, a fuel part. Salo is better to cut. Early cabbage You can simply cut, and the winter I advise mutunating fine, sprinkle salt and grind your hands.

Universal favorite from the number of decorative-hardening perennials of the host conquers not only the beauty of the leaves. She is durable and relatively undemanding, in proper place It grows for many years, but it is difficult to call fast-growing. The host is multiplied easily, although to obtain spectacular high-decorative bushes and have to be patient. For an independent increase in the collection of the host, first of all, you need to remember the peculiarities of this culture.

Dill spreads perfectly by self-sowing, so many daches do not consider it necessary to heal this culture every year on the plot. But everyone understood that dill dill - Maine. And the greens carefully grown in the garden on the garden in their taste and aroma, as a rule, exceeds the greenery of dill, which grows by itself. In this article, tell me how to have a green dill on the beds in sufficient quantity From early spring to late autumn.

Styr-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and iceberg salad - a quick dinner recipe or lunch for a busy person. It is necessary for its cooking not more than 15 minutes, and you can feed a couple of hungry mouths, which are not difficult to wait for the surrounding lunch. Styr-Fry is a way to quickly roast vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Do not be mistaken if the Wok frying pan is among your kitchen utensils. Conventional frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating Also suit.

Among the plants that can boast a motley foliage, Alpinia claims not only the most rare, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboo and maranth settlements, and sometimes even about ripenes. True, on the last it is similar only to its inflorescences. Luxury leaves, most often covered with pesting contrasting stripes, look so modern that the beauty of their flawless patterns and glitter cannot be admired.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage with mushrooms - pair cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and length menu. The cabbage rolls are unusually tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their fellow white cabbageStewed in the roaster or roasted in a pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier white, Kochan loose, it is easier to disassemble it on separate leaves. The color of the leaves - from gently green, to the emerald.

IN winter time Each summer house is looking forward to spring and with pleasure opens the season with the first sowing of floral and vegetable crops on seedlings. But, unfortunately, the place on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the desired number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, something from the crops can simply do not ascend, something will die ... Yes, and we, dacnis, how many puts are not enough! Therefore, at least some seedlings, but it buys almost every gardener.

The cultivation of annuals in the garden has at least two advantages, compared with the cultivation of perennial colors. First, most popular annual plants Abundant bloom throughout the growing season. Secondly, many seats are freely seen and year after year appear in the garden with minimal participation on the side of the flower. What agents can be planted only once, and after, following unacceptable techniques, meet them in the garden every season?

Indoor flowers add paint to our life, create a mood and home comfort. They can bring huge benefit to their owners. Therefore, it is necessary to choose them correctly, as certain types do not simply revive the room, but also improve well-being, warmed into the cold and just please the eyes.

Useful properties of home plants

Here are the main of them:

  • Carbon dioxide carbon dioxide accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal types of plants are treated cuts, burns, colds and other malaise.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers promote humidification of air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created household appliances and home appliances. It is able to influence the well-being of a person, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from emissions of factories and enterprises. Plants purify air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Folk beliefs emphasize indoor flowers to bring happiness, harmony, calm, etc. We included some plants in our review, which according to the signs are useful for their owners.

Houseplants: Choose for yourself and loved ones


This is a well-known home leak. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heals the wounds. Its juice is used to treat the throat, heartburn, gastritis, with inflammation of gums and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetics.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and rush leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldful fungi and pathogenic bacteria, clean the air from the harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring calm and comfort to the house.


Great for growing in a pot on the windowsill. It contributes to improving appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its sheets are well used as seasonings to various dishes and brew tea with them.


Many favorite plant Perfectly fit into the kitchen interior and will not take much space. The violet will clean and moisturize the air from carbon monoxide gases. This flower is a symbol of peace and calm in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give calm, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen the character. Flowers Red I. pink colour Raise the mood and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


Perfectly copes with the task of collecting dust, which settles on his leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, clean the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, soothes and relieves disturbing thoughts.


Beautiful liana, for example, Szindapsus looks good in suspended porridge. Has green leaflets of heart-shaped with yellowish spots. She is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. SzindapSus converts lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Waxy Ivy

This is a curly flower with solid oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red inflorescences-umbrellas. The plant neutralizes the negative energy in the house, protects the owner from trouble and cleans the air from the microbes.


Magnificent curving geranium has many healing properties. It scares the mole and evil spirits, eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep and fights with pathogens of bacteria. One presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfill the desires. The aroma of these colors relaxes and removes headaches. If the plant is tugged, then they believe that someone from households can get sick.


This plant can be squat or high, with a thick trunk. It is often called cash tree. The crack has small dark green leaves, which are located on branches in a symmetrical order. They look like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat man can attract material benefits into the house.

Sansevieria (Teschin Language)

Pretty high plant with massive elongated leaves. They are monophonic and have a dark green color. And also have bright stripes in the middle or white specks. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptics, because of which they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevier's juice is used for wound healing, as well as the plant can stop blood.


This bushy plant has a purple color. His leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white flowers and umbrellas appear on it. Flower twigs can be gossipped with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, add to salads. To taste, they resemble sorrel. The plant improves intuition, exacerbates feelings. He can keep those who wish to meet the soul mate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical little extracted shape. His ribbed body is covered with small needles. If a cactis is good to care for, it will bloom closer towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which the bud with an excellent aroma will be revealed. It will bloom up to 3 days. Cactus put near a TV or computer and in other places with hazardous radiation.


All citrus shoes calm the nervous system and remove stress. The tree can be grown from lemon bones or mandarin. Leaflets as well as fruit capable useful action. Plants allocate essential oilswho contribute to soothe, removing stress and fatigue, ensure healthy and strong sleep.

Mirt or Eucalyptus

These plants are not suitable for the bedroom. Their leaves are isolated substances that make breathing and remove the bronchial spasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and diseases of the respiratory system.

Mirt is made to give newlyweds, because it is a symbol of long and happy family relationships. It is necessary to carefully care for it so that the plant does not die and did not take well-being.


Thanks to her room will be filled with freshness coniferous forest. This is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly cleans the air.


Many flowers, according to the signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathifylum - symbol female happiness. He helps the girl in search of his second half and retains the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart leaves, which will make his own owner, will bring her luck in love.

Dwarc grenade

It is believed that his fruits are able to strengthen the married relationship, if the husband and wife try them together.


In the bedroom it is recommended to put red flowers. They bring consent and mutual feelings to the family pair. Anthurium has glossy dark green leaflets in the form of hearts. By accepting, this flower will bring good luck to his man owner. Anthurium - the symbol of courage, male power, Passenger, aspirations for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers rolled shape. It protects the house and generates joy and welcome, and also converts negative energy into a positive one.


Red Camellia will help refresh relationships. Her inflorescences are like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different color. This is a real home leak. The flower heals cuts, treats cold, regenerates the skin, eliminates the stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


Room plant with dark matte leaves, in which white splashes are present. Cyclamen's inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade may be different. Most often, one shade smoothly goes into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which the corrugated pattern is applied. Little white or yellow flowers appear during flowering. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs the negative energy. Signs say that Calatea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!