Repairs Design Furniture

How to fix a sink from a stainless steel. Installation of mortise design. On the end without table top

Set kitchen furniture Includes many components of different purposes. The central element of the headset in this room can be called a worktop. It's not just the main working surface, but also a kind of frame, with which kitchen communications, shelves, couch and, of course, washing. And if the communication liner is performed according to typical schemes with specified hole parameters, the integration of functional elements in the platform niche itself requires more serious preparation. Operations of cutting and execution of fasteners are only part of the working action, without which it does not cost in the worktop. It is not easy to implement these and other tasks yourself, but it is possible if you follow the instructions.

Preparation for assembly activities

Before the start of working events should be prepared consumables, tool and sink directly. By this time, a tabletop must be installed, and the material of its manufacture must match the washing. The fact is that different countertops depending on the size and manufacturing material have different carrying ability. Thin models based on composites are able to withstand only stainless sinks. If it is planned to install a sink from stone in the worktop, then you should navigate for high load. In this case, or the countertop must be performed at least from artificial stone, or additional holders are provided in the tumble itself under the platform.

As for the tools, you should prepare a set measuring instruments, Extension or jigsaw, screwdriver, adjustable key, construction knife and a gun for sealant. What kind of consumables will need - it depends on the installation method, which will be discussed below. The universal list includes screws and sealant. In addition, you should not forget about the sanitary eyeliner, the organization of which involves the use of a siphon, water-based hose and mixer.

Rules for performing markup

This is a responsible step, during which the configuration of the washing placement will be determined in accordance with its size. Of course, it follows from the parameters of a particular washing, but there are also standard placement rules that should not contradict the selected installation scheme. First of all, the edge of the cutting, that is, the line of contact with the tabletop should be located not less than 50 mm from the edge. This value should be maintained regardless of which method will be carried out further installation of washing in the worktop.

You can independently plant a sink and glue, and at hardware, but in both cases the load on the edge should be minimized. The exception is only a portion with a rear end, where the distance from the edge to the cut can be 25 mm, since in this part the pressure on the design will be less. Also, when performing marking should be remembered for communications that will be connected to the central point of the sink - they must fit freely to ensure and water supply and remove the sewage.

Cutting table tops for sink sizes

After marking, the lines of the future cut should be prepared. To perform the cutting, two tools are used - an electric lobby and an electric drill. At first, a drill comes into business, which will create a niche for sawing. If you plan to install, it is necessary to perform holes in a depth of at least 10 mm in each corner. Next, from each hole, the jigsaw need to connect to another nearby point in a straight line of the cut.

Another approach should be applied if installing round washing In the worktop. Alone with this task, it is more complicated with this task, because it will be necessary to perform not direct, but curvilinear cut. But starting work also follows from the creation of an opening of an electric drill. It will be one. To facilitate cutting, it is desirable to initially have a jigsaw intended for figure cutting. Then you should carefully drive the saw strictly on the intended circular line. It is important to avoid even small deviations, performing cutting smoothly and without jerks.

Installing washing with glue

The adhesive method of fixing washing is not the most reliable, but practical and subject to a dense landing may be quite durable. Before applying glue, you need to process the edges of the countertops in the places of cut. For this purpose, finely abrasive materials are used in or fine-grained grinding Circle. Next is superimposed with polyethylene-based seal. Usually it is supplied complete with the product.

It is also worth noting that adhesive method The installation of stainless steel washing in the worktop, but not stone models, whose shift can lead to a violation of fixation. The places of the future contact of the sink itself are also pre-glue, and the faces of the countertops are stuffed. It will be possible to use the sink for the purpose only after complete crystallization of the composition - it is necessary to wait for about 24 hours.

Installation of washing with fasteners

Mechanical fixation will provide greater reliability, but there is one nuance. The adhesive composition increases the tightness of the places of convergence of washing and countertops. In the case of screws to prevent the risk of the bay in the joints of the joint will allow using waterproof sealants in larger volumethan in the case of adhesive installation. Usually fastening material Comes complete, so it's not necessary to look for special hardware.

The optimal is considered the "cross" installation of washing in the worktop. You can independently make this installation, or using a screwdriver, or manually screwdriver. The mounting strips are diagonally, after which complete screws are integrated into the technical holes.

Curling and overhead washing - differences in the installation

It is assumed to perform an individualized installation, including with a figured sharp countertop. Overhead models are also rarely bypassed without pre-processing the platform, but in this case the markup for future cutting is made by direct lines. As a rule, it is preparing a square or rectangular shape, Moreover, cutouts of such a format are made in special panels in the factory.

What is profitable to install mortise sinks in the worktop? Independently implement curly cut It is more difficult for such a washing, but in the end it will provide a higher degree of reliability, not to mention aesthetic appeal.

Ceramic Motans Installation Nuances

Both ceramic and stone sinks are performed only on the appliances of the insert. For such models, creating more hardy carrier design with high-quality fixation. The mount is recommended to produce in a combined method - that is, with the use of glue and mechanical clamps. Thus, the optimal installation of ceramic washing in the worktop will be performed.

You can also prepare the internal retaining base. This is done with wooden plankswhich insure a niche of the heavy countertop under a tab. It is possible to fix such strips with nails, but more preferred option provides for the use of screws or screws.

Connect washing to communications

First connect the hoses of the cold and hot water. On the one hand - to the mixer, on the other - to the water channel. The location of the mixer integration must contain a rubber seal. Next, a siphon release is introduced into the sink - it is desirable to apply a curved model, since the bottle is quickly clogged. Sounding pipe is connected to the siphon.

If installed in the worktop, then the communication liner is worth using as hard as possible. For example, the nozzle may be reinforced angular design. At the final stage, it is necessary to check all the connections and, if necessary, ensure the place of joints with sealing cuffs.

In the installation process, regardless of the installation method, the sealant will be applied. It is not necessary to regret it, because the joints of the joints should be well sealed. However, the surplus, which go beyond the gaps, must be removed until they dried.

Another nuance applies to working with stone and ceramic structures. This is the most time-consuming installation of washing in the worktop. Alone in the kitchen, this installation is physically difficult, so it's better to work with a partner. And one more point concerns the choice of the method of twisting screws. If possible, it is better to perform such operations without power tools and manual waySince excessive power can lead to deformation of the materials of the table top and the sink itself.


As far as the ergonomic washing integrated in the tabletop, depends on many factors. The most important thing will be the placement of an object in the overall configuration of the headset. Durability and reliability designed design It will determine the installation of the washing in the worktop. Self installation can guarantee the success of future operation only in case of compliance with the recommendations described above, as well as high quality used consumables.

Special attention in this context should be given to sealant and glue composition. Both means it is desirable to choose from Lines of large manufacturers recommended for use in the kitchen in hard operating conditions.

Sink is very important attribute in the kitchen. Exists a large number of Types of these products, one of which is the overhead washing. For its attachment, you can use several methods. In addition, without special knowledge and tools here can not do.

The main feature of the overhead mooles is their successful combination with different design of the kitchen room. Explicit advantages can be considered the low cost and simplicity of the installation of the shell.

As for the shortcomings, they include a small thickness and space between the Tumba. Presented products can be used for a headset, which is composed of individual modules, and the washing is not a single part of the workspace. Such a sink is installed in the corner of the room.

For the production of such a product, copper alloy is used, which prevents the sink from corrosion and the effects of food acids. The main advantages include:

It is not devoid of such a sink and disadvantages. These include low levels of sound insulation when contacting with water. But such a minus has stainless sinks of low quality, when producing a thin steel sheet is used. To eliminate such a problem, it is necessary to buy a sink with a home-based bowl so that its depth is sufficient.

Composite sinks

In the role of material for the production of such a version of the mile - this is a filler. Its bonding is carried out with the help of a polymer binder. In the role of filler can use crumb of granite, fiberglass, quartz sand. Thanks to the filler and the dye used, it is possible to achieve the necessary shade of the sink.

The advantages of such a type of moolem can include the lack of food dyes, in contrast to enamel surfaces. Granite sinks Not afraid of harmful effects of aggressive substances. There are no scratches on their surface, therefore, the appearance will be observed for a long time. If we talk about minuses, then composite products are not suiced, however, the service life is higher.


Such an option of the overhead washing is the last century. For their production, metal treated with a layer of white enamel is used. This option is considered the most impractical, since cracks occur very quickly on the surface. Enameled sinks cannot withstand food dyes, as a result of which yellowness often occurs on their surface. Apply similar products is necessary in the case when the kitchen set is made in light colors.

Installation process

So that the installation process of the washing has passed quickly and efficiently, you need to choose the correct sealant. It will make sure that it is secure and for a long time to protect the sink from long influence moisture. In addition, the following tools will need for successful installation of the invoice

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • pliers;
  • silicone sealant;
  • line;
  • tree drills;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • scotch larger;
  • mr. fasteners.

The video tells how to install a sink from a stainless steel to the end:

Installation on table top

For these purposes, it is important to adhere to the following action plan.

  1. It is necessary to depict the contours of the future sink on the tabletop. For this fir you will fit the usual simple pencil. Be sure to take care of indents from the front and rear edges at least 5 cm. After that, you can perform measurements where the bowl will be focused. According to these measurements, it is worth drawing an opening circuit performed under the sink.
  2. the line on which the cut will occur should go out from the sides of the bowl by 1 cm. Run the hole at one point of the contour. If the shape of the bowl in the form of a rectangle, then it is worth the hole must be performed at the corners of the designated circuit.
  3. FROM outside The contours to attach the greasy tape. Thanks to him, it is possible to protect the tabletop from the damage that the jigsik can apply. In the process of cutting the opening, it is necessary to screw into the cutting screws on a small depth. Thus, it is possible to protect the inner part of the fall. The removed item should also be fixed from the bottom with the backup.
  4. Treat the ends countertops across the spell with the help of silicone sealant. Thus, you protect products from moisture influence. Application of sealant is also possible at the drawn perimeter.
  5. Insert washing I. installed mixer and siphon in the prepared opening. Secure it to the tabletop with clamps. These fasteners are included in the plumbing device complex. All that you remains, it will connect the mixer to the water supply, and draining the product through the sewage siphon.

By purchasing kitchen furniture and plumbing, many are asked for help to professionals. But it often happens that the help is not to wait for anyone and have to do everything yourself.

On how to install a patch in the cabinet in the kitchen, you need to know in advance to be prepared for possible difficulties and nuances.

So, a comfortable plumbing acquired, which fully complies with the needs of the owners in practicality and appearance. By the way, today are popular for kitchen sinks from of stainless steel. First, they have an acceptable cost, low weight, durable to use.

Universal Color "Metallic" can be combined with a variety color solutions in room.

The installation is quite simple, there are only two stages here:

  1. Assembling the cabinets for the sink;
  2. Installation of overlaid washing from stainless steel on the end.

Washing is an indispensable kitchen attribute. It can be easily installed with your own hands - for this you do not need to have special knowledge and skills.

Furniture assembly

The first stage requires the preparation of the furniture itself, so that the plumbing can be put. Usually delivered to the customer unchanged. If you do not know how to assemble the sink to the sink, the instruction attached complete with furniture will help.

Looks like a scheme.

The standard set is:

  • 2 side walls;
  • 2 doors (or alone);
  • Bottom;
  • 3 frames for rigidity;
  • Fittings, corners, self-tapping screws.

You need to have a screwdriver at hand to carry out an assembly, or standard furniture hexagon.

Installation of the shell: What is needed for this?

How to fix a sink from a stainless steel on the end, so that at the same time it keeps well, and the installation itself did not drag on for a long time? To do this, you need to have accessories and tools, thanks to which the installation of washing to the end will not be particular problems.

Secure shell on sealant without additional devices You can, if it is light. If the overhead washing is heavy, its installation on the sealant will lead to the constructions. In this case, it is necessary to mount on the self-tapping screw.

Classical tools and accessories used for such purposes are:

  • Drill, screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Line;
  • Pliers;
  • Drill (on wood);
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • Sealant (he will pay special attention further);
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Corner M-shaped.

The above items will fit for the installation of the sink on the worktop.

But experimental masters Just only sealing agents and corners.


Adjust the tools and accessories in advance so that they are at hand. It is also desirable to decide with the mixer and a siphon so that everything is installed immediately, otherwise then put it will be difficult.How to fix a sink from a stainless steel to the end? It is easy if you have previously been made to assemble the carcass itself.

  1. Install M-shaped mounts, Going both in the set and purchased separately.

    It is better to buy as fasteners in the store fasteners M-shaped plates with slanting slots. Plates will need 4-5 pieces.

  2. Attach the fasteners from the inside and note the place where you need to screw the screws. Above 0.5 cm from the mark to drill a hole (not through), screw the self-tapping screw and put the mount. To make the same actions in other places of construction.

    In the process of assembly, pay attention to that all holes are at the same level.

  3. Next, the plumbing product is collected, the siphon is attached to it with all gaskets, the mixer is fixed.

    Before installing the sink itself in the prestole or the end and fasten it, it is necessary to collect it completely - fasten the siphon and the mixer in its places, install gaskets.

  4. Project ends with sealant walls. It is needed not to protect furniture from moisture.

    This tool provides an additional fastening of the sink to the cabinet in the kitchen.

  5. Now you can start consolidating- Put on the furniture frame where the attachments put on the self-tapping screw.

    Mounts are put on the self-tapping screw and shift along the slot. It presses the sink to the end.

  6. Make plumbing work on connecting water supply and drain in the kitchen.

    Take care of the accuracy of work and reliability.

  7. After the stainless steel washing fastening is completed, you can check it on tightness. The sink is filled with water. Check if the water will not be covered in the scene and siphon connection site.

    If water seeps, the system is incorrect.

  8. Installation of doors in the kitchen cabinet- the final stage, which will be the final point in sanitary work.

The sink to the end is fastened with fasteners and hermetic means. This is the most reliable way, long enough.

So the question of how to install a stainless steel washing on the Tumba was resolved. With a competent work, it is able to simultane for a long time.

Many fasten the sink to the countertop. There are options when when ordering a kitchen furniture is stipulated by the need for a hole in the worktop to install plumbing. Then work with the installation of the sink will be a bit.

If there is no specifically dedicated place on the tabletop, you will have to do everything yourself.

  1. Denote contours on the surface of the pencil. Take into account indents from the edges (5 cm). Perform measurements under the bowl.

    Remember that the gap from the edge of the table top to the shedding washing should exceed 50 mm. If this distance is less than 50 cm, then the sink must be deepened.

  2. Make a hole in the corners of the contour.

    In order to make a hole in the tabletop will need an electric jig.

  3. From the contour from the outside to glue the greasy tape, so that when working the surface is not damaged around. Before cutting out the opening, fix the removable part from the bottom so that it does not damage the surface under it when falling.

    To avoid chipping on the front surface, choose the opposite direction of the tooth.

  4. Counters of tabletop to handle sealant, collect completely plumbing elements (mixer and siphon) and install. This will not allow moisture under construction, thereby spoiling the appearance of furniture deformation and bundle.

    Rates a couple of millimeters from the edge of the hole, we apply silicone with a thickness of a thickness of the sink just above the sink.

  5. Fix with clamps (included in its package when buying).

    The sink should be inserted into the hole and carefully press the edges so that the silicone harnesses take the sink shape, and leave for a few minutes.

So, having considered how to fix the sink of stainless steel on the end of the fasteners and on the tabletop, you can see what it is not so difficult, as it seems.

The most difficult thing is to properly make a hole. If it turns out to be larger, then the paws will not be able to hold the sink.

Selecting sealant

Big role in mounting workah plays a sealing material. The market presents the following types of means:

  • Silicone acrylic;
  • Elastic silicone;
  • Polyurethane silicone.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the features and characteristics of sealant: shrinkage, adhesion, appointment.

A remedy for a dry purified surface is applied to make the maximum clutch. If you fully prepare the surfaces for sealing, it is possible to penetrate moisture in the slot, which is fraught with the reproduction of fungus and mold.

Usually used elastic silicone sealing material. It is easy to use and reliable enough.

Summing up

The advantages of installing the washing with their own hands:

  • There are practically the tools in each house, the fastening of the overhang of the sink to the end can be made by practically infirous means;
  • You can save on professional plumbing by performing actions yourself;
  • If there were no fasteners with a plumbing product, then you do not have a problem.

If it is not possible to install the plumbing, it will be better to turn to professionals.

Video: Installation of stainless steel kitchen sink.

If another year ago, the owners of the apartments were delivered by separate washing, then the kitchen today is becoming increasingly popular with overhead models. The advantage of fixtures consists in convenience and easy installation, because the equipment can be mounted with their own hands.

All you need is to follow step by step leadership from specialists who provides special technology fixation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the overhead shell

Those who had the opportunity to compare different samples of miles for the kitchen, note both the obvious advantages of the coverage and cons. Among the advantages are allocated as follows:

  • fast and easy installation;
  • a small cost of washing from stainless steel on the end;
  • excellent performance features (The device is easily washed with detergents);
  • multifunctionality - one part of the stainless steel sink is most often a sink, where the dishes are cleaned, the other side is used for drying (therefore, overhead sinks on the tube allow you to significantly expand the workspace without taking the table top);
  • a variety in size is to pick up the option you can use for the vehicle of any size.

Disadvantages of stainless steel shells, which are installed on the end, depend on the features of tabletop forms and the specifics of the application of washing:

  1. Certain difficulties may occur if the headset has non-standard outlines and dimensions. However, this drawback is already in the past, after all, overheads are manufactured based on the standards produced by Tumb. If there is an unusual tabletop, it means that the sink of stainless steel is also found, the only nuance is possible, a rare model is more expensive than similar analogs.
  2. Sheet steel does not differ in particular strength, although specialists see in this and a substantial plus - the weight of the structure decreases.
  3. You can fasten the wash from a stainless steel to the method of overlaying on the end, so do not wait for a dense fit. Some owners annoying this factor so much that they refuse to be further operation kitchen sink In such a format.
  4. Blowing about steel, a jet coming from the crane, provokes a loud sound that it can interfere with some.

So, the patch wash makes sense to install, if you wish to purchase a comfortable, lightweight kitchen useful thing. Overhead stainless steel shells do not have a grace or special aesthetic properties, so it is used to match them unusual design The premises will be superfluous.

How to prepare washing to install

Unpretentiousness in the care and simplicity of installation conquer the hearts of many who want to fasten the sink from a stainless steel without attracting help from the side. On the initial stage The kitchen headset should be prepared, which among specialists is called the name of the Podstoly.

There is no in the tamba back wall. As for the top cover, it may be present, but here it all depends on the model of the device. Drink fasteners and small elements There are no need - components go to the set with the sink.

Required tools

Before embarking on the assembly, collect the whole list of tools, without which it is impossible to install the sink:

  • screwdrivers different quantityhaving unequal tips; High-quality screwdrivers will not interfere;
  • sealant will provide the best clutch indicators steel construction with a worktop;
  • hoven or jigsaw help cut a niche under the bowl of the sink;
  • the perforator forms holes for subsequent fixing of fasteners;
  • self-tapping screws, screws and other fasteners.

How to fix the sink on the end

To secure the sink on the end, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Turn the sink from the stainless steel upside down and put on top of the table top. Mark the contours of the adaptation of the pencil.
  2. Focusing the obtained lines, make a few holes and cut the item with a knife.
  3. Gently disconnect the part kitchen cabinet from the main. In order to avoid injuries, as you should treat the edges of the tabletop by a grinder, sandpaper.
  4. Fix the fastening elements to the inside of the podstoly, focusing up.
  5. Uniform layer dispense the sealant, it should cover the edges of the cutting of the couch and the edges of the kitchen sink. To fix the washing with a dense adjacent, neatly mount the sealing tape.
  6. Enter the sink from a stainless steel to the end of the opening of the hole, and then use the screwdriver to fix the fasteners.
  7. Another important point is if it is planned to equip a device together with a siphon and a mixer, these parts should be done before fastening the sink. Do not forget to connect the siphon to the sewer highway.
  8. Screw the sash of the kitchen cabinet and proceed to the use of a washing device.

Installation of washing in the kitchen can be implemented in several methods. The choice of the method is determined by the type of sink itself, the material from which it was done as well common design and kitchen style in general or kitchen headset in particular.

Some sinks can be mounted different ways, depending on what is supposed to be obtained in the end. But there are a large number of models that, due to certain nuances in their dispensing, is allowed to be installed only by one of all possible technologies. Their discharge includes overhead sinks and sinks with a relief board. Many types of milets are allowed to fix it, embedding them into the table lid. At the same time, they can be attached both to the top with the top board and above or below.

The most original and aesthetically looking is the last option. But it requires professionalism in execution and applies in those exceptional cases when the washing and the table lid are made of a durable expensive material, for example, natural stone (marble, plagiranita, onyx or lime tuff - travertine). The car wash "exposes" the cutting structure of the stone rock is recessed inside the top cover of the stone rock, allowing you to estimate the natural pattern of the material. There is such a luxury greater moneyTherefore, this method of installation is rarely applied.

Ideally, the choice of how to install the sink is carried out at the stage of designing the appearance and furniture filling of the kitchen. Selection of material for top board The tables and sinks depends on the style of design of the kitchen room, as well as the material capabilities of the establishment.

Overhead washing

The most common and popular model of the shell is invoicing. It is preferably stained with stainless steel and embedded in a rectangular base or table. Covering the entire top plane frame base, such a wash plays the role and sinks, and countertops.

Installation of such a sink can easily implement each. The product is attached to a special table that does not have a board-cap and rear wall.

For compound, M-shaped mounts, having a slant slot on one part, is preferable to connect. 4 such fasteners are enough completely.

Before the start of the assembly in the sink, it is necessary to build a mixer and other plumbing equipment, because after assembling these manipulations will not be done too convenient). First, M-shaped attachments are applied to the inside of the base or table. The points of their application are delineated by a pencil, then the screws (self-tapping screws) are screwed there. They are taken up to 16 mm long. After screwing, they should perform no less than 5 mm above the point of pencil marks.

A layer of sealant is applied to the end surface of the wooden base in advance, which performs the role not only glue, but also a protective film for rough wood. The washing is satisfied with the attached screws and shifts until the whole will not fit to the surface. Fastenings are tightened until it stops, and the protruding sealant wipes the rogue (since his remnants look ugly, and it does not give in painting). Upon completion of the installation work, it is connected to a water supply and sewage.


Another minting technology - cutting washing. It is involved if the headset in the kitchen is a solid upper surface (board), in the thickness of which and hesitated to the placement of the sink. Soaks in this case can be made not only from stainless steel, but also from any other material.

Mounting such a sink is also quite simple, although it has a number of relative difficulties, if you compare it with the previous option. Initially, it is necessary to establish where exactly and what form should be done under the sink. With such a goal, it is often enough just to turn the sink, put it on the table lid and circle along the contour. Many manufacturers complement the set of sink and components to it special templates that facilitate the task of drinking a loyalty, which helps in those situations when the car wash is inherent in unusual outlines. The pattern is pressed against the board at a distance of 6-9 cm from the edge and outlined along the contour. The cut line is noted by the contour itself, but by 1.5-2 cm deep into it, which will then give support for the sink. On the marked line, the hole is drilled, where the edge is placed manual electroballswith which the contour is cut out.

When drinking, you should fix the table cover at the bottom, so that the chunk is not falling. The contour smears the sealant reservoir that prevents the penetration of moisture into the place of the spill and firmly fixing the sink. The sealant is also applied to the sink, after which it turns to the other side and is very attached to the cover cover with clamps (visets), which are included in one set with a sink. After that, the extra sealant is cleaned, and all communications are connected.

Curling washing can also be placed on the same level with a table lid. Such a technology is much more complicated and requires competence in the installation of plumbing. When installing under the side of the sink, the wood layer is constructed. The depth cutting of the tree is equal to the height of the board plus the sealant layer. The latter fill everything in the design of the joints and slots.


Setting below the table covers

The sink can also be lower than the top board level. This method makes it possible to minimize the number of joints, and also creates aesthetic appearance. Often, similar technology is used when the surface is made of expensive and unusual materials in their characteristics. But then the mounting process is greatly hampered, and the requirements for materials such as washing and the table covers are rising. The sink is fixed using brackets (support-based console designs) or screws; If the stone is used as a material for the sink, it is desirable to take self-tapping screws.

Openers under the sink are cut using special equipment of a special device, for example, a jigsaw with diamond spray blades. The edges of the resulting rumble are scrupulously polished and closed with a film for moisture protection. It is not recommended to put the car wash with this method, it is advisable to resort to the services of the wizard.

Features of the installation of sinks from different types of materials

Washing out different types Materials may have specific properties that should be taken into account during their establishment. For example, sinks from plagiranice preferably do not have a finished loot for a mixer, but only temporable and not fully drilled deepening with back side. To install the mixer, it is knocked out with a screwdriver (or a special chub) and, if necessary, expands.

Sinks from other varieties of stone (onyx, tuff, etc.) can also require cutting outs, so in such cases it is better to contact professionals who have everything required tools. Predyly in such sinks cut the hole of the appropriate size and the form is too difficult.

Choose what method to fix the sink should be installer or designer, guided by technological prescriptions and kitchen style. There are several general Soviets on the installation that are suitable for all possible installation technologies:

  1. Rubber seals B. lately Replace mostly sealant. Rubber is rarely capable of hermetically sealed over the entire surface, and its suitability is too short. Silicone sealant Due to its inherent fluidity fills all cracks and cracks. When drying, it does not lose the water resistance and the properties of the adhesion (the clutch of the surface of heterogeneous bodies) throughout a sufficient long period (up to 15-20 years).
  2. When installing miles from various natural or artificial materialswhich may be damaged if you hit or fall, you should use the help of a partner.
  3. When mounting washing to wooden base Or the table lid self-tapping screws (or screws) are screwed exclusively manually. Drill-screwdriver (rifted) can drag fasteners, which will lead to the inevitable deformation or even the destruction of the washing due to the cracks arising.