Repairs Design Furniture

Drilling hole in washing under the mixer. Independent drilling hole in granite sink

21-11-2007, 21:32

21-11-2007, 21:37

Bought cut-sink type "granite" with wing. Today we installed the kitchen. There was no hole for the mixer in the sink. Master installer punch him refused. As a result, we are now sitting without water in the kitchen!
Does anyone know how to make such a mixer hole?

Return the sink and buy another. How did you bought so without a hole?!

21-11-2007, 21:42

The sink can be designed to use a wall mixer, then the hole is not needed.
Or maybe it is assumed a hole in the tabletop - we have so, but we have a washing for the substolete installation, you do not have it?
In general, she has flights?

Poor Klava

21-11-2007, 21:43

21-11-2007, 22:15

Buy a special gigillary in the store, or draw a circle less on the sink less than the base of the mixer and the thin drill pass in a circle. Drill holes as close as possible to each other, then break through the chisel, intermediates.

Do not scare a person, what's the guillotine? What is he cut off ?? Can clamp meant? Only she is not needed.
If you decide to drill (although why it is necessary: \u200b\u200beither change the washing onto dr. the desired designor drill a worktop), then buy a crown drill (hollow cylindrical shape) the desired diameter. For one pass, everything and do, without any little holes, with whom it is neatly unlikely to succeed without a skill.


22-11-2007, 02:10

There on the car wash (meaning Blanco) is allocated a place for a hole under the mixer. It is not embarrassed specifically that the washing could be installed with a wing both to the left and right. (respectively, these places are highlighted symmetrically from two sides)
Those. I understand that it is not necessary to draw anything, there is a green sticker on the place where it is necessary to break.

If you can make a crown drill, then it's great, tomorrow we will try to buy tomorrow. Can we just be rolling in this place a chisel?! Will it get out?

22-11-2007, 09:55

When we bought a sink, we were offered to break the hole for 200 rubles right away in the store.

22-11-2007, 10:15

In the washers of Blanco, the hole under the mixer simply comes out. In these places, the stone is specially made thinner. But in the place not intended for the mixer, try to drill the hole not advise

22-11-2007, 10:45

Of course, if there are places for the holes, then no drill is needed, in the instruction D.B. It is said how to knock him out.

22-11-2007, 11:11

we have a hole immediately when buying and done. The current asked how the washing would stand.

22-11-2007, 20:56

There must be provided for two places under the holes, depending on which direction the wing is unfolding, and knock out.
And also, they are labeled


23-11-2007, 00:09

The question was only how to knock out! What exactly tool, so that the washing is not broken.
Custa, learned that the hole could knock out in the Blanco service center. It costs 200r. This is in the r-not m. Forest.

23-11-2007, 19:20

Does anyone know how to make such a mixer hole?

Here is your question. You all respond to him.

In general, a strange, of course, the installer you have. Our installed the sink and struck this hole without troubles

26-11-2007, 19:55

Thanks to all!

Development of events.

Friday morning. I handed over the sink to the nearest store to make a hole. They said that it will cost 300r.
Friday evening. Master's call on a mobile phone: "I didn't do it! I did not have time! Now only on Monday!"
Morning Saturday. I go to the store, I take the sink. Heavy, dog ...
Saturday evening. Washing is in its place in the kitchen. I'm near. In the hands of Drill D \u003d 10 with a winning tip ..PHP? U \u003d 72)) to confirm operation.
Last minute. Confirmation received. Hit! The hole is ready. Although not round. Still a dozen shocks aslee, hammering, grinding with a file. There is a hole.

Sunday evening. Washing installed on silicone sealantThe mixer is installed and connected, plums, overflow, etc. - too. I sit on the floor, disassemble all sorts of papers from the kitchen: instructions for installation, operation, warranty coupons, etc.
- Here are the figures, - I say, they could not write in Russian!
I read in English my wife (and yourself) out loud. Washing Installation Guide ... Point Fifth: "In some cases, the following operations may be needed." A sticker, drill, hammer is drawn, it is written that you need to hit several times on the sticker ... In short, it is exactly the sequence that I performed!
Long rzhali. Sometimes it is useful to read the instructions.

As you know, most sinks and mossets are sold with a ready-made hole for installation plumbing equipment. But some options have a symmetric form that allows you to install water from different sides, in addition, if you purchased a sink mixer to three holes, then, most likely, two of them will have to do on their own.

This review will be devoted to this issue.

Basic work requirements

Even before starting work, some requirements should be known, the observance of which will provide a qualitative result. Do not forget that any error is fraught with a spike of the sink and its destruction, so neglected the following recommendations in no case should it ().

The presence of the necessary power tool Manually do the holes, it is unlikely to succeed, so you should take care in advance that the drill or a powerful screwdriver should be at hand. At the same time, the equipment should be not only powerful, but also convenient - gently drill ceramics with a heavy drill, it is unlikely to succeed
The right choice of equipping Ceramics in no case cannot process the drills for metal, concrete or wood. It is necessary to purchase a crown with a special tungsten spraying, which will allow working quality and quickly, to choose the desired option to help you in the store, the main thing is to know such indicators as the diameter of the elements and the depth of drilling
Carefulness when measurements and markup It is very important to correctly place the position of future holes, since when mistakes it will not be possible. In addition, do not forget about the convenience that must be provided, sometimes the mixer is located on the side and to use it is inconvenient.
Accuracy at work The drilling process itself should be carried out very carefully, below we will look at this part of the work in more detail, as it requires the closest attention

Tip! It is better not to save, but acquire crowns of well-known firms, since cheap options often have the low quality spraying of the abrasive edge and wear out literally in their eyes. Therefore, choose the product at least from the average price segment.

Features of work

Consider how to drill the shell with your own hands. It's a simple, but requiring accuracy and accuracy, so proper preparation as important as the main stage.

Preparatory activities

Here everything is quite simple and understandable:

  • A drill is needed or a screwdriver if there is no tool, it is not worth buying it - you can rent it for an hour or a rent. The price of this service is low, so you can save significant funds, as it is inexpedient to acquire a drill for only this work.
  • Also need a crown, the diameter of the hole under the mixer in the sink usually does not exceed 34 mm, the size of 35 mm in size is presented, they are just suitable. So the installation will be convenient, especially since the connection is condensed with a rubber ring (if it is not, you can use a fum-tape).
  • Another option is the so-called "ballerina" for ceramics, it is a design on which the distance from the cutting segment to the center can be adjusted. The option will suit You, only if the thickness of the sink at the drilling site is small.

  • Do not forget about the measuring and marking instrument: a roulette, a ruler and pencil will allow you to spend all the work. Of course, it is best to use a special pencil on ceramics, but in the extreme case you can do and simple construction.

  • It should also be equipped with a place of work, the sink should be put so that it is as sustainable as possible. Suitable either two wooden Bruckeither wooden palletwhere you can easily arrange products.

The working process

The drilling is carried out in the following order:

  • First of all, there is a markup of the location of the future hole or holes. On some plumbing products there are indications of places that can be drilled, it is those areas that should be used. If there are no marks, the desired place is selected, on which everything is noted.

  • Next, the crown is carefully fixed in a drill, and the sink is stacked so that it does not move during the work, if necessary, you need to attract the assistant so that it holds the design and ensure its immobility.

Tip! On some crowns, a centering drill is installed, with it, it is much easier to get into the markup, so for those who did not have experience in conducting such work, this particular option is recommended.

  • Drilling is carried out carefully - without pressure, abrasive himself deepens under the influence of high drill revolutions. If you feel too much, then you risk damage to the crown or even spoil the ceramics, which often crashes from an excessive load.
  • Do not listen to pseudocialists, arguing that the place of drilling needs to constantly water. Modern nozzles do not require this, so do not be distracted by an unnecessary operation, which, among other things, can spoil the crown.
  • Forces, everyone, but any error leads to damage and destruction of the product, remember this. The video in this article will clearly show some important features of the workflow.

Usually in the sinks there is a hole for installing the mixer. But there are models of stainless steel, in which there is no groove. Out of position - make a hole of the desired diameter yourself. How to make a hole under the mixer in a sink from a stainless steel.

Causes of lack of holes

Manufacturers of mile and plumbing devices are trying to standardize the size parameters of the models so that they are as compatible with each other as possible. But there is one important circumstance: great popularity enjoy individual planning And in the kitchen, and in the bathroom. To satisfy such needs, the release of washing models is required, in which the mixer hole is not provided. The groove is done independently as possible. in a convenient place and with the desired characteristics.

No holes are absent in metal sinks with two bowls, where the default grooves for washing or drying are not provided from practical motivations. A person chooses an optimal option by installing a sink in place.

The size of the holes depends on the design of the crane. Models of mixers can differ significantly. From this depends the size of the required groove in the car wash.

The value has: the location of the pipes of hot and cold water, the design of fixing mechanisms.

Before performing work, you need to choose a model, learn its parameters and structural features.

Preparatory activities

Before cutting the hole, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly. First proceed. The groove should have such a diameter so that the mixer can easily go through when mounting. There should also be no problems with the capture of the crane. The extinted diameter is applied at the site of drilling. It is important to merry everything, since the error will cost an expensive.

After applying markings on the site of the groove, you need to prepare a working space and tool. The place where the work will be performed must be free and spacious. The sink should stand steadily and reliably. You need to remove everything too much.

A hole for a mixer in a sink from a stainless steel is drilled with drills and various nozzles. Tools that will be needed to drill a hole in the crane wash.

  1. Drill.
  2. Filty, Flock, Love.
  3. Little carriage or metal flower.
  4. Protective glasses.
  5. Brush.
  6. Water for cooling.

Drilling nozzles with which you can make a hole:

  1. the usual winning metal drill (better with diamond spraying);
  2. tapered drill type Christmas tree;
  3. bimetallic ring saw type crown;
  4. winged hinge drill with a diameter of 28, 30, 32 or 35 mm (size depends on the parameters of the mixer).


Methods that can be done by the grooves in the sink depend on the specific tool. You need any drilling nozzle for a drill. The most affordable way is to do the holes in the usual winning drill on a small diameter metal: 6, 8, 10 mm.


  1. On the marking of the circle, several grooves around the perimeter are done.
  2. Periodically cooling with water. Drilling is performed on small revolutions.
  3. The grooves are connected using a mill or a file pink.
  4. The edges of the opening are processed and aligned with the appliance, a file and an eye.

How to cut a hole in the mixer under the mixer using a bimetallic ring saw.

  1. At the required place of the hole with a pencil, a marking, a nail or other submitter item is marked - the circumference of the desired diameter is applied with a point in the center.
  2. The conclusion is inserted into the usual winning drill on metal of small diameter: 6, 8 or 10 mm.
  3. A shallow spot in the marked point in the center of the circle is drilled. It will make it clinging to the bimetallic ring saw.
  4. An annular saw of the required diameter is inserted into the drill. In a specialized store, pick up the crown of the desired diameter will not be difficult. Standard dimensions - from 28 to 50 mm in 1 or 2 mm increment depending on the manufacturer. Famous ring saws: Banco and Irwin.
  5. The crown is neatly placed in a vertical position, so that the central drill is leaving in the seed earlier. Drilling is performed. To preserve the crown, drill it is recommended on small revs. The chips are removed periodically to the brush, water is spilled for cooling metal and crowns.

The method using the crown is used with mass done holes in the sinks. One during periodic cooling is enough for the drilling of 1015 grooves. Without cooling, the annular saw will fail after 23 holes.

In the same way, you can drill the grooves using a Christmas tree or a winning hinge drill. After making the groove, the edges are processed. To do this, apply a feet, file, skin.

In traumatology, full of people who thought they did not need insurance. And in stores are full of sinks that do not have holes for installing the mixer. And not a single shell having two holes to install two mixers, one for each hole. It is understandable. Why install two mixers in one sink?

And if it seems to you from time to time that you are the only hole in the sink and you are lonely on the island, limited to her outdoor, smooth ceramic edges, then who will understand it, and who can tell about it, counting at least that you Listen, not to mention sympathy and understanding?

It seems to me that the two holes in the sink for the mixer will be too much, and no one is too small. Therefore, we will talk today about how to drill only one hole in the sink. In a ceramic shell that does not have a single hole for installing a mixer from the very day of his birth, if only shells have such days, birthdays.

Some people do not understand the importance of the presence of holes in the shell for the mixer and consider any text containing a large number of Words "hole" by nonsense. Therefore, I will try to write easier, not abusing such words as the "hole" and "sink".

Where to start the drilling of the shell
and how to drill shell

To drill the sink, you will need drills on ceramics and cargo-tungsten crown for cutting round holes, 33 mm diameter. For drilling it is better to use a perforator, not a drill. And not because the perforator has a stronger blow. I will not apply a blow at all. At Perforator less speed Rotation, but more weight in kg. and power in W. But if you do not have a perforator, then of course take a drill, but we will not give up momentum, otherwise it will not be a sense from the crown.

Marking and drilling

Start with markup, this is the most reasonable thing you can do, decide where there will be a place for the hole in which the mixer will be installed. By making a decision, use the marker and draw a point in the right place.

Now charge the cartridge into the perforator with the ceramic drill on it and start drilling. You need to make a through hole. The hole is necessary in order to insert the drill to it, which comes in a set with a crown.

Ceramics from which the sink is very durable. Its strength is comparable to porcelain stoneware. If you have to drill or cut the porcelain stoneware, then you will understand me. Porcelain stoneware material is very durable, but fragile. If you act carelessly, it can be easily split. Therefore, drilling a hole in the ceramic sink should be carefully and without a rush.

First you need to drill a very narrow hole in the center, after which it is to expand it with another drill. To begin with, use the drill to 6mm. Then go to 8 or 10. During drilling, constantly cool the location of drilling cold waterWatering from a bottle or other capacity.

Having finished with the central hole, start drilling the crown. The first 2-3 mm. Ceramics will be drilled without much difficulty, but further you will be disappointed in the possibilities of the crown. The crown will rotate ceramic surfacewithout causing her visible harm and not deepening not at a fraction of a millimeter.

To the crown continued drilling, she needs to help. This is done so. Take a thin drill on ceramics and chop shallow holes across the circumference already selected crown. Now the crowns of the crown will be hooked and then the matter will go faster. As soon as the crown deeperates and again will slide on the smooth surface, do the entire operation again.

Sharpening drill on ceramics

Ceramics drills are stupid very quickly. The tip is made of a very solid alloy, so they cannot be pushed on a conventional abrasive disk or disk for cutting metal. But if you install a diamond segmental disk on the grinder, you can cope with the sharpening of the ceramics drill. Many do not know, but such diamond disks perfectly cut steel aluminum structures or cast iron.

Sinks out artificial stone Do not always have a special neckline, so the need arises to make a hole in the sink. A frequent obstacle is afraid to damage or uncover the washing. Although close by the properties of natural, but, in fact, it looks more like a plastic: or, it is better to say, on a polymer mass, mixed with a crumb of stone.

The ratio of the amount of resin to the stone crumb can be the most different. Regardless of proportions, this material is better than a drill than a stone. However, all the same should be neat and careful. The washing of artificial stone requires a careful relationship: no work is recommended until its temperature is equal to room.

How to prevent errors

Suppose you decide to do a hole with a drill with a cutter.

Often, experts make a hole when the washing is already installed in the worktop. This solution has only one dignity - the edge from the front side will be smooth. And his disadvantages are much larger: you can scratch a stone, damage the sink, split the edge and so on.

Therefore, it is better to drill a hole from the back. But there is a chance that the opening from the outside will have an uneven look. However, the mixer will be located on this place, which will close the irregularities of the edge. In this case, there is no risk to spoil the front of the sink.

There are two fundamentally different method of work. The first implies the work of the drill, and the second is to knock out weakened cast plugs provided by the design. Consider each of them in order.

We make a hole in a sink from an artificial stone with a drill stages:

On some sinks of artificial stone there are cast plugs, knocked in the installation process. Usually they are marked with color on the front side. First of all, the car wash is installed in the place in the tabletop, but not fixed.

Then you need to pick up right tool And repel the cork with a strong impact of the hammer. A breakfast is suitable for this role, having a diameter of 8 mm, but not a screwdriver. You need to knock out the cork only on top: that is, from the front side. Using the rashpil, uneven edges of the opening are smoothed.

This way you can do a hole for the mixer.

  1. The center is planned and the circle is drawn.
  2. With the help of a drill along the circumference length, holes are drilled, the distance between which is 4 mm.
  3. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks when knocking, firmly fix the sink.

If you need to increase the radius of the hole, you need to draw another circumference desired size. All with the same face side of the circle area are made of contreels at a distance of 4 mm. With the help of a bandwich or a bit, remove unnecessary parts.