Repairs Design Furniture

House with attic and garage projects layout. Individual project of the house with an attic and garage. Design home with attic and garage

If it becomes necessary to expand the house, the developers tend to consider two options.

The first is an extension of additional rooms. But, rendered by the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can serve only as economic or utility.

The second option is more acceptable. We are talking about additional square meters due to the restructuring of the second floor. In this case, the project of the house with an attic is the most optimal option. Heated roof, you can get additional full-fledged residential and utility rooms.

How long is it functional and economically justified? We will try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: "For"

  • Such accommodation will save on the building area. That is, the house with the attic is logical to build on a small land plot.
  • In the matter of rational use of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, projects of houses with an attic room wins compared to one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic room is not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and attic differ from the point of view of financial costs. In the classic attitude of the attic option - the option is more economical. If brick, concrete, bar, insulation, materials for the outer decoration are needed for the arrangement of a full-fledged second floor. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then insulation costs are added. Only in this case can also get a residential floor, and the roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
  • In addition, warm air from the lower rooms rises up, which makes heating the attic floor less costly. You can confidently talk about reducing fuel and electricity consumption, and consequently, about saving during operation of the ready-made building.

Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

  • Some experts argue that the main disadvantage of projects of houses with an attic is their bad lighting. We are confident that this minus conditional. You can solve the problem very simply at the expense of the attic windows. In addition, through them, light in the room enters significantly more than through the vertical windows. Of course, mansard double glazed windows - the pleasure is not cheap. But the funds saved during the construction, you can afford a comfortable organization of everyday life. In addition, there is always the ability to design windows and, even, balconies in frontions.
  • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. It is believed that the beveled ceilings cause depression at the residents at home. But the competent organization and design of the premises easily eliminate this contradiction.

We draw conclusions from the foregoing

A stylish and modern house in which there is a garage, and the attic is not only aesthetic, but also very practical. It is this option that is the most rational, because it is possible to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot as efficiently as possible. The attic people practically do not use, however, if you improve it, you can get a full-fledged living space.

Benefits of the presence of attic

Recently, the house with the attic is becoming increasingly popular in the construction of private buildings. Such a compact living area is designed to save space on the land plot, which will allow you to equip a cozy courtyard. Such a cozy house can be the display of housing owner, express its individuality.

A single-storey house with an attic is not the most profitable solution, as it will have to attract professionals to develop a project. The fact is that condensate can be formed on the attic floor, and this adversely affects the atmosphere at the top of the building. To avoid such problems, you will have to equip high-quality heat, hydro and vaporizolation, and this will entail the influence of additional funds. Despite this drawback, it is worth noting that this decision is worth it, since the full construction of the second floor will stand even more expensive.

If the project of the house with an attic and garage has already been chosen, it remains to consider the insulation of the roof so that the stay on the attic floor was as comfortable as possible. For insulation, the attic is best to use foam plastic, which is very cheap, and its installation takes only a few hours. The only drawback of the material is low fire safety, so you can use an alternative option - Fiberboard or glass gamble. For residential buildings, it is best to use the last option, as it is most popular, it is enough to take care only about protection against dust and you can insulate the attic.

Two-storey buildings with a garage

Options for ready-made projects of two-storey houses with a garage and an attic can be found on the Internet, their number is simply amazing. You can also contact any construction company that can offer several ready-made options at once, it remains to choose the optimal project and you can start a construction site. If you want to express my individuality, then you can order the development of the project for yourself, but this option will stand much more expensive.

If the land plot is large, no difficulties will arise, build a large house with a garage and an attic here easy. There is a completely different thing when the site limits in the free space, but there will be a way out here, because good construction companies are ready for this difficulty and will be able to offer an option that takes into account this factor.

Features of houses for small land:

  • One of the walls should be "deaf" (there are no windows on this wall). It is this side that the house is as close as possible to the neighboring plot, thereby freeing a little place ahead.
  • Shed or other structures of the economic type are best placed along the longitudinal walls of the building, and the living rooms in the house will need to be located in the ends.
  • The entrance must be equipped with an end or frontal part, and the garage is to build a closer to the road in such a way that the departure is minimal, and the garage itself did not occupy a lot of space.
  • It is necessary to qualitally think about the project of the house and all the buildings located in the site, so that it does not arise and did not have to spend money on modifications, which will be difficult.

For maximum comfort and comfort, it is recommended to equip the private yard planting, arches and trees. They must organize space, divide it into zones. At the same time, it is important that these zones are not isolated between themselves, otherwise it hurts with a common design, make a plot close.

One-storey houses with garage

At how many floors will be in the house, the size of the land plot is most. One-story houses are more in demand, as it is much more convenient to move on them, this is especially true if at home there are elderly people or children. A two-storey house involves the presence of a staircase, to save space, it is often used by a screw staircase, and the present obstacle for pensioners for pensioners is used to the second floor. Therefore, if the land plot allows, the construction of a large one-storey house will become the perfect solution.

If a large one-storey house is combined with a garage, this will make it possible to maximize the use of space on the land plot. The garage can be used both for storing a car and for seasonal things that can be hidden there.

The advantages of a garage combined with a house under one roof:

  • No need to go outside in order to move from one building to another. This option is especially good in bad weather.
  • Moral calm, as the car is nearby, and not on the street or parking lot.
  • In winter, the car does not have to warm up for a long time, since the garage can be a fairly warm room and this action will not be necessary.

If one-story mansion will have large dimensions, it will turn out a cost-effective option, although you have to spend money on a huge roof. Despite this, inside the house, the comfort will delight the tenants of the house around the clock, because here you can equip functional corridors, while isolating each of the rooms or bedrooms.

Residential rooms and bedrooms on the attic floor are an excellent solution for young people who prefer to wake up from the rays of the sun. After equipping a comfortable attic with special windows, you can create a cozy living room with a special interior. Here you can create not only a bedroom for yourself or children, but also to equip the Cabinet for doing business or a sports gym.

Advantages of residential space on the attic floor:

  • Aesthetic appeal, because it will affect the exterior of the house and his visual perception.
  • Many building materials whose application does not limit the desires or ideas of the owner of housing.
  • The insulation of the roof will stand much more expensive, but in this way, not only the attic floor can be protected, but also the whole house as a whole.
  • It will not be necessary to create a heavy duty foundation, since the attic does not create a large load on the basis of the house.
  • The uniqueness of the house, because each construction with an attic and garage has something special, exclusive and unique.

On the new real estate market, the leading position in the field of private design is occupied by projects of houses with an attic and garage. Such popularity is explained by the aesthetics and multifunctionality of the structure combined with the savings factor. However, such a construction has the peculiarities with which it should be founded before the start of construction.

House with an attic - photo clearly displays various options - is the most rational solution for a small area, allowing to increase the living area without reducing land. The presence of personal transport becomes the cause of another popular reception - building a house with a garage.

With attic and garage for one car

Cottage projects with garage and attic have a number of benefits:

  • due to the combination of two functional zones, it is possible to reduce the costs associated with the development of the project and the implementation of construction work;
  • the adjacent location of the residential zone and the garage creates a comfortable environment in the latter, which leads to a decrease in the costs associated with the heating of the garage;
  • creating an internal passage allows you to freely move from the room to the garage, without going outside, which is especially convenient during the hailment period;
  • the creation of an attic room provides an increase in the living area, which is especially relevant for one-story buildings;
  • a compact multifunctional structure allows you to significantly save the free area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot;
  • mansard construction will cost much cheaper than the construction of the second floor;
  • the attic floor allows you to additionally insulate the living room, having saved it from drafts;
  • the attached garage will cost much less than a separate element;
  • the buildings have a stylish and presentable appearance noticeably allocating them against other buildings.

Highlights of the design of the house with a garage and an attic

Before staying on a typical project or place an order for an individual building option, you should define key points. Along with an attractive exterior of the structure, such positions deserve attention:

  • the choice of the main material for building the building;
  • combination of buildings with the surrounding landscape design;
  • compliance with the outlining of the structure of the land plot;
  • choosing a building roof design;
  • the necessary insulation of the roof of the attic floor;
  • planning indoor rooms.

The development of a plan for the house with an attic and garage is recommended to trust the specialists, including architects, engineers, builders and designers should be present. Due to this, it will be possible to exclude inaccuracies in the calculations and technical errors in the project.

Special attention requires the roof, the design of which should be thought out carefully. Wet warm air, rising from the house, forms condensate, and natural external effects in the form of atmospheric precipitation and the sun may worsen the state of the internal finishing of the upper room. So that this does not happen, it should be competently organized heat, hydro and vaporizolation.

Selection of material for building a house with an attic and garage: Photo Examples

For the construction of the cottage with the attic floor and garage, you can use brick, foam blocks, alende concrete, wooden bar, sandwich panels. Each option has undeniable advantages and disadvantages. The choice of material depends on the climatic zone of the area and the characteristics of the soil.

Helpful advice! Less costly and time-consuming during the construction is with an attic.

A classic material for the construction of houses is a brick that has low cost, it is a good heat and noise insulator. The brick wall is one of the most stable structures that can withstand the weight of the attic. Bearing walls do not need to be strengthened, which allows you to save on the construction of the house. This material creates a good reliable appearance of the design.

Helpful advice! An attic room can be created after the construction of a brick house is completed, which was not previously provided in the project.

Another traditional material for erection of low buildings is wood. It, like a brick, has high heat and noise insulating characteristics. In addition, this is an environmentally friendly product. The house from a wooden bar will have a presentable appearance. In addition, a wooden building will be able to stand over 50 years.

However, wood is prone to rapid inflammation, which increases the risk of fire. This may cause the destruction of not only residential space, but also the car located in the garage. In addition, the material has a rather high cost, which is more acceptable for people not limited in finance.

Modern building material for the construction of houses with an attic

Today, aerated concrete or gas-silicate blocks are very popular. They have the same performance as a brick, but the building of the building is greatly simplified. Elements are characterized by a slight weight, thanks to which construction work can be performed alone. It also helps to reduce the burden on the foundation of the structure. However, the material has the worst bearing capacity, which should be taken into account yet at the design stage. The visual use of the material can be seen in the photo of projects of houses from foam blocks with an attic and garage.

Sandwich panels are supplied in the form of a finished kit. Composite structural elements are manufactured by a pre-developed project of an attic house with a garage, given the location of the rooms. Sip panels are collected according to the drawing plan. Planned additionally a garage or attic after the construction of the panels is not possible.

The construction of a skeleton house with a garage and an attic is easily carried out, but it is important to correctly calculate the load on the frame correctly. If this is not done, the structure will not stand and fold as a card house. The use of this material will make it easier to facilitate the process of performing interior decoration.

Compliance of the outline of the structure of the land plot

If you have the need to create a large living area with modest dimensions of the land plot, many choose two-storey buildings, various variations of which can be seen in the photo of projects of houses 8 to 10 with an attic and garage. However, daily movements on the stairs will fall to taste a little. This is especially true of people of old age and persons limited in movement. In this case, it is worth paying attention to projects of single-storey houses with a garage and an attic.

If the site is narrow, it is better to give preference to a builder with a deaf wall, on which there are no windows and doors. Such a decision will make it possible to build a house with an attic in the immediate vicinity of the partition section. Along the longitudinal walls you can place the construction for household needs.

When choosing a place planning option, you must arrange a living room and a bedroom to the ends of the building, thereby ensuring the maximum penetration of natural light into the room, including at the attic. The entrance should be placed in the frontal or end part. The placement of the garage with the attic - photos clearly it is displayed - the front-distance is also selected.

What kind of roof is to provide in the project at home with an attic and garage: photo examples

Usually in typical projects of houses with a garage and an attic, a roof is provided, at the same time covering the main building and an extension in the form of a garage. There are options that one of the attic rooms is equipped with a garage. You can immediately assume that any type of roof is suitable for such buildings, it is clearly displayed in the photo of projects of houses with a garage for 2 cars. As practice shows, some options are economically unfounded because they require significant financial costs. In addition, some types of design can not be arranged in a certain climatic belt due to the high height of the structure.

In the projects of a small house with an attic and a garage, the most suitable types of roof are divert, hip and semi-haul, which clearly displays the photo. The simplest version is a double design. However, due to such a roof, the attic room will be small, narrow and uncomfortable.

Walm and semi-raid roofs belong to a four-page. Thanks to such broken designs, it is possible to use 90% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room, having received comfortable living rooms. However, the design of such complex structures will require the help of specialists. Such mansard roofs look very aesthetically and original, emphasizing the uniqueness of the structure.

Helpful advice! For convenient and comfortable operation of the attic floor, its height must be at least 2.5 m.

The projects of attic houses are very popular, in which the roofing of the structure and the garage is one of the whole. However, from a practical point of view, the most successful will be the option where the upper part of the garage will serve as the basis for creating a horsard terrace.

Proper insulation of a small house with an attic and garage

Houses with the attic need to organize the right insulation. Garage insulation is optional. It is important to organize good ventilation. The most difficult stage is the insulation of the attic floor. It is important to eliminate the occurrence of drafts and the penetration of cold gusts of the wind. It should also be properly organized waterproofing. The selection of the insulation depends on the type of premises, which is under the attic, and from the duration of pastime on the floor.

The most popular material is foam. It comes in the stoves, thereby ensuring its convenient transportation and installation. The material is characterized by light weight, good thermal insulation properties, low cost. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish the ease of ignition and the greater probability of fragmentation of the product during installation.

Another budget material that is often used for mansard insulation, is a glasswater having a high degree of thermal insulation and ignition resistance. However, it is difficult to work with the material because it highlights the glass dust dangerous to the health of a person, which can damage the respiratory tract. Installation of the product should be made in special means of protection that protect the respiratory organs and skin from damage.

Important! If the attic room will be used as a living area, it is not worth applying glass groove.

Equivalent glass gaming, which has the same characteristics, but devoid of flaws, is mineral wool. In addition, the material is characterized by resistance to high humidity, good steam resistance, immunity to the origin of microorganisms, reduced thermal conducting properties and ecological. Such distinctive advantages are reflected at the cost of the material.

Internal planning options at home with an attic

The internal location of the premises is performed taking into account the requirements of the customer at the stage of development of a garage project with an attic - planning photos clearly demonstrate various options. It all depends on the desired number of rooms, their purpose, which is determined by the family makeup and the requirements of the owners. However, these buildings require special attention to the definition of the course of the course of the house in the garage and the design of the staircase.

A comfortable and convenient rise to the floor provides a ladder with a large tilt angle. It should be noted that such a design requires a large number of free territory. A reasonable way out of this situation is the arrangement under the ladder of practical storeroom, book racks or a spacious cabinet for clothing or household items.

Compact design has a spiral staircase. However, it is no convenience. But in case of choosing such a design, we need to consider the spiral steepness, the optimal width of the steps and the height of coming.

Development is the initial and most important stage of construction. A properly compiled project allows you to see how the building will look like after it is erected. At this stage, you can also identify the existing shortcomings and inaccuracies of the design of the facade or layout of the house. Projects houses Be sure to trust professionals with experience in this type of activity.

What advantages have attic and garage

In order to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe private house as much as possible, experienced designers are developing houses of houses with an attic. Replacing the attic on the attic, you get the ability to equip one more functional room. Most often, there is a nursery, a room for guests or a bedroom for a married couple.

In addition to the above, private homes with attic have the following advantages:

1. Aesthetic appeal.

2. The ability to use a wide range of building materials.

3. Small insulation costs.

4. A significant increase in the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe building.

5. Diversity of architectural solutions.

6. Ease of construction and insignificant load on the foundation.

Another useful addition to the house will be garage. Most often on this extension, much more tasks are imposed than just ensuring reliable shelter for the car.

How are houses projects with garage and attic?

Compilation houses of houses with garage and atticit is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the environment. Specialists "StroyExpress" are suitable for this important stage with the whole degree of responsibility and professionalism. The buildings designed by experienced employees are reliable, durable and durable.

When developing Project house with attic and garageexperts take into account:

· Floors and layout of the main building;

· Type of materials used for the construction of a house and attachments;

· Designer solutions and other issues.

Constructed by individual house projects with attic and garage It is aesthetically attractive, which is confirmed by numerous photo Finished structures.

Nowadays, every car owner would like to have a garage for his car. But not everyone has, and also near the house. In case you have your own land plot, you have the opportunity to build a garage.

Some advantages of the attic room above the garage:

  • mansard can be used As a place to relax, equipping it as a room for billiards or for hookah.
  • in the indoor attic there is an opportunity Workshop equipment or personal account.
  • a good place For the time of children.
  • here you can arrange guest roomwhere relatives will be able to stop, friends, all those who came to put a visit.
  • buing a garage with an attic to the question With the location of the owners during the construction of the main house.


  1. the first minus It is that during the winter it will be necessary to constantly clean the road from snow drifts so that the car can leave the garage.
  2. often in the garage is A certain amount of gasoline, oil, toosol, other combustible substances, which can cause fire danger.
  3. during entry and departure From the garage or with other repair work, the machine with the engineered engine, a certain period of time is in the garage and exhaust gases are concentrated inside the room, and after the risk of distributing them into the house.
  4. in case the land plot is small enoughThe owners often make a choice in favor of one-storey houses with an attic and a garage for their small sizes, however, in such buildings it will not be able to fully exhaust the garage.

Determination of the main requirements for the project

When a construction company is selected, which will exercise at home, should be remembered for certain requirements:

  • You need to pre-discuss the exact price Construction, so that no contradictions appeared.
  • Should be carefully checked and observed For the construction process to prevent low-quality work.
  • Closely follow the amount of expenses Building material.
  • Previously before building The customer must prevent design and estimate documentation. Ask all the exciting questions regarding construction.
  • Documentation must be framed In good faith and in compliance with all sorts of nuances.

If you comply with these requirements, the building will be erected qualitatively and on time.

Mansard: practical and romantic

The construction of the attic is carried out not only due to the fact that its construction will cost much cheaper than a private house. Attic helps the owner calm down after a difficult day, creates the situation of comfort and comfort, is the place of privacy and silence.

In this regard, the demand for houses with an attic increased dramatically. Often redevelopment of the room in old typical houses.

Garage: rational use

An indispensable attribute of each house is a garage, the same applies to homes with an attic. This option has a lot of advantages.

In order to save the total area and the subsequent content of the building (payment for electricity), the garage itself can be attached to the side wall of the main house. It is beneficial from the point of view of high costs than to build a garage from the beginning.

Attention should be paid to certain details:

  • If you live in the house on an ongoing basis, in winter it must be missed. The two-pipe heating system will allow you to adjust the temperature both in the house and in the garage. The undoubted advantage of this option will be the fact that for the price it will cost much cheaper, unlike the posting of heating separately.
  • To fully feel comfort, It is worth getting rid of various extraneous sounds from the garage. Consequently, it is worth performing noise insulation work.
  • Also do not forget about the hoodSince otherwise unpleasant smells from the garage can penetrate inside the residential premises.

Multi-level Parkings: Benefits and Disadvantages

In case you have more than two cars, the need for multi-level parking disappears.
There are several options for underground parking:

  • Parking over ground or underground.
  • Closed or open.

It is worth complying with certain requirements for the construction of parking. Carefully examine the construction plan. Determine the dimensions so that they are similar to the size of the car.

Now it is often used automatic. True, this is one of the lack of parking, since the system can often break.

Plans and projects

The construction occurs in several stages:

  1. First, pre-project work is carried out.
  2. A design project is created.
  3. Development and signing of a contract with a construction company.
  4. The working draft is compiled.
  5. The process of erection of the house itself.

Projects of brick houses with attic and garage

There are a lot of options for brick houses with an attic, looking pretty interesting and attractive. Let us dwell on one of them.

The layout of the house looks like this: The first room in which a person falls, an entrance hall or a veranda. It is isolated from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, after the living room with a kitchen. By wishing the customer's bedroom, they will make on the first floor either on the attic. Often the bedroom is made on the first floor, and on the second - the office.

Building materials recommended for use:

  • External walls are supposed to do from ceramic brick.
  • Internal - also from a brick on a ceramic basis, but another brand.
  • To finish the outer walls, it is necessary to use a special plaster.

Pros of a brick house with an attic:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Heat insulation.
  • Noise isolation.
  • Durability.

Designs of wooden houses with attic and garage

Wooden house with attic and garage has a lot of advantages:

  • is built from high-quality, reliable materialwhich will serve for a long time.
  • sKO Ceiling is done until those sizes.which wishes the customer and due to this decreases the height of the walls.
  • the garage will be organically inscribed in this design. If necessary, you can make a canopy for the garage.

By cons can be attributed to the fact that during a fire, a wooden house burns faster than others. Therefore, it is worth thinking thoroughly and provide all adverse situations that may occur.

Projects of single-storey houses with attic and garage

The project of single-storey houses with attic and garage has this kind:

  • On the ground floor there are an entrance hall, a kitchen, a living room, a relaxing room, a children's.
  • On the attic is a bedroom and an office.

The design of the room is predetermined. Someone prefers the kitchen and living room to be divided by the partition, others see the layout without it. Someone wants to railing to climb upstairs, and the other part is without them. The garage is calculated both one and two cars.

Ready drawing of a single-storey house with a garage.

Draft two-story house with garage and attic

Often this kind of home is erected for a large family. They can make the layout of the premises at their discretion, since a large space causes a selection latitude.

On the first floor there are a hall that leads to the kitchen, and after the living room. Sometimes here is arranged a rest room. On the second floor of a two-story house there are a bedroom, a bathroom, a wardrobe, a nursery, a balcony.

It is worth noting that the basements make equipped with a gym and pantry.

Projects of houses with the ground floor garage attic

It should be said that this layout does not have differences from the aforementioned. The difference is that those who sees there any technical premises, storage room, it would be more expedient to contact the project of the house with the ground floor.

The basement differs from the ground floor in that the basement should be planted more than half, and the base is located above. Therefore, the basement is intended for use as a storage room.

Before you choose the place of development, it should be carefully investigated for groundwater. This is a significant barrier in the construction process and upon subsequent accommodation


Polish projects of houses with attic and garage

Pretty popular is our time projects of Polish houses. It features such quality as compactness, as well as a good internal layout.

In particular, a beautiful polish house with a garage and an attic uses extremely popular.

It will provide an opportunity to increase the total area and equip the room in the best way. Here the layout has certain differences from the standard.

On the first floor, the hallway leads to the room, and only then in the kitchen and living room. On the attic usant is usually located a bedroom or a children's room.

The undoubted advantages of this project are considered:

  • Relative cheapness of construction construction.
  • The use of different building materials.
  • Comfort and compactness.

Projects of frame houses with garage and attic

These projects are also highly popular because they have their own advantages. For the price, this project is considered the easiest, cheap compared to the rest. The complex consists of prefabricated parts. They weigh slightly.

They are made from a bar, strengthened with lining. The house itself is insulated with foam or mats based on mineral fiber.

Projects of houses with two garages and attic

These projects are developed quite carefully. Often the customer asks for the garage to be alone, but on two cars, but happens otherwise.

Garages can be near in the side wall of the main house, or separately: one from the edge, the other further.

This circumstance will not affect the structure, but it takes careful attention.

Projects of houses for narrow sections

In case you have been acquired a small narrow plot of land, it is canceled for the construction of a house with an attic. A cozy, neat and high-quality home will be built.

From the street it may seem that in a narrow space in the house may not have enough space, but it is not true.

There are quite a lot of spaces like in an ordinary house. The layout of the rooms is very qualified. Feeling home comfort and beauty. No shortcomings and excesses.

Arrangement of attic

The process of arrangement should be started not from the interior, but with the permission of other issues. It is about waterproofing, vaporizolation, noise insulation.
At the next stage, it is necessary to resolve the issue with windows. Installation of windows in the indoor indoor is a rather laborious process.

Since they are not vertically, and under the tilt, then if such glass breaks, it will crumble into small parts, and not fragments.

Special attention should be paid to the insulation of the attic. In this practice, it is common that a large fireplace is installed on the attic, and do not produce insulation with various well-known methods.

After all the preliminary work is completed, you can begin to engage in the interior itself.

To avoid various disputes and unscrupulous work during construction, all of the above can be generalized in this way:

  • Spend a good place for construction (Check the absence of groundwater).
  • Find a qualified companywhich will deal with all issues related to the construction and your home.
  • After the end of the negotiation process sign the necessary documents.
  • Come to the construction site and watch For the promotion of the construction process.
  • Carefully monitor the acquired building materialThereby preventing it from theft.
  • After the construction work is over, It should be carefully examined and bypass, in the event of any questions, to ask them.

Also in the erker you can equip a small cozy balcony.

Such a house can be from any material: brick, wooden out of a log, frame or aerated concrete, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements and advice of specialists described above, then all adverse consequences in building a building and other troubles will pass you. Do not hurry, do everything alternately and the result will not make yourself wait.