Repair Design Furniture

How to insert a flush-mounted sink into a worktop. Installation of a flush kitchen sink. How to cut a sink hole in a worktop

How to install a sink on a kitchen countertop? This process is considered quite time-consuming and complicated, but it is quite possible to do it yourself. To understand how to embed a sink into the countertop with your own hands, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Variety of models by design

There are several ways to install a kitchen sink in a countertop. First, it is important to make the right measurements. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the furniture and placing the product unevenly.

Under table models

Installing a sink under the countertop is very convenient. In addition, the under-counter models look stylish. You can install the sink in the kitchen in the countertop if it is made of stone or plastic. The fact is that non-moisture resistant materials will lead to the failure of the table. How to install a sink under a countertop? This is done in such a way that the product is below the table level. In this case, water will constantly fall on the cut in the table.

That is why moisture resistant materials such as stone or plastic are ideal for this installation method.

Built-in models

How to install a sink in a worktop so that it is level with the table? Such a product is called a mortise. How to embed a sink in the kitchen? They are installed in a hole in the table, which is cut out with a special tool. The work must be done very carefully and accurately. Otherwise, the structure may not stand up straight.

Overhead models

Most in a simple way is the installation of a sink in the kitchen countertop above the table level. The smallest number of tools is required for installation. Installing a sink on a countertop in an overhead way is possible at home. This does not require specialists.

Manufacturing materials, price difference

The materials from which the products are made can be varied. They differ in appearance, price and have their own advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used materials: stainless steel, artificial stone, plastic.

Stone models (artificial and natural)

The stone sink in the countertop looks beautiful. Recently, their popularity has increased. This is due to the fact that products from artificial stone have a number of advantages. Among them:

    Moisture resistance

    No noise

    Environmental friendliness of the material

    Wide assortment of goods

    Resistant to temperature extremes

    Long service life

The main disadvantage is the high price for the product. Such products will cost much more than stainless steel sinks. The large mass of products does not allow you to install them yourself.

Stainless steel products

Sinks from of stainless steel are in great demand. This is explained affordable price, practicality and a wide range of goods. The disadvantage of stainless steel is its high noise level and unreliable fastening of the mixer. This applies to thin material.

Ceramic models

Place the ceramic sink in the worktop in recent times more and more people are being decided. Ceramic models will cost more, but they look very impressive. The advantages of these products are durability, variety of shapes and colors. Ceramic models are heavy, so it's unlikely to be able to install them yourself.

Surface mounting basics

How to integrate a sink into a kitchen countertop? For this, special fasteners are used. They usually come with a sink. Enough 4-5 fasteners for one product.

Installing a sink in a countertop itself looks like this:

    First, make the necessary marks. To do this, attach fasteners to the inside of the table and make notes

    To prevent the table from deteriorating from water, its ends are covered with a sealant

    If necessary, remove excess sealant

    The last stage is connecting to the sewerage and water supply

Installation by cut-in method

Installing a built-in sink in a worktop is somewhat more complicated than installing a consignment note. Inserting a sink into a kitchen consists of several stages:

    Take the necessary measurements

    Saw a hole

    Install the sink

    Fix the product

Self-installation of a flush sink in a worktop without the help of professionals is quite possible. To do this, follow the instructions below.

How to cut (saw out) a hole in a table

How to make a cut-out in a worktop for a sink? First you need to define the cutting line. For this, the product is turned upside down and placed on the table. When the sink is installed on the countertop, it is necessary to mark with a pencil along the contour. Further, the inset sink under the countertop is installed as follows:

    Along the line marked with a pencil, you need to make a hole. To do this, first drill in the corners with a drill.

    After that, a contour is cut out with a jigsaw. It is necessary to cut from the front of the table, otherwise chips may form on the surface

    Sealing the sink in the countertop. To protect the table from water, the edges are coated with sealant

Mortise fastening method

How to fix a flush-mounted sink to a worktop? With the help of clamps, the sink is attached to the table. These items are usually included with the sink kit. Excess sealant is carefully removed. At the end, communications are connected.

How to fix corner, round and granite sinks

Sinks are different color, made of different materials... In addition, their shape is also varied. They can be round, square, unusual design. The method of attaching them is somewhat different from each other.

Round model fasteners

It is recommended to install a round sink in the kitchen if the area of ​​the room small size... The round model will save space and increase its functionality. Such products generally have deep and large thickets. Circle shaped washbasins fit perfectly into modern furniture and in corner kitchen sets. Installation round sink usually occurs in a cut-in way.

How to embed a sink in the kitchen round shape? This is done like this:

    The sink is placed on the table

    Drawn around the edges with a pencil

    Sawed along the lines

    The edges are treated with a sealant

    The sink is installed and fixed

Installation of a granite model (video example of installing a black granite sink)

Granite products can be of various shapes and colors. They also differ in size. It is recommended to take into account the dimensions of the kitchen furniture and the sink so that the overall picture creates a beautiful and harmonious look. The placement of the corner sink is no different from the round model. Granite sinks are installed in three ways, including:


  • Integrated

With the overhead method, the sink is placed on top of the table and secured with special clips. The cut-in method is cutting a hole into which a granite product is placed. In the latter method, the countertop and the sink are one piece.

Thus, the sink can be independently positioned in the countertop in several ways. Some models are difficult to install without professional assistance.

In case of replacement of a sink or purchase of a new one kitchen set it becomes necessary to embed a sink into the countertop. Execute this work you can do it yourself or use the services of a master. The process is not complicated, but it requires attention and quality execution.

An incorrectly made sink insert into the countertop will end with water seeping into the piece of furniture, it will swell and, as a result, deform.

Purpose of the modern kitchen sink

In order to optimize the cooking process as much as possible, furnishings and furnishings should be correctly positioned in the kitchen. different technique... According to the existing principles of ergonomics, the placement of furniture and equipment in this room is carried out taking into account the order of work.

For this reason, furnishings are placed in the direction from left to right, and in a specific sequence: refrigerator - then a dishwasher (if any) - kitchen sink - gas or electric stove... Modules with work surfaces should be placed between them.

It is also necessary to observe the minimum spacing between the above objects:

  • the distance from the sink to the stove, as well as between it and the refrigerator, should be about 40 centimeters;
  • the refrigerator and the stove are installed so that there is 40 centimeters between them.

Before you embed the sink into the countertop in the kitchen, you need to choose the right one, taking into account the following characteristics:

  1. Functionality... It depends on the intended species kitchen work, the number of bowls in the sink and wings to dry. These objects will be used when the user is used to performing several manipulations at the same time.
  2. Spaciousness... When figuring out this parameter, you need to take into account the amount of dishes that have to be washed daily.
  3. Durability and stability... They mainly depend on the material of construction.
  4. Design... The design of the sink should ideally match the surrounding interior in order for it to be a full-fledged object of the concept being created.
  5. Convenient use... Its configuration should ensure a comfortable performance of kitchen work.

Types of sinks and their design features

There are a number of requirements for how to properly install a sink in the countertop. This process must be carried out according to technology. The choice of a specific solution regarding the installation method depends on the design of the sink.

The most popular are the following types:

  1. Overhead products... They are considered the most budgetary option, which is distinguished by the ease of installation of the sink in the countertop. This installation principle is based on the fact that the sink is placed on a freestanding cabinet, as a result of which it is a continuation of the table top. Sinks of this type have disadvantages - insufficient thickness of the material of the products and the presence of a gap between them and the countertop, which is inconvenient. Experts recommend choosing an overhead sink when there are several separate sections in the kitchen set. If they are united by a common tabletop, the best option will become the use of an embedded model.
  2. Mortise sinks... These products are installed directly into the countertop. Start off installation work follows from the preparation of a hole in it. The technology of sinking the sink into the countertop provides for the attachment of the structure from the inside of the module using special brackets and clamps. Built-in models of this type are distinguished by their solid appearance and convenient operation. Despite the fact that they are of great value, experts with extensive experience give preference to them because of their practicality and the ability to prevent moisture from accumulating between the bedside tables.
  3. Undercounter sinks... The price of these innovative models is so high that it is difficult to reach most consumers. The principle of installing such sanitary ware involves fixing them below the level of the countertop and therefore they form a single whole with it. Undercounter washbasins are aesthetically pleasing and have good sound absorption. Thanks to the effective sealing of joints, these products are characterized by hygiene and durability.

Materials for models of overhead and mortise type

These products are made of stainless steel. Today, both those and others are the most popular. Externally, mortise options may look different. Often there are stainless steel products with a smooth texture and a texture imitating linen.

In addition to traditional sinks made of stainless steel or enamelled steel, flush options made of stone and composite materials are popular. Bowls made of artificial stone are also in demand. Sinks made of composite materials have an impressive grained structure and look like polished stone.

Mortise structures made of artificial raw materials belong to kitchen accessories. They have excellent aesthetic and performance characteristics, including resistance to scratches, abrasion and extreme temperature changes.

The shape of the sinks is diverse: in addition to products with one, there are also those that have 2 - 4 bowls, which are shallow, deep and equipped with additional dryers.

The nuances of installing overhead sinks

The method of installing an overhead sink in the countertop has a number of features. Installation is carried out on a separate module so that it overlaps its entire upper part.

Such work is simple, since L-shaped elements with an oblique slot are used for fixation. Prepare at least 4 to 5 fasteners first. Before you put a sink on the countertop, you need to connect a mixer, which allows you to not experience any difficulties during installation in the future.

Overhead sinks are fixed in the following sequence:

  1. Fasteners are applied to the inside kitchen cabinet and mark them accordingly.
  2. Self-tapping screws 15 millimeters are screwed in the designated places so that they are at least 5 millimeters above the markings.
  3. The end of the cabinet is treated with a sealant in order to simultaneously protect the furniture and increase the reliability of the sink attachment.
  4. The structure is placed on the screwed-in self-tapping screws and moved until the maximum fit.
  5. Next, the fasteners are fixed and the excess sealant is removed, after which the sink is connected to the water supply and the drainage system.

Installation of a flush sink in a countertop

The following will describe how to install a flush sink in a worktop made of chipboard and covered with plastic on the outside. If you need to find out how to do this work, when the countertop is made from other materials, you can familiarize yourself with the product passport, in which the sink manufacturer gives appropriate recommendations.

The process of how to embed a sink into a countertop has several stages:

  1. Preparation of a set of tools and purchase of building materials.
  2. Marking.
  3. Creates a hole in the countertop.
  4. Cut processing.
  5. Tabletop mount mortise sink.

Preparation of tools and materials

Before, how to insert a sink into the countertop with your own hands, check its completeness with fasteners. These are usually clips. They are placed on both sides, placed on the cut end and on the inner surface of the shell. The kit should include a tubular seal used to seal the joints.

  • an electric jigsaw or hand tool and a set of files for woodworking;
  • drill with a 10 mm drill bit for metal;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • measuring instruments - level, pencil, ruler, tape measure;
  • Phillips screwdriver and knife;
  • colorless silicone sealant.


The following describes the procedure for installing a mortise product rectangular... To find out how to cut a countertop for a round sink, you will need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of this work in addition.

The markup is done like this:

  1. With a pencil, in the place where the location of the sink is planned, draw two perpendicular lines - the drain will be located at the point of their intersection.
  2. The sink is turned over and placed on the countertop with a bowl upwards and aligned according to the markings, while the intersection is visible through the drain hole.
  3. With a simple pencil circle the outer edges of the product along the perimeter. It is important not to forget to take into account the parameters of the sink and the mutual finding of its boundaries and the remaining free area of ​​the countertop. To prevent the mortise bowl from interfering with the closing of the doors, it should be placed inside the bedside table.
  4. Then the width of the side of the product is measured and, in accordance with it, an inner contour is applied, along which the cutting line will pass. On average, this value is about 12 millimeters.

Before installing a sink of a round or other shape in the countertop, you need to act so that it freely enters the hole, while a deviation from the marking is allowed, not exceeding 3 millimeters.

Creating a hole in the countertop

The work related to how to properly cut the countertop under the sink is performed electric jigsaw adhering to certain rules:

  1. Before the saw of this tool enters the material to its full depth, it is required to create technological holes in the corners of the internal marking using a drill or screwdriver. They will simplify further work. In this case, the corner holes are placed in the inner plane of the material to be cut, and their edges can only come into contact with the cutting line.
  2. In order to prevent the appearance of chips on laminated flooring all the work on how to properly cut the sink in the countertop should be done on its front surface.
  3. After holes are created at the corners of the cut plane, a place for washing is cut out with a jigsaw along the inner border of the cut. To prevent the cut-off part of the table top from falling, screws are screwed along the line of movement of the jigsaw, ensuring its fixation.
  4. After the hole is prepared, the fasteners are removed and the cut is cleaned of dust. The sink is pre-placed in place to ensure that it matches the size of the product. The sink in the finished hole must be mounted freely. If you have any difficulties with how to insert a sink into the countertop, you should trim the edges using a jigsaw.

Slice processing order

Experienced experts advise: since in the process of creating a hole along the inner border of the cut, roughness and small chips are often formed, you need to get acquainted with the rules for processing a cut, the failure of which leads to a number of problems:

  1. Since it is possible to provide an absolute sealing of the unprotected chipboard surface impossible, its insufficient degree becomes the reason for the penetration of moisture into this part of the countertop. As a result, the activation of decay processes can occur and a fungal plaque appears.
  2. Subsequently, the cutting edge becomes brittle and the stability of the shell decreases, which ends with its distortion.
  3. As a result of decay of the countertop, its aesthetic, strength and performance qualities decrease and then replacement will be required.

In order to prevent the above troubles, you should:

  1. The end surface of the cut should be treated with fine-grained sandpaper and treated with a high-quality plumbing sealant. Professionals recommend using a spatula to perform this work, in the absence of which the composition can be applied with a finger. The implementation of protective measures helps to prevent wetting and subsequent swelling of the cabinet surface.
  2. If, when performing such work as cutting out a sink in the countertop, chips are found on its front side on the plastic, they are carefully treated with a sealant, and there is no need to apply it in a thick layer, since in this case the thickness is not important.
  3. There is another way to protect the end side of the cut - it consists in processing with PVA glue. Despite the laboriousness this process, it is as reliable as the previous one. To enhance the protective effect, the applied layer of glue should dry for about 30 - 50 minutes.
  4. Next, glue the foam polyethylene sealant, it is usually available in the sink configuration. This material is fixed on the side of the shell along its perimeter. When, after attaching the seal, it can be seen, the material is carefully trimmed with a knife. If this is not done, the edges of the sink will not adhere tightly to the countertop and water, falling into the created gaps, will cause swelling and further rotting of the end.

Since the process of fixing the seal directly affects the performance and durability of the kitchen set, attention should be paid to it:

  1. It is necessary to take the material and degrease it with a cloth soaked in gasoline and solvent.
  2. Then a sealant is applied to the seal in a continuous thin strip so that the glue does not protrude during compression and press it against the outer edge of the sink.

Fixing the inset sink in the worktop

You need to know not only how to embed the sink into the countertop correctly, but also how to securely fix it:

  1. A layer of silicone is applied to the place between the outer marking line and the cut.
  2. Fasteners are mounted on the inner side of the sides of the bowl and, after making sure that they are not fully fixed, proceed to the installation of the product.
  3. The process begins by deepening the side where the crane is planned to be located. The rest of the structure is gradually lowered into the hole until the sides and the inner surface of the table top come into contact.
  4. During the installation process, you need to act on the entire surface of the sink, which will remove excess silicone from under its sides.
  5. By applying building level, you need to make sure that the installation is performed correctly and then proceed to the final stage, during which the final fixing of the fixing parts is carried out.

After the end of the above activities, you can start connecting engineering communications... Hot and cold water connected to the water supply using gaskets.

  • a siphon release is introduced into the sink, experts recommend using its S-shaped shape;
  • a pipe is connected to the siphon - either soft corrugated or hard corner;
  • the tube from the siphon is taken out into the sewer;
  • all joints are checked for leaks.

Creating a hole in an artificial stone countertop

Most often, when purchasing a countertop made of artificial stone, you do not need to think about how to embed a sink, since it is ordered with a prepared hole, calculated for specific dimensions.

If these conditions were not spelled out when placing an order, such work can be done by masters using special tools. With their help, they will make a hole of the required size and shape.

Features of mounting round sinks

The way how to install a round sink in a countertop has a lot in common with the installation of a rectangular product, but there are some nuances:

  1. Along the cut line, it is necessary to create several holes with an interval of 7 to 10 centimeters, which greatly simplifies the work.
  2. If, when purchasing a sink model, it was not supplied with a cutout template, you can create one yourself.

The nuances of installing corner and granite sinks

The technology for installing granite sinks has a specificity:

  1. The design of such a sink does not provide for the presence of holes for the tap and the placement of a drain siphon.
  2. They are made independently using a drill with special nozzle.
In the absence of experience in installing plumbing from artificial stone, you need to act extremely carefully so as not to damage the product.

The use of innovative technologies in the field of design has significantly expanded the range of interior solutions for the kitchen, where the equipment used should be not only aesthetic, but also functional. In accordance with existing requirements, modern kitchen should be equipped with a number of devices and devices designed to optimize the cooking process. One of these devices is a kitchen sink, the installation of which only at first glance seems to be a fairly simple task. However, given the variety of models and possible locations for its placement, it is important to approach the choice of design and the procedure for its placement most responsibly. Despite the wide the lineup, the most demanded are mortise structures made of stainless steel and built into the kitchen worktop. Given the popularity of these products, it would be most appropriate to consider design features of this product and looking for an answer to the question: "How to install a flush sink in a worktop?"

Ergonomic principles in the kitchen: the role of the kitchen sink

To optimize the cooking process, it is necessary to correctly position the kitchen furniture and technique. Surely everyone is familiar with the concept of "ergonomics" and its basic principles, which can be slightly modified depending on the type of room. The kitchen is no exception - repairs on the territory of this room are subject to strictly defined principles of ergonomics. In accordance with them, the arrangement of furniture and equipment in the kitchen depends on the order of work, and therefore, it is recommended to arrange furniture from left to right in a strictly defined sequence: refrigerator - Dishwasher(if available) - sink - stove. It is recommended to place work surfaces with cabinets between the named technical objects.

Concerning minimum distances between objects, then certain requirements are also imposed on them:

  • The distance between the sink and the stove, as well as between the refrigerator and the sink, should be 40 cm;
  • The refrigerator and stove should also be located 40 cm apart.

What to consider when choosing kitchen sink?

When choosing a kitchen sink, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Functionality determined by the nature of the work carried out in the kitchen and depending on the number of additional bowls in the sink and drying wings. These compartments will be useful if you are used to carrying out several manipulations in the kitchen at once;
  • Capacity, in the process of determining which it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of daily washing dishes;
  • Stability and durability, largely dependent on the material from which the structure is made;
  • The design solution and design of the sink should be such that it fits perfectly into the surrounding environment and becomes a full-fledged element of a holistic interior concept;
  • Ease of use: the configuration of the sink should be such that it is comfortable to stand and work near it.

Design types of kitchen sinks: a brief description

A number of requirements are imposed on the installation of a kitchen sink, and therefore, it must be carried out in accordance with a certain technology. Selecting the required technological solution, and, accordingly, the installation method depends on the design of the sink. Let's consider the most popular constructive types:

  • Overhead sinks- the most a budget option, distinctive feature which is easy to install design. The principle of their installation is based on the fact that the sink is put on a separate cabinet, in this connection, they become an extension of the countertop, as if replacing it. Despite the undeniable advantage described above, sinks of this type are also characterized by disadvantages - the relatively small thickness of the product and the formation of a gap between the sink and the countertop, which leads to additional inconveniences;

Important! Experts recommend giving preference to overhead models if the kitchen set consists of separate sections. If the kitchen units are combined under a common worktop, the use of built-in models will be more appropriate.

  • Mortise sinks- are models, the installation of which is carried out directly into the worktop, in connection with which, the installation activities must begin with the preparation of the corresponding hole in the worktop. The technology for installing inset sinks involves fixing the structure to the inside of the tabletop using special clamps and brackets. Built-in sinks of this type are characterized by a solid appearance and ease of use. Despite the fact that the cost of such models is slightly higher, experienced specialists often prefer them in view of their practicality and the ability to avoid the accumulation of moisture between the pedestals;

  • Undercounter sinks- innovative models, the high cost of which reduces their widespread availability and limits their widespread use. The principle of installation of these plumbing products involves their fastening below the level of the countertop, and therefore, they form a single whole with it. The advantages of under-table sinks are aesthetic appearance, high noise absorption and effective sealing of joints. In addition, such products are hygienic and durable.

Materials for the manufacture of inset and overhead sinks

With regard to surface-mounted and inset sinks, both are made of stainless steel with the same frequency, while remaining on this moment some of the most popular. The appearance of stainless steel inset sinks can be different - most often there are smooth sinks and sinks with a texture that imitates flax.

In addition to traditional sinks made of stainless and enamelled steel, inset sinks made of stone and mineral-epoxy composite materials are no less popular. Artificial stone is also a popular material. Sinks made of composite materials are distinguished by an impressive granular structure, according to appearance resembling polished stone. Inset sinks made of artificial stone make up an extensive group of kitchen accessories characterized by high aesthetic and operational characteristics, including resistance to scratches, abrasion and sudden temperature changes.

The shape of sinks is no less diverse - along with single-bowl sinks, there are also models with several (from two to four) bowls, which can be both shallow and deep, equipped with additional dryers.

Basics of installing a surface-mounted washbasin

  • The installation of the surface-mounted washbasin is carried out on a separate module kitchen countertops so that it completely covers its upper part. Such an installation is quite simple - the equipment is fastened using L-shaped elements with an oblique slot. To fix one sink, you need to prepare at least 4-5 fixing elements.

Important! Before proceeding with the installation of the sink, it is necessary to connect the mixer, which subsequently will avoid difficulties in the installation process.

  • Attach the fasteners prepared in advance to the inside of the cabinet and leave appropriate marks;
  • Prepare the shortest self-tapping screws (15 mm) and screw them in the marked places so that at least 5 mm protrudes above the mark;
  • Treat the end of the cabinet with a sealant, which will protect the furniture and increase the reliability of the sink fixing;
  • Install the sink on the screwed-in self-tapping screws and move until it is completely seated;
  • Secure the fasteners and, having removed the excess sealant, connect the sink to the water supply and sewerage systems.

Installing a flush sink in a worktop: a step-by-step guide

Consider the principle of installing a flush sink in a chipboard countertop covered with plastic on top. If you are wondering how to fix a flush sink in a countertop made of other materials, including artificial stone, carefully read the product passport, where the manufacturer should describe in detail the recommendations for working with this material.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before proceeding with the installation of the sink, check that it is complete with fasteners. Most often, these are special clips that are mounted on both sides - on the cut end of the countertop and on the inner surface of the sink. In addition, the kit should include a tubular seal, which is required to seal the joints. In addition, prepare the following set of tools:

  • A jigsaw that can be replaced with a regular one hand tool, and a set of spare wood saws;
  • Drill with a 10 mm drill (for metal) and self-tapping screws;
  • Standard set of measuring tools: construction knife, level, angle, tape measure, Phillips screwdriver, ruler and pencil;
  • Colorless silicone sealant, necessary for lubricating cracks and joints.

Performing markup: important nuances

  • The markings made in accordance with the recommendations below will be relevant in the case of installing a standard rectangular inset sink. When installing a round cut-in sink, familiarize yourself with additional nuances installation.
  • Using a pencil, in the place where you plan to install the sink, draw two perpendicular lines at the intersection of which the drain will be located;
  • Turn the sink over and place it on the worktop with the bowl facing up and align in accordance with the prepared markings (you can see the intersection of the axes through the drain hole). Take a simple pencil and trace around the outer edges of the sink. It is important to take into account the dimensions of the inset sinks, as well as mutual arrangement the boundaries of the sink and the edge of the countertop that remains free, the presence of which is necessary for the rational installation of the cabinet doors;

Important! So that the sink in the countertop does not become an obstacle to closing the cabinet doors, it must be inside the cabinet.

  • Next, measure the width of the sink rim and, in accordance with the obtained value, draw the inner contour along which the cutting line will pass. Despite the fact that the width of the side is a value that is individual for each sink, on average it fluctuates within 12 mm.

Important! The size of the hole should be such that the sink can freely enter it, while the permissible deviation from the marking should not exceed 3 mm.

How to cut a hole in a worktop correctly?

  • This process is carried out using a jigsaw, however, before the saw of the tool enters the entire depth of the material from which the tabletop is made, it is necessary to make technological holes to facilitate the process of work. The holes are made with a drill or screwdriver in the corners of the internal markings.

Important! Corner holes should be located in the inner plane of the cutting area, and their edges should only be in contact with the cutting line.

  • In order to avoid the formation of chips of the laminated surface, the entire cutting front must be performed on the front side of the tabletop.
  • After you have made the holes in the corners of the cutting plane, use a jigsaw to cut the hole along the inner cutting line. To prevent the cut off part of the table top from falling, screw in the self-tapping screws along the cut line, which will ensure its fixation.
  • After you have made a hole in the countertop, remove the self-tapping screws and the cut-off part of the countertop from the main plane, clean the cut from dust. Pre-install the sink in the resulting hole, which is necessary in order to check the conformity of the product to the dimensions of the hole.

Important! The sink should freely enter the resulting hole (if difficulties arise, it is necessary to trim the edges with a jigsaw).

  • In the process of preparing the hole, all kinds of micro-chips and roughness can form on the inner cut line. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the rules for processing a slice, if neglected, problems of the following nature may arise:
  • Absolute sealing of the uncleaned chipboard surface is practically impossible;

Important! Insufficient sealing will lead to moisture ingress on the unprotected area of ​​the countertop, which will cause the activation of decay processes and the formation of fungal plaque. Subsequently, the cut-off edge will become brittle, which will reduce the stability of the sink and lead to its distortion.

  • Rotting tabletops will soon lead to a decrease in its physical, aesthetic and operational characteristics, and therefore, it will be necessary to replace it.
  • To avoid this, the end side of the cut is ground with a fine-grained sandpaper;
  • Thoroughly coat the entire cut area with plumbing sealant. Experts recommend doing this work with a spatula, in the absence of which it can be done with your finger. By taking these protective measures, you will prevent the countertop from getting wet and swelling.

Important! If in the process of work you find chips on the plastic (the front side of the countertop), carefully coat them with a sealant, while it is absolutely not necessary that the layer be thick - its thickness does not matter in this case.

  • There is another way to protect the end side of the cut - processing with PVA glue. Despite the fact that it is more laborious, it is not inferior to the previous one in terms of its reliability, however, for greater protection, the applied layer of glue should dry out within 30-50 minutes.
  • The next stage involves gluing a seal made of foamed polyethylene (it was previously noted that it should be included in the set of the sink). It is glued to the side of the sink along its entire perimeter. If, after gluing the sealant, you find protruding edges of the material, carefully trim them with a knife. If you disregard this advice, you will find that the edges of the sink do not fit snugly against the countertop, and water entering the resulting gaps will lead to swelling and subsequent rotting of the ends of the countertop.

Due to the fact that the process of gluing the seal directly determines the wear resistance and performance characteristics future headset, let's consider it in more detail.

  • Take the sealant and use a rag moistened with gasoline and solvent, degrease it;
  • Apply sealant to the sealant with a continuous strip (the strip of sealant should be thin enough so that the glue does not come out during the compression process);
  • Press the seal against the outer edge of the sink.

How to fix a flush-mounted sink to a worktop?

  • Apply a layer of silicone to the countertop (between the cut and the outer marking line);
  • Install the fasteners on the inside of the sides of the sink and, making sure that they are not fully fixed, proceed with the installation of the sink. It starts from the deepening of the side where the crane will be mounted;

  • In the future, the rest of it gradually becomes in the hole until the sides of the sink are in close contact with the inner surface of the countertop.

Important! While installing the sink, press firmly on the entire surface of the structure, which will remove excess silicone from under the sides of the sink.

  • Using the building level, make sure that the installation is correct, and then proceed to the final stage - the final fastening of the fixing elements;
  • After completing the above activities, proceed to connect communications. To do this, connect the hot and cold water hoses to plumbing system using a gasket.

After fixing the hoses, the installation activities are as follows:

  • Insert the siphon outlet into the sink (it is recommended to give preference to the S-shaped design);
  • Add a hard corner or soft corrugated pipe to the siphon;
  • Take the pipe from the siphon into the sewer pipe;
  • Check all system connections for leaks.

How to cut a hole in a countertop if it is made of artificial stone?

  • In most cases, artificial stone countertops are ordered with holes designed for a specific sink, however, if such conditions were not agreed upon in the ordering process, you can contact specialists who, using special tools, will cut a hole of the required shape and size.
  • If you want to carry out the work yourself, in accordance with the technology described above, instead of a jigsaw, use an angle grinder(grinder), as well as a diamond-coated concrete cutting disc.

Installation features for corner, round and granite sinks

The process of inserting a corner and a round sink is identical to that described above, however, there are certain installation features for both types.

Features of installing a round sink:

  • On the cutting line, experts recommend making several holes with a step of 7-10 cm, which will facilitate this process;
  • If your sink model of your choice does not come with a cutout template, make one yourself.

Features of installing a corner sink:

  • Due to the fact that the angle of rotation of the cutting lines is less than 90 degrees, in order to improve the passage of the jigsaw saw, make several holes along the cutting line - in corner connection lines and at a distance of 2-3 mm from it.

The specifics of the installation of a granite sink:

  • The point is that the design of a sink made of granite does not imply the presence of holes for installing a drain siphon for a mortise sink and a tap. They must be done independently using a drill equipped with a special nozzle. If you do not have experience with artificial stone equipment, you need to be extremely careful, as the slightest mistake can cause equipment defect.

Most food preparation needs to be washed. These are vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, various cereals, etc. And after eating you need to wash dishes and cutlery, kitchen utensils. This is what the kitchen sink is designed for. When purchasing a sink for the kitchen, it is important to consider not only its aesthetic appearance, but also its practicality and functionality. And to make it convenient for the hostess to use it, it is important to know how to install a sink in the kitchen. Today we will try to figure out how to do this work on our own, without the help of outside masters, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs.

How to install a sink in the kitchen: following simple recommendations will allow you to do without outside help

Types of sinks by type of installation

There are four groups of kitchen sinks, depending on the type of installation and operating conditions:

Kitchen sink installation rules

There are several rules to consider when installing a kitchen sink:

  1. The rule of the "golden triangle": a cabinet with a sink cannot be placed next to a refrigerator or oven (water and fire are not compatible);
  2. The sink should be located close to the working area where the products are prepared - cleaning, cutting;
  3. Washer divides working area into 2 parts: one - for dirty work, the other, clean - for serving ready-made food.

In practice, sinks are tied to the sewerage and water supply system, they are usually installed in the corner or near the wall adjacent to the bathroom. But modern technologies and Construction Materials allow you to install it in any desired place in the kitchen set.

Which type to prefer - it ultimately depends on the taste of the hostess, and also on the furniture set in the kitchen. If it includes individual items and soon there will be no changes here, then you can buy an invoice. If you plan to install sectional furniture with a single tabletop on the entire surface, it will be right to stop at the inset sink. This will avoid the formation of dampness between the cabinets.

It's important to know! Optimum thickness sink countertops - 38 cm: it is the most robust and durable.

Tools required to install the sink

If you have to work with a headset with a common tabletop or with separate modules that allow for flush mounting household appliances, then you need to have the following tools with which you can install a kitchen sink with your own hands:

  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill;
  • wood drills;
  • screwdriwer set;
  • pliers;
  • pencil, ruler, square;
  • rubber compressor;
  • silicone sealant.

Installation instructions for a flush-mounted kitchen sink

Modern sinks, as a rule, have cardboard templates, complete with fasteners, to facilitate their installation. But if it is absent, we use the sink itself as a template.

In the absence of a template, draw a contour from the sink itself

  1. We place the template on an installed and already fixed tabletop or on a separate module that allows the installation of mortise elements. We fix it in several places with scotch tape, while not forgetting that the sink should not come into contact with the internal elements - sidewalls and power struts.

    The template is fixed with tape on the table top, avoiding contact with the internal elements

  2. We mark the location of the sink on the countertop. It must be carefully thought out so that the use of the sink is convenient, the back does not get tired and splashes of water do not fall on the floor. Optimal distance from the edge of the table - 5-10 cm. Outline the outline of the template or an inverted sink with a pencil. Then, stepping back 1.5 cm, we apply the second (working) contour, along which we will cut the hole.
  3. We drill according to the hole marking using an electric drill. The diameter of the drill is selected according to the width of the saw blade. As a rule, it is standard - 10-12 mm.

    The diameter of the drill is selected according to the width of the saw blade

    A hole for washing is cut along the marked contour with a jigsaw

  4. Thoroughly clean the resulting cut from sawdust and dust, clean the cut with sandpaper.
  5. We install the sink in the resulting hole, check the accuracy of the cut. We look to see if the sides of the sink fit snugly to the countertop. We check at the same time the installation of the mixer, flexible hoses, because after installing the sink it will not be so easy to install it.
  6. We process silicone sealant the edges of the worktop inside the hole, protecting it from moisture penetration.

    Sealing the edge of the countertop with a sealant will protect them from excess moisture

  7. We put on the edge of the cut (on the front side of the tabletop) double-sided tape that comes with the sink. If it is not included in the kit, apply the sealant again.
  8. We install the sink, trying to press it tightly around the edges so that all possible voids are filled with sealed material. Then, using fasteners, we pull the sink from below, and we do this operation in stages: first, we pull the corners of the sink diagonally, but not until the very end. Using the same principle, we then tighten the fastening screws in the middle. Remove excess adhesive tape or squeezed out sealant from the countertop.

    We fix the sink with fasteners (bottom view) so that it fits snugly against the edges of the countertop

  9. We connect the installed sink to the sewer. Be sure to use a siphon that will protect against unpleasant odors... Two-turn siphons are considered the best - they clog up much less bottle counterparts. We connect the mixer to the water supply.
  10. We check the tightness of all units.

Installing an overhead sink

There are three options for installing an overhead sink:

  1. Fastening with glue Is the simplest option. The overhead sink is installed on a special cabinet. In this case, the sink should be wider in width than the underframe and its sides will completely cover the edges of the curbstone. The ends of the underframe must be pre-treated with silicone sealant, put the sink and press down. The sink will fix well after the sealant has dried. Silicone glue will protect the end of the underframe from water ingress.
  2. Fastening with mounting brackets. In normal situations, the overhead sink is fixed with special fasteners, which can be included with it or sold separately. First you need to screw in the self-tapping screws from the inside of the cabinet walls and then attach the brackets to them. Next, tighten the screws a little. Install the sink and shift the mounting angle along the screw, making sure that the self-tapping screw is fixed in the recess of the corner, and the sink is completely pressed against the underframe. Then the fastening screws are finally tightened.
  3. Fixing the sink with wooden blocks... In cases where standard mount does not fit (there are defects in the countertop), or there are no fasteners at all, you can safely choose suitable furniture corners and wooden blocks and make your own assembly site. The bars must be placed in the sink box. Then you need to screw four metal corner(along the perimeter of the sink). Now the structure can be placed on the curbstone. After that, the second part of the corner is screwed on from the inside of the walls of the underframe. The height of the blocks can be adjusted, if necessary, so that the top of the sink is at the same level as the rest of the pedestals.

How to fix a sink in the kitchen directly to the wall, without a cabinet? For this we use special brackets (they can be purchased at plumbing stores). We carry out the first markup at the selected height from the floor (approximately 80 cm). Then we make a second markup just below the first. The distance between the markings corresponds to the thickness back wall sinks. We get the line for attaching the brackets.

Next, we measure the distance between the intended installation locations. special brackets at the sink. We mark an equal distance on the line of attachment of the brackets. We drill holes in the wall, fasten the brackets and fix the sink.

Observing simple rules, you can do a good job of installing a kitchen sink with your own hands so that it works without problems. A properly installed sink will last long time and will ensure the safety and hygiene of the countertop.

Hello, friends.

In this article, we will consider one very serious operation, which greatly affects the quality of the kitchen set.

It's about the sink sidebar. We will look at this whole process from start to finish with all its nuances.

Before you embed the sink, you need to decide in which part of the countertop it should be located.

To do this, the countertop must be placed on the lower modules of the kitchen, and the box in which the sink is to be placed, from the inside, circle it with a pencil (along the countertop) to determine the internal space for it.

After that, the table must be put upside down, and mark the place for cutting the hole. This is done as follows:

  • Then, with a tape measure, you need to measure the distance from the edge to the ear, into which the fasteners are attached

  • Having made 8-10 such "serifs", through them, using the same sink, we draw curves (in parts), which form inside the circle we have drawn, another circle, the radius of which is less than the radius of the main circle at the distance from the edge of the sink to its ear ... This will be the circle that needs to be cut with a jigsaw.
  • We make a hole on the inside of this circle with a large drill (usually, this is a drill with a diameter of 10 millimeters).
  • We insert a jigsaw file into this drill, and cut a hole. Do not forget, when the hole is almost cut, support the cut out part of the tabletop, as it can break off, breaking the plastic from the front part.

When the hole is made, the inside of it must be covered with silicone, since this place is the most problem place on the kitchen. It should be protected as much as possible from moisture penetration into the countertop, since in this case, the countertop can simply "tear" from moisture - and this is its complete replacement.

So, after the hole is “siliconized”, we begin to prepare the sink for the insert.

To do this, you need to stick the adhesive tape on its inner surface, which is always included in the kit (plus fasteners and plus, plastic tubes for draining).

Pay attention before buying a sink: Sticky tape (which needs to be glued inside) should not be stuck on it. It should be included. Almost all sinks in which adhesive tape was previously pasted, it was not pasted correctly.

And correctly, it is glued so that there would be a small distance between it and the side of the sink itself (there it turns out, like a gutter), where the silicone is poured.

It turns out at the same time, two barriers: adhesive tape and silicone.

So, when all this is done, and the silicone is poured, the sink is inserted into the hole cut in the countertop (from bottom to top). If the tabletop is located, for example, on two chairs, then one of them can be immediately substituted under the sink, thus fixing it.

After that, fasteners are inserted into it.

I want to note that this is one of the most installed kitchen sets.

The fasteners with which it is attached to the tabletop are usually poor (meaning, poorly thought out). There are almost always problems with it (for this, you need to always have spare versions of this fastener for installation).

There are situations when he simply does not fix the countertop, but climbs to the sink (which happened at the installation, the photos from which are posted in this article as an example).

As we did not bend the antennae of the fastener itself, he stubbornly jumped off the tabletop (and, of course, did not fix it).

The easiest way out of this situation is as shown in the figures: you need to insert a piece of chipboard, or something else, between the sink and the fasteners themselves. Thus, the fasteners are fixed, and, twisting, attracts the sink.

But, do not forget one detail: you need to exercise with the installation, if possible, not very long, since the silicone that was poured into the sink, when pressed against the countertop, partially "crawled" out. It should not have time to harden, because in this case, removing it, you can remove some of the silicone under the sink.

When it is pulled against the worktop, you need to make sure that there are no gaps between it and the worktop. If they are, then it is badly attracted.

At the end, you need to wipe the silicone protruding from under the sink and the sink itself.

That, in general, is all.

On this I will end, see you in new articles.