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The meaning of the name arina ancient greek world. Arina - the meaning of the name, its fate and character

This female name is independent, although consonant with the more popular Arina and Irina. The meaning of the name Arish is softer and more calm. Accordingly, its owner is distinguished by a quieter and more balanced disposition, but not devoid of its zest.

Those who decide to name their daughter that way should certainly know that the meaning of the name Arish for a girl is fundamental. This is an independent, practical and moderately cautious person who, from a young age, decides everything and always himself.

Arishka's parents do not have to run in circles and additional activities in order to pick up a hobby for their daughter. She herself chooses hobbies related to creativity and needlework. The most interesting thing is that the acquired skills in the future can become an excellent basis for a creative profession.

Arishechka, by the way, is well versed in fashion and has excellent taste, but she is unlikely to waste time on entertainment. Investigating the meaning of the name Arish for a child, one can come to the confidence that in the future she will be at the top of life.

Knowing detailed interpretation name, it is not surprising that the girl has graceful manners and an interesting appearance. In this, we should thank not only the parental genes, but also the patronage of the Higher Powers.


Arisha, from an early age, embarks on a quest ideal man... He often falls in love with pleasure, but he never loses control over his feelings and does not allow a man to completely take over himself.

Sometimes she can be reproached for being too cold and secretive, but if necessary, for the sake of her beloved, personal preferences lose their meaning. She is ready for sacrifices and compromises on her part. And all because she can hardly endure loneliness and always tries to have friends and fans nearby.

As for close relationships, here the chosen one will have to show maximum patience. Love means more to Arisha than just quality sex. She appreciates affection, tenderness and romance, looking for confidence and security in relationships.

If a girl meets her chosen one, she will be faithful to him for the rest of her life. But he will not forgive treason, and will worry about this for a very long time. You should not repent and assure your feelings, she definitely will not give a second chance.

And everything will end quietly and quite peacefully, without hysterics and swearing. Where greater importance for Arishechka, she has her own dignity, and she will not allow any infringement on him.

A family

In the family, Arishka manifests herself as an excellent hostess, loving mother and devoted wife. She is extremely jealous, but ready to do anything for the happiness of loved ones. In family relationships, he welcomes equality and mutual respect. She gets along well with her husband's parents, loves to receive guests, but she herself is in no hurry with a return visit.

If Aruska starts to argue, then it is easier for hubby to give in right away. After all, a woman clearly denotes boundaries that others cannot cross. If a man calmly provides serious arguments, he will easily agree with the craziest idea.

By the way, despite all the housekeeping and thriftiness, Arisha rarely devotes herself entirely exclusively to the family hearth. As soon as the opportunity arises to get down to business, she immediately runs away, instantly shifting household chores to her stronger half.

Business and career

Arisha is definitely a responsible and serious person. She has great intuition, but she rarely uses it, relying more on sober calculation and analytics. She will never act blindly or spontaneously. Work, whatever it is, means orderly and fully thought-out action to it.

She is endowed with remarkable organizational skills and skillfully leads the team and the whole business. At the same time, it does not matter at all how many people are subordinate and how difficult the task looks like. Arisha can easily cope with everything. True, there is one sin - power greatly spoils an already complex character. But if Arishka decides to make a career, then he will certainly achieve everything he wants.

As for the choice of a profession, the main importance here is the ability to teach others something and make the world a little more beautiful. In the latter case, a childish propensity for needlework is also affected.

Best of all, she manifests herself in the professions of a teacher, designer, stylist. Arishka is well versed in people, and therefore often chooses the specialty of a psychologist.

The origin of the name Arish

Today it is rather difficult to say with certainty where this name came from. There are several main versions, which are also associated with consonant Arina and Irina. Actually, this is the main secret of the name.

Based on all existing opinions, it can be assumed that the origin of the name Arish is Greek. Once the Greeks worshiped the Goddess responsible for peace on earth and her name was Eirena. And, as you know, people are happy to use in ordinary life everything divine, remaking it in its own way.

The story goes that in medieval Russia there were girls whose name Arisha was no less than in any other European country... This is confirmed by another version, now a Slavic etymology.

After all, the Slavs had their own light and all-powerful God Yarilo, who gives people sunlight, and hence life itself. In his honor, many nominal interpretations appeared, including Yarina, Yarisha, Yara and Arina.

Characteristics of the name Arish

Arisha has an extremely emotional and changeable character. A slight anxiety against the background of unconditional creative talent sometimes makes her somewhat insecure. However, the characteristics of the name Arish and the benevolence of the planet-talisman allow her to adapt to the circumstances with the least damage to herself.

Despite prudence, she intuitively selects the path of least resistance, although she believes that this is the merit of only a sober mind.

Aruska is a big dreamer, while she always strives for independence and does not allow external conditions put pressure on yourself. Considering the pros and cons of personality, all Arisha are advised to pay less attention to little things and avoid conflict situations.

The mystery of the name

  • Zodiac - Taurus.
  • Planet - Venus, Moon.
  • The stone is opal.
  • Color - pale blue.
  • Plant - lily of the valley, chestnut.
  • The animal is an owl.
  • Day is Friday.

Arisha is not included in the list of mentioned names in the calendar, but can celebrate Irina's name day - January 12, January 16, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 26, October 1.

Famous people named Arisha

  • Radionova (1989) - tennis player.
  • Aleinikova (1943) - Soviet actress.
  • Sharapova (1961) TV presenter, journalist.

Arisha's name in different languages

Knowing about the related origin, it is easy to understand how this name is translated. The traditional translation of the name Arish is "peace" and "rest". On Hebrew it also has the meaning of "enlightened" or "teacher". Translation is also offered:

  • in Chinese - 阿 亦 沙
  • in Japanese - ア リ シ ャ
  • in Ukrainian - Yarisha

Name forms

  • Full name is Arisha.
  • Derivatives - Arina, Irina, Yarina, Yara, Yarisha.
  • Diminutive affectionate - Arishka, Arishechka, Yarochka, Aruska.
  • Declination - Arishi, Arisha, Arishoy.
  • Church in Orthodoxy - Irina.

Active Kind Hardworking

Arina Sharapova, famous TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

What does the name Arina mean?

Arina - ancient, rare and beautiful name... V last years it quickly gained popularity among female names. The meaning of the name Arina presupposes the balance and independence of its carriers.

She has a sensitive and delicate nature. The girl is able to feel the feelings, the mood of the interlocutor, often puts herself in his place. She uses her peculiarity for her own benefit.

The girl is famous for her serenity and calm attitude towards others. In her close environment there are only reliable friends, and enemies on the path of life are rare. It is pleasant to communicate with these girls, they are sociable.

The following patronymics are perfectly combined with the name Arina: Alexandrovna, Artemovna, Alekseevna, Valentinovna, Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Sergeevna, Eduardovna or Yurievna.

Arina Evgenievna loves to be in the spotlight, loves noisy companies. The owner of the middle name Andreevna is distinguished by her benevolence towards others and high sociability. Arina Alekseevna is endowed with a practical mindset, is distinguished by calmness, while Dmitrievna has solid character and loves to impose his views.

Would you name a child by that name?

This name has Greek origin... It was widespread in the society of the ancient Greek nobility. But now, in the modern world, it is rarely used in speech.

Finding out what the name Arina means, scientists have proposed several versions of its origin.

Most researchers claim that this name is a derivative form of an appeal to Irina. In translation, the word "Irina" means "peace", "tranquility". In Greek myths, there is the goddess of the world Eirena, whose name was then transformed into the words "Arina" and "Irina". History recalls interesting fact, that in the 18th century Arins were called daughters of merchants and peasants, and Irina - daughters of nobles.

Arguing what the name Arina means, we can conclude that it came from the Old Slavonic name Yarin, formed from the supreme god of the Slavs - Yaril.

According to another version, the name appeared in Russia from the Jews, initially in the form of the name Aaron, which then underwent a sound transformation. The word "Aaron" in translation means "the highest", "enlightened".

The origin of the name Arina recalls her namesake celebrities: Arina Rodionovna - the nanny of A.S. Pushkina, Sharapova - TV presenter, Kirsanova - actress, Makhova - TV presenter.

Name forms

Full: Arina Laskovaya: Arisha Short: Arya Antique: Arina

WITH early years Arisha stands out among her peers for her independence. She herself decides whether to attend her music school or enroll in a theater studio. The girl learns to sew and knit on her own. She probably inherited this character trait from her mother, and external data from her father.

As an adult, an active girl plunges headlong into her career, where she can achieve excellent results.

Thanks to organizational skills she can be a great leader.

The characteristic of the name Arina claims that pedagogical activities and educational work are ideal for her bearer. This woman is able to lead people without pressure and coercion, captivating with her enthusiasm, activity and rich inner world.

At work, she shows herself as an active, reliable and responsible employee.

Arina does not trust anyone with her job duties, tries to do everything on his own, relying only on his own strength, his hard work, perseverance and practicality. Before doing something, he will first calculate everything and think it over carefully, and then only go to the goal.

The financial side of Arina's life is going well. Earning income is usually not about maintaining own business, but with the receipt of an inheritance or expensive gifts.

She likes to receive guests in a cozy home environment.

Arina is characterized by practicality, prudence, decisiveness and hard work - with these qualities of character she differs from other women.

Throughout life path she will be distinguished by such traits as benevolence, responsiveness and perseverance. Arina knows what she wants and always achieves her goals.

A distinctive feature of this name is independence and responsibility.

The secret of the name Arina provides us with a description of her representative, who has a secretive, somewhat cunning character. WITH outside the image of a simple, gullible and naive girl is formed, which in reality does not correspond to the real inner peace Arina. She has an amazing intuition, is able to quickly feel the hidden essence of any business.

It is easy and pleasant to communicate with Arina. With those around her, the representative of the name is benevolent, courteous and tactful. In conversations, she adheres to her own views. If you try to win her over to your side, you won't succeed.

This woman is a subtle psychologist at heart, is well versed in people, knows how to compromise in conflict situations, it is difficult to deceive her. She is prudent, calculating and prudent. She does not tend to commit spontaneous rash acts.





Good nature

Hard work

Excessive rigor





In amorous affairs, Arina is indecisive, somewhat fearful. This girl is cold to gentlemen, does not express her feelings, long time keeps them at a distance. Despite this, she is popular with men.

In the characteristics of Arina, you can find out that the main place in the life of this girl is occupied by family relationships. If, being married, she finds herself in the world of comfort, warmth, care and support from her husband, then the girl will become a wonderful wife, a faithful friend and a good housewife. She transfers leadership in the family to her spouse. Can forgive a lot to her husband, but not betrayal. She experiences such a situation painfully and immediately decisively ends all relations.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The girl's name Arina came to us from Ancient Greece and means "peace" and "tranquility". It is very gentle and affectionate, therefore, in recent years, it has become more and more popular in our country.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents opt for Arina, since the meaning of the name implies that their daughter will be interesting in communication for her peers. Little Arishka always wants to hug, caress and pull her cheeks. The child will always calmly take your attention, since the main qualities of her character are communication skills and calmness.

The character of the name Arina endows her charming little girls with independence, practicality, decisiveness, hard work and prudence.

From an early age, Arisha demonstrates her independence to her family and others. She herself chooses what to do, which clubs to attend, with whom to be friends. But this does not negate the fact that the girl is assiduous and attentive.

In most cases, the child adores the father. Arisha always tries to spend her leisure time with him. When guests come, she behaves modestly and quietly, goes about her business. If she is asked to sing or dance, then she is "lost" and cannot show the guests her talents.

Where will Arina succeed?

It is interesting and easy for her to study at school. She shows her talents in drawing, music and dance lessons. Laziness will be the only obstacle to an exemplary study.

The girl was born to become a leader. But she does not seek to achieve unquestioning obedience from others.

For this child, professions are best suited: fashion designer, hairdresser, designer, nurse, teacher, manager, educator, leader and others.

According to the meaning of the name, Arina's parents are obliged to try and find the right approach to their daughter. This is really important. Otherwise, she will move away from mom and dad, stop believing them and listening to them. In the process of raising this girl, do not skimp on praise and recognition. If the child feels supported, then he will strive to achieve his goal.

What games will Arina like?

Arina loves to sew, draw and knit. Already in childhood, she shows herself to be an excellent housewife: she will help her mother, prepare a delicious dinner, and show a master class in needlework. She is attracted to Hollywood movies.

She enjoys reading detective stories. And in general, the girl is fond of literature. Arina also goes in for sports, she especially enjoys swimming.


According to the main version, the name Arina is an outdated form of pronunciation of the name Irina. Has Greek roots. Could come from the Greek words meaning "peace" and "rest" in translation. By the way, the name Arina has never been very popular, but now it is found more and more often.

Female name Arina is largely associated with the name Irina in the Slavic nomenclature. It also has good significance, has strong symbolism and is compatible with many signs of the zodiac, but differs in many ways. And below we will deal with each of its aspects in more detail ...

Popularity: The female name Arina is ranked 17th in the ranking of popular female names and accounts for approximately 23 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Arya, Arinka, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha

Modern English counterparts: Aryna, Irina, Erina, Yarina

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Arina has strong energy and promises mainly independence for the girl's character. This is usually an independent lady, who becomes even more independent, freedom-loving and restless with age. Most of the bearers of this name are wise, intelligent, demanding, decisive, active women.

These women usually attract attention with their sociability, sociability, eloquence and charm. Arina is always in the spotlight. He easily talks to people on a variety of topics, is never rude and communicates with everyone on an equal footing. She will not divide people into important and unimportant, and treats everyone equally well.

Advantages and positive features: sociable, good-natured, respectable, communicates with everyone on an equal footing, never resorts to tricks and achieves everything directly on their own.

Arina treats badly traitors, people who do not keep their words and do not fulfill communication, selfish and cunning people who dominate other personalities and braggart.

The name Arina is not so popular today in countries with a Russian-speaking population, but is still found both in Russia and in Ukraine and Belarus.

The nature of the name Arina

In general, the nature of the name Arina is such that it promises many problems, as in initial stage life, and on the rest, and the reason is primarily in those characteristics that are promised to them. This girl has problems with communication and self-sufficiency, with pride and personal criticism, she is too insecure, such is her character, and this brings her a lot of troubles. In addition, the character of the name implies loneliness - Arina is infinitely lonely, it is difficult for her to find like-minded people, and if they are, then most often then they turn out to be simply selfish people, which leads to disappointment and isolation in herself.

In general, such a parameter as the nature of the name is practically unpredictable, it is immediately influenced by a heap of the most different factors, including the month of birth of such a variation as Arina, and the talisman stone of the name-form itself, and many others. The strongest influence is exerted by the time of the year of birth, at least that's what most astrologers and researchers think.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a newborn baby named Arina is filled with positive and calm at the same time. The meaning of the name promises its bearer a lot good characteristics, among which are calmness, serenity, prudence, benevolence, good nature, justice, shyness, timidity, lack of communication. It is difficult for her to communicate with big companies, she loves to spend time alone or, as a last resort, with family and friends. She is attached to her parents, especially to her mother, obeys them in all, obeys, does not indulge. It is important for her to be appreciated, respected, loved. Set as an example to other children. The only big problem is mistrust and indecision - any of his actions initially ponders for a long time, he is afraid to make a mistake. In general, in life she needs the support of close people, leaving her in splendid isolation and without support is extremely undesirable, because this can lead to huge number problems, in particular, in relationships with peers. The meaning can give a girl named such a variation as Arina a lot good qualities, but all of them in early childhood are manifested too weakly - only in adolescence, when the influence of astrological factors on her character begins to appear, her virtues can increase.


Arina is a teenager, this person is constantly changing in essence. In adolescence, the influence of such an astrological factor as the sign of the zodiac begins to appear, and also, the influence of the main patron of the very name of Arina, the patron planet, may appear. Obligation, diligence, industriousness, kindness, fairness, optimism - these are its main features with which it gives meaning. But this girl also has shortcomings, including self-doubt, and indecision, and the inability to make her own decisions, and the inability to defend her personal opinion. She will not become a leader or an organizer, she will always be in the shadow of more effective people, and this is one hundred percent fact. But Arina is a capable student, more than one subject will not make her nervous, she studies everything with ease and pleasure. Plus, despite the childishness and lack of independence, he communicates well with his peers, which is also important. But her parents should still pay attention to her upbringing. leadership qualities- if conceit and self-sufficiency do not increase, then toga Arina runs the risk of remaining so dependent, indecisive, and excessively quiet for the rest of her life.

Adult woman

Adult Arina, this is already a person over whom the meaning of the name itself is practically not patronized. This girl, or rather a woman, begins to show new traits in the adult stage, such as friendliness, sociability, a desire to help everyone around, a desire to stand out from the crowd, friendliness and others. And Arina can also become a brawler - the meaning of a talisman-stone of this name and a spontaneous patron can endow conflict and adherence to principles already at an adult stage. This is partly good, but whether Arina will be able to control these traits of her own is a difficult question. Well, on the whole, this is still the same lady as before - indecisive, dependent, unable to make their own balanced decisions, unable to defend their interests and needing a friend-defender - this is already the fault of the meaning, you can't argue with that.

The interaction of Arina's character with the seasons

Autumn - this tearful period, thanks to the meaning, endows the girl named after Arina with such character traits as scrupulousness, prudence, prudence and thoughtfulness. She is unfamiliar with envy and pride, she is non-conflict and easily becomes desirable in society, but demanding, which repels potential gentlemen. Sensitive to the highest moral and spiritual values ​​- despises liars, flatterers and impudent people.

Spring - in the months of flowering, a talented one is born, adoring work and changes. Such a person will become a successful worker in any chosen area - independent and enterprising, resourceful and cunning, but progressing in career ladder she will not see, the fault lies with indecision. A good listener, a person who understands and delves into the problem, an excellent advisor, attentive and inspiring. Gullibility often leads to disappointment.

Summer - in the summer months, such characteristics as hard work, gullibility, kindness and good nature, disinterestedness and attentiveness to the environment and other people's troubles will be brought up in the lady. This is a devoted and caring person who loves everything around him - he will not betray, not offend, will not borrow, is faithful and reliable, will become an ideal mother and wife, has a tolerant character.

Winter - harsh weather and frost give this girl firmness and adherence to principles, isolation and stiffness, dependence on mood and emotions, rigidity in communication and straightforwardness. She is comfortable only next to a stern but reliable knight. She needs a ruler, a domineering male, tough, but subservient. Friends are few, but they do not need them. But by the origin of the soul, it is fair, which can be attributed to the pluses ...

The fate of the name Arina

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Arin, everything is very, very difficult with him, because he practically does not lend itself complete transcript, and specialists. Those who have dealt with this issue always speak only of theoretical points. So, for example, it is known that the fate of a girl named Arina in love, relationships with members of the opposite sex and marriage presupposes the presence of endless problems, in particular, tied to the unwillingness of the majority of emerging potential partners to start a serious relationship with her.

Fate also assumes the lack of initiative of the so-called even in adulthood - she will never show her sympathy first, and all the time she is waiting for the first step from a man. This can lead to loneliness and an apparent lack of potential "boyfriends".

But there is another interesting point - if fate nevertheless leads to the creation strong couple with the subsequent creation of a family, then Arina will become ideal in all respects. In other words, fate presupposes the final formation of Arisha as an ideal wife, a loving wife, and moreover, an exemplary mother. However, again, all this is just a theory, but how its fate will actually turn out, as if no one simply can know ...

Love and marriage

The most important thing for Arina in marriage is respect, love, sincerity, feelings and mutual understanding. This girl cannot be attracted by money or brutality, nor can she be attracted by rudeness or the inclinations of a leader. This girl needs a loving, understanding husband, one with whom she would feel needed, useful, loved and desired. At the same time, she herself will give all the same to her husband.

Arina can get married early, and most likely, her first marriage will be successful. And all because she takes the very concept of marriage responsibly, judiciously and seriously. She will not marry a man just because she has fallen in love with him. She will first test her feelings for strength, make sure that the relationship fits her criteria, and only then will she agree to get married. And then, at first the man will have to sweat, coming up with a way that he will use to make her a marriage proposal.

Arina can become an excellent hostess, but not ideal. She will not leave the house dirty, will not throw things in the wrong places, and will not send her husband hungry to work. But at the same time, you should not count on more in marriage with her. She will not become a “household slave,” even if her husband demands it.

Arina as Mother

Mom named Arina is a mother with a capital letter. She is ready to devote all herself to the child who has been born. Initially, she can demonstrate the kind of maternal love that could be wished for all children, without exception. But it won't last long. As soon as the child grows up, as soon as he gets on his feet and can support himself, her attitude towards him will change. Then he will have to rely only on himself. And by the way, it will be so with the boy and the girl ...

But until then, Arina will surround her child with love and care, and everything will be given to the child. All her attention, all love, tenderness and care, gentleness and feelings will belong to her son or daughter, or both at once, but in the same amount. For Arina, children are not just an excuse to grow up and become serious - this is her way of life, style, her dream. By the way, Arina often begins to dream of becoming a mother as early as adolescence.

Male name compatibility

As for compatibility with male names, everything is much simpler here. It is believed that best combination in terms of feelings, it is achieved with a lady named Arina with named variations such as Alexander, Sergey, Matvey, Elisey, Makar, Gordey and Ostap.

It will be possible to build a strong and durable marriage, for example, with Artem, Yegor, Fedor, Svyatoslav, Anar, Robert.

And here negative impact on fate will have a connection in relationships with such as Demyan, Luke, Aristarchus, Benedict, Benjamin.

Today's article will explain the meaning of the name Arina for the entire fate of a woman from the moment of birth to a ripe old age. Today there are several theories of the appearance of the name Arina. According to the 1st theory, the female name Arina is a derivative of the ancient name Irina, which is translated from ancient Greek as "peace", "peace".

The following theory indicates that the name Arina is related to the following names: Yaronega, Yara, Yaromira. All these names of the ancient Slavs take their origin from their god - Yaril. According to the third theory, the name Arina is the female word form of the name of the men of the Jewish people Aaron, which means "enlightened." The female name Arina was very popular in the 18th century. among noble, merchant families, but today this name has lost its widespread use.

Nevertheless, today it is necessary to know the meaning of the name Arina before naming your child that way. Surely I know everything, the beloved nanny of the Russian legendary poet Pushkin A.S., who dedicated to her a large number of poems, verses. Arina Rodionovna is known for her purest, warm, gentle and loving image. According to the poet, the nanny was an excellent storyteller, and A.S. Pushkin learned a lot from the stories of Arina Rodionovna, which later turned into his world-famous works.

However, modern history also known is no less number of Arin women, distinguished by great talents and merits. These include the popular presenter Arina Sharapova, dancer Arina Kirsanova, actress Aleinikova Arina, ballerina Sobakina Arina, athlete figure skating Ushakov Arin and many others. In the next section, we will tell you how the meaning of the name Arina affects the character of a woman.

Characteristics of the name Arina

The woman named Arina, Irina are two similar names, however, only 1 letter gives the fate of the name completely different traits in character. If the woman named Irina is an egoistic, contradictory person, then all the women named by Arina are quivering, sweet creatures.

It should be noted that the meaning of the name Arina gives the inner world of a woman who bears this name a kind of isolation, such people are a truly mystery woman. Possessing the wisdom of life, as well as the skills to dispose of strangers to herself, the woman named Arisha is characterized by emotional stability, firmness in achieving her goals and hard work.

A woman named Arisha is not at all inherent in snobbery, arrogance, and also a desire for the sake of her own interests to sacrifice the interests of strangers. A woman named Arisha is distinguished by making informed decisions, consistency in all matters - these character traits are the main ones. A woman named Arisha never fusses, is not in a hurry, always calculates everything to the smallest detail, after which she brings each case to its logical conclusion.

The woman named Arisha is characterized by friendliness, sociability - this is the natural style of her communication, which is taken by the bulk of strangers for friendship. However, a woman named Arisha is a rather hidden person who never reveals to anyone. own soul.

The character of the woman, named Arisha, the meaning of whose name is being considered, is quite straightforward, has the ability to express the whole truth directly in the eyes, is able to defend her own opinion to the bitter end. A woman named Arisha does not tolerate intrigue, gossip, she does not succumb to seduction with the help of beautiful words and flattery.

The woman named Arisha is distinguished by a significant mind, education, she is well versed in strangers, but does not show her own knowledge. A woman named Arisha can be characterized as a little cowardly, indecisive, nevertheless, one should not underestimate her independence, stubbornness in achieving her goals.

A woman named Arisha does not claim leadership, but the role of an ordinary gray mouse is not for her either. Arina will always provide help, but she does not seek help herself, she prefers to rely solely on herself. It should be noted that a woman named Arisha is characterized by positive karma, for this reason, Arina always achieves success, as in family life and in the profession.

Arina's childhood

Now let's look at how the meaning of the name Arina for a girl affects, the features of her character. Arina in childhood is a cheerful, kind girl, a good mother's helper. The girl Arisha is distinguished by a specific relationship with her dad since childhood. This is due to the fact that even having already become a grown woman, Arisha will turn to the Pope for help or advice.

The girl Arisha is more of a folder's daughter, not a mother's. It should be noted that the child Arish quite early wants to gain independence, often uses the saying "I myself". Arina learns everything on her own, there is no need to force.

Arisha is an excellent student at school, is able to become a complete excellent student, takes part with great pleasure in every school performance. She is loved equally by her classmates and teachers. From an early age, Arisha loves to do needlework, read, and is characterized by excellent taste. During his school years, Arisha is very popular, has many admirers, with whom he maintains a relationship of friendship.

The girl Arina always has a large number of real friends, since she intuitively recognizes the slightest falsity. The only drawbacks of the Arisha girl is excessive independence, which sometimes turns into selfish character traits, as well as stubbornness.

Arina's health

It should be noted that the name Arina, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, is subject to various injuries, since in childhood she is a rather mobile girl. Having matured, a woman named Arisha, sometimes with great frivolity about her own health, often abuses drugs, relieving pain, as well as energy drinks, which is strictly forbidden for her to do.

The woman named Arisha only in exceptional cases refers to medical care, let it hurt. The woman, named Arisha, is capable of experiencing difficulties with metabolic disorders in the body, which affects body weight and general well-being. Due to the responsible approach to each case, a woman named Arina easily gets overworked. In this regard, Arisha needs to regularly visit outdoors, as well as ensure yourself a good sleep.

Arina's intimate life

For a woman, the name Arina, the origin and meaning of which she considers, has only a positive effect. Arisha is a very romantic, gentle girl who prefers a beautiful courtship process. Arisha always has a huge number of admirers, since she is a kind-hearted, open person. When making the choice of a soul mate, Arisha is mainly guided by her own common sense, and not feelings.

A woman named Arisha, at first glance, may look like a cold person, because despite her sociability, the girl is very reluctant to make close contact, and her own soul to an ordinary person will not reveal. As for personal affairs, a woman named Arina is indecisive, fearful, prefers friendship with a representative of the stronger sex than to enter into intimacy with him.

A woman named Arina appreciates true love a hundred times more than just sex, for her beloved she will cancel any of her prohibitions. Only to her chosen one, Arisha will reveal all her emancipation, will bestow care and affection.

Arina's compatibility, marriage and family

Let's see how Arina, the meaning of the name, whose character is described, behaves in a family setting. Having combined in marriage, the woman named Arisha, under no circumstances will be able to fully dissolve in her spouse, Arisha will find an option in order to preserve her own personal territory. Arina does not show claims to family domination, without losing her independence, as well as the ability to take all responsibility on her own shoulders.

Arisha's spouse will be forced to take into account Arina's independence, it will not work to lock such a person in 4 walls. Arisha's spouse can remain calm for the loyalty of his partner, since this girl is an example of decency and devotion. The woman, named Arisha, is a beautiful, but a little lazy housewife, at the same time a caring mother, the door of her home is open for acquaintances.

To her own family, a woman bearing the name Arisha will give such an amount of care and love that her minuses are extinguished in comparison with the pluses. The whole raison d'être of Arisha will be in her children, to whom she will give herself completely. Arisha is able to give up her husband, a successful career for the sake of her children.

Arisha can count on successful relations with Stepan, Leonid, Andrey, Ivan, Sergey, Vladimir, Boris, Igor, Arkady. Arisha needs to be afraid of relations with Timur, Anatoly, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Oleg.

Business, career

Consider how a woman named Arina, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which is described, shows herself in business. All Arish can boast of their own poise, therefore they are highly respected by subordinates, management and colleagues. However, it is better not to strive for leadership positions for Arisha, since she lacks firmness and assertiveness.

A woman named Arina, from an early age, is inclined to creativity, for this reason, it is better for her to stop at creative work, for example, to become a singer, actress, historian, art critic, TV presenter, fashion designer, artist, designer.

There are several options for opinions about the secret of the origin of the name Arina. One of them, the most common, says that the name comes from ancient greek, translated as "peace" and "rest". But there is reason to believe that Arina is a derivative of the name Irina, and both names belonged to the daughter of Zeus and Themis, whose name was Eirena. In addition, in Orthodoxy, the name Arina is not used, so the girl can be christened Irina.

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There is also a version of the Jewish origin of the name, from male name Aaron meaning "teacher", "enlightened". And supporters of Slavic origin see the connection of the names Arina and Irina with the name pagan god- Yarilo. In the history of the Russian state, both names went side by side for a long time. Irina - common name for noblewomen, Arina was called commoners.

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      • Patron saints and name days

        By church calendar, Arina and Irina celebrate their name days twice in January, on the 12th and 16th, on August 17 and November 2. The days of ten saints with the name Irina are celebrated in the year.

        However, the main patroness of Arin is Queen Irina, the wife of the Greek emperor, who became regent after his death. little son... She was canonized for veneration of icons. Those Arins who were lucky enough to be born on the days close to August 22 can consider the queen as their patroness. And if the girl was also baptized on August 22, then this day will forever remain the day of the angel Arina.

        The meaning of the name for a girl

        Arina with early childhood is an independent and responsible child. While still quite a toddler, she is well aware of what she needs in this moment and, despite the obstacles, goes to the goal.

        She is obedient and not conflicted, and if she receives reprimands or punishments, she suffers and worries when she feels that she is guilty. She requires an affectionate and respectful attitude towards her person, does not tolerate screams and scandals, which have a bad effect on her psyche. The meaning of the name makes Arina help others to extinguish the conflict. And if she is guilty, then she will definitely ask for forgiveness, give a promise not to repeat in the future those actions that lead to problems in the family. Peace and quiet are important to her.

        Arina is a sympathetic and empathetic girl. She will always help younger children with whom she likes to play and practice. She grows up as a mother's assistant and a good housewife. She enjoys when mom and dad are happy with her, and she does everything possible for her parents to be proud of her.

        Having matured and started to study, the girl shows extraordinary abilities and talents. She has an exceptional auditory memory. Her subtle nature shows a passion for dance and music, she draws beautifully, owning a pencil and a brush. Her talents do not end there. Arina loves to do needlework, embroidery and knitting are easy for her. She tries to sew, but this is not difficult for her either.

        Activity and mobility give her the desire to swim, do gymnastics and sports games... Choosing interests to her liking, Arina is guided by her own opinion, and parents are assigned the role of contemplators and assistants.

        While studying at school or university, the owner of the name shows firmness and perseverance. The girl strives to study well, she succeeds. And the desire to improve and engage in self-education will remain for many years.

        Marriage, family, compatibility

        Arina is a romantic and amorous person, therefore she demands beautiful courtship from the opposite sex. As in childhood, she has many admirers, since she is a kind and charming person. But when choosing a partner, first of all, she listens to common sense, and only then pays attention to feelings.

        Her first love, perhaps, will be unhappy, so then she will treat men with some fear and coldness, constantly remembering what happened many years ago. It is easier for her to just be friends with a man than to see him as a sexual partner.

        Having married, a woman tries to create her own oasis, a small world, where she builds a solid foundation for family life, but at the same time she does not forget about her personal space. Although she will not become a family leader, her husband will always have to reckon with Arina, her independence and self-sufficiency. No one will be able to keep such a woman within four walls.

        Being close to your spouse, even having enough a strong character, a woman expects from a man not only love. For complete happiness, she needs a feeling of security, and, having received it, she is able to give her beloved all of herself without a trace. There is no need for the husband to doubt Arina's loyalty. She is a worthy and decent person who cannot even think about treason. A woman sees the meaning of life in children. For the sake of their well-being, she can give up her career and, if necessary, her husband.

        Arina's compatibility with men named Timur, Oleg, Anatoly, Valentin and Vyacheslav is rather low, marriage with them will be unsuccessful, and the following names will bring Arina quiet and calm happiness:

        • Igor;
        • Leonid;
        • Stepan;
        • Sergey;
        • Vladimir;
        • Ivan;
        • Arkady;
        • Boris;
        • Andrey.

        Name mascots

        Cancer, Virgo and Pisces do not suit the euphonic name of Arina. But Capricorn and Aquarius go well with him, as well as Leo and Aries, from whom the girl can draw such traits as courage, will and determination.

        Arina and her talismans:

        • The fate and character of the bearer of the name is greatly influenced by the planet Venus, favorable to Arina.
        • Spring months are considered lucky, and the best day of the week is Friday.
        • Lucky colors: blue, cyan and bright yellow.
        • The lucky plants are lily of the valley and chestnut.
        • Happy animals - termite and owl.
        • Talismanstones: opal healing stone and spirit-fortifying topaz.