Repairs Design Furniture

Washing in the garage: how to do everything right. Seasoning and drainage system in the garage

Drain of water in the garage must be equipped in many cases. The purpose of the garage is not only like the premises for storing the car, here you can create a workshop and car wash, a rest room and a sports area. This requires dry and comfortable space. How do it yourself from the garage to make a way to remove water, tells the article.

Why do you need a drop of water garage

To improve the working conditions and expand the possibilities inside the garage, it is necessary to equip water drainage.

The reasons indicating the need for a device of such a system are:

  • Organization of premises for washing your car (see).
  • Creation of car wash and other service for the maintenance of transport.
  • The plum is needed for the removal of falling precipitation in the summer and winter.
  • When planning a garage improvement:
  1. make a toilet;
  2. put the washbasin.

The features of the water removal system from the garage premises are:

  • By construction standards, septict should be located at a distance of over five meters from the garage, which will not allow penetrate unpleasant smell From sewage to the room.
  • Standard grade internal sewage It has hydraulic shutters, it protects the penetration of sewage smells into the room.
  • The drain itself has a diameter at least 110 millimeters, while other pipes in the system are taken by 40-50 millimeters.
  • Pipes can be smooth and corrugated, the main condition so that they are resistant to different chemicals.
  • Drafting must be used special equipment and drainage containers.
  • Relief from dampness and odors helps the device of high-quality ventilation.

Tip: When building a sewage system in the garage, you must take care of the choice of flooring material in the room. So that they do not rotate from excess water and not destroyed, the surface should be covered with a tile.

  • Drugs can be placed directly at the location of the machine. In this case, after washing the transport, water will immediately flush into the sewer.
  • The drain device is better done in a slight recess.
  • It may be located near the entrance gate to the room, the floor is in this case at an angle, which allows the water to fitch down.

Special requirements for water removal are presented when the garage is completely or partially underground (see). In this case, it is difficult to provide all the nuances in the arrangement of the room.

Here you need to take into account the level of location groundwater, Sprouting the garage in spring and even strong rains can bring great trouble.

What way can you get rid of water in the garage

Tip: Before determining the method of organizing a water removal from the garage, you should deal with the reasons for its penetration into the room.

There are several technologies for water leads from the building:

  • Fully, over the depth of the occurrence, the foundation is diverted. A drainage system is arranged around the garage and the water removal is organized outside the site.
  • The drainage system can be equipped inside the garage room.. In this case, the technological gutter is cut throughout the perimeter, and the entire moisture will flush into one well, located in the garage. The floor must be made from a special drainage cover having a layer of air and install drainage pump For pumping water from the garage to the well.

Tip: This is a rather complicated technology that requires the help of specialists.

  • If water began to appear in the garage, you can use injectable waterproofing technology (cm. ). To do this, around the perimeter between the floor and the wall is drilled in increasingly 20 centimeters of the hole in which special packers are inserted. Through them, waterproofing substances - resin or gel are injected under high pressure pumps. Their hydroactive components in the interaction with moisture increase in size to thirty times and fill the existing seams, cracks and emptiness.
  • Additionally, it is necessary to cover the walls of liquid rubber - two- or three-component. It is possible to do this by hand or spray pump, which will allow the waterproofing membrane to perform more evenly. In this case, it is necessary that the surface of the walls is dry.

How to equip outdoor aged drainage

At the same time, the method of subsorative water is redirected to the mainland sands.

Tip: The exterior drainage system should be arranged simultaneously with the beginning of the construction of the garage, which will continue to avoid trouble.

When the water removal improvement is necessary:

  • Drop around the perimeter of the garage trench, delving on 40 centimeters below its floor. Trench width about 40 centimeters.
  • In a step two meters, wells are made to the tranner to the level of sand occur. The depth of such devices depends on the gloss of the garage.
  • Drainage are installed in the wells plastic pipeswhich must be wrapped in geotextile.
  • All holes need to be covered with a shallow grid made of galvanized steel, which will prevent the shower of soil and stones in drainage pipes.
  • Geotextiles are spilled on the bottom of the trenches. This will prevent drainage drank.
  • Crushed stone or gravel poured in the trenches.
  • Wrapped top edge geotextile.

It turned out a drainage horizontal tube with a diameter of about 40 centimeters. Its upper clip must be a bit above the bottom edge of the garage wall.

  • The drainage system is falling asleep into several techniques in the soil. At the same time, each time the soil layers are well tumped up so that it does not give.
  • At the end of all works, such drainage wells will divert water from the garage in any amounts and become an obstacle to its accumulation around the foundation.

Tip: It is impossible to deepen the drainage wells to the mainland soil. It is aquifer, from there you can take drinking water. It is forbidden to connect the sewage system and wastewater with the device drainage system. It can poison water used from artesian wells and wells, in a large radius from the building.

But this method can be used only for garages worthy of separately. The price of its high enough and work is very much.

How to make an internal drainage in the garage

This method is better to use for garages that have a type of semi-basement under the building or if its size is large enough.

Internal drainage consists of a system of interconnected pipes that are placed on the inner contour of the building that requires protection against moisture. In the drainage tube there are many holes, a diameter of 1.5 to 5 millimeters, located along the entire length of the drain and its circumference with a certain step.

Most of all, polymer drainage pipes with a diameter of 110 millimeters are suitable for these purposes. Drainage can be arranged before and after laying floors in the room, but in the latter case they will need to break.

Instructions for performing internal drainage:

  • If there are floors in the garage, they open.
  • It breaks around the perimeter of the placing the trench of the depth of about half the meter.
  • The bottom is thoroughly tamped.
  • A layer of gravel or rubble layer, 15-20 centimeters thick.
  • The drains are stacked. At the same time, their slope should be at least three millimeters per meter.
  • To facilitate the passage of the liquid into the drainage pipes, they fall asleep with rubble, the grains should be a fraction of 5-20 millimeters.
  • The drainage tube with this crurable turns into geotextiles.
  • The entire trench falling asleep by sand until the upper level of the soil is located.
  • The assembled water flows through the pipes in the collecting well, which is digging at the lowest point of the garage.
  • The walls of the well are concreted, but you can purchase a ready-made container. The prefabricated industrial wells are made of PVC, have a diameter of 31.5 centimeter, and a height from 1.25 to 3 meters. Lightweight designs and durable. Their use reduces the volume of construction work.
  • In a well, in which water comes to a certain level, a special drainage pump is installed. In this case:
  1. when filling the well float pump climbs up;
  2. upon reaching the critical level, the contacts of the start unit are closed, which includes the pump electric motor;
  3. water from the garage is pumped up in the built-in pump;
  4. after falling the water level, the float is lowered down again;
  5. motor is disabled.
  • Water should pump place in the place allotted by the owner. To do this, a removable hose is connected to the pump or a stationary tube system is mounted, which allows you to remove the liquid in storm sewerand then beyond the site.

As a garage to dry by injection

The most promising technology for waterproofing protection building structures All species are the injection method of isolation of buildings from the penetration of water into them. Using such technology, you can get rid of or much reduce the process of capillary supply.

But this is a pretty expensive method and it is desirable that all work is performed by professionals, special knowledge and equipment are required here as seen in the photo.

This method can be used for:

  • Different basements.
  • Objects that are built from porous materials, such as:
  1. brick;
  2. slag blocks from light concrete.

The injection method of waterproofing is to create two complexes, which consist of:

  • Outdoor moisture protection polymer membrane.
  • Anti-filtration curtain after it.

Benefits of the method:

  • There is no need to open the foundation of the building outside.
  • No need to produce huge construction operations For removal of facing material.

In this case, polymer resins are used to protect foundations:

  • Foam.
  • Acrylate gels.

Insulators are introduced using special expansion packers that are mounted in advance drilled holes, diameter from 1.2 to 4 centimeters. Holes are drilled in increasing from 20 to 80 centimeters.

Their characteristics depend on the type of soil, the material from which the garage and the thickness of its walls are constructed. Insulators with a special pump under pressure are introduced into packers.

Advantages of polymer waterproofers:

  • Ecologicality.
  • Durability of the material.
  • The low level of viscosity, which allows the substance to penetrate even the smallest cracks, seams and cavities of walls and foundations.

Garage arrangement using liquid rubber To cover the walls

Liquid rubber is an elastomeric water emulsion, which is based on:

  • Modified derivatives from oil.
  • Supplement of special polymers.

The material is sprayed with a cold way and immediately on the coated surface forms solid, without seams, a polymer membrane, with a unique high adhesion to any kind of materials:

  • Brick.
  • Stone.
  • Concrete.
  • Sloblock.
  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Metal.

The coating has:

  • Paro -, gas and waterproofability.
  • High resistant to ultraviolet.

When using such a method with the presence of high-quality thermal insulation and ventilation, the garage room will forever get rid of the penetration of water from the outside and the formation of condensate inside.

Liquid rubber:

  • Keeps its properties even at large temperature drops, which fluctuates from (-60 ° C) to (+ 90 ° C).
  • Withstand the impact of aggressive media up to 50 years.
  • The mass of the material is less than that of similar polymer rolled waterproofers, four times.
  • Lifetime up to 10 times longer.
  • Cost of coating below.

You can apply liquid rubber on any surfaces:

  • Vertically.
  • Horizontally.
  • Manually - roller or brush. But at the same time, the consumption of the material increases quite strongly, and the quality of work is worse.
  • Surfaces must be carefully cleaned and dried.
  • The material is applied with a thickness of one to three millimeters with a thickness of one to three millimeters.
  • After 30 minutes, the operation should be repeated.

Tip: Excellent anti-corrosion properties of liquid rubber allow it to be used to protect against rust formation on any metal surfaces in the garage.

How to remove water from the garage

Before starting work on waterproofing the walls of the garage, it should be well dry. With a large cluster of water, pumps for pumping water from the garage are used.


  • Removed and endured wooden equipment From the garage: shelves, racks, boxes.
  • Carefully cleared the floor.
  • Even the smallest garbage is removed.
  • The room successes:
  1. first two in a natural way;
  2. accelerated drying is performed, which is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period.

How to remove water from the garage, and then dry it, tells the video.

At the beginning of the works you already have a building project, and you know how it will look, and what kind of sink will be done - manual and / or automatic.

If you want to get big profit With smaller attachments, and the location of the washing involves a large stream of clients (even if the flow will alternate with downtime), we recommend implementing a manual tunnel sink. That is, it is necessary to build a building by 20 meters, in which the washing posts are located for each other. Through this, the full cycle of the car wash is broken down by the4th stage (it is possible for more, it will only increase the throughput of the washing), and you can wash large quantity Machines in the same time, than4th post of ordinary washing. The car for such a tunnel is moving either by washers by rolling, or the driver itself (it is necessary to provide a system for ventilation of this room from exhaust gases, or build enough bulk room). I served two sinks that work according to such a scheme, everything is fine with exhaust (the size of the building and the project I have).

This type of sink provides a wide field for fantasy and modifying. For example, in consequence, you can install the arch high pressure, or the arch of the application of foam, supplement the post by mechanical drying, or implement a conveyor man pull through such a tunnel. All this will reduce the time of the sink of every car, and will increase accordingly throughput washing. Therefore, if you are interested in such a way of developing your car wash, we recommend providing supply to the supply of all communications for future sink systems, or I would have ways, holes, plums, extra electrical power and connectivity machines for future prospects.

1. First of all, water is needed on the car wash. It is necessary to calculate and pave the communications that implement required amount Water per unit time in a car wash building. In the consumption of water, it is necessary to take into account all the devices of high pressure on the sink + water consumption for toilets, clothesons, shower, if there are still offices and other household rooms in the building, etc. We also recommend laying some stock ratio, in case of pressure drop in the water supply network , or installation of additional consumers. If the water is missing, but everything is done, you can try to correct the situation with the help of an additional water pump. To do this, contact the relevant firms. It is advisable for such pumps in advance to foresee the location, with the power supply you can figure it out. Pumps are set immediately in cases where the water supply system does not implement the required flow of water.

2. Sewage. The sewage drainage device must be implemented so that it is possible to remove dirt shovel. The fact is that the drains from the car wash are water + sand, and if they are sent immediately to sewer pipes, Sand over time tightly burst the channel. On the car wash building, it is necessary to implement a system of receiving trenches with removable metal overlap lathes. Reception trenches must be on the width of the Sovic shovel (for the convenience of cleaning). Stocks, getting into such a pit, immediately precipitate sand and ground to the bottom, and the liquid flows further. If you build a building under the sink from scratch, then in the project documentation it will all be taken into account. If you are tuning up the existing building - then your task is to arrange stock so that in sewage system There was one liquid. Typically, the trench system converges into one pit, in which there is also a large sump, to precipitate heavy impurities, and overflow. From this sump you will periodically have to take the silt, resorting to the help of municipal technology. It is better in the case of restructuring the building to refer to the construction engineers. Remember: "Greedy pays twice."

3. The filtering system and circulating water supply system is an integral part of the car-made complex. As a rule, in the purchase of this system in the requirements of the installation, the size and number of sumps are painted, all electrical water supply, and this system is part of the building project. Therefore, at the stage of the construction project, you must select and receive documentation for the cleaning system. It is selected by water performance in liters / hour.

4. Washing machines. Conducting wires, for connecting the devices, the power of the selected wave (high pressure apparatus) should be recommended. We recommend that you have all the equipment for washing in a separate those. room. To power the devices, water must be removed by water taps. It is better to see the dimensions of the selected washing machinery so that everything is beautifully placing and outlets and water cranes. It is also necessary to provide places to install flavored filters (near the cranes derived) to each machine so that there is normal access to them to replace the filter element. The filter can be installed at the stage of the water supply system. If water heating devices are used by burning diesel fuel - it is necessary to provide a galvanized exhaust system over each heating element. If AVD is in separate roomThe buttons for switching on and off must be displayed to the post of car wash. During the construction site, it is necessary to lay a 5-living wire with a cross section of 0.75 mm 2 each, from the installation site of the console in the hardware room, the control panel of the control panel will be located. Such a system is implemented with a transformer to reduce the voltage on the console, with which the washer is running, up to 24V.

5. Compressor - important hardware today. On the sinks carried out by blowing the car after drying, namely, they blow out from under numbers, mirrors and locks of the door of an excessive moisture. This is especially critical in winter time of the year. Also, foam generators are powered by compressed air (if you plan to use them). It is necessary to choose a compressor with all consumers of air and the frequency of their inclusion. If you choose a compressor with a smaller receiver and performance, it will work with overload and its resource is reduced.

6. Central vacuum cleaner. If you decide to realize central dusting on the sink, then under this device also need to provide place and electrical connection, as well as convenience for cleaning the bag.

7. Rotary consoles (Pantographs). To install swivel consoles, it is necessary to provide mortgages on the ceiling (if the building is uneven ceilings, or metal design), and it is better to realize them at the construction stage. It is necessary to fix square metal platforms for installing pantographs. Dimensions can be found at the firm where you will purchase this thing. There are rotary beams, both for high-pressure apparatuses and vacuum cleaners. The first of the high pressure sleeveless resource is significantly increased, the mapping of these devices are designed to make more comfortable work washer.

8. Communication as a whole:

(1) Central vacuum cleaner pipelines (plastic pipes, outdoor installation);

(2) Tracks compressed air (it is better to produce soldered tap plastic, so more aesthetically, but you can and PVC hose);

(3) High pressure highway tracks (high pressure hoses openly, but better stainless pipes with fittings);

(4) Wires remote inclusion AVD (wiring can be closed into the walls, but better round electrical boxes on top);

(5) Sockets for portable vacuum cleaners.

Everything can be implemented in different ways - hidden or open installation. In my opinion, it is better to spend everything better, i.e. to provide trays, box or shelves for laying all communications, as the washing is still production room, I. outdoor installation Provides a high degree of maintainability of communications.

These recommendations are provided in order to take into account all holes in the walls at an early stage of construction, and get an acceptable appearance at the end of construction, and not after completion finishing workwhen we go to mount the equipment, and begin to boot, drill, break tile tile, fall in the beams of the building metal structures, etc.

And the most important! It is necessary to make a door, or window opening room desired sizeSo that you can enter and install all the equipment (compressors, AVD, cleaning system, etc.), and we also recommend making the floor with some slope (but not too large) and a drain dump of water, as in the washing boxes. Whatever the devices you do not use anyway sooner or later they will give to flow, when replacing filters, water is fitted to the floor, when the condensate is drained from the compressor, water will run into the overall stock. Thus, it will be easier to maintain cleanliness in the technical room. And the mechanic serving the equipment does not have to work, standing in a pool of water.

22.11.2011 Hmadmin.

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The garage in our time has long ceased to be just a vehicle storage, it combines also a workshop function and car wash. If the garage owner gathered to equip the car wash, then it is worth thinking about the organization of the competent removal of water from the autodoma. Get acquainted with the instructions how to make the roof of the garage.

Does the draining need?

In order to improve working conditions, as well as expand the possibilities inside the garage, it is necessary to equip the drain. Below are good reasons that indicate that the water removal system inside the garage is necessary:

  • Washing his own car inside the garage;
  • Car Wash and Service Organization maintenance cars;
  • The plums are necessary for draining precipitation both in the summer and in winter;
  • If you plan to fit the garage, make a toilet, washbasin, and so on.


The water removal system in the garage is almost identical to the home sewage system, but still have its own nuances:

  • For sewage in the garage, it will take a septic tank and external pipe laying;
  • In accordance with the norms, the septic location must be at least five meters from the garage itself. This will avoid unpleasant sewer smells in the garage room. To the reason, the repair can be carried out without any problems, rather than if the septicity would be under the garage;
  • Internal sewage consists of a standard liner with hydraulic shutters, which guarantees the absence of sewage smells inside;
  • Directly the drain itself should be at least 110 millimeters with a diameter, and 40-50 millimeters are enough for other pipes;
  • The pipes both smooth and corrugated pipes can be used, the main condition is the stability of them to various chemicals;
  • The effluent is recommended to use special equipment and drainage containers provided for this;
  • It is also necessary to make good ventilation, which will save from dampness and odors including.

When laying a sewage from the garage should take care of the floors in this building. To the floors not rotten from large number Waters and did not destroy, it is recommended to cover the floor with a cafeter.

How to do?

In order to make a car wash in the garage, it is necessary to organize the drain correctly. Most. simple decision will be the use of ready-made plastic containers that may be different sizes, But at the same time completely compact. If there is only one car wash in the garage vehicleIt will be quite enough plum of 30x30x30 centimeters. This small container is very simply installed and has an acceptable cost, which is very nice. For a garage, which has enough square for two cars, but the car wash provides for more machines than one, it will be necessary to arrange a plum of steel box, the thickness of the walls of which is 0.8 millimeters. Its dimensions 60x81x39 centimeters. In the walls of this design for pipes will be cut off holes. In general, it is better to calculate the volume of the drain and the septicity in advance, since when filling it it is necessary to pump off. And if the volume is chosen small, then too frequent calls for pumping specials will cost you to a penny. Read the instructions how to open a car service in the garage.

During the construction of the garage, and in particular the roof, it should be immediately provided for a drain for rainwater and a tales snow. This establishes a special design in the form of a gutter along the roof of the garage above the gate. Material for design can be plastic - it is the most popular, or galvanized metal. If this design has a pipe into the garage to the barrel or other capacity, then you can receive additional water intakes due to precipitation.

How to make drain from the roof?

There is nothing difficult in the drain device from the roof of the garage, but still there are some nuances that you should pay attention to. Installation of this design can be done on its own, but if there is no complete confidence in the correctness of its actions, then it is better to apply to specialists. Moreover, if you start installing the design yourself and damage some element, the warranty is canceled. And if you trust the work of experienced specialists, then save the guarantee on the equipment and get an additional ones for the work performed. Review of windows in the garage here :.

For self-mount The design design from the roof of the garage should follow the instructions:

  • First choose the material from which stock, its color and shape, respectively, will be completed;
  • We produce calculations and are determined with the presence of certain design elements, as well as with their number. As soon as everyone calculates, you can buy;
  • We proceed to the attachment of the brackets. Here it is necessary to know that the distance from the chute to the wall must be at least 6 cm, otherwise condensate on the wall is formed. Also, the chute itself should be arranged at an angle so that the water can calmly drag on it, and not accumulate. Based on these instructions, the gutter should be fixed not by one line, as well as by inclined. In addition, pay attention to the fact that the bracket does not occur at the place of the compound of the grooves among themselves;
  • After fixing all brackets, the collected chute is installed. From one side, a plug is installed, and a drain funnel is attached to the slope. Either the hole is cut on the chute itself, then the plugs are put on both sides;
  • The final stage is the installation of the drain pipe, which must be located under the funnel. To the wall of the garage pipe is attached to special holderswhich at the drain itself should fall just at the place of pipe connection;
  • The drain ring is set on the basis of where the removal will be made. wastewater;
  • Wastewater from the roof can be collected in the container, which can be installed both outside the garage and inside. If the water is not needed, you can build a filtration well and direct the drain ring there.


Wastewater from the roof of the garage can be collected in a special container, it is to provide additional water intake in the garage. It can be used for washing the car or floors in the garage.

If the garage is small and only one car is planned to wash in it, there is no need to make a large drain design.


It is not so difficult to make drain in the garage, but its device is advisable only if it is really necessary. Otherwise, it will be just spent wasting money and time for whim.

If the car wash is located far from the place of the parking lot of your car, then it is often its visit to a reasonable waste of funds, because along the way to the parking lot, the car can get dirty again. In this case, you can wash the car in the garage, but for this it should be carried out internal sewage.

This article will tell how the sewage in the garage should be arranged correctly.

Features of the sewage device in the garage

The home garage refers to the varieties of household buildings, so separate sewage will be as if it is impossible. Bringing the sewage from the garage along with home it is impossible, because aggressive in the wastewater will be present chemical composition Substances and their filtering will be impossible.

Note! When organizing, you should not forget about the standards, according to which the septicch can be placed at a distance from the construction of at least 5 meters.

Caliation Working Work

Before making sewage in the garage, read the regulatory rules of work.

  • First, the place is determined to install the septic. After that, the pit is digging, and for the reliability of the installation, the bottom of it is rambling with sand.
  • Observing the necessary bias, the garage to the septic is given a pre-insulated sewer tube.
  • Then there is a plum mounting queue. For this you can use plastic plumsHaving compact dimensions.

Recommendations for the choice plastic septicov, Made according to the benefits of this material proven time. Autonomous sewage This variant will have good tightness due to the strength of the material.

Note! For reliable organization of the drain, it is necessary not only to choose high-quality pipes, but also a septic tank. Optimal option - Plastic barrels.

Complexity of work

Internal sewage is not particularly difficult and implemented according to the following rules.

  • When laying communication, a standard supply of sewer tubes equipped with hydraulic shutters is carried out.
  • Pipes can be used with a diameter of 40-50 mm, and the outlet should not be less than 110 mm.
  • For the sewage system, both smooth pipes and corrugated are suitable.
  • Special containers and equipment are used to improve drains.

Rules for organizing sewer plum

  • Regulatory rules allow the organization of washing in the garage, if the distance from the foundation of the building is at least 5 meters, from water bodies and sources drinking water at least 10.
  • Drain make using plastic containers. They put them on the horizontal sandy pillow aligned.
  • To avoid deformation of the drain tank, it needs to be filled with water. After that, it is pumped out by the pump.
  • Air ducts and revision hatch are equipped on the surface.
  • The main rule - when conducting a sewage system, provide a free access of the assessing machine to the septic placement site.

The garage sewage system is organized by two wiring:

  1. External. This is a drain and running from it to the septic tube.
  2. Internal. This, actually laying pipes inside the garage. Installation is not particularly difficult and in general, it is grooving with a domestic sewage laying.

Cleaning system

Note! When organizing a sink in the garage, it is necessary to provide installation of a separate septicity, where the waste liquid will pump special wind or undergo cleansing.

As a rule, the purification of septicists is carried out with the help of specialist. But today the devices are sold in the market, with which deep cleaning is carried out. But for their installation, it will be necessary to obtain a special permission.

Sometimes the hosts establish such cleaning systems in basement Under the garage. In some cases, it is convenient, but then to secure your stay in the basement, you will have to periodically perform disinfection.

Installation of filtering systems The work is difficult and not very effective, because you still have to mount the drainage system, the tank for the septica, and lay the sewage pipes. The filtering system is complex on execution, and it is necessary to conduct it strictly taking into account all norms and hygiene requirements.

This is necessary due to the fact that, when washing, various chemical impurities in the form of oil or gasoline fall into water.

Note! The separation of the wastewater garage into the total sewer house is prohibited!

Paul in garage

If you decide to organize a sink in your garage, along with the sewage laying, you will have to make floors that do not rot on or not collapse over time from high humidity. As a rule, a tile is laid on the surface of the floor. To do this, you can purchase an inexpensive option.

Note! When laying out the floor with tiles, it is necessary to provide a slope in the direction of the sewer plums.

The entire sewage laying process in the garage does not differ from the organization of the removal in private homes. Therefore, if you have already come across this work, you will be easy to spend the sewer in the garage.


This video shows the construction process village pit of concrete rings:

The activity of the car washes is related to the use of water to clean the machines from pollution. Stocks after such works are very dirty with chemical impurities. The usual cleaning device can not cope with their recycling.

In this case, special septic tanks are acquired to clean waste from the car wash.

Photo: Septic tank for car wash

Equipment for car washes is constructed in such a way that it can recycle the drains containing salts of heavy metals, impurities of petroleum products and a substance of organic origin.

Septic is complex designwhich includes distillation stations. For protection ambient They are equipped with automated systems.

Cleaning equipment varies with each other by purification method:

  • mechanical (gravitational). It involves the installation of elements performing surface treatment. It is carried out with the help of installed lattices, sandcloths, sumps. Refers to an unreliable method, since it conducts primary cleaning, most of the pollution is not deleted;
  • filtration. It can be more attributed to the method of purification of waste. It is also used to process non-highly contaminated compounds. Work is performed using the absorption filters installed inside the equipment;
  • chemical. Exercised using active components. This method is effective, but requires additional prepaid by filtration method;
  • physico-chemical (flotation). The principle of operation is to purify the effluent without the use of potent means. At the exit of high-polluted water, chemicals are used.

Photo: Cleaning equipment

The next connecting area must be 20 cm below the previous one. The tube from the second to the third Baku must be established with the observance of the same inclination.

Photo: All three tanks must be combined with a sewer pipes.

Important! Organizing it is necessary to prepare the supply of coagulants and flocculants. They are needed to add them to water, which is in constant handling.

They are used to decompose the effluents containing shampoos and other means. If this is not done, then with a closed cycle, waste from the wash machine will fall on the next transport. The quality of car cleaning will significantly decrease.


The cost of wastewater treatment equipment depends on the processing method. Construction of concrete rings can be purchased at a price of about 52,000 rubles. Cleaning systems will be more expensive:

Name Performance, l / h Number of posts Price, rub
AROS 0.8. 1000 1 49000
AROS 1. 1000 1 61600
AROS 2. 2000 2 63000
ACOS 5. 5000 6 80900
AROS 8. 8000 8 161000
ACRO 10. 10000 10 195000
AROS 15. 15000 15 230000

If the sink does not have enough space for the installation of cleaning stations, then surface sumps are used:

Name Number of sections price, rub.
E 3000 3 58 185
P 15000. 3 68 715
4.8 M. 4 76 000
4.4 M. 4 84 400
P 3000. 3 85 590
P 4000 4 101 925

Septic or other cleansing structure is a necessary measure when the car wash is arranged. Depending on the number of posts, financial capabilities, the method of cleaning machines choose the system.

An independent device may not be accepted by verifying organs, since they do not cope with 100% with wastewater treatment.

Industrial stations include various methods Removal of strong contaminants, purified water after them can be reused, but the cost of such equipment is high.

Video: CNS Polex