Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint the uneven ceiling of the water-emulsion. Basic principles of painting ceiling with water-level paint. Water-emulsion paint can be

In order to paint the ceiling with water-free paint, you need to know how to do it correctly. The effectiveness of the result depends not only on how much an applied emulsion and what quality it is. It is also important to comply with all technological rules.

Is it possible to paint the ceiling on the old paint? The answer to this question can be both positive and negative. The fact is that it is permissible to make painting on top of the old layer only if its state complies with the requirements of the prepared surface:

  1. There should be no cracks and irregularities on the ceiling.
  2. Paint should be firmly held on the surface.
  3. The old layer has a small thickness.

If you have noticed areas on the ceiling, you need to completely eliminate these shortcomings and achieve a smooth smooth surface. Otherwise, if there are too many disadvantages on the previous layer, it will be necessary to completely remove it. This process is quite time-consuming and complex. It should also be borne in mind that it will not work quickly to remove the old layer. Therefore, at first it is worth trying to correct only problem areas. The same applies to situations when the previous finishes were performed.

Preparation for staining

In order to start the work on the preparation of the surface and work with water-based paint, the following tools will be needed:

  • paint;
  • roller;
  • brush or small roller;
  • putty knife;
  • water tank.

The spatula should be used to align the surface. With this tool, you can also scrape a layer with old paint in places where it moves away from the base. All existing cracks need to be put out with a putty, before expanding them slightly. Regardless of which the surface of the emulsion layers will be applied, it is important to achieve an absolutely smooth structure devoid of any irregularities and other flares. You should also remove all furniture from the room or cover it with a film. When all these actions are manufactured, you can proceed to applying an emulsion.

After the ceiling is aligned and prepared, you need to engage in water-level paint. To achieve the required consistency, the emulsion is divorced by water in the ratio: by ten parts of the water-emulsion substance one part of the water. It is important to carefully stir the substance before starting work.

READ ALSO: Rules Painting Ceiling Water-Emless Paints


It is necessary to start the staining of the water-free paint from the corners. To do this, take a brush and gently, not getting onto the walls, paint the corners. Next, the same brush need to go through the entire ceiling around the perimeter. It is necessary in order for when working with a large roller, do not get on the ceiling plinth or wall. Strip widths should be 4 or 6 centimeters. Then you need to take a roller and paint the whole ceiling. It is not recommended to do sharp movements, the roller needs to roll the most accurately and smoothly.

When working with water-level paint, it is very important not to apply a large amount of emulsion on the ceiling. Coloring surface need stripes. After every three to four bands, it should be again lowered a roller into a container with an emulsion. So that the substance falls uniformly, you need to do several roller rentals on a clean surface (there are special painting trays for this on sale). Only so it will be possible to get a ceiling without divorce after completing the work.

How to achieve better results

It is important after each layer to give a water-emulsion paint. This requires at least four hours, depending on the type of emulsion. During operation, it should be periodically returned to different distances to see, in what places the substance is not applied.

For the ceiling to save his attractive look for a long time, first time after staining to protect it from sun rays. Also worth avoiding the formation of drafts indoors. This will not accelerate drying, but only destroy the structure of the emulsion.

To prevent the formation of tracks from the roller in the form of bands, you need to do several rentals on the ceiling after working after the paint ended on the roller. It is also important to control the load on the tool. The pressure on all sides of the roller must be the same. If dents are detected during painting, then it will not be possible to remove such an effect of water-emulsion paint. In this case, you will have to remove all the old layers and re-put the ceiling. When traces from the roller in the form of strips of different colors, it is necessary to mix the paint carefully once again and, changing the angle of view, check whether any sections are not missed.

The result is largely determined by the quality of the materials used. When choosing a water-free paint, you need to carefully examine the label. An emulsion should be selected for the ceilings, as well as pay attention to the characteristics of the substance, such as the composition and level of resistance to wear.


The advantages of the water-emulsion coating are the absence of a sharp odor and toxic properties, the formation of a durable layer allowing cleaning, wiping and washing, the possibility of tinting - made it a popular material for ceiling.

However, such staining, especially in the layer of old paint, has a number of features and mandatory preliminary operations.

Painting Ceiling with water-level paint on old paint

Tools and materials - full list for all occasions

To carry out the necessary preparatory work and high-quality staining of the ceiling with any composition of the former coating and the condition of the surface, it will be needed:

  • wide durable polyethylene film or glue to store the floor and furniture that could not be taken;
  • sponge for discharging and washing the old coating;
  • steel spatula for removing the former layer of paint (whitewashing) and applying a shtlotkin when aligning the surface under painting;
  • mesh-serpentine for smoking the joints of the ceiling plates;
  • putcloth basic and finishing;
  • primer penetrating;
  • mesh grain to equalize the covered surface - larger pretty and small finish;
  • special solutions to eliminate yellow flots, rust spots, mold fungus;
  • the water-making paint of suitable quality in the required quantity;
  • brush of medium width with flocculated edge for painting the corners, joints with walls, sections around the ceiling lights; before use it is soaked in water; Wake-up wood handles tightly holding bristles hairs, so they will not remain on the surface covered by the color composition;
  • narrow brush to eliminate small painting defects;
  • malyary roller in fur "fur coat" with a pile of medium length and a handle with a telescopic extension to it; The width of the roller depends on the area of \u200b\u200bstaining - than it is more, the wider roller;
  • a rectangular bath with a corrugated inclined surface, which rolls rolled to remove excess paint.

Required tools and materials: 1. Film. 2. Sponge. 3. Spatula. 4. Sherryanka grid. 5. Putty. 6. Primer. 7. Grid-grater. 8. Cleaning products. 9. Paint. 10. Middle brush. 11. Narrow brush. 12. Roller. 13. Special bath.

Surface preparation

A smooth one-photon coating, which gives water-emulsion coloring compositions, does not hide, but, on the contrary, it makes noticeably all the surface defects, irregularities and stains. Therefore, the ceiling before painting must be carefully prepared.

Removal of the previous coating

First of all, you need to store the floor and the furniture remaining in the room.

Then, if the ceiling was bitten, it follows:

  • gradually, in squares moisten the old whipping with a sponge with a warm soap solution;
  • remove the opened layer with a spatula, substituting the pallet to less dirt floor;
  • finally wash off the former coating with a sponge.

If there is an old waterfront paint on the ceiling, it will not be possible to wash it away. At least, to remove this coating where it detached.

To reveal and eliminate all such sites, you need:

  • richly moisten the ceiling with a roller;
  • give water as it should absorb;
  • opening the windows and doors, arrange in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts;
  • the spatula to remove the old water ore-emulsion coating from all areas on which it was detailed as a result of such a procedure.

Removing old peeling paint

Special processing

If there are rusty stains or dark sweeps, they are covered by one of the following compositions:

  • 3% hydrochloric acid;
  • thick limetric "milk" with 50 ml of denaturate;
  • 5% copper vigorous;
  • 20 pieces of thustenance lime with one part of the Olifa.

If there is a black mold fungus (frequent phenomenon in kitchens and in bathrooms, in other raw rooms), you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Clean the plaster before concrete. To the dust be less, it should be pre-mixed.
  2. Processing the concrete surface of antiseptic primer. Budget alternative - detergent containing chlorine, for example, "whiteness".
  3. Cove the problem area penetrating primer and re-plastering it.

Special ceiling processing: 1. Stripping to concrete. 2. Applying antiseptic primer. 3. Watching.

Alignment of the ceiling surface and its primer

If the ceiling is quite smooth and even with lateral lighting, significant surface defects are not detected, the following steps are needed.

  1. Cove the ceiling penetrating primer. It is better to use a brush in order not to miss a single depression or irregularities.
  2. After the primer dry, eliminates the irregularities of the finish gypsum attack.
  3. After 5-8 hours, align the covered areas first large, and then a small grid mesh.
  4. Propriate crowded sections.

Primer, aligned prosthetic sites

If the gaps were formed in plates compounds, and the old plaster crepts, the algorithm will be somewhat different.

  1. Clean the concrete with a spatula or perforator. Dust will be less if the surface is pre-mixed.
  2. Covered penetrating primer.
  3. Re-plastering by checking the quality of work with the level and steel meter. Filled cracks in the joints cover the reinforcing grid-sickle.
  4. A day later, sharpen and finally align the surface with clouded grids.

Gluing a sickle grid on the ceiling

After the alignment is complete, the surface of the surface of the surface of the water with water-diluted water is performed.


By purchasing a water-emulsion coloring composition for the ceiling, it is especially important to navigate in the assortment.

Currently, it is represented by five major products:

  • with acrylic;
  • with latex and acrylic;
  • with silicone;
  • with polyvinyl acetate;
  • with silicates;
  • with mineral additives.

The cheapest water-emulsion mixtures with a polyvinyl acetate, but the surface painted by them cannot be washed. The most precious composition with silicone is good to lay on the plaster even without primer, and the coating that they form can withstand wet cleaning with detergents. Due to the good permeability for water vapor, they are optimally suitable for kitchen ceilings and a bathroom. The average price and strength of the coating - acrylic and latex-acrylic paints; They are most in demand. Silicate compounds are designed to dye the surface of concrete and brick masonry, they are durable, but not moisture-resistant.

The modern range of water-resistant paints is quite large

The main manufacturers of water-making paints entering the domestic market produce products that differ in both the price and quality.

To properly choose a water-based paint and purchase it in the right amount, the information text of the label should be carefully read. It is necessarily the following important parameters.

  1. Putting paint with the list of types of work.
  2. Consumption per square meter - allows you to calculate the required purchase volume. At the same time, paint must be purchased with some reserve, as the tone of different parties can differ significantly.
  3. Shelterness - the ability is completely, without a lotication to paint a much more damage base.
  4. Resistance to abrasion is the main indicator of durability and resistance to cleaning and washing.

In addition, additional inscriptions often typed in the smallest font should be read.

  1. "It is recommended to use in dry premises." Such products are not suitable for any bathroom or kitchen.
  2. "Immoved" or "with high resistance". The painted surface can be washed exclusively with water without additional detergents.
  3. "Resistant to abrasion", "with dirt-repellent properties." The coloring composition forms a layer withsting wet cleaning with the use of detergents.

Carefully choosing a water-emulsion composition, suitable by properties, manufacturer, price and purchased it in the right amount, you can start painting the prepared ceiling surface.

When choosing paints, pay special attention to the information text of the label.

The process is in the following order.

How to paint the ceiling with water-level paint. Step-by-step instruction

If all the preparatory operations were performed quite carefully, and the color of the color was going correctly, the new ceiling reservoir will be smooth, uniform and durable.

Video - Preparation and painting of the ceiling of waterfront paint

Painting Ceiling with water-level paint on old paint

One of the most popular finish options today is the painting of waterfront paint. But sometimes such a finish is hampered by the presence of old paint. About what needs to be done to paint the ceiling with the old layer of finishes, this article will tell.

Today, the painting of the ceiling of water-level paint is considered the most preferable and popular option. The times when a variety of chalk and lime solutions were used for finishing, went into the past. Therefore, at the moment, coloring compositions are characterized by a significant variety. The range of water-emulsios, as one of the most popular species, is also great today. As a result, the process of painting the ceiling surface in the presence of an old layer should be started from choosing a suitable finish material.

Today, the water-making paint is represented by the following compositions:

  • Acrylic. These are the most common compounds today. They are characterized by high performance characteristics, as well as gradation on a variety of premises. Therefore, among them, each person will find the optimal option. The cost of acrylic compositions will be slightly higher than the average among the proposals of the segment of the market of paints and varnishes.
  • Latex. These compositions perfectly fall on a variety of surfaces. At the same time, the resulting finish is perfectly clean. The only disadvantage of such compositions is the cost, which will be many times more than in other products.
  • Silicate. This product is based on liquid glass. An excellent base for silicate compositions is a stone or concrete surface. At the same time, they are most often used for finishing in the industrial premises, but for the home silicone compounds are used extremely rarely. A feature of such paints is that they have elasticity, moisture resistance, and can also mask cracks up to 2 mm. But their cost is higher than the average market price.
  • Polyvinila acetate. Such decoration can not be washed, since the material has low moisture resistance. Therefore, it is possible to apply it on the ceiling only in dry rooms.

As you can see, the range of paints and varnishes is quite extensive and able to satisfy any requirements. Therefore, before buying a finishing material, it is necessary not only to know the parameters of the room where the repair will be carried out, but also in detail the possibilities of existing coloring compositions. But many experts recommend to give preference to the coating, which, after applying to the ceiling, can be washed. Such compositions will allow to contain the surface clean, and not to do each time the repairs in order to update.


If you decide to refresh your ceiling with a new coloring makeup, then for the success of paintwork, high-quality training should be carried out. Even if the surface finishes will be carried out by waterfront paint, the old finish, whatever it is, should be considered. This is due to the following reasons:

  • the paint layer has already lost its former attractiveness;
  • there were cracks on the ceiling, due to which, after applying to the surface of the new layer, the decoration is possible;
  • under the old layer of finishes may well develop mold, which will lead to the briefness of the repair.

Removal of the old layer of water-mounted paint from the ceiling surface is carried out as follows:

  • Abundantly wet the old coating water. To do this, you can use a manual sprayer or roller.
  • Next, we leave the surface for a while for better opening.
  • After 20 minutes we repeat the wetting procedure. At the same time, windows and doors must be open.
  • After about 30 minutes, bubbles will appear on the ceiling. We take the iron spatula and scrape the old coating.

After removal of the separation residues, it is necessary to rinse the surface with clean water. To do this, use a foam sponge. If there are defects of the starting surface (cracks, potholes, etc.), they should be shipped with putty. When it dry, use sandpaper or skins to align the surface.

For putty, many experts advise choose universal polymer compositions. They are, of course, more expensive than cement or gypsum, but it will be much easier to work with them.

Please note that in the presence of strong surface drops, it is not recommended to implement this kind of defect. To do this, it is better to call an experienced stuccoer or install suspended ceiling structures.

If the drops are not more than 3 mm, then there are two alignment options here:

  • Apply plaster in the right places. For these purposes, it is necessary to constantly use the level.
  • Use ceiling tiles. Its very easily and quickly can be painted with waterfront paint. At the same time, you can choose with such plates a different decorative pattern.

After all the above manipulations, so that the painting was successful, the prepared surface must be projected. The process of primer does not constitute anything complicated. But if you do not hold it, in the future the final finish can be covered with spots, which will spoil her aesthetic look.

For primer, professional solutions that have deep penetration should be used. At the same time, for a larger effect, apply to a few layers. It will be enough to brand twice.

Some people not to spend money on the purchase of primer, prepare her with their own hands. For these purposes, the purchased water-based paint is suitable, which is simply diluted with water. By the way, any composition perfectly falls on yourself, even in a divided form.

Separately, it is worth noting that after removing the unsuitable trim, mold can be expounded. To combat it, special antiseptics should be used. They not only destroy the already existing mold, but also warn its appearance in the future.

Instead of expensive antiseptics, it is possible to use independently prepared solutions (for example, a five percent solution of copper vapor). Processing should be done after removing the old finish and before putting down or applying the primer.

Correctly and consistently having done the above manipulations, you will properly prepare for painting.

Technique coloring

Staining technique includes two important stages:

  • choice of tools for painting work;
  • paint the previously prepared surface.

Consider each stage in more detail.

Ceiling staining always starts with tool selection. Painting can be carried out by the following tools:

  • Tassels. In order to effectively paint any surface, you need to use tassels of different sizes. It is worth noting that tassels are not very effective at large areas of work. At the same time, they do not allow the painting composition with a smooth and thin layer. They can be qualitatively crying various decorative convex elements of the finish, as well as the place of the joint of the walls with the ceiling.
  • Roller It is considered the most efficient tool, but only with the right selection. The dimensions of the selected roller directly depend on the area of \u200b\u200bstaining. The more the area will be, the thicker and the roller should be longer. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the material from which the roller skin is made. Different skins are suitable for different colors. Welcome skirts and those that have a long pile should be selected for work with water-emulsion compositions. Also, for work with the ceiling, you need to choose products on a long handle. It will allow, being on the floor, effectively carry out painting work without using the stairs.
  • Professional paintopult. This tool is much more expensive than the roller and brush. In addition, not every person to cope with him.

Experts recommend using a roller to paint, because with its help you can quickly and qualitatively apply a smooth coating on fairly large areas. But the tassels in this situation will still be needed to blame the corners. Please note that the paint tray should be chosen depending on the size of the purchased roller.

Do not forget that it is necessary to inflict the water emulsion that you only need to dry the basics after the priming.

Painting the ceiling by water-level paint is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • We open the jar with paint and mix it well, affecting the lower layers. It must be done in order to obtain a uniform color of the composition.
  • Next, pour paint into the tray.
  • Initially, it is necessary to cross the corners and all the places that are not available for roller. To do this, use a brush.
  • After that, in the pill composition with a macaus roller.
  • On the relief area of \u200b\u200bthe tray, press the roller so that the paint does not drip out. As a result, the composition evenly distribute on the surface of the roller.
  • The first layer should be applied in parallel to the direction of the natural light in the indoor. One place should be carried out by roller several times to avoid dark spots and influx. The scacing is done with the allen on the previous strip. Moreover, the occasion should be half the size of the roller. Optimal to make W-shaped movements.

Scheme overlay layers of paint on the ceiling

To achieve an excellent aesthetic result, you must impose three layers of paint. Before overlaying the subsequent layer, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the previous one. It usually takes about 12 hours. Therefore, to obtain a significantly better result, the application of the subsequent layer must be carried out the next day. If dark spots appeared on the surface after drying the second layer, they can be sanded and impose a third layer.

To apply water-level paint in the presence of outdated painting, high-quality surface preparation is needed, as well as a clear adherence of staining technology. Only so you have a high-quality finish that will serve you long enough.

Video "How to remove a water-free coating from the ceiling"

Take advantage of these videos, and you will learn how to easily remove the old water melting coating with the ceiling surface for subsequent painting.

Painting the ceiling on the old paint water-level paint video

Most often, attention is paid to the beauty and decor of the walls, unreasonably forgetting about the huge effect of the ceiling for the overall perception of the interior. If we consider all the volumes of the room from the point of view of the open look of the surface, then, unlike walls with furniture, the ceiling is open completely. Accordingly, it is the most greater area of \u200b\u200bthe room or room, an affordable look. Whatever the quality, design and the amount of means spent on the design of the walls, it is impossible to create a good interior without a beautiful ceiling.
Coloring is the final part of the ceiling surface. Of course, you should not consider a lime whitewash as a means of painting. As you know, it has properties to crumble, easily subjected to pollution and is inferior to modern paints throughout the items. The industry has long stepped forward, and the most modern means for painting the ceiling surface is the water-emulsion paint. From the point of view of decorative, matte finishes will suit any interior. You can easily give any shade to your ceiling using special pigments. For example, giving him a warm shade for the most complete impression and comfort of the room. You can use cold shades to give a room of sensation of greater space and airiness. And, of course, the eternal classic is a white matte ceiling. Next, we will talk in detail about the features of operation and application of water-emulsion paint.

Features of ceiling paint

The popularity of staining of the ceiling of water-level paint is due to its properties:

  • non-toxicity;
  • lack of obvious smell;
  • the possibility of applying over the old coating;
  • high ease of operation.

Even an inexperienced master can use it for painting the ceiling surface. The inventory required for work is simple and easily cleared at the end of work. If necessary, you can dilute the paint with water to obtain the desired consistency. It is permissible to use specialized puncturing pigments to give various color shades required by the interior design. We note the low cost of this product on the market for finishing works. The combination of these properties has made water-free paint for the most demanded over the past many years.

Preparation for painting ceiling

Before starting work on paint, there is a number of preparatory work. It will help you avoid additional difficulties and excess time. To begin with a thorough examination of the surface with the help of special lighting "at an angle". In this method, you can notice all flaws and better estimate the state of the surface under study.

In the case of strong defects, you need to carry out additional surface alignment work. Rough irregularities, potholes and cracks cannot be corrected using only paint materials. We will have to allocate an additional time to eliminate such flaws. At the same time there will be additional costs for the acquisition of leveling materials and the corresponding tool. Old paint also need to be removed. Only after the end of the ceiling leveling process and its drying can be proceeding to the next step.

Painting on top of the old layer

It often happens that the old paint is in a satisfactory condition, does not peel, but has only an inappropriate color shade. In the event that the ceiling surface does not have visible cracks, chosel and waves, painting the ceiling can be carried out on top of the old paint, thereby reducing the time and means spent on the whole complex of work. If the ceiling has already had a layer of water-free paint, and at the same time there are islets of peeling material on the surface, do not be discouraged. Unlike whitewashing, a layer of old water-emulsion paint is not required completely. It is enough to restrict ourselves to the surface cleaning of the exhaust segments, and you can safely begin to the next step - painting on top of the old coating.

The stage preceding the direct painting of the ceiling is to apply primer. There are no special requirements here. Stores have a wide selection of suitable primer products suitable as a base. The price category of this product is also low and accessible.

Choosing a water-emulsion paint

The type of paint we treat is a suspension of particles on a water basis. Simply put, the water emulsion is an aqueous emulsion consisting of a pigment particles and a binding base. Such a composition is extremely stable in his form and is difficult to decay from external influences. Consider the main types of waterfront paint:

  1. On an acrylic binder basis.
  2. On a silicate base;
  3. On silicone binding basis;
  4. On mineral base.

The most common and inquire paint on an acrylic basis. As can be seen from the name, in its composition, such paint contains acrylic resins, providing the balance of price and quality. The addition of latex substances gives the entire composition of the elasticity. This ability provides closing cracks on the surface being processed. The size of the cracks with which such paint can cope - not more than 1 millimeter. It is worth noting the increase in prices provided by the latex supplement.

The silicone binding base gives the paint an increase in waterproof properties and impermeability. Accordingly, this kind of product should be selected for surfaces of rooms with high humidity and dampness. For example, for the ceiling of the bathroom, it will fit perfectly. The paint, as can be seen from the name, has been added silicone resins that cause these features. The size of the cracks with which the product in question is capable of cope is already increased to 2 millimeters. Cost, respectively, is higher.

The most unpopular view of water-emulsion - paint on a mineral binder basis. The flaw is the short-life of the surface created by this product. The reason for the composition is the content of haired lime or even cement. The cost of goods is the lowest among other representatives of finishing materials.

So the choice is not complicated. Modern industrial sphere provides all the possibilities for finding the most suitable option to your goals. When buying a water-level paint, you should pay attention to the labeling - the shellability. The higher this indicator, the less layers you need to be applied to the ceiling to achieve the perfect result. The label often the manufacturer indicates recommended rooms in which the painting can be achieved the best result.

Stages of work

If we make the painting of the ceiling over the old finish, the preparatory stage will take the minimum time. It is only necessary to remove the exfoliating elements of the ceiling, if necessary, to underk it, chopping all the cracks and cracks, chickle. Next is applied by a layer of primer, and after its complete drying, we finally can start staining the ceiling.

If you in the morning you put the primer to the ceiling, after lunch - it's time to start staining. By this time, the primer will dry out. Applying the second layer of water-emulsion paint is reasonably used in the morning of the next day.


Painting the ceiling - not at all difficult task as it is considered. An independent execution of such a process for repair and decor of your apartment will bring a sense of deep satisfaction.

A little time on the choice of suitable water-level paint, the preparation of tools and the availability of knowledge from this article - and a good result is guaranteed. Successful and enjoyable repair.

Most often, attention is paid to the beauty and decor of the walls, unreasonably forgetting about the huge effect of the ceiling for the overall perception of the interior. If we consider all the volumes of the room from the point of view of the open look of the surface, then, unlike walls with furniture, the ceiling is open completely. Accordingly, it is the most greater area of \u200b\u200bthe room or room, an affordable look. Whatever the quality, design and the amount of means spent on the design of the walls, it is impossible to create a good interior without a beautiful ceiling.

Coloring is the final part of the ceiling surface. Of course, you should not consider a lime whitewash as a means of painting. As you know, it has properties to crumble, easily subjected to pollution and is inferior to modern paints throughout the items. The industry has long stepped forward, and the most modern means for painting the ceiling surface is the water-emulsion paint. From the point of view of decorative, matte finishes will suit any interior. You can easily give any shade to your ceiling using special pigments. For example, giving him a warm shade for the most complete impression and comfort of the room. You can use cold shades to give a room of sensation of greater space and airiness. And, of course, the eternal classic is a white matte ceiling. Next, we will talk in detail about the features of operation and application of water-emulsion paint.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Features of ceiling paint

The popularity of staining of the ceiling of water-level paint is due to its properties:

  • non-toxicity;
  • lack of obvious smell;
  • the possibility of applying over the old coating;
  • high ease of operation.

Even an inexperienced master can use it for painting the ceiling surface. The inventory required for work is simple and easily cleared at the end of work. If necessary, you can dilute the paint with water to obtain the desired consistency. It is permissible to use specialized puncturing pigments to give various color shades required by the interior design. We note the low cost of this product on the market for finishing works. The combination of these properties has made water-free paint for the most demanded over the past many years.

Preparation for painting ceiling

Before starting work on paint, there is a number of preparatory work. It will help you avoid additional difficulties and excess time. To begin with a thorough examination of the surface with the help of special lighting "at an angle". In this method, you can notice all flaws and better estimate the state of the surface under study.

In the case of strong defects, you need to carry out additional surface alignment work. Rough irregularities, potholes and cracks cannot be corrected using only paint materials. We will have to allocate an additional time to eliminate such flaws. At the same time there will be additional costs for the acquisition of leveling materials and the corresponding tool. Old paint also need to be removed. Only after the end of the ceiling leveling process and its drying can be proceeding to the next step.

Painting on top of the old layer

It often happens that the old paint is in a satisfactory condition, does not peel, but has only an inappropriate color shade. In the event that the ceiling surface does not have visible cracks, chosel and waves, painting the ceiling can be carried out on top of the old paint, thereby reducing the time and means spent on the whole complex of work. If the ceiling has already had a layer of water-free paint, and at the same time there are islets of peeling material on the surface, do not be discouraged. Unlike whitewashing, a layer of old water-emulsion paint is not required completely. It is enough to restrict ourselves to the surface cleaning of the exhaust segments, and you can safely begin to the next step - painting on top of the old coating.

The stage preceding the direct painting of the ceiling is to apply primer. There are no special requirements here. Stores have a wide selection of suitable primer products suitable as a base. The price category of this product is also low and accessible.

Choosing a water-emulsion paint

The type of paint we treat is a suspension of particles on a water basis. Simply put, the water emulsion is an aqueous emulsion consisting of a pigment particles and a binding base. Such a composition is extremely stable in his form and is difficult to decay from external influences.

Consider the main types of waterfront paint:

  1. On an acrylic binder basis.
  2. On a silicate base;
  3. On silicone binding basis;
  4. On mineral base.

The most common and inquire paint on an acrylic basis. As can be seen from the name, in its composition, such paint contains acrylic resins, providing the balance of price and quality. The addition of latex substances gives the entire composition of the elasticity. This ability provides closing cracks on the surface being processed. The size of the cracks with which such paint can cope - not more than 1 millimeter. It is worth noting the increase in prices provided by the latex supplement.

The silicone binding base gives the paint an increase in waterproof properties and impermeability. Accordingly, this kind of product should be selected for surfaces of rooms with high humidity and dampness. For example, for the ceiling of the bathroom, it will fit perfectly. The paint, as can be seen from the name, has been added silicone resins that cause these features. The size of the cracks with which the product in question is capable of cope is already increased to 2 millimeters. Cost, respectively, is higher.

The most unpopular view of water-emulsion - paint on a mineral binder basis. The flaw is the short-life of the surface created by this product. The reason for the composition is the content of haired lime or even cement. The cost of goods is the lowest among other representatives of finishing materials.

So the choice is not complicated. Modern industrial sphere provides all the possibilities for finding the most suitable option to your goals. When buying a water-level paint, you should pay attention to the labeling - the shellability. The higher this indicator, the less layers you need to be applied to the ceiling to achieve the perfect result. The label often the manufacturer indicates recommended rooms in which the painting can be achieved the best result.

Stages of work

If we make the painting of the ceiling over the old finish, the preparatory stage will take the minimum time. It is only necessary to remove the exfoliating elements of the ceiling, if necessary, to underk it, chopping all the cracks and cracks, chickle. Next is applied by a layer of primer, and after its complete drying, we finally can start staining the ceiling.

If you in the morning you put the primer to the ceiling, after lunch - it's time to start staining. By this time, the primer will dry out. Applying the second layer of water-emulsion paint is reasonably used in the morning of the next day.


When choosing a ceiling finish, many household owners and apartments prefer painting. Among the large range of paints is the most popular water-emulsion. Painting the ceiling of water-level paint can be used in rooms of various purposes. There are several varieties of such coloring mixtures. The choice of one or another makes taking into account the features of the microclimate indoors. Our article will describe in detail the process of painting the ceiling of water-emulsion paint, the price per M2, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of such compositions and the fineness of the choice of a suitable roller for staining. To learn about the nuances of the painting of ceilings with water-level paint with their own hands from the video at the end of the article.

All water issues are water-based mixtures in which various additional components add.

Depending on the composition, the following types of such colors are distinguished:

  1. Polyvinyl acetate indesses The cheapest, but low-demanded paint due to a short life. It is allowed to use only indoors with normal humidity. Surface can not be washed.
  2. Latex composition It is more expensive, but has many advantages. The elasticity of the coating, its strength and resistance to moisture is significantly expanding the scope of paint.
  3. Acrylic mixtures are the most sought-after, because they have an acceptable cost, resistant to abrasion, do not fade in the sun and are suitable for wet premises.
  4. Silicate compounds There are admixtures of liquid glass and are suitable for applying to different bases. The coating is steadily affected by mold and rotting and is distinguished by moisture resistance.
  5. Mineral wedge-emulsion paints Contain in its composition cement and lime. They cost inexpensively, but also their service life is very short (no more than 3 years).

Tip! When choosing paint, take into account the purpose of the room. For residential rooms with normal humidity, ordinary water-emulsion is suitable. For high humidity places, water resistant compositions (latex and silicate) are used. For the kitchen it is better to choose a paint resistant to intensive friction, because the ceiling will have to be able to wash.

Pros and cons of water-emulsion paints

Among the positive qualities of the water emulsion should be called the following:

  • Acceptable price. Some varieties cost a little more expensive, but this cost pays off an impressive service life.
  • Simplicity and speed of application. Works can be conducted using different tools - roller, brushes or collapse. Due to this, the staining of the surface is easy to perform independently even without experience.
  • The speed of drying. Usually for complete drying is enough three hours.
  • During application, during drying and exploitation, the composition does not smell, does not distinguish toxic compounds. Thanks to the environmental purity, it is allowed to apply for staining of children's rooms.
  • The coating does not support burning, does not accumulate odors and contamination.
  • If necessary, pigments are added to white water emulsion to obtain the desired shade.
  • There are matte, semi-wax and glossy coatings.

The disadvantages should be attributed to the fact that work on staining can be carried out only indoors with a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C. In addition, the drying rate of paint decreases with high humidity in the room. Some varieties of water-producing are quite expensive, and other species do not withstand intensive friction and wetting with water.

Surface preparation

From the correctness of the preparation of the ceiling to paint depends on the result of the work. The base should be smooth and smooth, because the colorful layer emphasizes any defects of the base ceiling.

Tools and necessary materials

Before painting the ceiling of water-mounted paint, you need to prepare everything you need to work:

  • ladder;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • paint;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • pallets for paint and primer;
  • putty;
  • grout mesh;
  • primer on the basis of the same components as putty;
  • wash (if an old coating moisture resistant);
  • a drill with a mixing nozzle;
  • grinding or sandpaper to remove old coating;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • serpenta;
  • polyethylene film;
  • hammer to facilitate the cleaning of the ceiling;
  • protective clothing, glasses and gloves.

We remove the old paint or whitewash

Before prepare the ceiling to paint, you need to remove the old finish. Depending on how old finishing coating was performed, Apply different ways to remove it:

  1. The chalk blame is washed off with soapy water. And the lime layer is written with a spatula or grinding. To distinguish one whitewash from another, the ceiling is wetted with water. If the moisture immediately absorbed, then the glasses of chalk. Hanging on the surface of the drops point to a limescale layer.
  2. Difficult water-resistant painting is also washed off with soapy water and a soft sponge. Water will have to be able to change often as it is contaminated.
  3. Acrylic emulsion is removed by an angular grinding machine or spatula.
  4. To remove moisture-resistant paints use special washes. They are selected by the type of solvent, on the basis of which the painting composition was made.
  5. Very old paint, tightly clutched with the base, will swell and will move away with a significant heating of the surface with the help of a construction dryer.

Alignment of the base

Describing how to prepare a ceiling to paint with water-level paint, special attention should be paid to the alignment of the surface, because the beauty of the coating depends on the basis of the base. Alignment is performed using starting and finishing putty. Deep cracks and holes before sealing are handled by primer. After its drying, the slits are filled with starting putty. The seams between the plates are better to further strengthen the sickle so that they do not go to the flock in the future.

Minor irregularities are cleaned with finishing spacure mortar. After that, the surface is treated with a primer in two layers, each of which should completely dry before applying the following. If necessary, the entire surface is sweeping for the purpose of alignment. The solution is applied in two thin layers.

Grinding ceiling

When the putty solution is completely dry, the entire ceiling is so ground again. The soil is applied twice (the second time only after drying the first layer). For operation, the composition of deep penetration or antiseptic solution is suitable, which allows you to protect the ceiling from rot and mold in places with high humidity. The primer is applied by roller.

Tip! Choose a soil based on the same components as paint. So you will provide the best coating with the base.

Staining technology

After the preparation of the ceiling under painting, proceed to the main work. The final result depends on the correctness of the tool selection.

Collecting roller for staining

For dyeing of different surfaces, rollers coated from natural sheepskin are used, with a synthetic pile, velor or foam drum. Fur roller with a natural or artificial pile is most suitable for working with water-emulsion. The foam coating of the drum leaves bubbles on the surface, so it is better not to apply it.

As for the length of the pile, then for staining of smooth smooth surfaces, the short-sized short-sized roller or a medium-sized tool is optimally suited. A coated drum having a long pile is suitable for staining of embossed surfaces.

Important! Prefer the tool on a long handle, so you do not have to climb the stepladder to paint the ceiling.

Painting with roller

Works in staining the ceiling surface are performed in such a sequence:

  1. First prepare the room. Remove the furniture, and the fact that it will not be possible to remove, cover with a plastic film. By the same material, protect the floor covering. The surface of the walls next to the ceiling, creemet the painted scotch with random staining. Dilute paint to the required consistency, but no more than 10%.
  2. With the help of the brush, squeeze the ceiling in hard-to-reach places and in the place of docking the ceiling and wall surface.
  3. Further work we carry a roller. The tool is looser into the paint and roll it on the ribbed surface of the pallet to remove the excess the coloring mixture and evenly distribute it to the drum.
  4. Paint from window opening. Move the instrument in the direction perpendicular window. Paint is applied by stripes without taking a roller from the base. Be sure to make the backrest of neighboring strips.

Attention! All the surface is staining at a time without a lot of breaks in work, because after drying the paint on one site, layers are clearly visible.

  1. After applying the first layer, let him dry completely. Pray the ceiling for the second time, only the paint is applied parallel to the window.
  2. If necessary, score the surface again after drying the previous layer.

On how to paint the ceiling with waterproof roller, tells the video:

Is it possible to paint with a water-emulsion in the old whitewash?

The painting of the ceiling of waterfront paint along the old paint is possible only if the coating is firmly held on the base and does not exfoliate. In addition, the main condition so that the old coating and the new layer are based on the same components. That is, it is possible to paint the ceiling by the ceiling by an old coating, if earlier the base was also painted with water-level paint.

Cancel the surface on top of the chalk blame can not be in any case, because the chalk quickly absorbs moisture, which turns out and easily lags behind the ceiling with a new coating. The limestone whirlpools are better connected with the base and does not twice, so a new coating can be applied on top of it, but only the same lime blotch, and not a water-emulsion.

Cost of painting

Now let's talk about how much the painting of the ceiling per m2 is. Rates may differ in different regions of our country, but on average, cost is $ 3.8 / m² when applying paints in two layers. When staining relief surfaces, drawing a larger number of layers rates for work increase.

If you are interested in the professional painting of the ceiling, the price per M2 is indicated only for staining the surface without conducting preparatory work and leveling the base. If the ceiling is uneven and needs careful preparation, then the final cost will be significantly higher.

Currently there are many options for designing the ceiling, but among all the diversity of painting remains the most common and economical type of finishing work. However, the process of applying the coloring mixture requires certain phased preparatory work, even if you just need to update the old painting. Therefore, starting to work, it should be sorted out how to paint the ceiling to the old paint properly.


The need to update the appearance of the painted ceiling occurs quite often. This is the least costly in the number of strength and time process. Many property owners choose it precisely because of these advantages, however, there is also a question about them, how to re-apply the paint so that the surface is painted as soon as possible and there are no divorces on it.

This type of finishing work is easy to perform with your own hands, the main thing is to know some of the features of such works.

  • If the old coating layer is in good condition, does not have chips, cracks, not peeling, does not flake, just swept and lost its appeal, then painting can be performed on top of the old coating. This process will not require high costs of funds and time, since the preparatory work is not needed. To put the surface before it is not necessary.
  • In the case when the ceiling has already been covered with paint, and at the same time the surface has small fragments of the material of the material, should not be desirable, the layer of water dispersion paint does not require complete removal. In such a situation, it suffices to clear the detached places and apply the painting composition over the old coating.
  • In the presence of strong defects, additional work finishes can not be avoided. Cracks, irregularities and wrinkles Painting facilities will not be able to close, such flaws require the consumption of additional building materials.

Old layer of paint should be completely removed. You can do it with a spatula, thoroughly cleaning the entire surface. With the help of a brush and a special agent, the ceiling must be started priming. After drying the primer layer, the surface is necessary to sharpen well, correcting all the irregularities and defects. A special base for water-level paint should be applied to the dried surface, this layer is the preceding painting.

Selection of paint

Currently, for painting ceilings, the compositions presented in a huge assortment by manufacturers of paints and varnishes are used. Each species is characteristic of its characteristics, has several advantages and disadvantages.

To paint the surface of the ceiling, it is not necessary to use oil paint. The most optimal option is water-based paints, water-emulsion, or, as they are also called water dispersive.

  • no sharp smell;
  • absolute non-toxicity;
  • good adhesion with most building materials;
  • the possibility of applying to the old paint;
  • practicality in use.

The most popular types of water dispersive paints are considered:

  • Latex- It has a good level of copplence and density, after drying it is not washed away, the surface may be underwent wet cleaning. In most cases, one layer is enough.
  • Silicate - A good option for the outer decoration of buildings. This type of paint is more expensive than its analogues, as liquid glass is included in its foundation. As a rule, this coating is used for the profile finishing of various surfaces, in warehouse and industrial premises. Perfectly covers the surface of concrete or stone.

  • Acrylic The most versatile paint adapted to various surfaces. This substance is able to hide small disadvantages of the surface, and the texture paint can remove minor cracks or potholes. Acrylic coating dry sufficiently and does not change the color during operation. It has a certain level of resistance to direct sunlight. From disadvantages - sensitivity to moisture. Color palette of acrylic paints is huge. All shades can be with a glossy or matte effect. The matte surface is able to visually increase the height of the ceiling, it will help to hide some defects. Gloss is convenient for use when painting planes of large areas, requires a perfectly smooth surface.
  • Silicone Paint creates a beautiful coating that you can wash. This type of paint is suitable for coating surfaces in rooms with high humidity and sharp differences in temperature.

Each type of paint in need can be diluted with water to impart the required consistency. With the help of core pigments, you can get any desired hue, for this it is enough to add the desired amount of dye into the white composition.

How to calculate the flow?

Before buying, it is necessary not only to decide on the type and color of the ceiling paint, and also calculate the required volume, which is due to its flow. The required amount depends on the size of the room, which determine the ceiling area. Usually, all the necessary information for calculating the coloring composition is on the package, therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions.

In general figures, you can navigate the following calculations. The average water supply consumption for the ceiling decoration is about 100-120 g / m2. Depending on the surface, at least it will be necessary to apply two or three layers for high-quality uniform design. The consumption of the material is approximately the same as the use of roller, which is brushes. If you take into account the lack of experience and inability to be confused professionally paint, then the average consumption will be 300 g / m2.

In any case, these are approximate numbers, the flow depends on the set of parameters, so it is better to take paint with a margin.

By choosing the necessary type of water-mounted paint, you can read information about whether it requires dilution. If the manufacturers purchased are recommended to be bred, then in the desired number of paint can be added water, as a rule, no more than 5-10% is required. The prepared amount is best used immediately, you should not give him back again. The optimal option is considered to be the dilution of paint to the state of liquid cream.

It happens that the material does not require dilution, it is enough just to mix thoroughly. Such manipulations are enough if it is planned to paint the ceiling in one layer, in such situations, paint should be a little walking.

For the entire surface of the ceiling, you should acquire the paint of one manufacturer, the same brand. This requirement is the guarantor of a uniform monochon coating.

If you plan to paint the ceiling not in a purely white color, then the tinting is better to trust the specialists, they will help you choose the right shade and thoroughly mix the components.

How to apply?

To paint the ceiling on the old paint is not difficult, it can do every even an inexperienced person with your own hands. After all stages of preparation, you need to start painting.

The best is considered to be the paint coating consisting of three layers, in this case one can be sure that there will be no divorces on the surface or strips. Before applying each layer, the roller needs to carefully roll in the tray to get rid of the excess number of coloring composition, due to such manipulations the possibility of inclined. The first and last layers correctly apply perpendicular to the windows, this applies to all types of paint, including acrylic.

When painting should not be made of sharp movements, it is necessary to smoothly drive a brush or roller on the ceiling, slowly, examining that there are no unpainted areas.

The next layer should be applied only on a dry surface, and it is not necessary to accelerate the process in any way, to dry the paint should be naturally.

After applying the second layer of paint, it is desirable to exclude the possibility of direct ultraviolet rays, as well as the occurrence of drafts, which will help avoid peeling the coloring material from the base.

You can paint the ceiling by several types of tools. The most common paint brush and foam roller are considered to be paint, it is also possible to apply the paint with the help of a spray gun representing an ordinary sprayer. This device helps to carry out the painting process much faster, the main thing is that the consistency of the paint is appropriate.

When re-painting the ceiling it is better to use the same color or close by shade, otherwise you have to apply a large number of layers to fully paint the previous coating and achieve the desired result.

Especially for you, we wrote step-by-step instructions how to paint the ceiling with water-level paint without divorce and with minimal time costs.

Step 1. Choose paint

Before proceeding with the process of painting, it is necessary to make the most important thing - to determine the type of paint.

There are five species in total, each of which has its own features and applying nuances:

  • On silicate basis, otherwise called liquid glass. Such paint is not suitable for a bath or kitchen - it is distinguished by low water resistance and can easily "swim" under the influence of hot steam or condensate. However, if used in a dry room, the silicate paint is distinguished by excellent resistance.
  • Silicone waterfront paints They are considered the most expensive. It is due to these properties - the mixture is completely vaporural, and the painted surface can be washed, applying brushes and household chemicals. Thus, silicone-based paints can be safely used even in the bathroom, without fear of the effect of hot steam and water.
  • Mineral paints Suitable only for brick and concrete ceiling floors. Taking into account the presence of lime in the composition, it is better not to use them in the kitchen and in other rooms with temperature drops. Their main thing is the low price.
  • Latex and acrylic And acrylic paints make on the basis of an aqueous emulsion of acrylic resin. Such a coating is distinguished by durability and water resistance. If Latex is added to the mixture, then the strength and becomes the fundamental one at all.
    Nuance: These paints do not belong to the transmittance air, so in no case attempt to apply them to an unexfolded surface.
  • Polyvinila acetate paints In essence, the mixture of glue on the water base, color pigment and water. They are considered the cheapest option of mediocre quality, so we do not recommend their use.

As can be seen from our list, silicone paint is considered the best option. - Durable, reliable and fairly simple in work. It does not require additional primer and can overlap directly on plaster.

However, its price may seem overestimated, so try to choose the optimal option for yourself, otherwise the painting of the ceiling with a resistant water-resistant paint will not meet expectations.

The water-making paint has one feature - even in the banks of one manufacturer, released by different parties, may be difference in one or two tones. therefore try to buy emulsion in small batches, Made in one day.

Step 2. Foreign tools

No matter how I would like to save, the purchase of one paint will not cost. You will need a number of instruments and materials.

First of all Note that if you want to achieve bright, juicy shades, you will need a kel. It is added to white water-emulsion paint and gives it a color of varying degrees of intensity, depending on the quantity. However, try not to overdo it - while being coloring pigment, the kel can create a very bright shade.

If the ceiling was previously painted with another paint, buy a special building solvent, which will help clean it.

You will need and tools:

  • Building roller;
  • Telescopic type roller handle that will allow you to work without using goats and stepladers;
  • Wide brush;
  • For painting corners, it is better to choose a thin brush;
  • Lacious basin;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Construction spatula.

ATTENTION: What roller is better to paint the ceiling with water-level paint - a rather important question. Due to the peculiarities of such coating, the device is optimal with a width of about twenty centimeters. It is desirable to take a roller from the pile of medium length. But the velor and foam rubber will not fit.

Step 3. Preliminary work

The preparation of the ceiling to color can be divided into several types: already covered with water-level paint, painted by another paint, clean.

Remember: in no case cannot be applied to a water-free layer of the coloring composition. In this case, it is impossible to achieve smooth surface without divorce.

If you need before remove lime and chalk bliss or water-soluble paint, use the roller:

  • Well wet it with water (you can add a little solvent to accelerate the process), then go through the surface.
  • After some time, remove the spacious layer using the construction spatula.
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Then carefully wash the ceiling with water and a sponge or a piece of nonvilous tissue to remove the surfaces of the coating.

It is more difficult if you need to remove the old water-free paint - It is not dissolved with water and moves much more difficult.

However, work with a spatula can be facilitated. Mustly moisten the ceiling And blow on the moisturized places with a hairdryer - they will begin to swell. Remove such bloats are much easier than a flat surface. However, it will have to work quickly, and the process will take a lot of time.

It is easier to take advantage of special solvents. Despite the fairly high cost, they effectively cope with the old waterfront paint. After them, the ceiling must be washed very carefully and give it to dry.

If the ceiling was not previously painted, these steps can be skipped. Anyway:

  • You must make sure that there are no extraneous elements left at the overlap - wallpaper, paints and so on.
  • Then you need to apply on the joints of the slabs serving the overlap, glue. It is better to use water based.
  • Secure the web for the glue - a special reinforcing fiber that helps to avoid cracks.

IMPORTANT: in no case do not use solvent-based glue! It can negatively affect paint resistance.

Step 4. Alignment

After the ceiling is reliably cleaned of all traces of last repairs, it comes the time to move to the next item - equalizing the surface of the ceiling. If you want the paint to lay exactly, without divorce, it is impossible to miss it.

You will need special putty,which in construction stores are sold as thin layer. It is characterized by elevated hitch properties and plasticity. Thanks to the last quality, the mixture fills small cracks and irregularities, providing a perfectly smooth surface.

By stopping your choice on a whitewash, to align the ceiling, choose the one that is done on an adhesive-oil basis. However, note that it will take advantage of all the slots and cracks, even the smallest. If you think about how to quality paint the ceiling with waterproof paint on the freshly seminal layer, remember the main nuance: it is necessary to put one material in two stages.

  • Apply both types of equalizers need a thin layer with a spatula.
  • After you make sure that the entire ceiling has been treated, let's dry the mixture.
  • If necessary, adjust the results.
  • Now you can go to the main stage - paint work.

After you thoroughly prepared the ceiling and studied all the necessary information, the painful works themselves will undoubtedly seem to you with an easy way.

However, do not rush to immediately take a roller. To begin with, you will need small sandpaper, which you need to go through the surface. It will help to lose it, make even smoother and smooth.

Important: Use an exceptionally fine-grained paper and do not try to rub intensively! Enough easy movements that will help to brush fine irregularities left after putty!

Step 5. Begin to paint

Before proceeding directly to the process, familiarize yourself with several advice of professional painters, which we collected for you. They will help you quickly and qualitatively carry out all the work, having received the result as a result that will not disappoint.

Thanks to these advice, you will learn how to technologically paint the ceiling, using water-based paint, and avoid errors that often admit newcomers:

  • First of all, remember that it is necessary to start processing with the corners and junctions between the ceiling and walls. Moreover, start the process is necessary from a corner, which is as far away from the entrance to the room. If the door is in the center and the angles are equidistant - select the one that is further from the window. Well, if you have panoramic windows on all the walls, it is possible to better turn to those skilled in the art that will help to figure out how to act in this original case.
    On some sites, you can meet the recommendation to process the corners at the last moment - this is rooted incorrectly. By acting in this way, you will not be able to achieve a uniform shade.
  • Always paint the corners and joints with a wide brush - It will help to mostly work out the most difficult places. At the same time, the brush is recommended to immerse in the paint and press every ten-fifteen centimeters. It helps to avoid the mismatch of the shade between the areas, scratched with a brush and roller.
  • In order for the paint exactly to lay on the whole ceiling, it is necessary to go through it with a minimum three times. Here, too, there are nuances that will ensure a flat color, without divorce and drops of the shade. Each time the procration of the surface of the rollers should have its own direction. Consistently walk along the line of sunlight from the window, in parallel to it and, last of all, from the opposite wall to the window to the window.

Now you can proceed to paint work. Here, by the way, another useful video with a visual step-by-step instruction.

They are running, as already mentioned above, in a strictly defined sequence of actions, to violate that is categorically not recommended if you want to get a good result guaranteed.

  1. 1. Pull the paint into a special building pelvis (tray) and estimate its consistency. If the manufacturer is recommended to dilute the mixture with water, be sure to do it. So you can achieve a more smooth shade.
  2. 2. With the exception of angles, the coloring technology is described slightly higher, all work is made by the construction roller. Type paint on the roller and spend it on the ceiling, making zigzag movements.

ATTENTION: Do not attempt to align the layer of paint roller with sucks paint! But for a non-frozen mixture, to walk clean and dry completely allowed - this will allow you to collect surplus. This may cause rollers and divorces.

  1. 3. Thus, thus passing the entire ceiling in the last three layers, you will achieve a uniform harmonious color.