Repairs Design Furniture

The drawing of the plane is the easiest. Homemade drawings airplane. Making models from plywood

All photos from the article

Models of aircraft from plywood do with their own hands make masters all over the world. At the same time, the complexity of the models can be the most different, ranging from the simplest children's toys and ending with controlled products capable of repetition of the highest piloting figures.

Naturally, such a laborious task can only mask an experienced masterSo we will start to master the technologies used in aircodellize, with the easiest schemes.

Selection of material

Before looking in the network drawings of the model of aircraft from plywood, we need to take care of the purchase of the material itself.

The ideal option will be aviation plywood BS - 1:

  • material sheets are made of three or more layers of brush veneer;
  • phenolic adhesives or bakelite films are used to glue veneer;
  • very important plywood thickness: It is used when built by the layout of the aircraft most often a sheet of 1 mm, but for some parts, thicker blanks may need;

This parameter is important if you plan to make a design that should fly.
Children's toy or just decorative product Can be carved and from from 5 mm.

  • the main pluses of this material include strength, low weight and good flexibility.. The disadvantage is considered high - compared with other varieties - the price.

By purchasing sheets of material, you need to pay attention to their appearance:

  • thickness should be uniform over the entire area;
  • extremely undesirable detection, veneer defects, chip and cracks;
  • the land of the material, the easier it will process it, while the raw plywood often becomes the damage to the jigsaw blade.

If it did not work immediately buy dry material, sheets can be withstanding several weeks indoors with constant temperature and low humidity.

Making model

Preparatory stage

So, we have raw materials, and now we need a pattern - a drawing of the plane aircraft. If earlier we did not have anyway with aircraft modelism, it is worth starting familiarizing with the main techniques on finished schemes that are presented in abundance on the network.

You can cost the drawings of the plane from plywood with your own hands either when you know exactly what a model should be, or when its flight qualities do not matter, for example, in the manufacture of toys for a small child.

We act like this:

  1. Download the airplane template for cutting out of plywood and print it on the desired scale.
  2. Choose a sheet of material of suitable size and thickness.
  3. Using a copy paper, we translate the image on the fane.
  4. Decitation sheet in such a way that on each fragment there was one large or several small details.

Actually, this preparation ends, and we can cut parts of our design with our own hands.

Having downloaded the drawings of works from plywood - manual jigsaw plane can cut even a beginner

Drinking and assembly

  1. Initially, we drink all parts by contour, leaving the allowance of about 0.5 - 1 mm.
  2. Then in places where it is necessary to do through holes, drill the starting grooves, after which we insert the lobzik cloth in them and perform propyl.
  3. Edges of parts process sandpaper for final giving Forms.

It is worth removing a small chamfer to get rid of sharp corners.
However, it is necessary to do this only in the manufacture of toys and decorative models.

  1. We connect the details according to the scheme using protrusions and openings on plywood blanks. For more reliable fixation, we use glue for wood.
  2. Glued fragments clamp clamps, fixing in right position and preventing offset.

When assembling a model intended for flight (an aircraft or a glider), special attention pays for accurate positioning of wings and tail plumage, since the aerodynamic qualities are directly dependent.

After the main nodes are collected, connect them together, performing the final installation of the case, wings and chassis. Inside the fuselage, I mount the engine (if it is provided for by the design) or imitation. As a rule, at the final stage, the cab cap is installed, made of transparent material.

Finish finish

In principle, made according to such a scheme, the model can already fly.

However, the appearance of the aircraft is important for many models, so we proceed to the finish:

  1. Carefully, eliminating all irregularities and removing spokes on the junction traces of glue.
  2. When grinding, watches the plywood is not too thinned, as it can lead to a breakdown of the part.
  3. We process the wood by primer to provide better adhesion with paint.
  4. Color the fuselage and planes in the basic (most often white) color in two or three layers.
  5. After that, we apply a decorative coloring with bright lines, or imitate the drawing on real existing model. So that the ornament on the fuselage and wings had smooth edges, we use greasy tape.
  6. From above cover with a matte paint layer or a semi-adhesive protective varnish.

When you make a toy for a baby, it is advisable to use paints and varnishes with a minimum content of volatile toxic substances.


If you have suitable drawings at your hand - how to make a plywood plane based on them, you will figure it out without much difficulty. However, this task will be only for elementary models, so that the novice "aircraft manufacturers" is worth viewing the video in this article. And those questions that you will have when reading and viewing, you can always ask in the comments to the material.

Homemade aircraft, car drawings and brief description built by amateur designers

Phoenix M-5

A model that is equipped with two Motors "Vortex-25" modified under air cooling. The design of the handle and the control circuit does not have analogues in the world.

drawings of models of plane aircraft

Eminent pilots tests did not hide their delight, and even recommended its use on military fighters.
The runway mass of the car is two hundred fifty-five kilograms, and the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe wing - five as many as six tenths square meters.


The model is designed by the American designer with an amateur, with a pulling screw, which consists of the following nodes:

Shaft (1), made of duraling pipes
Spar fuselage (2), the material from which is made - pine
Case clamp (3), made of plywood Three millimeters thick
Spars Wings (4)
Arc (5)
Buck (6), which accommodates thirty fuel liters
Spine (7), made of plywood thirty millimeters thick
Automotive engine (8), the power of which is sixty horsepower
Hood (9), made of fiberglass
Spring (10)
Technological holes for installing wings (11)
Wing Down (12)
His racks (13)
His braces (14)
Towered bolt (15)


Run weight is three hundred forty kilogram
The wing area is nine as long as twenty-nine tenth square meters
speed - one hundred seventy kilometers per hour

This model has passed certification tests and was recognized as suitable for use, moreover, it was possible to perform the shapes of the highest pilotage and even the "corkscrew".


Created by Tver designers. The main material that was used in its manufacture is plywood, canvas, pine and domestic engine RMZ-640. The takeoff weight of which was two hundred thirty-five kilograms and the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing - six as many as three tenth square meters.


Students of the Kharkov Aviation Institute were constructed. The model has a beam fuselage.

Biplans single planes

Single beam aircraft

Some of the presented models found practical use in folk economy for chemical treatment Fields and aerial photography.
Blueprints homemade aircraft represent an extensive design documentation.

This cord model of the aircraft is recommended for novice cords. In proven time, the design made changes regarding the engine mount. The use of the "fighter" motor allows you to quickly replace the engines, and protects the wooden nose of the fuselage from damage. For the manufacture of such a model, scarce or expensive materials will not be required. And the gluing of all nodes is performed on epoxy resin.

Description of the cord model of the aircraft

The fuselage of the cord model of the aircraft is made of linden with a thickness of 12 mm. The billet is coated to the tail part to 6 mm. The nose is enhanced with lining (plywood 1 mm). The lodge lodge is cut out of a plywood with a thickness of 1.5 mm, then molded it in the place in the place.

Airplane Yak-12

For additional fixation of the lodge, except for glue, apply screws with secret head. Lastly, pins fastening the wing. Motor is cut from duralumin corners 10 × 10 mm.

Wing of a cord model of the aircraft. Typical ribs are cut from plywood with a thickness of 1 mm, and two central - from light ("Osinova") plywood with a thickness of s mm. Internal finishes are also cut out of light plywood. External ending - plywood 6 mm thick (partial loading of the right console). All ribs are processed in the package, after which they are facilitated separately. The lining of the internal finishes is cut from plywood with a thickness of 1 mm. At the scene of the cord stick a piece of plywood with a vertical location of the fibers.

The wall of the spar in the central part of the wing makes out of light plywood (two central ribs will have to cut to remove excess material). The spar and edges are made of lime rails. After assembling the wing of the model of the aircraft, its central part is trimmed with a millimeter plywood. Lastly, mounted lining and brazers on the ending. The finished wing is tightened by the lavsan on the BF-2 or BF-10, or the corporate thermal film. On the wing at the point of contact with the fuselage pad glue a small eyelet on a moto-based basis.

Tail plumage of the cord model of the aircraft. Kiel is cut out of plywood 1 mm, and the stabilizer and the height steering wheel made of mild plywood with a thickness of 3 mm. The height steering wheel is suspended on a filament "sewing". Before mounting, the stabilizer and the steering wheel must be primed up with two layers of liquid nitrolaca. To eliminate the risk of warping, for drying, it is useful to fix the details on smooth surface. For this, the cream trimming and any cargo, and as a separation layer - pieces of lavsan film.

The control system of the cord model of the aircraft. The rocking chair and its bracket are cut from an aluminum plate with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. After flexing the bracket in it, the threads of the MWs under the rocking screw are cut. The height steering wheel is written out of the lime rail. Wire tips are fixed with nitroleum by dumping threads.

Chassis of the cord model of the aircraft. The main rack is made of HPS wire with a diameter of 3 mm. The wheel is fixed with removable washers. The tail rack is similar to the main, but made of wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm. Before the tongue, the upper part of this part must be flattened and make a notch supfil.

Winning group of the cord model of the aircraft. Recommended engine KMD with aerial screw "Termik" 220 × 125 mm. The usual fuel tank is soldered from tinnitus tin.

Assembly and finishing of the cord model of the aircraft. After performing holes for the fastening screws, it is advisable to impregnate them with nitroleum. Wooden details The models are coated with two layers of nitrol. For background colors, nitroemal is used, and for decoration - self-adhesive film. The wing is attached on the fuselage rings made of oil resistant rubber.

(D. Karavaev, Head Mug, Source: Magazine Modelism Sports and Hobbies)

Creative project on the technology "Wooden plane" Author: Sakhno Gregory Student 7 B class. MBOU SOSH No. 46 GKABAROVSK 2017 year Project Manager: Teacher from and Technology Shevchuk Yulia Yuryevna

Plan: 1. Problem Situation 2. Reflection 3. Project goal 4. Tasks 5. Study 6. Decision

The problem is soon a birthday at the brother. What to give younger brother?

I will make a crawler with your own hands! Military equipment Good gift to brother. Idea!

Thinking to make a crawler can be volumetric or semi-compound; In the form of a picture in the technique of burning or collage. Can be made of paper and cardboard; Tree and others different materials. I have long wanted to make a plane! I will make it volumetric out of wood!

Reflecting: How should the plane from the tree look like? How to connect the items? Nails or glue. What makes wings and wheels? I will try to do everything from wood.

Purpose: do it yourself a gift to your brother. Tasks: 1. To be with the modifications of the aircraft. 2. Thinking through the manufacturing technology of wood samples. 2. Make an aesthetically beautiful product.

Research Monoplan (from Greek. Όόνος, "one" and lat. Planum, "Plane") - an airplane having one carrier surface (one wing), unlike biplane or triplan. Monoplans have become a popular design in aircraft plant in the early 1930s. In the height of the installation of the wing relative to the fuselage, monoplas is divided into the following types: lowlands; Low wing, the lower wing surface is at one level with or below the base of the fuselage. midplanes; The middle of the wing, the wing is set halfway the fuselage. The wing of the shoulder, the wing is set above the middle of the fuselage. high populations; High wing, the upper surface of the wing is at one level with or above the top of the fuselage. Parasol (from FR. Parasol - umbrella) - the wing is located above the fuselage. If monoplane wing is not supported by braces, racks or pins, it is called free. In comparison with the biplan, the wing of the free-free monoplane is harder, however, such a wing has higher flight characteristics.

Research some first attempts are heavier than airplane airs were monoplas; Monoplan, built in 1874 Felix Du Tammple de la Croa, is one example. Other early flights of monoplases were performed in 1884 Alexander Mozhaysky and Clement Aterer in 1890. Tereshchenko FF, Zembinsky S.S. Monoplan Country: Russia, 1912

Research Airplane || MONOPLAY OF THE MOVINKIN Year of release || 1910 Engine, Mark ||< Анзани > Power || 25 Length of the aircraft, M || ~ 6.5 wing span, M || 8.5 / 8

Research First Monoplan A. S. Yakovlev AIR-3 Moscow, June, 1929

Study Airplane 2 World Monoplan

Research MiG-9 is a Soviet jet fighter designed immediately after the end of the war. He became the first jet fighter made in the USSR. The MiG-9 fighter serially produced from 1946 to 1948, during which time more than six hundred combat machines were produced.

The exercise should be beautiful and original. 3. Made aesthetic and gently. 4. The product should not be difficult in the manufacture. 5. Complied with manufacturing technology. 6. The cost must be small. 7. Environmentally friendly. eight. Ready job Must be aesthetically pleased with his brother. Basic gift requirements:

Materials: Plywood, colored materials - paints, varnish, glitter stickers.

Tools: stationery knife. Line. Hacksaw. Sandpaper. Glue gun.

Safety technique when working with a cutter: - Do not work with a knife towards your body; - Hold a knife handle tightly; - Use only well sharpened knives and tools; - watch the hands and knife handle are dry; - Do not leave the knife in the cutting edge up position; - Do not leave the knife in detachments or between them; - Do not try to catch a falling knife; - not to use a knife is not intended; - Take a knife after each application.

Safety technique when working with hacksaw: 1. Preparation must be properly and sustained on the workbench or table. 2. When working with hacksaw should avoid jerks and ensure that the web is not bent. 3. It is impossible to direct the saw blade with a finger. 4. The hand, holding the workpiece, should be located on a safe of the dance. 5. Cleaning the chips use a special brush.

SECTION SECTION S. adhesive pistol: The charged thermal gun is inserted into the rosette and heated, touch it, press the buttons, etc. No need, let it be heated by the required time (5-15 minutes, depending on the pistol). when the glue was warmed up and became a liquid, bring the thermochelery gun to working surface And begin work. the most unpleasant thing that could be in thermoclayev pistol - This is a tip, a hot nozzle, where the glue comes from. You do not need to touch this part of the pistol, you can get a burn. Be careful! The glue inside the gun is heated to a very high temperature, so it is necessary to work with it carefully to accidentally do not burn.

Solution: 1.

How to make a plane from plywood do it yourself drawings and description

First of all, I drew a sketch in a graphic editor.

Solution: 2. Drawing

Solution: 2. Introduced the drawing of parts on Faneru, 3. Then he saw these details.

Solution: 4. Processed the details of the emery paper. 5. Sklexed all the details of hot glue-gun. 6. Painted, designed some elements.


The exercise turned out beautiful and original. Complied with toy assembly technology. The work corresponds to the intended. The cost of materials is small. Made aesthetic and gently. Brother will like it. Quality control self-esteem:

Thanks for attention! I hope you liked it

Radio control

Fast facilitation of airmodlose do it yourself

Aviation modelism is an interesting hobby, it is interesting not only for children but adults.
The only minus is the cost of airmodes.
Not electronics, it practically does not suffer, but the most aircraft model, which in inexperienced hands rarely flies more than 3-4 times.

In order to gain experience - it is necessary to change 3-4 aircodelines, and this is not always available at a price.
I propose to make an airmod model with your own hands for flights in the fresh air.

For simplification and ease of manufacture, it is best to take as a basis for the technology of manufacturing flat.

Plochet is an aircraft model from ceiling tile (yes - that is what is sold in large quantities In the construction markets), made on the contour technology - from this aircraft to the aircraft model, only the contour is reproduced.

So, proceed.

To begin with, you need to download the drawing of airmodilos - for example, download the drawings of the aircraft model P40-Warhawk or.
Now print the drawings, glue on the ceiling and cut out.

Such such workpieces are obtained.

The fuselage is cut down in length and incur wooden rail To harden the fuselage.
It is better to do from 2 layers of the ceiling, glue glue for the ceiling tile titanium.

In front of the fuselage, install the electric motor
It can be a collector

or modern uncoolet carriage aircraft engine

To control, it is necessary to make steering planes, in our case it will be aileron and height steering wheel.
Cut them where they are indicated in the drawing and connect to the tape - as shown in the figure below

Install the boars on the plane, thrust will be attached

Install the electronics.

One servo fastener on the wing and connect the rigs from the elastic wire with the email cables.

The other put on the half the length of the fuselage and connect the height with the wheel.

You can simply cut through the holes under the servo and fix them with an adhesive gun or incur to the titanium - in the latter case it is advisable to wrap the servo to a pre-paper scotch.

On the fuselage, fix the receiver, engine speed controller and battery.

It is necessary to secure it so - that the center of gravity of the aircode accounted for 23-25% wing width. Then the airmodel will fly well.

It remains only to put a screw and go to the flight! According to the materials of the site radio-controlled aircraft model

More about radio-controlled models:

The cheapest quadrocopter

- We make a quadcopter from Linek.

How to make a quadrocopter do it yourself

- Production of quadrocopter from infirred materials.

Simple radio-controlled yacht

- We make a model of a radio-controlled yacht in one evening.

Boat for the Supreme Suggestion

- To help the fisherman.

Designer with radio control

- From such a construct, you can collect homemade radio-controlled car models.

All yourself and do it yourself

Leo comments:

Hmm, in the evening you can make a whole squadron of radio-controlled aircraft models!

Dmitry comments:

And where can I buy an electronics to buy cheaper? I am from chelny.

Spectacle comment:

I think it's interesting not only to me

Sasha comments:

misha comments:

very interesting but better i buy a zhigul

Misha comments:

i bought as a similar small-sized product, due to the low-capacity motors and everything else carries a draft to the long-range Dali, but when the fall plans and practically it does not extend, it is not possible to expand it specially - on the range of meters 20 loses control and passes into autopilot))) smoothly settles In the grass. It would be an elalectronics ready to help it would be interesting ...

Andrew comments:

We go to the site there are also a selection of equipment.
Flight range 600-800 meters (further visibility)
Many drawings and photo and photo instructions for the manufacture of aircraft models

Many boys from childhood are passionate about the technique, various cars, trains, airplanes. They cause great interest all elements that are directly related to these subjects. To captivate a child with creativity, offer him together to make toys that will be like an airplane.

Baby crafts in the form of an airplane will become an excellent way of joint pastime with a child. You can have fun free time. In addition, such crafts can be done with the children on children's holidays.

Photo of crafts on the topic of the aircraft demonstrates all the variety of models that can be made with their own hands.

Wood plane

When creating an airplane from a tree, a question arises from which the aircraft can be made? To create a craft of an airplane, you need to have a clothespin, wood sticks, acrylic paints, brushes, glue "moment", scissors and sandpaper.

Algorithm for creating a toy aircraft

Consider step by step instructionshow to make a plane. This will allow you to create a craft without any problems, if you precisely follow the instructions for creating a toy airplane.

We take the blue paint and paint the wings of the future aircraft. Then we take the red paint and stain with clothespins, which will later become the basis of the airplane. To create rear wings, you need to cut a stick into two parts. To round the cropped edge, use scissors.

The tail of the plane consists of a piece of sticks. From the wand cut off a piece of 10 millimeters. To do this, use the stationery knife. The edge should not be smooth.

With the assignment of sandwich wooden sticks. The resulting details we paint and glue among themselves.

Airplane from cardboard

To create this option of the aircraft you will need cardboard blue color, Matchboxes, scissors, "moment" glue, plug.

We take stencil and cut out all the details of the aircraft, from which we will create it.

We take boxes from the matches and glue it to the basis of the aircraft. From the cardboard you need to cut one small strip, which is then glued to the base of the aircraft. Billets of the same size then glue on top match box on the other hand.

To create a tail, it is necessary to cut a strip with 50 millimeters by 10 millimeters. The edges are spinning on both sides. The resulting strip must be divided into three equal parts. Each strip should be 15 millimeters. To do this, the stationery knife is required.

It is necessary to glue the airplane to the airplane. They will be a real decoration of the model.

We take a plug out of the wine. With the help of a stationery knife, cut a small circle. Next, we apply a little glue to the surface of the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of cork and glue it to the aircraft. Then you need to create a propeller. Its creation is described by the type of wooden aircraft.

We take a needle to pierce the plug. Then we attach all parts to the basis of the aircraft. Of several sheets of colored paper, create small flowers. To do this, you need to take a decorative hole punch. These leaves must be pasted on the entire surface of the airplane.


Airplane from the bottle

To create an airplane from a bottle, you need to take directly the bottle itself. With the help of a knife, you must make several slots, which in the future it will be necessary to insert cardboard. This cardboard externally must resemble the wings and the tail of the plane.

From dense cardboard, cut out the part, which externally resembles a propeller. In the center of this figure you need to cut place under plastic cork. It is necessary to install a propeller on top of a plastic bottle, and then fasten the plastic plug. This will consolidate the propeller on the plastic bottle.

After that, you can offer a child to put paint on plastic bottle The coloring that he wants. The child will be happy to engage in the coloring basis of the aircraft and its wings.

Thus, crafts from airplanes will be ready. The presented options for creating children's airplanes allow you to quickly make a craft.

You can hold a master class on crafts on the topic of the aircraft. This will make it children's holiday More interesting and at the same time useful.


You can choose the choice of materials to craft with your own hands. If your child is fond of wooden crafts, It is best to make a plane from a tree, if the child is fond of crafts from cardboard, then it is recommended to create a floral aircraft.

Photo crafts plane


Every boy in his childhood dreamed of being behind the aircraft steering wheel. Sky, clouds, travels have always attracted adventurers and bravests. But to feel like a closer to aviation, it is not necessary to buy a plane ticket or enter the flight school. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a plane from the tree with your own hands.

Required tools and materials

Before you search for a suitable model of the aircraft and its drawing, it is necessary to ensure yourself required materials. The best option In its manufacture, three layers of birch veneer glue with phenolic glue.

In this case, the material thickness is important, it should be about 1 mm, but they may need thicker plywood sheets. If you do not know how to make a flying plane from a tree, then pay attention to this option. Moreover, this material is very light, flexible and durable.

Selecting the Fauer appropriate for work, attention should be paid to its appearance. All over the area, its thickness should be the same. There should be no all possible defects, bundles, chips or cracks. The material must be dry, so it is easier to process.

From wood

Now that you have mastered the information on how to make a plane from a tree different ways, You can choose any of the options and modify it at your own way.

The design can be constructed and independently, however, for this it will be necessary to shut down the publication in the design of modern aircraft. Various virtual design programs may be useful.

If you can't find a dry material, plywood sheets can be prepared independently, withstanding two or three weeks indoors with low humidity and non-changing temperature.

If you have never done and do not know exactly how to make a plane from a tree, then you will be able to work only if you know which future model will be, or when its aerodynamic properties are not important (making children's toys).

In the manufacture decorative model Or toys should get rid of sharp corners, removing the chamfer.

If you work on a model intended for flights, then it is worth paying for the exact positioning of the tail and wings. After all, the aerodynamic properties depend on them.


Models of aircraft of various levels of complexity are manufactured by the masters around the world. At the same time, the most complex controlled models can perform the shapes of the highest pilot.

Featuring a suitable drawing, you can easily figure out how to make a plane from a tree. However, such work will be simple in the manufacture of the simplest models. More time-consuming tasks beginner builders will not be able to master the most simple technologies and the schemes, as well as understand the process in more detail.

Modern toy shops just break from big range All sorts of machines, bears, designers and many other things. But remember the past times when there was no such abundance. Then in the circles and in labor lessons, we were taught to make the toys alone, and the main material for creativity was a plywood for modeling. It is about such crafts that we will tell you today.

Preparation of material and tools

Like any case, and the manufacture of toys for the child is a very responsible step, you need to pre-prepare both the material and the tool that will be needed in the design of the model.

If you don't have enough of the list of list, buy these missing items urgently.

  1. Hand Lobsik on wood, Electric tool In our case, we are not an assistant, we do everything manually.
  2. Model plywood, usually the thickness of the material is three and seven millimeters, in a different way, it is also called three-layer and seven-layer, respectively.
  3. Pencil, ruler.
  4. Sand Paper and Square Fly For processing aircraft spare parts.
  5. PVA glue or any otherwhich is designed to glue a tree.
  6. Huge patience and desire to deliver the child joy.

You need to start our design, of course, from the markup of all the details of the future airplane, namely: the fuselage, wings and stabilizer. You may first draw a drawing on paper, and after transfer it to Faneru himself, you can immediately draw parts on the plywood, which is someone as convenient.

Since our model of an airplane from plywood is invented on the go, then the exact size and there is no template or drawing. But as an example, we will take some size Spot of wings, and we will be repelled when assembling our aircraft.

Let's make the scope of the wings of thirty centimeters, it is probably the most optimal optionFor those who will seem like such an aircraft, can increase the size of the wings and thereby make the plane a little more.

Cut out the jigsaw blank

As you can see in the photo, all components can easily draw from the hand, there is nothing difficult here. Let's start with the fuselage, the size of which can be done for ten millimeters more than the wings. The same case is simply drawn by hand as shown in the picture.

Immediately on the fuselage housing, do ship connections For fastening wings. Due to such compounds, the prefabricated patterns from plywood are quite strong and easily connected with glue, so be sure to use them.

Go to the wings, as we have already decided on, the wings will be thirty centimeters long, the width, respectively, from eight to ten centimeters. Remember the main thing, the bottom wing must be shorter than ten millimeters no more.

It remains to draw racks to support wings and rear flap, stabilizer. When everything is ready, you can start cutting out the spare parts by the jigsaw. Carefully based on the contours you draw all the spare parts for the aircraft. Do not be discouraged if it turns out of irregularities somewhere, in any case you are trying, and you will succeed.

Carved spare parts must be pulled out the emery skurt directly to the assembly of the model.
After you collect the plane, it will already be inconvenient to grind, as it will be possible to damage the model.

We collect our plane

As a rule, modeling from plywood Interesting and scrupulous occupation and if on the fuselage you have already prepared thorns connections now you need to make grooves on wings, for mounting on the case and for racks of supporting wings.

Feel free to use the file to use the file and customize the connections as accurately as possible. Build the assembly from the installation of the stabilizer, which you glue in the tail part of the toy.

At the next stage, our instruction recommends that you set the wings in your place. To do this, apply glue to the connection and set the top wing. Turning the model, install the racks to support the wings, also pre-apply adhesive adhesive.

It remains quite a bit and our homemade aircraft will be ready, we set the bottom wing and our design assembly. Also neatly wake the glue all the butt connections on the models already in the assembled form and put the plane, the glue gives the glue to completely dry.

Such an airplane is not difficult to do, of course it is not perfect option And if you want, then you can search other drawings of team models from plywood, because the flight of fantasy and creative ideas This does not end. Let's see what else crafts can be made of wood.

We continue to make selfiems

Well, let's not stop halfway, and let's try to please the child yet, what should I crawl out of plywood. If you guide the boy, it is possible that you want to know how to make a tank from plywood? Quite a logical question, let's try to answer it.

As an example, we suggest you consider our small model of a plywood tank, which is easy to manufacture and in the assembled form looks no worse than tanks from plastic constructors.

Let's consider in order all the design steps, and start with the materials that are needed for modeling.

  • Plywood, this, of course, the basis of our model, in this case the thickness of the plywood should be two - three millimeters. With such a plywood, it will be very convenient to work outpare parts and after collecting them.
  • Copy paper, with it, we will carry the drawing to the workpiece.
  • The set of naughty, there will be helpers in the processing of thickening connections when assembling the model.
  • Hand-made jigsaw and a peel to it, as for the pylon, make them a few pieces, usually during the cutting of the model from plywood with their own hands, the pinks have a property break.
  • Glue, it is desirable to use PVA, it interacts perfectly with the tree and is discolored after drying.
  • Emery skar and transparent varnish.

It is recommended before the start of the outflow of the tank parts, prepared by the material, Phaneur, to clean the sandpaper and make the surface smooth.
Such an approach will provide more accurate copy of the drawing to the surface of plywood.

Copy the drawing and cut the tank elements

The next step in the design of the model of the tank will be the transfer of all components of the details of the paper from paper on the phaneer. In the process of modeling, namely answering the question of how to make a tank from plywood - the drawings of the model play a very important role.

Drawing of the model of the tank. Part 1

Now when you have ready template Its details need to be transferred to the paneur using copy paper. Foundation of parts is best carried out simple pencil Or use a blank rod from the ballpoint pen.

Do not forget about the numbering of parts, when copying them, too, transfer to the material. In the future, when assembling it will be easier for you to navigate in detail. The assembly rules are the docking of parts in the sequence according to the numbers: the number one connect the number one, the number two respectively with the number two.

When everything is ready and the drawing is transferred to Phaneur, you can proceed to cutting parts. We will not learn how to use the jigsaw you will not, but we will give recommendation. After you cut out all the details, be sure to treat them with emery skins, so you will drive all the corners left by the jigsaw and eventually get a neat model.

Now in the order of digital designation, we begin to collect our model of the tank, all the connections after the docking are wrapped with glue and give them a little dried. After assembling all components, you should get a model of a tank, which is almost ready.

As in any other business remains to put the point, and our point with you is processing collected model Colorless varnish. Believe me, the price of such a homemade toy is not comparable to the joy of your baby who will play her, you can be sure that you have not in vain spent time on the manufacture of such a model.

What else can still do from plywood

In fact, modeling is a huge potential for creativity, plywood as the material is ideal for these purposes. Various popularity is very popular from plywood, as a rule, they are simple in their manufacture and are in demand among kids.

Here, for example, a simple model of the truck, it takes quite a bit of material for its manufacture, and it will take a lot of time for the assembly. If you take into account that all required tools You already have without much effort to make such a cradle.

In order to make such a truck, it is enough to transfer the pattern to the material and all parts of the machine. After collecting all the details and connect them to each other. These drawings of models of cars from plywood have general foundation and on this database you can collect various options Trucks.

If you have fun, instead of a body, you can make a closed van, or cut a fire staircase, fantasize and embody your ideas in life with your child.

Making boomerang yourself

Still very an interesting toy is a boomerang. In fact, this toy in the past times was considered to be a throwing weapon, but today and adults and children really like the flight of this unique invention and return it to the place from which he was launched.

Let's and we'll figure it out how to make a boomerang from plywood, while observing all its aerodynamic properties. As a rule, first of all we need material, in our case it will be a plywood thickness of ten millimeters, and a template.

For the template you will need a sheet of paper in size fifty per sixty centimeters, and apply a grid on this sheet with a cell size of fifty millimeters. After the boomerang itself, try to do it on the template, as shown in the figure below.

After the boomeranga template is ready, cut it along the contour and transferred to our billet from plywood and perform a simple procedure:

  1. We supply the contours of the template with a pencil on the workpiece.
  2. Via hand Lobzika Cut the boomerang in accordance with the contours.
  3. The resulting boomerang must additionally process and give it aerodynamic properties.
  4. Press the blank of the boomeranga with a clamp and a small ruble from the center to the edges take off excess wood coating.
  5. As a result of processing, we must get a uniform transition from the edge to the center. The central part should be a thickness of ten millimeters, the edges of the boomeranga six millimeters. Try to go to you get smooth, and not torn.
  6. The next step will be careful. Boomerang must be perfectly smooth, it directly affects aerodynamics.
  7. Now the toy needs to be lacquered and after drying to paint in bright color. As a rule, bright colors will make it easy to notice the toy in flight or when searching after its landing.

Boomerang in nature belongs to the category of dangerous toys, so during the launch, expect caution, do not damage yourself and the people around you.
It is advisable to start running in the field, in places where there is not crowded and no residential buildings.


Very often fake lovers are interested in: how to make balalaika from plywood and is it possible to implement this in practice at home? We are in a hurry to delight you, although such a product is considered complicated musical instrument, it can still be done at home. But we will tell about this difficult process another time.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.