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Russian language morphological signs of verb. Meaning and grammatical signs of verb

Verb value morphological signs and syntactic function

Verb - this is independent part speech that means action, condition or attitude and answers questions what to do? What to do?: work, remove, root, fear, wish, consist. All forms glagolhave morphological signs of the species (there are perfect or not perfect species) and transition (are transitional or incomprehensible). Among the verb forms differ hidden(vary in inclination, times, persons or childbirth, as well as numbers) and unfriendly(Initial form glagol, communion and verbalism).

In the proposal, the hidden verb shapes play the role of the tame (they have special forms of tensionability - forms of inclination and time), unqualified verb shapes can be other members of the sentence. For example: Mermaid slear on the river blue, starving full moon... (M. Lermontov); So thought Young hanging, flying in dust on postal ... (A. Pushkin).


Initial (vocabulary) form of verb is infinitive, or infinitive(from Lat. Infiniti - Vus - "Uncertainty"). Infinitive designates an action regardless of inclination, time, face, number, that is, out of connection with his leader (subject).

Infinitives - unchangeable form of the verb, which is inherent in only constant morphological signs of verb: view, adequacy / non-peculiarity, repayment / non-return, type of tension. (If the end of the hidden verb shapes is unbrained, the type of touch is determined by infinitive.)

Formal infinitive indicators are suffixes -t, -th.(In school, they are usually considered as endings). Suffix -t.stands after vowels (follow, think, sing),but -ti- After consonants (Carry, carry, weave).Some verbs end in infinitive on -Ch: oven, protect, flow, be ableand etc.; Historically B. -infinitive indicator merged -tiand finite root sound [g]or [to]:type forms "Beat", " a result of phonetic changes, transformed into "Furnace", "Berera"etc.

In the proposal, the infinitive can be any member of the sentence. For example: 1) Be in love other - heavy cross... (B. Pasternak);2) He [Elders] i decided to goto Turkic(for what purpose?) see what kind of people (A. Chekhov);3) I did carelessly, indulging in a cute habit of seeing ^ and hear you daily (A. Pushkin); 4) the cleanest shirts velia Captain Wear! _ (B. Okudzhava).

Note. Example (2) - when the verbs of the movement (leave, goand under.) or stop traffic (stay, stay, sit downetc.) Infinitive is the circumstance of the goal (calls the goal of motion or termination): Sometimes he stopped in the sands(for what purpose?) relax (K. Pouust).

Example (4) - Infinitive is not included in the composition of the facred and is in the proposal addition, if it means the action of another person (subject), which is not called to be.

Basics of verb

The verb has two basics: the basis of infinitiveand the basis of this / simply future time.(Sometimes still stands out the basis of the past timebut most verbs, it coincides with the basis of the infinitive.) Part of the verb forms is formed from basics Infinitive, and the other part - from basics present / simply future time. These two basics Many verbs vary.

To distinguish the basis of the infinitive, you need to separate the forming infinitive suffix: nes- ti, Pisa- tJ, say- t, Chita- tyova- t.

To distinguish the basis of the present / simple time, you need to separate the personal ending on the form of this / simply future time (the form of 3 faces is taken multiple number): nes- ut, Pish.- ut, say- yat, Chita j. - ut, pucyj. - ut.

To highlight foundation The past time, it is necessary to discard the forming suffix on the form of the past time. basics): nes- l-A, Pisa- lh, speak- l-A, Chita- l-A, rice a- l-a.

There are verbs that coincide basics Infinitive and present / simply of future time and differs from them the basis of the past time: iD- ti, ID- uT, S.- l-a. basics Different: promotional- t, Prom Crogging- ut, promo- l-A; Tere- tD, T.- uT, TER- l-a.There are verbs that all three basics match up: nes- ti, Nes.- ut, Nes.- la.

Verb shapes that are formed from infinitive base

Glading forms that are formed from the basis of this / simply future time

1.Forms of the time of expressive inclinations: nes-Lh, not written, Lh, said, read, painted-a.

1. Forms of the present thorough time of the expressive challenge: i do not write, I say, 4 umaj.- y. (spelling - read), pucyj.- y. (draw).

2. Forms of conditional ignition: n. Lh., writing, Lh., would say, I would read, paint.

2. Forms insecurity: carry, write, say, Chita) (read), rig) (draw).

3. Valid communion Last time: nes-sh-Xe, not written, VSh-Ii, who said, reading, drawing.

3. Actual communities of the present time: carrier, write-ion, speaking, Chita j.-That (reading),pucyj.-The ui (drawing).

4. Passage-past time gravity: gone, written, Narisova-NN-ip.

4. Praeling communities of the present time: non-Om-th, speak-i.chch, read, read (readable), pucyj.-Im (drawing).

5. Perfectness of the perfect species: having written by saying, reading, drawing.

5. Deeprichism imperfect species: non-I, speaking, Chita " j.a (reading),pucyj.- a. (Drawing).

View of verb

The verbs in Russian refer to one of two types: to imperfector to perfect.

Verbs perfect species answer the question what to do?and indicate the action limited in its duration, having an internal limit, completeness. Verbs perfect species may indicate the action that ended (or end), reaching the result (learn, draw),the action that began (or start), and this very beginning of action is understood as its border, the limit (Slap, sing),single action (push, shout, jump- verbs with suffix -Well).

Verbs imperfect species answer the question what to do?and indicate an action without specifying

on its limit, without restricting it in time, the action is long or repeated (Teach, draw, play, scream).

Verbs of imperfect and perfect species Form couples.The species pair is made up verb of imperfect species and the verb of the perfect species having the same lexical value and differing only by the value view: to read- read, write - Write, build- build.

Verbs of imperfect species Found from verbs of perfect species With the help of suffixes:

1) -Iv-, -w-: consider- consider asking- ask, sign- sign;

2) -You: open- open, give- give- shove

3) -A - (- I): save- save, grow up- grow up.

The verbs of the perfect species are formed from the verbs of the imperfect species in various ways:

1) With the help of species consoles na-, C-, pro-, you-and etc,: treat- cure oven- bake, do- make, write - Write, read- read, build- build, learn- learnand so on. to read- reread, read, readetc.);

2) Using a suffix -Well: get used to- get used to, nod- kill, jump- jump.

Some verbs that make up a species pair may differ only to the place of emphasis: scatter- scatter, chop- slice.

Separate species couples make up verbs with different roots: speak- say, view- find, put- put, take- take

Some verbs are single.They do not form a species pair and there or only perfect species (find yourself, rush, sleep, rollet al.), or only imperfect species (To prevail, attend, sit, be).

There are I. bividverbs that are combined in one form value with overwhelmed and imperfect. Their species is installed from the context: marry, execute, hurt, told,as well as verbs with suffixes -OVA (TD), -Yova (T): impact, use, automate, asphalt, telegraphetc. For example: Guns from the pier Palaat, the ship is veil (what do?) (A. Pushkin); Will you do not order, I velaya (what will I do?) Sit the rug? (N. Gogol).

View of verb affects the formation of its forms (first of all - forms of time): verbs of imperfect species There are forms of all three times in the reference (and in the future they have complicated form) and a complete set of time forms of communities; W. verbs of perfect species There are no forms of the present time in the expressive ignition (the form of a future time is simple) and the communities of the present.

Verbs transitional and non-freight

Differ Verbs transitional and non-freight.

Transitional verbs Indicate the action that is directly directed to the subject. They can have a direct addition to the vinegenial case without an excuse that answers the question who? "/ What?", write an article, knit sweater, sing a song.

Instead of a vinitive case, the supplement in the transition verb can stand in the parental case without an excuse:

1) if there is a negative particle notbefore the transition verb: understand the task- i did not understand the task; read Roman- did not read the novel; Waste time- not to waste time;

2) If the action turns not to the entire object, but only on its part: drank water(All the water about which is speaking) - drank water(part), bring firewood- bring firewood.

When determining transition / uncompressive verbs It is necessary to take into account the value of the noun in the form of a vinitive case - it should call an object of action. Wed: silenceor live a week (at sea)where the verbs are not transitional, although after them there are nouns in the vinegenic case without an excuse: All night long(V.P. with the value of time, not the object) redel(verb nevertheless) the ravine neighbor, stream, burly, fled to the stream (A. Fet).

Verbs that cannot have direct additions with them are unprofitable: engaged(than?) sports, to understand(What?) in music, refuse(from what?) from help.

Note. Adige / incompetence Closely related to the lexical verb value: in one value verb can be transitional, and in the other - unproveless. Wed: I tell the truth (I say- "I express" - transient verb). The child already says (says- "talking" - non-optical verb); Tomorrow I will go alone, I will teach(intransitive verb) at school and I will give all your life to those who can be needed (A. Chekhov); Learn lessons(Transition verb).

Return glasses

TO returnable verbam Present verbs with postfix - I am.Everything return glasses are non-transparent. They are formed as transient verbs (distinguish - to vary, please- rejoice, dress- dress),so from non-transparent (knock- stuffed, black- draw up).From ordinary word-forming suffixes -Weit differs in that it joins the verb forms after the end (knocking, knocking).Suffix -Weadded after consonants, and - by- After vowels (studied- studied);in the forms of communion and after vowels added -and not as: distinguished - differing.

Jointing the transition verbs, suffix -Weturns them into non-transparent: clothes who? / What?- dress up.I join the uncompressive verbs, -Westrengthens the value of uncompressive: beleet- white.

Suffix -Weit also serves to form impersonal forms from personal verbs: I am not sleeping- I won't sleep, I want- I would like to.

Among the verbs with a suffix -Wethere are also those that do not have parallel forms without this suffix: laugh, hope, bow, fightand etc.

Verb conjugations

Conjugation - This is a change in the verb on persons and numbers. (Term hidden formsthe verb is used in a wider value than the term conjugation . The hidden forms of verb include all forms, except infinitive, communion and verbalism, i.e. Forms of all inclination.)

Depending on personal expirations in Russian, it is customary to distinguish between two hides - I and II, which differ from each other with vowel sounds in the end: you carry, you, you say, silent, carries, sings, says, silent, carry, sing, say, silent, carry, satell, say, silent, carry, sing, they say, silent

I Hiding

II Hiding

If the end is shock, conjugation Determined at the end: call, lead - I. conjugation, gorn, sleep- II. conjugation.

But most verbs with loan Does not have accent on personal endings. In such cases conjugation It is determined by the infinitive (according to the vowel, which is facing infinitive suffix).

KO II. helving These verbs with an unstressed personal ending, who have 1) infinitive ends on -I-t (carry, saw, spendetc.), except verbs shave, stroll,rarely encountered verbs sizzle("Base, build") and be ruffled("Ignitant, swing, to be covered with a question"). (Verbs sizzleand be ruffledused only in the form of 3 faces. and numbers, the remaining forms are not used.); 2) verbs-exceptions that infinitive ends on -You (watch, see, hate, offend, depend on, tolerate, twirl)and on -A-h (drive, keep, hear, breathe).

All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to I helving.

It should be remembered that the submissive verbs formed from the strainers belong to the same type hindersas smoky (Gnat- catch up- to overtake- to expeletc. - II conjugation). Verbs S. - "- I)belong to the same type of suits as without -What (s) (drive- chase- II. conjugation).

In Russian, there are also paved verbs, whose forms are formed by I helving, while others - by II. These include: 1) to want- in the singular changes via i helving (want- want- wants),and in the plural - by II (We want- want to- want);2) runwhich has all forms like the verbs of the II (Begu- running- beste- bim- run)except 3 faces numbers - run(according to I. helving); 3) honor- varies by II helving (Chtish.- chtit- honor- honor)except 3 faces numbers (tight),although there is a form honorwhich is now consumed less honor;4) torture("Dawn, a little glow") - is used only in the form of 3 individuals of the singular (Broaste- II. conjugation) and multiple numbers (Brozage- I. conjugation): Dawn slightly forces; Weakly tormented stars in the sky.

Uncharacteristic for verbs I and II helds Execution system (archaic) have verbs eat, bored, give, create(and their consoles derivatives: move, get down, pass, give, betray, recreateand etc.).

eat e-si eats

i will give Dast

eat eat units

give Dad-them will give them

Verb bealso peculiar. From him in modern Russian, rarely used forms of the 3rd face of units have been preserved. and Numbers of the present - there isand essence: The straight line is the shortest distance between two points; The most ordinary, taken by almost all historians common distractions essence: freedom, equality, education, progress, civilization, culture (L. Tolstoy),and the next time is formed from another root: will- you will be- will be- we will- will be- will be.

It should be remembered that the verbs are hidden (vary by persons and numbers) only in the present and simple future. If the form of the future is complex (in the verbs of an imperfect), then only auxiliary verb is hidden be,and the main verb is taken into infinitive. The verbs last time are not hidden (do not change on persons).

Cleaning verb

The verbs vary in inclination. The form laying It shows how the action refers to reality: whether the action is real (having a place in reality), or unreal (desired required, possible under certain conditions).

In Russian, the verbs have forms three ignition: expressive, conditional (subjunctive) and imperative.

Verbs B. expressive challenge indicate the actual action that occurs, it happened or actually will occur in a certain time (present, past or future). Verbs in the reference change at times: engaged(present), engaged(past time), i will study(Future tense).

Verbs B. conditional challenge notify not real actions, but desired, possible. Forms of conditional inclination are formed from the base of the infinitive (or the basis of the last time) with the help of suffix -L-(followed by the end with the value of the number and in the singular size) and particles would (b)(which can stand before the verb, after it, and may be separated from it). For example: If I were a poet, I would live like a scale and not whistled in a cage, but on the branch at the dawn (Y. Mo Ritz).

IN conventional challenge verbs change in numbers and childbirth (there is no time and face in this inclination): would passed, would have passed, would have passed.

Verbs B. ludial inclination indicate the motivation to action (request, order), that is, not a real action, but the required. In the imperative challenge verbs They change in numbers and persons (there is also no time in this inclination).

The most commonly forms are the forms of 2 persons of the only and plural, which express the motivation to the action of the interlocutor (interlocutors).

Form 2 faces. The numbers are formed from the basis of the present / simply future time with the Sufifix -and-or without suffix (in this case, the base of the verb in the imperative inclination coincides with the basis of this / simply future time): speak, look, write, keep, work(the basis of the present time - pA6 omaj.- ym.), rest (rest) -t), remember (rememberedj.-The), cut (cut), stand up (stand).

Form 2 persons MN. The numbers are formed from the form of 2 faces. Numbers -t: speak \\those\\, keep \\those\\, for-remember \\those\\ andt. d.

Forms 3 faces. and mn. The numbers express the motivation to the action of that or those who do not participate in the dialogue. They are formed with particles let, let, yes +forms 3 faces. or mn. The number of expatriates: let him go, let them go, let them live, let them liveetc.: Yes, you are interested descendants of Orthodox lands Native Last fate (A. Pushkin).

Form 1 person MN. The numbers expresses the urge to jointly, the participant of which is and speaking himself. It is formed with particles come on, let's +infinitive verbs of an imperfect (come on, let's sing, dance, play) or 4- form 1 person mn. The numbers of the display of the verbs of the perfect species (Come on, let's + sing, stoney, play): let's talk compliments ... (B.Okudzhava); Let's dropwords like a garden- amber and Cedra ... (B. Pasternak); Comrade life comevaquick protop, protestfive-year-old days of the rest ... (V. Mayakovsky).

Forms of ignition can be used not only in their direct value, but also in a portable value, that is, in a value characteristic of another ignition.

For example, the shape of the imperative inclination may; To have conditional inclination (1) and expressive (2): 1) Do not be the Lord of the will, did not give in Moscow (M. Lermontov);2) Once he is him and say:"I see, Azamat, that it hurts you like this horse" (M. Lermontov).

Verb in the form of displays Can be used in the value of the imperative: However, in the field it is dark; More! i went, went,Andryushka! (A. Pushkin); The commandant bypassed his army, saying to soldiers: "Well, deudes, standtoday for the Motherboard and we prove the whole world, that we are brave and jury people (A. Pushkin).

The shape of the conditional inclination may be imperative: Dad, you talk to S.Alexandra, she behaves desperately (M. Gorky).

Glagol time

In the zealing challenge, the verbs vary at times. Time forms Express the ratio of action by the time of speech. In Russian, there are forms of three times: the present, past and future. The number of time forms and the method of their education depends on the type of verb. The verbs of the imperfect species have three forms of time, and the form of the future is complex. The verbs of the perfect species have only two forms of time (they have no present), the form of the future is simple.

The form of this Timeit shows that the action coincides with the moment of speech or carried out constantly, regularly repeats: On all pairs walk outtrain, wheels vertitsteam locomotive ... (B. Pasternak); Oh how murdering we loveas inrusky blindness of passions we are right ruinthat the heart is our mile! (F. Tyutchev).

There are currently forms of this time in the verbs of an imperfect. They are formed using the endings that join the basis of the present time and indicate simultaneously not only for a while, but also on face and number. The set of expirations depends on the hide.

The form past timeindicates that the action precedes the moment of speech: We all studied little by something and somehow ... (A. Pushkin).

Forms of the past time are formed from the base of the infinitive using the suffix -L-,behind who follows the value with the value of the number and in the unit. number - kind: sang, sang, sang, sang.

Some verbs suffix -L-in the form of a male race is absent: vIZH, COOL, ROS, BERG, STROYand etc.

Past glagol time goit is formed from another basis other than the foundation of an indefinite form: go- she went, went, went, went.

The form of this Timeindicates that the action will occur after the moment of speech: Cold will come, feel sheets- and serfdom- water (Ivanov).

There are current time forms and the verbs of the imperfect species, and the verbs of the perfect species, but they are formed in different ways.

Forms of Future time to verb perfect species are formed from the basis of a simple future time with the same endings as the forms of this time to verb imperfect species (such a form is called form simply future): I will write, I will tell you.

Forms of Future time to verbimperfect species are formed by the attachment of forms i will, you will, will, we will, you will, willto the infinitive of the verb of an imperfect type (this form is called the form of the difficult future): I will write, I will tell, I will carry.

Time forms can be used not only in their main value, but also in a figurative value inherent in the forms of other times.

The forms of present may designate the action preceding the moment of speech (the use of the forms of the present time in the story about the past is called real historical): only you understand i go outfrom world, look- my horses costsmirnekhonko near Ivan Mikhailovich (I. Bunin).

The forms of present may also denote the action following the moment of speech (current time value): i'm already ready, I'm after dinner sendthings. We are baron tomorrow weighedtomorrow leavingon the brick factory, and the day after tomorrow I'm already at school, beginsnew Life (A. Chekhov).

Forms of past time can be used in the value of the future time: Run, run! Otherwise, I. died (K.FED).

Forms of future time may be the value of the past time: Gerasim looked, looked, yes, how to laugh at suddenly (I. Turgenev).

Face, number and genus

Forms persons verb Express the attitude of the action indicated by the verb to the speaker face.

Three differ persons verb: First, second and third.

The form first persons single numbers indicates the action of the speaker: i sing, come.

The form first persons multiple numbers indicates the action of a group of persons in which it includes and saying: let's go.

The form second persons single number indicates the action of the interlocutor: walk, go.

The form second persons multiple number indicates the action of a group of persons in which the interlocutor includes: severe, go.

Forms third persons sole and plural denote the actions of this or those who do not participate in the dialogue, i.e. Not a speaker or interlocutor: sings, will come, sing, go.

Category persons and numbers verbs They have only in the present and future of the time of expressing inclination and in imperative inclination. The verbs in the past time and in conditional inclination do not have categories personsbut change to numbers and childbirth:(I, you, he) Vyl \\\\ - Male rank, (I, you, she) led \\ a \\- Women's rank, (I, you, it) vel- \\ o \\- middle rank, (we you they) vel- \\ and \\- Multiple number.

Not all verbs of the Russian language have a complete set of personal forms.

In Russian languages \u200b\u200bthere are so-called insufficientand excessiveverbs.

Insufficientverbs do not have a complete set of forms for one reason or another. Some verbs do not have the form of the 1st persons units. numbers since they are difficult for pronunciations:defeat, convince convincing, dismiss, find yourself, feel, eclipse, keepet al. In cases where it is still necessary to use the form of the 1st persons of these verbs, resort to a descriptive method; must win, I want to convince, I can find yourself.

A number of verbs are not used forms of the 1st and 2nd persons Single and multiple numbers In semantic reasons (these verbs call the processes occurring in nature or in the animal world): deal, pouch, rust, break, whiten, bright, crack(about sound) thugetc.

In modern Russian, there is an opposite phenomenon when some verbs form formation persons of this (or simple future) time goes two different ways: splash- splashes / sprinkles, drip- dripping / dripping, splash- splashing / splashing poke- pokes / pokes waving- mashast / Mahatand etc.

Impersonal verbs

Impersonal verbs - These are verbs that call actions or states that occur in themselves, without the participation of the figure: znobyat, sick, unhealthy, light, dawn, cold, evening, leanet al. They denote the states of a person or nature.

These verbs do not change on persons and are not combined with personal pronouns. They are used as a lean out impersonal proposals, and it is impossible to be subject to.

Impersonal verbs have only infinitive form (light, znob),the form coinciding with the form of the 3rd face of the singular (lights, znobit),and the form of the average genus of the sole number (Light, shiny).

Group impersonal verbs replenished due to the personal verbs by joining them postfix -What: not read, do not sleep, I can not believe,easily breathing, livingetc.

Quite often, personal verbs are used in the meaning of impersonal. Wed: Lilac smells(personal verb) good o. and Smells(Personal verb in an impersonal value) hay over meadows (A. Mikes); The wind clone trees to the ground and me clone to sleep; Away something darkensand In winter it darkens early.

Morphological analysis of verb Includes selection of four permanent signs (view, repayment, transition, hide) and five non-permanent (inclination, time, face, number, genus). The number of permanent signs of verb can be increased due to the inclusion of such signs as the class of verb, as well as the type of base.

The diagram of the morphological parsing of the verb.

I. Part of speech.

1. Initial form (indefinite form).

2. Permanent signs:

2) repayment;

3) incubateness transition;

4) Hiding.

3. Non-permanent signs:

1) inclination;

2) time (if any);

3) face (if any);

5) Rod (if any).

III. Syntax function. Listen carefully, standing in the forest or among the awakened flowering field ... (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Sample of the morphological examination of the verb.

I. Listen to- verb, indicates the action: (What do you do?) Listen.

II. Morphological signs.

1. The initial form is to listen.

2. Permanent signs:

1) perfect species;

2) Return;

3) non-repease;

4) I Hiding.

3. Non-permanent signs:
1) imperative inclination;

3) 2nd face;

4) multiple number;

III. The proposal is a simple verbal legend.

An open lesson of Russian language in grade 6 on the topic: "verb. Morphological signs"

according to the technology "Development critical thinking through reading and writing "

Teacher: Kilmukhametova Lily Mansurovna, 1 square. category.

The perception of information occurs in three stages, which corresponds to the following stages of the lesson:

preparatory - call stage;

actually, the perception of the new - the meaning stage (or the stage of implementation of the meaning);

assignment of information - stage of reflection.

The purpose of the lesson: to systematize the knowledge of students about the morphological signs of the verb; To form skills to independently build and apply new knowledge.

Tasks lesson:

1. Intensify the work of students in the lesson by creating a problem situation.

2. Develop students' skills

Independently identify your knowledge - ignorance on the topic under study;
- work in pairs, independently;
- compare, analyze, formulate questions, make inserts;
- systematize the material into the cluster.

3. To educate the desire to rethinking their own knowledge on the topic under study and their practical application.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Applicable technology:"Development of critical thinking through reading and writing."

Forms of work: Individual work of students in the lesson; group work; Collective work.

Receptions: Reception "Brainstorming"; "Insert"; Compilation of cluster, syncewing.

Equipment:teachers - Presentation; students - notebook, individual card, table; Russian Language M.M. Razumovskaya 6th grade; computer + projector; tables; Colored stripes.

Lesson plan.

Stage lesson

Formulated Wood

1. Stradia. "Call"- Goaling

Personal: Activation of the previously available knowledge, awakening interest in the topic,

the action of the sense formation, that is, the establishment of learning communication between the goal learning activities And its motive.

Cognitive: analysis of objects with the allocation of their signs, setting and formulating the problem;

Communicative: Setting issues - Initiative cooperation in the search and collection of information.

Regulatory: Goaling as a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown.

Table "Z-X-y" ("I know - I want to know - I found out")

1 step: Before exploring the text, students independently or in the group fill the first and second columns "I know", "I want to know."

2 step: In the course of acquaintance with the text or in the process of discussing read, students fill the column "found out."

3 step: Summing up, comparison of the content of the graph.

2.Stadia "Comprehension"

Cognitive: Analysis of objects in order to highlight features, the choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, classify objects.


The meaning stage is meaningful, during which the student with the text occurs, and the work aimed, meaningful. The reading process is always accompanied by a student actions (marking, drawing up tables) that allow you to track your own understanding.

Insert - The text marking system is proposed,

to divide the information prisoner in it as follows:

V "Talk" is marked what is already known to students;

The "minus" sign marks what contradicts their submission;

The "Plus" sign marks what is interesting for them and unexpected;

? "Question mark" is set, if something is unclear, a desire to learn more than text, students marked the corresponding icon on the fields of individual paragraphs and suggestions.

Students are invited to systematize information by placing it in accordance with their marks in the table.

Sequential discussion of each table graph.

3. Stage - "reflection"- Reflections.

Personal:ability to organize yourself to perform the task .

Cognitive:to mention and formulate an informative goal, analyze an object with the allocation of essential features, the ability to compare and establish analogies, the ability to build arguments in the form of relationships of simple objective judgments;

search and selection of necessary information, modeling, analysis and synthesis, hypotheses and substantive extension, building a logical chain of reasoning, the ability to argue its point of view and draw conclusions.

Communicative:the ability to fully and accurately express your thoughts, the ability to communicate, including the ability to listen to the interlocutor and build your behavior taking into account the position of other people.

Regulatory:goaling as a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown, self-regulation as an ability to mobilize forces and energy;

control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the standalone, product correction.

the ability to memorize and hold the rule, instruction in time, choose means to organize your behavior, the ability to plan, control and perform an action on a given sample (algorithm), rule, with the use of norms, self-regulation.

In the "Reflection" stage, the student forms a personal attitude towards the text and fixes it either with the help of his own text, or its position in the discussion. It is here that there is an active rethinking of your own ideas, taking into account the newly acquired knowledge.

Cluster This is a way of a graphic organization of a material that allows you to make those mental processes that occur when immersed in one or another topic. The cluster is a reflection of a nonlinear form of thinking. Sometimes this method is called "visual brainstorming."

4. Practical work.

Personal:formation of value orientations (self-regulation, stimulation, achievement)

Cognitive:the ability to put under the concept, apply knowledge in practice.

Communicative:objectively evaluate yourself and others .

Regulatory:the ability to work according to the algorithm, mastering the techniques of control and self-control of the learned learned.

5. Outcome lesson.

Regulatory:evaluation - the allocation and awareness of the students of what has already been learned, and that is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the level and quality of assimilation.


1. (The first line is the topic of poem, expressed in one word, usually with the name);

2. (Second line - description of the topic in two words, as a rule, adjective names);

3. (Third line - description of the action within the framework of this topic in three words, usually verbs);

4. (The fourth line is a phrase of four words expressing the author's attitude to this topic);

5. (The fifth line is one word - synonym for the first, on an emotional-shaped or philosophical-generalized level repeating the essence of the topic).


Cognitive:the ability to bring under the concept, apply new knowledge in practice.

Communicative:objectively evaluate yourself .

Regulatory:the ability to work according to the algorithm, with memo, rules, mastering the techniques of control and self-control of the learned learned.

Epigraph: "Glagol gives speech life, -

the presence of your lively separate words

During the classes

Greeting teacher:

"Hello guys!

In front of you on the tables are colored stripes: red, yellow, blue, green, black. Look at them carefully and choose the one of them, which matches your emotional mood now. Thank you!"

I. Charge stage - goal setting.

Teacher's word:

"Guys, today guests came to us at the Russian lesson, guests came from the distant Starrog Slavic school, which existed in Russia many centuries ago. They will tell us very interesting stories About the most important part of speech in Russian, without which nothing in the world could exist and develop.

Pupil 1.: "Many writers and linguists (linguists) paid attention to the amazing strength of the Russian verb. For example, Nikolai Greek wrote: "The verb gives a speech of life," the presence of their own words will live. " The statement of Nikolai Grech you see on the board as an epigraph at today's lesson of the Russian language.

The name "verb" comes from the old Slavonic word "verbal - talk". One of the meanings of the word "verb" in old Russian language There was a "word", "speech in general." It was in this sense that A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Prophet": "Glagol Loggy Heart of People." The verb is the most important part of speech in Russian. Already in the title, its special significance is emphasized. The verb as part of the speech indicates the "process". With the help of the verb, we learn how everything in this world moves, says, changes paint, as it sounds, as it feels. "

Pupil 2.: "Famous Russian Linguist A.M. Peshkovsky argued that "verbs are words, reviving everything they are attached to." And indeed it is. With the help of nouns, you can call everything surrounding us. The adjectives are helping us to clarify what nouns named by name, but only verbs can "revive" the world around us.

Languages \u200b\u200bverb is distinguished as the most complex and capacious independent part of speech. According to the calculations of scientists, the verb ranks second (after the noun) in the frequency of consumption in speech. In the texts different styles The verb is given an unequal role. So, B. official business style - Approximately 6% of verbs, in scientific - about 10%. IN artistic speech The verb is consumed much more often: up to 15% of all words of artistic text - verbs. The Masters of Russian Speech skillfully used in their works the direct and figurative meaning of verbs. Let's all together we will learn to use all the variety of verb vocabulary and choose the most accurate verbs for each speech situation. "

Question: Guys, how do you understand the statement of Nicholas Grech about Russian?

2. And now let's spend interesting charging for the brain "Who does what?"

Cook - ... cooks, prepares; The doctor - .... Teacher., Teacher - ... teaches, the student - ... Learn, the bayanist - ... Plays, the artist - ... draws, colors, causes, porn - ... sews, seller - ... sells, baker - ... bake, play, thunder - Rampt ..., Lightning - Summates, Grass - .. Raine, Rain - ... It goes, paint, the sun - .. Water - ..The.

3. And now let's post your view on the pictograms depicted in front of you (6 icons are attached on the board with a clear mood of joy, sadness, kindness, etc.), and with the help of verbs, let's call the mood that you see on these bright " Pictogram persons. "

(Rejoices, laughs, frowning, crying, smiles, angry)

Find the unnecessary word (crying, because it is a verbal verb, and everyone else is returnable.)

4. Formulate yourself the subject of the lesson. ("Verb. Morphological signs"). Record the date and theme of the lesson. Word the purpose of the lesson.

5. Remember everything you knew earlier about the verb and write down in the first column of the table.

"I know…".( "I know - I want to know - I found out")

6. Slide into pairs and discuss your lists. Information with which both agree, leave with which someone disagrees, mark the question mark.

(One - two pairs read the information, the teacher writes it on the board.)

(The slide recorded questions that help children work in pairs.)


1. What questions can the verb answer? (What to do? What to do?)

2. What does the verb mean as part of speech? (action or state of the subject)

3. What morphological signs has a verb? (transition, returnable, non-returnable, view, lining; inclination)

4. How does it change? (at times, persons, numbers, childbirth)

5. What member of the offer usually happens? (predicate)

II. Semantic Stage

1. Individual work Pupils with the text containing the correct information. Text marking is used so that the student knows the new and refuses the wrong information. Text marking is performed using special signs:

"! "- I knew it.

"+" - new to me.

"-" - I call me a doubt.

"?" - Question.

2. Students are short (words and phrases) write new information in the second column of the table.

3. Students formulate and write down questions on the third table column (only if they occur).

Information text

1. The name "verb" comes from the old Slavonic word "to verbat", which means "talk".

2. The verb is an independent part of speech, which means the action or state of the subject and answers the questions what to do? what to do?

3. Verbs can have lexical values \u200b\u200bof movement (jump, run, swim ...); Sound (sing, talk, scream); status (shine, go to root); process (absorbed, heated); existence (live, be) and others.

4. The verbs have a general grammatical value "Action".

5. The verb has the following morphological signs:

1) Permanent signs:

a) View: perfect (what to do?); and imperfect (what to do?)

b) transition and incompetence (transient verbs require direct addition, unprofitable verbs can not have direct additions with them);

c) repayment and non-return (Returning verbs are formed from non-transparent verbs with a suffix-yy-sm

d) Hiding is a change in verbs on persons and numbers. Hiding is determined by the personal shock endings of the verb. If the personal endings of the verbs are unknown, then it is necessary to rely on an indefinite form of the verb. (The second lifting includes all the verbs to it, except for shaving, to sharpen; 7 verbs - eat (watch, see, hate, depend on, offend, tolerate, twirl); 4 verbs to - like (hear, breathe, hold, chant ).

2) Non-permanent signs

a) inclination: the expressive (verbs in the zealing ignition denote the actions that actually happened in the past occur in the present or will occur in the future), conditional (the form of the conditional inclination of verbs is formed from the basis of an indefinite form with the help of suffix-l - and particles would be; For example, I would have done, I would like ...), imperative (verbs in an imperative ignition, which someone orders or requests to perform; for example, write, read, learn ...).;

b) time (at times only the verbs in the zealing ignition change): the present (what does it make? What do?) who has passed (what did (A, O)?), Future (what will happen? ?;

c) number: the only and multiple;

d) face: 1st (I - we); 2 - e (you - you); 3 - E (it is she - it is); However, there are verbs for which there is no change in persons, and is due to the peculiarities of the lexical meaning of these verbs. Such verbs call the actions that occur by themselves and are called impersonal, that is, without a face. They express: the phenomena of nature (freezing, evening); Physical or mental states of a person (fevering, shiny, unhealthy). The impersonal verbs in the sentence are always tamed, there are no and cannot be subject to. (Mattered. Out of the evening.)

e) genus (only in the verbs of the last time of the singular)

6) In the proposal, it is most often a legend, can act as a subject ("learning - always useful"), is included in the grammatical basis of the offer.

7) The particle is always written with the verbs, with the exception of those verbs that are not used without "not". These are the following verbs: unhealthy, hate, indignant, perplex, male, lack (knowledge), not in good, dislike.

8) In the artistic text, the verbs most often act as an oberification (transfer of human properties on an inanimate subject). For example: WORK WORLD, whistles, plays; Fog breathes ...

9) The verb acts into effect all the happening around us, thanks to him the movement forward, that is, life ....

III. Reflection Stage (Reflections)

After familiarization with the text, students must remember the information that turned out to be relevant for each of them; rethinking your own knowledge; Compilation cluster (Graphic Image) so that the information is deposited in memory.

Collective work. (Students discuss new information based on the text. Consultant - the student works at the board, is a cluster together with the teacher and classmates)

2. Conclusions, discussion of the table "I know - I want to know - I learned"

I learned new: I knew (a) earlier: caused doubts and questions

IV. Practical work

1. Interesting part of speech

In Russian lives.

Who does what will tell:

Draws, writes Ile sings,

Embroiders or plow,

Or score a goal

Cooks, fries, washes, cleans -

Everyone will tell us (verb).

Why in words draws, cleans, fries, cooks, we write the end - IT,

and in the rest?

(Explain the writing of the endings, indicating the lifting).

To emphasize the main members of the sentence and indicate what they are expressed. (Taken)

2. Perform morphological analysis verb writes

1. Writes- indicates the action: what does it make? Verb

2. N.F. - Write

3. P.P. : non-returnable, imperpose, transition, I SPR.,

4. N.P.: express. Calculation, present time, units number, 3rd face





















{!LANG-32f8e0bb6944a6efe8b1351b72b8facc!} {!LANG-ab59ef3ff8d444896af2dac24835b881!}
{!LANG-561884418c8cd7ed1a49a30caf520595!} {!LANG-db03e30f5efac56c10134c49e3b928dd!}
{!LANG-bf072e9119077b4e76437a93986787ef!} {!LANG-41bb6ebbf8a964684d75e3646733e0df!}
1 {!LANG-6c6cdded0a7a78fea7ad21801dd0c19f!}{!LANG-a6e238dcfd3cbff74f5794606231b190!}
2 {!LANG-d5de2850c1d9f63fc25f5304b17e940e!}{!LANG-a9f352bb010d78c0fe8dff23658d415a!}
3 {!LANG-f9fdfe9ad56808e2457dabb08e628334!}{!LANG-f63d6a85fd2517afd2a65b768b1d325c!}
4 conjugation;
{!LANG-5ad5c979fe159d3f65207e5058205ad4!} {!LANG-18f8f86b31122fe8137c223c3454fbb1!}
1 {!LANG-2186dbc4b9ae7b4a28045776fd62f0ae!};
2 {!LANG-1c56619dfb1f30407273d31bce1ec553!}{!LANG-e588b610c55ec92b91b643411da9333c!}
3 number;
4 {!LANG-1f125f678d4b4a5e4638147424743412!}{!LANG-dfd0e7e04da8380b02b33834df187806!}
5 rank{!LANG-0caf75d609990248bc9e8146938e4c19!}
III {!LANG-5957f60b687dd7360b2ee1ef52e7ca15!}{!LANG-c1080a7c57166c399cc3f73a346b480c!}




  1. {!LANG-4072272e75beacf2a1eb5bc4657fc6ba!}
  2. {!LANG-51719bf6c391de159d5d6a3704184007!} {!LANG-825fe5aae32d964bcd42c83f9c08f74a!}{!LANG-43e8d3b83a74ae42dc18f82a02702c72!}



  1. {!LANG-8dbc2bad833c7eacb84e0e79a1e4ae88!} what to do?
  2. {!LANG-51719bf6c391de159d5d6a3704184007!} {!LANG-f07160e33fd762ea7c7bcdfc66cafc74!}{!LANG-43e8d3b83a74ae42dc18f82a02702c72!}
  3. {!LANG-5e6c0fbffdacdd463393da44217b0bdd!}


  1. {!LANG-8dbc2bad833c7eacb84e0e79a1e4ae88!} {!LANG-5a9e255c98e3d3ee54faef3771b20763!}
  2. {!LANG-51719bf6c391de159d5d6a3704184007!} {!LANG-825fe5aae32d964bcd42c83f9c08f74a!}{!LANG-43e8d3b83a74ae42dc18f82a02702c72!}
  3. {!LANG-5e6c0fbffdacdd463393da44217b0bdd!}



  1. {!LANG-8dbc2bad833c7eacb84e0e79a1e4ae88!} {!LANG-ad7945c6060c8a8d6e11b672e962f5fd!}
  2. {!LANG-51719bf6c391de159d5d6a3704184007!} {!LANG-feed6d0f885e280c87fef1a61c5228e6!}{!LANG-43e8d3b83a74ae42dc18f82a02702c72!}
  3. {!LANG-4d456d7e249b16cbefb168a208f361cf!}

{!LANG-e81bfa8ba78c6b412d7c4fcb2076b373!} {!LANG-d5d326df12327001718de5924b699579!}{!LANG-1cbbd794ea7ee0697f01b11d2e24d6f3!}


{!LANG-d772087b5334eb5907cb7fbad1505431!} {!LANG-1dafd7f8620c8e7eff64a36a5dd8bbca!}{!LANG-42f7eb764b69a11d810cb3c6a935cb9c!}

  • {!LANG-d1d6534d7af8c6a4b6d4a84745afefd4!} {!LANG-bea1d7a257ff3cf077280632b2c965e0!}{!LANG-e1870ed53777afb594f0028c8b925a62!}
  • {!LANG-3e5428a6ee44439993a4c8bfa1612925!}
  • {!LANG-f053551701296ac305a0e8758d766313!}
  • {!LANG-0763e11b11dc6a7cee34eca5cdf0516c!}








  • {!LANG-ba631e2a5901f295f03eabcfb334b67f!}
  • {!LANG-6c3b11cb33c7e82414a9ff09b4d9ab56!}
  • {!LANG-7e2c518d0af08da0a257241c79969752!}
  • {!LANG-209e675ddc23ca2a4015b1618032dfca!}





  • {!LANG-55268d50b14f8f87d31c4a181f841cc4!}
  • {!LANG-a8527480fa8fc11c26fd5e0390913ff5!}
  • {!LANG-30e9c2e5a33cde17845617396ec377cc!}
  • {!LANG-669768661910053115a283856ee8f813!}
  • {!LANG-cc2d274804e2dbc6d03301c8765be753!}




  1. {!LANG-c40f89745fcca83fc51f2a65441ec925!}
  2. {!LANG-fc7a5821c78a8c98892654fee8924240!}
  3. {!LANG-ed51500c8f794ce28045808bef09cbb3!}
  4. {!LANG-4291d5fc0bf555e8d50de01d56976703!}
  5. {!LANG-97127e55986506098a5b1b0a8363e08f!}

{!LANG-55ab50c5c1b0354c009e3c6a3caf636b!} {!LANG-e0c593aa91089d5a976234ff5765da57!}{!LANG-b31860b382c4e09daf5f7301367856dd!}




{!LANG-43ab12cc4957a2f0b476df6262ef5507!} {!LANG-c8d48eaa66c5d3705076bedc2ff834f0!}{!LANG-0cd66ade19f45330b1fafa431a7e40cf!}

{!LANG-2ab0dd862ee93b3ee65470bcb98a085b!} {!LANG-ba2e5d90280ce9c33c72217b0a60b9b3!}{!LANG-830d00b84d8e8e58b81465c1c650591f!}



  • {!LANG-4ece7d5dc401779a583afeff3d9e9858!}
  • {!LANG-00cb07c9f294bcf58c6c687b5abd9cf5!}
  • {!LANG-be089ea915fb804506395b318c561661!}
  • {!LANG-52cc8d917ad996c48ef8bc6a27bf4d0d!}



1. {!LANG-66ca8cab6c9ee2de0be7a860e64fa7a9!}: {!LANG-fb1287f904c0d84dd6f46ccca0b2f56a!}
{!LANG-36ad12f2c9e336c15657a28759cf61d5!} what to do?, what to do?


  • {!LANG-38749deda00e878255d6bbfe3df7c5e0!}
  • {!LANG-45a75c0eac5932dbe37451e2c9f6a3d5!}
    • {!LANG-6b1284b8b1a087c3efb7cacc09065434!}
    • {!LANG-ce8b2284183a4fbd0d46ad97a8d57c89!}
    • {!LANG-65b04a4775861ad647eff6f0a1c51dda!}





{!LANG-3c341b0ace0e0de58e40d7f28ad13d7a!} {!LANG-400f104407bbb8a97557157902629621!}{!LANG-8aa0e5140df4a0aaf6250039465dab49!}










  • {!LANG-9ad8f704381914ce7ccd6de4bccf99a8!}
  • {!LANG-e1aa61f8f9373257ce7187723273559f!}

{!LANG-f15933b832a109cebd16eb067e4a4483!} {!LANG-86507854e7744067c6a82fd2737b2be9!}{!LANG-a9c94344b550a9bf63197fe470641e06!}


{!LANG-b33d6fa2c6e75654e31f393cf12386a0!} {!LANG-3f93029cce416d4d6acc2d87842d1d40!}








  • {!LANG-2b97614139366e48fa35921a4aa0e272!}
  • {!LANG-ab1ed4a5094dd08d937086b09d084e8a!}
  • {!LANG-ed21ed1c29a06f94de903dda0975f72c!}
  • {!LANG-9c0ec0ab3fec3b1490421e5379942dbe!}
  • {!LANG-69399bbfa4d9a07c26fbc7765f86c90d!}


  • {!LANG-c424067b1f63713107cac437c44cab52!}{!LANG-e352d75ee6c6a3eda3be519e9ee40159!}
    • {!LANG-7b73b5ca3e48acc6ddab5a30c06ea23f!} {!LANG-bb1ead7da2b4b156c22a251f1e63526b!}
    • {!LANG-9ba2d73623ca54a27e48d815553802cc!} {!LANG-7b17ec349428cc954a78682fa0732c94!}{!LANG-1e9d82ac36d22b14ae3cd8975b1baeeb!} be{!LANG-c0f314d0ddede5f069bfcff56613f97b!}
    • {!LANG-f53ddf293107427d93e8836c0075fc81!} {!LANG-4fa4121ae518917bf97b9aae95c739b6!}
  • {!LANG-143972b0036c6c6f26025f0c0f9837e1!}{!LANG-33373179d52f5feb843be44e469a1122!} {!LANG-3d5f79d96cbfc2e0610b212f45e7d463!}{!LANG-944e0fd1dd122c730dfbc00259099a07!}
    • {!LANG-9ba2d73623ca54a27e48d815553802cc!} {!LANG-4282dee42fe3ca5f01720c1eca8ab3a4!}
    • {!LANG-93a6bb3626dd52a784f1e6ac6c300217!} {!LANG-8006e095a8dbfd9ecdf8cff67ad468a2!}


{!LANG-a1b9a75d1a60eeadb0c1e7a449783e8c!} {!LANG-0392ea8e9ff8376b95f99575580599ce!}{!LANG-cbff7b84f86ccb6b5fdb862b7da11e79!}

{!LANG-98b9e5569879e0e817b30fe1f4a5bd5f!} {!LANG-cb8055c9e1689c928216553fa8e1e38b!}{!LANG-5fdad5d2dbdc99390f929ec2bffdb208!}
{!LANG-0e7e62bdadb5ce0fc101220703fc39bd!} {!LANG-cb8055c9e1689c928216553fa8e1e38b!}{!LANG-d4965ab3411952f135236583ebedd196!}
{!LANG-10bc1300271b08a5623af5201227daab!} {!LANG-f31fde567586b1aace18d88867b84134!}{!LANG-83e8818f2f66e9228c709ee9458caee7!}
{!LANG-e2446afe5f4efa1e5447310fcb71d3be!} {!LANG-f31fde567586b1aace18d88867b84134!}{!LANG-cf551aae3a0dc543fc45b580ec53ad33!}




{!LANG-a55978287bf57f19475540c615bed5bc!} learn{!LANG-c220405525dc6a96f6b1fcf604a43ed1!}
{!LANG-fbb44d9267a73fbc2d6123146f30c1d8!} {!LANG-26c2d5bbbae207fba7e56cf46016d139!}{!LANG-a0c987372dbc5ddbb98a4ef317740419!}



to read{!LANG-960bfed934b28de8038a79640b8d072f!}
there is{!LANG-504e3e4640828d43d21e0bfc769351b3!}


{!LANG-8969b8be1aa91c09cb88f14ee7f1326b!} not{!LANG-55ec533ce51b2dec77a3a3736d378a67!}


{!LANG-8b9c8dfd57332cae4a93dcaa5f12204f!} {!LANG-441f2215e8f83ef36515ff376ffd5063!}{!LANG-9489d7fb2246b8ef9b47b2a14905ddb3!} {!LANG-47cdbc6a151980eb8267d345084ecec2!}


{!LANG-1c0d7907570e4a1f17ee7c1c7bde0f67!} {!LANG-6e4b56bb60cc912acdc58f105ef87f38!}.





  • {!LANG-5ef636ee68c9def1775608eee95c0046!} {!LANG-a6f5aa046fb5c304dfcb95f845f941f2!}, {!LANG-07ef57dd7293d63cb2f6d9013cd81005!},
  • {!LANG-1fb8228e0e10e5d3fe6f41a1c434d1b8!} {!LANG-a774894e86c33e68293af44ec45f6532!}, {!LANG-2bbbc79b53da8de19a55b033b060efc3!}.

{!LANG-f07f9e289ea27c04133fea893de8c29d!} {!LANG-932b4267a5cd683bbd5cf1d93d5bf218!}{!LANG-7eb441a0b7d83e2bce3d3d89d0e0b422!}

  • {!LANG-92ef062bc0649b3481baa06f730324d6!}{!LANG-f8fc441d56dcc5326908eccbb5e3029c!}
  • {!LANG-1b769af2eb47ede02bd9da939ad5a924!}{!LANG-6e74d598615a3db029f796142b9eb91c!}
  • {!LANG-af9be90d2bd04a8be5fd365c0d09365a!}{!LANG-c3f223fbca85de2ea289fbcac3da93f5!}
  • {!LANG-d41a7f62bd4ccce27d605a495a986d82!}{!LANG-ddb3c90ba7dd0ae6afb9124f32ed337b!}
  • {!LANG-0e334c8f8cfedca661644b0b9435ecd1!}{!LANG-0ef9c101aaeb9bf58a9aaeb9100aed39!}








{!LANG-ef65fa387de7140f29a0c299849ad0ad!} {!LANG-60301dd02a583267c2520a70f262948b!} {!LANG-e3cd1821e20450c85b25b7c3f53019fd!}
{!LANG-86d0ffd5ec19d052769063f097c3ae3f!}: {!LANG-59a4db1b3b9f3154349edd94600addfe!}{!LANG-495a5d425171206e758842c7ab6ab1fb!} sizzle{!LANG-e82baba0146aa29ad76110599176108f!}

  • {!LANG-57849d906990bfee09006639dd03726c!} {!LANG-3c967ff108bea7ef89a0a7b2c6b999db!} : {!LANG-fef6c7004b014ac562e00eab1b52de8d!}{!LANG-4bfb6432d7bb214319efc6d48e31988d!} {!LANG-3167565e7ae1f6d8e8de7b0b460b4cc8!}{!LANG-4bfb6432d7bb214319efc6d48e31988d!} {!LANG-5da16a2f3f8ce1c744196896ca578b3c!},
  • {!LANG-29dfadcaa10c79018b9478e2ad06c6d8!} {!LANG-58cf0cd0d8d554c580274657dc92e7a7!} : {!LANG-755ab0d4573915a14b04f776269d3722!}.



Verbs {!LANG-48d9eab4a10a99ca924fa22b96284c83!} and honor{!LANG-af15f1a134ae5a58d7fb09fceb09106a!} {!LANG-c65534b2a60d1ca9e0b3f194d95d7aab!}{!LANG-310391dce6bf07625083f0235caab1ee!} {!LANG-49ba647bf6d3894e1e4362e0434e5a0a!}{!LANG-5d179a9575275d77bded98c8aeaa2693!}



Verbs there is and {!LANG-769ada52b125e5955acc01bc76de560b!}{!LANG-43e211b588ac5e2b71294b3cdaa64328!}


{!LANG-b3d7866bf2f356f67c551150d92f45e8!} {!LANG-60d352a7d010451c70bdb33dab3404ad!}, {!LANG-04830ced9e1c07c194306189157b1ed9!}, {!LANG-fa901ecf12242c6c72985cfd8ed697e5!}, {!LANG-916f2bc817937c000b0b2327b4dbfe18!}, {!LANG-45bce1878c1a048ef02db3427a0a4f8a!}{!LANG-d1fecb37d0c1245ccacdf4e182bbc8ba!}




  • {!LANG-d6fe262b2c82e14d505063fdc76b1b9b!}
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{!LANG-01b135e59fe591c223ebcdd6d8cd17d8!} comeva, {!LANG-b071160381e216dc2e1eab71ad54077a!}, {!LANG-ea62933b0b063340fc330cd3b7d64c00!}, {!LANG-306c015240198c37661952c53770884b!}, {!LANG-c10918cfe3cd07f0d89b3423b4df0a40!}{!LANG-7ff0adf3d781f0be0237d19a8719ee49!}



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{!LANG-92d45944b3bc6b2b63da7bbfa3e58bfe!} {!LANG-a00b19777c1cac8370c63daa8087f3d4!}{!LANG-9741a73da77569f5ddcfcaf5f85149eb!} {!LANG-1605d6e4c4862ed3109562a4f8024031!}{!LANG-ae28bbc19a4ca68a4f960d9007befeea!} {!LANG-1a37f33752a4c1df83836cbb9cd6aea5!}{!LANG-12816e19e1d8512324fd22dc2f7f252e!} {!LANG-1ae0c309fac241ed09eff4f2bd817067!}{!LANG-3cf4df02cfe11e5a44a5fb301e4c9e5d!} {!LANG-01a72be2d05aec5d03fb978da2623214!}{!LANG-dc3e2043492a8e4464ce2c5a6991433d!} {!LANG-f190914a13e8afaf2936f1f36bad886a!}{!LANG-c572584f9810e38293f210164b8779d8!}

{!LANG-f6e3902fb065973d4b949eafcaa3b01d!} {!LANG-1ae0c309fac241ed09eff4f2bd817067!}{!LANG-ab4393fdb64bdd056ca75e8ec22137a2!} {!LANG-a00b19777c1cac8370c63daa8087f3d4!}.




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{!LANG-10bc1300271b08a5623af5201227daab!} {!LANG-15f03a6da5492fbb82460441fdf43143!} and {!LANG-5c6a1d7f036b4f656258b58acf52ba0c!}{!LANG-112c1ecea0575dbc6c468fde709755ef!}


{!LANG-0e3fb1b27ac752a40284152a9b0bb6b3!} be{!LANG-bf21428547d17b89999f3a1a0c361c96!} {!LANG-b5a57d105038aacc484d752070eeb174!}{!LANG-0a92e653f4bbe2d78063ec4e12b2cff5!}

{!LANG-73d4b865cc740c4f117114afacf2c2e0!} {!LANG-c0c66a96a9aaedbe423b91e4472e99e9!}, {!LANG-9a61ad7a72ba49cd3c99d43f0742c5f6!}, {!LANG-5fd4b734a70d5e669bc80e7d9e3e04e3!}
{!LANG-a59d48d2cfb267904c9b04d85b5de591!} {!LANG-6eada533bf3ce539f180f56e2a7a2764!}{!LANG-2ebf20359d48153b425ed5a4a17ba912!}













{!LANG-19a5a601f4a04dc69868835f8111e82a!} {!LANG-1f246b09b01008b332389eb7232e27a0!}{!LANG-caa31fd970681d522bf140b326f8c440!} {!LANG-45461d5fb23fef454eb99e1955e28c02!}{!LANG-cd16f9a7f89698713ce8ee7d47dd47a3!} {!LANG-13ad67f1323de683af188f13a950c9c0!}{!LANG-0bd562d35e1a7fef7f6f53646d08ec80!}
{!LANG-08f1210e6c630e8a1ee80328c60b4cfd!} {!LANG-1f246b09b01008b332389eb7232e27a0!}{!LANG-13b0817af67e365db83d104d70c8c279!} {!LANG-2fd4d16ca8bb5da62e3de8326091b4cb!}{!LANG-cd16f9a7f89698713ce8ee7d47dd47a3!} {!LANG-0cce9c4000dba55e73247e06430057c3!}{!LANG-0ce33e0bf11b4c2d9112f62d8c7be232!}







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