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4 weeks from conception. Child development in the first four weeks after birth. Discharge in early pregnancy

Each trimester of pregnancy is incredibly important, even one week of gestation can be noticeably different from the next. So, the 4th week of pregnancy from conception can be considered as a fait accompli, since according to obstetric terms it will already be 6 weeks. The embryo has already managed to gain a foothold in the endometrium, it is developing rapidly, significantly affecting the body, well-being, external and internal sensations of the mother.

In the fourth week, a fixed embryo affects the well-being of the expectant mother

The very first sign of an interesting situation is the characteristic absence of menstruation. In addition, the pregnant woman experiences the following symptoms:

  • Weakness and drowsiness;
  • Basal temperature rises to 37 degrees;
  • The woman often runs to the toilet;
  • There are sudden changes in mood;
  • Habitual loads cause fatigue;
  • Taste preferences change dramatically;
  • The mammary glands become more sensitive and rough;
  • Dyspeptic disorders such as excessive salivation and nausea and vomiting reactions;
  • Drawing pains in the lumbar region or in the abdomen.

According to the level of gonadotropic hormone in the blood, pregnancy can be detected, and using special pharmacy strip strips, each mother can test for urine on her own. Among the hardware methods, the most common way to determine pregnancy is ultrasound diagnostics.

Transformations in the body

In the fourth week, an embryo is formed from the ovum

The fourth week of pregnancy is characterized by the transition of the fetal egg to the state of the embryo, which has a three-layer structure. Extra-embryonic structures are formed from the outer layer. From the middle layer, the structures of muscle tissues, bone skeleton, excretory and circulatory systems, as well as individual elements of the baby's reproductive system, are formed. From the inner layer, intraorganic structures are formed such as the liver and thyroid gland, the digestive system and pancreas, as well as the organic structures of the respiratory system. At this time, the embryonic head is formed, and by the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the starting stage of intrauterine development ends.

How does a pregnant woman change?

A woman in this time period can be convinced of the upcoming motherhood with the help of pregnancy test strips. With a positive result, you need to go to the gynecologist, who will register, send you for the necessary examinations and prescribe vitamins. Not all patients have specific sensations, although under the influence of hormonal changes there are sudden mood swings, touchiness and tearfulness, causeless irritability, etc.

Sometimes mothers are worried about pain in the abdomen, hypersensitivity of the mammary glands or unusual reactions to familiar odors, there is an abundant mucous odorless secret, hyperedema, etc.

Progesterone levels

By the arrival of 4 weeks of pregnancy, there is a gradual increase in progesterone levels, this hormone is initially produced by the corpus luteum gland, then the placenta will take over a similar function. This hormonal substance is important throughout pregnancy, because it ensures the readiness of the uterine body to grow the fetus by increasing its size. In addition, progesterone maintains pregnancy by preventing the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and thereby preventing the risks of spontaneous miscarriage.

Gonadotropic hormone level

During pregnancy, the level of gonadotropin increases significantly

The chorionic hormone gonadotropin actively increases, in the first weeks of gestation, its amount doubles every two days. This hormone maintains the corpus luteum until the pregnancy reaches 7 weeks. In addition, hCG has an immunosuppressive effect, preventing embryonic rejection, because at first the female immune system takes the embryo for a foreign body.

At four weeks, the exact level of hCG can be determined through a laboratory blood test. It is due to the detection of hCG that test strips function to detect conception. Gonadotropin rises, so the test reacts to it with the appearance of a second line on the strip strip.

Uterine body and endometrium

Changes occur with the uterine body - it softens and swells, which makes it more mobile. Cervical and uterine mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint, since blood flow to the female genital organs is significantly increased. And in the neck itself, a cork is formed that performs protective functions - it prevents the penetration of bacteria into the uterine cavity. At this time, the uterus increases only slightly, without going beyond the pelvic region.

The endometrial layer also undergoes transformations. An embryo has already been implanted into it, so the vascular network begins to actively develop, changing the color of the endometrium to cyanotic. There is also an active growth of glandular structures, from which the placenta will form in the future, but while it is not there yet, the glandular cells provide the embryo with nutrition and oxygen. Gradually, the endometrium thickens, its thickness at 4 weeks is about 20 mm, which can be seen with ultrasound diagnostics.

Abdomen and mammary gland

With the stomach, contrary to the expectations of many newly-minted mothers, no changes can yet occur, since the embryo is still about a poppy seed, and the uterus is small, therefore, the tummy is not yet growing. Sometimes painful sensations may disturb, but they are minor and pass quickly. But the mammary gland is noticeably changing. A hormonal upheaval is literally happening in the body, so the breasts begin to rebuild, preparing for lactation. It grows symmetrically, increases sensitivity and rudeness. Some patients may present with painful discomfort, darkening of the areola and nipples.

What does a pregnant woman feel at 4 weeks

Many women are worried about what happens to the child at such an early stage? Usually, ultrasound is not done at such times, but if necessary, then a transvaginal examination determines the completed conception and implantation. Embryonic tissues are not yet visible, but by the end of next week, ultrasound will be able to identify a tiny embryo.


In the first weeks of gestation, if discharge appears, you should consult a doctor

At 4 weeks, a pregnant woman may begin to discharge:

  1. Whitish or transparent, odorless, thick - they are caused by the hormonal revolution and increased blood flow to the genitals.
  2. Brown discharge - sometimes the norm if they have light shades. They are often caused by the final processes of embryo implantation and its implantation into the endometrial layer. Dark brown discharge is an alarming sign if they are accompanied by painful symptoms, have an unpleasant odor or are profuse. A similar phenomenon often indicates an ectopic or missed pregnancy, cervical erosion, or a genital infection.
  3. Bloody discharge is a particularly dangerous phenomenon, as it may indicate a miscarriage. Sometimes they occur due to rough sexual intimacy, ectopic fixation of the fetus or frozen gestation, as well as after examination by a gynecologist and cervical erosion.

Any discharge requires medical attention to rule out pathology.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

Pregnancy at 4 weeks may be accompanied by uncomfortable soreness in the abdomen. This is due to the active embryonic development and restructuring of the body of the new mother. Also, pulling sensations in the abdomen can disturb those patients whose menstruation was also painful.

Gynecologists warn - 4 weeks is considered a critical period, when a pregnant woman usually has her period, so a pulling stomach can be caused by uterine tone. It happens that such pulling pains end in a miscarriage or fading of the fetus. Lumbar pain is also considered a fairly common occurrence at this stage of gestation. Typically, a similar symptom is associated with the restructuring of ligamentous and bone structures.

Colds and fever

Colds are undesirable at this time, because the embryo is very vulnerable, so even minor factors can negatively affect it. If the cold season has begun, then it is better for mommy to avoid crowded places. But the temperature can have an extremely negative effect on fetal development. If hyperthermia is 38 degrees and above, then the fetus is likely to freeze, and sometimes there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, even at the planning stage, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to protect the fetus from negative influences.


Many pregnant women begin to suffer from toxicosis at week 4

Not necessarily, but sometimes it happens that in the fourth week a woman begins to be bothered by toxicosis. Usually, young mothers who are carrying their first child are more susceptible to early toxic syndrome. They are concerned about nausea-vomiting reactions, excessive salivation, intolerance to odors and certain foods. In the morning, nausea worries, which recedes by lunchtime.

What is important

With the onset of conception, mom will have to radically change her life. The sooner she begins to follow special recommendations, the better for the future baby.

Sex at 4 weeks

Usually, at this time, the spouses do not yet think about the birth of a new family member, so their sexual activity proceeds as usual. If the couple has been preparing for pregnancy for a long time and already from the first day of the delay they learned about the addition, then the doctor will recommend them to avoid experiments, excessive passion and aggressiveness in bed, so as not to accidentally harm the baby. This is especially important for those patients who could not conceive for a long time or their past pregnancies ended in miscarriage. After all, uterine contractions during orgasm can disrupt the process of complete and final implantation into the endometrium.

Nutrition Features

The main requirement for a pregnant diet is balance and variety. Under the ban fast food and semi-finished products, it is also not recommended to lean on canned food. Meat is only lean, but fish, on the contrary, should be chosen fatter, since it contains more organic acids, for example, salmon, trout or salmon. For sweets, you can treat yourself to marshmallows or marshmallows, chocolate and all kinds of cakes are now undesirable. In general, the diet should consist of cereals and vegetables, fruits and berries, dairy and meat products.


Alcoholic products for pregnant women are an absolute taboo. There is an active formation of the rudiments of the fetus, so alcohol can lead to congenital deformities or pathologies. Ethanol is one of the strongest toxins that causes disturbances in embryonic development and formation, which is why a baby can be born with abnormalities. Therefore, for the birth of healthy offspring, a complete rejection of alcohol is necessary.


Antibiotics are also dangerous for the embryo, especially at week 4. If you arbitrarily take antibiotics, you can provoke the birth of a baby with deviations. Therefore, it is necessary to take such drugs only if there are special indications and with a medical prescription. There is a category of antibiotics that are allowed for pregnant women, however, at this time even they should not be taken.


So, in the fourth week, it is already possible to confirm the fact of pregnancy with the help of ultrasound. Also, the gynecologist will be able to tentatively establish the approximate timing of conception and the date of the expected birth. At this stage, there is an active distribution of the cellular structures of the embryo. A woman can notice the very first, still unexpressed manifestations of an interesting situation. It is important to change life at this time, since the further bearing and health of the baby will depend on its image.

The embryo is still at an early stage. When a fertilized egg (zygote) begins to divide, on the 3rd day it is already called a morula, and on the 4th day - because of its size, probably already differently - a blastocide. For the uninitiated, they explain that not just a zygote egg, but a blastocyst, is introduced into the uterine membrane.

Without going into the details of chemical processes, we nevertheless note the main detail: it is at this time that this same blastocyst begins to produce the hCG hormone. The one on which the method of determining pregnancy using pharmacy tests is based. And this hormone is already, as a rule, can be seen (laboratory, of course) in the urine.

pregnancy 4 weeks: what happens to the fetus, embryo development

At the end of the first month, the embryo has a super task. At this time, all possible organs are formed, on which its main functions depend, including the endocrine system. All this actually forms the basis of the foundations of life. And without this, it would be impossible to maintain pregnancy as such.

When they say that children are the flowers of life, they probably mean exactly this period, when the body of the unborn baby begins to form from the three germ layers. But first, here's what happens. After the cell has attached to the wall of the uterus, two layers begin to form around it. The first, as if external, will be in contact with the uterus, it is lighter. The inner, second layer is the endometrium. It is filled with blood, and the same embryo will subsequently begin to develop in it, from which the embryoblast and three germ layers are formed. These are the organs of the future.

When you learn about the scientific basis of pregnancy, you understand what sacrifices mothers make to bear a child. Of course, nature came up with everything wisely. But the fact remains. First, the embryo is introduced into the wall of the uterus, literally being surrounded on all sides by such a “blanket”. And this same environment nourishes the embryo.

Between the leaves of the embryo, a drop of water is formed, which is surrounded by villi. They will protect the embryo from the aggressive effects of the environment. Before the placenta has formed, the fetus is almost defenseless. Yes, and it reaches only five millimeters in length.

If already at this time you think of the fetus as a future child, be attentive to any fluctuations in your hormones. Any disruption of the hormonal background can lead to a miscarriage or some kind of pathology. No less dangerous is inflammation in the uterus.

If you suddenly start bleeding, and even at a time when the usual date of menstruation is still far away, most likely it is implantation bleeding. And that means pregnancy.

4 weeks pregnant: signs

At this time, changes in your body will turn you into an amazingly calm and peaceful woman. That's what hormones are capable of for the sake of the future embryo. Moreover, these changes occur even in the brain. Now you can feel your pregnancy in its entirety: nausea in the morning, disgust for your favorite food, you just can’t stand the smells! Now you are able to turn the whole house on your ears, just because for some reason your mood has deteriorated. Remember, no big deal.
"She's just pregnant!" whispers around.
"Fine!" - you smile. You are right: I am the center of the universe.
They say that even at this time, a pregnancy test does not always show the correct result. Although it's about time. HCG is produced with might and main, there is no error. If the doctor is also hesitant to diagnose you, he will almost certainly persuade you to do an ultrasound. But there is also no menstruation. Clear….

Feelings are the same as the week before. You experienced the same thing before your period. Just please, do not confuse with an imaginary pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is worth adequately assessing your condition. Although the stomach pulls and vomits a little.

4 weeks pregnant: discharge - good or bad

Oh, this critical time. Now you would be counting the days until your period. Now your critical days are postponed for at least nine months. At this time, the tone of the uterus sometimes increases. There are even bleeding. What to do? Just make sure you get the correct diagnosis.

4 weeks pregnant: nutrition

And now it's time to see a doctor and then to the pharmacy. Probably, you have noticed more than once in the window special vitamins for pregnant women. Yes, at this time your need for vitamins increases. But don't get carried away with synthetic ones. Better balance of chemicals and natural products.

You changed your eating habits in the early days, remember? You decide to quit smoking, eat oatmeal with dried fruits in the morning, and drink milk before bed. Do you still follow all this? Then it's all right. You, as future parents, are doing everything right. And remember: fasting is prohibited. We also talked about this yesterday.


4 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of signs of pregnancy . At this stage, changes in the body of a pregnant woman associated with pregnancy affect all organs and systems. Due to the formation of the dominant pregnancy in the brain, higher nervous activity becomes aimed at creating favorable conditions conducive to bearing a child, therefore, irritability and tearfulness later 4 weeks pregnant give way to peace and tranquility.

About 4 weeks pregnant signs suggesting pregnancy become clearly visible (see photo). In pregnant women, appetite changes, unusual taste preferences appear. There may be an intolerance to certain odors. Already at this stage of pregnancy, vomiting often occurs in the morning, and the smell and appearance of certain foods causes drooling and nausea . The gag reflex can even be triggered by touching the root of the tongue with a toothbrush.

Often in the early stages of pregnancy, women experience pain in the lower back and abdomen. Since the likelihood of miscarriage is most likely in the first trimester, such symptoms should be taken seriously.

Many pregnant women are concerned about Why does my stomach hurt at 4 weeks pregnant?, and the gynecologist did not reveal any pathologies. You should not worry - if a woman feels good, and all indicators are normal, Pain is explained by physiological changes in the body.

Sometimes abdominal pain is felt from the first days of pregnancy . The abdomen is sensitive to touch, pains in the lower abdomen and in the region of the appendages are both intense and aching. This symptom may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

The stomach can also hurt with the threat of spontaneous abortion. Spontaneous abortion has several stages: threatened, begun, abortion in progress, incomplete and complete abortion. The threatening stage is characterized by heaviness and pulling pains in the lower abdomen, as well as pain in the sacrum. At the beginning of the stage, the pain becomes intense and frequent, spotting appears. The presence of pain in the abdomen requires a consultation with a doctor.

The 4th week of pregnancy is also distinguished by extremely pronounced emotional reactions to everyday situations, tearfulness and resentment, photo. Shifts in the activity of the nervous system are so strong that depression may develop. Emotional disorders are more pronounced in those women who suffered from premenstrual syndrome. .

4 weeks pregnant
also characterized
production of chorionic gonadotropin , which allows using laboratory research methods to determine the presence of pregnancy. Since the amount of this hormone is still small, the results of studies may be incorrect.


4 weeks of pregnancy is an extremely important stage in the development of the baby. During this period, it turns from a fetal egg into a real embryo (photo of the fetus - below). At 4 weeks pregnant ultrasound will show disk, which consists of 3 germ layers (3 layers of cells). Each germ layer serves as the basis for different parts of the child's body and has its own name. The outer layer, the ectoderm, will develop into the nervous system, hair, skin, tooth enamel, and eye lenses.

The outer germinal membrane, the chorion, is involved in the formation of the placenta . At the site of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, a vascular network gradually forms, connecting the baby with the mother. Finally, the placenta will form only by the 12th week.
Amnion contributes to the formation of the fetal bladder.

At this time, the chorion, amnion and yolk sac are actively formed, providing the baby with nutrition, respiration, comprehensive protection and biochemical support.
At 4 weeks gestation, the size of the fetus is from 0.36 to 1 mm. (see photo)

It is possible to visualize the fetal sac in the uterine cavity when the pregnancy is 4-5 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation, and the size of the fetus is 1-3 mm. If there is a delay in menstruation , and no fetal vesicle was found in the uterus, a series of repeated ultrasounds and a test for the presence of pregnancy hormone are needed. With positive results of the hormonal test and the absence of a fetal sac in the uterus, the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy is high.


Constipation is a common problem that almost all women experience during pregnancy. . To the reasons causing constipation in early pregnancy include hormonal changes. The digestion process slows down pregnancy hormone progesterone . In the second half of pregnancy, the intestines are compressed by the enlarged uterus. Cause constipation as autoimmune and allergic processes, aggravated during pregnancy.

Modern medicine claims that stress and other psychological factors also affect the appearance of constipation.
An increase in the uterus leads to a violation of the outflow of blood, as a result of which venous congestion occurs in the vessels of the small pelvis. Venous congestion can cause varicose veins in the rectum (hemorrhoids), causing constipation. Hemorrhoids are one of the most painful and unpleasant complications of pregnancy, so it must be treated immediately.

Many people worry about constipation during pregnancy. - what to do to normalize the work of the intestine, not everyone knows. First of all, you should normalize nutrition: eat enough fiber and drink plenty of fluids. In addition, bran, the regular use of which helps even with severe constipation, steamed dried apricots, prune decoction and kefir are excellent natural remedies for constipation. In the absence of contraindications, physical activity must be present ( exercises, gymnastic exercises, it is desirable to perform Kegel exercises) and walks.

Products such as buckwheat, millet, oat bran, vegetable oils, black bread, vegetables and fruits in any form, and sour-milk products have a laxative effect. A decoction of gooseberries and peeled beets is also effective.


A very undesirable factor for pregnant women is a cold. , representing a serious danger to the fetus in early pregnancy. A proven and safe method of treating colds in pregnant women is horseradish juice mixed with sugar. This natural remedy stimulates the mother's immune system without harming the baby.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences an increased need for vitamins. , and with a cold, this need increases even more. It is important not to overdo it here - to saturate the body with vital elements and at the same time not cause hypervitaminosis, since an excess of vitamin A in the first trimester can lead to fetal malformations, and an excess of vitamin C and D by the end of pregnancy promotes premature aging of the placenta.

Colds that occur in early pregnancy are treated with dry heat (a warm scarf around the neck, woolen socks and a warm bed). Hot baths are contraindicated.
Throat during pregnancy can be treated with frequent gargles. For rinsing, you can use onion and beet juice (in equal proportions), dissolving this mixture in warm water.
With chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, a drink of lemon juice (1/2 lemon), 2 tbsp. l. beetroot juice, 1 teaspoon rosehip syrup and 2 tbsp. l. kefir.

Dry cough is effectively softened by decoctions of chamomile, sage, lime blossom and plantain. These herbs also have anti-inflammatory effects.
With a wet cough, which usually appears on the 2nd-3rd day of illness, decoctions of eucalyptus, lingonberry leaves, yarrow and string should be taken.

To reduce mucosal edema and facilitate breathing, it is advisable to place an additional pillow under the head of the bed during sleep. .
Acupressure at the base of the nostrils helps with nasal congestion.
For fever, herbal tea made from raspberries is used.


Nasal congestion indicates inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, which is most often observed with rhinitis . Due to the swelling of the mucous tissue, breathing becomes difficult, sneezing and a runny nose can be observed. Nasal congestion in a woman due to rhinitis is not dangerous during pregnancy , but gives a lot of discomfort.

To combat nasal congestion, you should drink plenty of fluids daily, avoiding caffeinated drinks, as they contribute to dehydration.
It is important to monitor the level of humidity in the room. Nasal congestion will be less pronounced if the pregnant woman will breathe moist air, therefore, with rhinitis during pregnancy, it is recommended to use humidifiers.

In the cold season, it is important not to freeze, so as not to aggravate the situation with nasal congestion. In small quantities, physical activity is useful, dispersing the blood and thereby removing swelling of the tissues in the nose. Pregnant women are advised to avoid irritants that can cause an allergic reaction (powder, smoke, etc.) and, as a result, nasal congestion.


Tachycardia is manifested in abnormal, rapid contractions of the heart. The norm for an adult is from 60 to 80 pulse waves per minute at rest.
Tachycardia is a frequent companion of pregnancy, but it is difficult to unambiguously name the reasons for the development of this symptom, they are so diverse.

Tachycardia is provoked by an increased content during pregnancy of hormones that differ in sympathomimetic activity. Moreover, the appearance of tachycardia during pregnancy contributes to:

an increase in the load on the heart due to weight gain and work "for two";

increased metabolism in the body and lack of vitamins and minerals;

anemia and hypotension, often developing in pregnant women;

observed in severe toxicosis changes in water and electrolyte balance;

change in the anatomical position of the heart due to the enlarging uterus.

Be sure to see your doctor if tachycardia causes nausea or vomiting, as this may be a symptom of a serious heart condition.

To prevent tachycardia, caffeine should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy, do not smoke and spend a lot of time in the fresh air. A good prevention of tachycardia is yoga and swimming - sports that do not require physical training and saturate the blood with oxygen.

With severe sinus tachycardia during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe special drugs to improve your well-being.


Functional ovarian cyst for the possibility of conception usually does not affect, it does not affect pregnancy, regressing on its own within 2-3 months. This type of cyst can appear in healthy women, and in women with hormonal imbalances or the presence of inflammatory processes. A functional cyst does not reach a large size, but requires observation and, if necessary, treatment.

In some cases, pregnant women are prescribed "Duphaston" or "Utrozhestan" . If the ovarian cyst grows, the pregnant woman may need a laparoscopic surgery that does not affect the pregnancy.

However, there are other types of cysts:

endometrioid cyst, characterized by the appearance of the endometrium in atypical places;

dermoid ovarian cyst - a congenital formation that can occur at any age;

cystadenoma - a cavity filled with liquid and surrounded by a dense membrane;

pseudomucinous cystoma - an ovarian neoplasm consisting of epithelial elements that produces a mucus-like substance;

papillary cystoma - a serous tumor with liquid contents.

Cyst- This is a benign education with a certain content. So, the ovarian dermoid cyst contains hair, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, and the mucinous cyst contains thick mucus.

The development of the cyst is asymptomatic, without disturbing the functions of the body.
Cyst growth during pregnancy may be accompanied by heart failure and shortness of breath. With pain in the lower abdomen, fever and vomiting, you should urgently consult a doctor - perhaps these are symptoms of such a dangerous phenomenon as twisting of the cyst leg.

A month from the moment of conception is six to seven obstetric weeks. At this time, the baby weighs about 1 g and is the size of a large bean. The growing symptoms of toxicosis, changes in behavior and well-being cannot be overlooked. What else is characteristic of the 4th week of pregnancy, what dangers does it carry?

The first month of gestation is the most responsible. Exposure to harmful factors can lead to serious anomalies in the development of the fetus and even to non-developing pregnancy. The expectant mother should be attentive to her condition, it is necessary to visit a doctor at this time only if there are complaints. What happens to the fetus at 4 weeks of gestation and how does the woman feel? Schematically, the main parameters of this period are shown in the following table.

Table - Interesting Facts

embryo development

An embryo at 4 weeks of pregnancy (from the moment of conception) looks like this:

  • head, trunk and limbs- there is already a clear division;
  • visible on the head- eyes, nostrils, upper and lower jaws;
  • facial features, nose - begin to form;
  • upper limbs- fully formed, fingers are visible, but the baby still cannot clench them into a fist;
  • lower limbs- also already developed along with the feet;
  • intestine - actively formed, may protrude slightly with the formation of a physiological omphalocele;
  • umbilical cord - is formed, connects the baby with the placenta and mother;
  • heart - becomes four-chamber, blood circulation through the vessels is intensive;
  • the genital tubercle is already there, and there is a gradual formation of male or female genitalia.

When performing an ultrasound, a fetal egg is clearly visible near the wall of the uterus with an embryo. Placentation continues. The quality of the relationships built in the mother-fetus-placenta system determines how successfully this pregnancy will develop.

The size of the fetal egg itself at the 4th week of pregnancy is already more than 21 mm in diameter, and the fetus in it is about 1 cm. A yolk sac is visible inside the fetal vesicle, which functions up to 12 obstetric weeks.

Changes in a woman's condition

It is difficult not to notice pregnancy at week 4: changes in the body relate to both the appearance of a woman and her behavior, social adaptation, and sensations.

External signs

Pallor of the skin is often noted, associated with reduced blood pressure, progesterone background and toxicosis. The mammary glands are enlarged. The chest swells and even hurts so much that it is impossible to sleep on the stomach. The nipples and areola area darken, but the white line of the abdomen is not yet visible.

The anterior abdominal wall loses its tone, and relaxed bowel loops with a tendency to bloat create a “picture of pregnancy”. Therefore, the girls note that their stomach appeared already in the second month of pregnancy, but this is not due to the growth of the uterus and the fetus in it (the embryo is still the size of a bean), but due to a decrease in overall muscle tone.

Already by this moment, an improvement in the condition of hair and nails can be noted, less care is required for them.


For others, changes associated with the behavior of a woman are noticeable.

  • Nausea, vomiting . It doesn't just show up in the morning. It can be provoked by various food odors, harsh perfume aromas, even natural human pheromones, which are now perceived more clearly.
  • Changing taste preferences. Often "thin people" start to eat "not in themselves", sometimes the appetite drops, the girl can lose weight. Pregnant women can at the same time be inclined to salty and sweet (for example, to herring and “eat” cake). Salivation may occur.
  • Irritability and tearfulness. In the first trimester, girls become very impressionable, sentimental, easily influenced and do not think about the consequences. Characterized by frequent mood swings. In one minute there may be crying and laughter, and without much reason. For some, irritability increases - actions that they previously did not pay attention to make them angry and nervous.
  • Fast fatiguability. It is much more difficult to endure previously feasible physical activity. I want to sleep longer, move less and stay calm. Night shift work should be suspended.
  • Loss of attention. It is already more difficult for pregnant women to perform work that requires a high concentration of attention. The ability to remember large amounts of information is somewhat reduced.
  • Decreased libido. There is often a temporary decrease in interest in sex. Sometimes the natural odors of the sexual partner can increase nausea, which disappears by 12-14 obstetric weeks.

These changes are due to the restructuring of the nervous system. A "pregnancy dominant" is formed in the brain, which "puts aside" all the functions of the body and slows down reactions in order to provide the most comfortable, calm conditions for the development of the baby.

The work of internal organs

Significant changes are undergoing internal organs, which are subjected to an additional load. This is especially noticeable in the presence of chronic diseases. In the first month of pregnancy, their exacerbation may occur. Possible violations are presented in the table.

Table - Changes in the work of internal organs in the fourth week of pregnancy

SystemWhat is observed
digestive- Increased heartburn;
- stomach ache;
- bloating;
- tendency to constipation;
- periodic colic in the lower abdomen;
- increased appetite
RespiratoryFeeling short of breath
Cardiovascular- Decrease in pressure or drops;
- Strengthening the venous pattern of the legs;
- feeling of heaviness in the legs
urinary- Frequent urge to urinate;
- exacerbation of cystitis, urethritis
nervous- Headache;
- dizziness;
- loss of consciousness;
- more often motion sickness in public transport

Immediately after the onset of pregnancy, serious changes in the body of a woman lead to an increase in the need for some substances and a decrease in the need for others. Moreover, the variability varies depending on the gestational age. Therefore, women who regularly take medications should definitely contact the appropriate specialists for dose adjustment or even drug withdrawal.


The embryo is genetically alien to a woman by 50%. In order to endure pregnancy, the body has to suppress the activity of the immune system, which detects foreign material. This entails a tendency to respiratory diseases, increases the likelihood of exacerbation of all foci of chronic infection. Most often you have to deal with acute pyelonephritis, pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth pulp).

Pathology at 4 weeks of gestation

4 weeks of pregnancy can be overshadowed by a variety of complications. Most often, this is a suspicion of stopping the development of the embryo or the threat of miscarriage. An ectopic pregnancy is slightly less common. (The latter manifests itself in most cases immediately after the delay, as soon as the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy occurs).

A missed pregnancy can be suspected by the following criteria:

  • spotting spotting- appear from the genital tract;
  • symptoms of toxicosis- stop abruptly or are absent altogether;
  • basal body temperature- falls;
  • absence of an embryo- and his heartbeat in the fetal bladder at the sixth obstetric week;
  • Fetal heart rate - less than 100 beats per minute;
  • yolk sac - too large (more than 20 mm) or none at all.

A woman should understand that it is very difficult to establish an undeveloped pregnancy at such a time. The reviews are full of stories about how a “frozen pregnancy” turned into a progressive one in a week. Therefore, if there are complaints or a burdened history, an integrated approach is needed - not only the ultrasound picture is evaluated, but also the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), complaints.

Spontaneous miscarriages can occur in the fifth or sixth weeks of pregnancy in case of violation of implantation processes. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • the lower abdomen aches and the lower back hurts / pulls;
  • blood stains on linen or bleeding;
  • feeling of a "stone" in the lower abdomen due to the tone of the uterus.

In case of violation of pregnancy (abortion in progress) or if it is frozen, it is necessary to carry out additional curettage of the uterine cavity or supplement the process with medications for interruption. On its own, the uterus can no longer “cleanse itself”, as, for example, in the second or third week of pregnancy.


You can confirm pregnancy at this time in the following ways:

  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • pregnancy test;
  • hCG blood;
  • basal temperature.

Even a routine examination by a gynecologist already allows you to accurately determine the cause of the delay in menstruation. On examination, an enlarged body of the uterus is determined, it is of a softish consistency. But the uterus has not yet changed its position - if it was in retroflexio (posteriorly), it remains so for now. Allocations are normally white, not abundant. More detailed research results are given in the table.

Table - How to confirm pregnancy in the fourth week

After IVF, the indicators are the same. With multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets), the hCG rate at the 4th week of pregnancy will always be higher than the usual rate, since two embryos produce it.

Do I need to register

Many women have a question about when, if a positive pregnancy test is found, they should visit a gynecologist. If nothing bothers you, you can postpone the visit until the eighth or tenth obstetric week. In the following cases, you must make an appointment immediately upon confirmation of pregnancy:

  • problems with bearing- there were frozen, miscarriages, multiple abortions;
  • chronic diseases - you need to adjust the drugs used, consult about the possibility and safety of bearing;
  • something bothers- if brown discharge appeared at the 4th week of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, vomiting more than three times a day.

If the expectant mother feels well and does not have serious chronic diseases (for example, heart disease, diabetes), there is no need to undergo additional examinations before registration. Otherwise, only a doctor can prescribe a competent examination, taking into account the existing pathology.

Signs of pregnancy at week 4 (from the moment of conception) include vivid symptoms of toxicosis, a change in a woman's behavior and even her appearance. Most of these transformations are associated with a change in the hormonal background with a predominance of progesterone. Ultrasound at 4 weeks of gestation without any difficulty should show not only the fetal egg, but also the embryo with a heartbeat of 160-180 beats per minute.

According to obstetric practice, fourth week of pregnancy and its development compared to two weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception. In principle, the pregnancy has already occurred. And although the embryo is still positioned as an embryo, it has already settled in the uterus. From this moment on, it will inevitably develop, and with each next week, including the fourth, a woman will feel development within a new life every day. And before that, the first four weeks pass almost imperceptibly for a woman. But individual cases can indicate the onset of pregnancy with subtle signs and symptoms.

Individual symptoms and signs in the fourth week of pregnancy are similar to symptoms before the menstrual cycle. For example, a woman may show irritability, nervousness and fatigue. In rare cases, these symptoms may be accompanied by changes in food preference, mild nausea associated with intolerance to certain aromas.

Often there are cases of changes in the hormonal background in a woman. For example, some are not even aware of the presence of pregnancy, while others have more pronounced sensations in the fourth week of pregnancy. Such symptoms may include - increased tearfulness, resentment for no reason, strong emotion on unnerving factors. All this may indicate the presence of an embryo in the female womb, which over time will turn into a tiny person.

Breast at 4 weeks pregnant.

The chest also changes: swollen mammary glands are noticed, sensitivity and pain in the nipples increase. And again, such changes can occur before menstruation. The reason for breast changes in the fourth week of pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.

Period at 4 weeks pregnant.

A woman who does not know about the development of pregnancy associates all the changes that occur with her with the upcoming menstruation. And according to anatomical laws, by the fourth week, menstruation should come. But due to the fertilized egg, menstruation does not come in the fourth week. There is a delay, which is also a symptom of the development of pregnancy. In some cases, women may experience bleeding, but they have nothing to do with menstruation. this bleeding is called implantation bleeding.

Allocations at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

The fourth week of pregnancy can be indicated not only by a delay in menstruation and small spotting. At this time, profuse discharge may be observed, having a whitish or transparent color and odorless. This is due to changes in the hormonal system, as well as increased blood flow. In the fourth week of pregnancy, clear discharge with a thick consistency is considered normal. Brown discharge accompanied by pain in the back and lower back is usually not related to pregnancy.

Bleeding and miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant.

Bleeding in the fourth week development of pregnancy, unknowing woman usually takes for menstruation. At such a short time, bleeding is a miscarriage. Usually it happens so painlessly that the woman does not even know that she was pregnant and takes it for menstruation. Pregnancy fading, embryonic death and miscarriage can occur from various adverse factors - an infectious disease, increased physical activity or excessive alcohol abuse.

Fourth week pregnancy test.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the test usually shows a negative result. This is because there is still little content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, although there is enough of it in the blood. And since the test is done on urine, then it will show the absence of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at the fourth week of pregnancy.

If you do an ultrasound in the fourth week, it will show the corpus luteum, which will nourish the embryo in the future. Another task of this body is the production of a hormone that is responsible for the safety of pregnancy. Since ultrasound machines are highly sensitive, they can determine at this time whether the embryo is fixed in the uterus. True, such examinations are rarely carried out, since at such an early stage a woman does not suspect a pregnancy.

Analyzes? at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

If the test is not able to detect the development of pregnancy at such a short time, then blood tests for hCG can do this, since, as mentioned earlier, the embryo at this time releases chorionic gonadotropin into the blood enough, which makes it possible to determine the presence of pregnancy. The same applies to progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum for normal development of pregnancy.

Uterus at 4 weeks pregnant.

The uterus also undergoes changes at this time, because it is affected by progesterone. This hormone helps to fix the embryo, which, under its influence, swells and softens, but does not increase in size. Moreover, a dense mucous plug is formed in it, which protects the embryo from various infections.

The fetus? at the fourth week of pregnancy.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus turns from a fertilized egg into an embryo. The embryo looks like a flat disk, consisting of three layers. In the future, they will help to form the tissues and organs of the child. Thanks to the inner layer, the digestive system, liver, lungs and pancreas will appear. Thanks to the middle layer, the heart, kidneys, skeleton, muscular system and blood vessels will form. The outer layer will become the basis for the formation of the skin, head, hair, lens of the eye, tooth enamel and the nervous system. At the fourth week, the size of the fetus is 5 millimeters. Despite its tiny size, development is proceeding rapidly. At this stage, especially important external organs develop - the chorion, amnion and yolk sac, whose task is to provide nutrition, respiration and protection. In the future, the chorion turns into the placenta, the amnion into the fetal bladder.

It hurts and pulls the stomach? At 4 weeks of pregnancy.

Because in period of pregnancy the female body is being rebuilt, then in the fourth week pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen can be felt. In addition, such sensations can occur in women whose menstrual cycle was quite painful. But do not forget that this stage of pregnancy is critical, since this is the period for the onset of menstruation. Thus, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen may indicate an increase in uterine tone. Unfortunately, it happens that pain and pulling sensations can lead to pregnancy fading or miscarriage.

Cold and fever at 4 weeks.

It would seem that an ordinary, not dangerous cold, but in the fourth week of pregnancy, it can also lead to pregnancy fading, because this is the period when the embryo is especially vulnerable and the most insignificant factors can affect it. If you catch a cold, then you should not panic and worry, because nervous breakdown and stress can even more adversely affect the fetus. If you do not have a fever, then it will be enough to exclude exits from the house and take care of yourself for several days. Flushing your nose with salt water, cough syrup with licorice root, and drinking plenty of warm tea with honey will help to cope with cold symptoms.

Temperature at fourth week of pregnancy 38 degrees and above is very undesirable, because it can negatively affect the fetus and even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, even before the onset of pregnancy, you should take care of your health and strengthen your immune system.

Alcohol? at 4 weeks pregnant.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, alcohol and drinks containing it are very dangerous. Drinking alcohol can cause irreversible pathologies in the fetus and also lead to miscarriage. As mentioned above, at this stage of pregnancy, the development of the embryo and its vital organs is very rapid, and therefore the alcohol consumed has a detrimental effect on the passage of this process. Since alcohol is a substance of high toxicity, it affects the normal development and formation of the embryo. This increases the risk of having a child with various pathologies and malformations Therefore, for women who want to normally endure and give birth to a healthy baby, alcohol should be completely excluded for the period of pregnancy, and even better - a few months before it occurs.

Sex in the fourth week of pregnancy.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, having sex usually does not cause any harm. But it is worth saying that this applies only to those women for whom the threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is not relevant. Another case is that usually a woman in the first weeks does not suspect the presence of pregnancy in her body, and therefore having sex in the fourth week does not change. Of course, one should not forget the fact that a woman at this time may simply not want to have sex, because, as mentioned above, certain processes of change occur in her body that can lead to nervousness, apathy, tearfulness, pulling pain sensations in the lower abdomen, irritability and fatigue. Naturally, in this state, there is nothing to do with sex.

Nutrition at 4 weeks pregnant.

A woman who has a planned pregnancy considers the issue of nutrition relevant. As discussed above, the embryo on this stage of pregnancy especially susceptible to various adverse external factors. Lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are necessary for normal formation and fetal development, is one of these factors. Accordingly, a balanced and nutritious diet is very important. The diet must be monitored. At this stage of pregnancy, you need to eat only natural products that contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Fatty and salty foods, canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products and sweets should be excluded from your diet. It is undesirable to use products containing flavors or dyes, as well as containing food additives. Soda water with dyes should also be left in the past, replacing it with freshly squeezed natural juices. You need to eat the food that will be good for your baby. For example, the priority is lean lean meat, various dairy products, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. Diets and fasting days should be a thing of the past, because for your child, in order for the process of development and formation to take place without undesirable consequences, the intake of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates is necessary. We should not forget that the food should be complete, but you should not eat up to satiety either.

So, from the foregoing, it follows that, regardless of whether the pregnancy is planned or not, but on its fourth week, you should especially carefully monitor your health, nutrition, and certainly, in no case should you drink alcohol and drinks containing it, since it is during this period of pregnancy, the fetus is especially sensitive to all external factors. And then your baby will develop normally and in the future you will give birth to a strong and healthy baby.