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Communion has the present and past time. Methodical development in the Russian language (grade 7) on the topic: valid communities of the present

Divided into two large categories: independent and service. Among independent one of the most difficult for understanding is considered by the communion. The main difficulty for students and students is to divide the suffering and valid communities. In fact, this task will be for everyone who knows the identification features that all representatives of this part of speech are possessed. In order to distinguish the suffering and valid communities, you need to remember two non-hard formulas:

A) A valid communion serves to designate a sign of an object that makes an action.

B) Praditive, in turn, it is necessary to designate a subject of action, that is, that subject to which this action is directed.

Sometimes the actual communion is difficult to distinguish from suffering only in meaning. In this case, you need to pay attention to the grammatical and morpheme characteristics of the word. For the formation of this part of the speech, special suffixes - identifiers are used, according to which we can judge with confidence, the actual sacrament or the suffering communion see one.

Actual communion of present

Take its basis in the verbs of the present time (imperfect species) with the addition of suffixes -the, -the (for the I linguage) or-inventing (for encryption II). For example, the sacrament "Running" is formed from the verb of the Iluchery to run.Picture 1: The girl preparing soup (preparing - the actual communion of the present).

Valid grasp

It is formed from the basis of the infinitive of the verbs standing in the past (perfect species), when adding suffixes -Sh, -W. For example, the communion "fell asleep"formed from the verb to "fall asleep".The verbs with suffix are somewhat embarrassed from this rule, since the actual communcies formed from these verbs, the corresponding suffix disappears. EXAMPLE: Loose - wet.

Padding communities

They are formed according to the same rules, but differ from valid identifiable morphemes. So, the suffering sections of the present time formed from the foundation of the infinitive of the verbs of the past time, such suffixes are peculiar, as -n, -nn, -n, -E. Examples: Say - said (suffix -nn), split - hot (suffix -ong).

Praeling communities of the present time take their foundation in the verbs of the present time, to which suffixes are added (-th) or, depending on the auction. For example, the combination "burning" corresponds to the verb of the I to burn the "burn", and the communion "beloved" (not to be confused with the adjective "favorite") - the verb of the II of the helping "love".Picture 2: The dog scolded by the owner (scolded - the suffering communion of the present time). The curious property of the return verbs with postfix is, it is that in the formation of the communities, they preserve this postfix. For example: Forget - forgotten (actual grades of the past time). Thus, it's not difficult to learn to understand the variety of communion. A little theory and permanent practice will help any beginning "Linguist".

The sacrament is the ability to transfer both the action and its sign simultaneously. It is often used to "facilitate" the proposal and translate from a complex design to a more compressed version. For example:

The fairy tale is a literary source that helps the child to develop fantasy.

The fairy tale is a literary source that helps the child to develop fantasy.

From the verbs are formed as the suffering communion of the present and the past, and valid.

Definition of communion

In Russian, commucion is called a special indicating sign of the subject by action. Communions have at once two morphological properties:

  1. They have signs characteristic of verbs.
  2. Possess signs of adjectives.

Like the verbs, the communcies have:

  • the view is perfect (they answer the question "what made" - a boy who has read the book) and imperfect ("What Making", "Dela" - a boy reading a book);
  • return (ends on the suffix - smi, - for example, stentered) and non-return (playing);
  • the forms of the past (got a job - setting up to work) and the present time (playing - playing);
  • there may be from the verbs of transitional and non-transparent and being valid and suffering.

As adjectives, communion have:

  • two - NN - in the suffering communations, it is used when the verb ends to extend, "write," to read - read, do - done;
  • suffix-Ann is placed to the basis of verbs ending with on-and-and-like: bring - brought, commit - perfect;
  • the suffix is \u200b\u200bset when applying from verbs, ending on, - threshore, for example, closer - closed, grind - ground, lock - locked.

The suffix is \u200b\u200balso used in the creation of persistent communities from one-step verbs, for example, washing - washed, beat - broken and others.

Some verbs, for example, to take, search, to love, do not create suffering communities, and from the verbs ending on-demand, in the past time are formed either from the present or from the future time:

  • bring home - given home;
  • find faith - acquired faith;
  • steal the clock - stolen watches.

In these examples of verbs in the future, and the communion in the past.

Forms of communion

Passiatory communities are in 2 forms in the past and present - complete and brief. At the same time, in a brief form, they are inclined in numbers, and in the only one - by childbirth, as can be seen from the following proposals:

  • paddative communities of the present Time: the city, burned down (husband. Rod, units. Number) - the city burned down her dwarf; Cities, burned dotla (MN. Number) - Cities burned down the town;
  • brief forms last time: the book read quickly - the book was read quickly;

Full forms have suffixes with two - -n: -nn, -nn, whereas one thing - n - in brief suffering communities. For example, an improved option is the option is improved, hurried thoughts - thoughts are utaina. Not all the intersections of this species have a brief form, for example, slave, readable, speaking and others.

As members of the sentence, brief, as well as full suffering parts can be a definition, but most often these are faithful:

Auxiliary verb is used in brief communities or may be independent, for example: the store is open - the store was open.

Declination of communities

Since the suffering communities have similar to the adaptive properties, they can be incurred by cases (in units), numbers and childbirth. Full suffering pieces are inclined, as well as such forms of adjectives, that is, by cases, childbirth and numbers. Brief communities can only be inclined in numbers and childbirth.

  • And - questioned (person), responded (woman), surveyed (population) surveyed (children);
  • R - surveyed (person) interviewed (women) interviewed (population) surveyed (children);
  • D - profound (person) interviewed (woman), spent (population) surveyed (children);
  • In the respondent (person) interviewed (women) interviewed (population) surveyed (children);
  • T - respondents (man) interviewed (woman) surveyed (population), questioned (children);
  • P - (OB) Opired (Man), Interviewed (Women), Opired (Population), Interviewed (Children).

In a brief form, it is possible to distinguish between the genus and the number of related to the common or pronoun: a person is spent, a woman surveyed, the population has been interviewed, the children surveyed.

Transition of suffering communion into adjectives

In sentences, the suffering communities of the present time (examples below) can often perform the role of adjectives, while they lose such a category as time and acquire the value of the constant feature of the subject. For example, a loaded boat, a baked pie.

These forms are unusual to have explanatory words with him, and the suffering themselves are written with one - n. If there are additional words, then two - nn is put in the suffix, for example:

  • wounded beast - a beast wounded by a knife;
  • a loaded boat - a boat loaded;
  • baked cake - baked in the oven patty.

In the suffering communcies having a prefix, always stands two - n in the suffix. For example, frosthed, reinforced, chosen, hot and others.

In the suffix, it is always written two - N, even when the communion passed into the adjective - organized picnic, a qualified specialist.

Particle "not" in the suffering

In communities that have an explanatory noun or pronoun, the "not" particle is always written separately. For example:

  • a non-depleted track was led to the garage - the car was led to the garage, the track was not separated from the snow;
  • naked tea stayed on the table - the tea was not doped by his mother on the table.

With brief sufferment germinals, the particle "not" is written separately: it is not over, the task is not solved, the path is not completed.

Punctuation signs when writing communities

Communions with dependent words form revisions that are allocated by commas in sentences. A word that determines the sacrament is called defined. If the communion stands up to this word, then the comma does not put: the track lined by a paving car led to the park. An exception is the turnover related to pronoun: awakened by votes, she quickly stood up.

The sacrament that stood after the word was determined is released by the comma: drove the car splashing with mud. If the communion with dependent words is in the middle of the sentence, it is allocated by the punctuation marks on both sides: the car splashed by mud, drove by.

In the course of studying the morphology, schoolchildren undergo the topic "suffixes of valid and suffering communities". In the subtleties and the peculiarities of this group will deal with more details.


What is this interesting phenomenon? Until today, linguistic disputes do not subscribe. Opinions were divided: Some consider the sacrament as it possesses a number of own signs. Others are confident that this is just a verb form. If you turn to the history of its occurrence, you can find out that it was formed from the verb. True, it looks more like an adjective. Yes, and some functions it borrowed it: both of them respond to one question (what?), And their syntactic role is the same (definition). Therefore, scientists argue and cannot come to a single solution.

Various educational and methodological complexes for which the Russian language is taught in school is also suitable for this situation. For example, M. M. Razumovskaya refers the communion to the verb form, and V. V. Babayitseva - to an independent part of speech. But in that, and in another textbook it is said that it is still not clear what category it is worth it.


Before considering the suffixes of real and suffering communities, it is necessary to know that this part of the speech is customary to divide into two large groups in value. The first is called valid. These name they received due to their intended: to call signs of such items that themselves perform the action.

Consider an example: "The wind blowing from the sea was rapid."

As we can make sure, the wind independently blows from the sea, without resorting to someone's help and not exposed to any effect. Such forms are called valid.

Another example: "The dog guarding the house was a large breed."

The object in this sentence protects the house, that is, performs an action on its own. Thus, the communion "guarding" refers to the category of valid.


The next group with a slightly personal purpose is the discharge of suffering communities. They are so named, because they do not perform the action, but they are exposed to him.

We will analyze an example: "Parents caused to school teacher were concerned about."

In this offer, we see the communion "caused". It was formed from the verb "call". We make sure that parents did not themselves decided to come to school, and at the request of the teacher. We see that the action does not produce themselves, it is performed on them. Therefore, these communion belong to the suffering. That is, parents are "suffering", experiencing someone's impact on themselves.

Suffixes of valid and suffering communities of the present

Now, when we sorted out in the subtleties of this morphological group, you can go to the main topic. Each of the discharges will have its own characteristics of word formation.

The suffixes of real and suffering communities will differ depending on the time. So, in the present time the following is distinguished: -Things, as well as-inventing. Example: Raying, singing, holding, speaking. As you can see, they all belong to valid. The suffering they are the others: -th, -I, but. Example: Inhalesable, striking, condemned.

In the actual communion of the present, all suffixes have characteristics of spelling.

There were no need to know the rules, many questions arise. For example, how to write: Boring or fighting? In this, the verb will help us, from which this word is formed - to fight. We define His Hisiony. Because its base ends on -th, then this is 1 lining. Now you need to use the following rule: if the word refers to 1 conjugation, we write or either. If the second is something or or -s. Thus, we found out that in the word "struggling" it is necessary to write. The main thing is to know how to determine the leasing in the verbs.

Better helps to remember the suffixes of real and suffering communion table. And besides, you can always contact her if suddenly the rule crashes out of the head.

Suffixes of valid and suffering communion

Now, considering the features of the formation of this part of speech in the present time, we can proceed to the next stage. It is worth remembering that the communities cannot be used in the future, so we will continue to talk about the past. These sign were borrowed from the verb.

In the past time, the suffixes are highlighted, and -sh. For example: the melted, sprouted.

In the affair, they are more: -nn, -nurn, -E. For example: fallen, attached, thorough.

And again, we will help to remember the suffixes of real and affirmative communions table.

With the first category, everything is clear, no difficulties arise, but with persistent it is more difficult. In some words, it is not always clear which suffix needs to be highlighted: -nn, or -n. Consider the word "offended" it would seem that highlighting the suffix -enn, we will not make mistakes. But it is not. According to the rule, if the verb, which formed the sacrament, ends up, is to be released, then we allocate the suffix -n.

In this example, the foundation of the verb "offend" ends out, so we determine in the communion of suffix -n.

Take another example: "dressed up." And again recall the rule: if the verb ends to smear, -The or say, then in this case only suffix is \u200b\u200bused.

Also proceed and in the words "baked" (bake), "brought" (bring), "asked" (ask).


In the lessons of the Russian language, the teacher pays special attention to how and when suffixes of real and suffering communals are used. Exercises on this subject will help to most fully understand it.

At first it is necessary to give a list of verbs and ask the guys to determine their touch. Then it is worth the task of forming the communion of different discharges from them and times.

For example:

  • prick (1 SPR.) - Covering (action., Nast. BP), Kolovy (act., POST. BP.);
  • speaking (2 SPR.) - Talking (Action., Nast. BP), who said (action., POST. BP.);
  • shave (1 SPR., ISKL.) - Sharing (action, present. BP), shaved (action., POST. BP), shaved (suffer., POST. BP.);
  • offend (2 SPR., SCL.) - Offended (suffer., Nast. BP), offended (suffer., POST. BP.).

S. S. Sai, 2014

Valid communion of present Called communities formed by suffixes - as set (-lasch) / -ace (-yusch): cf. screaming, walking, cutting, dancing.

1. Education of valid communities of the present

1.1. The basis of valid communities of the present

The basis of the valid seizures of the present time is formed by joining the current verbs of suffixes - ace(spelling also - yusch) for the verbs of the first auction and - as set(spelling also - lasch) For the verbs of the second lining. The verbs with the variant bases of the present time (see variability in the verb formation), usually admit to varying degrees to the formation and variant communities of the present (CP. sweet and durable).

You can see that vowel before shin the suffix of the actual communities of the present, coincides with the one that enters the end of the personal form of the third person of the multiple number (see Hidness). This rule also applies to various complex cases. For example, verb honorhaving variant forms of the third face of the plural number ( chTUTand read), admits the education of communion cateringand chumpy; Different surgery verb to wantforms sacrament want(cf. want), verb there isforms sacrament eating . Finally, from the wrong verb be marginically formed archaic communion sunny(Wed. Form 3 l. MN. essence, also archaic; About communion sunnysee also), which to some extent corresponds to the general pattern:

(2) ... He ... Loe, began to smoke and think about another reality, essential In the diluted world in unity with this reality, where and the Mudryak. [YU. Davydov. Blue tulips (1988-1989)]

1.2. Emphasis in the forms of valid communcies of the present

In the communion of verbs having a fixed emphasis in the personal forms of the present time, the emphasis is always on the same syllable as in these personal forms, cf. sizh w. , Sitand sitting; i see, Seeand seey.

Most verbs having a moving emphasis in the personal forms of the present time, the place of emphasis in the communion coincides with the place of emphasis in the form of a third person of the plural: writing, write, writing; love, Love, loving. This pattern is consistent with the above (see) rule on the coincidence of the vowel in the suffix of the communion and in the end of the form of a third person of the plural.

However, there are also verbs with rolling stress, in whose acquisitions are accumulated on the suffix of communion, which corresponds to the position of the emphasis in their first person shape of the singular, but does not correspond to the plurality of the plural in the form of a multiple number: i go, go, walking; Fishing, Catch, Love; Kury, smoke, Smoking. See More about this in [Isachenko 1965/2003: 544-545].

With the accession of various flexions of an adjective type within the paradigm of valid partitions, the emphasis remains fixed ( sitting, Sitting, Sitting, Sittingetc.).

1.3. Restrictions on the formation of valid communcies of the present time and "valid times of that time"

The basic restriction on the formation of forms of valid communities is that such communities cannot be formed from the verbs of the perfect species.

Here, however, you need to make one reservation. In fact, as repeatedly noted in the special literature [Grammar 1980 (1): 667], [Kalakutskaya 1971: 24-25], the suffixes of the present time are often joined by the verbs of the perfect species. As a result, not quite regulatory forms are formed that logically consider combators of this Time, Wed. The following examples taken from [Stapivina 2009], where "valid times of the future time" verbs are analyzed in detail.

(3) I remember, at the time when I wrote it, I considered myself a great writer, sooner or later drink Brilliant work ... (blog

(4) So the form was born with individuality and peculiarity and originality, a happy combination of functionality and aesthetics, not lost At least for many years. (site car market

After analyzing the selection of examples with the intersections of the future time, K. A. Karapivina comes, among other things, to the following conclusions.

1. Communion of the future time is much more frequent than other valid communities, are not used single, but as part of turnover (about 95% of cases).

2. Communion of this time is much more frequent than other valid communities, do not occupy a starting position in the involuntary turnover, which is generally atypically for communities (see example (3) above).

3. Communion of the future time is much more frequent than other valid communities, are used in the context of denial (see example (4) above).

It seems that the observations are made in the overall assumption that the severity of the future time retains more signs of "verbity", that is, less nominalized than the regulatory communities of the last and present time (see the valid communion of the present time / p.4. Valid communities in A number of relativification means to be subjectable).

Despite all of the foregoing, the communion of the future time is still on the periphery of the grammatical system - and in the frequency, and according to the degree of grammatical acceptability (which was, in particular, is shown in the special experiment described in [Krapivina 2009]). That is why many authors, noting their occurrence in the texts, still propose to consider them outside the Russian literary language. A detailed analysis of the available views on the problem of the status of these formations, both from the point of view of the language norm, and from the point of view of the actual grammatical system, see [Moores 2010: 17-20].

As for the restrictions on the formation of the actual valid communities of the present time from the verbs of the NSV, it can be noted that there are very few such restrictions in Russian.

Communion of the present time, which is natural, are not formed from those few verbs of the NSW, which have no personal forms of the present time (cf. * drawingand * i breathe).

Further, in modern Russian, the word is practically not consumed in the function of communion. sunny, that is, the actual communion of the present time from the verb be. Archaic is the use of words sunnyprecisely as communion of verb beas in Example (2); adjective sunny 'True, very similar' (cf. surface merry, Baby, Bulk kopecks) Continues to be used in modern texts very regularly.

Also, as shown, in particular, in [Refrodilova 2009: 29], [Refrodilov, in print], in Russian there is a tendency to avoid valid communities of the present time from verbs be able to(mighty) I. to want(want). Not being grammatically impossible, the corresponding communities nevertheless constitute a fundamentally less share of these verbs, than the actual communion of the present time in other verbs.

2. Semantics of valid communities of the present

In many cases, the traditional designation is "valid communion of this Time"- It is quite consistent with the semantics of these forms, i.e., these communities indicate the action, synchronous to the generation of text, see (1) above. However, in some cases, the actual communities of the present denotes situations, not synchronous the time of speeching:

(5) Tanya ... I saw a chain of geologists, going On wooden womb to a large green van. [IN. Aksenov. It's time, my friend, it's time (1963)]

In general, in the aspect-rated temporal plan, the spectrum of interpretation of these parties is very wide, they can be used in the designation of various situations - relevant-long, multiple (6), prospective (7), etc. (See about this, for example, [Princes 2007: 478-481]).

(6) My failure noticed I was not alone. Even leva marquin, not issue The case of praise me, this time was silent (I. Grekova. Department), is given in [Prince 2007: 478]

(7) The windows were completely blue. And in the blue area, two remained exit The latter, - Mumylayevsky and Karas (M. Bulgakov. White Guard), is provided in [Prince 2007: 479]

In many ways, precisely because of such a mobility of aspectual temporal interpretation in the framework of the system of valid commiments of the present time, formed from the verbs of the NWS, are often described as a kind of "unmarked member" [Isachenko 1965/2003: 542]. Indeed, in order to understand what value express With these forms, it is necessary to consider them not in isolation, but within the framework of the paradigm in which they enter, comparing them with other forms that saying can consume in speech. Therefore, a detailed description of the aspectsal, temporal and taxi potential of these forms is provided in the general section of the actual partition / p.3. Contrasting the actual communities of the present and past time.

In addition, it should be noted that in most cases, the actual communities of the present time, as well as other valid communities, are relatively relative to and in this sense, their semantics is meaningfully considered in a number of other structures capable of performing this function (see Actual Partition / p.4 . Valid communion in a number of means relating to the subject). The mansion in this sense is the actual communion of the present with the postfix - siaexpressing passive value (see Pledge). They are meaningfully compared with the suffering pieces of the present time (see Supporting Communion / p.1.6. Competition of the suffering communities of the present time and valid communities of the present time of return verbs with a passive value).

3. Transition of valid communcies of the present time to other parts of speech

3.1. Adjusting the actual communities of the present

Adjustment, that is, the loss of the seaside from the verb paradigm and turning it into a separate adjective lexemese, does not affect the entire class of seizures equally, but individual involvement (see Communion / p.5.2. Adjustment of communities). Nevertheless, there are general semantic trends characteristic of large groups of adjective communcies. For real sections of this time, this trend is mainly reduced to the loss of components of the value associated with a certain localization in time, and the development of the uzual, potential or "timeless" semantics (i.e. "generic meaning"); In other words, the addendative actual communities of the present time usually develops the ability to designate stable signs of objects. This path of development is considered in. A special occasion of the same trend can be considered the development of the metonymic use of adjective communcies considered in. A few more cases of adjectives, externally reminiscent of the communities, are considered in.

3.1.1. Adjectives with the value of the ability or function

The general trend towards the development of adjective forces of timeless semantics (see) manifests itself, in particular, in the formation of adjectives with the value "capable of producing action", denoted by producing verb (8) [Lopatin 1966: 41], and "employee intended for execution Actions "[ibid] (9), see also [Grammar 1980 (1): 666].

(8) wrote stunning dissertation about Chekhov. And here it was recommended to do my essays. [FROM. Dovlatov. Translated pictures (1990)]

(9) radiation from computers, suspend of harmful painting Powder from office equipment, tobacco smoke + smoke - all this is the cause of your headaches at the end of the working day. [Gift (2005)]

Adjective values \u200b\u200bof these types are especially characteristic of incomplete verbs ( flying saucer, playing coach, crispy crust); However, they are also possible for transient verbs, but in this case such communities are used in most cases without direct addition, as in Example (9), see the discussion in [Lopatin 1966: 41]. The combinations of real sections of the present in the adutest values \u200b\u200band the names of names are demonstrated by high productivity, in particular, in the field of technical terminology: cutting tool, Paint substance[Lopatin 1966: 41-42].

The problem arising from the analysis of such uses is that in many cases the personal forms of the present time of the corresponding verbs are also in principle can be used in the value of the timeless feature, properties or ability, CP. (9) and (10):

(10) there is a pencil such, he krasites with eyeliner effect. [Beauty, Health, Recreation: Beauty (Forum) (2005)]

Thus, the difference in such cases is primarily quantitative: finite forms of verb paint Much more often used to denote the situation localized in time, although they can denote the timeless ability, and the forms of adextivable communion painting- On the contrary. In a number of works, in which adaptation is understood as a gradual process, involved, demonstrating among semantic signs of adaptation only to the loss of binding to a specific point of time, are interpreted as "communion in the meaning of adjectives." Thus, such formations are still treated as communion, that is, units that did not lose touch with the verb paradigm and not transferred to the adjective class [Lopatin 1966: 41-43], [Grammar 1980 (1): 666]. Sometimes in the literature, three- or even four-level classification is used: for example, in [Sazonov, 1989] are opposed simply the communion, the "stative lexical values \u200b\u200bof the involved forms", the communion in the adjective meaning and adjectives, homonymous metals [Sazonov 1989].

NOTE. V. V. Lopatin, among other things, discusses the actual communities of the present time from denominative verbs on - update themselves: fascidious, hooligan, aestheticetc. Despite the recognition that such education often occur in occasionally, without consolidating in the language of the relevant verbs in the finite forms, V. V. Lopatin comes to the conclusion that such education should still be interpreted exactly as communion, let them implement only " Adjective values \u200b\u200b"[Lopatin 1966: 43]. End of Notes

The development of timeless readings is very typical for the actual communities of the present time and to some extent can be recognized by their inheritant property.

NOTE. However, such a scenario of semantic development is still not fully unlimited and largely predetermined by the semantic properties of the verb. This problem is considered in detail in [Bogdanov 2011: 121-126], where it is difficult to accurately ("generic" in the author's terminology) reading for the actual communities of the present for two groups of verbs.

1. For some untile ("Neakkuctive" in the author's terminology) non-transparent verbs. So, it is argued that with the help of the group current substanceit may only be a substance that flows into some relevant moment of time, and not just the ability to flow. Combination, for example, speaking monstercomprising a gential verb party speakmay designate a monster that can speak, but not necessarily speaking at a particular point. For many non-indentative verbs there are pseudo-shifts ending on - chii.which always have a generic reading (cf. teeth substance).

2. For transient verbs belonging to the class "Verb results", opposed class transition "Fashion verbs". So, it is argued that the name group reading man(to read -the verb of the method, it describes a certain type of Agens action, but does not indicate any change in the state of the second participant - patients or, in other terminology, themes) can send to a person who has the ability or a tendency to read, but not reading at any point of observation while personal group cooking man(cook- The verb of the result, it implies a change in the state of the patient, but does not specify the nature of the action of Agens) can only have an episodic interpretation, that is, it necessarily refers to a person who cooks something in some relevant point of observation. The main difficulty with empirical testing of this hypothesis lies in non-obviousness of the opposition of the verbs of the method and the result. So, for example, it is unclear whether the verbs can be considered drink or feed Fashion verbs (communion feeding and drinkingundoubtedly can develop generic values \u200b\u200baccording to the described model, Wed. nursing mother, Drinking husband).

Restrictions on the possibility of generic, timeless interpretation of valid communcies of the present require further study. End of Notes

3.1.2. Adjectives with metonimic shift

Adjusting the actual communities of the present may also be accompanied by metonimical Transfer. We are talking about the situation when, with the help of the adecutable, the tracca or property is attributed to the participant in the situation, which could actually be in the position of the corresponding verb subject to at the finite form, and some kind of related participant, often a thorough attribute of an animated participant:

(11) - end-to-end, heal, - said the pilot understanding Tone, taking a gymnaster in Sintzov and taking his shirt flap. [TO. Simonov. Live and dead (1955-1959)]

(12) It was difficult to imagine that these animals wear legs, and not wings, so the air is easier sliding, sophisticated Tread. [R. Stillmark. Calcutta heir (1950-1951)]

It is clear that a person animated creature may have the ability to understand, for example, a pilot, and the tone of the voice in this case is characterized as such that belongs to a person with such a ability (cf. the pilot understands – *ton understands, animals sneeze – *fight steps).

3.1.3. Adjectives on - ace / -as setincomprehensible with verb

Adjustment is even more noticeable in cases where the unit having the shape of the communion does not relate at all within a sense directly with the verb, from which it could be produced, Wed. exhaustive explanation, outstanding scientist(Wed * * explanation exhausts, *the scientist is issued).

Finally, it can be noted that there are also such undoubted adjectives in Russian, which in their composition suffixes typical for the actual communities of the present time, despite the corresponding verbs in the system of the tongue, CP. previous, present.

NOTE. Cf. Also adjectives long unsold, pag, externally reminiscent of the communion, but in reality they are not and, apparently, have never been. It should also be mentioned by the existence of a small amount of adjectives, which in its composition, the suffixes coincide with the suffixes of the real sections of the present time, but formed from other adjectives and expressing the significance of the severity of the trait: great, Long, clever, cunning. A separate interesting group form the integral adjectives Essential, stronger, firstThe resulting, probably due to the contamination of the involved suffix and forms of excellent degree (cf. the most important, stronger, first). End of Notes

3.1.4. Adjectives with formal differences from the respective communcies

Some of the adjectives resembling communities are characterized by falling out / j / and the spraying of vowels compared to the expected regular communion: walking, Sent, and also maybe industrious. Sent - admitted in the Russian literary language adjective with the meaning 'having knowledge in a certain area competent'. At the same time, according to the regular rules from the obsolescent, but sometimes consumed verb to negotiate 'Have knowledge to deal with the sacrament miscaling (cf. suggest). This formation occasionally occurs in the texts of the body until the middle of the XX century, is also mainly in the adactive value 'competent':

(13) the first volume, along with a positive assessment of its most geeky "Saltyukovdami" (which is very little), met, of course, unfavorable attitude from newspaper critics (which are very much). [R. V. Ivanov-Obseyn. Prisons and links (1934-1944)]

"Changed" forms sometimes characterize the spaticrous or conversational options of words related by origin with communities, Wed. neighborhood(instead of literary following). Educated according to the rules Activities of the present time from the verb walkwalking(cf. walk), and the integral (or imitating the surprise) walking Used as an adjective with the value 'Slutric, idle'.

3.1.5. Adjective composites with a particular component

Also composites (formation obtained by philanthropy) are also among the addendative formations associated with gentlemen), in which the first element corresponds to any dependent source verb, and the second one is in the form of the actual selection of the present time: expensive, perishableetc. (See Discussion in [Bogdanov 2011: 165-201]). A special subclass of such formations is the words in which the first component corresponds to the name that could be used in the position of direct additions with the corresponding transition verb: metal cutting (cf. cuts metal), woodworking (cf. processes a tree). As V. V. Lopatin notes, such composites are frequent in the field of technical terminology; Their education compensates for the discussed inability of adetected valid genthesis of transient verbs to be combined with direct additions [Lopatin 1966: 42].

3.2. Substantative of valid communities of the present

According to this wrong verb, it can be seen that the severity of the present time is formed from the same basis as the personal forms of the plural. The same, apparently, it could be said about another similar verb with an unstable basis in a presenter paradigm - to give. This verb refers to the tremendous form and, accordingly, does not have a regulatory actual communion of the present (see). However, there is an abnormative communion with a value of a future time. long (about 20 uses in Google). Thus, the carriers of the Russian language and in this case choose the option of the base that is characteristic of the forms of the plural number (CP. dust, but dad-Ut.).

The possibility of education of the severitions of the future time is associated with a number of factors, more precisely, the formation of these forms, and in general the peripheral, can be additionally limited to the verbs of some of the injection classes, for the verbs of certain methods of action, etc. Such factors are studied in detail in [Vlakhov 2010: 26-40].

Interestingly, in the verb paradigm beonce included a unique interaction of the future time, namely actually future; However, in modern Russian word futurealso used exclusively as an adjective.

This fact fits into the typological trend of the reduction of non-infinite forms in modal verbs (see about this side of grammarization, for example).

L. P. Kalakutskaya notes that the actual communities of the present time relatively rarely denote such actions that coincide on the duration with the action indicated by the reference form, and much more often refer to situations whose duration of which wider Actions expressed by the reference form: Levin found his wife to sad and bored (L. N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina) [Kalakutskaya 1971: 61-62]. Such a situation, according to L. P. Kalakutskaya, and creates prerequisites for the development of values \u200b\u200bof a timeless basis and, thus, adaptation.

For some of these formations it is difficult to establish how exactly their first part correlates with the structure of the dependent verb, which gives the basis for the second part, CP. fundamental, electromotive, livelance, mining, life-affirming.