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Renovable verbs in Russian 4. What is significant parts and how to determine a return or non-reflective verb

Returnable verbs called verbs that have postfix xia (s): come back, dreamed, tend to start. The remaining verbs are called non-return: watch, read, eat, run.

Transitional and non-transparent verbs.

Transition verbs are verbs pointing to an action that goes to another subject or face. This subject or face can be expressed:

By name nouns in the parental case without an excuse: cut off sausages, drink compote.

With the name of the noun (or pronoun) in the vinegenial case with a free relationship: reading the sun, to count sheep.

By name by nouns or pronoun in the parental case with denial, but also without an excuse: not to have rights .

The remaining verbs are considered to be uncomplicable: the bed is lying, look into the darkness, sunbathing under the sun.

The verbs of the perfect and imperfect species.

Verbs perfect species indicate completion, performance, limb, or its beginning and answer the question "What to do?": To take away, run away, stuff, sing, rush, rip. The verbs of the perfect species have two forms of time: past (what did you do? - Skazcakali) I. future Simple (what will do? - Prikachut). Verbs perfect speciesdont Have forms of present.

Verbs of imperfect species indicate the flow of action, but do not indicate its completion, result, beginning or end and answer the question "What to do?": Running, jumping, singing. The verbs of the imperfect species have three forms of times:

Past (what they were doing? - watched, listened);

The present (what do? - Look, listen);

Future difficult (what will do? - will read, watch).

The syntactic role of the verb.

Verb in the sentence most often performs the role of the tame. But infinitive verb May act as different members of the sentence:

Subject to: Live - So breathe;

Compound lean: I i'm going to do at the Faculty of Philology;
Definition: I had a sharp desire go out on the air;
Addition: Mother asked me come true nearer.
Circumstance goal: Grandma sat down back.

Give the definition of the application.

application - This is a definition expressed by the nouns agreed with the defined word in the case, for example: Tuchka's golden on a rock-giant breast. Applications may indicate various quality of the subject, pointing at age, nationality, profession and other signs, for example: Grandma-old woman from the window looks. In case there is a definable word, which is also a nominal noun next to the application, which is also a noun, they are usually united by a hyphen: a carpet aircraft, a monk-ascetic.

When the noun it should be named, the hyphen is not set (Boxer Ivanov), but there are combinations in which the nominal goes for the name of its own, then there is a hyphen between them: the Volga-Mother, Moscow-River, Ivan-Durak, the nightingale-robber. The application is usually coordinated by the case with a defined word. There are exceptions in which the application can be put in a case, different from the defined word: is the names - names of own and nicknames. If an application facing the main word can be replaced by a single adjective, then the hyphen after the application is not put. For example: "Old Watchman" (the app - the old man, the main word of the watchman, the old man can be replaced with the "old" - old watchman), and a watchman-ancient (a hyphen is put, because the application and the main word are nominal). Examples of typical applications (highlighted in italics): Volodya, excellent, first raised his hand. Ivan-shepherd driving cows over the field.

Example examples:

Names - Names Own, usually allocated with quotes. Here is an identifier case, regardless of the form of the defined word.

Names of printing bodies, literary works. In the newspaper "Kommersant". In the novel "Young Guard".

Names of enterprises. At the plant "Red Sormovo". Capture of the Yukos company.

Nicknames. The prosecution was filed by Misha two percent. Vsevolod has a big nest there were eight sons.

Does not put a hyphen after the words that are generally accepted appeals: a citizen of the FininSpector! I'm sorry to trouble you.

In some non-transparent and recurrent verbs formed from them, we are talking about the same situation, for example: something drawn away away and something black away. True, in the overwhelming majority of situations to understand what the irrevocative verb means and how it looks "in life," you can, turning attention to the fact that the verbs are returnable and irrevocative indicate completely different moments.

The separation of verbs on return and irrevocatively developed in Russian completely regardless of their separation into transition and non-propelled, mortgage and independent. It does not coincide with any one of one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transition and pledge: it is the uncompressiveness of the verb, but only a returned form can be provided with collateral correction.

  • Shift, dress, swim (action is aimed at himself);
  • Came, hug, quarrel (a mutual return action, which is performed by several entities relative to each other);
  • Rejoice, sadness, upset (physical or mental state of the subject);
  • The fabric is taking the cat scratching, nettle burns (constant property, subject matter);
  • Build, get to get (indirect return action committed by the subject in its own interests);
  • I want to be felt (impersonal action).

Return to verbov. - The grammatical category of verbs, indicating in the direction (or non-directional) called the verb of action or state to the subject. Return and non-returning verbs in Russian - these are the hidden forms of verbs, which differ in the presence or absence of returned postfixes - I / -O., as well as on shades of value.

Return and non-return verbs

The division of verbs on non-returnable and returnable established in Russian without reference to the division of verbs for transitional and non-propelled, mortgage and independent. It does not fully coincide with any other, although it is associated with the categories of transition and pledge: the affix is \u200b\u200ban indicator of the uncompressive verb, and only return forms of the verb give pledge correction.

The category of collateral is one of the most complex problems of Russian grammar. The linguistic scientists determine the content of this category in different ways, and therefore the question of the number of pledges is solved differently: some numbers up to 17 pledges, others generally deny the availability of collateral.

What are the return and non-returnable verbs

All return verbs are non-transparent. This is their overall grammatical property. Therefore, like other non-transparent verbs (non-returnable), they cannot control the vinitive case of nouns with the value of the direct object and do not form the suffering communcies.

Content What is the return of verbs. Return glasses shades of return verbs The formation of return verbs. Non-return verbs test What is the return of verbs. The return of verbs is the grammatical category of verbs, indicating in the direction (or non-directional) called the verb of action or state of the subject. Return and non-refundable verbs in Russian are the hidden forms of verbs, which differ in the presence or absence of return postfixs, are / -ed, as well as in shades of value.

Return and non-return - 1. The variants of the type far white sail - flew white sail (with returnable and non-refundable forms of verb, having the same meaning "to be seen by its color, stand out") differ in the fact that in the return verb, the specified sign ... ... Hand drawing and stylistics reference

Forms of communion - 1. From the options, the wages - the bothered, acquired - acquired, the foard - the seasoned first is used in the book speech, the second is in conversational. 2. Smart verbs with a suffix well type to go out, mock, dry (see § 172 ... ... Spelling and Stylistics Handbook

Return and non-return verbs in Russian

How is the fireman or fireman? In the modern Russian language, the word fire and fireman, denoting fighters of fire protection, are synonymous. An adjective fireman is derived from a noun fire. In the word, the fireman designate a detachment, a signal, hose - all that belongs to fires.

How does the word written to ponostalgate? Writing unstressed vowels in the Word Ponostalgrate should be remembered or to check the spelling dictionary. The verb to ponostalgate has a number of unstressed vowels in the root of the word. The impact is a verb suffix: in his education, this verb has passed a number of steps: nostalgia - nostalgic - to ponostalgate.

What is significant parts and how to determine the return or non-refundable verb

Tell me what is significant parts of the verbs? Everything is simple, these are all the components of its morphemes. One of these important particles of any verb will suffix: Smiling, smiling, l; as well as bases: infinitive, present. (Splashing - to be soldered, sat down - crowded, drink - cry, lie down - the thread, it was Polyzal; to speak - say, do not care - splash - the basis of the infinitive; they are carrying - carried, painted - digging - the basis of the present time).

Two words are given: run and stroll. We produce collapse in composition. 1st ch.: Beug - root; - the end, suffix smiling and smiling There is no available. 2nd Ch.: Prefix; rul-root; -t - ending; Oh, postfix (which indicates return). Also, all non-returnable are both transitional and non-transparent, and their "counterparts" are only non-transparent.

What is non-returnable and returnable

Since the entry into force of new amendments, passengers got acquainted with a new term - "non-return tickets", for which prices are reduced (approx. - in the inner directions) almost on ¼. You will not turn out such a ticket before departure, you will not succeed - after all, most likely, it will simply do not have time to realize his airline, which means an empty place in an airplane and losses for the carrier.

Not always life goes according to plan. There are often cases when it makes your own adjustments to the scheduled events, and even beats the pocket. For example, when you have to cancel flight, having non-refundable tickets in your hands. On the one hand, such tickets are much more profitable, on the other, it is impossible to pass them back at the "force majeure".

Morphology of the Russian Literary Language *

Depending on the presence or absence of grammatical signs in the verbs indicating the incompleteness of the process, the verbs in Russian are divided into two discharges: the verbs are returnable and non-returnable. In other words, the verb division to return and non-returnable is determined by whether or not the most form of the verb, which is not addressed to them, is not directed to the direct object, which is expressed by nouns in the wines. Pad. without an excuse.

Suffering denoting that the action is drawn by any acting person on a verbal object determined by the verb, which is thus the object of action. With such a value, return verbs are used primarily with inanimate nouns, and the acting person in this case is expressed by animated nouns in the articulated case: the house is painted with painters, the locomotive is controlled by a driver, the task is solved by students, the model is designed by engineers etc. However, it should be noted that this kind of turnover with the workful case of the acting person is quite artificial book formations and are relatively small. More commonly use of return verbs in the suffering value without specifying the manufacturer of action, in distraction from it: Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done, the floors are soared once a week, new cities are built et al., But in this case, the suffering is not so brightly detected and may be lost at all, Wed: The task is solved by students and The task is solved (can be solved), Linen is erased by laundry and Linen is poorly erased (does not become clean, white), etc.

What you need to know about return and irrevitory air tickets

The cost of return tickets is always higher. For example, to book in Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Rome on August 11 in a non-return tariff, it will have to pay 14,890 rubles. For comparison, the airline has two return tariffs - "Economy Optimum" worth 18,155 rubles (and 70 euros will hold for return) and "Economy Premium" worth 22,640 rubles (in this case, the return and exchange will be free).

After the establishment of changes to the Air Code introduced the so-called non-refundable tickets. The authorities believed that innovations would create a favorable ground for the development of Lookers in Russia. However, all carriers made non-returnable cheapest flights. In addition, tariffs in the market have become more flexible - not only non-returnable and non-displaceable tickets appeared, but also providing for a flight without luggage. As a result, flying in the inner directions has become about 25% cheaper.

The main values \u200b\u200bof postfix - Xia

IN depending on the presence or absence of a return postfix - Verbs divided by return and non-return.

Returns - These are verbs having a postfix -Ye- (-s-).

For example:

swim, smile, hope

Non-return - These are verbs who do not have postfix -You- (-s-).

Some verbs in modern Russian have correlation pairs in the category of return - non-return.

The task:


wear - get dressed, bathe - swim, see - see

Other verbs of such correlative pairs do not have.

The task:


smile, hope, tumbling;

Go, sit down, mourge

Return postfix -Ye- (-s-) can give the verb form various semantic meanings :

1) Self-return value when the subject and the object on which the action is directed, coincide in one person ( wash, swim, dress).

For example:

I wash my face

2) Return value When each of two actors acts at the same time as a subject, and as an object.

For example:

1. Friends met and fraternally embraced.

2. and new friends well hug, well kiss

3) Proper value When the action does not go to anyone, but closes in the subject itself.

For example:

He got angry.

We are offended

Such verbs, as a rule, express the inner mental state of a person.

4) Impact return value e, when the action referred to is the property of this subject.

For example:

The dog bites.

Cow is coming.

Cat is scratched.

Nettle burns

End of work -

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Grammatical classes of words in modern Russian

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All the themes of this section:

Explanatory note
In the section "Modern Russian language: morphology", according to the state educational standard, the following topics should be studied: - introduction to morphology

Type of work Thoughtfulness, h. Total labor intensity Auditing work

Grammar is one of the most ancient sciences on Earth (like mathematics, geometry, physics, logic). It originated in the IV century BC. (over 2500 years ago) in ancient

In Russian
In traditional Russian grammar, it was made to allocate 10 parts of speech: 6 independent, 3 official and special part of speech - interomotion. Part of the speech characterize: 1) general meaning, 2) morphologic

Grammatics (from Grech. Grammatike) - a section of linguistics learning the structure of the word and suggestions of one or another language. Grammar consists of two parts: morphologist

The name of the noun - these are words having a lexico-grammatical value of objectivity. For example: house, horse, youth, walking, sleep, white

In their lexical significance, the nouns in Russian are customary to divide into four categories: - concrete; - real; - Sobir

The concept of the noun as part of speech
Exercise 1 Rewrite, inserting nouns instead of points in the sense. 1. The solemn arms were arranged in the army.

Bottoms of nouns on lexical significance
Exercise 5 Find among these words a nouns of a certain discharge and distribute them into groups: - Specific; - Things

Noun nominal and own
Exercise 6 Explain why the names of the months: January, February, March, etc. - are not their own names. Exercise 7 from Mars two Lou

The name of the noun - these are words having a lexico-grammatical value of objectivity. Specific noun

Qualitative adjectives and their signs
Qualitative adjectives denote the qualities and properties of items directly. For example: Wide river capable of a student

Relative adjectives and their signs
Relative adjectives indicate signs of items not directly, but by their relationship to other subjects. They can have a different meaning value

Their signs
The attracted adjectives indicate the belonging to some object to a certain person or an animal. For example: fathers (house), mother

Transition of adjectives from one discharge to another
Adjectives can move from one discharge to another. For example: relative adjectives can go to the category of high-quality: Stone House

Their signs
Qualitative adjectives may have two forms - complete and short. Brief form

High-quality adjectives have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and excellent. Positive degree - u

And their signs
Exercise 5 is not always easy to carry out a clear line between adjective qualitative and relative, since relative adjectives, consumed in portable sn

Mattering adjectives and their signs
Exercise 8 Find the attracted adjectives with suffixes -in, -s. Specify, in what case and what number they cost, what is the end of them. Like it is the endings of creatures

Full and brief adjectives and their signs
Exercise 21 Read and specify brief and complete adjectives used in the composite name of the fag. Note the cases of abnormative consumed

Degree of comparison of adjectives
Exercise 33 rewrite, forming from adjectives, data in brackets, form of degrees of comparison, simple or composite. (Performing an exercise, keep in mind that simple forms are compared

The adjective name is part of speech that means a sign of an object (color, quality, size, age, the material from which the subject is made, etc.

The numeric name is part of the speech expressing the value of the amount (number). For example: one, one hundred, forty, seven names numen

In grammar, two digitative discharge is distinguished: quantitative and ordinal. Quantitative numerals

The declination of numerals
A quantitative numerical one, which detects a number of grammatical signs, bringing it closer to the name of adjective as part of speech, is inclined using the end

The concept of numeral name as part of speech
Exercise 1 Which of the highlighted words is numerical? 1. Prash, kind, hand! Full glass of leisure! And swaying hundredpigrams on the cheap and friend

Lexico-grammatical discharges
Exercise 5 Task: Read the following note and comment on it. Note: B.

The declination of numerals
Exercise 8 Prove that the seventh changes in the same way as gray, big, blue. Exercise 9 rewrite, choosing the necessary numeral and putting them in with

Numeric name is part of speech expressing the value of the amount (number); these are words responsible for the question how much?) or the order of items with the score (responded by

The problem of pronouns is one of the most complex problems of grammar. Pronouns on tradition are defined as part of speech, which indicates objects, when

By the nature of the functions performed (i.e., the pronoun is divided into eight functional-semantic discharges: 1.

By grammatical properties, locomotive words are usually divided into three discharges: 1. Subjectual pronouns (M

Declination of pronoun
Placement adjectives are inclined as ordinary adjectives (which is old; what kind of factory). Plain numerals are inclined

The concept of pronoun as part of speech
Exercise 1 Read and specify which errors are allowed to use the pronouncements of the 3rd person. Correct and rewrite. 1. Kalashniko

Functional and semantic divergens of pronoun
Exercise 9 Read and specify whether the forms of the plural number of personal pronouns of the 3rd face are used correctly. Rewrite by making the necessary corrections. & N.

Grammar discharges of pronoun
Exercise 14 Who is that - locomotive nouns; What, whose placed adjectives? Prove it. Exercise 15 how many and

Declination of pronoun
Exercise 17 Negative pronouns are so combined with pretexts: there was no one - no one was, did not say anyone - he did not go to anyone, no one was noticed -

The pronouns on tradition are defined as part of speech, which indicates objects, signs and quantities, but does not call them (who, you, this, some, a few).

Topics plan
one. . 2.. 3. Return and non-returning verbs. The main values \u200b\u200bof postfix

The concept of the verb as part of speech
The term "verb" itself has an old Slavonic origin. In ancient Russian language, the verb means "word" in the sense. Verb is the largest part

Infinitive as an initial form of verb
If the nouns of the initial form is the form of a nominal case of a single number, then the initial form of verb is infinitive

The category of incubateness is a constant grammatical category of verb. It expresses the attitude of the action indicated by the verb to the object. Everything

Category of leaning verb
In contrast to the verb categories considered by us, the category of inclination is a non-permanent grammatical category of verb, i.e. on the inclination of the verb in Russian is

Face category verb. Impersonal verbs
The category of the verb face expresses the action produced by the subject to the speaking person. On persons change only the verbs of the present and future time. Verbs last

Conjugation of verbs
The change in the verbs of the present and future time on persons in the only and multiple face is called the Hisiony. Last time verbs in with

In addition to infinitive, special unqualified forms of verb are communion and verbalia. Participle

The concept of the verb as part of speech
Exercise 1 Explain why it is necessary to assume that the adjective (brief form), and was able to know the verb. Compare:

Infinitive as an initial form of verb
Exercise 5 Read the fairy tale "Infinitives". I look at the infinitives how the verbs are hidden, and says: - Oh, if you need to hide? - A K.

Return and non-return verbs.
The main values \u200b\u200bof the postfix - Exercise 10 turns with a cooling case of the acting person are sometimes stylistically not

Transitional and non-transparent verbs
Exercise 21 Read the text. From hunting stories it happened on the river bank. My dog \u200b\u200bstumbled upon a hare. The shore was obstrusive

Category of the type of verb
Exercise 25 The grammatical value of the form becomes clearer if it is connected with reality phenomena. The student (student) will understand what the value of the perfect species is, if it is clear

Glagol time category
Exercise 99 Compare the formation of the last time form among different groups of verbs. What basis do they form? With what affixes? What verbs the value of the past time

Conjugation of verbs
Exercise 109 in the verbs want, to run most of the endings of the II of the Hidness. What graduations violate this order in the verbs want and run?

Communion as an unplegible verb
Exercise 115 Find in the text of the communion. Choose one of them and prove that it has signs of verb and adjective. Come up with this commander the offer to change

Temploying as an unqualified verb shape
Exercise 150 with each height with explanatory words are given two suggestions. Choose, with some of these proposals you can associate verbatility. Make up offer and write down.

The verb is the most part of speech in the grammatical system of the modern Russian language. This is a significant part of speech, denoting the action or state to

Concept of adveria as part of speech
Instant is part of speech expressing the grammatical general sector value of a sign of action, state or other feature (writing quickly and beautifully,

Lexico-grammatical discharges
When classifying, two features are taken into account: - function in the proposal; - type of values \u200b\u200bof adverbs.

The degree of comparison of Nasrachchi
As with the adjectives, the category of degrees of comparison of the shortcoming is formed by opposition to the three forms: a positive, comparative and excellent degree. Forms of degrees comparing

Exercises for independent work
Note: Exercises are performed by the selection of the teacher, can be used in practical classes and recommended to perform a home task. UP

Instant - this is part of speech expressing the grammatical general-sector value of a sign of action, state or other feature (writing quickly and beautifully, the child is very

Features of the category of status as part of speech
The state category (impersonal-predicative words) is part of the speech expressing the general studio value of the state of living beings, nature, the environment in grammatical

Categories of state
Quality impersonal predictive words indicate the condition of living beings and the environment: the emotional and mental state of the person (sad, weight

Unchanging parts of speech
In modern Russian, along with previously discussed seven, seven independent parts of speech, which have a more or less unfolded word-substitution paradigm (including Nara


Particles are usually called the service part of speech, transmitting the shades of lexical and syntactic values \u200b\u200bspecifying and specifying the importance of lexical and

Exercise 1 Think why words but, or can not be considered pretexts. Exercise 2 with a dutient case of pretexts:

Exercise 14 Read. Select particles that serve: a) for the formation of the word forms; b) to transfer different shades of the value of the entire supply or its member

The pretext is the service part of the speech used as a means of syntactic subordination of nouns (as well as pronoun) in other words in the proposal and phrase

Unproductive part of speech
Interdomitics are called a relatively unproductive part of the speech, which in itself is, like modal words, the special structural and semantic type of words and expresses (

Modal words - this is a special part of speech, the general sector value of which is reduced to the transfer of various subjective-modal relations of speaking to what and how

The final form of control of knowledge, skills and skills on the discipline "Modern Russian language: Morphology" is an exam. The exam is performed orally, the student is offered two

Foundation for checks for discipline
"Modern Russian language: morphology" (for students of the specialty "Journalism") Note: Foundation of the control tasks is designed to control

List of conventional abbreviations
ADB. - F. Abramov Already. - V. Azhaev Aks. - S.T. Aksakov A.K.T. - A.K. Tolstoy Andr. - L. Andreev A.N.S. - A.N. SO

Information about researchers in the Russian language
Buslaevfoordor Ivanovich (13 (2514.1818, Kerensk, now p. Vadinsk Penza region. - 31.7 (12.8) .1897, pos. Liulino of the Moscow Lips., Now in Moscow) - Rus. Philologist, Acad. Petersburg.

The main stages of the study of morphology
In the study of the morphological structure of the Russian language, four periods can be distinguished. The first period (the middle of the XVIII - middle of the XIX century) is associated with the name

V. V. Vinogradov
"Russian language (grammatical doctrine of the word)" (excerpt) 1. It is necessary to pay attention to the coented of some parts of speech to another, which is in school

The problem of parts of speech
(From the book P.S. Kuznetsova "On the principles of studying grammar") 1. The essential issue in morphology is the question of parts of speech,

I. In modern Russian, brief forms of high-quality adjectives are used only in the nominal part of the composite nominal faugible and are belonging

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Given the obvious grammatical heterogeneity of the pronoun, F.F. Fortunate, A.M. Peshkovsky, L.V. Scherba and many other scientists came to the conclusion that the pronouns did not constitute

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1. In the system of grammatical categories, in their content and structure, the essence and specificity of the grammatical structure of the language is reflected in the methods and forms of their expression.

Yu.T. Dolin
To the question of the grammatical nature of the form of type "clas" in the modern Russian form of the form of type, to hush, Batz both in Russian and in other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwere attracted and

Some tips on how to increase their
Literacy and in a joke, and seriously 1. Growing the pile gramistry according to Talkovam Slavy. 2. Between us speaking, case

Returnable verb.

Verb with affix - Стания (-E). The scope of the "Return Glag" concept and the concept of the "return form of the verb" is presented in different ways in theoretical studies and in educational literature. In some works ("Morphology of the modern Russian language" I. G. Golanova, school textbooks) Returning glages are called all verbs with affix (particle, suffix) - ourselves regardless of their origin and pledge: there are formations from transient verbs (wash, disappear, hug, etc., somewhere is considered as a forming affix), from non-transcendible verbs (to cry, get roaring, wake up, go through, etc., where is the word-forming affix) and verbs that are not without Used (fear, be proud, climb, hope to wake up, laugh, crowd, etc.). In other works (the academic "grammar of the Russian language"), return verbs are the verbs of the return pledge, in contrast to which the verbs with affix - who are not expressing the pledge, are called returning forms of the verb A; The latter attributed to the formation from non-transparent verbs (threatened, to ring, knock, etc.) and verbs that are not used without cm. above). In the third works (the university tutorial "Modern Russian language", Part II) returned verbs are independent lexical entities, in which Affix does not have a word-forming function (mess around, cracking, leaning, turning around, to take, break, pursue, knock, etc. D., be proud, hope, laugh, etc.), and returnable forms of verb - the formation in which the affax is fulfilling a forming function: these are the forms of the suffering pledge, preserving a lexico-semantic identity with transient verbs (a window washed with workers, street Plated by Komsomol members, etc.). The difference in the interpretation of terms "Returning Verb" and "Return Form of the Glag" is associated with a different understanding of the category of collateral ( cm. Pledge of verb.

Dictionary-directory of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkov M. A.. 1976 .

Watch what is a "Return Glag" in other dictionaries:

    Return, Aya, OE. 1. The same as the reverse (in 1 meaning) (statute). Let's hit the road. 2. Renewable, sometimes emerging again. V. Tif (acute infectious disease occurring in the form of attacks). 3. In grammar: 1) Returning verb denoting ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (gram.) See Returning Verb ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (Return | Réfléchi | Reflexiv | Reflexive | Riflessivo) Containing a return to the act of action. The return verb (Verbe Réfléchi) denotes that the action coming from the subject, again returns to it (Franz. Je Me Baigne "I bathe") ... Pyaspical dictionary of linguistic terms

    Return, return that where or to someone, turn, turn, give back, back; Let go home, put or put on the previous place. Return your health, your money, get back lost, return yourself. Return, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    This article or section needs recycling. Please improve the article in accordance with the writing rules of articles. Return pronouns part of speech, type of pronouns, expressing the direction of action on it producing it. Group ... ... Wikipedia

Schoolchildren and students-linguists need to be able to correctly determine the return of verbs. This is required to perform a morphological parsing, competent presentation of thoughts. There are a number of nuances that should be considered when determining the return of the verb. It is not enough just to remember that the return verb ends at ourselves or is it: a similar method of analysis is the reason for regular errors. It is important to understand the peculiarity of this morphological category of the verb.

Return as the category of verb
To correctly determine the return of the verb, you need to know exactly the features of the studied category.

Returnal verbs are a specific type of non-transparent verbs. They denote the action directed by the subject to themselves, have postfix. Postfix is \u200b\u200bpart of the word reflecting the historical changes in the Russian language. In the starlistan language, the postfix denoted the word "herself", performing the functions of pronoun.

Be sure to know that the return of the verb is directly related to the morphological category of transition. To begin with, find out whether the verb is transitional. Need to remember: the definition of the return of the verb takes time and should be based on the analysis of the word. The presence of postfix does not guarantee that the return verb is located in front of you.

Algorithm for determining the return of verb
The return of the verb is desirable to determine the specific scheme, then the probability of errors will noticeably decrease. You will need to own the main terms used in the course of the Russian language.

  1. First define the transition category of the verb. Recall the signs of transition and verb incubateness:
    • The transition verb denotes an action aimed at itself (subject). It is freely combined with a noun, which is in the vinegenic case, without an excuse. For example, do (what?) Task. A transient verb, since it is combined with a noun without an excuse, and the noun is in the visional case. To determine the transition, simply simulate the phrase, where there is a noun dependent on the analyzed verb in the visional case.
    • Uncomplicated verbs indicate the actions that do not turn to the object. Nouns can not be combined with such verbs in the vinegenic case without an excuse.
  2. If the verb is transitional - it is not a refund. The category of return for it at this stage is already defined.
  3. If the verb is non-transparent, you need to continue its analysis.
  4. Pay attention to the postfix. Postfix is \u200b\u200ba mandatory sign of a return verb.
  5. All return verbs are divided into 5 species.
    • Proper verbs are needed to express changes in the emotional state of the subject, its physical actions. For example, rejoice in hurry.
    • The verbs from the proper group indicate the action aimed at the subject. Thus, one person becomes an object and subject. For example, dress up - adjust yourself.
    • Mutual return verbs indicate the actions produced between several entities. Each subject is simultaneously an object of action, that is, the action is transferred to each other. For example, meet - meet each other.
    • The verbs from the group of undertaken returns indicate the actions that are inherent in the subject constantly. For example, metal melts.
    • Indirect-return verbs imply actions committed by the subject in their own interests for themselves. For example, stocking things.
    Try to determine what type of verb belongs to. Returning verb must be included in one of the groups.
  6. Please note: not always postfix is \u200b\u200b- a sign of a return verb. Check if the verb includes one of the groups:
    • Transition verbs reflecting the intensity of action. For example, knocking. Postfix enhances the intensity.
    • Verbs with an impersonal value. For example, do not sleep.
If the verb entered into one of the groups, it is not a refund.

If the verb did not approach any type of paragraph 6, but clearly belongs to one of the groups of paragraph 5 - it has a category of repayment.