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Praditive and valid communion of fry. What is communion in Russian

The verbs have a special combat form. For example: working, working (from the verb to work); Building, built (from the verb to build). Communion is such a form of verb, which has signs of both verb and adjective.

Like the adjective, the sacrament denotes a sign of the subject. But, in contrast to the adjective, the sacrament denotes such a sign of the subject, which indicates the action or state of the subject; working man, that is, the person who works; sleeping baby, i.e. that child that sleeps.

Communion has a number of signs of verb: 1) Communion happens this and past time: working - accommodation, worked - past time; 2) Communion can be perfect and imperfect: worked - imperfect species, worked - perfect view; 3) Communion can be refundable; wash 4) Communion requires the same case as other verb shapes: reading (what?) Book; Compare: read the book, read the book, read the book (but reading the book).

On the other hand, the communion has a number of signs of adjective: 1) the communion varies according to childbirth and numbers as adjective: Working, working, working, working (compare: Mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty);2) Communion is inclined as adjective: working working working etc.

In proposal, the main role of the sacrament is the same as adjective: it usually serves as a secondary sentence of a sentence (definition).

Actual and suffering communion.

Valid communities can form from the verbs of both transient and non-transparent. Praeling communities are formed only from transitional.

The actual sacrament is a communion showing a sign of that subject that produces or produced an action: a student drawing drawing, (or drawn) picture.

Praditive Communion is a communion showing a sign of that subject, which is experiencing an action from another person or subject: Picture drawn (or drawn) student.

Combusions of the perfect and imperfect species.

Real and suffering communities retain the kind of verb, from which they are formed: read-reading, read, readable (imperf. View); read-read, read (Certain view). At the same time, the communities of both the present and the past time are formed from the verbs of the imperfect species. And the verbs of the perfect species are formed only by the communion of the past.

The formation of valid communcies of this and past time.

I. The actual communities of the present time are formed from the basis of the present time with the help of suffixes - (- (-) for the verbs of the 1st lining, - (-schess-) for the verbs of the 2nd lingness.

1) Carried - Daving 2) Holding AT-Holding

Working-working species-yat - seeing boring-Xia - struggling buildings of Yat-Xia - under construction

II. The actual partitions of the past time are formed on the basis of an indefinite form with the help of a suffix - if the base ends onto the vowel sound, and the suffix -sh-, if the base ends on the consonant: read, read, see - saw, to carry - washing.

The actual communion of the present and the past time from return verbs retain a particle -What: fight-struggling; Fight - fantastic.

Conduct and generic gradation grades are the same as adjectives.

Note. Communions on (mighty lying)penetrated into a literary language from the Old Slavonic language. In ancient Russian language, the communities corresponded to - Which (mighty, lying),which later turned into ordinary adjectives, since. lost the value of the action time. Therefore, in Russian there are such pairs: standing-standing, current - flowing, stitching - spiny. The first word of each pair of Old Slavonic origin, the second - Russian.

The formation of the suffering communities of the present and past time.

Pralding communities are formed from transient verbs.

I. Paddative communities of the present time are formed on the basis of the present time with the help of a suffix - for many verbs of the 1st lining and suffix -im - for the verbs of the 2nd Hiding: china, read-eh; See, imagine-im.

Note. From some verbs of the 1st Hiding, the suffering communities of the present time are formed with the help of suffix -Oh: Ved-ut, Veda Om-th; Intended, inhales. These communities are book.

II. Paddentary communities of the past time are formed from the basis of an uncertain form of verb:

a) with the help of a suffix - if the basis of the indefinite shape of the verb ends on -And (s), -e: read-to-tight; Square - sown; The video is seen.

b) with the help of suffix -enn - (-nn-), if the base of the indefinite shape of the verb ends on the consonant sound or on and (and the suffix is \u200b\u200blow): break-thu - worn; baked baked; Coloring - painted; lit - illuminated; convincing-to-lucked; glorify-toned.

At the same time, the verbs of the 2nd linakes occur alternations of sounds (C-sh, Z, T - Ch, Dn, Vl, etc.).

c) from some verbs, the suffering communities of the past time are formed with the help of suffix - we are washed; Vyt - twit; Mijah - crumpled; throne - touched; terra-turtled; Replace - locked; Mo-mour - ground; Koloche - Koloty.

Notes. 1. To the verbs of the group c) include the verbs of the 1st lifting, if the basis of the indefinite form ends on and, s, y, oh, as well as I (a) alternating with N or M: WITH - WITTY, WITT - MOBLE, TRONE-TRONTHY, KOLO-T - COLISTY, MY-T (MN-Y) - crumpled, squeezing (so-y, sorry ) - compressed.

2. In the verbs, the basis of the indefinite form of which ends on -er-, the final e bases are skipped: tere-T - grated.

Brief form of suffering communities.

Paddative communities have two forms - full and brief: read - read; Open - Open.

The complete form of communion in the sentence is usually the definition. A brief form of persistent communion is not inclined and serves in the proposal to be tamed.

Compare: 1. Noise entangled fog forest. -Leshtan fog. (Word is shrouded - definition, and the word is shut-off - a sure.) 2. The children approached the open door. -The door is open. (The word open is a definition, and the word is open - the fault.)

Supporting communities of brief form are formed using a suffix - or less frequently.

Unlike the communions of the full form in brief communations, one n: read book - the book is read, painted floors - the floors are painted.

Declination of communities.

Communions of the full form have the same case in the end, as well as "adjectives.

The intersections of the past time are also inclined: fought, fighting, fighting etc.

Transition of communion into nouns and adjectives.

Communion can be used in the meaning of the usual nouns or adjective. For example, in sentences: 1. The workers of the USSR joyfully meet Prasnik May 1, 2. Students are preparing for Spring Tests - words students and workers have the meaning of nouns.

The communion that goes into the adjective loses time value and denotes the constant property of the item. Especially often transfers to the adjectives of past time. For example: baked bread, cheap barge. Such communions do not have explanatory words with them. Praeling communion without consoles that have turned into adjectives are written with one n. For example, wounded beast (compare: wounded a beast bullet); Burning bread (compare; well baked bread).

Padding communities with consoles are always written in two H (-nn-): frozen, reinforced, splitted, elected, brought up.Communion with suffix is \u200b\u200bhung, even if they switched to adjectives, also written with two sorgated team, qualified worker.

Spelling particles not With communities.

Particle not With communions in full form written separately, if the communion has an explanatory word with him.

Particle not It is written with communions to pry, if the communion does not have explanatory words with him.

To the garden led winding unclean track.

On the unknown meadow a little blooms ..

Nepherd A glass of milk standing on the table. To the garden led winding, Nobody is cleared track.

In the meadow not mowed collective farmers Dental flowers.

Not finished by a child A glass of milk standing on the table.

With communion in a brief form negation not Written separately: Work not Finished. Needed materials back not Collected.

Notes. 1. With the explanatory words denoting the degree (extremely very, completely, very, very, extremely et al.), not with the communion is written picked, for example: A completely unresolved question, an extremely illuminated act.

2. If not included in the amplifier denial not, not at all, not at all And others facing communion, the negation is not written separately, for example: a far from a deliberate decision, not a solved question.

Actual communion of present


introduce students with the methods of education of valid communcies of the present time;

teach find a studied speech.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

Syntactic disclation.

Passengers waiting for the boat on the pier.

Emphasize the grammatical basis of the offer.

Find the involuntary turnover, specify the defined noun.

Write down the communion. Specify the view, time, genus, number, the case of communion.

What kind of verb is a given partition formed?

Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

On the board hangs the Table "Hinding verbs".

How to determine the hinge of verbs?

Name the verbs-exceptions.

Consider Table and answer questions (p.42)

Make output : From what and with the help of what valid communities of the present time are formed.

Fastening the theme "Valid Time Combusions".

1) Record the verbs in the 3rd face MN.C. Two columns (1 lining and 2 lining), leaving a clean line every time:

Think, glue, shave, chant, treat, cherish, sow, love, build, repent.

To form from these verbs actual communities of the present time, sign in free lines.

Think glue

Thinking adhesive

Shave chas

Shaving chase

Cherish treat


Sow love

sing loving

Fight build


Output: The vowels in the suffixes of the actual communities of the present tense correspond to the vowels of the verb (in the 3rd lice of, from which they are formed.

If the actual sacrament is formed from the verb of the 2nd lining, in the suffix, we write -, which is, if, from the verb of the 2nd lining - -As- ,-.

2) Exercise 90 (commented letter).

Comment: The communion is not formed from the verb to build (because it is a verb of the perfect species)


1. In which row in both cases I am missing the letter?

1) Pen ... streams, herbs knee ... tsy

2) Having kenned ... tsya, poultry shrub ... t

3) Straw ... Looking, Looking ...

2. In which row in all words is written by the letter yu?

1) leaf ... the doctor, knowing ...

2) that ... Ice cream, boron ... athletes

3) moan ... in a dream dog, hung ...

3. In which row in both cases the letter yu is missing?

1) Soothing ... School music, not leaving you ... t alone

2) Hunters Running ... t, praised ... School bravery

3) Snoka ... Twilight, Steel ... Flooded Plant.

Summing up the lesson.

What new learned in the lesson?

From the fundamentals of which verbs is the actual communion of the present time are formed?

With what suffixes are the valid communion of the present time are formed?

7. Homework: learn the rule (p.43), exercises 93, 94.


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Valid communion of the present time Russian teacher MBOU SOSH No. 86 Obukhov Naila Nuryimanovna

Objectives: to introduce students with the methods of education of valid communcies of the present time; Teach find a studied speech.

Passengers waiting for the boat on the pier. Syntactic analysis of the sentence - emphasize the grammatical basis of the offer. - Find the involvement of the turnover, specify the defined noun. - Write down the communion. Specify the view, time, genus, number, the case of communion. - What kind of verb formed this communion?

To learn the hinge of the verb with an unstressed ending, you need to put the verb in the neopre. The shape and see what the verb end is over. E and in the endings of the verbs of the I and II of the Assumption 1 Hiding 2 Hiding User. h. Mn. h. 1lito, -You - and m 2 face - and s - and those 3 face - and T - and T, - I am t unless. h. Mn. h 1 hold-one, -Y - e m 2 PERSON - E SH - E THE 3 PERSON - E T - U T, YU T

Hear to see hate to drive to keep (and) not offend (and) to breathe to breathe (s) to endure (s) to endure the leaping of the verb to-take, - to do, -t, -t-it, -ti, - - shave, it includes all the verbs of the ones, except for +7 to be +4

The verbs of the suffixes of the valid communities of the present time the validity of fraction of the present time of the imperfect type of transitional and non-transparent SPR. I used to work smiled Sia 1 - (-t-) Caught the Caution Wear Juli Smil Yuschi breathants Breaths Krasyt 2 - (-Sy-) Great Ash

Make a conclusion: from what and with the help of what valid communities of the present time are formed. Task Write verbs in the 3rd face IMC. In two columns (1 Hinding and 2 Hiding), leaving every time a clean line: think, glue, shave, chant, treat, cherish, sow, love, build, repent. To form from these verbs actual communities of the present time, sign in free lines.

Think thinks yuschi junny breech yusch yu cherish rod yuschi sow ses yui kyati ka yyji glue glue shit Xi drive gon shutter yy treat far as in love lousy

Conclusion: vowels in the suffixes of valid communcies of the present time correspond to the vowels of the verb (in the 3rd face of, from which they are formed. If the actual communion is formed from the verb of the 1st lifting, in the suffix, we write - the glowing, if, from the verb of the 2nd lining - - is an increase.

5. Test task. In which row in both cases I am missing the letter? Pen ... streams, herbs Kijus ... tsya 2) Hands hold ... tsu, poultry shrub ... T 3) Strong building, review ...

2. In which row in all words is written by the letter yu? Leaf ... integral doctor, knowing ... Ice cream, boron ... athletes 3) moan ... in a dream dog, hung ...

3. In which row in both cases the letter yu is missing? Socious ... Sich Music, you do not leave you ... t alone 2) Hunters Running ... t, praised ... Song Bravery Song 3) Spada ... Twilight, Steel ... Flooded Plant. 3.

6. Summing up the lesson. What new learned in the lesson? From the fundamentals of which verbs is the actual communion of the present time are formed? With what suffixes are the valid communion of the present time are formed? 7. Homework: learn rule (p.43), exercises 93, 94

Sources: 1. N.V.Egorova Pourochny developments in the Russian language. Grade 7. - M.: Vako, 2006

If you do not know what communion is, then we first advise you to get acquainted with Article "" on this site.

Valid communion

Full sacrament - This is a communion that denotes a sign produced by the subject / object. Example: Girl jumping through the rope. The action makes the object "Girl" - she jumps through the rope.

Valid communities are present and past time. Consider at the examples:

  • Man writing news. Writing actual communion. Man writes news at the moment. Such intersices are formed from the verbs in the present time with the help of suffixes, which - (for the first rigging of verbs) and -s- ,- (for the second rigging of verbs).
  • A man who made a compliment. Done - valid grasp. The man has already made a compliment. There are such communities from the verbs in the past time with the help of suffixes -The-, -Sh-.

Padding communities

Persecutive fellowship - This is a communion that means a sign produced above one object or object actions of another. Example: Ship, built by village residents. Residents of the village performed an action over the ship - built it.

Praeling communities are present and the last time. Consider at the examples:

  • Chair broken by a student. Broken - personal Communion. The student produces an action on the chair - breaks it. Such interactions are formed from the verbs in the present time with the help of suffixes -th, -th- (for the verbs of the first auction) and -im- (for the verbs of the second conjugation).
  • Dog batted by the owner. Beaten - personal Time. The owner made an action on the dog - broke it. Such intersices are formed from the verbs in the past with the help of suffixes -nn-, -n, -t-, -the.

Divided into two large categories: independent and service. Among independent one of the most difficult for understanding is considered by the communion. The main difficulty for students and students is to divide the suffering and valid communities. In fact, this task will be for everyone who knows the identification features that all representatives of this part of speech are possessed. In order to distinguish the suffering and valid communities, you need to remember two non-hard formulas:

A) A valid communion serves to designate a sign of an object that makes an action.

B) Praditive, in turn, it is necessary to designate a subject of action, that is, that subject to which this action is directed.

Sometimes the actual communion is difficult to distinguish from suffering only in meaning. In this case, you need to pay attention to the grammatical and morpheme characteristics of the word. For the formation of this part of the speech, special suffixes - identifiers are used, according to which we can judge with confidence, the actual sacrament or the suffering communion see one.

Actual communion of present

Take its basis in the verbs of the present time (imperfect species) with the addition of suffixes -the, -the (for the I linguage) or-inventing (for encryption II). For example, the sacrament "Running" is formed from the verb of the Iluchery to run.Picture 1: The girl preparing soup (preparing - the actual communion of the present).

Valid grasp

It is formed from the basis of the infinitive of the verbs standing in the past (perfect species), when adding suffixes -Sh, -W. For example, the communion "fell asleep"formed from the verb to "fall asleep".The verbs with suffix are somewhat embarrassed from this rule, since the actual communcies formed from these verbs, the corresponding suffix disappears. EXAMPLE: Loose - wet.

Padding communities

They are formed according to the same rules, but differ from valid identifiable morphemes. So, the suffering sections of the present time formed from the foundation of the infinitive of the verbs of the past time, such suffixes are peculiar, as -n, -nn, -n, -E. Examples: Say - said (suffix -nn), split - hot (suffix -ong).

Praeling communities of the present time take their foundation in the verbs of the present time, to which suffixes are added (-th) or, depending on the auction. For example, the combination "burning" corresponds to the verb of the I to burn the "burn", and the communion "beloved" (not to be confused with the adjective "favorite") - the verb of the II of the helping "love".Picture 2: The dog scolded by the owner (scolded - the suffering communion of the present time). The curious property of the return verbs with postfix is, it is that in the formation of the communities, they preserve this postfix. For example: Forget - forgotten (actual grades of the past time). Thus, it's not difficult to learn to understand the variety of communion. A little theory and permanent practice will help any beginning "Linguist".

At the lesson, you will get acquainted with the concept of "pledge of communion", consider the differences between the actual and suffering collateral (semantic and grammatical). Special attention during the lesson, pay the suffixes that are formed by communion.

Topic: Communion

Lesson: valid and suffering

Fig. 2. Hindering verbs


Exercises number 83 - 84. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya TA and others. Russian. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The task: write the phrases with the pieces, mark the souffixes of the communion, determine the pledge of the communals.

1. Wonderful monument. 2. Visening from afar 3. Rose building 4. Protected Cathedral 5. Landored 6. Staying in memory 7. Awesome type 8. Forcing 9. Calculating respect 10. Employed tourists 11. Architectural style 12. Frozen music

Russian language in schemes and tables. Declination of communities.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling of communities.

4. Online store publishing house "Lyceum" ().


1. Razumovskaya MM, Lviv S.I. and others. Russian. 7th grade. Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Drop, 2009.

2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya TA. and others. Russian. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

3. Russian. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova. 19th ed. - M.: Drop, 2012.

4. Lviv S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In the 3rd 8th ed. - M.: Mnemozina, 2012.