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Russian language Permanent and non-permanent signs of verb. Determination of permanent and non-permanent signs of verb

Metraiming verbs

Metraiming verbs - These are verbs that also belong to the i, and ki i and the Hasion: break, sigh; Want, want (I want, want, you want, you want, wants, want); Run, run away (run, run, run, run, run, run).

Remember! Changing the differenceproken verbs want ( i want, you want, wants, want, you want, want) and break ( brozitsa, Brize).

How to correctly determine the lifting?

Personal end of ch. Impact - on personal endings: fly - Flying - ІІ SPR., drink - drink - І spr.

Personal ending unstressed - by infinitive: prove - Prove - І spr.

In the latter case it is important to correctly determine the type of verb. Compare:

Do not confuse verbs led. n. with similar in the sound of ch. express. n. Bud. BP. Compare:

1. Cleaning verb

1. 1 Indicative Indicates the action that occurred in the past occurs in the present and will occur in the future. Verbs in the form of revealing. n. Change:

At times;

In the present time - on persons and numbers;

In the past time - by childbirth (only in units.) And numbers;

In the future, on persons and numbers.

Example: in the meadows shine Makers of dews that it happensonly early in the morning.

1. 2 Subjunctive (conditional) Indicates the desired action that can occur under certain conditions. The verbs do not change at times, but they have forms of the kind (only in units) and numbers.

It is formed: ch. POST. BP. seizure n. + Particle would (b).

Examples: Ya played by Now something. Anyone it would seem possible.

1. 3 Imperative mood Expresses the motivation to action, order, request, advice. Action may occur or not happen. Examples: live (live), learn (learn), Believe (Believe), read (read), let him come.

An imperative inclination is formed using:

Sometimes to mitigate the order of the order to the verbs led. n. A particle is added: bring, give, give.

Attention! The form led. n. It may coincide on the sound with the form of the 2nd l., MN. h., Nasty. or Bud. BP. express. N.: You sayWhat did you see it?

2. Glazol times

Upon times, verbs change only in the zealing inclination.

3. The number of verbs

Determined on the issue of verb.

4. Migocal

The face of the verb indicates the one who participates in speech. The person can only be defined in ch. In the form of the present and Bud. BP. In express. n. and in ch. He led. n.

Face 1-E. 2-E. 3-E.
Units. h. I'm glad yusch You are pleased eatsia He (she, it) Rada eT.sia
MN. h. We are pleased eatsia You are Radu wetersch They are Radu ÜTsia

Impersonal verbs - These are verbs denoting the action that proceeds in itself, call the phenomena of nature, human condition. They do not change on the face and numbers, do not combine with them. The impersonal verbs include verbs:

3rd, un. h., Nasty. BP: Evening . To me unhealthy . Do not sleep , nanny, here is so stuffy. Outside lights . Me znobit . I want to Something cheerful. Here is easy breathing .

SR.R., E.C., POST. BP: On the yard more brozzhil . It would be dark Rather.

5. Rod verbol

It is possible to determine only in the verbs of the image of the expansion in the past time.

The unstable sign of the verb is what? Answer to a given question you will find in the materials of the submitted article. In addition, we will tell you about what form has this part of speech, as it is inclined, etc.


Before you understand what constant and non-permanent signs of the verb exist, it should be said that in general is this part of speech.

The verb is called part of speech, denoting the state or the act of any object and answering questions "What to do?" And "what to do?".

Forms verb

Each verb has the following forms:

  • Initial. Sometimes it is called an infinitive or an indefinite form. Such verbs erect on -y-like, or sort, that is, on the forming suffixes (for example: spin, bloom, bathe, etc.). Uncertain calls only a condition or action and does not indicate the number, time and face. This is the so-called unchangeable form. It has only constant signs.
  • Hidden forms, that is, who are not an infinitive. As a rule, they have permanent and non-permanent signs of verb.
  • Tempecia.
  • Participle.

So, to correctly make text text, you should know that the presented part of speech has:

  • non-permanent;
  • permanent signs of verb.

Consider them in more detail.

Non-permanent signs of verb

Substracted forms include:

  • number;
  • mood;
  • face;
  • time.

It should be especially noted that each of these signs has its own characteristics.


All verbs have 3 forms ofnds. This feature shows how a talking person evaluates the action. In other words, with such a form, you can find out if it considers it desirable, possible or real with any specific condition.


The term "non-permanent signs of the verb" says for himself. That is, this part of the speech varies at times. However, this applies only to the verbs in

So consider in more detail how such a part of speech changes at times:

  • Present. Formally, it is expressed as well as those, -You, - you, etc. (for example: walk, I think, I do, you dream, carry etc.). It should be especially noted that the present is the process that currently flows. At the same time, he himself may not be in the present, but to be in the past or future. Let us give an example: She runs ahead of me. She thought he was running ahead of me. She will run forward again.
  • Future tense. As you know, it means a process that will happen very soon. For example: i'll go walk in the evening. It should also be noted that the future time is also in the verbs of the form of perfect and imperfect. Although in these cases it is expressed differently ( i will read - I will read, I will sing - sleep, I will walk - we take a walk etc.).
  • Past time. This time denotes the past action (for example: walked, did, thought). This form is formed using the addition of suffix-l-.


The non-permanent signs of verb are those signs that, if necessary, can change the word at the right time, face, etc. Number is also a non-permanent sign. It can be:

  • The only thing: i do, I expect, went, went, I will go etc.
  • Multiple: we do, we expect, went, went, let's go etc.


In the forms of the future and present, all verbs change to the following persons:

  • The 1st person indicates that the process performs a speaking: i sing we sing;
  • The first person indicates that the action produces listening: you are silent, you are silent;
  • The 3rd person indicates that the action is carried out by a person who does not participate in the dialogue: it, he, she goes, they go.

It should also be noted that some verbs call any action or a state that occurs without the participation of a certain person, as if in itself. Similar verbs are called impersonal. Let us give an example: Snob. Light. Darkness.


What other non-permanent signs of verb exist? Of course, they applies to them. However, this form is inherent in only verbs in the singular, conditional inclination and:

Now you know what non-permanent morphological signs of the verb exist and how this part of speech changes in accordance with them. However, it should be noted that, in addition to non-permanent, there are constant forms. Consider them in more detail.

Signs of verb standing

If you appeal to you and ask: "Name the non-permanent signs of the verb", then surely you do it without hesitation. But what do you say if you want to hear the list and differences of the permanent signs of the verb?

So, such forms include:

  • transitivity;
  • repayment;
  • conjugation.


Absolutely all verbs are imperfect or perfect species. This feature shows how exactly the action flows. As you know, all verbs of the form committed are answering the next question: "What to do?". In addition, they indicate the result of the action, its completion, beginning or end (for example, what to do? - Stand).

May change in the past ( what did you do? - Stood) and the future is a simple time ( what will do? - stand). There are no forms of this time for such a sign.

The imperfect respond to the following question: "What to do?". In addition, with the designation of any action, they do not indicate its result, completion, beginning or end: get up. Such verbs have the past ( what they were doing? - got up), the present ( what do? - Stand up) and the future difficult time ( what will you do? - I will get up). Also, an imperfect look also has a vague form of verb ( what will do? - Will get up, will dance etc.).

It should be especially noted that in Russian there is a small amount of bivide verbs. Such words, depending on the context, may become the perfect species, then imperfect ( take, marry, explore, execute, arrest, marry, attack, examine etc.).

Let us give an example:

  • The rumors spread around the city that the king himself executes his enemies. In this case, the verb "execution" answers the question "What does?" And has an imperpose view.
  • The rumors spread around the city that the king himself executes several rebels. In this case, the verb "execution" answers the question "What will you do?" And has a perfect view.


Continuous features include such a form as repayment. Thus, the verbs having a postfix-ourselves are referred to as returnable. For example: beat, swear etc. The rest are irrevocated. For example: beat etc.


All verbs are divided into non-transient and transitional. The latter designate any process that goes to another subject. Its name can be expressed:

All other verbs are considered non-transparent ( play in the woods, believe in justice etc.).


What a non-permanent sign of verb can be used to write a beautiful stylistic writing, you know. However, to compile the competent text of this little. After all, it is very important to know how the verbs are written in one or another touch.

As you know, with such a form, the endings of verbs change. In turn, the hidngths depend on the face and the number of one or another word.

So, to compile a competent letter must be remembered that:

  • Glages of 1st liner have endings: - You are (-th), -y (-th), "Oh)," Do you "," ... "). Let us give an example: you work, you want, howl, sing, run etc.
  • The verbs of the 2nd Hinders have endings: -y, -y (-th), they, -t, -at (s) or -t. Let us give an example: grow, feed, love, passes, destroy etc.

Service and indicative parts of speech contains Russian. The verb refers to independent parts of speech. "Glombing" in the Old Russian language indicated "to speak." Thus, another ancestors have been proven that competent speech is impossible without the dynamics of the narrative, which is achieved by using verbs.

What is a verb: morphological and syntactic signs

The verb indicates the action of the subject. Determine the verb on questions "What to do?", "What to do?". Characterizing the verb, pay attention to the grammatical value, morphological signs and the function in the proposal. Grammar signs of verb are divided into permanent and non-permanent.

The points of view of scientists about the release of verb forms are diverged. There are still disputes, whether the sacrament and verbal spirits in the significant parts of speech are distinguished, or they are only forms of verb. We will consider them as independent.

The grammatical meaning of verb

Grammatically verb talks about the action of the subject. Several groups of actions, which are expressed by verbs:

  1. Work, the work of the subject of speech: "To sharpen", "led", "build", "dig".
  2. Speech or mental activity: "say", "assume", "think", "find out."
  3. The movement of the subject in space, its position: "ride", "be", "sit", "located".
  4. The emotional state of the subject of speech: "sad", "hate", "cherish", "love".
  5. The state of the environment: "Evening", "Frost", "dries".

In addition to the general grammatical verb value, it is worth saying about its syntactic function. In the proposal, he is one of the main members to be tamed. The verb-legend is consistent with the predicative basis of the offer subject to and forms with it. From the verb put questions to secondary members of the group of the group. As a rule, these are additions and circumstances expressed by noun, adverbs or verdicts.

How the verb changes: constant and non-permanent signs

The morphological signs of verb are divided into permanent and non-permanent. This gradation occurs in terms of changing the word itself or only its shape. For example, "read" and "read" are two different words. The difference is that "read" is a verb of an imperfect species, and "read" - perfect. They will change differently: the verb of the perfect species "read" does not assume the presence of the present. And "I read" - we read only point to the number of verb read.

Permanent signs of verb:

  • view (imperfect, perfect);
  • hiding (I, II, pavement);
  • return (non-returnable, returnable).
  • genus (female, medium, male);
  • inclination (subjunctive, expressive, imperative);
  • number (multiple, sole)
  • time (present, past, future);

These features are forming. Therefore, when writing the verb, they say that it is in the form of a certain time, inclination, genus and numbers.

Testing verb

Grammatical signs of verb contain inclination. One verb can be used in the form of expressive, subjunctive (conditional) and imperative inclinations. Thus, this category is included in the non-permanent signs of the verb.

  • Indicative. It is characterized by the fact that the verb in this form can be used in the present, future and last times: "The child plays" (present); "The child played" (past time); "The child will play" (future time). The expressive inclination allows you to change the verb on persons and numbers.
  • Conditional (subjunctive) challenge. It is an action that can only happen under a certain condition. It is formed by accession to the main verb of the particle (b): "With your help, I would have coped with difficulties." It is possible to change the verbs of the conditional inclination in terms of numbers and childbirth, in these forms they are consistent in the proposal with the subject: "She would solve this task itself"; "They would solve this task themselves"; "He would solve this task itself"; "Most would solve this task on their own." It is important to note that the conditional inclination does not imply a change in the verb at times.
  • Imperative mood. Indicates the prompting of the interlocutor to action. Depending on the emotional painting, the motivation is expressed as in the form of a wish: "Answer, please on the question" and in the form of an order: "Stop shouting!". In order to get the verb of the imperative inclination in the singular, it is necessary to attach to the base in the present-time suffix - and: "Sleep - sleep", it is possible to form an invalidification method: "Eat - eat." The multiple number is formed using a suffix: "Draw - draw!". The change in the verbs of the imperative inclination occurs by the numbers: "Eat soup - Eat soup." If you need to convey a sharp order, the infinitive is used: "I said, stand up!"

Glagol time

Morphological signs of verb contain a time category. Indeed, any action can be distinguished the time in which it happens. Since the verb varies at times, this category will be non-permanent.

Verb conjugations

The grammatical signs of the verb cannot be described fully without the category of Hindrance - changes to them on persons and numbers.

For clarity, we give the table:

Other signs of verb: view, transition, refund

In addition to the hiding, the permanent grammatical signs of the verb contain the categories of type, transition and repayment.

  • View of the verb. Distinguish perfect and imperfect. The pretty view involves questions "What to do?", "What will you do?". Indicates an action that has reached the result ("learn"), it began ("stuff") or ended ("sing"). For imperfect, the questions "What to do?", "What does?". Implies an action that continues and repeated repeated ("jump").
  • Return to verb. For it, the presence of suffix is \u200b\u200bcharacterized by (s).
  • The transitionality of the verb. It is determined by the possibility to control without the pretext with the name of the nouns in the vinegenial case ("imagine the future"), if the verb has a denial value - with a transaction, the nouns will stand in the parental case: "I do not observe it."

So, signs of verb as part of speech are diverse. To determine its constant features, it is necessary to put part of speech in the initial form. To determine non-permanent signs, it is necessary to work with the verb taken in the context of the narration.

The verb, as part of speech, is characterized by signs that may be non-permanent and permanent. In the first case, grammatical categories vary depending on the context, in the second - do not change under any circumstances. The article presents both signs with examples.

Signs of verb - These are the grammatical categories of verb forms that are inherent in the verb as part of speech. In Russian, there are constant and non-permanent signs of the verb.

Permanent signs of verb

Permanent signs of verb - These are grammatical categories inherent in all verb forms (hidden verbs, infinitive, communion, verbalism). These features do not change depending on the context in which the verb is used.

  • View - A sign that determines exactly how the action is happening.
    • The verbs of the perfect species answer the question "What to do?" (examples: read, multiply);
    • The verbs of the imperfect species answer the question "What to do?" (transfer, divide).
  • Return - The category that determines the potential state (biting) or the effect of the subject (washing) aimed at itself, or the actions of several objects whose actions are sent to each other (tool).
    • Return glasses (figure out, hug);
    • Non-refundable verbs (hug, combat).
  • Transitivity - a sign that determines the process or action passing to the object.
    • Transient verbs (drink coffee, chop vegetables);
    • Unprofitable verbs (believe, play).
  • Type of Hidness - Category that defines the features of the rigging of verbs in terms of numbers and persons.
    • I Hiding (sewing, sailing);
    • II Hiding (shine, clean);
    • Single Speed (run, want).

Non-permanent signs of verb

Non-permanent signs of verb - These are grammatical categories inherent in the hidden verbs and communions. These categories vary depending on the context in which the word is used.

  • Mood - Category expressing the attitude of the action or process to reality. The sign is peculiar to the hidden forms of verbs.
    • Explicitive (examples: rewrite, feel);
    • Imperative (rewrite, feel);
    • Conditional (I would remember, I would feel).
  • Number - Category, denoting the number of actors acting. The sign is inherent in the hidden forms and communions.
    • Multiple (visited, ordered);
    • The only thing (built, saved).
  • Time - A category indicating how the point was carried out with respect to the moment of speech. The sign is inherent in verbs in the expressive inclination.
    • Future (Colon, will ride, decorate);
    • The present (collects, drive, decorate);
    • Past (collected, went, decorated).
  • Face - Category indicating who the action is performed. The sign is characteristic of the verbs of the expressive inclination (present and future time) and the imperative inclination.
    • 1st face (Print, play, spoomete);
    • 2nd face (Install, build, look, write);
    • 3rd face (translates, stepping).
  • Rank - Category indicating the sexual affiliation of the subject performed. The sign is peculiar to the seasons, the verbs of the time of expressing inclination and verbs of the conditional inclination.
    • Male (filled, scattered, welded);
    • Female (stitched, washed, moved);
    • Middle (prepared, gave way to use).