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Category of type. How to determine the perfect and imperfect

Before learning to determine the perfect and imperfect view of the verb, it is necessary to get acquainted with this part of speech. To begin with, we will understand what it is.

In Russian, under the term verbs, it is customary to understand independent part Speech, which denotes the action of the subject. In order to decide that the word is a verb, it is necessary to ask him a question. For the verb, the following questions are characteristic: what to do what to do, what does, what will make what I did what I did what I did. It is worth noting the fact that for all verbs is characterized by infinitive. Simply put, this is an uncertain form of verb. In order to put any word in an indefinite form, you must ask a question what to do or what to do? We give examples of such verbs: read, run, jump, cook, pluck and so on. This part of speech exists its certain morphological signs.

Morphological signs of verbs

  • Time. The verb has only three times. These include the present time, the last time and the future.
  • View. This is customary to attract the verbs of the perfect and not perfect species.
  • Inconduration is also one of important characteristics. That is, it is necessary to determine the verb transition or non-repease.
  • Return. Return or non-returnable.
  • Conjugation. Everyone knows that in Russian there are two hides this first and second, determine which is quite easy, for this you need to put the verb to an indefinite shape and looking at the end, determine the lifting. However, do not forget that there are exception verbs.
  • Number. We define a given verb in a single or multiple number.
  • Face. The person can be the first, second and third.

In order to determine the verb of a perfect or imperfect type, a certain word is enough to ask a question. The verbs of the imperfect species answer questions that they did, what does, for example: runs, playing, draws. The verbs of the perfect species answer questions that will make what to do what I did, for example: smiled, gets, wrote, and so on.

Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will look at the types of verbs. Very often my students are wondering why in Russian so many different verbs, how to determine their time and why some verbs are used with consoles, and some without. To sort out all these issues, let's look at the verbs of the perfect and imperfect species.

The shape of the verbs of the imperfect species you will find in the dictionary, the verb in this case denotes the action, and the verbs of the perfect species are formed from this form. It should be noted that there are many ways of these enough, here are some of them:

With help consolesCompare:

Imperfect species Perfect view
Read to Read. Read HAS RED
Write to write Write Have Written.
Cook Prepare has cooked
BUY TO BUY. Buy Has Bought.

Please pay attention to that we have a word-exception that is formed in perfect form without a console is the verb "buy". In the imperfect form, this verb is consumed with the prefix - by.

Using different suffix:

So, if we want to say that the action takes place regularly, we need a verb of an imperfect look. If the action happened 1 time at some point or day / hour, etc. And we know about his result, we are dealing with the verb of the perfect species. Such verbs answer the question " what to do?"

If we are talking about repetitive actions, we not only use the verbs of the imperfect species that answer the question " what to do? ", But we use different additional information In the face of the adverbs, which are like and show this repeatability. For example,

Anastasia can't cook ( what to do?), she cooks seldom. Anastasiya Cannot Cooking, She Cooks Rare.

I bought (what made?) nice dress, it is me very coming! (The result is visible) I Bought a New Dress, IT SUITS Me Much.

To properly define the view from the verb you can remember some adverbs that will help to solve correctly, right or other verb refers to a certain type:

Imperfect species
What do? When? How often?

  1. Nikita is watching the film every morning / evening / day, regularly, often, rarely, sometimes, usually.
  2. Vitaly buys newspapers
  3. We play volleyball
Perfect view
What did they do? When?
  1. Nikita watched the film "Titanic" yesterday, in the evening, in the morning, today, once, on Friday, 2 days ago, already, not yet.
  2. Vitaly bought newspaper "Izvestia"
  3. We played volleyball very well
From these examples, it is clear that the words-adverb can significantly facilitate the definition of a particular type of verb, the main thing, to learn questions and remember these words. To practice, correct these offers by setting the verbs right verbs. Proposals written with errors:

I drove porridge and went to walk.
Students detained at the university, but still mastered the material.
She rejected the report for a very long time.
Tanya cried greatly and did not calm down.
The children laughed a lot and the teacher decided to play with them yet.

RememberPlease, that the verbs of the imperfect species have 3 forms: past, true and future:

The verbs of the perfect species have only 2 temporary shapes: past and future

We looked and see (what did and what will you do?) Watched and Will Watch

The form of the past time varies by numbers:

Fight ( singular) And fled (multiple) He Ran and they Ran.

In Russian - his appearance.

Imperfect view of verb

Most of these units has opposed forms. For example, create - create, sign - sign, etc. If you compare the members of these pairs, then it can be noted that when similar lexical meaning They have something different. This difference is the type of verb. The first member of these pairs represents an imperfect second - has the form of a perfect version.

The verb in the perfect version can answer such questions: what to do? What did you do? What will do?

Forms of the perfect species often have the value of the completion of the action, call limited processes, indicate the resulting result of the action. For example: the boy recovered.

The verb of an imperfect type calls the action developing, which is not limited, and also indicates the repeatability and duration of the process. For example: boy recovers.

The category of the species is in a dense relationship with a discharge of time. So, the imperfect view of the verb has the forms of all three times, and the perfect is only forms in the future and past. T. K. Currently characterizes the process lasting at the moment of speech, developing and continuing, and the perfect view is limited in development.

Most often, the verbs of the Russian language make up a pair by species sign. That is, two forms have one semantic value, but differ in grammatical form: to traine - teach, curl.

There are also single. Unpaired carrying the value of action limited in its development: to wake up, follow. Unlimited unlimited, unlimited effects are unlimited in their development: Sign, sympathize, to dwell. There are bivide verbs that combine the values \u200b\u200bof the perfect and imperfect category: to execute, examine, hurt.

Temply of imperfect species

The verb shape that has an additional action value that combines signs of verb and adveria is a leadingness. Tan part of the speech is two types: perfect and imperfect. In the second form, it is almost always called the process occurring at one time with the action of the verb-fag. Rarely such a verbality denotes the preceding or subsequent action. For example: we used twice a year in the capital and, returning from there, told loudly about the miracle. And this part of the speech of the perfect species usually means the action preceding.

The formation of a unit of this part of the speech of a imperfect type using suffix -a (-th) from the base is in the present time. For example, watching.

Not all verb groups have such a form. Among them:

Verbs, with the basis of the present time, which consists of consonants (MNUT);

Verbs on-and (pour) with a monosyllary basis;

Verbs with suffix - well (wreck);

The verbs are on -a (call) with a single base in infinitive.

If the verb has a suffix -v-, the verbality is formed from an infinitive basis: create - create - creating.

The type of verb is a lexico-grammatical category of verb, expressing the attitude of the action to its internal limit. The inner limit is called such a point in the flow of action when the action goes into the invalidity.

History of the type of verb

Until the XX century The linguistics were isolated 3 types:

1. An uncertain view coinciding with a modern imperfect view.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: satisted, guarded.

3. A single view that coincides with a modern perfect view.

How to determine the type of verb?

In modern linguistics, grammatical types of verb are taken to distinguish between semantics, i.e. values.

In Russian grammar allocate perfect and imperfect species.

It is possible to determine on the basis of the following grounds:

1) on the basis of semantics.

The verbs of the perfect species indicate the action that has reached the internal limit (for example: done). The verbs of the imperfect species indicate the action that has not reached the internal limit (for example: I watched, did).

2) on issues.

The verbs of the perfect species answer the question "What to do?", And the verbs of an imperfect look at the question "?". For example: (what did you do?) I looked, (what did you do?) I watched.

3) on the basis of word formation design.

Perfect is formed with the help of consoles, imperpose - with the help of suffixes. So, the verbs of the perfect species "looked, did" have consoles, and the verbs of the imperfect species "watched, did" do not have.

4) in combination.

The verbs of the imperfect species are combined with the adverbs "long", "slowly", with the words "every day" and others, and the verbs of the perfect species do not have such an opportunity. So, you can say "I watched a long time", but it is impossible to use the expression "I looked for a long time."

5) on the difference in the set of wordform.

The verbs of the perfect species cannot be in the form of the present, and the verbs of the imperfect species do not possess forms of 3 times.