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We must say to wear or put on. Proper use of verbs "Wear" and "Dress

These verbs indicate actions applicable to a particular person. And often we are confused when and which of these words it is more correct to use. Everything is very simple! To teach children at the school of this wisdom, experienced teachers have come up with a stable phrase in a comic form, in order for the rule once and forever crashed into memory. "Wear clothes, put hope!"

We put on yourself

All simple! That is, we put on something on yourself (dress, sweater, coat), and we dress someone (or something similar to a person). For example, a doll is a favorite, mannequin, a teddy bear. To put on the headphones - to wear a child, put on the mask - put on Margarita for a walk, wear a hat - put on the outfit of Snow Maiden.

Examples of life

The verb "dressed" is combined with animated objects to greater extent, if it is so clearer. Or with inanimate objects, but which denote animate. Or who were previously animated. Confused? Example! "Dress on a man's skeleton jacket!" (Was he ever animated, alive? Or meant that it was a man). "Dressed mannequin, by last Pisk Fashion! "," doll Barbie's doll in the governess outfit! ". These are examples that will help to understand the essence of the differences.


The verb is "to wear" applies only with inanimate objects that are mounted on animate! "Wear a coat, it's cold!". "Put on gloves, already winter!"

For the purity of speech

Dress or put on - proper use The words of words emphasize your education and self-discipline, which wrestles you from the wrong pronunciation, distinguishing from the purity of speech.

"Wear a shirt, dress Natasha!"


More clearly and interesting to consider Parly Antonyms to these unique words! So, for example, to the word "to wear" will always "take off", and by the word "dress" - "Sit down"! "When to wear, and what to wear, let's remember, watch!"


Traditional distinction of such verbs can be seen in intelligent dictionaries Russian language S. Nogov and Ushakov, but they are not always at hand, and go to the Internet - the expanses are not always the opportunity. That is why we recommend using our advice and visual prompts cut into memory. If you have time to think about thinking, use modern interactive dictionaries and make sure that the use is correct.

What is the difference?


It is important, in a dialogue with the interlocutor, to quickly navigate: which of these verbs needs to be applied, spending on this choice of the share of seconds! Without submitting even the species that I thought about this choice. Think that it is easier to memorize a dressed skeleton in a hat with a pen and in a raincoat or a dressed idle hope, a shirt or dressed Natasha! Further clothing - how fast checking the correctness of the choice of verb or the method from the opposite. We are all different, the choice is yours! What is easier to remember exactly you.

Dress in fur Natasha! If you formulate it for yourself once and for all, then, having a very modest wardrobe, in a few minutes you will choose an image for yourself, suitable. After all, as often, for one other case, we put our best things, but in place we feel not in our plate, because they either have ceased, or have been launched an image. And it is for such cases that there are several, but win-winners.

1. We are confident, a small black dress in your wardrobe is. Is there a little blue, gray or green? The choice of color depends on what suitable for you. But have a simple and well-sitting dress of a neutral shade on the figure - favorable attachment In the wardrobe. Suppose, in the evening friends were invited to a restaurant. You do not know exactly what kind of format it is, and you have only an hour before you exit. You can, of course, then the smallest black dress to wear, but this is the most banal that you can come up with. Yes, and in such an outfit, you will meet a lot of people there. And if you wear too much and solemn, risks look like this is your first in life hike in a restaurant. In such cases, simple outfits save, without complex structures, bright shades, prints and decors. They are like a canvas on which you can draw whatever. You put it on a simple dress, and you select gorgeous shoes.

black dress

black dress_1

Angela Harutyunyan

Fashion blogger

Chief success Such a simple and appropriate dresses for all cases - it should sit on your figure flawlessly, emphasizing the advantages and hiding disadvantages. Find such an ideal dress is difficult, but if you find it - it will be the best, which can only be in your wardrobe.

2. Stylish jacket of an interesting cut or rich decor Also you need. He must attract all the attention in the image of himself. Jacket can be with rhinestones, spikes and rivets, complex style or very bright shade. And with it, you can wear the most small black dress or a regular white shirt and black pants. Even jeans and black top with an interesting jacket will look attractive. So this thing will save once again when you do not know what to wear for a special occasion.

3. Little woman has a classic evening dress. For some reason, we remember it only when it turns out to be very necessary. For example, when the wedding is friends or acquaintances. Why look for and buying his horses? It is better if you have such a dress to hang in the closet and wait for your way out than his absence make you nervous at the right moment. The color can be completely different - from the scarlet red to the gentle beige. Better if the style is a flowing, and the decor is non-crumbling. Too many rhinestones, volanov and ruffles will leave the brides and graduates. It is important for us to look elegant and feminine in the evening dress.

4. B.aU was invited to their new vacation home friends. And if it is not your friends, but, let's say friends young man Or husband's colleagues. Then it does not want to "hit the dirt to the dirt", and at the same time this case requires simple things and combinations. Therefore, about catchy jewelry, original shoes and expensive handbags do not even remember. Do you have a very feminine or even a romantic dress with a delicate floral pattern? His and put on. It needs sandals, ballet shoes or wedge shoes. Do not want a dress, put on a simple shirt and pants of the khaki color. For the evening, take a warm cardigan of classic color. The bag must be comfortable and spacious. If there is straw, then it perfect option. If not, then the main thing is that it is not clutch, the rest is still suitable.

5. As for daily flour with the choice of clothing, then you need a basic wardrobe of 7 things.. And accessories as much as you can afford. Jewelry, handbags, glasses, scarves, etc. - They will never be superfluous. Therefore, buy them constantly, a lot and diverse. And the same 7 necessary things areblack Skirt Direct Craw, Black Dress, Black Pants, Beige Shoes, Classic Blue Jeans, Cardigan Beige Brown Shades and Strict White Shirt. Basic things are also able to help when choosing an image for specific cases.

Basic wardrobe

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In the basic wardrobe, there must be a dress - better fashionable blue ...

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Or rich green.

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And, of course, at least one small black dress.

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Jeans should be in any wardrobe, and preferably not alone ...

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White shirt will great and with jeans, and with a skirt.

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Jacket with sequins - an excellent option for the evening.

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Lacy jacket can be worn with a pencil skirt.

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Be sure to buy a Cardigan beige or pastel shades.

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Gray dress is suitable for meetings with girlfriends.

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In such a summer dress with a floral print, you can go for a walk to the park.

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Black jacket will well combine with the top gray And with jeans.

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In such a brilliant evening dress, you can go to the wedding.

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Proper use of verbs to wear and put on.

Dress or put out... these two words in Russian conversational and written speech There are quite often found. However, some believe that there is absolutely no difference between them. What to wear a ring that put on the ring - everything is equally. But is it really possible and is there any significant difference between these two words? Let's try to figure out. And I really hope that after this article you will definitely tell you what exactly should be done with the ring - wear or wear.

Both of these words - and "wear" and "dress" are verbs. And all this knows perfectly, taught more in primary grades. And remember - in one of the textbooks in the Russian language, it was even described in detail and even drawn, who exactly wear and what exactly wear. Let's try to refresh the knowledge in our memory.

Verb dress

This verb designates an action that is made by someone in relation to someone or any inaniseive subject. For example, it is worth leading such expressions:

1. Dress the child

2. Dress old man

3. Dress on a doll

4. Dress up a girl

If you carefully look at these suggestions, you can see that between the word "dress" and in a word, for example, "doll"you can put a question of whom? or what?Let's give a few more examples.

1. Dress (Who?) Brother in clean clothes

2. Dress (Who?) Girl in fashionable fur coat

3. Dollside (what?) Stuffed in an old dress

There is another way to determine which word you need to use - wear or dress. The verb "dressed" refers to the verbs, which are called return.That is, it can be used with a particle - Xia. Again, we give a few examples:

1. Dress up for the season

2. Dress in the trendy salon

3. Dress only in new

Verb to wear

The verb to wear in contrast to the verb "dressed" means an action that is directed to itself. For example:

1. We must wear a new suit

2. I put on something warmer

3. I put on my most beautiful dress

However, there are also such proposals in which the use of verb "wear" would be simply illogical. It is necessary to use only the verb to "wear". An example should lead such proposals:

1. Wear on a sore bathrobe

2. Wear glasses on the nose

3. Wear a cover on the chair

4. Wear tires on wheels

What is common to all these proposals? Yes, indeed, the verb is used here only in relation to inanimate objects (except for the patient). And each such proposal has a short word "on". That is, "wear on" put on someone something or put on something.

There is another very simple hint, which will help decide how to write correctly - to wear or dress. So, remember - put on something on yourself or something else, but we dress someone and dress themselves. Example:

1. Girl put on her mother's earrings and looked in the mirror

2. The man put on the hook bar and abandoned the fishing rod

3. The girl hastily wore a brother in a new jacket and came up with him to the door

4. The boy woke up and reluctantly dressed

So what do with the ring? Dress or still wear? Now you know, in what way to talk and write "dress", and in what - "Wear".

One of the reasons for lexical errors in modern speech, oral and written, - the indemnity of single-handed words, in particular, the verbs to wear (wear) - to wear (wear). And in live, direct communication of the carriers of the Russian language - in the non-stroke spoken Speech; and in book speech - in radio and telecasts, in speeches of politicians on rallies, with of different kind Public statements, deputies in the State Duma, officials on this or that official occasion, it is quite often possible to meet incorrect, erroneous consumption of related in the point of view of the word formation of lexical units. Confused, for example, the verbs get used and get used to, glorify and weaken, adverch objectivistism and objectively ... (see "From the monitoring of violations of speech standards in the media" // Gorbanevsky M. V., Karaululov Yu. N., Shaklein V. M. Not Speak by the rough language. On violations of the norms of literary speech in electronic and print media / ed. Yu. A. Belchikova. M., 2000, p. 19-137 - on materials of television, radio broadcasts and newspapers), nouns portrait and self-portrait ( In the transfer of the "Field of Miracles", along the channel ORT, 08/30/2002 The participant of the game presented his leading "Self-portrait, who drew her son of seven years old).

In the use of single-handed words, the verbs are most "not lucky" to wear (wear) - to wear (wear) (these verbs belong to paronims - see the article "Subscriber, Subscriber, Subscription").

These words are incorrectly used and the TV presenter (... what you need to wear to appear under the circus dome // "Do not speak by the rough language", p. 29), and the leading radio program (he dressed on him ... // ibid, p. 40), and the correspondent of TV (... there will be a good reason to wear a parade form - NTV, 29 Aug. 2002), and a journalist (winter came, it is necessary to wear another shoes // Do not speak by the rough language, p. 28), and the pop star (I can't To wear from this collection. // ibid, p. 106), see in the metropolitan "independent newspaper": dated 03/12/1999: "Dress up upgraded clock on the right hand."

Verbs wear and put on - multivalued. The values \u200b\u200bin which the actions are denoted to the person following:

Dressed - whom that. 1. To take off in which clothes. Dress a child, a patient, wounded; cf. Dress a doll, mannequin ...

Wear - what. 1. Stay, drive (clothes, shoes, cover, etc.), covering, having linked anyone. Wear suit, skirt, coat, jacket, shoes, mask, gas mask ...

The verb to wear comes into a combination with noun animational linens (and with a small amount of inanimate, denoting the similarity of a person: doll, mannequin, skeleton); Wear - with inanimate.

For the completeness of the description of the lexical-syntactic links of our verbs, it should be noted that the verb to wear (within the framework of the 1st value) in combination with inanimate nouns, denoting parts of the body, however, through mediation of an orphan noun (whom) and necessarily with a proposed-case-case combination of inanimate noun (what - in new form) Or with inanimate nouns in an indirect case (than - with a blanket, shawl) on the principle of indirect management. To be covered (within the framework of the 1st value), there is syntactic bonds on the same principle with noun ones: to wear (coat) to whom: for a grandfather, to the child) and with inanimate: to wear on that (on the hand, on the neck), on top What (on top of the shirt), under that (under coat).

The difference in the semantics of these words is emphasized by the fact that they form different antonymic couples: to wear - remove, wear - sit.

The semantic peculiarity of each of the verbs is particularly clearly discovered when they are found within one context. In this regard, the poetic texts dedicated to the words under consideration are of great interest. One of the poems is written in late XIX. In., now forgotten poet V. Krylov, another - our contemporary N. Matveva.

Here is the first poem:

Kind of friend, no need to forget

What to wear does not mean to wear;

Do not confuse these expressions,

Each of them has their own meaning.

Remember it can be easily:

The verb "Dress" we say when

On something we put on clothes,

Ile something covered with clothes,

Il otherwise wear clothes.

You want yourself to wear yourself

So the dress is new to wear,

And you dress your hand with a glove,

If you wear a glove on your hand.

Child dress in his dress,

When you put the dress on it.

To whom native language and mil and roads,

Errors can not sweat and track,

And therefore my friend, never

Do not do such reservations.

As you can see, more than a hundred years ago, the use of verbs to wear and dress up for carriers of the Russian language a great problem, and then there was a serious attention to the relief workers native language. It is also obvious that these are humorous (at the same time linguistically well-founded) verses are relevant today.

The said confirms the novel Matveyeva:

"Dress", "put on" ... two words

We confuse so stupid!

Frosty outlined dawn,

Dressed in a fur coat Old grandfather.

And the fur coat, I was hopeful.

"Dress", "Naison" ... Let's look:

When to wear and wear.

I suppose for my grandfather

Three fur coats can be worn.

But I don't think grandfather

The fur coat can be put!


Use words to wear and wear.

In Russian, there are such verbs, how to wear and wear. Many of us use them without even thinking about the fact that these two verbs are somewhat different from each other, so they cannot be replaced. Words are paronims, that is, have the same value, but used in absolutely different cases. Below we will look at, in what cases it is worth using the word to wear, and in which to wear.

Dress or put on clothes, things - how to speak correctly, write: Russian rule

Most often verb put on Used in relation to inanimate subjects.

For example, objects of clothing, that is, to speak correctly ( what?) Hat, put on gloves, put on mittens.
If a we are talking about animated objects, child or about a person, then the word is used dress up. That is, it is necessary to wear ( who?) child.

Despite these rules, there are some exceptions.
For example, mannequin and dolls belong to inanimate subjects, But the fact is that they use the word to wear, and not to wear.

In these cases, the word to wear is inappropriate.

Rosental reference

What is the difference between verbs to wear and wear, wear, wear: comparison

The verb to wear and put the same in meaning, but are used in different cases. There are also special verification rules. That is, you can remove some kind of clothes, respectively and to this word you need to use the antonym to wear. That is, wear and remove the header.

If in context is used child or some animated object, then the test word is sit down - Dress.

For example:

Break a child or spread a doll.

Verb to split into such words as a hat or gloves to use stupid. No one says to bring off the gloves or undress the cap.

You can split someone, and you can remove something. Accordingly, you can wear something, and you can wear someone.

Wear or wear: How is the verb written in the past time?

Verbs put on or dress have the same meaning as dress up and put on, dressed, put on - Used in the same cases.

For example:

She put on the cap, and dressed can be daughter.

But unlike words, dressed and put on, verbs to wear or wear, can be used in relation to animated and inanimate subjects.

Regarding wear clothesbut very often use dress down, dress suit. Such phrases are quite appropriate, used and do not contradict the rules.

Is it right - put on yourself, put on someone, put on a shirt, dress Natasha?

There is one of the pretty and unusual proverbs that is used to check the use of words to wear and wear.

Wear natasha, put on shirt.

Actually word Dress up used in relation to a living person, and the word put on some subject or things. These rules are used and in the case of consuming verbs to wear on themselves or wear something.

If you want to say in the proposal, I want to put on myself a shirt, then we are talking about an inanimate subject. You put on yourself ( what?) Shirt or dress, put on a coat, bathrobe, sneakers, outfit, gloves. You can wear ( who?) Himself. I dress myself.

Proper writing words to wear or dress: examples

In general, in some cases, the use of verbs wear and wear enough comical. For example, you can talk like this: grandfather put on a fur coat or grandfather dressed a fur coat. The first option is more correct, because it refers to an inanimate subject, that is, a person put on some subject on himself. If you decipher, then it should be in the full version as follows:

  • The girl put on the fur coat.
  • The girl wore herself in a fur coat.
  • Oksana put on headphones and jumpsuit.
  • Businessman forgot to put on glasses and watches.
  • What do I wear?
  • I have nothing to wear.
  • The dress was put on once.
  • I put on myself jeans.
  • Girl dressed in a beautiful coat.
  • On the girl wearing shoes and booties.

That is, she fell into something. In these abbreviated versions, you can use words and dressed, and put on. Although the option is more correct: put on a fur coat. Since this is a piece of clothing.

That is, if you want to check the correctness of what you said, it is necessary to keep the pronoun in the mind and raise the question. That is, you put on (what?) Dress on yourself or dress (whom?) Himself in a shirt, in a coat. In these cases, it is advisable to use the words to wear and wear.

Video: Dress and wear