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In addition to what part of speech. Grammar funds of the modern Russian language. Service parts of speech

In Russian, ten parts of speech: noun, adjective, numerical, pronoun, verb, adverb, prepositions, unions, particles, interjections.

Noun, adjective, numerical, verb, adverb - these are significant parts of speech; The words belonging to these grammatical classes have their own lexical importance, possess special grammatical categories and in the sentence play the role of main or secondary members. According to syntactic functions to the significant parts of the speech, pronoun are also pronouncing, but it does not have its own lexical significance, and its grammatical categories are repeated, depending on the category of pronoun, the grammatical categories of noun, adjective, adverbs or numeral.

Prepositions, alliances, particles - service parts of speech; They indicate the relationship between words or between proposals, and also give statements various semantic and modal shades. The interomotion does not belong to any significant nor to the service parts of speech.


- Part of speech, which includes words, calling the subject or living creature: pine, teacher, tiger.


- Part of speech that contains words denoting signs of an item or living creature: high pine, new teacher, young tiger.


denote the number of items ( one, fifteen, one hundred twenty seven.) or their sequence number ( first car, fifteenth of September, one hundred twenty seventh page).


- These are words that do not have their own lexical significance: they do not call objects, properties, actions, but indicate them. The pronouns are used instead of names of nouns, adjectives, numeral, as well as instead of the mint: A woman entered the room. She is carried in the hands of the kettle; Carpenters built a new home. IN it is The house has decided to place a kindergarten; Five out of the forest. On the all There were camouflage gowns; I will come in the evening, then And let's talk.


part of the speech to which the words referred to the action or state of the subject or living creature: go, sleep, be.

Communion and Templocoming.

In addition to the diverse forms expressing various specific verb grammatical values, the verb has such forms that bring it closer to other parts of speech. This is a communion that, while maintaining the meaning of the verb, the value of the action and state and the grammatical categories of pledge, time and species, varies by childbirth, numbers and cases and thereby gets closer to adjective ( reading boy, reading girl, reading device), - and a leadingness, which, also retaining the basic properties of the verb, according to the formal features and the syntactic role in the proposal comes closer to another part of the speech - adorption: just as adverbing, leadingness does not have a word-only forms, and in the sentence acts as circumstances ( Wed: Rain pour incessantly. - Rain lithing, do not cease).


- These are immutable words that indicate the nature of the action or state, quality or sign of the subject. In the proposal, adverbs are adjacent to the verb, adjective, noucent or to another adorption and are either circumstances or inconsistent definitions: rush, turn right, heavy sick, scrambled eggs, painfully long.

The meaning is distinguished by several discharges of the adverbs: 1) adverbs: on right, down below, top, from everywhere;

2) Adcharation Time: always, never, yesterday, now;

3) Adjusting an image of action: strong, fun, blindly, dryness;

4) Adjusting the degree of action: highly(tired), half(gray), top(well), slightly-slightly(move);

5) Adjusting reasons: sherry, sdura.; 6) Adjusting goals: oblost, damage, intention.

The special group is the so-called. predicative adverbs; They denote the state of a person or nature, the possibility / impossibility or need to be valid and play the role of a lean in impersonal proposals: It was already light ; Sorryit was parted; Canto come in? It's timeget upetc.

Similarly, the words of other parts of speech, adverbs differ in the stylistic color and the conditions of use. Many of them are stylistically neutral and can be used without any restrictions; Such, for example, locomotive adverbs where, where to, there, from, here, there, as, so, when, then, a significant part of the naming place, time, image of action, etc.: upstairs, long, from afar, in the morning. suddenly, oK, at all etc.

Some adverbs have a book painting and are used primarily in book-written speech: quite, exclusively(cf. stylistically neutral highly), immediately(cf. fast), in vain(cf. in vain, conversational in vain), truly, be sure to, excessiveand under. Others, on the contrary, have a reduced stylistic color and are characterized mainly for colloquial speech: first, brutually, fight, sdura., sleep and under.


- These are service words that, combined with noucent or pronouns, designate various relations between objects or the relationship of objects to actions, states, signs: behind the cabinet, in front of me, from the forest, in a minute, for relax, in a dream, from fatigue.

Most of the predictions are fixed for certain cases: without, for, before, of, from, w.used with the genitive case to- with a privacy pro, through, through- with vinitive, over, before -with coolness when -with the proposed. Some pretexts can be used with different extensive cases: in, on the, about- with vinitive and proposed ( went to the forest - were in the forest, shift to the edge - sit on the edge, hit the stone - talk about stone), per, under- with vinitive and with the cooling ( return for (under) a wardrobelying for (under) a cabinet), by -with a privacy, vinitive and proposed ( spend on the throat for the throat - meet at the end of the session), from- with genitive, vinitive and coolness ( peeze with oven - Height with oven - House with furnace).

Of the features of the use of predictions in speech, it is necessary to note the nature of their combination with the personal pronouns of the 3rd person. So called. Pred-like pretexts - they include all single-component and monosyllars: in, to, about, from, without, before, per, of, from, over, by, under, foret al., as well as prepositions of-per, of-under, between, before, through, join the pronoun, "cause" insertion n.- at his beginning; cf. : he - to him, her - with her, they - between them, them - out-for them. Invulsive pretexts (historically they appeared in the language much later than the first, from the words of other parts of speech) of this effect do not cause: thanks to him(not: * Thanks to it), towards it(not: * towards neh) etc.


- These are the official words that bind proposals and members of the sentence: Boy reads, butgirl writes; Boy reads andwrites.

Unions are divided into two discharges:

1) writing that associate homogeneous members of the sentence and are divided into connecting ( and, yes- in function and, - no no…), Advisory (but, but, yes -in function but, - but, but), dividing ( or, or, then ... - then ..., or ... - or ..., not that ... - not that ...);

2) subordinates that associate a supple proposal with the main thing: to, because, as, as, if a, althoughand etc.


- these are service words with which the speaker gives the statements with various modal shades - for example, surprise ( Really you could not do it?), admiration ( What the ear!), Doubts ( Hardly it's right) etc.

By the value of the particle are divided into the following discharges:

1) Amplifying: even, same, that, and, n., after all, just;

2) restrictive: only, only;

3) Indexing: won, here;

4) Questionally: not, really, lie;

5) exclamation: what the, as

6) Negative: notand containing not: not at all, far away, by no meansand some others.

Some particles are word-forming: - that, -or, -something, cost- (they serve to form uncertain proncesses) and forms: would be, let be, lose, -ka(They serve to form forms of the subjunctive and imperative linting of verb: would say, let be(lose)he will say, say-ka).

The words showing the ratio of speech content to reality and the assessment that speaking gives reports to reports is similar. sure, certainly, it seems, probably, speak, so, jacob etc. In the proposal, they are introductory words and are distinguished by intonational (in oral speech) and commas (on the letter): It seems, i am late; Speak, he is ill; You, so, and you are not going to leave?


these are words that express feelings and prompting the speaker, but do not call them: Oh , how glad I am to see you! Oh , will fall from your father! Batyushki. , yes you?

Interdomotia can be divided into

1) Expressive feelings - surprise, annoyance, approval, threat, etc.: but! oh! ba.! hooray! e.-eh! oh! alas! about!

2) expressing various motives: well, well-ka, won! away!

3) expressing the reaction to the words of the interlocutor: oh Li.?well yes?(mistrust), here's another! (disagreement or indignation) and some. Dr. To interjections adjoin the sound words: bAC! clan! meow! kukarek!

The sphere of consumption of interjections and sound-resistant words is predominantly spoken language and the language of fiction.

Morphemical means of Russian language.

They consist of two classes: word-forming agents and test products. Treatment agents are root and service morphemes. The root morpheme is a common part of related words expressing a certain lexical meaning. Service, or affixing, morphemes serve to form words (suffixes, prefixes), and the virginity of official morphemes - to change words by grammatical categories - cases, numbers, childbirth, persons, times, etc. (endings).

Syntaxcuts (phrases and suggestions).

These are linguistic units, longer than the word: phrases and suggestions.

PhraseThe simplest relnotigative (in contrast to the proposal) a unit of speech, which is formed on a syntactic model based on a supervisory grammatical connection - coordination, management, adjoining two or more significant words (BSE).

Sentence, A grammar unit, usually appropriate to the complete statement and capable of acting as a separate message (text of the minimum length). The proposal consists of words acting in morphological forms and in linear manner, which are provided for by grammar. The proposal structure is the subject of syntax.

"In addition to"

Part of speech:


part of speech: preposition; answers the question:

Initial form:

Offers with the word "besides"

General anesthesia, or anesthesia, in addition to the oppression of sensitivity involves turning off consciousness.

The composition of the Committee headed by the Director of the Committee is even wider: in addition to already mentioned officials, in its composition of the Deputy Administration of the Presidential Administration, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Head of the Government Office, Minister of Health and Social Development, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications, Minister of Industry and Energy, Minister Transport, Minister of Justice and Head of the General Staff.

As part of this project, with the help of scientific equipment installed on board, in addition to water searches, it is intended to study the distribution of fossils in the surface layer of the planet, as well as monitor the level of radiation in open space and in the orbit of Mars to understand how much its impact is destructive for the human body.

Thus, the family of cat, numbering thirty-seven species, includes, besides Lviv, Panther, leopards, jaguars and other attached and fluffy four-legged, five subspecies of tigers.

History, how aggregated Kremlin leaders began to behave, should serve the cause of patriotic education of young people and, in addition to negative, you need to constantly remember positive moments.

And then no one in the USSR submitted other opportunities, in addition to primitive power.

And is there any more strict scientific components in it in addition to the courage of ideas and philosophical lining?

But, in addition to these obvious advantages, the electrocontact heating during rolling has two more unusual features.

All ministries, in addition to the general norms of the behavior of civil servants, are invited to develop targets and rules for improving the quality of administrative services and work efficiency.

Of course, the analysis of current information should be carried out besides the operator, in automatic mode for spent algorithms.

Persise parts of speech

1. Independent parts of speech:

  • nouns (see Morphological Norms of Sum.);
  • verbs:
    • communion;
    • verbalia;
  • adjectives;
  • numeral;
  • pronouns;
  • adveria;

2. Speech parties:

  • prepositions;
  • unions;
  • particles;

3. Interdomitia.

None of the classifications (by the morphological system) of the Russian language do not fall:

  • there are no words and no, in case they act as an independent offer.
  • introductory words: So, by the way, in the same way, as a separate offer, as well as a number of other words.

Morphological analysis of the existence

  • the initial form in the nominative case, the only number (with the exception of nouns used only in the plural: scissors, etc.);
  • own or nominal;
  • animated or inanimate;
  • genus (m, w, cf.);
  • number (units, mn.);
  • declination;
  • case;
  • syntactic role in the proposal.

Morphological Sewing Plan

"Kid drinks milk."

Kid (answering the question of who?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - kid;
  • permanent morphological signs: animate, nominal, concrete, male genus, I -LO decline;
  • non-permanent morphological signs: nominative case, single;
  • in syntaxially, the sentence performs the role of the subject.

Morphological analysis of the words "milk" (answers the question of whom? What?).

  • initial form - milk;
  • constant morphological Characteristic of the word: medium kind, inanimate, real, nominal, II decline;
  • changeable signs Morphological: accusative case, the only number;
  • in the proposal direct addition.

We present another sample, how to make a morphological analysis of the noun, on the basis of a literary source:

"Two ladies ran up to a nuddle and helped him stand up. He began to shoot down the dust from the coat. (Example from:" Protection of Luzin ", Vladimir Nabokov)."

Ladies (who?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - lady;
  • permanent morphological signs: a nominal, animated, concrete, female kind, I decline;
  • non-permanent morphological Single characteristics: single, genitive case;
  • syntactic role: part of the subject.

Nuzhin (to whom?) - Nouns name;

  • initial form - LUZN;
  • loyal morphological Characteristic of the word: name your own, animated, concrete, male genus, mixed decline;
  • non-permanent morphological signs of a noun: the only number, a dutiful case;

Palm (what?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - palm;
  • permanent morphological signs: female genus, inanimate, nominal, concrete, I decline;
  • non-permanent morpho. Signs: The only number, the Certificate case;
  • syntactic role in context: addition.

Dust (what?) - noun name;

  • initial form - dust;
  • major morphological signs: a nominal, real, feminine kind, the only number, an animated is not characterized, III decline (noun with zero ending);
  • non-permanent morphological Characteristic of the word: accusative case;
  • syntactic role: addition.

(c) coat (where?) - noun;

  • initial shape - coat;
  • permanent correct morphological Characteristic of the word: inanimate, nominal, concrete, medium kind, unclear;
  • morphological signs are non-permanent: the number by the context cannot be determined, the genitive case;
  • syntactic role as a member of the sentence: Supplement.

Morphological analysis of adjective

The adjective name is a significant part of speech. Answers questions what? What? What? What kind? and characterizes signs or quality of the subject. Table of morphological signs of the adjective name:

  • initial shape in the nominative case, the only number, male race;
  • permanent morphological signs of adjectives:
    • discharge, according to the value:
      • - high-quality (warm, silent);
      • - relative (yesterday, readable);
      • - Pretty (Hare, Mine);
    • the degree of comparison (for high-quality, which have a constant sign);
    • full / brief form (for high-quality, in which this feature is permanent);
  • non-permanent morphological signs of adjective:
    • qualitative adjectives change according to the degree of comparison (in comparative degrees a simple form, in excellent - complicated): Beautiful-beautiful is the most beautiful;
    • full or short shape (only high-quality adjectives);
    • sign of kind (only in the singular);
    • number (consistent with nouns);
    • case (consistent with nouns);
  • syntax role in the proposal: The adjective name is the definition or part of the composite name of the facility.

Morphological parsing plan

Example sentences:

Full moon rose over the city.

Full (what?) - The adjective name;

  • the initial form is complete;
  • permanent morphological signs of the adjective name: high-quality, full form;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic: in a positive (zero) comparison degree, female family (consistent with nouns), nominal case;
  • according to syntactic analysis, a minor member of the sentence, performs the role of determination.

Here is another literary excerpt and morphological analysis of the adjective name, in the examples:

The girl was beautiful: slim, thin, blue eyes, like two amazing sapphire, and looked into your soul.

Beautiful (what?) - The name adjective;

  • the initial form is beautiful (in this meaning);
  • permanent morphological norms: high-quality, short;
  • non-permanent signs: a positive degree of comparison, the only number, female;

Slender (what?) - the adjective name;

  • the initial form is slim;
  • permanent morphological signs: high-quality, complete;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the word: full, positive degree of comparison, the only number, female genus, nominative case;
  • syntactic role in the sentence: part of the fant.

Thin (what?) - The name is adjective;

  • the initial form is thin;
  • morphological Permanent Signs: Qualitative, Full;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics of the adjective: positive degree of comparison, the only number, female family, the nominative case;
  • syntactic role: part of the fad.

Blue (what?) - the adjective name;

  • initial form - blue;
  • table of permanent morphological signs of the adjective: qualitative;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics: complete, positive comparison degree, multiple, nominative case;
  • syntactic role: definition.

Amazing (what?) Is the adjective name;

  • the initial form is amazing;
  • permanent signs of morphology: relative, expressive;
  • non-permanent morphological attributes: multiple, genitive case;
  • syntactic role in the sentence: part of the circumstance.

Morphological signs of verb

According to the morphology of the Russian language, the verb is an independent part of speech. It can designate an action (walk), property (chromium), attitude (equal), condition (rejoice), sign (whiten, rolling) object. The verbs answer the question of what to do? what to do? what is he doing? what have you been doing? Or what will happen? Different groups of verbal flowform are inherent inhomogeneous morphological characteristics and grammatical signs.

Morphological forms of verbs:

  • the initial form of verb is an infinitive. It is also called an indefinite or immutable form of verb. Non-permanent morphological signs are absent;
  • hidden (personal and impersonal) forms;
  • unqualified forms: involved and ready.

Morphological analysis of verb

  • initial form - infinitive;
  • permanent morphological signs of verb:
    • transitivity:
      • transitional (used with noun a vinitive case without an excuse);
      • non-optical (not used with nouns in the vinegenic case without an excuse);
    • return:
      • returns (IS IS IT, I);
      • non-refundable (no, oh, he);
      • imperfect (what to do?);
      • perfect (what to do?);
    • conjugation:
      • I Hiding (Cause-Eat, Causes, Causes, Causes / UT);
      • II Hiding (STO-IS, STO-IT, STO-im, Stro-Ite, ST-YAT / AT);
      • different surgery verbs (want, run);
  • non-permanent morphological signs of verb:
    • mood:
      • reference: What did you do? What did you do? what is he doing? What will make?;
      • conditional: what would you do? What would you do?;
      • mandatory: Do!;
    • time (in the zealing ignition: the past / present / future);
    • face (in the present / future time, expressive and imperative challenge: 1 person: I / we, 2 PERSON: you / you, 3 face: he / they);
    • rod (last time, the only number, expressive and conditional inclination);
    • number;
  • syntactic role in the proposal. Infinitive can be any member of the sentence:
    • to be sure to be today a holiday;
    • subject to: to study will always be useful;
    • supplement: All guests asked for it to dance;
    • determination: he had an insurmountable desire to eat;
    • circumstance: I went out to go.

Morphological leasing verb example

To understand the scheme, we will conduct a written writing of the verb morphology on the sentence example:

Raine somehow God sent a piece of cheese ... (Basnya, I. Krylov)

Sent (what did it?) - part of the speech verb;

  • initial form - send;
  • permanent morphological signs: perfect view, transitional, 1st lining;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: the expressive inclination, the last time, the male genus, the only number;

The next online sample of the morphological examination of the verb in the sentence:

What silence, listen.

Listen to (what do you do?) - verb;

  • the initial form is to listen;
  • morphological Permanent Signs: Perfect View, Earthless, Return, 1st Hiding;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the word: imperative inclination, multiple number, 2nd face;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

The Morphological Plan of the verb online is free, based on an example of an entire paragraph:

It must be warmed.

Do not, let him know another time how to violate the rules.

What rules?

Wait, then I will say. Has entered! ("Golden Trank", I. Ilf)

Warning (what to do?) - verb;

  • initial form - warning;
  • morphological signs of verb permanent: perfect species, transitional, non-returnable, 1st lining;
  • non-permanent morphology part of speech: infinitive;
  • the syntax function in the sentence: an integral part of the tag.

Let him know (what does it do?) - part of the speech verb;

  • initial form - know;
  • non-permanent verb morphology: imperative inclination, singular number, 3rd face;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

Violate (what to do?) - word verb;

  • initial form - violate;
  • permanent morphological features: imperfect, non-returnable, transitional, 1 loss;
  • non-permanent signs of verb: infinitives (initial form);
  • syntactic role in the context: part of the fad.

Wait (what do you do?) - part of speech verb;

  • initial form - wait;
  • permanent morphological features: perfect species, non-returnable, transitional, 1 lingness;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: imperative inclination, multiple number, 2nd person;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

Entered (what did it go?) - verb;

  • initial form - enter;
  • permanent morphological signs: perfect species, non-returnable, non-repease, 1 loss;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: past time, expressing inclination, the only number, male race;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.


Noun - Part of speech, which means the subject and answers questions who? what?


The subject in grammar is called everything that you can ask who is it? what is it?

By meaning names, nouns are divided into own and mental, animate and inanimate.
Noun nouns belong to male, female or medium genus.

Nouns Nouns do not change.

Nouns are changed by cases and numbers.
The initial form of the noun - the nominal case of the only number.
In the proposal names, the nouns are most often subject to both the subject and addition, as well as an inconsistent definition, an application, the circumstance and the registered part of the composite one.

Nouns Nouns Own and Mennaya

Own nouns - These are the names of individuals, single items.
To own names, nouns include:

  1. surnames (pseudonyms, nicknames), names, patronymic of people, as well as animal nickling.
  2. geographical names
  3. astronomical names
  4. names of newspapers, magazines, works of literature and art, factories, ships, etc.

It should be distinguished by their own names of nouns from their own items.

Own names Nouns are sometimes moving to nominal (for example: Ampere - French scientist, ampere - Electric current force unit

Nortional nouns - This is a common name for all homogeneous objects and phenomena.
Noun noun noun can go to their own (for example: land - sushi, land - planet solar system).

Names of nouns animated and inanimate

The names of nouns are animated by the names of people, animals and answer the question of who?
Inanimate nouns serve the names of non-living objects, as well as objects of the plant world and answer the question of what?
The names of nouns such as a group, people, crowd, a flock, youth, etc.

The number of nouns names.

Nouns are used in the singular when it comes to one subject, and in a plural, when there is a few objects.
Some nouns are used only in the only one, or only in a plural.

Nouns that have only the unique form:

  1. The names of the set of identical persons, objects (collective nouns): youth, Devora, Student, Humanity and etc.
  2. Names of objects with real meaning: asphalt, iron, strawberries, milk, steel, swallow, kerosene and etc.
  3. Quality names or sign: white, malice, dexterity, youth, freshness, blue, darkness, black and etc.
  4. Names of action or status: sklad, cutting, execution, suggestion, burning and etc.
  5. Own names as names of single items: Moscow, Volga and etc.
  6. The words: burden, udder, flame, theme

Nouns that have only the shape of the plural:

  1. The names of the composite and paired items: pants, scales, railing, vice, nippers, rakes, scissors, forks, swing and etc.
  2. Names of materials or their waste, residues: belil, yeast, pasta, cream, bran, sawdust and etc.
  3. Names of time intervals, games: hyperships, bumpers, chess, vacation, day, weekdays and etc.
  4. Nature names and status of nature: bottles, elections, negotiations, shoots, frost, debate and etc.
  5. Some geographical names: Carpathians, Filk, Gorki, Athens, Alps, Sokolniki and etc.

Pade items nouns

In Russian, six cases. The case is determined on issues.

Camely - who? or what?
PAGE - who? or what?
Current - who? or what?
Accusable - who? or what?
Certificate - who? or what?
Complained - OK? Or what about?

To determine the case of a noun in the sentence, you need:

  1. find a word to which this noun is related;
  2. put from this word to the name of a noun question.

Declusion nouns names

Changing words by cases is called declining.
Exists three decons Nouns names.

First declination.

The first declination includes the names of the nouns of the female genus with the end of the sole number (country, the country), as well as the nouns of the male genus, denoting people, with the same endings (young man, uncle).

Second declination.

The second declination includes the names of the nouns of the male genus with the zero end (shore, day), as well as with the endings, - -E (Domishko, Domysch) and the middle kind with the endings - -E -E in the nominative case of the sole number (Word, Building ).

Third declination.

The third declination includes the names of the nouns of the female genus with the zero ending in the nominative case of the singular.

Detacked nouns names.

Ten nouns of the middle kind on -my (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirring and the topics) and noun male patent path in the parent, dating and proposed cases in the singular have the end of the 3rd decline -And, and in the appropriate case, they take the endings of the 2nd declination - (s).

Unclear names nouns.

The unlocks are called nouns that have the same shape for all cases.
Among them are both the names of the homes (coffee, radio, cinema, jury) and the names of their own (Goethe, Zola, Sochi).

Morphological analysis of the noun

I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
2. Permanent signs:
a) own or nominal,
b) animated or inanimate,
c) race
d) decline.
3. Non-permanent signs:
a) case
b) number.
III. Syntactic role.


Value and grammatical signs of the adjective

Adjective - Part of speech, which means a sign of the subject and answers questions what? What? What? whose?

Under the sign in grammar, it is customary to understand the properties, belonging, quantity, and so on., Characterizing items.

By meaning and form distinguishes the discharge of adjectives: qualitative, relative and attractive.
The names of adjectives dependent on the nouns are consistent with them, i.e. They are put in the same case, including the noun, to which they relate.
The initial form of adjectives is the nominative case in the only number of male genus. Adjective names are in full and B. brief form (quality only).
In the proposal of adjectives in full form, as a rule, there are consistent definitions, sometimes the nominal part of the composite one.
Adjectives in brief form are used only as fant.
Qualitative adjectives have a comparative and excellent degree.

Qualitative adjectives

Qualitative adjectives denote such a sign (quality) of the subject, which can be in this subject to a greater or lesser extent.

Qualitative adjectives indicate a sign of the subject:

  • form (straight, angular)
  • size (narrow, low)
  • color (red, lemon)
  • property (durable, viscous)
  • taste (bitter, salty)
  • weight (severe, weightless)
  • smell (odorless, fragrant)
  • temperature (warm, cool)
  • sound (loud, quiet)
  • overall assessment (Important, harmful)
  • and etc.
Most qualitative adjectives have complete and short forms.
Full The form varies on cases, numbers and childbirth.
Adjective B. brief Form varies in numbers and childbirth. Brief adjectives are not inclined; In the proposal are used as fant.
Some adjectives are used only in a brief form: Mostly, glad, should have been needed.
Some qualitative adjectives do not have an appropriate brief form: adjectives with suffixes, denoting a high degree of attribute, and the adjective included in the terminological names (fast train, deep rear).

Qualitative adjectives can be combined with nascha highly, have antonyms.
High-quality adjectives have comparative and excellent comparison degrees. In the form each degree may be plain (consists of one word) and composite (consists of two words): more solid, most quiet.


comparative It shows that in one or another subject, the sign appears to a greater or lesser extent than in the other.

Excellent degree

Excellent degree It shows that this or that item exceeds the remaining items according to any sign.

Relative adjectives

Relative adjectives indicate such a sign of the subject that cannot be in the subject to a greater or lesser extent.

Relative adjectives do not have a brief form, degrees of comparison, do not combine with adverbs highly, do not have antonyms.

Relative adjectives vary on cases, numbers and childbirth (in the singular).

Relative adjectives denote:

  • material (Wooden spoon, clay pot)
  • quantity (five-year-old daughter, two-storey house)
  • location (River port, steppe wind)
  • time (last year's plan, January frosts)
  • purpose (washing machine, passenger train)
  • weight, length, measure (meter stick, quarterly plan)
  • and etc.

Attractive adjectives Denote the belonging of something to a person and answer the questions of whose? whose? whose? whose?
Attractive adjectives vary on cases, numbers and childbirth.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1. The initial shape (the nominative case of the only number of male genus).
2. Permanent signs: high-quality, relative or assistant.
3. Non-permanent signs:
1) in quality:
a) degree of comparison
b) brief and complete form;
2) in all adjectives:
a) case
b) number
c) genus.
III. Syntactic role.


The value and grammatical signs of the numeral name.

Numeral - Part of speech, which means the number of objects, the number, as well as the order of objects at the score.
On the value and grammatical signs Numbered names are divided into quantitative and ordinal.
Quantitative Nutritive indicate the quantity or number and answer the question how much?
Ordinal Nutritive indicate the procedure of objects at the invoice and answer what questions? What? What? what kind?


Quantity can be denoted by other part of speech. Nutigatives can be written with words and numbers, and other parts of speech - only in words: Three horses are a triple of horses.

Numbered names vary on cases.
Initial form of numeral - nominative case.
In the proposal, the numericual names are subject to the definition, the determination of time.
The name is numerant, denoting the amount, in combination with nouns is one member of the sentence.

Simple and composite numeral

By the number of words are nulling simple and composite.
Simple Numeral consist of one word, and compound Of the two or more words.

Cardinal numbers.

Quantitative numbers are divided into three discharges: integers, fractional numbers and collective numerals.


The ordinal numerals are formed, as a rule, from numeral, indicating integers, usually without suffixes: five - the fifth, six - six.


The ordinal numerical first, the second are non-derivatives (source words).

Ordinal numerical, like adjectives, change on cases, numbers and childbirth.
In composite sequences, only the last word is inclined.

Morphological analysis of the name of the numeral

I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1. Initial form (nominative case).
2. Permanent signs:
a) simple or composite
b) quantitative or ordinal,
c) discharge (for quantitative).
3. Non-permanent signs:
a) case
b) number (if any),
c) Rod (if any).
III. Syntactic role.


Meaning and grammatical signs of pronoun.

Pronoun - Part of speech, which indicates objects, signs and quantities, but does not call them.
The initial form of pronouns is the nominative case of the only number.
In the proposal of the pronoun are used in the role of the subject, definition, additions, less often - the circumstances, also the pronoun can be used as a faithful.

Defiance pronouncements

In their value and grammatical features of the pronoun are divided into several categories:

  • personal (I you he she)
  • return (Himself)
  • questionative (who, what, what)
  • relative (who, what, what)
  • uncertain (some, something, some)
  • negative (no one, nothing, how much)
  • pictures (my, yours, our, your own)
  • indexing (That, this one, such, so much)
  • determinatory (all, all, other)

Personal pronouns.

Personal pronouns i and you Point into speech participants.
Proponion he, she, it, they Indicate the subject mentioned, it was said earlier or will mention. They serve to communicate independent sentences in the text.
Pronoun you May indicate on one person. The verb is a fault and brief form of adjectives and communities at the same time are used in a plural. If the attacked is expressed by the adjective full form, it is used in the singular.

Return pronoun himself.

Return pronoun himself Indicates the person talking about.
Pronoun himself It does not have a face forms, numbers, kind. It can be attributed to any face of the only and plural, any kind.
Return pronoun himself The offer is there supplement, sometimes in circumstance.

Questionative and relative pronouns.

Words to which the names of the nouns are responsible (who? What?), Adjectives (what? Whose? What?), Nutigative (how much?) Make up the group questionful pronouns.
The same pronouns without question, as well as pronoun which the Serve to communicate simple sentences as part of complex. It - relative pronouns.
In sentences containing a question, pronoun what, how much - Questionaging. In difficult sentences allied words which, what, how much - relative pronouns.

Undefined pronouns.

Uncertain pronoun Indicate indefinite items, signs, quantity.
Uncertain pronouns are formed by joining the question and relative pronsections of consoles " (Something, someone and others) and -not (some, several, etc.), which is always under the stress, as well as suffixes -To, -libo, (Someone, anyone, anyone, etc.).
Undefined pronouns are changed by the type of pronouns, from which OI are formed.
In the proposal, uncertain pronouns are subject to, additions, definitions.

Negative pronouns.

Negative pronoun (No one, no matter how, anyone, etc.) serve to negate the presence of any object, a sign, quantity or to strengthen the negative meaning of the entire supply.
They are formed from questioning (relative) pronouns with a unstressed console ni- (Nobody, no, anything) and the shock console not- (no one, nothing).
Negative pronouns vary on cases, numbers, and in the singular - by childbirth.


The pronouns with the prefix are not most used in impersonal proposals, which are led in which is expressed by an uncertain form of verb.

Negative pronouns in the proposal are subject to, additions, definitions.

Possessive pronouns.

Possessive pronouns my, yours, our, your, your Indicate, to which person belongs to the subject.
Pronoun my Indicates that the subject belongs to the speaking age. Is yours Indicates that the subject belongs to the person with whom we talk.
Pronoun its own Indicates the belonging of the subject of the speaking, or his companion, or a third party who are in the proposal subject.
All these pronouns in the proposals are agreed definitions.

Indexing pronouns.

Indicative pronouns that, this, this one, such, so much this Serve to allocate among other any specific subject, a sign, quantity.
Sometimes index pronouns that, such, so much Serve for the formation of complex proposals. In this case, they are index words In the main sentence, in the subordinate to them, as a rule, relative pronouns that are in it union words.
In the proposal, index pronouns can be subject to, add-on, definition, beyond.

Determined pronouns.

Determined pronoun - All, all, all sorts, everyone, the most, any, other, the other.
Proponion each, any, most Indicate one item from a number of homogeneous.
Pronoun any Indicates any subject of many homogeneous.
Proponion all, all Determine the object as something inseparable.
Pronoun self Indicates a face or an object that makes action.
Pronoun mostIn addition to the value named above, it may be denoted by the degree of a sign, it serves to form an excellent degree of adjectives.

Morphological parsing pronouncement

I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1. Initial form (nominative case of the only number).
2. Permanent signs:
a) discharge,
b) face (in personal pronouns).
3. Non-permanent signs:
a) case
b) number (if any),
c) Rod (if any).
III. Syntactic role.


Verb - Part of the speech, which means the action or state of the subject and answers the questions what to do? what to do?
Verbs are imperfect and perfect species.
The verbs are divided into transitional and non-transparent.
The verbs vary in inclination.
The verb has an initial form, which is called an indefinite form of verb (or infinitive). It does not show any time nor the number, nor face, nor kind.
The verbs in the proposal are the faugible.
The indefinite shape of the verb can be part of a composite, may be subject to, add-on, determination, circumstance.

Uncertain verb shape (or infinitive)

Verbs B. uncertain form (in infinitive) Answer questions what to do? Or what to do?
The verbs in an indefinite form have the form, adequacy and non-propellability, lining. Verbs in an indefinite form have ending -t, -th or zero.

Types of verb

Verbs imperfect species answer the question of what to do?, and verbs perfect species - what to do?
The verbs of the imperfect species do not indicate the completion of the action, to its end or result. The verbs of the perfect species indicate the completion of the action, on its end or result.
The verb of one species can correspond to the verb of another type with the same lexical value.
When the verbs are formed by one species from the verbs of another species, consoles are used.
The formation of verb types can be accompanied by alternating vowels and consonants in the root.

Transitional and non-transparent verbs

Verbs that are combined or can be combined with nouns or pronoun in the vinegenic case without an excuse, called transition.
Transition verbs indicate such an action that goes to another subject.
The noun or pronoun under the transition verb can stand in the parent.
The verbs are uncompressiveIf the action is not a transition to another subject.
Uncompressive verbs with suffixes - "- I).

Return glasses

Verbs with suffix - "- I) called returns.
Some verbs can be returned and irrevocable; Others only return (without suffix -We They are not used).

Cleaning verb

Verbs B. expressive challenge Denote the actions that occur or will actually happen.
The verbs in the zealing tilt are changed at times. In the present and the future, the vowel end of the foundation of an uncertain form is sometimes lowered.
In the zealing challenge, the verbs of the imperfect species have three times: the present, past and future, and the verbs of the perfect species are two times: the last and future is simple.
Verbs B. conditional challenge Denote the actions desired or possible under certain conditions.
The conditional approximate of the verb is formed from the foundation of an indefinite form of verb with the help of suffix -L- and particles would (b). This particle may stand after the verb and in front of it, can be separated from the verb in other words.
The verbs in the conditional inclination vary in numbers and in the singular - by childbirth.
Verbs B. ludial inclination Express the motivation to action, order, request.
The verbs in the imperative inclination are usually used in the form 2nd person.
The verbs in the imperative inclination do not change at times.
Molds of imperative inclination are formed from the basis of the present or future simple time using suffix -and- or zero suffix. The verbs of the imperative ignition in the only number have a zero ending, and in the multiple - -those.
Sometimes a particle is added to the verbs of the impeller -Yowhich slightly mitigates the order.

Glagol time


The verbs in the present tense show that the action takes place at the time of speech.
The verbs in the present time may indicate the actions that are constantly committed.
The verbs in the present time are changed by persons and numbers.

Past time.

The verbs last time show that the action occurred until the moment of speech.
When describing the past, often instead of the past time is consumed.
Verbs in the form of past time are formed from an indefinite form (infinitive) with a suffix -L-.
Verbs in an indefinite form on -You, -th, -{!LANG-4d488bdb29bc35cd82d240d9dff73a8e!} -L-.


{!LANG-5ba4b43671d58712f7d46c6ff9355667!} {!LANG-0856d0513502f11618dd17f5b6e42cc8!}{!LANG-3c079a0baf959a56b450f9163984a531!} {!LANG-a99ec898e5e76fa79883c067793a05e0!}{!LANG-27e48cfdc0d94fbec34c9c797938a55d!} {!LANG-6f11188947be281d333f4c69df2a65a6!}{!LANG-70a96f2100f176801e9daa5dae709535!} {!LANG-2638d308146772117bfaf495ea3c1648!}{!LANG-c64e4453657a25e4a3ccae331ae6484a!} {!LANG-917758be288a28468e3213ed2edcc9bf!}


I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1. {!LANG-6c683ceb429d144c2d6f8c744d4c9b1a!}
2. Permanent signs:
3. Non-permanent signs:
b) number
III. Syntactic role.





{!LANG-b83a2a55dc1993ae7eceb3e80d40eb28!} {!LANG-eb2bd9b62ceee664d1b35f7011e1ed38!}{!LANG-dfeca2e7e52cdbba4bc12dc8919b8a72!} {!LANG-13ffa606a527e7556fe42b30a2b5ef7f!}
{!LANG-474a4d43c9b8b44f266e51048c9d2221!} {!LANG-3891638de686d27c23e1995910f92dd4!}

{!LANG-7bab4cfb070d08038c09e890d0af32cc!}{!LANG-80c1c7353a4cf295a5188da9a09e5b7d!} {!LANG-66c2bf758cfffd607fe266af47d7bec0!}{!LANG-b138f702006fdc5ddeaa3f21855185da!}


{!LANG-c6efb889039ab099a714c884120888df!}{!LANG-0589126fd8db8f12a04559bf9d14320e!} {!LANG-e591529ba749beab9774344010720a9e!}{!LANG-bb01b0c187839907810b83c13ff03ab3!}



  1. {!LANG-0068dc4bda29369ff3579cdfc69c4a31!}{!LANG-315809bda25ec90d8639345af84c8b79!}
  2. {!LANG-782eaede254ea3916372442c56f41592!}{!LANG-c1dfaf39059e5014ea484b34b3b6f295!}
  3. {!LANG-95da5608eb13fd8759ee91d6ea5909ef!}{!LANG-4b5ceaf1b77f6713c20b627ef348b8f6!}
  4. {!LANG-13b144e002a053af43e1ad03582ef998!}{!LANG-7acf45793ae1be42fb2abdf47684ce8a!}
{!LANG-f6b4e7d1a42645459bba658cd1d87a13!} {!LANG-95460875b08f981c3388100850948bfe!}{!LANG-fab4f84d0aa2249bdabf6b8cc3c57f90!} {!LANG-dd905c7760e5c117f6d27aeeb378889a!}{!LANG-dbc8710630c4e7250a53d0468b26ead4!} {!LANG-e17ba79999378b75a0153edd37a92136!}{!LANG-890601c600ecaae6389f89cba23fe0c7!} {!LANG-8addff37b3892e4ef157b0db15cf31aa!}).
{!LANG-eea4f7c8bfe82c902f85eb16132d0d79!} {!LANG-7578366fa508088c8ee65d07201c67fa!}{!LANG-2364be05f9a43f462978bbb3d9081ee5!}




II. Morphological signs:
1. {!LANG-73711fc5c269abd1298d41a5454c46b7!}
2. {!LANG-b3e036636cd1866e8584c0c0b7a5d528!}
3. Non-permanent signs:

III. Syntactic role.



{!LANG-107782550f06f9cc41823a7ee92f85e2!} {!LANG-63a8c5802396aba6c6626cafce9fb83e!}


{!LANG-58862ebb854dc8be4f7900e1ea950587!} {!LANG-b8f7aa267dc6e18a8f78cdfdc12ef80a!}





{!LANG-c1e1ed2dd5a37dcb777125c1cfa46457!} {!LANG-c263a891f339d819b60dbf43019b4f38!}{!LANG-d5d855b1c17a7674994f1f27e70a8aae!}
{!LANG-b70839875d48fbd563b8ceb6cac80b3f!} {!LANG-33390413e050f6ffe80b6fe2492e989b!}{!LANG-a13399084fbf5f39d982b390eeb96b86!} {!LANG-fc23a1cdc7c771b34348e177c3f8fac1!}.
{!LANG-159a4f4191e3af5190dfcecb4cf2c55d!} {!LANG-bf733f7009b0ea04f81ee11605d06b5d!}{!LANG-3357bb53cf7789cd17e37b7193c06039!} {!LANG-45e27a3f886c30a713a3f9dffebaa24f!}
{!LANG-7c6c3f76e679c8bafccea6adf91f79ab!} {!LANG-77edb708e32f73ba7d4a1d80a26b456f!}.


  1. {!LANG-a7a5ef37b72e036935d38e69c9bcf609!} {!LANG-f3800eb33c59b0b21ade6b8a08fc035c!}{!LANG-96991be0cfa287b2b96ed6468a57bec4!}
  2. {!LANG-e9c7022a588e81992dcc5181b1344cf9!}
    • {!LANG-71ceac07bf17ad2284dcfa8e7583dbbb!}
    • {!LANG-1c01565b0c82f29581c7aaa0d0d279de!} {!LANG-fded080641702d9c2450cf823269d32d!}{!LANG-a570a3aa96e455d6eb615faf723849fd!}
    • {!LANG-5ebfb7dc6534d6654b396ac0b46cf8ac!}
    • {!LANG-649a0b05e6a52344efa86df20db13114!} {!LANG-6062b2808959d997aeff8049a107e269!}{!LANG-dd37fd444ebec4f6ce9b1cd8bdefd04f!}


{!LANG-e7f00ab88eac2d98a998743777c79014!} {!LANG-e16a71b1803db8709b38a9098876d439!}{!LANG-931451f5db6ce738b0111f3492be0def!} {!LANG-3756e4aea511eed77353acec09b278c4!}

{!LANG-39c97cc56a9596f22fd0912201058cff!} {!LANG-6d8b094fedddd92d78608275ffa24724!}{!LANG-1dc5affa03e3d732a7b63fa5e797adb0!} {!LANG-e767069d8c25072c780f4dca7fe94a58!}{!LANG-c6d6378df7a85731cc62764322c3d89e!} {!LANG-e27a8e64049676d2ac747aba71018bb1!}


  1. {!LANG-a43d790e74f8a09a858861479ca22071!}
  2. {!LANG-2a308fdde5b6c792165ed7a00e1f3533!} -We{!LANG-c64e8a2d8254fbcac5df41cc77d46e7f!}
    {!LANG-189dab8318bc03ad19e42bb95c1d029d!} {!LANG-fc23a1cdc7c771b34348e177c3f8fac1!}{!LANG-21af5c7001b584c227c53cec26c36f63!}


  1. {!LANG-4391f7659bded40c6743e315da777816!} {!LANG-e5070fd77aece83a1b9266230ea5e794!}{!LANG-783a79e7ca037943bad6fbe5a97a64f3!} {!LANG-fc23a1cdc7c771b34348e177c3f8fac1!}{!LANG-246876b5480e26e62e1d5da37c884ca9!}
  2. {!LANG-761e45f9712df424fbe18a9cfc8d2e5f!} {!LANG-553c239bc9065bf102e7c1bb8427dca9!}{!LANG-42a9bf09ba514b21007c67cf55886894!}


II. Morphological signs:
1. {!LANG-c2e16c6e45e2d2d9adde3f32bc4088e6!}
2. {!LANG-1e45e955277a4ab03e076276ef7312ba!}
3. {!LANG-dcb96ca76913a3c47237464036b41e73!}
III. Syntactic role.


{!LANG-c62cca108d749737f9ce7bf98c6a4ae3!} {!LANG-c4b8b666e09b65c0923010291078471a!}{!LANG-35b96c553b773ee45d4cedb383add35d!}
{!LANG-c62cca108d749737f9ce7bf98c6a4ae3!} {!LANG-4a73618529d940f58938806c8c2605b0!}{!LANG-45bac17d26d6b6775e6c4b5a76219a79!}
{!LANG-c62cca108d749737f9ce7bf98c6a4ae3!} {!LANG-5c72d921ef172afe5c3303f9fa6fe743!}{!LANG-25b7333dc0e818983a17b738aa739467!}




  • {!LANG-2abcf61b77d62ad1a3fe2f9ecf506772!}{!LANG-50b1db74b5bc8ebcc2871fcf92bcb9a6!}
  • {!LANG-2a642c77f84ea38ef95d6f1869cdd4de!}{!LANG-db9785ffd4d04f02a5ea78ff9f70bef2!}
  • {!LANG-afcbc879d3c0eee97d07f1cf98ef1b45!}{!LANG-6f1d847067f4fcf0a46dcc8498125aaa!}
  • {!LANG-40b0183ecf8a7059136c1088266b70f8!}{!LANG-b9005725165d3e9e8ba3fa64b2cd6789!}
  • {!LANG-0ea36950260c6e95b249bae01047bbf8!}{!LANG-c362ee8a08f4587b50283486c63b3d1a!}
  • {!LANG-843ded22b84f5ba806d4d1575ceb001b!}{!LANG-08a4e2737e8873f5ac1a1fc5ba7e7af8!}
  • {!LANG-43d0d1a0adbbc5e54ae55fe2edf13f3c!}{!LANG-5672040066c72f0377e54ab3e6146a20!}
  • {!LANG-41bff426989af1d47667df08dc279792!}{!LANG-cac8e59bce1d41799a85e95b733e6ea8!}
  • {!LANG-d0a9bd2838e1f6b6212d62865458405e!}{!LANG-d834644175ddbe89511a090ccce322d0!}
  • {!LANG-a6eb7b4f90cd4ae602c22b85c0f5b7f7!}{!LANG-0d35e5ce83ecd1aaa82e968bc5815588!}


{!LANG-53a503d83b7e2919538f6ed59fbca488!} {!LANG-2d172e2cb1612f877c9255cf47140fb4!}{!LANG-8a65eec0687764f5523ff42218cf5df6!} {!LANG-8df42ebe564e370814eba173147b4a79!}
{!LANG-953368dc39a8869052c0f00fc73dcc65!} {!LANG-0856d0513502f11618dd17f5b6e42cc8!}{!LANG-ca8b40d82275dd0b1503ef94361ae6ff!} {!LANG-bfa66b18cfd05a472a975608c12d68da!}{!LANG-38f183213ff22ec503e123ae110b1cdf!} {!LANG-11a25b81e69819a55f0aebdb75f6217d!}{!LANG-cc04d6695b559b923f9f7890ac0d476f!} {!LANG-d5b42f94ea47596848a9c8cac93b5917!}.
{!LANG-f015b99f3da756478dffb414027e2446!} {!LANG-4bc50681d76eea0d0fec5c2452eaf719!}.


I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1. {!LANG-851c06689bde4356b635bc9f0f452ed9!}
2. {!LANG-53376813e22dd084f89a22bd1c8eef2a!}
III. Syntactic role.




  1. {!LANG-ddf5d4d4c146b0a55319b617d125f8bc!}
  2. {!LANG-ad31d366c3a47131ddb1b34b618946de!}
  3. {!LANG-86763ad3b907aed012f7fe7cecc557ac!}

{!LANG-ef71ebba24a1703df0171551a157d41f!} {!LANG-d1c2a1603b49ae61c6db42c3975a6661!}


  1. {!LANG-8f12363c9eaa9640266f0e809857d558!}
    • {!LANG-0e6d428d0cf4e305d63324c1b8e78a2e!}{!LANG-bc2b2dc7b86d8b2cf6b121ceb96d1368!} {!LANG-b3ad036bb67d7c7a3e5ce443cb599f6b!}{!LANG-915b4c4790c494ce9bba8e5666421bb9!} {!LANG-faaf5a90c2c01eab11076a493013a744!}{!LANG-b4569abbec4a04fb76708d7b2f5a8893!} {!LANG-41a8550fec7f62d8f7b3862f09e0f86c!}{!LANG-80c342a8b005d1e8e0a51d1860b3a5b9!} {!LANG-26204d2c39ad818b46779572b97c3a2a!}{!LANG-51e555ba953dfa5853d049e10a9ea0c0!} {!LANG-61cdb1b2161eaff9068105b2dbca40a3!}{!LANG-3ac69624da9ecb664ba8e39780bfb992!} {!LANG-898ed1691a4d9a8249537a596f583329!}{!LANG-ad40f14039fdbba3767ad8752e058020!} {!LANG-fb31c1d3eb4e3e3a30e83160a5728859!}{!LANG-7323cfc7f7bb7f51fb137d747a81338c!}
    • {!LANG-9222cdf703091f6763abb22cd305d34c!}{!LANG-d87cdeb533f13c9d9f63cfe229d5e0f3!} {!LANG-057c73e3bf39e68ca70775df3e4a6cae!}{!LANG-8621e33ca0797f8e247c429b3b93bbd0!} {!LANG-9cc1d13c24eb7bfd5deb488df5a13b14!}{!LANG-e5d439bffa2c6a2d11508eb72bd66828!} {!LANG-73357163bc8ef63556c8f55b745238bc!}{!LANG-3faa046815a62129d1c6933a528b804f!} {!LANG-2ffa52214ad3cc82ab3de2a79b5ac4a7!}{!LANG-eba6198fa04fb1718a84e5f32b5d3760!} {!LANG-ff17b4f713aee81ff636b0f7ed62097c!}{!LANG-0aee970c47721ed7e2beb0f9627378a6!} {!LANG-8f13d4d28d793b22772375c60bdaa3b2!}, {!LANG-9f361e0b6761a92954a93746ff4ae5cd!}{!LANG-c9a516450a2463553d6f002f671f3e4f!}
    • {!LANG-1b52f5e563d8b6745e31532df98d33f4!}{!LANG-ff2c1878b9e4f2be3b64208fa8f3d34e!} {!LANG-71cfc772b51d43785d6009af8ffe9646!}{!LANG-e4766f77d2c2cf7204a7fbdca89b83c1!}
  2. {!LANG-205346d26b9e55f5edda9ba145d915b7!}
    • {!LANG-0063a9829569d940fa72a489ae3dc53f!}
      {!LANG-878ed8a6f41b9aa00fff5183d9e85c2a!} {!LANG-0e6d428d0cf4e305d63324c1b8e78a2e!}{!LANG-3beb4a2c135d06517fd47709bb1c5ec5!} {!LANG-b3ad036bb67d7c7a3e5ce443cb599f6b!}{!LANG-9aa8af3a3b19c7f1cf48da6f01c2fa5a!} {!LANG-faaf5a90c2c01eab11076a493013a744!}{!LANG-db67f44e5351599df42a07b9c61d4005!} {!LANG-41a8550fec7f62d8f7b3862f09e0f86c!}{!LANG-1bc8d3726fef1442b40f79c88e98ca3a!} {!LANG-26204d2c39ad818b46779572b97c3a2a!}{!LANG-a2ec4145cc5574b0a6786cc87813613d!} {!LANG-61cdb1b2161eaff9068105b2dbca40a3!}{!LANG-0b07a4bf7ff8344ef902da26f43f063c!} {!LANG-898ed1691a4d9a8249537a596f583329!}{!LANG-9d10223fd56b4dae6579c3477fc8b0df!} {!LANG-fb31c1d3eb4e3e3a30e83160a5728859!}{!LANG-73da4c48f7a642cc96aecaa10a51bf61!} {!LANG-9222cdf703091f6763abb22cd305d34c!}{!LANG-029a44bf4613de1bc76ce7b0ce3d9008!} {!LANG-1ebda51128d7804d2da3e69a51b50d8c!}
    • {!LANG-12bca3f4e63300385750ccabb4be0a10!}
      {!LANG-4d2b4279678b06db1c3ba2694046ae1d!} {!LANG-6999b6e4d135b96cd7514ef1b563b0ec!}{!LANG-8de11730972e16fa6ec5defba0f99995!} {!LANG-3b7f481f8d3378d87b6edd8d3c6f802e!}{!LANG-5542bd0b5ca7f8f6118bcd95fa5cac48!} {!LANG-257177a02e128794f9bf3bac88cac509!}{!LANG-b4569abbec4a04fb76708d7b2f5a8893!} {!LANG-21bf93eee3fd3205b6de57731083173d!}{!LANG-1911faeb489aced2fedab34f11b61812!} {!LANG-4d3eff4b6877300fded50367310f383c!}{!LANG-1db664bf96c5c18850c41250016b7650!} {!LANG-9f361e0b6761a92954a93746ff4ae5cd!}.
    • {!LANG-aef97f008f43cfc27c764fc47a4d9b88!}
      {!LANG-1b52f5e563d8b6745e31532df98d33f4!}{!LANG-bccb37e0b2d665acbdaa6bf78ed7d624!} {!LANG-4735cde1f8615a5ef844eebb4819d032!}{!LANG-b796c83e238da5d00c94f384a5663785!}


{!LANG-e695f6fc94068047d1deb36621702729!} {!LANG-febb4dc8eb447a2e6e31d06cdc4d840d!} ({!LANG-c5c55f476d1c52c2dc205ce332718494!}{!LANG-016f575d4ad6a86510290b898eb2f986!} {!LANG-26d2043c65efa6f61fe3fa6318eaccca!} ({!LANG-648223d61baf4ad5438ff5d780d361aa!}{!LANG-4a262d7a07fc91822bf9491c999cc4ff!}


I. Part of speech. General value.
III. Syntactic role.


{!LANG-327b05e63056707f05a54608955d920f!} {!LANG-69aa749a362432953bfd4919d867f92c!}


{!LANG-a62a8448c3b3ad7b7e05b55bebb4d1a5!} {!LANG-047c2fe01e8184ec3ea61d20693459b9!} {!LANG-2e67b0504f5fa477807b546029d90dbb!}{!LANG-b5c3eed3726eea71fdff324688f4d996!} {!LANG-a134ae25d313339676a16a33f629abb2!} {!LANG-c5b542c21c98cbb0aa997ba15aa713a0!} and etc.



  1. {!LANG-f443d5a0d5ad38a2e646c091dfc28700!}{!LANG-2eef8d18ea5316a089d61c661426ad8e!}
  2. {!LANG-1a5e872bf3a1c173fe2a89fe8cc560b8!}{!LANG-e8fd38db9a17cfca24b4549e0797ada1!}
  3. {!LANG-10b304858421e57783962cd4f1178092!}{!LANG-47b45d89689c457d765b1a61c435ee3f!}

{!LANG-eab899f5798bf9f7320af037e0182987!} {!LANG-b2c0fa58e0fa4abe716f0ab0021f3dc7!}{!LANG-c3bdd63fe3dae210edb9a8beed945ce8!}



  1. {!LANG-c50d375e4ed2267f37e7f64696602a38!}{!LANG-31559c9eadeb80a46f3918fde9551cc3!}
  2. {!LANG-9908536f0e4501b3db97721725f21dd5!}{!LANG-677c8ad6b962996e42631f835d3b6c33!}
  3. {!LANG-d7d3251e5290b92cb7c103846d6f2b29!}{!LANG-7368b4168f09f78a93270a62901ce11c!}
  4. {!LANG-3fe938cecd238aa9249f5efc37d69d37!}{!LANG-322879cb81a2bb1e24126f9dc46fb877!}
  5. {!LANG-30978781d2c69be61c7ed7b8e85100a6!}{!LANG-f49ebb177e1d4cdb0d7854cc9d32e704!}
  6. {!LANG-93aa72ecdbb338b6775508efeda74540!}{!LANG-8aba962c39658bfb2ad704e2df8b8685!}
  7. {!LANG-995675e865ea8c1464ca7245b3be26f1!}{!LANG-9c2a791b9a6448137456c9448fe02db9!}


I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1) {!LANG-d002435bd44ce58b2c54bbf6c4fb4ee1!}
2) {!LANG-851c06689bde4356b635bc9f0f452ed9!}
III. Syntactic role.




{!LANG-018278aedae9b2f198fa4268867c642b!} would (b){!LANG-6e7e891158d75fdac23fd664f2bcb63b!}


{!LANG-12a6319af5f4109ea45fade5d34219de!} not and n..
{!LANG-018278aedae9b2f198fa4268867c642b!} not{!LANG-6ac1ba5bee18a439d6d3eb17cf5d1b37!}


  1. {!LANG-b15c599a4e8cdda0b694f99360b5d4c6!}
    • {!LANG-a69081492090c62623d929490ebdb68f!} {!LANG-077441fe3873dd33fe865ae2e3ae0a6e!}{!LANG-69c62697b1f3502300b18a726da3f75c!} {!LANG-077441fe3873dd33fe865ae2e3ae0a6e!}{!LANG-74ea696d66cdc4aa0fe51a7d8714240a!}
    • {!LANG-ee53dcf7a647f4aa45e27e3b9141bdb8!} not{!LANG-c6b3e7cc20ac72ba7529e60f63987036!}
  2. {!LANG-282ecc29b7225f152faf6180e6370ac6!}
    • {!LANG-dc03fb1e2ed48c2b5d2a3f44372c7cc4!} not{!LANG-7afd916a9d45690975b3736890c8f3d4!} not{!LANG-bfb1cbc1aef97990401067867aff9400!}

{!LANG-d0aa2f93dd980d82fb696fa68d7fa26f!} n.{!LANG-85259fddf599cdfa50c967c2f7cedc3a!}


  1. {!LANG-a8ab5cd33da993407a7e0e9f0abb4ab8!}
    {!LANG-3b8b9606828e4415b163e2b0a9a387fb!}{!LANG-07d268aaf3d44e5acaf98a268343e661!} n.{!LANG-d80dda0628a2e6c94ef5c4168561dcc5!}
  2. {!LANG-1623755455c81bda65fd1e4f49bfb631!} n.{!LANG-4616e07d1d335a237238635807beba0b!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!}.
    {!LANG-5a50c59ffbcb33e94557c41c8fdcf396!} n.{!LANG-2c59177938a820760cdb8fc27b493ae7!} n.{!LANG-9f4ab977f6dfe483a6d86883cb4b3953!}
  3. {!LANG-d401719ea20fb99b70bf89dafa52a9be!}
    {!LANG-734f5529ef00a69e222157924d7dba41!} n. ({!LANG-c7034dd551431ca9bd2650fbae0cd63d!}{!LANG-69bea121da2c190f9aed4f9ccbd64a33!} n. ({!LANG-055bf45aa36bde451eaeacbeed7ddaef!}{!LANG-c307a0218fe76941ca4ee4eefa975e75!}




  1. {!LANG-57c9c757772eaab74e3fdd10f3ef6351!}{!LANG-0b385b76652fab9530c9f3d48e981446!}
  2. {!LANG-e1b7a381325ebc7c7797927e577ec9ce!}{!LANG-f52eea9c2d34817b975724a694765752!}
  3. {!LANG-cae783ad8f5e0c168ac62e7f65f7bd44!}{!LANG-cf967925ce58102d7bca70d454e97210!}
  4. {!LANG-d78a310f89eae276c6428ba4f08b2fe5!}{!LANG-12adcf1ef422a974f35474a1018df42e!}
  1. {!LANG-02cc3b85da86d135ed77a68bc91505bd!}{!LANG-07fccaf4eabd4907de68578b3bb72dff!}
  2. {!LANG-6936f13ad2513150bce4caa8c5817786!}{!LANG-ae7732c9cb633eb1d6b2b713cefa8ec4!}
  3. {!LANG-8df58bb2aa5010263e2b187b8ea1297d!}{!LANG-4380df1392c096bb9062d8f2c0bfefad!}
  4. {!LANG-447a390d4cd06f38fef95481eee5b010!}{!LANG-53c942b99b964c04c4580162f1ed53c4!}


I. Part of speech. General value.
II. Morphological signs:
1) {!LANG-eeaa3bcf1e773fa5b79c4f5b9a6ab887!}
2) {!LANG-851c06689bde4356b635bc9f0f452ed9!}
III. Syntactic role.





















  • {!LANG-95a09e87b2973188af4e4c6a97ff039d!}
  • {!LANG-c3d18ca0168679002e1531ce59456afe!}
  • {!LANG-d3d10a46e423051e445a800a70cf6119!}




  • {!LANG-ad4697e8b8c203dcf98ceb7ad2b7ec9a!}
  • {!LANG-4bdb65af509d144d75222c2034194bb4!}








  • {!LANG-0e70502b42aabcd88f9696605ab90c3a!}
  • {!LANG-f5dd46f355f5887f33700c09d70797a7!}
  • {!LANG-247f4affb6f0f5df68e3edfb81100e73!}
  • {!LANG-a1aee72f118ce71b1a681115d8fb89b7!}
  • {!LANG-eeb646bc4195dc32ac9f0bdaeab1ba9b!}




  • {!LANG-8ea8e6510ac9ae291c42dc85a4d3c889!}
  • {!LANG-206cf13c499b77651246937029bedb65!}
  • {!LANG-57eed592a0672a6f721387ff081a768c!}
  • {!LANG-18296b4f5ae11a0f5a669c4414b28c9c!}


