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Silicate glue - scope, preparation methods, instructions for use. Silicate glue: what it is, application, properties, composition

Name liquid glass More often used as silicate glue. This name is more common among consumers. Wikipedia gives us such a designation - aqueous alkaline solution of sodium silicates Na 2 O (SiO 2) N and (or) potassium K 2 O (SiO 2) N.

Despite the growing popularity - primers, putty, water-repellent and refractory mixtures, liquid glass today occupies a weighty component in the market.

In fact, the term "liquid glass" is called silicate glue, adhesive, waterproof characteristics of which and contribute to the popularity of the material.

Composition, description and properties of "Liquid glass" in construction

For general concept It is necessary to know that liquid glass was invented in 1818. This made the German scientist mineralogan Yang Nepomuk von Fuchs. The chemical process included flintic acid and a variety of alkalis. The classic composition of liquid glass, in principle, remained unchanged and, due to silica-containing materials and sodium solution of hydroxide.

The aqueous mixture of sodium silicate is able to dissolve in water, forming a thick liquid, and physicometer, mechanical, varies with different dosages, performance features Construction solutions. Hence the expansion of the scope of liquid glass.

It is important to remember that with your own hands the cooked solution is very quickly grasped and freezing, so working with building solutions With liquid glass it is recommended to specialists with extensive experience. But the final result of the finish is its strength and durability, worth their efforts.

Methods of application and algorithms for the performance of construction works with liquid glass

The scope of liquid glass use is almost unlimited, but the main consumer is the construction industry - such a component is indispensable primarily for waterproofing work.

How, where, when and in what quantity liquid glass (silicate adhesive) in construction and main advantages are used:

  • , construction of bridge structures: wherever concrete is in contact with water - a mixed soluble glass with water in a proportion of 0.4 / 1 is the best primer material. But, subsequent processing (painting / finishing) is not carried out, since the liquid glass forms a film on the surface;
  • Initially, soluble glass is added to the cement solution in the proportion of 8/1, and the concrete will be resistant to moisture;
  • Refractory cement for masonry furnaces, fireplaces. Composition: sand cement in a 1/3 ratio, add about 20% of the total mass of liquid glass, then enter water;
  • Production finishing materials In industrial conditions - refractory plugs, hydropobicators, various coloring and adhesive compositions;
  • Liquid glass - one of the best antiseptics, the introduction of it in concrete makes the material immunity to the effects of fungi, various microorganisms;
  • Making maps - processing of seams and jacks of sewer and plumbing systems;
  • Add liquid glass in paint makes paintwork Durable, resistant to all types of atmospheric influences.


when working with liquid glass it is necessary to observe regular rules Safety, the material is environmentally friendly, but to work with it it is necessary to wear gloves and avoid direct contact with the skin.

Liquid glass - not only in the composition of building mixtures

Silicatization is the most efficient and tested method of strengthening the soil, which are widely used construction companies. The gradation of the foundation is a common phenomenon, and in cases of uneven sorting of soil, injection injection strengthens, strengthens the sands floating. For gardening and garden, treatment of spikes of trees with liquid glass eliminates plant disease, being an ideal antiseptic and monolithic protective crust on a spell.

What is still used silicate glue (liquid glass)

  1. Glowing glass.
  2. Solution of economic and household smakey:
    • removal scale and cleaning dishes,
    • metal protection from corrosion,
    • getting rid of stains on clothes.
  • Antiseptic agent in apartments and houses.
  • When placing linoleum.
  • Maskings for metal pipes.
  • Soak fabrics for refractoriness.
  • Processing of the wounded tree.
  • For polishing the car, countertops and other surfaces.
  • Liquid glass was and will be sought after necessary material For a wide range of works.

    Liquid glass in different spheres of life

    Below you can see photos of made tabletops from liquid glass.

    IN lately Use liquid glass for the floor. It looks very nice and unique. Several photo ideas, how can the floor from silicate glue.

    As you can see, liquid glass is applied on the floor, for decorating tables, countertops and much more. Try, experiment.

    IN modern construction Silicate glue is used enough, simply speaking, liquid glass. In essence, this is a mineral compound that, in addition to the construction sphere, is widely used in the national economy and everyday life for gluing materials of various nature. In this article, we will try as far as possible to talk about what the stationery glue "Liquid glass", we describe the features of its production and application.

    How is liquid glass manufactured?

    For the first time, the stationery glue was made in Germany in 1818 by a chemist and minologist Background Fuchs. To date, this material is made according to a variety of technologies.

    The most common of them are:

    • Trepal, diatomites, soils or other varieties of siliceous raw materials are placed in special alkaline solutions, where they dissolve under normal pressure and relatively low temperatures.
    • Compounds containing silicon are treated with concentrated sodium hydroxide. Perform such a procedure on a special autoclave.
    • Quartz sand and soda are melted for construction work.

    Silicate glue (liquid glass) is sold in the form of a ready-to-use solution or dry, resembles a powder that needs to be diluted with water in certain proportions. An instruction is attached to each composition, where it is clearly described, as in what proportions to dilute it:

    • In everyday life, of course, it is better to use the already prepared solution.
    • Industrial construction enterprises More often this product is ordered in a dry form.

    Important! The main indicator chemical composition This glue is a silicate module whose value indicates a silica yield into the solution. In addition, this module describes the ratio of sodium or potassium oxide to silicon oxide contained in silicate adhesive. But note that the quality of the glass is not determined by this indicator.

    Dry glass with natural and elevated temperatures. Typically, manufacturers to speed up this process, finished products dried at 375 degrees. The glue dissolves in the water completely, there is no precipitate or particles. If you add ketones, salt compounds, aldehydes, ammoniac, alcohol substances into the solution, then you can observe the planting effect.

    Important! This material is incompatible with organic compounds, the only exception is sugar, alcohol, urea.

    The main characteristics of the stationery glue

    The solutions of this liquid compound include various arrogant forms, the simplest orthosilicates from the discharge of monomers. The key characteristics of this composition can be called the following.


    The level of polymerization of silicate adhesive does not have a constant value, it is constantly changing under the influence of oscillations of the ratio of silica acids and alkali. In addition, this indicator depends on the concentration characterizing the basic substance.


    This is the most important quality indicator of liquid glass. This value decreases with the increase in temperature, precisely at the level on which the material is manufactured. With an increase in the concentration of the solution, its viscose rises. The value of this value is determined using a special instrument - a viscometer.

    Important! It can also increase if adding a well-soluble salt to the glass.


    This indicator is measured by an ordinary aerometer. It reliably indicates the real density of the composition, even if there is too little glue for analysis. Measure this value with oscillations, even the most minor, ratios of the silic acid and alkaline component of the glass.

    Point of cooking

    It is directly dependent on the binding properties of glue, that is, the dilution temperature, varies from 760 to 870 degrees.


    It is impossible to change this indicator much. If you add 10-100 parts of water, the pH level will change no more than one unit, that is, it will become equal to 10-12. Holding glue occurs at a temperature of minus 2 to plus 10 degrees. It returns to the initial state when diluted, but its properties remain unchanged.

    Important! Store the stationery glue (liquid glass) when negative temperatures NOT, otherwise, crystals may form on its surface. Even after heating, they do not disappear.

    Application of liquid glass

    The largest consumers of this material are construction enterprises. Most often it is used in concrete:

    • Despite the fact that it is characterized by a low price, with its help you can significantly improve the quality, operational properties of concrete, guarantee a solution of high waterproofing.
    • Material has high antibacterial properties. Due to this, the concrete with which it is mixed is never covered with a fungus or mold. All modern pools, designs that work with high humidity, concreted by the compositions containing silicate glue.

    Important! Through the glass quickly enough, so it is better not to risk, do not mix it with concrete solution before the start of work.

    Liquid glass when dealing with the preservation of buildings, pumps straight into the ground under the base of the construction. This happens in two ways:

    • A simultaneous way. The mixture is formed from liquid glass and a special hardener, then it is served directly under the building.
    • Serial method. First, the glass is injected, only then the hardener.

    Other options:

    • Very common in construction is impregnation of wood and plaster with liquid glass.
    • They dilute silicate paint, ensuring excellent protection against corrosion of metal products for 25-30 years.
    • Silicate glue is part of modern plate chipboard. This impregnation makes any wooden product, strongly resistant to compression.

    Areas of using silicate glue

    The impregnation with a silicate solution of concrete and plastered surfaces guarantees a great antiseptic effect. Any coatings are becoming more resistant to the aggressive influence of external factors - high humidity and flue gases. Now it is clear why the glue "Liquid glass" glue is so popular in many areas. The use of this composition gives coatings treated with additional properties:

    • High level of hardness.
    • Abrasion strength.
    • The ability to block various cracks and irregularities that appear in plaster or concrete.

    In addition, other liquid glass is used in production.

    Silicate glue

    Silicate glue, which is more often called liquid glass, is a mineral compound, widely used in everyday life and a folk economy for a compound (gluing) of various materials. A viscous fluid substance is known to humanity for almost 2 hundred years, and all this time is successfully applied to many purposes.

    History of liquid glass

    For the first time, liquid glass was obtained in Germany by Chemist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs in 1818. The technology of its production turned out to be quite simple, and the raw material is natural or artificial - cheap and common.

    Liquid glass is aqueous alkaline solution of sodium polysilicates Na2O (SiO2) N, potassium K2O (SiO2) n or lithium Li2O (SiO2) N. Necessary composite element Liquid glass from which the glue itself and the glue itself are silicates - substances that are composed of SiO2 silica. The deposits of natural silicates are existing everywhere, production methods are not distinguished by complexity, and the extensive scope of application makes silicate glue one of the most accessible.

    Methods for getting

    There are several technologies for the manufacture of liquid glass. Possible firing (fusion) of a mixture of quartz sand and food Soda In a special capacity. The impact on raw materials containing silica saturated sodium hydroxide, potassium or lithium hydroxide solutions is also used. Wherein prerequisite is to maintain the boiling point of a specific alkali solution.

    The adhesive ability of liquid glass is associated with physical feature Silicates - good adhesion almost any surfaces. Adhesion is based on solid physics. On the external surface Solid objects of the molecule are weaker than inside. When applied to such surfaces of silicate adhesion, a molecular attraction occurs between them. The fluid in the glue is adsorbed on the surfaces connected, as a result of which the viscosity and density of the adhesive seam increase. The equilibrium of surface particles is shifted, the silicic acid chains are modified, the process of polycondensation is underway and a steady adhesion seam is formed.

    Glue in industry and everyday life

    Silicate glue is used in many sectors of the national economy. But one of the simplest and most common areas for a long time It was using it in the quality of the paper connector. Since childhood, everyone has a familiar liquid transparent glue in plastic bottles there is nothing but a stationery of silicate glue. Proper consistency and accurate application of liquid glass allowed to glue different kinds Paper and cardboard. However, it was found that over time the glue seam line turns yellow, and the connection itself becomes fragile. Therefore, although silicate glue is used now in office work, its use is more limited than before.

    One of the largest applications of liquid glass is construction. Solikate Solikate Mix with Inorganic Waste various productions Gives high strength inexpensive material, which is used in the construction of the main designs of buildings. Black and non-ferrous metallurgy slags are used as waste, as well as unnecessary products of the processing factories. Asol and CHP and CHP and CHP and unsuitable soil are used. The indisputable advantage of concrete produced in this way is that its production requires much less costs Electricity, which brings explicit economic benefits. Solikat Sodium is also used for the production of building panels and light ceramics.

    A little about properties

    Foamed liquid glass is very poorly heat. This quality is actively used to obtain special heat saving materials. Sodium silicate-based thermal insulators are used in industrial devices, and in piece thermal insulation products. Reams, cotton stalks, bench press, applied as filler for silicate solution sugar cane, as well as wood chips and sawdust. It can also be a railway slag and quartz sand. Silicate thermal insulation withstands temperature loads up to 1300 ° C and multiple drops for heating and cooling.

    Silicate glue is used in metallurgy in the manufacture of spraying for welding electrodes, as well as a binder in the production of foundry forms and rods. Liquid glass is used in mechanical engineering - for a delicate connection of parts, in the production of cellulose, paper and textiles. Sodium silicate is a necessary component of many processes in ferrous metallurgy, foundry production and chemical industry.

    The focus is on the strength qualities of silicate adhesive. In chemical production when working with aggressive products, liquid glass is an indispensable acid-resistant coating. Silicate glue is also part of washing powder. Solikat sodium introduced into cellulose adds paper and flavors and extra hardness.

    Silicate glue plays a big role in providing fire safety. In the construction of many structures not only non-combustible materials Similar stone, concrete and metal, but also exceptionally fire hazard elements like wood, plastic and synthetics. To guarantee the security of housing and the workplace, they are covered with a special flame retardant substance based on liquid glass. In addition, refractory plasters and pasta have waterproof and anti-corrosion properties.

    Often silicate glue is used in large and small repair work. So, liquid glass is part of the acid-resistant, resistant increased pressure and the heat of limestone and cement-sand solutions. It is also the main constituent element of moisture-resistant sealing maps and silicate facade colors. Silicate glue is used to protect the bases of structures from exposure groundwater, Used when waterproofing the pools, protection against moisture of floors, walls and overlaps basement. Liquid glass in interaction with ferrochrome slag and ash prolongs the service life of the dirt roads.

    Let's summarize

    Silicate glue is an unusual compound applied in various areas of production. Created for gluing paper and cardboard, it later began to be used as part of various adhesive mixtures and smelting. Compositions comprising silicate adhesive are distinguished by high temperature resistant, are thermal insulators and are not exposed to organic pests (rot, mold, insects)

    The disadvantages of liquid glass include its strongly alkaline reaction, which may cause a burn with careless circulation. However, beneficial features Silicate adhesive provide its relevance in modern production.

    Clay glue It is a substance of "mineral" origin, which consists of aqueous solution of sodium polysilicates (in some cases, potassium can be used).

    He found his active use when performing various types of work related to gluing paper or cardboard products. However, it is important to take into account the fact that over time the formed glue seam will change in color, and will also become more fragile, as a result of which silicate adhesive for paper processing is used only in home everyday. In some cases, this substance can be used as one of the main components of adhesive compositions or lips designed to carry out work on wood processing. However, during its use, it is important to remember that if in a closed bank it remains steady and does not lose its consumer characteristics, then on open air Quickly spoils and hardens.

    In addition, silicate glue has a strongly woolen reaction, which means it is necessary to use it as much as possible, avoiding contact with the eyes, due to the high proposality of the probability of getting painful burns.

    The use of silicate adhesive in industry and in everyday life

    This compound was distributed in many areas of human activity. It is used in office work, in the construction industry, as it is inexpensive and high strength, which allows you to build basic buildings designs. Often silicate glue or so-called liquid glass, It is used during the production of various building panels and a wide variety of light ceramics.

    Due to the high level of fire safety, this material was actively distributed as one of the main components of impregnation and additives. The mixture, which contains liquid glass, is actively used during the production of materials such as plaster, putty and many other, capable of extracting surface anti-corrosion properties to the treated surfaces. In addition, such compositions can protect waterproofing floors, cellars and wells from the effects of high air temperature. ambient. And when adding silicate glue into cement mortarIt allows you to achieve excellent strength and insulation characteristics.

    The characteristics of the liquid glass were so popular in the construction industry made it indispensable and during the production of paints and varnishes, which are especially actively used to arrange premises with a large cross-country of people, theater curtains, etc. The unique binders of the properties of this material made it indispensable and in many other industries of human management, therefore it is often used to connect glass or metal products, both in home houses and in production conditions.

    It is based on liquid glass today "the production of stationery silicate adhesive has been established. As for the chemical industry, here this material is actively used during the manufacture of silica gel, sodium metasilicate, lead silicate, etc.

    Silicate glue is used in various fields. Without it, it is difficult to do with construction, the material is useful for waterproofing. In addition, it is used in the process of producing acid-resistant, heat-resistant and waterproof concrete.

    The use of silicate adhesive as a supplement to building materials makes it possible to increase their strength, weather resistance, durability and refractory. Silicate glue (potassium used for fabric impregnation and wooden productsthat allows them to give greater density and fire resistance.

    The tool can be used as protection during wounds or trimming trees. With it, it produces priming of brick, wooden, concrete, plastered surfaces, as well as tanks. Silicate glue is useful for gluing products from paper, wood, glass, cardboard, leather, fabric and porcelain. In addition, it is possible to glue on any surfaces of linoleum and facing tiles.

    Silicate glue can be used both as an independent product, and in combination with various materials. It can be used as cleaning and detergent. Glue composition Used in paper, textile, chemical, fat and soap industry. It is an excellent environmentally friendly antiseptic, prevents the formation of fungi, rot and mold.

    Before applying glue Mounting should be mixed, it is recommended to prepare a brush, roller and brush to work. Before applying the surface must be cleaned from different pollution, wooden materials better clean up with emery paper. During operation, silicate glue is applied to the connected surfaces, which are then pressed to each other.

    When using primer for surface treatment and liquid glass is mixed in the same ratio. To create waterproofing concrete wells, their walls are treated silicate glueand then coated with a solution prepared from liquid glass, sand and cement (in equal proportions).

    For the manufacture of waterproof plaster, sand and cement (2.5 to 1) with 15 percent solution of silicate glue should be mixed. The same composition is used for repair and masonry of the outer parts of the furnaces, chimneys and fireplaces.

    For waterproofing basements, overlaps, floors, walls, basin devices take silicate glue and are connected to 10 parts of the concrete solution.

    As ordinary work on pasting, adhesive material is taken at the rate of 200 - 400 grams per square meter.

    To purify the dishes, a frying pan, pan and other items, it is necessary to prepare a solution of liquid glass with water in a ratio of 1 to 25. After that, the dishes should be boiled in this composition.

    Silicate glue is also used to repair the aquariums and gluing glass, they are impregnated with lime construction Materials, concrete, wooden and cement products, which increases their strength. With the help of glue manufactures, fat and oil spots from clothing remove.