Repair Design Furniture

How to make your home warmer without a heater. Five easy ways to make your apartment warmer Install heat-reflecting material behind the radiators

Many people know that living in a poorly insulated home can result in huge electricity bills. But our ancestors knew many ways to keep warm and cozy in the room without unnecessary spending. Thanks to modern infrared cameras and advances in physics, we can determine how these methods work and how effective they are.

The house cools down mainly not from air convection, but from the radiation of heat in environment... Therefore, even central heating can be a weak helper. The air in the room has time to heat up, but the walls do not. As a result, you continue to shiver from the cold.

Fortunately, there are five simple ways overcome this problem and minimize your electricity bills.

Close the curtains for the night

During the day, windows repel more radiation energy than they let through. Only sunlight penetrates freely through the glass. For infrared rays, this material becomes an obstacle. Thin single-pane glass units can cause extreme cold at night. Even if you try to keep the air temperature in the apartment at about 20 ° C every day, with the onset of darkness and a sharp cold snap outside, this value can drop to 7 ° C.

Double-glazed windows are also not always able to keep warmth in the house. Even a small drop in temperature, up to 14 ° C, will lead to energy losses of about 50-100 watts per square meter.

The best way to prevent this sudden loss of stored heat is to close the curtains just after sunset. This will provide an additional barrier to the radiant energy in the room. In addition, the curtains will protect against drafts and partially isolate the room.

Hang the walls of the room

Solid brick or stone walls- better insulators than glass, but they still release a lot of heat from the room. Therefore, it does not hurt to take measures to provide them with additional protection. You can reduce energy losses by simply covering the walls with paintings or mirrors. Even an ordinary poster can raise the air temperature in a room by about 1 ° C. Most effective option- hang carpets on the walls. Even if you are not a Russian oligarch, or you simply do not like this interior design, you should not immediately abandon this idea. Believe me, it's really worth it.

Another option is to place along the wall. bookshelves... Old books can not only decorate your room, but also act as excellent insulators.

Insulate the front door

Of course, it all depends on the material from which the door to your apartment is made. But, it is likely that it is she who is the culprit for most of the heat losses. In summer, you may not notice this, but winter always brings with it frosts and drafts. Just imagine how much cold can penetrate through the cracks into doorway and the door itself. Attach a curtain at the entrance to eliminate excessive air circulation. Try to make sure that the curtain covers the entire doorway and the surrounding wall.

Use heat shields

Even if you cannot limit all heat loss through the outer walls, then you can try to insulate yourself from the cold. Our ancestors used wooden screens for these purposes. They placed them behind them, sitting by the fire. The screens absorbed some of the heat, thereby warming people's backs. You might try to do the same in your home. This will be a great way to dissipate heat to distribute it evenly throughout the room. Often these screens are placed near batteries or heaters. At least this way you will not have to constantly huddle in the most warm corner rooms.

Arrange the furniture correctly

Despite the fact that the air temperature is the same throughout the room, a person feels it differently, moving around the house. So, the warmth is felt most of all near the walls that are closer to the inside of the house. The outer walls, on the other hand, carry more cold. Try using this information. Arrange the furniture so that it sits against the inner wall.

Of course, it will be inappropriate to concentrate all the components of the interior in one part of the room. For example, you will put the bed against the inner wall and the table opposite. Then the second piece of furniture will automatically be in the cold zone. This can be corrected with improvised means. To prevent your feet from freezing, try to cover the area of ​​the wall under the table with a sheet of cardboard. And you can hang a shelf directly over your head.

When frosts crackle on the street, often in apartments multi-storey buildings the temperature is poor. Residents are forced to constantly walk in warm clothes, turn on electric heaters sleeping under layers of warm blankets, which causes considerable discomfort. What if your apartment is very cold? Where to go in such situations?

The problem of insufficient heat in the room can be solved in two ways: independently or with the help of utilities. Not sure how to properly handle this situation and what to do?

If the apartment is cold in winter, first try to solve this issue. on their own... It is possible that the heat leakage is due to the fault of old windows or structural defects of the entrance doors.

What is the normal temperature for a home?

Payment for heating in full can be made if the temperature is stable throughout the month. There are guidelines that indicate how warm your home should be during the winter.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, the temperature must be maintained in the apartment from 18 to 20 degrees, if the frost outside is down to -30. With a thermometer reading within -31 and below, heating of apartments should increase to 20-22 degrees Celsius.

It is also worth considering that during emergency work, your home cannot remain without heating for more than a day. One-time shutdowns of radiators are allowed for no more than 16 hours, while the average temperature in the apartment should not fall below 12 degrees.

The law provides for minor deviations from the standards. Exceeding the temperature is allowed within 4 degrees. It can be 3 degrees colder in the apartment only at night, strictly until 5 o'clock in the morning.

It's cold in the apartment: reasons

What if the temperature in your home is lower than specified in the regulations? First you need to find the reasons and eliminate them.

Heat leakage is facilitated by:

  • old windows, the cracks of which let the cold through;
  • insufficiently insulated balcony;
  • thin walls prone to freezing when low temperatures ah in the street;
  • worn out batteries of the old type;
  • very cold floor or ceiling;
  • poorly installed front door;
  • drafts;
  • insufficient heat supply to the boiler room.

Change old windows

Old-style wooden structures have already outlived their usefulness. Such windows have impressive slits, and even closed vents are so loosely attached that in a strong wind you can see waving curtains. So one of the reasons has been found that the apartment is cold. What to do? Of course, it is worth replacing old window frames.

Modern double-glazed windows are able to protect your home from drafts, low temperatures and keep warm. You should not install them yourself - in this case, there is a high probability of improper installation, which will lead to their depressurization and the formation of cracks, - trust the professionals.

If you already have plastic windows but there is clear signs drafts, you should call the master. Perhaps there is some kind of defect, or the reason lies in the destruction of the polyurethane foam from the outside under the influence of precipitation. Also, the rubber seal or any structural element can be deformed. All these problems can be easily eliminated and corrected.

Wooden window

If it is not possible to install high-quality double-glazed windows, you can try to insulate the old window. The simplest, but short-lived, way is to use cotton wool and ordinary tape. Very easy and economical. Cotton wool is carefully pushed into all the cracks, and adhesive tape is glued on top of the cleaned and dry window.

Also, in the fight against heat leakage from windows, an adhesive foam insulation will help. It is also easy to use. All problematic joints of the window must be sealed with insulation, pressing it well. This ordinary material is able to retain heat qualitatively, but has a significant drawback - its strength is destroyed by moisture.

You can also try applying silicone sealant, window putty or rubber seal. These are more reliable ways to keep warm.

Is everything equal to the apartment cold? What to do The best way would be to install new plastic windows or look for another cause of the leak.

Wall insulation

A cold apartment can cause a lot of trouble. What should tenants do? Think about high-quality wall insulation. They can be finished both inside and outside. And it is best to carry out this work during the repair.

Insulation is glued to clean, dried surfaces at the joints of ceilings with walls. This procedure should be done in all corners as well. If there are visible gaps between the panels, they should be sealed with cement, polyurethane foam or plaster solution. In very large recesses, tow is tightly clogged, and a layer of gypsum or foam is applied on top.

External insulation is carried out only by specialists - industrial climbers. The procedure is carried out using foam and mesh, which are attached to the wall with special glue. A layer of high-quality facade paint is applied on top.

Is the balcony cold?

Do you feel constant drafts and do not know what to do? If the apartment is cold, pay attention to the balcony - most likely, the problem is in it.

Contact a reliable company that will take care of the warmth in your home. The balcony is covered with foam plastic from the outside and from the inside. To begin with, its facade is sheathed, and then the inner walls are insulated. Also, as materials that will perform heat-saving functions, some companies choose mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

On the balcony, the places under the window, floor, ceiling and walls are mainly subject to insulation. The procedure is carried out simultaneously with the glazing of the window with high-quality double-glazed windows, which will long time keep warm in the apartment and exclude the appearance of any drafts.

High-quality radiators - comfort and warmth in your home

Old batteries can be the reason for the constant lack of heat. What to do? If the apartment is cold and the radiators are barely warm, it is better to replace them. It is better to stop your choice on cast iron or bimetallic products. Such radiators are very strong, durable, corrosion resistant. They differ high power, give off heat well and have a temperature regulator.

Good radiators can quickly solve the cold problem in your apartment. In addition, the service life of some of their types reaches 50 years. By replacing the radiators just once, you will enjoy the warmth and will forever forget the time when you observed cold batteries in the apartment. What to do and what products to choose is up to you.

Cold from the ceiling and floor

It happens that even with new batteries, windows and an insulated balcony, the room temperature still remains low. What to do? If the apartment is cold in winter, it is possible that the heat is escaping due to the thin ceiling or floor. This is especially true for the first and last floors houses.

The ceiling can freeze due to insufficient insulation of the attic or deformation of the roof. Due to these factors, water can seep into the room, which will lead to the formation of mold and mildew. To solve this problem, you need to repair the roof and insulate the ceiling on both sides.

The problem of a cold floor is solved in the same way. It must be insulated or the coating is replaced with a warmer one. The best way keep the floor warm - install modern system heated.

Checking the door design

With poorly fitting front door and the gaps in it, you can lose about 40% of the heat. And in most cases, it is because of this that it is cold in the apartment. What to do in such a situation?

It is urgent to warm up, otherwise the winter cold will take you by surprise. First you need to make the door itself airtight. For this her inner lining removed, and the empty space is filled with insulation.

Single layer finishing metal door it is produced in the same way, only in this case a layer of material or foam is glued to its surface, and fiberboard or plywood is applied on top.

Eliminate drafts

The door leaf is insulated, but is it still cold in the apartment? What and how to do next? Proceed with the insulation of other parts of the structure. Gaps and gaps must be repaired. Most often they occur when the door is incorrectly installed or when the building shrinks. The resulting space can be trimmed with a rubberized seal, glued to the frame.

In order for the cold not to penetrate into the home, it is very important to choose the right material for sealing the cracks. Get a seal optimal thickness- from too thin there will be no effect, and the large width of the material will not allow the door to close.

All the insulation procedures have been completed, but is it still cold in the apartment? What to do? Solve this problem with utilities.

What to do if the batteries are cold in the house?

Before running to the utilities, you should talk to your neighbors. Perhaps this problem only occurred in your home.

In case of a sudden cut-off of heat in the entire entrance, urgently call the housing and communal services. Perhaps there was an accident on the heating mains, and the utilities were forced to turn off the heating in order to carry out repair work.

If the temperature has dropped only in your apartment, you should take this situation seriously. Most likely, the problem is related to a malfunction of the heating system in your area. Where to go if it's cold in the apartment? Apply to a company that maintains your home.

After receiving a signal in problem apartment a foreman is sent to inspect the heating system and find out the reason for the lack of heat. If minor problems can be eliminated, they are immediately repaired. According to the law, the public utilities are given 24 hours for this.

More complex problems are eliminated within a week, after which heat must be supplied to the apartment within the limits of the standards.

Complaints and claims

If you are provided with low-quality services or after the repair of the heating system in the apartment it has not become warmer, you need to take cardinal solutions... You have the right to write a complaint and refer it to the company responsible for supplying heat to your home.

After phone call you must make a written statement regarding your problem. It is usually provided in duplicate. Next, you need to go to an appointment with a company employee to consider your complaint.

You should keep one copy of the application for yourself. The second must contain notes on the date of filing the document and the serial number of its consideration. These nuances are necessary in case you have to resolve your issue in higher authorities or judicial authorities.

Recalculation for heating

According to the law of the Russian Federation, a written complaint is considered within three days. During this time, your apartment must be visited by a specialist who will required measurements heat in every room. Please note that the measuring device should be 1.5 meters from the floor and 1 meter from the walls. Based on the results obtained, an act is drawn up in two copies. This document is the main basis for the recalculation for heating in the event of poor-quality work of the service company.

In spite of modern approach Many management companies will not be able to restore order in the field of housing and communal services soon to solve the problems of citizens regarding heating. Therefore, all tenants need to know where to go, if it is cold in the apartment, how to properly resolve controversial situations and how to correctly draw up their applications.

Take care of the heat in your home, because your comfort, mood and health depend on it!

Perhaps you are a poor student or just frugal. What if your home's heating system still hasn't been repaired? Maybe you live in an old, drafty house? Perhaps you want to reduce your CO2 emissions. Regardless of the reason, you need to bask in cold weather. Here are some helpful tips.


How to make your home warmer without a heater

    Close all windows carefully. Make sure winter frames, if you have one, are installed and closed tightly. The windows must be closed. Open them during the day, when the sun is shining, if the outside temperature is higher than the inside temperature.

    • Windows must be airtight. You can purchase a special window putty to better seal them. At a minimum, place a shirt or towels where air is noticeable, or plug the cracks with newspaper.
  1. Hang cheap shower curtains on your windows that let in sunlight. This will help keep the cold outside air out, and the sun's heat will warm your home. You can also close the windows tightly with plastic.

    Hang curtains. Heavy curtains block air flow. Open them when the sun is shining and close them at other times.

    Seal the doors. Check door frame as well as the space under the door. You can buy and stick a seal. Again, at least place a towel or something under the door.

    Let in as much sunlight as possible in your home. Make sure that sunlight nothing in the way (e.g. plants, awnings). Remove anything leaning against the sunny side of your home (it's best to put these items back in overnight to create extra insulation).

    Close unused rooms. This will create another barrier between you and the cold outside air. It will also reduce circulation, which means heat loss.

    • In a building materials store, you can purchase a magnetic register that turns off forced air electric heaters in unused rooms. This way, only the rooms you use will be heated and the heating will be used much more efficiently.
    • Make sure all heaters are installed openly, especially where water pipes may freeze. Unblock the circulation of cold air in the heated room (it can be blocked by furniture or carpet) so that the heated air can circulate effectively.
  2. Lay down the rug. Carpets and rugs help prevent heat loss through the floor. They tend to be warmer to the touch than wood or stone and provide a warmer walking surface.

    Add insulation in the attic. A large number of heat escapes through the attic as warm air rises and cold air sinks. Make sure the attic is properly insulated.

    Light a fire in the fireplace. If you have a fireplace, light it up to keep your home warmer. If you don't have a fireplace, consider installing one. Never leave a fireplace in which a fire is burning unattended.

    Cook. You will warm up during the cooking process, the kitchen will become warmer from the included stove, and you will delight yourself with something tasty and hot.

    Light a candle. Candles can generate a lot of heat. Place them carefully and do not leave them unattended. You can find cheap candles at any grocery store.

    • Use a candle heater. It won't produce as much heat as a fireplace or a real heater, but it will be very cheap heat.
  3. Turn on incandescent bulbs. The average incandescent light bulb releases up to 95% of its energy as heat rather than light, making it an extremely efficient heat source.

    • Compact fluorescent and LED lamp will not help warm the room, so save them for warm days and use the saved money to pay your heat bill.

    How to keep warm in a cold house

    1. Drink warm drinks. Warm drinks will raise your body temperature. This process is very relaxing and even stimulating. Make a cup of tea or coffee. Sip on warm broth.

      Dress warmly. Many people think that the largest percentage of heat loss occurs through the head, but in fact, the heat transfer from the whole body is the same. However, if you are cold, a hat or scarf will definitely not hurt. A sweater can work wonders too. Dress in layers, especially if it comes about woolen or cotton clothing. Wear slippers or warm socks. If you are sitting, wrap yourself in a blanket.

      • If you still have cold feet, buy black tights. They should be opaque. Wear one or even two pairs under your clothes. This will create another layer of clothing to keep warm. Men can wear long underwear.
    2. Use small spaces. For example, if your bedroom is much smaller than your living room, spend more time in it.

      Go in for sports. 20 minutes of vigorous exercise can not only keep you warm, but also keep you warm after exercise. In addition, a healthy body tends to be more tolerant of the cold.

      • Be proactive. Moving around generates heat! The more actively you move, the better your blood circulation. This means that warm blood flows into the fingers and toes, keeping them warm.
    3. Hug a friend or pet. The body of any warm-blooded animal warms up. Snuggle against your dog or cat and warm each other.

      Use a hair dryer. You can quickly warm up yourself or cold shoes and clothes before putting them on. You can also warm up your bed before going to bed. Never cover the hair dryer! It can overheat and catch fire.

    4. Get a heating pad. Instead of heating the entire house or rooms, use a low wattage heater. You can also make your own heating pad:

      • Use a bottle with hot water... Thus, it is very convenient to warm your arms and legs while sitting; you can also put her in bed, at your feet.
      • Heat socks or small pads filled with rice, dried corn, or beans for one minute in the microwave and use as a heating pad or place in bed.

I have repeatedly heard the question from the Customer: "Which radiator heats better?" I ask him: “What does it mean“ heats better ”? And I get very different answers: it gives off more heat per unit of time; heats the room faster; cools down longer. The most common answer: “heats better” - it heats up so that the house is not cold. Wonderful! Let us select such a heating device for you. And to be beautiful and inexpensive :)

In this article we will choose for you radiators, warm floors, convectors, i.e. those heating devices (OP) that are installed in each room and it is in this particular room that maintain a comfortable temperature.

The choice of such devices is very wide today, even if we consider only the main types:

  1. Cast iron, steel, aluminum radiators;
  2. Underfloor heating, water or electric;
  3. Floor and floor convectors;
  4. Heated towel rails;

But there are also various exclusive solutions(heating plinth, warm walls, radiator ladder, etc.) ...

Before rushing into this pool of information, let's first decide what is important when choosing an OP. What you need to pay attention to and what can be neglected.

At first glance, it seems that the main criterion for choosing an OP will be its heat transfer (the amount of heat that the device gives off per unit of time). This is the value that determines which device "heats better". But in reality, everything turns out to be completely different ...

A bit of theory: Your home loses heat in cold weather. This is called heat loss. The lower the temperature outside, the greater the difference in temperature outside and inside the house. The greater the difference, the more more house loses heat. And the more heat loss.

The task of the heater is, by heating up and transferring heat to the room, to compensate for heat loss in this room. If the heat transfer of the OP is insufficient (it is incorrectly selected, the amount of heat transfer is less than the heat loss), then the temperature in the room will drop below the required one and become cold.

Then our task becomes to choose such a heating device, the heat transfer of which will be greater or, in severe frost, equal to the heat loss of the room. And we will be able to find such a device of ANY TYPE! For example, the heat loss of one of the rooms in your house is 1000 watts. This means that an aluminum radiator Nova Florida of 9 ribs (heat transfer 1035 W) must be installed in this room. Or steel radiator Kermy FKO 220507W2 (1012W). Or roll out 75 meters of PE-MDXc Ф16 pipes in case of installation in a heated floor room (1050 W). Or ... many more examples can be cited. I repeat once again: we can select an OP of the required power of ANY TYPE. And these devices will "warm" the same way.

To summarize what has been said: there is no need to look for a device with the highest heat transfer, any device will provide you with the necessary heat output... It is important to choose the right device.

“What, then, should you pay attention to when choosing a heating device, if not on its specifications?! " - you ask. I answer: you need to pay attention to four criteria.

First, it is - type of heater.

Not every device can be installed in your particular room. For example, in some room of the house you decided to make huge windows up to the floor. Or - balcony door... How to heat this room? Which heater should be installed?

Naturally, you can't put a radiator under such a window. You can put it next to it, but then the cold will spread across the floor of the room. You can make a warm floor in the room and then the cold will not spread across the floor. But there will remain the problem of moisture condensation on the glass ("sweating"), which the warm floor will not cope with ... Thus. you still have the only correctly working version of the heating device - floor convectors. And, although the option is expensive (in relation to other OP options), there is no alternative to it in this situation. Either install floor convectors, or ditch floor-to-ceiling windows.

So, the first thing to do (by yourself or together with a heating specialist) is to mentally walk through all the rooms of your house and determine the types for each of the rooms heating appliances that can be installed in this room. Then proceed to the next criterion.

The second criterion to pay attention to is - price.

I do not mean an absolute price, but a relative one. No need to compare two radiators different sizes and choose the one that is cheaper. No. You need to calculate what the heating of a single room will result in when you heat it different types OP.

For example, your house has a room of 12 sq. with heat loss 1000 W. And the architecture of this room allows you to install any devices there: radiators, warm floors or floor convectors. Let's make a comparison table like this:

Steel radiator Lidea (side connection) Aluminum radiator Nova Florida Water underfloor heating made of PE-MDXc TECE pipe Floor convector Regulus
Materials (edit) Radiator LK 11-513 + Hexagonal valve + Thermal valve + Thermal head 9 radiator fins. + 4 fittings + 4 brackets + Mayevsky's crane + Hexagonal valve. + Thermal valve + Thermal head 75 lm pipes PE-MDXc Ф16 + 12m2 foil + 10m.p. damper. tape + Fasteners + RTL-valve Convector + Decorative grill + Thermal valve + Thermal head
Material cost (approx.) 78 € 115 € 200 € 600 €
Mounting (approx.) 40 € 40 € 90 € 130 €
Total: 118 € 155 € 290 € 730 €

- the radiator is installed under the window for completing three functions: heat the room; cut off cold air "flowing" from the window to the floor; prevent the window from fogging up.

- objectively, the figure will be larger, since the presence of a water heated floor will complicate and, accordingly, make the boiler room more expensive.

Naturally, the price, in addition to the type of device, will greatly depend on its quality(third criterion). For example, an edge aluminum radiator can be purchased at a price from 7 to 14 euros, a steel Kermy radiator (Germany) is more expensive than a similar one steel radiator Lidea (Belarus) by 50% on average, etc. Naturally, these are things of different quality.

Which quality to choose is your decision. I wrote already in the article "How to choose a gas boiler" my method of choosing a quality level. Follow the link, read it, you might find this technique useful ().

Further, knowing what appliances can be installed in your home, and knowing how much it costs (for example, that underfloor heating is more expensive radiator heating 2-2.5 times), you can go to the last criterion - design.

I'm talking about aesthetics here. It is clear that the device should be attractive to you, because it is a detail of the interior of your house. Or, if the device is not attractive, it should be hidden so that your aesthetic feelings do not hurt! :)

Let's summarize what has been said. I see the algorithm for choosing heating devices as follows:

  1. we determine for each room its heat loss;
  2. we determine the types of OP that can be installed in each room;
  3. compiling a table of relative prices (adjusting for quality);
  4. taking into account the price and design of the OP, we make the final choice of the device for each room.

And one more important point : how will you control the temperature in the room?

There are two options: manual or automatic. Manual adjustment assumes that if it gets hot or cold, you go to the radiator and manually change its temperature by turning the radiator valve. With automatic regulation, you set the comfortable temperature on the regulator (thermostatic head, room sensor), and then the automation monitors its maintenance. The automatic version for radiator heating is more expensive than the manual one by at least 15 euros for each radiator. For other types of OP, this difference is even higher. But I consider this rise in price to be very justified. Because:

  1. You save energy (gas, firewood, electricity). Any extraneous heat source that appears in the room will be taken into account by the automation and the radiators will heat (and consume energy) less by its value. Such sources: included kitchen stove, a lighted fireplace, the sun shining through the window. Even a company of 5 people in a room, this is plus 500 W :)
  2. You are not distracted. Those. do not go around the house and do not turn on the radiator valves with every temperature change;
  3. Your home is insured against freezing. History: one person had manual radiators installed throughout the house. In the boiler room, which was located in the basement, such a radiator was also installed. And, if in the house a person still sometimes regulated the temperature of the radiators, then he rarely entered the basement. What for? What's the difference, what is the temperature there: + 15 ° С or + 3 ° С? There are no people there either. The main thing is that it does not fall below zero, and so - the lower the better. And everything was fine until the moment when the temperature at night fell sharply from -3 ° C to -21 ° C. The half-open radiator failed and the boiler room froze. The boiler burst, the pumps and pipes burst ... Damage - 2800 euros ...

The case, of course, is not a typical one. And the choice of temperature control is your choice. I set out my vision of the situation and my recommendations. You can read more about automatic temperature control in the article "Automation in the control system of a private house".

Best regards, Boris Smolyak (Director of Svoy Dom LLC)

Our suggestions

It is the selection of heating devices that I can make for you. Best of all - at a personal meeting in our office, when I have before my eyes a plan of your house, and you - equipment that you can see and touch. Call, we will make an appointment. It's free, but I think it will be useful for you. At a minimum, you will know the heating options for your home and be able to make a smarter choice.

Or, if you do not want to come, follow the link "free calculation of the heating system". You will need to answer a few questions on the survey and send me the plan of the house. I will prepare and send you my suggestions by e-mail.

Apartment design is a creative, interesting, educational process. When decorating rooms, you need not only to choose the right construction and Decoration Materials for quality, but also pay attention to aesthetic characteristics. When arranging a room, it is necessary to choose the right color scheme depending on the size, function of the room, the proportions of the walls, ceiling, and personal preferences.

All colors are conventionally divided by temperature. Correct selection colors, their combinations allows you to achieve amazing optical effects - to enlarge, reduce the room, raise or lower the ceiling, make the climate of the room warmer, more comfortable, or vice versa more ascetic. How to correctly combine warm and cold colors, a table for combining shades, basic rules for arrangement and optical tricks are discussed in this article.

What is a color chart?

A color chart is a traditional diagram showing the relationship of colors and shades to each other. Thanks to her, even a non-professional in the use of colors can easily recognize the principles of color combination, choosing the ideal shades, contrasting colors. The table is irreplaceable assistant when mixing paints, agreeing on the correct pigments, selecting tones and includes:

  1. primary and composite colors;
  2. chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet, their shades) and achromatic (white, black, shades of gray).

The color wheel includes three primary colors:

  1. yellow,
  2. Red,
  3. blue.

Additional colors have been added to the main colors:

  1. Orange,
  2. purple,
  3. green.

What are cold and warm colors? Warm tones are on the left side of the color wheel, cool tones are on the right.

Matching colors correctly in relation to each other (according to the descriptions posted on the wheel) will answer key questions: how to get the perfect color, how to combine shades, which colors match each other and what contrast is best?
Understanding the principles of colorimetry has a huge impact on professional design and color reproduction.

What the table gives:

  • understanding the nature of flowers;
  • acquaintance with the principles of combining shades;
  • how to distinguish between warm and cold colors, basic and composite;
  • training in the use of shades.

Cold and warm color chart

Warm colors

The color scheme influences the mood. Before decorating, it's worth exploring.

Why are warm colors popular? Warm colors in the interior make visitors want to stay. Surrounded by warm colors, it is comfortable to relax, it is pleasant to spend evenings with loved ones, to eat, to create. Interior temperatures can range from mild, delicate beige, brown tones to hot orange-red geysers.

Warm colors have the following effects:

  • stimulate;
  • make the room more comfortable;
  • add optimism;
  • poisonous tones are sometimes considered aggressive.

Which palette to choose? How to choose a combination of warm colors? Below is our mini guide to the "warm side" of color.

Cozy ecru

Ecru is a combination of white with shades of yellow and gray. it natural shade linen, cotton, sand, beige, cream and creamy white. Ecru reflects light gently but effectively. Easy to match thanks to the neutral tone. Surrounded by ecru tones, it is difficult to ignite the senses, they are relaxing.

Ecru excels in:

  • living room,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • kitchen.

Earth colors

The palette of earth colors includes:

  • Brown,
  • beige,
  • olive,
  • Gray,
  • yellowish green.

They are tinted, unobtrusive, elegant, natural, and exude a pleasant, safe warmth. Such an environment will help you relax, distract yourself from everyday worries.

  • living room,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • kitchen.

It is also quite easy to pick up. Brown reminds natural wood, thanks to which it is harmoniously combined with most colors, it is included in many combinations.

Sunny interior

Yellow color will give the interior a dose of positive energy. There are many different shades of yellow:

  • citric,
  • honey,
  • mustard,
  • pineapple,
  • oil,
  • linen,
  • amber,
  • gold.

The combination of yellow shades forms an interesting composition. Perfectly complemented by white ecru with warm tones and delicate gray.

The effect of yellow is positive:

  • stimulates creativity;
  • encourages action;
  • creates coziness;
  • adds optimism;
  • solves problems with lack of motivation.

Orange stimulates fun, symbolizes fire. Fire is a home symbol of hearth, warmth, comfort. The combination of orange, brick terracotta and rust works in rooms where they spend leisure time with family and loved ones.

Orange is especially suitable for:

Dark red, scarlet, ruby, burgundy - juicy shades of love, passion. Red is the hottest of all colors.

The effect of red is as follows:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • heats the atmosphere, ignites the fire;
  • used to decorate romantic meetings;
  • stimulates appetite, recommended for eating;
  • adds zest to the atmosphere.

Warm colors will help create a cozy atmosphere and feel comfortable. Shades, far from the hottest reds, are safe, bring calming, relaxation and rest. The closer to the opposite end of the scale, the hotter the shades, the more stimulating they are. Therefore, using yellow, orange, red, it is worth combining them with cold tones, observing moderation. The right combination cold and warm colors will help to avoid cacophony, temperature congestion in rooms. Too hot interior starts to annoy, and too cold design will bring sadness and despondency.

It is worth remembering that some warm shades become cold if the following impurities of cold tones are present in them:

  • green,
  • purple,
  • blue,
  • Gray.

Cool colors

Cool tones on the color wheel start with shades of green (mint, emerald green) as well as shades of blue and purple. Why is the cool shade often used?

Cool colors affect as follows:

  • soothe;
  • relax;
  • make the room visually larger, optically expand the space of small rooms;
  • help to concentrate, recommended for study rooms, classrooms;
  • those wishing to lose weight should remember that the blue color suppresses appetite (it is not used in restaurants, cafes, canteens).

Cool shades are used in all rooms.

How to decorate a cold interior? Below are a few interesting ideas how to choose the right one, harmonious combination cool tones.

Purple living room

Purple walls, furniture, living room decorations will help you relax after a busy day. Purple looks especially beautiful paired with gray. The violet-gray combination is beautiful, relaxing, elegant.

Using silver accessories with a touch of black will make the room look glamorous. The use of architectural concrete will create an atmosphere in, give the room a modern gloss, notes of minimalism.

Blue bedroom

The bedroom, decorated with blue and its shades, is suitable for people who have difficulty falling asleep, relaxing after a hard day at work, stressful situations... You can bet on the following combinations:

  1. pastel blues paired with crisp grays and whites;
  2. dark blue and white;
  3. dark blue and light blue.

The blue bedroom will be a place where it is good to rest, to gain strength in the process of healthy, restorative sleep. Just do not use a computer, tablet, smartphone in the bedroom, which interferes with the relaxation process. Blue light emitted electronic devices, disrupts the production of melatonin - the sleep hormone. It is advisable to leave the work in the office.

Cool green - for a teenager's room, office

Cold green color recommended for people working on a computer - it will help the eyes to relax. Green is ideal where work is stressful. The cool green colors in the palette below are shown on the left.

In the children's room, mint, pastel green shades come in handy. They look harmonious in the company:

  • bleached blue (boy version),
  • cool pink, purple (girls version).

Look great on a green background:

  • white furniture,
  • turquoise accessories,
  • gray furniture, accessories,
  • pastels.

In a green room, it is easier for a child to relax, fall asleep. Optimistic green helps children to create, learn, develop, and stimulates mental activity. Depending on the size of the rooms, choose a shade of green, using light colors to decorate small rooms.

Marine climate in the bathroom

The blue bathroom design gives a fresh feeling. Blue looks especially harmonious in retro style, shabby chic. Stylish furniture looks beautiful with blue walls and white fixtures.

Adding elements related to coastal climate, beach, sea, will make the room look like a seaside. Modern interior will make it warmer wooden elements, houseplants.

The correct use of flowers will help to achieve interesting effects, will have a positive effect on mood, activity, help to rest, relax or, on the contrary, recharge.