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How to develop confidence and improve self-esteem. How to develop confidence and learn to achieve success in life

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But no question how to be

I need to beat in battle

S.Stnurov "Personal Number"

Always interested in the methods of development of self-confidence, in their own, so to speak. And I managed to find several really effective and original "techniques" of the development of this very confidence.

  • Believe in yourself - just to believe, after all, faith, by definition, does not need any evidence at all. But how to learn this? How to take and just believe in yourself? (Some this is. Only it can be noticed - the path to nowhere.) After all, without a doubt, it is somehow flawed and maybe this is the question of all these attempts to "develop confidence", without doubt, without glances yourself from different sides such "development" may not be
  • Self-alignment - self-confidence can be performed and self-sufficiency. And on this topic is just the same excellent book about psychological training In sports - - development of almost any qualities - by self. (Accordingly, the answer to the question of the previous point is self-impact. Very interesting, in fact, a self-alignment technique that really works, and which can help in the development of self-confidence.)
  • Another interesting methodology for the development of confidence was set forth in Dale Carnegie called "How to produce confidence in yourself and influence people speaking public." (Old and has already become a classic book - about the preparation for public speeches. It is not important to be important - because there are the most interesting techniques for the development of self-confidence - for public speeches.)
  • And continued - I remembered at once another book Dale Carnegie "How to stop worrying and start living" - confidence and concern are actually quite closely related to each other - respectively, getting rid of concern can significantly increase the level of self-confidence.

Of these books, the following method was most memorable, or more precisely, the reception of the development of courage and self-confidence:

"It seems that the action follows a feeling, but in fact the action and feeling are combined: managing the action that is under the direct control of the will, we can indirectly control the feeling that is not under this control. So, an excellent conscious way to gain cheerfulness, if your genuine cheerness is lost, is to sit with a cheerful look, act and speak as if you are already imbued with vigor. If this behavior does not encourage you to experience cheerfulness, then nothing else will help you in this case.

Therefore, to feel bold, act as if you are really brave, strain all your will for this purpose, and the attack of fear, in all likelihood, will change the tide of courage. "

How did Teddy Roosevelt work out the courage and composure in himself? Was it from nature endowed with a bold, daring spirit? Not at all. "Since in my childhood I was quite painful and clumsy," he admits in his "autobiography", "I was at the beginning of the nervous and did not believe in my delete. I had to stubbornly and painfully exercise not only the body, but also the soul, and the Spirit. "

Fortunately, he told us how he achieved such a transformation. "In childhood, he writes," an episode of Marreet was made to me. There, the captain of a small English warship explains the hero as becoming fearless. He says that at first almost every person is experiencing fear, entering into battle, but it is necessary to have so much to keep himself, as if there was nothing to be afraid. After some time, the goal is reached, and the person really becomes fearless only because he keeps himself fearlessly (I retell it in my own words, and not as Marrieta).

before follow this theory. Initially, I was afraid of a number of things - Grizzly's bears to bargain horses and thugs. But I behaved as if I am not afraid, and gradually really stopped being afraid. Most people can do the same if desired. " And you, if you want, you can achieve the same. "In war," said Marshal Foc, - the best way of defense is the offensive. " Therefore, go to the offensive on your fears! Go to meet them, fight them, defeat them with courage at every opportunity!

Imagine, you are a messenger, which should be given a certain message. We do not pay special attention to messenger, we are interested in the content of the telegram. All the essence in the message. Focus your attention on it. Keep it in your heart. Know him like your five fingers. Believe in it. And then say, convinced and decisively. Enter so, and ten chances against one thing that you will soon become the master of the situation and will be posted.

  • Several mystical techniques of self-development from the American parapsitologist Jose Silva Founder, the so-called "method of Silva" - developed a rather interesting method of "visualization", not a look at some "mysticity" this technique really works - to a certain extent of course. (The most interesting and informative book of Hose Silva is of course the "art of trade according to the Silva method" - parapsychological preparations for, which in principle suggest pretty serious attitude to the development of confidence in own power.
  • Of course, there can not be found direct tips and guidelines or techniques, but there (mainly in the first four books), described a very interesting principle of relation to life and to the world, which is not what can help in developing self-confidence, he can help Change the attitude towards such things. (It has now become fashionable and the order of those who are the so-called "lifehaki" - often primitive advice for all occasions - walkers from the site to the site. "How ..." "Ten ways as ..." "Twenty ways like .. ." And so on and so forth. Simple solutionscomplex questions, no more.)

Also, the mass of cool, inspirational can be found in the works of Carlos Castaneda (again, mostly in the books):

I told you many times: to be a warrior - the most effective method live. Warrior doubts and reflects before it decides. But when it is accepted, it acts, without being distracted by doubts, fears and fluctuations. Ahead - more millions of solutions, each of which is waiting for its o'clock. This is a warrior path.

  • Practice - Of course, the most important method in the "Development of Confidence Development" is only tight contact with the surrounding reality, it makes it possible first of all to simply understand its own strength, its faith and their doubts, and then also serve as a basis for the most efficient development , this very, "self-confidence"

(As far as I, for example, I understood, books and all that they are written in them, all these techniques and reasoning, theory and statements, at least to the world in which I live, have a rather minor attitude - everything is different in this real world. And therefore knowledge real conditions and real challenges of life can significantly help in the development of this confidence, often even without all these "learning materials" and "Methods", as a rule, not only express only the author's personal attitude, but also demonstrating all sorts of invented or significantly exaggerated obstacles and problems Again, no relationship has nothing to do with reality. Moreover, life can submit such challenges and create such situations or problems or vital circumstances that will require overcoming anyway - when the person's desire to overcome these obstacles or not to overcome - is not taken into account. It is necessary and all - no matter what. And then the method of development of confidence in itself is quite capable of moving to a new simple fantastic level. It is only necessary to be able to be able, because not what to give up, but just to lose - it is impossible in any way. Not to mention the presence or absence of "self-confidence" in this moment. And then probably you get used to and everything.)

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It's easy to be confident, be strong easily. As long as everything goes as it should. But when life gives a crack, believing everything is more difficult. And what we think under the onslaught failure is the whole truth about our self-confidence.

Depends on our thoughts, whether we will have afloat or bog into the mud. Contain and not breaking it does not always. That is life. And everyone can fall, but why are there lying?

Or, as it were, Donald Trump said: "Do not sit on the bad luck, like a ashes. Received a lesson, learned - and move on. "

Trump is rightfully considered the most combat business leader and knows how to meet difficulties in fulfillment. And his book "Thought in a large and not brand!" - Gives good recommendationshow to develop self confidence.

The quotes below are taken from the book of Donald Trump.

Get used to act

Actions, in fact, are the key to the development of self-confidence. The desire is never given without the forces necessary for its implementation. But how many ideas remains ideas because someone decided that he had no money, mind, or experience to implement his conceived. And instead of looking for the opportunity, we are looking for a reason. But not risking, we do not know what they are capable of.

"How quickly turn your large-scale thoughts into large-scale actions. Do not let false excuses to brake you. Excuses - fear symptoms.

Stand forward the sowing head and make what was most afraid to do - your fear will disappear by itself! No one is born with complete confidence in itself. It is purchased.

Get used to act - and your self-confidence jums up to the ceiling! "

You are the one who imagine

If the world works like big mirror And reflects our thoughts and actions, is it worth offended when we are not appreciated? Does this mean that we yourself are of any opinion about yourself? We are what we think about yourself, and while we do not take care of raising self-esteem, others do not notice this.

"You dictate people themselves how they should think about you. Your attitude to yourself is obvious to all. Watch yourself so that everyone understood: you are expensive. Then people will regard you.

Move vigorously, purposefully, look straight ahead, as a person who knows where and why he goes.

We all give the definition yourself, so feel free to definitions. You are the one who gets an increase, who gets customers who have many friends. You are the one who rises the stairs of life, a fountain of creative ideas.

Your attitude to life, demonstrated by others, is more important than your IQ. "

Your fear is the worst enemy

Fear is good because there is only in our thoughts, which means they can be managed. And this task is simplified by the fact that we cannot think about two things at the same time. And therefore, as soon as the doubt crept for you in the head, reflect on the goal, and not about the problem. If someone tries to intimidate you - answer how Trump: "I don't want to think about it."

"To take life in your hands and develop confidence in yourself, you must get rid of fear. Destroy every negative thought, immediately as soon as she drown his ugly head. Stop the alarming internal dialog, as soon as it occurs. Fear is your worst enemy. "

"When they try to scare me, saying:" What if the market rides down? And if banks require you to return all loans? If everything goes wrong? ", I just answer:" I do not want to think about it. "

Find a way to turn "no" in "yes"

It is only possible to reach something to achieve, how someone will immediately appear, who will say: "It is impossible, nothing will come out." But how many purposes seemed unattainable, until someone had reached them. Therefore, it is better to stay away from those who sow doubts and undermines our confidence. Change of environment The only right path if most people are among your acquaintances.

"If you want to succeed and develop confidence, you need to get used to the fact that you will often hear the word" no "- and learn to ignore it.

Most people speaking "no" makes it in their own interests.

Do not let whom is a capricious or despotic "no" stop you. Find a way defend your opinion, turn "no" in "yes" or find a tricky way to get around "no".

Do not sit on the bad luck as on the ashes

The fact that today it seems to us fail, may later become a blessing for us. So, Trump recalls how suddenly slighted with the flu and missed a very important contract. But as it turned out later, he would make a deal, would lose big money.

However, no matter how the events develop, you need to be able to extract from them experience and go ahead, not crushing and not looking back. We can do anything - it's not always good for good.

"Do not see the end of the world in every failure. Received a lesson, learned him - and move on. Do not sit on the failure, as on the ashes. Start thinking big again.

And learn great art - forget. Move on and do not think for a second for all the bad things that happened to you. Consider every failure as a step towards the final victory. "

Take everything as it is

In life, much in common with American slides, there are also sharp descents in it, and steep lifts. We can not know exactly what awaits us around. And only the willingness to accept everything as it gives us that flexibility that does not allow us to break.

"The harsh truth of life is such that the results of the transaction do not always satisfy you, and the people with whom you are doing business are not always honest and decent. There were always the circumstances over which you have no control.

The only way to not give circumstances to shake your self-confidence is to take a reality that it is, and it is understood that negative events may and will happen. In this you can be sure. "

Check with your goals, not with others

Each of us is unique and each of us has its own way. Problems arise when we are resting with the path or choose someone else's way. Equiming someone's ideals and following someone's string, we live, but someone's life.

"If your life is not like that you would like to see her, do not be afraid to ask yourself: do you like what you would like? And what would you like to do? No matter how old you are. Check with your own feelings and goals, and not with strangers. Maybe it happens that you will go on friends, relatives and colleagues. Connect to your own power source. And most likely through a new outlet of the current will go where it is better".

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The basis of the representation of a person about himself is confidence, self-esteem. This is a kind of foundation on which everything else is based on. If the foundation is fragile, the person is susceptible to self-destruction, it suffers from its full development. That is why self-development should be started with solid confidence in their own forces and abilities.

Doubts appear still during maturation little man. Constantly facing new tasks, he just needs to perform them. Correcting is not good enough, he can accumulate negative experience, strengthening faith in his inconsistency.

You can defeat such false ideas by attaching certain efforts. Self-analysis and practical exercises are needed here.

How to develop confidence with the help of self-analysis

Sometimes your own ideas about yourself look like a curve mirror. Increased requirements, the habit of comparing your own achievements with other people's deposits to low self-esteem. Paradox, but it is. Observe why you are unhappy. Write out each complaint with a separate point. Try to make a list of the most complete.

When the work is completed, you will receive a list of your own complexes. To cope with them, imagine how you treat the human respem, be such qualities from him. With surprise, find: most of the "terrible flaws" will be simple quirks to themselves. Now let's work for each item to fully establish yourself in thought: " i am strong, confident, volitional man".

To do this, learn how to form thoughts correctly, avoiding indictment forms:

  • Instead of "I did not succeed," say: I still work on it. The chip is that you do not lose while you continue to achieve results. Thinking how to overcome the difficulties that emerged obstacles, everyone finds ways to achieve the chosen goal.
  • "I get bad, worse than others" replace on "today it turned out much better than yesterday", I'm well done!

Now back to our list. Each disadvantage can be done by dignity. Important . Example:

  • Disadvantages of appearance can be made with their highlight, if it is generally disadvantages. This complex is easily eliminated by working on its own body in the gym or even at home. Beautiful posture, speaking about the dignity of her owner, a clean sincere smile, a harmoniously chosen outfit will make an attractive anyone.
  • Fears that someone considers you unworthy of something, easily eliminated by active communication. Get new acquaintances, communicate with equals, learn from other things that you attract. Try yourself in new directions, explore your own abilities. Be sure to open a huge rich world for yourself.
  • The habit of acting helps to establish the thoughts that everything is on the shoulder. The action aimed at obtaining the result invariably leads to it. Only a stubborn desire forward contrary to doubts, fear helps to defeat them forever.

Of course, it will be very difficult for it. Thoughts used to run through a familiar bed. Learn to block the negative. Return off all kinds of dubious thoughts. Control the mental stream. We are what we think about yourself. Think only in a good way! Accent attention on the merits, exhaust the skills, praise yourself for each achievement.

Steps on the way to self confidence

Now let's look at what practical steps Help to develop confidence:

  1. Get rid of dependence on a third-party opinion. Stop asking what others think about your solutions. Throw to worry about this. Learn yourself, impartially evaluate yourself. Take into account the circumstances, the time resource, the degree of preparation. Can someone else repeat my result, having the same conditions?
  2. Put reasonable goals. The overestimated plank is often the cause of disappointment. Gradual development of abilities, improvement of activities - the best way Develop confidence.
  3. Mark doubts. Bad solution Better good inaction. Learn.
  4. Proper attitude to errors. Error - only experience helps to find necessary decision. Throw off regret, experiences, self-vaccination about this. Only one who is inactive is not mistaken. Remove the maximum benefit: Determine what caused failure, correct the position and continue to act.
  5. We are more often in society. Large companies, public events, daily communication with large quantity People will help get rid of fear find contacts.
  6. Learn a new one. Receiving additional luggage knowledge, improving qualifications, life experienceThe man becomes wiser, more successful.
  7. Get rid of unnecessary unrest in stressful situation It will help an interesting method. Make what causes stress, the usual situation. Afraid of publicity - look for her, learn to cope with excitement. Fear of the opposite sex - strive to constantly communicate with his representatives. What causes the greatest fear, defeat.
  8. Praise yourself. Rejoice victories. Divide them with friends. Get a positive energy charge whenever you have to praise yourself.

When nothing helps at all, use the practice of meditation. Repeat: "I am a power! I can do everything!". Our thinking is created in an amazing way: it becomes the projection of the future. Imagine yourself strong who knows everything.

Detect demonstrate confidence

Uncertain people often give themselves a quiet trembling voice, chopped, nerve gestures. Take your body control:

  • The look should be soft, calm, straight. Watch the interlocutor in the eye, do not assure them, do not hide shy. But do not drill through.
  • Direct posture will tell others that its owner is confident.
  • Stop to pull the corners of the clothes, gnawing the pencils, nervously hiding your hands behind your back, close the smile with your hands, chatted with a foot thumping on another.
  • All movements must be measured, calm.
  • Speak loud, intelligible, intelligible.

Body language is able to tell a lot around. Seey exterior signs Confidence, people will be treated for you.

Act as if

Want to be happy - live as if happy. Want to be balanced, act as if you already have this quality. Hold yourself to be satisfied. Create yourself as you want to see. Persistently, step by step, day after day, changing ourselves and understanding about yourself.

Be prepared to hear the praise of the surrounding, which will notice positive changes. Because they are deserved!

Daily small achievements will become bricks, which will be built bridge on the way to unshakable confidence: I can do everything, worthy of respect, attention, love.

Your life is a struggle! Self-confidence gives man faith in the fact that his thoughts and actions are correct, reasonable and good. Self confidence eliminates insurance Or simply helps a person cope with his own weaknesses. He confidently passes all the illusions of the danger of one or another phenomenon. He confidently destroys various phobias. He is confident that phobias and internal cockroaches have no basis for fear.

A confident person is much less prone to depression and even mental disorders. He is more successful And, as it does not tritely sounds, it feels even happier, because he is confident! Self-confidence significantly brings to the state of happiness! Confident man understands that you should not be afraid own fear. He is a living being that does not deprive his fears. But thanks to self-confidence and the safety of your fear, he draws his weakness in the assistant, makes it his ally in achieving the goal or completely neutralizes fear of itself.

A doubtful person is very often self-esteem, as well as other people's persuasions. A confident man believes in the correctness of his actionsEven if they are wrong. However, this quality will subsequently allow a person to change the course of his thoughts and actions to do the next time exactly how it is necessary. to achieve the desired.

You need to know what money and the power of money! How is business success achieved? First of all - the idea, direction! Then, very important point Your competences - These are the abilities, skills, skills! Of course this is an absolute theory, in practice everything is much more difficult! Nevertheless, it is worth adhere to these recommendations.

Here is the scheme for analyzing all your actions when opening a business or your case

The first to stop thinking about how to develop confidence in yourself, and start changing!

Methods and ways to train confidence

There are many ways to become precisely such a self-confident man.

First of all, you need to spend deep self-analysis. It is not simple! Make a deep analysis can only certified specialist. Contact psychotherapist - somewhat incorrect! For this there is a special profession - coach.

The task of each person in difficult life situations, it is necessary to identify the causes of failures and their insecurity, the complexes of those who led it - it is they who create such great discomfort in life.
Think about yourself how to develop confidence. Take a look at yourself, determine why they are just unacceptable for you are unacceptable those actions that are committed by someone in the order of things.
Decide, realize that you are not worse, and maybe even something better than others. Stop, think about how to develop confidence, and take it, train confidence!
There are many techniques and funds that will certainly help believe themselves and in their strength.

Develop confidence in your abilities

The essence of such exercises is to recover once lost confidence, remembering the details of the events, turn them off in the subconscious and replace the positive installation.
This is a very simple and even pleasant exercise that is designed to help an insecure person. We will have to pay every day at least half an hour to its new "I".

The essence of the exercise is as follows. First of all, it is necessary to surround yourself with full rest and silence.
Relax and relax in ease, but in these dreams you must be different from yourself the urgent.

You must behave like a person who does not doubt his capabilities. For example, take as a basis any life situation in which you have failed and mentally imagine events in which you are a winner!

Such a method significantly increases self-confidence, because you begin to make, even at this stage only mentally, significant actions. Acts worthy reasonable self-confident man.

Self-assessment as a method of self-realization

Self-confidence helps self-confidence. Effective and, at the same time, an easy way is an impeller.. This technique requires the fight against himself. You must find arguments and convince yourself that you are quite capable of doing what else recently could not even dream.

For example, head the department in which you already work last years So ten. And make it easy and easy, because you have a lot of great experience and knowledge than your current boss. Yes, and why do you need the authorities, you have the strength to become a supervisor, sophisticately! Make, convince yourself to believe in your strength. You drive away from thoughts away your fears - and suddenly it will not work, and suddenly I can not. The main task at the training stage is to live fragments of the life of a self-confident man and in their thoughts become so.
To develop and improve self-confidence, exercises must be performed from the soul and with desire, and not because "it is necessary." One of the important conditions for the success of such training is constant.

This kind of classes should be carried out strictly daily. Over time, confidence in their abilities will require a test in life. I'm afraid of missing, you will definitely work out. To begin with, exercise in your comfort zone, that is, among the loved and relatives of the people with whom you have fully trusted relationships. Well, then go to the "World", Meet new people, demand raising in office and salary and be happy!

Read and most importantly, Remember, remember and repeat the following phrases:

I am who I imagine! My goal is real! My M wild, material!

The essence of positive psychology is that people wishing to succeed should behave as if success is already achieved!We are not all perfect and make mistakes, but after failure you need not to fall further, but get up, make analysis and conclusions, and again go to your goal.

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How to develop confidence? - This question arises when we understand that we cannot achieve the desired, there is a desire to evolve, but something interferes ... most likely there is not enough internal confidence that allows you to take risks and accept non-standard solutions, change completely life.

Each person is unique from birth and has special talents hiding behind endless doubts. How to open your uniqueness, learn to believe in yourself?

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Consider in more detail the factors affecting the formation of confidence and methods of its development.

Self-esteem and self-confidence

Confidence is not a congenital property inherent in birth, it is purchased in the course of life and directly depends on two basic concepts - self-perception and self-esteem (self-esteem).

Self-perception - Helps to form an idea of \u200b\u200btheir personality, to create an inner image of his I, it is important to understand the pros and cons, aware of the features, notice the achievements. Positive internal image is the basis of success in life.

Self-satisfaction - This is an internal scale, the assessment that we put by comparing with other people. Largely depends on self-esteem, understanding its characteristics and uniqueness. Respect includes the acceptance of his personality in the complex with advantages and disadvantages.

Psychologists argue that it is possible to appreciate itself in comparison with the past experience, every step forward is an achievement, you need to strive to be better than yesterday, and not to overtake everyone around. There must be your own plank, tasks, goals. Victory over fear, laziness, dependence on the opinions of others - it costs a lot!

The main problem of a person is to evaluate himself at the expense of external success, victories, it's the way to nowhere, constant nervas and stress. You must first learn to appreciate yourself, respect, understand that we are worthy of success and achievements, then everything will be easier, the obstacles are easier. Internal support, a sense of human dignity - the basis of a person who contributes to future victories.

So, to raise self-esteem and self-confidence, following the next algorithm:
  • know yourself as a person;
  • identify strengths and weaknesses;
  • take yourself;
  • understand that worthy of respect;
  • develop confidence by exercise;
  • use the benefits of personality in life.

There is a law - The attitude of those around him and faith in his power depends on internal perception and self-confidence. The stronger, confident personality, the more people are ready to believe it, cooperate, interact, respect, take, love.

Therefore, the focus on the external evaluation of the Pube, it all depends on the person, which impulses are sent to the outside world, which installations are managed by life. Changing thinking, self-perception, developing confidence, changes in life will not make long wait.

Important moment - Negative thinking destroys confidence, reduces self-esteem, destroys life. People do not even notice how they gradually drive themselves into a deaf angle, feeling hopelessness, constant stress, loss of strength and even depression.

Idea positive thinking It is quite simple, but in life too much negative: news, the history of friends, relatives complain about their problems, it is necessary to produce stability, as a virus, minimize the impact of such thoughts on life, lay positive installations.

Interestingly, the human brain does not distinguish positive and negative thoughts, all the information is a guide to action, uncertainty - "I am a loser", "I can't do anything" leads to the result - constant difficulty in life, problems, everything falls out of the hands. Maybe it is worth changing the course of thoughts and include another wave - success and positive?

The first step towards solving the issue: how to develop confidence? - This is the formation of a positive internal image that fills the consciousness faithfully and future achievements. How to implement changes to life?

How to develop confidence?

Improving self-confidence is a conscious choice to change life, refuse the role of a loser, take responsibility for your own life. It is not always easy, but perhaps, if a person is tired of playing the second roles, observe how others succeed, live in hopelessness.

How to break out of a vicious circle, change thoughts and life, how to increase self-confidence? There are the following techniques that contribute to the growth of confidence:

1. A way to know your personality, the development of respect, feelings of dignity, self-confidence.

You must apply the following steps:

  • Examine your identity, record on a piece of paper - positive and negative sides . What were the successes in life, failure, that it is great, where you see the limit of the opportunity, what we fear, what kind of activity inspires, brings joy where the most competent, what are the desires?
  • Define self-esteem, What do you think about yourself, write all the inner convictions, how do you perceive your identity from? More positive or negative judgments?
  • Analysis of lifeWhat do you like what you like, what would you like to change? It is necessary to compile 2 list and put the tasks for change. Only decisive steps and openness to the world will bring transformation into life. Everything will work out, because in every person a lot of positive qualities, skills.
  • You have already done a lot to change life, there is something to be proud of. Now you need to use my own as much as possible. strengths , Make a minimum one step towards the goals set throughout the day and record the results in the diary of success, increasing confidence with each victory in life and on yourself.

So how to develop confidence? - To know the true essence, all the verge of your personality and achieve incredible heights, based on the advantages, talents.

2. Developing confidence by exercise.

The most difficult is often the most desirable. It is necessary to train yourself - to overcome fear, practicing in speeches, learn how to watch difficulties in the face.

"The courage is not the lack of fear, and the ability to overcome it and become his master."

Mark Twain

Confidence - The result of actions, overcoming their fears, become more confident personalities capable of more decisive steps to cherished goals.

An important step - Take responsibility for your life, put the tasks where transformations need, determine the action plan, begin to embody plans. A person can all believe and can imagine.

Outcome, how to develop confidence? - Act, throwing doubts and fear, go forward to the goals set.

3. Mysterious images - autogenous workouts, visualization.

Determination and actions can be supported by internal thoughts, images. Every morning you have to customize yourself: "I am the best, I do everything," "I always achieve the goals set."

Visualization - Presentations yourself, life in the desired form, resembles viewing paintings or film. Useful in the evening before bedtime to represent such an image in all details, trying on new role. It is also possible to use the album of desires - paintings, photos that will stimulate thinking towards achieving goals.

It is important not only to represent, imagine new lifeBut also to take steps towards dreams and desires, gradually change the habits, generate the thinking of a successful and competent person, worthy of respect and victories. All in the complex will definitely give the result.

Actions and thoughts are inextricably linked, new actions improve self-perception and confidence as well as positive thoughts contribute to the decisiveness and development of new horizons.

Solving the issue, how to develop confidence? - The following: Present yourself successful, confident, fill the consciousness with positive images, emotions, complementing with actions.

4. Use life analysis strategy.

It is useful to consider internal satisfaction with life in all directions, life is very diverse, often concentrating on one sphere, forget about others. Only the ability to comprehensively perceive life and seeks to change, will help better understand yourself, aspirations, priorities, goals.

So, the analysis of life and confidence should be carried out in the following areas, put the estimate from 1 to 10:

1) Physical life, healthgeneral state, energy, level of satisfaction physical conditionWhat is worth working on?

2) Personal life - Is everything satisfied in the relationship, which is good and not so, is there any mutual understanding, the desire to find a loved one or improve relations? You can feel comfortably comfortable, everything is individually;

3) Family life - Relations with relatives, children, family. Is everything good, what about working on?

4) Social life - Confidence in communications, new acquaintances, maintaining communication with friends, are satisfied with social self-expression, levels of relationships?

5) Professional life - How confidently do professional duties, whether everything works, is there a desire to develop, change the generation of activities? Have you achieved a lot, are the results satisfied?

6) Financial life - Do you know how to manage finance, make money, distribute, is it enough for basic questions, it turns out to live in plus or in minus?

7) Purpose in Life - Is there any sense of life, the mission, which is performed, giving energy for accomplishments, achievements. Man needs to be implemented special function - Transfer of knowledge, to bear good, help close, strive to improve the world. It is important to find your calling.

8) Entertainment - In life it is necessary to have time for recreation, hobby, interests, personal time for self-realization, for your favorite activities. It can be dancing, singing, knitting, drawing, campaigns in cinema, embroidery - everything that brings pleasure.

Evaluating all the spheres of life, you can reveal sick points, over what it is worth working, change, improve, improve.

The question "How to develop confidence" in this case is considered in the context various spheres - A person can feel confident in a professional environment and the absence of it - in his personal life and vice versa.

Development of confidence in children

The origins of confidence are laid in childhoodThe child in the process of communication with loved ones will know, good it or bad, forms an internal self-esteem, which affects both adult life. Self-confidence depends on parents. Children cannot critically perceive information, adult words are accepted for a clean coin.

The main tips for the development of confidence in children:

  • do not say: "You are bad, we do not love you," better: "It's not necessary to do that, because ..." or: "You are a good girl, but it did wrong, since ...";
  • the child should always feel love and support for loved ones for the development and improvement of knowledge, skills;
  • stimulate the growth of confidence by overcoming the sink barriers, first with support, later - on your own;
  • be sure to praise for achievements and successes, it is so important for children, you can also keep a success diary to increase self-esteem;
  • compare less with other children, each child is developing with its pace, has the characteristics of the body, memory, the perception of the world, rely on the positive, stimulate to develop.

High self-confidence is the key to success for a child, his activity in social life, achievements in study, sports. Only faith in their strength works wonders and makes it easier to cope with the difficulties of life.

The question "How to develop confidence", for children, more applies to parents, they laid the foundations of the worldview and perception of themselves as individuals, be attentive in words, expressions, actions.

Women's happiness and confidence of a woman in themselves

How often beautiful girls are kind, beautiful, successful in their work can not find personal happiness, feel loneliness, why? Secret - low self-esteem, disbelief in your own attractiveness and probability of being happy in relationships. Perhaps the reason in the negative experience of life or fear of disappointment.

Increase self-esteem and self-confidence Woman will help:
  1. To enhance self-esteem, it is useful to make 4 lists:
  • What do you know how to do well?
  • Why were you praised in life, starting from childhood?
  • What helped other people?
  • Achievements in life, what can be proud of?

It is necessary to write about their successes and personality properties in the first place. Each woman has its own characteristics, and constancy calls for comparison. It is better to find its advantages to understand that also a unique person, worthy of respect, then the awareness will come that they are worthy of a happy personal life.

  1. For the development of self-confidence it is useful to use such a sequence:
  • take a thought - life depends on a person, everyone is able to change it, looking different to the problems, find outputs and ways to solve issues;
  • experiments in Life - It is worth looking for new hobbies, ways of expression, feel what you like, brings pleasure;
  • plan a life - Write the main goals, aspires for the near future and in the strategic perspective (3-5 years), a number of actions contributing to the approach of the tasks;
  • develop perseverance - The first difficulties should not scare, only overcoming barriers, become more confident, challenging confidence for further steps forward;
  • get involved in the role - Any woman has activist talents, try to behave as the ideal imagined: make decisions, be persistent, confident, friendly to others, emit positive, charm, charisma;
  • adjinate experience - It is useful to study the stories of life of successful people, secrets of confidence in themselves, you can find a person in the nearest environment, causing the desire to be like him, ask to tell about the ways of finding confidence, successful people always go to meet the survivors.

The question "How to develop confidence?" It is answered in monitoring confident women, they are inherent in certain features:
  1. They have personal goals, the desire to be naturalreal, open talents, features, they know how to convert the pluses. Not even possessing perfect forms, they know how to emphasize their femininity with speech, clothing. The main thing is to get rid of the complexes, there is no ideal forms, these are conventions.
  2. Ability to tune in to calm and success - Special breathing exercises, meditating, visualization help these women find inner calm, achieve unprecedented heights.
  3. Do not fear loneliness. A confident woman knows that there are periods in life when you need to go to yourself, personal development, physical health. The absence of a man is not a reason to fall into the despondency, and if there is a relationship, it is still necessary to find time for yourself - to think over plans, goals, pore in the bathroom or just do your favorite affairs.

It is not necessary to concentrate all the attention of the man, it comes, appreciate women who have and personal interests.

  1. Confident women quietly perceive criticism, do not try to prove something, they remain with their opinion, if necessary, use rational things, and illogical comments, injections are simply ignored.

Availability of clear internal life positionConfidence is unshakable, criticism is as a result of envy or misunderstanding actions. Watch inland, why a person says words, is there a desire to help or not. Understand: Everyone has its own opinion, this is normal.

  1. Such women know how to ask need questions: "How can I find inner happiness that helps me enjoy life, what are my strengths?" It is worth focusing on the positive aspects of life, strive for self-development, improving life by changing itself, goals, aspirations.

As you can see, a woman can raise self-esteem and self-confidence simple exercise, use the experience of successful lady, applying in practice necessary scheme behavior.

How to produce confidence and influence?

Often, the question of confidence belongs to managers, businessmen constantly communicating with colleagues subordinate leading negotiations. Changes in life, career growth requires internal transformation, you need to strive to be an open world and master the ways how to lift confidence.

For managers, confidence is the basis of success, like charisma, which allows people for themselves. How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence to implement management functions, doing successful business?

1. Learn to deal with internal fear of important negotiations, presentations, meetings:

  • fear arises with a negative picture of the future, a positive idea minimizes fear;
  • fear occurs the day before, in the process of speeches it is necessary to concentrate on the report, think soberly, follow the prepared plan;
  • good preparation in combination with positive setting Reduce the feeling of fear, confidence arises in success.
    2. Enter your victories

Errors and failures are peculiar to everyone, only some people perceive them as a life experience and go further, others are constantly worried again, let the achievements be the main measure for self-esteem, write down all successful cases, events.

3. Useful to produce self-efficiency

Confidence in the possibility of performing complex tasks, activity in work and training, the desire for the development of new spheres, the desire for self-development, implementation in society, knowledge of their interests, hobbies, calm attitude to failures. How to develop this property?

  • Strive to perform work perfect, effectively, on the necessary deadlines;
  • Learn from people who know how to work on the result, take the experience;
  • Use self-motive and inciting close people;
  • Apply inner conviction: "Everything will work out, I will definitely handle it, I am the best ..."

The probability of victory is significantly increased in the presence of confidence, a positive attitude.

4. Development of self-confidence is associated with self-esteem.

Minimize the inner criticism, more positive thoughts on the issue of work and achievements will be an excellent incentive to further successes.

5. Ambitious self-identification

To gain great success, great thoughts are needed: "I am the best in the world ..., I am an advanced specialist in the field ..." The higher the internal bar, the more the potential hidden inside the person is revealed.

6. Always find alternatives

If the plan A has not worked, there is a plan B. Failure - an incentive to action, finding other approaches to solving the issue. Successful people Fall and climb, losers - surrender.

7. Personal values

It is necessary to realize the personal aspirations, the basics of life, value. The presence of common values \u200b\u200bin business and any joint project is very important. Selecting employees, it is worth paying attention to the values \u200b\u200bin life, and later build a corporate value system based on personal.

8. Confident head does not seek to suppress the authority of employees

On the contrary, provides support, contributes to the development of his team, assisting. The man is growing itself, respect for the team is strengthened. It is important to be able to understand the surrounding, needs, aspirations, listen carefully. Often, employees can submit valuable ideas and in difficult situations feel how to find a way out.

9. Head listen

In the negotiations, meetings, it is important not only to be able to express their point of view, but also to understand others, find solutions to the questions. Often, attentiveness allows you to quickly navigate and successfully conclude a deal, doubts of partners, customers are the need for information, belief, guarantees.

10. Be open

A confident leader is ready to consider alternative options, proposals of colleagues, even recognize that it is not always right, this is normal, the main thing is to achieve the goals and tasks.

11. Tranquility

Confidence guarantee, nervousness blocks thinking processes, always worth keeping the mind cold for adoption right decisions, hellness also does not lead to success.

12. Find your way to return to a state of confidence.

Complete each morning for a successful day, remember victories, smile and strive to conquer the vertices, realize the tasks set.

Development of self-confidence possible when striving and permanent exercises, only self-control and maintenance high self-esteem Assist to achieve the desired result.

The article presents the main ways to develop confidence.

By applying these techniques, you can breathe full breasts and enjoy life filled with opportunities for achievements and realization of the potential.

All confidence and success in life!