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Where to go to Koktebel. Koktebel and surroundings: attractions and entertainment

Koktebel is well-known to everyone since the entire Soviet Union rested in Crimea. True, then he was called glider. Its historical name means "the edge of blue vertices." This small village in the area of \u200b\u200bFeodosia lives exclusively at the expense of tourists. In winter, life here freezes, but in the summer in Koktebel apple there are no place to fall - he again became one of the most popular beach resorts of Crimea.

What to do in Koktebel

The village stretched along the coast, so it is easy to find a swimming space for swimming on a long beach strip. According to tourists' reviews, this is the ideal option for family holidays with children. For them, there are enough fun entertainment, comfortable beaches and no bustle of large resorts.

Adults, especially not lazy, in Koktebel They also do not have to miss. Very near the city Feodosiawhere you can go on a tour and several interesting places that you should visit.

In the Koktebel itself, there are almost no sights, but there are tourist agencies that will offer excursions to any corner of Crimea. In some places it is really better to go with an organized group. And what can I see here yourself?

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Great Feodosia in the vicinity of Koktebel, a unique mountain natural zone was spread. It is on its territory that the symbol of the Eastern Crimea is located - rock "Golden Gate". Karadag - This is a fragment of the ancient long-dead volcano. His inhabitants are about 5,000 species of animals and birds, including representatives of the disappearing species. In the seaside part of the reserve in the summer there are about 240 types of migratory birds.

The entrance to the Karadag is possible only with a organized group. But you can come there on your own and in place to pay for a tour of the reserve. Their schedule must be recognized in advance. Another opportunity to independently take a walk in nature - it is to buy an entrance ticket to the ecological path. There are two of them here.

Dolphinarium works on the territory of the reserve, so you must take the children for a walk.

To get to the reserve, you need to get to the village Resort.

Landscape Park Silent Bay and Cape Chameleon

If you want to run away from a crowded beach, soak on a small sand and swim in a quiet sea can go to the landscape park Quiet bay. This is a segment of the coastline between Koktebel and the village Ordzhonikidze.

You can walk to a quiet bay - it is just three kilometers from Koktebel.

One-and-a-kilometer coastline is limited from two sides by rocky capes in the sea. - One of the most beautiful local natural attractions. He got the name is not for the form. At different times of the day and with different lighting, the mountainous slopes of the cape change the color from gray-blue and purple to golden shades.

Dinoteries - Museum of Birds

In Koktebel there is an interesting and cheerful museum - Dinoteries. Why cheerful? His exhibits - birds, lizards, turtles, parrots - do not live in cages, they move on the will in the pavilions of the museum. They can be touched and photographed with them.

One of the pavilions is called Paleontological. There is a huge mock of a dinosaur skeleton, there are mocks of the heads of these prehistoric giants of smaller size.

Koktebel - Crimean Wine Plant

Adult ride by winery will seem fascinating. His story begins in 1879. Since then, the plant has united with other wine production, reconstructed, but for more than half a century, as he became an independent enterprise and produces elite varieties of Crimean wines and cognacs. Special pride of "Koktebel" is a weathered Madera.

You can get to the plant only with a guided tour. The program includes acquaintance with the production and wine cellars of the plant, as well as tasting. Professional tastors explain how to properly drink anyone or another and how to eat it.

Once a secular and bohemian glitter Koktebel gave a Russian poet and artist Maximilian Voloshin. At the beginning of the last century, it was he who attracted here the creative intelligentsia, all the Crimean artists came to him in Koktebel, with whom they had formed something like fraternity. Today his house is museum. Exposure is divided into several parts:

  • one is dedicated to the Voloshin - an artist-landscapeist;
  • the second - his literary creativity and the latter is a workshop.

Where to have fun in Koktebel to children

With entertainment in Koktebel, the situation is much better than with attractions. There is where to go and adults, and children. In the village there is your own dolphinariumAnd one more thing - in the nearby village of resort. These are places that need to be visited with children. After all, dolphins are not just reasonable animals on which you can see during the presentation. Swimming with them has a therapeutic effect, especially for children.

Aquapark In Koktebel - the newest on all Peninsula. Tourists from other cities are entertained here. The only drawback is a fairly high price of entrance tickets. In addition, all services in it are paid.

Excursion to local Aquarium It will be very cognitive. Here are the fauna of the Black Sea and freshwater ponds of the Crimea, there are exotic representatives of others - warm - seas.

Youth Koktebel

In the last years, Koktebel won the reputation of one of the best youth resorts of Crimea. It goes here for an active sports vacation - a full set of water entertainment is presented on the beach. Enjoy popular diving, rides around the surroundings on quadrocyclah and horseman Walking.

The nightlife of the resort hits the key, especially at the peak of the season - in july. In the evening embankment turns into a solid raging fun. IN restaurants And the cafe serves European and traditional Tatar cuisine, live music sounds. There is where to spend time to lovers of chanson, and for informals there are special rock cafe. An interesting contests, entertainment programs and concerts are held everywhere. Related creative atmosphere of Koktebel allows you to relax here with full return.

On the Crimean Peninsula to the west of Feodosia there is a beautiful little town Koktebel. It is a beautiful resort with a clean and spacious beach zones and magnificent landscapes. Each tourist will find for himself what to see in Koktebel.

This resort is located near the mountain range Kara Dag. In the vicinity of the village there is a lot of interesting natural, historical and entertainment facilities. In addition, this settlement is famous for fun festivals and is considered to be the native pattery of Russia's planyrism.

Interesting! The settlement is the Pratcher of the village is the settlement of Kimmeria, which was known in the ancient times.

What are the features of rest in Koktebel?

Koktebel's resort settlement is located 30 km from Sudak and 20 from the resort of Feodosia.

In the village you can get from:

  • Simferopol;
  • Feodosia.

Quickly be in Koktebel will help a regular bus. You can also call a taxi or rent a car.

In Simferopol, two bus station. Coketebel departs buses from the resort station. From Feodosia, transport is sent from the central market or urban bus station.

Rest in Koktebel is of interest as for lovers of picturesque nature and at the fans of relaxing on the beach.

Koktebel is an urban-type village surrounded by magnificent panoramas of mountainous arrays, vineyards and steppe mountains. There are many interesting places to see. This place will enjoy tourists who appreciate the active rest.

Interesting! This area is called the "edge of the blue vertices" and is considered the cultural center of the peninsula, where you can meet non-standard personalities that are in natural nature, for example, hippie and nudists.

Charm beach holiday!

Beach zones in Koktebel - pebble or sandy. In this case, the bottom is characterized by sandy coatings.

Tourists can see and visit the following beaches:

    • Wild and beautiful Karadaga Beach can be found at the foot of the mountain of the same name. This is a beautiful place with grottoes and transparent water. Here, tourists are offered to go on a journey around the sea and look at the famous volcano from water;
    • An equipped Maltese beach is located between the embankment and the beach zone of Karadag. It is distinguished by convenient descents. Nearby there are numerous cafes;
    • At the beginning of the embankment there is a central beach, which is characterized by pebbly coating and the presence of a set of attractions;
    • The beach of the Blue Bay boarding house is considered the most visited beach area. On his coast, pebbles of large sizes, but the bottom at the same time is sandy;

  • At the end of the embankment there is a nudist beach, the scene for the jazz festival is installed on its territory;
  • You can live in a tent in a quiet bay. She is famous for shallow and gentle bottom, as well as a sandy beach. It can be found for the chameleon cape;
  • The spacious beach area is located near the village of Ordzhonikidze.

What cultural - entertainment institutions worth visiting?

In Koktebel and its surroundings are interesting entertainment sites. There are places where you can go through the whole family. And institutions for lovers of club parties.

There is a plant on the territory of the settlement, which produces the best cognacs in the Crimea. Its collections are about 10 product stamps. Excursions and tastings are held on the territory of the production complex. Nearby are corporate outlets, where vacationers can purchase products.

With children worth visiting the following institutions:

  • The water park is placed on the square in 4 hectares. It has 24 adults and children's attractions, 7 large pools, as well as cafes and a restaurant. The complex is designed in the style of treasure island;
  • On the embankment there is a building aquarium, where you can look at Black Sea Fish, as well as on the rare fish of Amazon;

Interesting! In the koktebel aquarium, all varieties of the Black Sea fishes live.

  • Two dolphinariums are located in Koktebel. One 10 km from the settlement, and the second within the village on the street sea;
  • A unique attraction is a dinoteteria, which is located next to the Karadagi Reserve. It presents objects dedicated to the cities of an ancient world, as well as expositions that tell about the prehistoric processes of the appearance of animal and plant world.

In Koktebel there is a large number of cafes where you can have a snack or dine. Inexpensive food is offered in the table "Spoon", "East" or "Fish", which are nearby from the embankment.

On the embankment, the clocks work different discos and nightclubs, where you can entertain until the morning.

Luxury natural attractions!

Rest in Koktebel attracts many lovers of natural beauty. This village is considered a protected area. He has long been famous for mystical places.

  • There is an array of Kara-Dag between the valley of the ride and the hollow. This is a unique creation of nature, which was formed under the influence of volcanic processes of millions of years ago. This volcano has the official status of the protected zone. It can be visited as part of the excursion group. Within its limits, more than 25 species of animals are inhabited, which are listed in the Red Book.

Tip! Unforgettable emotions will deliver a trip along the excursion route of the smoothing - damn finger. You should also go on a boat on a boat to the famous Rock Golden Gate.

    • Behind Cape Chameleon can be found a quiet bay. It is a beautiful place with magnificent panoramic views and a wide beach area. Cape Sam reminds a dinosaur who bent to water;

  • There is a fox bay between Cape Megan and Karadag. This is not only a rare beauty. Natural attraction, but also the best beach area;
  • At the top of the Mountain Pokluk there is an observation deck, offering a great overview for the mountains, the village and the Amerte Valley;
  • The center of paragliding is considered to be Clementaeva Mountain. Its feature is ascending air flows. The second one is only in America.

Interesting! There is a belief that if you throw a coin on the rocks "Golden Gate", then the specified desire will be fulfilled.

What are the interesting cultural objects in Koktebel?

The locality in Koktebel settled in antiquity. This locality is marked in the maps of Genoese. The Greeks, Goths, Turks and Scythians lived in this territory.
The current name appeared in the 13th century.

Tourists can visit the following sights:

  • The planeurism museum consists of an exposure placed in 4 halls. Collections are narrated by the history of the planer school, about the great aircraft designers and pilots, which were on Mount Clementeyev;

Interesting! In total, there are two such museums in the world. One in Koktebel, and the second in the city of Harris Hill in America.

  • The Russian poet and the artist Voloshin lived in this village, so the resort began to be popular with the creative intelligentsia. The house in which Voloshin lived and worked was renovated and became a museum;
  • An interesting attraction is the Jung Tower. It is located in the estate of the famous ophthalmologist. Access to the tower is free.

Interesting! In the surrounding area, a quiet bay was shot by a large number of popular "Scarlet Sails", Don Quixote, "Man With Capuchin Boulevard" and "Kings and Cabbage".

In Koktebel there are unique and invaluable attractions, whose visit to remember for a long time.

Located in the eastern part of Crimea, the Koktebel resort village enters the territory of the Feodosi City Council. It is located near the volcanic massif Karadag on the Black Sea coast of 20 km south-west of Feodosia. From the north and east, its burning mountains. Here in different years the Genoese, Venetians and Turks lived.

At the end of the XIX century, these places attracted lovers of a seafood. They are local land owner E.A. Jung under the country sections sold part of his lands. In 1938, Koktebel received the status of the village of urban type. Today in me more than 2, 8 thousand inhabitantsTraveling mainly by tourist service. There are interesting sights.

In Koktebel you can hear many stories about strange marine animals living in the sea near the Karadaga. A well-equipped aquarium in the center of the village gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe real inhabitants of the sea near the resort. Here are a lot of fish living in the Crimean coast and in the Black Sea. Among them are rocks, red sea roosters and sea skates. Exotic types of other continents are presented, as well as inhabitants of freshwater Crimean ponds.

At the entrance to Koktebel from Feodosia, attention is drawn to the beautiful beach with an amazing landscape and unusually transparent water. This beloved cinematographers of the bay of the bay, which is considered a natural monument. She is shallow, which attracts parents with children here. There are many rare beautiful plants listed in the Red Book. Guards her from mass influx of holidaymakers a bad road.

Winery "Koktebel"

Lucky towards Feodosia, you can get acquainted with one of the largest wine-growing enterprises "Koktebel" on the peninsula. Its products are well intentioned not only in the Crimea for beautiful varieties of wines and cognacs made from elite varieties of local grapes. At the set of international wine exhibitions, they won over 170 prestigious awards.

Location: Lenin Street - 97.

Koktebel is famous for the fact that the famous constructors of aviation and space technology began their way. Thanks to the scenic ridge of Uzun-Syr, some of which is called Mount Clementyev, ascending air flows are created, which make possible long flights on glider, deltaplans and paraglids. They are organized by the local center of planer sports, which teaches this skill of everyone. It has a planeurism and aviation museum.

The most noteworthy building of Koktebel is the poet's house and artist Maximilian Voloshin. He was the center of intellectual life for many figures of literature and art, at the beginning of the last century, leaving here far from the metropolitan fuss.

Today, the traditions of hospitality are reborn, and every august the many admirers of creativity M. Voloshina are collected here. In the house - the museum is interesting original interiors, his personal belongings, manuscripts and photos.

Location: Marine Street - 43.

The mountain of volcanic origin Karadag has countless caves and ridges having the most bizarre forms. Since they are part of the State Reserve, are under the protection of the state. Approaching it on the boat from the sea, you can swim through the arch formed by the nature of the cliff. This rock formation is called the Golden Gate and consider the symbol of the koktebel.

He is the biggest in the Crimea, and covers the area over 44 thousand square meters. Opened in 2007. Aquapark is visited daily about three thousand people. It has several pools and a variety of slides, other interesting entertainment facilities. Registration of this water entertainment center reminds of pirate adventures. It is interesting for children and adults.

Location: Lenin Street - 144b.

Local dolphinariums refer to the number of the best on the Black Sea. Emotional and funny ideas with dolphins are long remembered to adults and children. Their thoughtful programs open people with the good-natured nature of these amazing animals, which in water and in the air feel perfectly. These animals help get rid of children from some diseases.

Location: Sea Street 77.

Not far from the quiet bay and the famous wine enterprise is a mountain called Kushuk-Yenishary. It was on her top who won herself to be buried herself Maximilian Voloshin, who died in August 1932. During his lifetime, he loved to climb this place, from where the incredible landscapes of the majestic Karadag, Valley and the Bay are opening. M. Voloshin did not want his grave to plant trees. Instead of colors, he asked to bring the color pebbles found on the shore.

This cape under the cockthelem received such a name thanks to the game of light. He constantly changes his painting from bright orange in the morning to a purple in the evening. It also depends on the weather and purity of the sky. This is due to the ability of the gene component of the cape of clay shale in a special way to reflect the light. However, the cape is subjected to air and sea erosion, gradually changing their outlines.

Next to Koktebel in the village of Resort is a unique Museum of the Karadaga Nature. It is visited annually thousands of tourists. He appeared in 1914 at the same time with the beginning of the work here the scientific station here.

The collection of the museum is constantly expanding, offering visitors to see the large number of unique biological and geological exhibits. Museum employees conduct constant educational work, conduct excursions on the ecological paths of the reserve.

Location: Science Street - 24..

It is known that the origin of the nudism in the Russian Empire is connected with Koktebel. M. Voloshina is considered one of his hencerchalters. His capital guests actively participated in the spread of this movement aimed at unity with nature.

In the eastern part of the village there is a beach of nudists, which begins after the public beach and is separated from him a small stream. It stands out by many tents a few dozen meters from water in which people live more than one month.

Recently open in the village of Park Birds and Dinotery Ancient Animals is an amazing place where adults and children can get acquainted in an affordable and fascinating form with the world around us. Here you can find yourself in the labyrinth of time and inspect the Paleontological pavilion with skeletons of animals who lived on the planet in ancient times. A great impression produces a park of exotic birds from all over the world, where they are contained without cells, in conditions as close as possible to natural.

Location: Lenin Street.

Koktebel, a small village, surrounded by magnificent peaks and washed in gentle sea, is truly great. White embankment, the darkening peaks of an ancient volcano, the foam spray of the surf - all this creates a special mood, which will not leave any guest indifferent.

Location and climate

Koktebel - urban village, located on the coast of the Koktebel Bay of the Black Sea at the foot of the invalid Valkan Karadag. Theodosia is 20 km away, to Simferopol - 127 km. The settlement surrounds mountain ranges, forming a steppe climate with a soft winter and arid summer. The average temperature in the hot season reaches +23 ° C, in the cold - +8 ° C.

The resort receives guests from May to October, and from mid-September the velvet season begins. In the summer, the temperature of the water off the coast can rise to +25 ° C, and in the fall, it retains heat for a long time.

History of the resort

Historians cannot accurately name the year of the foundation of the village, although archaeologists find a lot of evidence that the surroundings of Kara-Daga are still in I century. BC e. They chose the Cimmerians.

The history of the resort itself begins only from the XIX century, when a small Bulgarian village appeared on the road connecting Feodosia and Sudak, called Koktebel. Gradually, the representatives of the Russian intelligentsia began to go here. By the end of the XIX century, the village turned into a famous resort, which was visited by celebrities such as Nikolai Gumilev, Mikhail Bulgakov, Marina Tsvetaeva and others. All of them stayed at the cottage Maximilian Voloshin, who today turned into a museum.

After the October Revolution, Koktebel became the center of the village council of the Feodosi district. In 1945, the village received the name of the Plannel in connection with the recognition of its center of planyrism, after 15 years it became a city type village. In 1993, the former name was returned. Toponym "Koktebel" is customary to communicate with Tatar concepts TeBel, which means a mark ("Star") on the head of the animal, and Kok - "gray". Most likely, it was so called nomadic tribes that came to the Crimean Earth during the Middle Ages. There is another, more poetic, version of the origin of the Name of the village. She says that the word koktebel should be translated from the Crimean Tatar language as the "edge of blue hills".

Rest in Koktebel

Today Koktebel is the most popular resort, beloved visitors for excellent nature, mild climate, warm sea and ample opportunities for recreation. There are many holiday homes, boarding houses, hotels (for example, AS-El hotels, Slavia, Trojen, Trojand recreation center, Edelweiss pensions, Milena), the rooms are easy to find in the private sector.

The entire coast of Koktebel is accessible to resting. The quiet bay, the Koktebel beach, starting immediately for fantastically beautiful cape a chameleon, beaches "Blue Bay", "Central" and others. Most of them are landscaped, there are bars and cafes nearby, there is an opportunity to ride on bananas, catamarans or hydrocycles, to do a diving, rent a yacht. Many tourists are attracted by sea walks, allowing you to admire close to mountain ranges and swim through the famous golden gates - a coastal rock in the form of the arch.

Since 2016, Russian investors began to invest in the resort, so the holiday in Koktebel will be more diverse and more interesting every year.

Arriving on vacation in Koktebel, it is impossible to pass by the Karadagh Reserve, however, for this will have to join the excursion (the independent rise to the top of the extinct volcano is prohibited).

Entertainment and attractions

They do not have to miss the resort. To the services of vacationers Dolphinarium, aquarium, water park, horse club, karting, bowling and many other entertainment. There is a sauna, discos, nightclubs, restaurants, bars and cafes in the village. It is worth a visit and one of the tasting rooms of the Vintage Wine and Cognac Plant - in Koktebel, elite drinks are made, worthy of attention of even the most sophisticated connoisseurs.

Very interesting resort museums. First of all, it is a Voloshin House, an exhibition pavilion of butterflies and reptiles, dinoteries, a planeurism museum. By the way, poetic festivals are held in Voloshina's house.

In addition, the resort annually invites the lovers of ethnic and jazz music to the Festival "Jazz Koktebel", and the masters of the Argentine tango are coming here in the fall and May holidays.

How to get?

The Koktebel is usually driving from Simferopol or Feodosia.

The Crimean capital with the village connects the car message. By bus to Koktebel you can drive from the resort road, but it is worth remembering that most minibuses are heading first in Feodosia. From the railway station or airport it is easy to order a taxi that will deliver immediately to the village.

The Feodosia train station also constantly departs buses, following in Koktebel, and lovers of traveling with comfort can use the services of a taxi.

Attractions Koktebel. The most important and interesting sights of Koktebel - photos and video, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

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    Museum of Nature Karadaga

    Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadaga Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Resort. His story began in 1914, almost simultaneously with the opening of the Karadagi scientific station. The first exhibits of the museum fit in two cabinets.

Each year, the Solar Koktebel is filled with a dwarfish, journery and friendly viceciling of thousands of resort workers. And there are not only a dream about warm days spent in a lying position on the Black Sea coast. Koktebel collects a special public - people united by love for beautiful, art and, of course, nature. Romance and dreamers, aesthets and gourmets, connoisseurs of good wine and freedom-loving solids come to this poetic region to plunge into his bohemian atmosphere and take a part with them to memory. The conductor in the dialogue with Koktebel becomes its endless natural sights, because the nature is the mainesty of these places. The main goals in the direction of studying Koktebel - the famous Mountain Karadag and the sea rock Golden Gate. Once the Karadag was a valid volcano, and today it is a mountain range consisting of a variety of caves and a bizarre form ridges.

Karadag is recognized as a state reserve, so you can only visit it as part of an organized group.

If you swim to the foot of the mountain on the side of the sea on the boat, you can see and even sailing through the golden gate - rock formation in the form of the arch, which has become a symbol of the koktebel. Locals argue that if, swimming through the Golden Gate, throw a coin and make a desire, it will certainly be fulfilled. Just do not let go back here again, you and so come back at the insistence of memories of the majestic Karadag and beautiful Koktebel.

The conductor in the dialogue with Koktebel becomes its endless natural sights, because the nature is the mainesty of these places.

Other Natural Attractions Koktebel

Cape Chameleon, which is the release of volcanic ash from the extinct volcano Karadag, became famous due to the amazing ability to change the color depending on the brightness of the sun. For him, nothing stands for the day to be emerald, like grass, blue, as the April sky, or the bugger, like blood.

Baths from the mud of this cape are very useful, they are used in preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Mount Clementieva froze in the form of horseshoe, but, of course, not only in this its uniqueness. The characteristic feature of the mountain lies in constant ascending air flows, the second one in all of Europe does not find. Now here is the center of the Plannel Sport "Koktebel" and the Planeurism Museum. Extreme recreation lovers can admire the surrounding species during a parachute jump, the other will be a fairly calm trial walking.

Separate attention is the factory of vintage wines and cognacs "Koktebel". His products dozens times received awards of prestigious contests, and tourists, who realize this, consider it their duty to grab the bottle-other famous Koktebel Maders.

Museums Koktebel

Rest in Koktebel is also informative, immediately several museums invite guests of the city to get acquainted with his history and glorified by the inhabitants. One of the most famous Koktebelians - Maximilian Voloshin, the poet and the artist of the beginning of the 20th century. In Koktebel, his memorial house-museum is located, in Koktebel, and he himself found his eternal peace. It is worth paying a little time for visiting the Karadag Museum of Nature, there are several thousand exhibits here, demonstrating the wealth and diversity of the world of flora and fauna of the Unique Reserve Karadag.

  • Where to stay: In the old and bonton koktebel, cozy coastal or calm Ordzhonikidze with democratic prices.