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Self-analysis, self-esteem of students in the lessons. " How to develop confidence? Self-analysis and ten practical steps to improve self-esteem

Self-assessment - the assessment by the person of himself, its advantages and disadvantages, opportunities, qualities, its place among other people. This is the most essential and most studied personality-based personality. With the help of self-esteem, the personality behavior is regulated.

Self-assessment is associated with one of the central needs in self-affirmation, with the desire of a person to find its place in life, to approve himself as a member of society in the eyes of others and in his own opinion.

Under the influence of the assessment of the surrounding personally, its own attitude towards itself and self-assessment of their personality, as well as individual forms of their activity: communication, behavior, activity, experiences.

How does the identity carry out self-esteem? Man becomes a person as a result of joint activities and communication. Everything that has developed and remained in personality has arisen due to joint activities and communicate with them, and for this purpose. A person includes activities and communication. Significantly important guidelines for their behavior, all the time begins what he does with what they expect from him the surrounding, copes with their opinions, feelings and requirements. Ultimately, if you leave aside the satisfaction of natural needs, everything that a person does for himself (whether he is learn, contributes to anything or hinders), he does it at the same time for others, and maybe more for Others than for ourselves, even if it seems to him that everything is just the opposite.

K. Marx owns a fair thought: it looks like in the mirror, in another person, only dwelling to a person. In other words, learning the qualities of another person, the personality receives the necessary information that allows you to develop your own assessment. The already established estimates of our own "I" is the result of constant comparison of what personality is in itself, with what he sees in other people. A person already knowing something about himself, looks short to another person, compares himself with him, suggests that he is not sensible to his personal qualities, actions, appearances; All this is included in the self-assessment of the person and determines its psychological well-being. In other words, personality is focused on a reference group (real or ideal), whose ideals are ideals, interests - its interests, etc. In the process of communication, it constantly overshadows itself with a reference depending on the results of the inspection, it is content or displeased. What is the same psychological mechanism This check?

Psychology has a number of experimental methods for identifying human self-assessment, its quantitative characteristics.

Thus, with the help of a rank correlation coefficient, an individual's presentation of a sequential number of reference qualities may be compared (that is, its "I was perfect") with its "I am current", i.e., a number of qualities located in the sequence in which they this person seem to be expressed in himself.

It is important that in the experiment the subject does not report an experimentator about its real and ideal "I", but makes the necessary calculations independently on the formula proposed on him, which saves it from concerns to say more than it would like to unnecessary to him. The resulting self-assessment coefficients make it possible to judge what "I-image" in quantitative terms.

There is an idea that each person has a kind of "internal pressure gauge", the testimony of which indicates how he appreciates itself, what is his well-being, whether he is satisfied with himself or not. The value of this total assessment of satisfaction with its qualities is very large. Too high and too low self-esteem can become an internal source of personality conflicts. Of course, this conflict can manifest itself in different ways.

Self-esteem can be optimal and non-optimal. With an optimal, adequate self-esteem, the person correctly relates its capabilities and abilities, it critically refers to itself, seeks to really look at their failures and successes, trying to set themselves the achievable goals that can be implemented in practice. And to the assessment of the achieved it comes not only with his measures, but also tries to foresee how other people will be treated: comrades for work and relatives. In other words, adequate self-esteem is the result of a constant search for a real measure, that is, without too much revaluation, but also without excessive criticality to its communication, activities, experiences. Such self-esteem is the best for specific conditions and situations. Coctimal include self-esteem " high level"And" above average "(a person deservedly appreciates, respects himself, but knows his weak sides And strives for self-improvement, self-development). But self-esteem can be non-optimal - overly overestimated or too low.

On the basis of inadequately overestimated self-esteem, a person arises an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bitself, an idealized image of his personality and opportunities, its value for others, for a common cause. In such cases, a person goes to ignoring failures for the sake of preserving the usual high assessment of himself, his actions and cases. The overestimated self-esteem will lead to the fact that the person is inclined to overestimate himself in situations that do not give for this reason. As a result, he was not rarely confronted with the opposition of the surrounding, rejecting his claims, crushes, exhibits suspicion, constancy or deliberate arrogance, aggression and in the end can lose the necessary interpersonal contacts, clicter. There is a sharp emotional "repulsion" of everything that violates the idea of \u200b\u200bherself. The perception of real reality is distorted, the attitude towards it becomes inadequate - purely emotional. The rational level of the assessment falls completely. Therefore, a fair note begins to be perceived as a dressing, and an objective assessment of the results of work - as unfairly understated. The failure appears as a consequence of anyone's goat or adverse circumstances, in no way depend on the actions of the very person.

A man with an overwhelmed inadequate self-esteem does not want to admit that all this is a consequence of their own mistakes, laziness, lack of knowledge, abilities or wrong behavior. There is a severe emotional state - affect inadequacy, the main reason Which is the resistance of the current stereotype of an overestimated assessment of the personality itself. If a high self-evaluation Plastic, changes in accordance with the real state of affairs - increases with success and decreases with failures, it may contribute to the development of the personality, since it has to make the maximum effort to achieve their goals, develop its abilities and will.

Self-assessment can be underestimated, i.e. below the real personality capabilities. This usually leads to uncertainty, the timidity and lack of daring, the inability to realize their abilities. Excessive low self-esteem It may indicate the development of a complex of inferiority, sustainability, insecurity, refusal from the initiative, indifference, self-evidence and anxiety. Such people do not set themselves difficult goals, limited to the solution of ordinary tasks, too critical to themselves.

Too high or too low self-esteem violate the process of self-government, performed by self-control. This is especially noticeably happening in communication, where faces with overpriced and understated self-esteem are the cause of conflicts. With an overestimated self-assessment, conflicts arise due to a dismissive attitude towards other people and disrespectful treatment of them, too sharp and unreasonable statements to their address, intolerance to someone else's opinion, manifestation of arrogance and sassayments. Low criticality to himself prevents them from even to notice how they insult other arrogance and continued judgments.

With understated self-esteem, conflicts may arise due to the excessive criticality of these people. They are very demanding to others, they do not forgive any misses or mistakes, tend to constantly emphasize the shortcomings of others. And although this is done from the best motives, it still becomes the cause of conflicts due to the fact that not many can tolerate the systematic "sawmill." When you see only bad and constantly point to it, then dislikes the source of such assessments, thoughts and actions.

Above mentioned about the inadequacy effect. This psychological state arises as an attempt of persons with overwhelmed self-esteem to protect themselves from real circumstances and maintain the usual self-esteem. Unfortunately, this leads to a violation of relations with other people. The experience of the offense and injustice allows you to feel good, to remain at the proper height in your own eyes, consider yourself to be affected or offended. This elevates a person in his own eyes and excludes discontent with himself. The need for overestimated self-esteem is satisfied, and there is no need to change it, that is, it is close to engage in self-government. This is not very the best way behavior, and the weakness of this position is detected immediately or after a while. Inevitably arise conflicts with people who have other presumptions about this personality, its abilities, opportunities and values \u200b\u200bfor society. Affect inadequacy is psychological protection, it is a temporary measure because it does not solve the main taskNamely: the indigenous change of non-optimal self-esteem, which is the cause of adverse interpersonal relations. Psychological protection is suitable as a reception, as a means of solving the simplest task, but is not suitable for promotion and main, strategic goals designed for their lives.

Since self-esteem adds under the influence of the assessment of others and, becoming stable, changes with great difficulty, then it is possible to change it by changing the attitude of others (peers, employees on work, teachers, relatives). Therefore, the formation of optimal self-esteem strongly depends on the justice of evaluation of all these people. It is especially important to help a person raise inadequately understated self-esteem, believe in his own way, in his value.

The self-assessment of a person is significantly due to the worldview that determines the values \u200b\u200bof the assessment.

Speech at Mo on the topic: "Self-analysis, self-esteem of students in class." A person is endowed with a unique ability to manage his activities, that is, to perform actions and control them. Through your own experience, through communication with environmental A person is formed internal mechanism self-control, which allows it to act logical and in accordance with the rules of conduct. The task of modern school Education It consists not only to ensure the full personal, social and cultural development of the child, but also to prepare it for further development and self-education, develop the ability to independently evaluate oneself, make decisions, determine the content of its activities and find ways to implement it ( Those. carry out a competence approach). Consequently, the school should develop in students universal intellectual human ability - self-control. There are two forms of self-control. 1) external (conscious) arbitrary; 2) Internal (automatic) involuntary. Under school, the full formation of an internal involuntary (automatic) self-control is difficult, it is possible to form only some of its elements. If the student correctly exercises training actions, it quickly retrieves the knowledge of the knowledge that is required in one or another situation, and it is aware of it, then it normally developed a self-control mechanism. If the student makes some training actions mistakenly, aware of this and makes adjustments, then he generally formed a self-monitoring mechanism, but self-controlling changes its shape with an involuntary to arbitrary after making an erroneous action, that is, the self-control mechanism is not brought to perfection. If the student makes erroneous actions, cannot recall the information that is needed, and does not realize this, it means that the self-control mechanism is not formed. In this case, you need help from the outside - from the teacher or students. Of course, the mechanism of the cavity monitor to a certain extent can be established spontaneously. However, the spontaneous formation of this ability of a person requires him large costs and effort. Psychologically more justified to make this process managed and targeted. The following stages of the formation of self-control are allocated: the 1st stage of the student must learn to understand and take control of the teacher. For this, the teacher must: - show students that any training is the organic unity of two processes: the transfer of the student in one form or another educational material and identifying the degree of assimilation of this material, that is, control of the learning outcomes; that only the manifestation of an acceptable level of student training on the material passed allows the transition to a subsequent stage of learning, and only under this condition can be calculated to calculate the effectiveness of training, without which the feasibility of the learning process and the costs of it look dubious; acquaint students with the norms and criteria for assessing knowledge, skills and skills; report students, after which doses of educational material requires control and purpose of conducting one or another control; exposing this or that assessment, to explain it, based on the evaluation criteria; ask the student to independently evaluate its activities and explain the evaluation it obtained; ask for a student to evaluate the activities of the Comrade, relying on the criteria specified by the teacher; Teach students to enjoy various types of verification. The 2nd stage of the student must learn to observe and analyze learning activities His comrades. For this, the teacher should practice the mutual test of studying independent exercises, homework. In the process of mutual testing, students are checked by answers, looking for mistakes, explain to each other. After the interviewee is over, on the board you should write down the right answers and solving difficult tasks, and once again believing your answers and solutions. In case of mutual test, students should know that the goal of such work is not in obtaining an assessment, but in order to check how deeply the topic is understood correctly, can the student independently find a solution to one task, can it be analyzed by someone else's work. It is necessary to practice the decision at the board of the same task with several students. The remaining students at this time are watching the work of their comrades. After the end of the work, the board written is discussed by the whole class, each decision is estimated, its choice is justified. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bto offer students to appreciate the response to the comrade, ask him questions, make comments on the merits of the response, to express their considerations on the result, ideas and the course of decisions, and also try to offer another answer or decision; teach students to control the activities of the teacher, to stimulate the formulation of issues to the teacher; Demonstrate students typical errors. This demonstration can be carried out explicitly, but you can offer students a story with a conscious violation of logical connections, which students must detect. The mutual test is a good school of the education of self-control - after all, to detect mistakes in the work of the comrade much easier than in its own, and the student's own control skills will carry on their activities (self-control). The 3rd stage of the student must learn to monitor its academic activities, its self-analysis, self-esteem and self-correction. From the ability of a student to self-analysis and self-esteem depends on the success of its training, demanding to their study activities and an adequate response to the assessment of its activities by the teacher. Self-analysis and self-esteem suggests determining attitudes towards themselves and their training activities, the ability to investigate their activities, determine the effectiveness of their labor, create motives, needs and opportunities for restructuring and improve their learning activities. Self-correction is a necessary stage of the student's learning activities for successful continuation of education. The student, carrying out self-correction, regulating the actions produced by him, creates an internal sample, a standard of knowledge, actions that, if necessary, instantly retrieves from memory to comprehension with external activities. For the formation of students from students to carry out self-surveillance, self-analysis and self-correction of their activities the teacher must: teach students when performing homework Check the degree of assimilation of the material by drawing up a plan for reading and releasing major thoughts, to respond to the test question of the textbook, to compile additional control questions to the text, be able to find answers to questions in the textbook, compare new information from the previously studied; I have to analyze the results from students to analyze the results, check the correctness of the execution of tasks using the methods specific for each training subject; Do not hurry with the assessment, if the student gave an incorrect answer, a decision with a mistake, and, if possible, give a student to find his mistake. If the error is found, then the estimate can not be reduced; Do not rush with reproach, not accuse the student in the desire to overstate your assessment if the student allows mistakes in self-esteem. In this case, it is necessary to consider at all with the disciple why he put this herself, and not another assessment, and help to understand the evaluation standards so that the student could use them in the future; When the difficulties of mechanical memorization of rules, formulas, theorems, wording, etc. are found. Recommend students to make cards intended for active training and self-control. On one side of the card, the question is written, and on the other side - the correct answer. When self-controlling, a response is taken with a standard, students are postponed towards the card, whose questions gave the right answer, fix the zone where an error was made, and continue to work with the remaining cards. After 5-6, the scrolling of cards almost does not remain. So you can prepare for tests, marathons, dictations, etc.; - teach students to control their activities on the result. To this end, the table of all written, credit works indicating the results are posted in the class. Ways of warning and liquidation of spaces are offered several: a) to come to group occupation-consultation on the topic (indicates the teacher); b) come to consult with pre-prepared issues on the topic; c) take an additional task from the teacher to test an unstable skill; d) use the test materials for self-test (tests, check cards with answers and recommendations); Non-defensive assessments in the log are not immediately exhibited, the student is given two weeks to eliminate the discovered space and conducting re-control of knowledge. The student controls its debt and learns to ask himself: "What do I need to do to increase my level?" e) independently adjust your knowledge using abstracts, textbook. The student must independently estimate the difficulty of work, to identify the object in which an error is allowed, detect and explore its difficulty and decide what needs to be done to increase your level. Thus, the student tends to investigate its activities and create motifs to restructure its training activities, the student has a desire to fulfill work after he understood and adopted the task, to accustom students to constantly ask himself: "Why is it?", "What is required?" "How do others do?", "How did it do in the lesson?", "What are the recommendations on this issue?"; - To form students the ability to control their activities directly during the occupation, exercise. To do this, it is necessary to offer students special tasks in which you need to find mistakes and inaccuracies; Offer tasks of different complexity. Students should evaluate their capabilities, consciously choose their level and work individually. It should be previously inform the evaluation criterion and the requirements for the execution of tasks. When forming the skills of self-monitoring and self-analysis of students, teacher is important to be guided by the principle of accomplicity and accessibility, first it is necessary to establish an installation on monitoring one of the aspects, then complicate the task of inclusion in controlling two or more aspects and to send a student to the content of the final product of its activities. The results of self-control on individual topics can be logged in. This contributes to the formation of such qualities as accuracy, clarity, objectivity. Teachers should not forget that the activities of students associated with self-control is an integral part of learning, improving the student and requires attention from the teacher, like any other educational activity.

Experience in Lukyanova IrinaBorovsky

Self-analysis and self-esteem - the path to the development of the personality.

The need for self-esteem is based on 2 factors.

First - successful positioning itself in society depends

From optimal use Your internal resources.

Second - man throughout life stands before

an conscious choice: think or not to think over the adoption

solutions, act rationally or irrational,

according to circumstances or contrary to them. From here I.

says the need for self-esteem - you need to know

strong and weaknesses of self potential

To on their basis and in accordance with the requirements of life

Laying further, successful, personal career.

Each of us since childhood learned to evaluate himself and does it, often, no longer thinking about the essence of the self-assessment process, however, based on the concept of self-development and improvement, it is important that the self-esteem for many familiar do not passed unnoticed, but gained dynamics. Attentive attitude to the resources of their personality, self-potential reflection, self-diagnosis and self-analysis should be the first step towards further development and personal growth. Personal self-assessment contributes to the formation of criticality, demandingness to itself, is a pledge of personal growth, which, according to the famous psychologist M. Litvaka, can be considered a medicine from all diseases, solving all problems and in simple path to human happiness. Therefore, for the purpose of developing schoolchildren, the needs of self-control and critical self-assessment of their actions in the process of training activities I try to create situations where students actively thinking, learn to evaluate and control themselves and their activities. In such situations, the guys organize their activities, checking and assessing it on the basis of reflection, compile generalizations and comparisons, comprehend the criteria for analyzing, are looking for the causes of their mistakes. Such work leads to the fact that

  1. pupils are formed a steady need for self-control and critical self-esteem itself and each of their steps.
  2. independent and creative skills develop
  3. an internal initiative awakens, the desire of self-government to the educational process appears

Training and upbringing ... These concepts are still since the times of Ya Komensesky in the same row of an inseparable pair. The pedagogical interaction of the teacher and the educator plays a huge role in raising a successful personality. And the interaction is happening every second in the lesson. I believe that the raising potential of the lesson is very high. Education in the lesson is due to the integrated effect: the style of educational communication, management culture, methods and techniques. Thanks to democratically - demanding and collaboratively supporting style, I form my vital strategy strategy Achievement of success and related character traits such as: initiative, independence, responsibility, courage, desire to help the retaining, take part interesting work, respect for yourself and others. The culture of management in the lesson is responsible for the formation of the internal organization of the student's life. In my lessons, I use structurally - planned and jointly design - reflexive management culture. We are together with the guys form the objectives of the lesson, determine and allocate the problem field, analyze the impact of the activities of each on the course of the lesson. The advantage of this culture of management is that the upbringing in the lesson develops into self-education. Pupils acquire the ability to design their own path. With the help of a didactic structure and methodological techniques at each lesson, I try to form a creative and design - productive mentality in students, I try to educate mutual understanding, the desire to hear the other, to understand and take its motives, understand yourself. After all, "to help children be personalities more important than helping them to become mathematicians or connoisseurs french" Each person is endowed with a unique ability to manage its activities. The development of self-control will allow the student to act logical and in accordance with the rules of conduct. In his lessons, I develop the ability to independently evaluate myself, make decisions, identify the content of its activities and find ways to implement it. How do I form these skills? First of all, the student must learn to understand and take control of the teacher. To achieve this, I inform the guys norms and evaluation criteria (individually and to work in the group), I explain the purpose of control, I ask students to independently assess our activities, I teach the guys various types Checks (self-control, interconnection, sample check), I ask the guys to appreciate the answer of the comrade. In the process of mutual test, students are checked by answers, looking for mistakes, explain to each other, learn to analyze and evaluate objectively. After each module, the guys prepare a block of questions that formulate each other in the summarization lessons, listen to the answer and gives an assessment and comment. I teach the guys to control my activity, for this I use tasks with incorrect answers, using the reception "Find a mistake". I systematically spend the reflection among students: "Are they satisfied with the lesson", "what caused difficulties", "recommendations to the teacher" the mutual test is a good school of education of self-control - after all, to detect mistakes in the work of the comrade much easier than in its own, and the student's self-control skills get tolerate Your activities. The success of learning depends on the ability of self-analysis and self-esteem. The demand for its activities leads to self-correction of its activities. We, together with the guys, diagnose the results of the assimilation of each module block and make a joint plan for eliminating gaps in knowledge. Often, consultants' assistance, teacher assistance, group assistance are used to eliminate spaces. Thus, students teach to explore their learning activities and create motifs for its restructuring.

My lessons are allowed when working with new material and when consolidating and training, create many situations of critical self-assessment, activating the search for schoolchildren, requiring active mental work, developing the need for self-control and critical self-assessment activities, at the same time, contributes to the development of students' thinking abilities

IN modern society There is an increase in the percentage of low-skimming children, most of which are from socially abnormal, incomplete families. In the class there are good worstists, honors and deserted, therefore, in mathematics lessons, I use level differentiation and technology of problematic training, which allow you to disclose the actual and potential possibilities of each student. At the stage of preparation for the perception of a new material, differentiated tasks are included, aimed at updating the existing knowledge, on the formation of motivation cognitive process. When studying a new material is created problem situationIn the decision of which each student is attended by the level available to it. "Discomipant" is avoided by weak and medium-sized students associated with the feeling of its "inferiority". At the fixing stage, you will always introduce the guys with mandatory skills and skills for each module. Fixing is organized on 3 levels in inhomogeneous form, as a different pace and quality of assimilation takes into account software. Home tasks are also dosed by levels. The technology of problematic - modular and differentiated learning allows me to work without unsuccessful, students do not fall into knowledge of knowledge

(Tasks are silent each), positive informative motivation is formed, in each individual group, a higher level of development of attention, perception, memory, thinking and speech of each student is achieved.

Analysis of the results of work on the use of level differentiation and modular learning reflects the results of the joint activities of the teacher and students and makes it possible for adjustment and further improvement.

First step:

Watch your behavior and enable records.

1. How often does it seem to act confidently?

2. How often do you ask what you need?

3. How often do you say what you think?

4. How often do you have to regret that you were not confident enough?

Second step:

Systematize your behavior.

1. In what situations do you act most confident?

2. In what situations are you the most indecisive?

3. Who do you behave more confidently?

4. What people do you behave passively?

5. Make a list of situations in which you would like to behave more actively. Arrange them in order of increasing complexity.

Third step:

Take an example with a confident person.

1. What do you like in a confident person?

2. What does his behavior differ from yours?

3. What makes it so effective?

4. Ask, how will he behave in the situation that seems uncomfortable to you?

5. If you do not want to take an example from a real person, choose a sample of a television, a film or literary hero.

Fourth Step:

Remember the situation in which you would have to behave more confident.

1. Record how you reacted in this situation.

A) How did you learn yourself?

B) What did you feel?

C) what did you think about?

D) What was the result?

2. How could I get out of the position in the best way?

Fifth step:

Imagine that you in this situation are acting successfully and efficiently and feel calm and confident.

1. Imagine the situation visually in detail.

A) What do you think about?

B) How do you feel?

C) What will you talk?

2. Imagine the result.

3. What will you feel when the goal will be achieved?

4. Imagine a different adequate response to this situation (in each case there are several effective ways to solve).

A) What do they differ?

B) What are their advantages and disadvantages?

C) imagine your behavior with other reactions.

Sixth step:

Try to cope with the actual situation just like with imaginary.

1. Start with a simple situation.

2. Create a favorable setting around.

Seventh Step:

Evaluate the results.

1. If possible, achieve feedback.

2. If you are satisfied with the result:

A) Remember that it was helped to get it.

B) Pay attention to how well you feel.

C) Receive yourself.

3. If you have not achieved the desired result:

A) What did you achieve?

B) How did they respond to your failure surrounding?

C) What was the error?

D) What would lead to a better result?

E) If you went to a dead end and do not know what to do, ask for help.

E) Imagine how you could react otherwise.

H) Repeat an attempt!

Eighth Step:

Try to apply your new reaction in gradually complicated situations.

Go from simple to difficult so that you have more success than failures.

Go to a more challenging situation only when you are sure that in simple cases you all turn out.

Do not fall in spirit if there is a failure. From time to time, the failures happen to all.

Sometimes it is quite difficult. Please push yourself if necessary, but do not learn your attempts.

Ninth step:

Each result is evaluated by the method proposed in the seventh step.

1. Enter the diary, describing all your attempts in it confidently and the results achieved.

2. Do not regret the time to evaluate each situation:

A) What helped?

B) What prevented?

C) What did you think?

D) What did you feel?

Tenth Step:

Continue classes.

1. Show patience. Do not rush and do not wait too quickly the result

2. Always reward yourself for success.

3. If you failed, congratulate yourself with trying and try again.

4. Continue to keep a diary, describe in detail all attempts to behave confidently and observe the growth of your skill.