Repair Design Furniture

How to install an infrared heater. Types, device and installation of an infrared ceiling heater How to hang an infrared heater

From the author: hello dear readers! When the cold comes, and centralized system heating is not working yet, many are beginning to miss the sun. No one likes to freeze. Usually, at such moments, the homeowners begin to think about buying a heater, but often this issue is postponed, and then the heating system starts working, making the problem irrelevant.

We suggest this time not to wait for autumn and not to stock up on woolen socks, but to choose and install in advance infrared heater... Why him? Firstly, unlike conventional equipment - for example, oil - such a heater can be mounted on a ceiling or wall. Therefore, he does not interfere at all, even when there is no need for his work. Secondly, this is a unique device of its kind, which can easily be called a personal home sun.

However, the merits, of which there are truly many, will be described in detail below. In the meantime, let's figure out how this device works in general.

Principle of operation

Infrared heaters are a relative innovation in the heating equipment market, as they appeared relatively recently. For many people, they are still a mystery. Judge for yourself - when it comes, for example, about a convector or an oil cooler, then the principle of their operation raises no questions. In the first case, hot air blows, in the second, the heater itself is heated so that it provides the entire room with thermal energy.

As for infrared equipment, the principle of its operation is radically different from all its "colleagues". It consists in the following. The device emits infrared waves. For comparison, the sun, familiar to all, does the same. Infrared radiation does not affect the air in any way, it just passes through until something solid appears on the way.

Since we are talking about a house, furniture, walls, floor, ceiling, etc. usually act as “dense”. Infrared rays are absorbed by these objects upon contact, and this is where the interesting begins. You can roughly imagine this effect, since you yourself have been under sunbeams and felt their warmth. The same thing happens with furniture and walls.

They accumulate thermal energy received from infrared waves, and then begin to release it into the surrounding air. This is exactly how the entire room is heated. Moreover, the access of the rays to the furnishings cannot be prevented by anything: they will calmly reach the goal, despite the drafts and even strong wind, if suddenly one is found in your home.

In short, an infrared heater is the kind of sun that heats your home exclusively. Interesting, isn't it? Moreover, the process is very fast. Let's take a conventional convector for comparison. Cold air enters it, heats up, rises to the ceiling, from there it descends already cooled, heats up again, and thus there is a constant mixing of air currents, called convection.

The problem is that this whole process takes quite a long time. No, in principle, the heat becomes very quickly - but only under the ceiling, from which people do not really enjoy it. In the meantime, hot air will mix with cold air, while the whole thing is evenly distributed throughout the room ... In general, you have to wait and wait.

Infrared equipment gives instant results. You didn’t even have time to say the word "infrared" - and the furniture has already absorbed a lot of energy and began to give it to the air. Of course, all this heat must also be distributed throughout the room, and this will take a little time. But people can warm up without waiting for it. First, you can stand next to furniture that emits heat energy. Secondly, infrared waves are absorbed by humans too - it's not for nothing that you can feel the sun's heat outside.

Interestingly, such a clever operating principle is provided by a completely simple design. It includes several elements:

  • body made of steel. Top covered with special powder paint;
  • aluminum reflector with built-in heating element;
  • thermostat;
  • security system in the form of a sensor that monitors the heating level of the device. V outdoor varieties a rollover sensor is added to it, which closely monitors the correct position of the device.

When turned on, the heating element emits infrared rays, which are scattered around the room with the help of a reflector. As you can see, everything is very simple. And at the same time, of course, brilliant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of an infrared heater is, of course, the principle of operation, which was described above. When using conventional heaters, the heat is distributed unevenly - it will always be cool below and hot above. This is not a problem with infrared equipment, as the radiation is absorbed by the floor surface, making it warm as a result.

We list other advantages of this type of device:

  • environmental friendliness. Infrared radiation does not harm the environment;
  • no harm to human health. True, it is worth making a reservation that this will be so only if correct installation... If you do not pay attention to the placement of the device, then it can cause headaches and other not very pleasant conditions. But this will be discussed below. In general, if all the installation requirements are met, there will be no problems;
  • noiselessness. The process of operation of the emitter is not associated with any hum, crackle, etc. True, there are infrared gas heaters- they may make a little noise due to the combustion process. but even so, the sound will be practically indistinguishable;
  • unpretentiousness to conditions. For example, this equipment is indifferent to the effects of a high level of humidity, so the device can be installed even in a bathroom - of course, if there is a high-quality grounding, since we are still talking about electrical equipment. You can also install the heater outdoors. For example, if you put it on open veranda or in a gazebo, then it is quite possible for the whole family to gather there even on cool evenings and absolutely not feel the discomfort associated with the cold;
  • ease of installation. Installation of the heater is very simple, no specific skills are required for this;
  • durability. Infrared equipment lasts quite a long time, and during its entire service life, problems in its operation usually do not arise.

With all the listed advantages, the only disadvantage is that, after warming up under the influence of infrared rays, and then moving to another room, you may feel discomfort from moving to others external conditions... But this is if you really find fault with it. In general, we can say that this variety heater Ideal for any application - whether you're heating your living room, bathroom or backyard, the IR device will feel great and perform well everywhere.

Criterias of choice

Naturally, in order to get the maximum level of comfort from the heater, you need to responsibly choose the equipment, taking into account your current needs and conditions. There are several important criteria to consider before purchasing.

Type of allocation

Infrared panels are gaining more and more popularity every year. They are easy to operate and provide quick heating of the room, and the built-in thermostat allows you to set the desired heating temperature in a few clicks. Moreover, installing infrared heaters with your own hands is quick and easy if you follow the instructions. Other advantages of this equipment include:

It is not surprising that many people are interested in installing infrared heaters with their own hands. This process does not require any special skills and takes from 25 minutes to one and a half hours.

Attention! Pay special attention to your power selection before purchasing. For example, for a room with a footage of 20 m2, an apparatus up to 2000 watts is required. For 8 m2, 800 watts is enough. Detailed information about the equipment is available on the manufacturer's website. If the room is too large, you can install several devices.


Required tools

To install an infrared heater as expected, you need to have the tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • roulette.

More sophisticated equipment can be used as needed. For example, if you are interested in installing infrared heaters with your own hands in the amount of several pieces, it is best to use a pyrometer for calculations. It will allow you to determine the warmest and coldest places in the room. Based on the information received, you will select the optimal location for each device.

Safety engineering

Important! Keep in mind that installing infrared heaters with your own hands involves working with electricity. Therefore, the utmost care must be taken.

There is a set of measures that will prevent accidents both during installation and during operation:

The device must not be switched on until installation is complete. The device must have an appropriate degree of protection if the panel is installed in a bath or sauna. Subject to all these rules, the installation of an infrared heater will be quick and easy.

Important! It is best not to install the panel over a sofa, bed or table. Move it a little to the side - this will allow you to use the device with greater comfort.

When installing infrared heaters with your own hands, you need the distance between the ceiling and the body to be at least 3 millimeters. V country houses the panels are taken out to heat the external space, for example, summer kitchen... In such cases, to increase efficiency, it is necessary to place a thermal insulation material or foil.


Installation process

To make the installation of an infrared heater as simple as possible, it is better to place the panel with a connector to the wall. In most models, the contacts are self-tightening. The delivery package includes elements for fixing the device to the ceiling.

The installation process includes the following steps:

As you can see, installing infrared heaters with your own hands is not a particularly difficult process. The panels can also be wall-mounted, but the heating effect will be much less.

Installation different models IR heaters:

Network connection

Important! It is best to lay the wires in a decorative box.

The device is connected to a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature. This is done through three terminals: "ground", "phase" and "zero". Accordingly, the supply cable must be three-core. Alternatively, you can use PVA 3x1.5.

Infrared heaters are able to create a comfortable atmosphere with minimal labor and financial costs. They are compact, safe and efficient, and can be used in premises for various purposes. Installation of an IR heater is not a big deal; even a novice craftsman can handle this, but he already knows how to hold tools in his hands. In this review, we will consider all the subtleties of the installation work.


Infrared heaters have a rather interesting operating principle. They do not heat the air itself, but the objects located around due to infrared radiation. As a result, they become warm, releasing part of the thermal energy into the atmosphere - the room becomes warm and comfortable. Let's consider the main features of IR heaters:

The most striking drawback of these heaters is the high consumption of electricity, which is typical for any, even the most economical, electrical appliance.

  • Correct heat distribution. If you carry out the installation of traditional radiators in the room, then it will be cool near the floors, and hot near the ceilings. In the case of infrared heaters, the floors will be warm, as they will be heated by infrared radiation;
  • With proper installation, they do not harm human health - if this equipment is correctly installed in a regular place, then it will not have negative impact on the body (in particular, there will be no headaches);
  • Rapid heating of the premises - they warm up much faster than traditional radiators;
  • Almost complete noiselessness - only make noise gas appliances(and even then you can hardly hear them);
  • They can work in rooms with high humidity levels;
  • Available for outdoor use, creating a comfortable environment in open areas;
  • No negative impact on the environment.

Installing an infrared heater in the living room will create a warm atmosphere in which it is pleasant not only to relax, but also to work.


They are divided into two categories - these are electrical and gas appliances. The first ones work from a household power supply and are equipped with electric emitters. They are distinguished by their extreme structural simplicity, due to which their compactness is achieved. True, this has to be paid for with high power consumption.

Gas infrared heaters operate on liquefied gas... Their main advantage is autonomy - they do not need access to the power grid to operate. They are in little demand at home, most often they are used to heat open street areas and industrial buildings. Certain models work with built-in miniature gas cartridges.

Installation of infrared heaters

If you are using infrared gas heaters, wall-mounting is the same as for electric models.

Installation of infrared heaters is carried out in two ways - on walls or on ceilings. Wall-mounted placement is optimal, since in this case the infrared radiation will warm up the premises as evenly as possible, including reaching the floors. In some cases, when the ceilings are very high and installation is difficult, they resort to wall installation.

Installing an infrared heater on the ceiling begins with choosing the height of the placement. In case of living rooms the optimal height is 2.5-3 meters. Usually this parameter is indicated in the equipment passports - the more power, the higher the suspension. Otherwise, deterioration of health and the appearance of headaches may occur.

When wall-mounted, make sure the infrared heaters are located away from crowded areas. For example, installation near the workplace will result in too intense radiation causing skin discomfort and headache... Other unpleasant symptoms are also possible.

Counting power

The optimal indicator is a power equal to 1 kW for every 10 sq. m. area. Ideally, you need to build on it, only then it will be really warm in the room, even in the most severe frosts. If the installation involves their use as auxiliary equipment, nothing prevents you from choosing models of lower power - for example, 1000 W for a room of 20 square meters. m.

Remember that the use of unnecessarily powerful appliances in residential premises is highly undesirable - it is better to install several low-power models.

Installation process

Installation prices from specialists heating equipment are surprising. It is clear that none of us will agree to work for a penny - everyone wants to eat. But you need to observe at least some limits of decency in prices. Therefore, the easiest way is to carry out the installation yourself - this does not require any special knowledge from you and any licenses that no one needs.

Direct mounting of suspensions on mounting hooks is also possible - this is done in rooms with low ceiling heights.

To install the heaters, you can use the standard brackets included in the kit. With their help, the technique is suspended from the ceilings using ropes or chains. Therefore, we need mounting hooks for wood or concrete - the latter are supplied with plastic dowels. Next, we install the fasteners, screw the hooks into the ceilings and adjust the length of the chains or cables to achieve a suitable suspension height.

So nothing complicated about self-assembly there are no infrared heaters - everything about everything will take you a maximum of a couple of hours. The most difficult thing is to install such heaters on concrete ceilings where a powerful hammer drill is required to install the mounting hooks. For wall installation the same hooks are used in conjunction with suspensions - in this case, the heaters should hang horizontally and look slightly downward.

In the case of installing gas infrared heaters, it is necessary to correctly position the gas supply hose.


All infrared heaters are connected to conventional single-phase networks. The exception is industrial designs of high power, which need power supply with a voltage of 380 volts. The connection diagram for an infrared heater is extremely simple - they are mounted and connected with a thermostat.

The thermostat is an important link. It provides support for a given temperature regime, focusing on the temperature of the surrounding space. The control method is mechanical, with dry contacts. As soon as the temperature reaches the set limit, the thermocouple is triggered and disconnects the equipment from the mains. When the air cools down, the contact closes, the flow of electricity is restored.

If there are several rooms in the house, we install thermostats in each room in order to achieve separate temperature control. The lack of regulators will lead to unnecessary consumption of electricity and to the creation of not the most comfortable atmosphere... Even if we make manual adjustment, we will not get efficiency.

If there is a good ground loop and three-wire wiring in the house, use the VVG 3x1.5 or VVG 3x2.25 cable - one grounding conductor here. The optimal height for placing the thermostat is 1.2 m, but in no case close to the heaters.

In order to connect IR heaters after their installation, we need good wire that can withstand solid loads. The best option would be VVG 2x2.5, which should be laid in the walls and ceilings, and then hidden under a layer of plaster. Considering not herself high power devices, one could take a VVG 2x1.5 wire for these purposes, but it is most often used to connect lighting fixtures- for power loads, it is recommended to choose a cable with a large cross-section.

Connection diagram

There are no difficulties in connecting such heaters after their installation - we need to bring the cable from one device or a group of heaters to the thermostat, and then to the nearest junction box. Our thermostat simply breaks one core (phase), no additional cables and conductors are needed. If the power of a heater or a group of heaters is 3 kW or more, lay a separate solid line to the switchboard and equip it with an RCD circuit breaker.

The hardest part about installation is wiring. In order for them not to be striking, it is advisable to drown them in the walls and floors. If this is not possible, install the plastic cable ducts. In utility rooms, use corrugation. The groups of heaters are connected to each other in plastic junction boxes, trying to do without twisting.


24 July 2015 Alexei

To get an answer to the question of how to connect a thermostat to an infrared heater, you need to go a little deeper into theoretical basis functioning of this kind of technology. Based on this, it will be possible to accurately determine the most suitable place for installing the thermostat, and this, in turn, will allow it to operate more efficiently.

Where is the IR heater used

The technique of this type is distinguished by a very high efficiency, and, accordingly, the almost instantaneous heating of the room, and its slow cooling - both factors determine a sufficiently high degree of efficiency of the device, due to which operation on large objects with high ceilings and large heat losses is justified. In addition, infrared heaters are widely used in civil and agricultural premises. These can be greenhouses, schools, kindergartens, offices, shops, etc. In addition, there are versions designed specifically for heating open areas.

We watch a video, a little about this heating device:

But before you decide on one of the types of such devices, you need to correlate it specifications with future operating conditions. So, for each object, it is recommended to select a certain type of similar technique:

  • Shortwave performances are more often used on production facilities, since they are quite aggressive in operation due to the instantaneous heating of the room, which is due to an increase in temperature heating element up to several hundred degrees;
  • Medium-wave and long-wave devices, depending on the model, are widely used in civilian objects, in private homes.

Also, the type of energy source affects the intended purpose of IR heaters: electricity, diesel fuel, gas. For example, devices operating on gas and diesel are recommended for use in non-residential premises and in open areas.

Learn more about construction

The main feature of this type of technique is the release of heat directed to heating different surfaces: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture and interior items - in a word, everything in the room. In this case, the air warms up only partially, since 90% of the radiation is directed at objects, which, in turn, already give off heat to the air.

The main structural elements of this type of equipment are an emitter and a reflector, and electricity, gas or diesel fuel acts as a source of energy. The emitter is responsible for transmitting infrared radiation as it heats up. The reflector acts as a reflective element, which is made of heat-resistant material with good reflectivity.

Preparatory work

The IR heating device is installed on a surface (floor, ceiling, wall) in accordance with its intended purpose: floor, wall or ceiling device. Depending on the design, the design may include an element such as a thermostat. Its main task is to control the temperature level in the room where the IR device is operating.

But not every model is equipped with a thermostat, respectively, sometimes, in addition to installing the device itself, you need to figure out how to connect an autonomous thermostat to an infrared heater.

At the same time, a number of questions are dealt with:

  1. The thermostat is mounted at a level of 1.5 m. This is necessary for ease of use. When connecting film decorative IR heaters, a wireless thermostat is used. It is important to avoid areas subject to drafts. Otherwise, the device will not work effectively.
  2. A site is selected for installing the heater: not far from a door or window. If the room is quite large, then it is recommended to install two low-power units instead of one powerful unit. But in this case, you need to calculate the total power if you plan to connect to a thermostat.

For work, you will need tools: a drill, a screwdriver, a ruler, screwdrivers, pliers, etc. Depending on how and what the heater is equipped with, a rigid mounting bracket may be required, which usually has to be purchased. But you can make installation without such an element, again, it all depends on the configuration. You will also need wires, the length of which is determined by the installation location and distance from the power source.

Works when connected

Installation of an infrared ceiling heater in a room where suspended or wooden ceilings, is performed rather quickly due to the simplicity of manipulations: in finishing material hooks are screwed onto which the heater is suspended. If the ceiling in the room is concrete, then in this case you will need a puncher. This is the easiest way to connect.

Watching the video assembly work ceiling heater;

But the vast majority of users prefer more economical solution- using a thermostat. In this case, the installation is carried out in several versions, depending on the set of equipment:

  1. The thermostat-heater pair is connected. In this case, two wires are connected from the circuit breaker (hereinafter referred to as a machine): "zero" and "phase". Installation is carried out in accordance with the device labeling. Further, the thermostat is connected to the heating equipment, also taking into account the marking. You must first open the socket for connection. It is usually hidden in the case under a removable cover held by fasteners.
  2. Installation and connection of an infrared heater of various types in the amount of more than two pieces per room is carried out by means of a parallel connection. The rest of the installation steps will be identical: wires are connected from the machine to the thermostat, from which heating devices are already connected.
  3. A more complicated option: installation by connecting a magnetic starter. Such a solution is preferable in the case when the connection of an industrial heater is planned.

Some features of installation work

To ensure safety, you must also take care of the grounding of the device. For this, a yellow-green cable is used, which is connected to the corresponding terminal. It is difficult to make a mistake here, since the marking helps to carry out the installation without unnecessary difficulties. In order for the room to be heated as efficiently as possible, you need to install it in the most suitable position to ensure high performance.

This refers to the direction of propagation of radiation. If the heater is ceiling mounted, then the choice is small - the unit is installed in only one position (parallel to the ceiling and floor), but wall devices it is quite possible to install at a certain angle. This is done by adjusting the fasteners. To avoid striking the wiring of the cable along the wall, you can use the U-shaped profile.

Thus, the connection process itself should not cause any difficulties for the user. But first, it is important to choose the right site for installing the device.

Only in this case will there be a high degree of efficiency from its work. If the room is more than 20 sq. m, it is recommended to use two heaters, the total power of which will not exceed 2 kW. For small areas(up to 8-10 sq. m.), a compact low-power 800 W device is quite enough. It is more expedient to install heaters near entrance doors and in the area of ​​windows, but the thermostats, on the contrary, are "afraid" of drafts and work less efficiently at the same time.

Sooner or later, developers or future homeowners have to deal with one of the most thrilling questions of how to choose the right heating system. There are a lot of options for arranging a heating system, but more and more often, owners of new buildings deliberately choose electric infrared heaters and convectors for heating. Unlike bulky water and gas heaters, the use of electrical appliances is much easier and cheaper. It is only necessary to choose the right layout and install an infrared heater in every room of the house. Nothing complicated at first glance, but certain nuances in installation and use.

How an indoor infrared heater works

Most of the radiant infrared heaters have a universal mount on the body that can hold a small weight on any surface - on the wall, on the ceiling, and even on remote ceiling rods and consoles. The power of a radiant heater, depending on the version, model and used heating element, can range from 0.8 kW to 2.5 kW.

The main problem that arises when choosing a circuit, where and how to install an infrared heater, is associated with a high concentration of radiant energy in the stream. It's like being around a fire - the closer you get to the hot surface, the stronger the heat. True, the density of the emitting flux produced by the infrared heater decreases in a quadratic relationship. At a distance of three meters, the thermal effect is four times less than at a distance of a meter from an infrared spiral or a ceramic panel.

When installing the heater, observe the following restrictions:

  • The distance of maximum comfort from the heater for low-power devices of 700-800 W is only 70 cm, for 1300-2000 W the distance from the radiating surface of the heater to the face, as the most sensitive part of the body, should be at least 130-150 cm;
  • If an infrared heater is necessary to warm a room in which people spend quite long time practically in one position, the distance from the plane of the device installation to the open parts of the body - hands and face should be at least 2 m for a one and a half kilowatt heater;
  • For cases when it is planned to install several infrared heaters in the room, each heater should be directed to its own blind zone, without crossing the streams or the direction of the radiating elements in one directory.

For powerful heaters, they traditionally choose to be installed in a corner on swivel brackets, which allow you to adjust the angle of inclination of the reflective mirror of the infrared heater. Best effect achieved by installing radiant heaters on the ceiling. It turns out, as it were, the antipode of a warm floor. Ceiling scheme allows you to maximize the heat flow in the room, just like fluorescent lamps create uniform illumination.

Important! Thermal energy of an infrared emitter of several hundred watts in a concentrated form can heat objects to a high temperature, therefore, in the immediate vicinity, at a distance of 60-70 cm from the heater, there should be no plastic, paper and fabric objects.

Otherwise, warpage or burnout of the surface is possible, and if it is very close or touched, partial destruction of the material is possible.

Optimal location of the heater

Of course, radiation alone, even from the most powerful heater, cannot guarantee warming up every corner of the room; anyway, convection is indispensable. Only warm air, moving under the action of the ventilation flow, is able to equalize the temperature and evenly warm up the entire room.

For different premises own, the most optimal heater installation scheme is used:

  • For a bedroom, the most convenient and effective will be the location of the infrared heater on maximum height over the head of a sofa or bed, so that 2/3 of the surface is located in the shade of the heat flow;
  • For the kitchen and living room, the installation of the heater is performed so that the heat flux of infrared radiation is directed into the window sill, the place where cold air flows into the room;
  • In hallways and corridors, the heater is installed on the ceiling with the vertical direction of infrared radiation down to the floor. The heat radiator has a truly unique ability to quickly dry the floor and remove drops and residues of moisture brought into the room from the street on shoes and outerwear... In order not to damage the shoes, they must be removed from the heat flow of the heater in time.

In addition, the height of the ceiling suspension of the heater must be correctly calculated. For the ceiling in the hallway the best option will be the location of the heater in the center, with standard height ceiling of 250 cm, under an infrared heater with a power of 700 W, only people with a height of 170-175 cm will feel comfortable.

Therefore, when planning the installation of infrared heaters, you will need to make ceilings in the hallway under 260-270 cm, or instead of one device, use two low-power heaters of 500 W so that it does not bake into the crown. The features of such an installation can be found in the video:

We install the heater on our own

Simplest and most effective method installation provides for the placement of a heating device on the ceiling of the room. Suspension of the body is carried out in the following order:

  • On the short ends of the case, it is necessary to unscrew the self-tapping screws and remove the covers, the suspension brackets are inserted into the slots and fixed with a latch;
  • The distance between the brackets on the ceiling is used to mark the installation locations of the anchor hooks;
  • According to the marking, holes are drilled in the ceiling slab, plugs are clogged and the suspension hooks are screwed in.

Before fixing the infrared heater, it will be necessary to lay the wiring from the power supply panel to the thermostat installation site and then to the heater. Ceiling structures are rarely equipped with built-in thermostats, therefore the box responsible for controlling the heating process is placed at a height of 1.6-1.7 m near the entrance to the room according to the diagram below.

To connect an infrared heater, you will need to strip the ends of the wires and fix them in the chips according to the scheme given in the product passport or glued on the inside of the cover. It remains to connect the wiring to a separate bag on the dashboard, and you can start the infrared heater into action.

Digital thermostats allow you to control the temperature in a room with high precision... But in practice, infrared devices have little heating inertia. For example, setting the temperature in the room to 22 ° C on the device, the heater will actually raise it by half a degree-degree higher, since the red-hot radiating spiral or the heater panel by inertia continues to heat the air for another 5-7 minutes after the thermostat has cut off the power supply.

Does it make sense to contact infrared heaters

There are about the same number of admirers and ardent critics of heating residential premises using infrared radiation installations. It is worth admitting that, despite the fierce criticism of fans of water heating, the idea of ​​using electric infrared heaters is becoming more and more popular.

Radiating electric heaters have their own rather interesting advantages:

  • Versatility. You can install the infrared heater on any surface, at any angle, without restrictions on height and method of fastening;
  • Locality of heating. An infrared emitter allows you to organize heating of a part of the room, even if there is no way to limit the loss of warm air;
  • Easy to install. It is enough to competently lay the electrical wiring to the places where the heaters are installed, connect the input to the house and the meter designed for the increased power consumption of electricity;
  • Low inertia of infrared heaters. Heating of the room stops 10 minutes after the electric heater is turned off;
  • Possibility of smooth regulation and precise dosage of room heating.

For your information! Due to the very low thermal inertia of infrared heaters, the air temperature in the room can be regulated with an accuracy of half a degree, it is enough to install digital or even mechanical thermostats.

Of course, similar options for keeping the air temperature in a house or apartment at a given level can be realized with the help of a warm floor or electric convectors, but in both cases, good results can be achieved only in closed rooms, when there are no drafts and walk-through rooms.

Practice proves once again that the use of radiant devices makes it possible to heat a room no less efficiently than using convectors or water and oil radiators. In this case, it is important to choose the correct scheme and method for installing an infrared heater.

Conventional electric water-oil heaters and radiators, regardless of the installation scheme, heat the air by convection:

  • Most of the heat-dissipating surface is covered with a casing or screen to improve, according to the developers, the flow of air to the spirals or tubular sections;
  • V separate structures convection electric heaters simply unsuccessfully copy the shape cast iron batteries central heating;
  • Such designs of heaters are designed for installation in window niches, where warm air mixes with the influx of cold air from the ventilation valve and spreads well throughout the room. In all other cases, the efficiency and economy of heaters are significantly lower than those of infrared heaters.

Important! There are many comparative tests that measure heating performance, but the most reliable data show the difference between infrared heaters and convectors by almost 18%.

In addition, infrared heaters are practically insensitive to the position of the body, while for the convector, manufacturers require installation only in a vertical position, with an angle of inclination of at least 4-7 °.

Low temperature infrared heaters

The most frequently criticized drawback of an infrared heater is associated with the high temperature of the emitting surface. Most often, the spiral or ceramic panel heats up to 300-500 ° C, which can cause overdrying of the air in the room.

More recently, so-called cold or low-temperature heaters have been used for heating. The new infrared heaters look like ordinary square cladding plates measuring 60 cm or 50 cm. The smooth heating surface is made of polymer ceramics, with back side there can be a protective grill or plastic panel covering the heating element.

Such heaters are heated to a temperature of 90-95 ° C, therefore, even with prolonged contact with fabric, curtains or furniture, there is no damage. Installation of such an infrared heater can be done almost anywhere, but preferably no closer than 40-50 cm to open parts of the body, you can use the advice on the video:

The most important thing is that the efficiency of heating the room of such a heater is about 20-25% higher than in comparison with the vaunted convectors and oil coolers.


For example: heating an ordinary apartment, with an area of ​​55-60 m 2, without external thermal insulation, with the installation of infrared heaters it will cost about 25-30% less than conventional water centralized heating, video The cost of convectors is approximately comparable to centralized heating, and the use of an electric boiler is 10-15% more expensive. If you add a two-tariff meter to infrared devices, then the practical benefit from installing a heater will increase by another 10%, provided that the walls of the house are insulated with high quality.