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Name arina the meaning of the name and fate. The meaning of the name Arina and the nature of those who wear it

Active Kind Hardworking

Arina Sharapova, famous TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

What does the name Arina mean?

Arina - ancient, rare and beautiful name... V last years it quickly gained popularity among female names. The meaning of the name Arina presupposes the balance and independence of its carriers.

She has a sensitive and delicate nature. The girl is able to feel the feelings, the mood of the interlocutor, often puts herself in his place. She uses her peculiarity for her own benefit.

The girl is famous for her serenity and calm attitude towards others. In her close environment there are only reliable friends, and enemies on the path of life are rare. It is pleasant to communicate with these girls, they are sociable.

The following patronymics are perfectly combined with the name Arina: Alexandrovna, Artemovna, Alekseevna, Valentinovna, Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Sergeevna, Eduardovna or Yurievna.

Arina Evgenievna loves to be in the center of attention, loves noisy companies. The owner of the middle name Andreevna is distinguished by her benevolence towards others and high sociability. Arina Alekseevna is endowed with a practical mindset, is distinguished by calmness, while Dmitrievna has solid character and loves to impose his views.

Would you name a child by that name?

This name has Greek origin... It was widespread in the society of the ancient Greek nobility. But now, in the modern world, it is rarely used in speech.

Finding out what the name Arina means, scientists have proposed several versions of its origin.

Most researchers claim that this name is a derivative form of an appeal to Irina. In translation, the word "Irina" means "peace", "tranquility". In Greek myths, there is the goddess of the world Eirena, whose name was then transformed into the words "Arina" and "Irina". History recalls interesting fact, that in the 18th century Arins were called daughters of merchants and peasants, and Irina - daughters of nobles.

Arguing what the name Arina means, we can conclude that it came from the Old Slavonic name Yarin, formed from the supreme god of the Slavs - Yaril.

According to another version, the name appeared in Russia from the Jews, initially in the form of the name Aaron, which then underwent a sound transformation. The word "Aaron" in translation means "the highest", "enlightened".

The origin of the name Arina recalls her namesake celebrities: Arina Rodionovna - the nanny of A.S. Pushkina, Sharapova - TV presenter, Kirsanova - actress, Makhova - TV presenter.

Name forms

Full: Arina Laskovaya: Arisha Short: Arya Antique: Arina

WITH early years Arisha stands out among her peers for her independence. She herself makes decisions whether to attend her music school or enroll in a theater studio. The girl learns to sew and knit on her own. She probably inherited this character trait from her mother, and external data from her father.

As an adult, an active girl plunges headlong into her career, where she can achieve excellent results.

Thanks to her organizational skills, she can be an excellent leader.

The characteristic of the name Arina claims that pedagogical activities and educational work are ideal for her bearer. This woman is able to lead people without pressure and coercion, captivating with her enthusiasm, activity and rich inner world.

At work, she shows herself as an active, reliable and responsible employee.

Arina does not trust anyone with her job duties, tries to do everything on his own, relying only on his own strength, his hard work, perseverance and practicality. Before doing something, he will first calculate everything and think it over carefully, and then only go to the goal.

The financial side of Arina's life is going well. Earning income is usually not about maintaining own business, but with the receipt of an inheritance or expensive gifts.

She likes to receive guests in a cozy home environment.

Arina is characterized by practicality, prudence, decisiveness and hard work - with these qualities of character she differs from other women.

Throughout her life path, she will be distinguished by such traits as benevolence, responsiveness and perseverance. Arina knows what she wants and always achieves her goals.

A distinctive feature of this name is independence and responsibility.

The secret of the name Arina provides us with a description of her representative, who has a secretive, somewhat cunning character. WITH outside the image of a simple, gullible and naive girl is formed, which in reality does not correspond to the real inner peace Arina. She has an amazing intuition, is able to quickly feel the hidden essence of any business.

It is easy and pleasant to communicate with Arina. With those around her, the representative of the name is benevolent, courteous and tactful. In conversations, she adheres to her own views. If you try to win her over to your side, you will fail.

This woman is a subtle psychologist at heart, is well versed in people, knows how to compromise in conflict situations, it is difficult to deceive her. She is prudent, calculating and prudent. She does not tend to commit spontaneous rash acts.





Good nature

Hard work

Excessive rigor





In amorous affairs, Arina is indecisive, somewhat fearful. This girl is cold to gentlemen, does not express her feelings, long time keeps them at a distance. Despite this, she is popular with men.

In the characterization of Arina, you can find out that the main place in the life of this girl is occupied by family relationships. If, being married, she finds herself in the world of comfort, warmth, care and support from her husband, then the girl will become a wonderful wife, a faithful friend and a good housewife. She transfers leadership in the family to her spouse. Can forgive a lot to her husband, but not betrayal. She experiences such a situation painfully and immediately decisively ends all relations.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The name of the girl Arina came to us from Ancient Greece and means "peace" and "tranquility". It is very gentle and affectionate, so in recent years it has become more and more popular in our country.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents opt for Arina, since the meaning of the name implies that their daughter will be interesting in communication for her peers. Little Arishka always wants to hug, caress and pull her cheeks. The child will always calmly take your attention, since the main qualities of her character are sociability and calmness.

The character of the name Arina endows her charming little girls with independence, practicality, decisiveness, hard work and prudence.

From an early age, Arisha demonstrates her independence to her family and others. She herself chooses what to do, which clubs to attend, with whom to be friends. But this does not negate the fact that the girl is assiduous and attentive.

In most cases, the child adores the father. Arisha always tries to spend her leisure time with him. When guests come, she behaves modestly and quietly, goes about her business. If she is asked to sing or dance, then she is “lost” and cannot show the guests her talents.

Where will Arina succeed?

Studying at school is interesting and easy for her. She shows her talents in drawing, music and dance lessons. Laziness will be the only obstacle to an exemplary study.

The girl was born to become a leader. But she does not seek to achieve unquestioning obedience from others.

For this child, professions are best suited: fashion designer, hairdresser, designer, nurse, teacher, manager, educator, leader and others.

According to the meaning of the name, Arina's parents are obliged to try and find the right approach to their daughter. This is really important. Otherwise, she will move away from mom and dad, stop believing them and listening to them. In the process of raising this girl, do not skimp on praise and recognition. If the child feels supported, then he will strive to achieve his goal.

What games will Arina like?

Arina loves to sew, draw and knit. Already in childhood, she shows herself to be an excellent housewife: she will help her mother, prepare a delicious dinner, and show a master class in needlework. She is attracted to Hollywood movies.

She enjoys reading detective stories. And in general, the girl is fond of literature. Arina also goes in for sports, she especially enjoys swimming.

This female name is independent, although consonant with the more popular Arina and Irina. The meaning of the name Arish is softer and more calm. Accordingly, its owner is distinguished by a quieter and more balanced disposition, but not devoid of its zest.

Those who decide to name their daughter that way should certainly know that the meaning of the name Arish for a girl is fundamental. This is an independent, practical and moderately cautious person who, from a young age, decides everything and always himself.

Arishka's parents do not have to run in circles and additional activities in order to pick up a hobby for their daughter. She herself chooses hobbies related to creativity and needlework. The most interesting thing is that the acquired skills in the future can become an excellent basis for a creative profession.

Arishechka, by the way, is well versed in fashion and has excellent taste, but she is unlikely to waste time on entertainment. Investigating the meaning of the name Arisha for a child, one can come to the confidence that in the future she will be at the pinnacle of life.

Knowing detailed interpretation name, it is not surprising that the girl has graceful manners and an interesting appearance. In this, we should thank not only the parental genes, but also the patronage of the Higher Powers.


Arisha, from an early age, embarks on a quest ideal man... He often falls in love with pleasure, but he never loses control over his feelings and does not allow a man to completely take over himself.

Sometimes she can be reproached for being too cold and secretive, but if necessary, for the sake of a loved one, personal preferences lose their meaning. She is ready for sacrifices and compromises on her part. And all because she can hardly endure loneliness and always tries to have friends and fans nearby.

As for close relationships, then the chosen one will have to show maximum patience. Love means more to Arisha than just quality sex. She appreciates affection, tenderness and romance, looking for confidence and security in relationships.

If a girl meets her chosen one, she will be faithful to him for the rest of her life. But he will not forgive treason, and will worry about this for a very long time. You should not repent and assure your feelings, she definitely will not give a second chance.

And everything will end quietly and quite peacefully, without hysterics and swearing. Where greater importance for Arishechka has her own dignity, and she will not allow any infringement on him.


In the family, Arishka manifests herself as an excellent hostess, loving mother and devoted spouse. She is extremely jealous, but ready to do anything for the happiness of loved ones. V family relationships welcomes equality and mutual respect. She gets along well with her husband's parents, loves to receive guests, but she herself is in no hurry with a return visit.

If Aruska starts to argue, then it is easier for hubby to give in right away. After all, a woman clearly denotes boundaries that others cannot cross. If a man calmly provides serious arguments, he will easily agree with the craziest idea.

By the way, despite all the housekeeping and thriftiness, Arisha rarely devotes herself entirely exclusively to the family hearth. As soon as the opportunity arises to get down to business, she immediately runs away, instantly shifting household chores to her stronger half.

Business and career

Arisha is definitely a responsible and serious person. She has great intuition, but she rarely uses it, relying more on sober calculation and analytics. She will never act blindly or spontaneously. Work, whatever it is, means orderly and fully thought-out action for it.

She is endowed with remarkable organizational skills and skillfully manages the team and the whole business. At the same time, it does not matter at all how many people are subordinate and how difficult the task looks like. Arisha can easily cope with everything. True, there is one sin - power greatly spoils an already complex character. But if Arishka decides to make a career, then he will certainly achieve everything he wants.

As for the choice of a profession, the main importance here is the ability to teach others something and make the world a little more beautiful. In the latter case, there is still a childish inclination towards needlework.

Best of all, she manifests herself in the professions of a teacher, designer, stylist. Arishka is well versed in people, and therefore often chooses the specialty of a psychologist.

The origin of the name Arish

Today it is rather difficult to say with certainty where this name came from. There are several main versions, which are also associated with consonant Arina and Irina. Actually, this is the main secret of the name.

Based on all existing opinions, it can be assumed that the origin of the name Arish is Greek. Once the Greeks worshiped the Goddess responsible for peace on earth and her name was Eirena. And, as you know, people are happy to use in ordinary life everything divine, remaking it in its own way.

The story goes that in medieval Russia there were girls whose name Arisha was no less than in any other European country... This is confirmed by another version, now a Slavic etymology.

After all, the Slavs had their own light and all-powerful God Yarilo, who gave people sunlight, and therefore life itself. In his honor, many nominal interpretations appeared, including Yarina, Yarisha, Yara and Arina.

Characteristics of the name Arish

Arisha has an extremely emotional and changeable character. A slight anxiety against the background of unconditional creative talent sometimes makes her somewhat insecure. However, the characteristics of the name Arish and the benevolence of the planet-talisman allow her to adapt to the circumstances with the least damage to herself.

Despite her prudence, she intuitively chooses the path of least resistance, although she believes that this is the merit of only a sober mind.

Aruska is a big dreamer, while she always strives for independence and does not allow external conditions put pressure on yourself. Considering the pros and cons of personality, all Arisha are advised to pay less attention to little things and avoid conflict situations.

The mystery of the name

  • Zodiac - Taurus.
  • Planet - Venus, Moon.
  • The stone is opal.
  • Color - pale blue.
  • Plant - lily of the valley, chestnut.
  • The animal is an owl.
  • Day is Friday.

Arisha is not included in the list of the mentioned names in the calendar, but can celebrate Irina's name day - January 12, January 16, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 26, October 1.

Famous people named Arisha

  • Radionova (1989) - tennis player.
  • Aleinikova (1943) - Soviet actress.
  • Sharapova (1961) TV presenter, journalist.

Arisha's name in different languages

Knowing about the related origin, it is easy to understand how this name is translated. The traditional translation of the name Arish is "peace" and "rest". On the Hebrew it also has the meaning of "enlightened" or "teacher". Translation is also offered:

  • in Chinese - 阿 亦 沙
  • in Japanese - ア リ シ ャ
  • in Ukrainian - Yarisha

Name forms

  • Full name- Arisha.
  • Derivatives - Arina, Irina, Yarina, Yara, Yarisha.
  • Diminutive affectionate - Arishka, Arishechka, Yarochka, Aruska.
  • Declination - Arishi, Arisha, Arishoy.
  • Church in Orthodoxy - Irina.

It is believed that the origin of the name Arina has Greek roots, and in the old days representatives of the nobility called their daughters this nickname. Nowadays, the name is not so common, however, many people still consider it beautiful and successful for a girl.

The meaning of the name Arina is ambiguous, as it has several versions. Translated from Greek, it means "rest" and "peace". By the way, in Greek mythology the goddess of peaceful life Eirena is mentioned, from which the name Arina originated.

Have Orthodox people this nickname was also popular mainly among the nobility. Sometimes it was pronounced as Yarina or. It is believed that it was formed on behalf of the main god of the Sun - Yaril.

Another version says that Arina is the female form of the name Aaron, which among the Jews means "enlightened", "high". There is also a mention that the Thracian Sun Goddess in Bulgaria was called in the same way.

Bearers of the name Arina from infancy are distinguished by such qualities as friendliness, kindness and responsiveness.

The girl is a real gift for parents and loved ones, as she is a very affectionate and obedient child.

A girl named Arina strives for knowledge, so she can often be seen sitting at books. It is very good if parents help their daughter learn new things and give them to various circles where she can show her creative abilities.

The most successful bearer of the name Arina will be able to express herself in ballroom dancing and in pop vocals, if, of course, she has an innate ear and a sense of rhythm.

The name Arina is inherent in calm and balanced girls who rarely cause problems to parents and others.

  • At school, they are diligent students, and at home they are excellent helpers.
  • They can have many hobbies and still make time for friends. That is why many people like the owners of the name Arina, and this attitude is well deserved.

V mature age such women become wonderful hostesses who love to welcome guests. The name Arina, as a rule, is inherent in seasoned girls, however, if they are very angry, then everyone who is close will get it, even those who are not involved in this.

These women are quite self-confident and never change their decisions. They are ready to fight to the last for their opinion and convince others of its correctness. Sometimes such disputes go too far and can lead to serious quarrels, and bearers of the name Arina rarely go first to put up.

In life, a woman is extremely hardworking, so she often achieves success in any business. She rarely deviates from her plans, since before starting to do anything, she weighs the decision many times. Unfortunately, at times a girl named Arina is indecisive, which is why she misses out on great opportunities. If you get rid of this, then life will become much easier and more enjoyable.

Love and family

The name Arina is inherent in girls who have many fans since adolescence. Guys fall in love with them because of their kind and gentle nature, as well as because of their innate charm.

  • Girl can for a long time choose her chosen one and when she meets the ideal guy for herself, she will certainly marry him and become a faithful wife. She knows how and loves to take care of her spouse and expects the same attitude from him in return.
  • If the husband turns out to be a liar and cheats, then the marriage will end. A woman named Arina will not forgive such a thing, as she is the owner and very jealous.

Comes out of it excellent mother, as she knows how to raise children, and also loves to create comfort in the house. She devotes most of her time to babies and strives to give them everything they need, since they are of great importance to her. She always demands attention from her husband to the children, since it is important for her that the father takes part in the upbringing and sets a good example.


The meaning of the name Arina for a career is quite large. Such a woman can become a music teacher, designer, fashion designer or hairdresser.

She is close to creative professions, since she considers them interesting, and this is the main thing for her.

Arina Ayanovna Sharapova (Russian TV presenter, journalist, head of the journalism department)

However, she does not strive to build a career, since she is more to her liking to be a good wife and a caring mother who is responsible for household chores.

  • From professions, she is also close to the role of a psychologist, since she knows how to listen to the patient, feel his mood and can help find a solution to the problem.
  • Whatever job the bearer of the name Arina chooses, it is important for her to feel that others approve of her work.
  • She is always friendly with colleagues and ready to help them at the first request. Therefore, the name Arina belongs to the girls who are adored by the employees.
  • She never seeks to occupy leadership positions, because he does not like to command others and feel tension.


A woman named Arina has average health, which cannot be called either bad or good. Since childhood, she is prone to colds, which should be treated in time so that complications do not arise. There may also be problems with gastrointestinal tract, therefore, you need to carefully monitor the diet.

Regular rest at home and outdoors will be beneficial and will have a positive effect on your well-being.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Full parsing character, compatibility and fate of the name Arina read in this article!

Full name: Arina

Meaning: a female derivative from Christians, derived from the Latin name Christianus - "Christian"

Related Names: Aryna, Irina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya, Irena, Irena, Irene, Irene, Orina, Irinia

Church name: Irina

What does the name Arina mean?

Linguists do not agree on the etymology of the name Arin. Some are sure that it has Greek roots, others claim that it is Slavic. And in that, and in another interpretation, the translation of the name converges - this is "peace" and "peacefulness".

There are scientists who claim that the name Arina comes from Irina. If you trace the fate of the owners of these two names, their life path, habits and character traits, it is noticeable that there is a significant difference between them. There is no abbreviated version of the name. Parents call their daughter Arinochka or Arisha.

The name Arina in different languages ​​of the world

Arabic: ارينا

In Armenian: Արինա

In Belarusian: Aryna

Greek: Αρίνα

In Georgian: არინა

Spanish: Arina

Italian: Arina

In Chinese: 阿麗娜

Serbian: Arina

In French: Arina

In Ukrainian: Arina

Japanese: ア リ ナ

Characteristics and astrology named after Arin

Auspicious day: Friday

Astrological sign: Virgo

Patron planet: Venus

Talisman Stone: Opal

Pink colour

Plant: lily of the valley

Animal: roe deer

What does the name Arina mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Arina is serious and reasonable beyond her years. Such qualities are very surprising to many. For example, she cares about whether her mother paid for kindergarten on time, whether she had time to cook dinner before Daddy's arrival, whether she ironed the shirts of her older brothers before school.

Arina is capricious and stubborn, she will insist on her opinion or desire to the last. The girl really likes to study at school. She easily comprehends any discipline. She especially likes " the world" (v primary school) and "geography" (in the middle link).

All the requirements that teachers make on her, Arina easily fulfills. Despite the fact that the girl is surrounded by loving and caring parents and relatives who want to help her, the girl is used to doing everything herself and relying only on her own strength. She does not ask for help and support even when she understands that she cannot do without adults.

As a girl, Arina gains wisdom and prudence. He no longer considers it shameful to ask his parents for help in some matter. She herself is not averse to helping someone who needs her. She is interesting to the opposite sex, has many friends who consider her opinion to be authoritative.

Arina loves animals very much. If her parents do not allow her to have a pet, she goes to a shelter and works there on a voluntary basis, just to be closer to the animals. The girl considers this quality to be very useful and necessary for life. Often he picks up homeless animals and looks for new owners for them.

In public, Arina is modest, but surrounded by loved ones, she does not try to restrain her emotions. If the girl is not in the mood, then she can be rude and provoke a quarrel. By such behavior, she repels many of her peers from herself. But he cannot help himself in moments of anger and frustration. Parents are not always ready for such outbreaks and do not know how to respond correctly.

As a woman, Arina is reasonable and wise. All her actions have a specific purpose and are deliberate. The woman is unhurried and calm, from the outside it seems slow and indecisive. But that's her nature. She is in no hurry, before making a decision, she thinks about the possible consequences.

In style, Arina's clothes are feminine and charming. He rarely wears jeans and pantsuits because he prefers dresses and skirts. And in old age, she all the more does not allow herself clothes that look like men. The opposite sex appreciates her wardrobe, men like the image that she creates with her style of clothing.

The older Arina is, the more attractive she becomes for men. Her magnetism has grown over the years. If problems arise on the personal front, he does not share with them even with his close friends. The goals and tasks set by her are realized independently. If worried mental trauma or a serious offense, then he withdraws into himself, does not communicate with anyone.

The nature and fate of the name Arina

  • enthusiasm
  • honesty
  • benevolence

Kindness is paramount positive quality Arina. A sense of justice is also inherent in a girl. She never lies to herself and does not like being deceived. This is a purposeful woman who many envy, because she achieves the set tasks.

It is in Arina's blood to run to help her friends as soon as they need her help. Such self-sacrifice is appreciated by them. And in a difficult situation for a girl, they rush to her aid. Close people say that it is not scary with her to go on reconnaissance. She does not give up in trouble, does not fail, does not substitute. If she called someone her friend, then he is for her.

  • cynicism
  • rancor
  • aggressiveness

Excessive openness and sincerity do not always have a good effect on Arina's life. Because these qualities are often used by people who want to harm the girl. The wrongs inflicted on her give her the strength to come up with a plan of revenge. The stronger the offense, the more insidious the plan.

Arina does not understand black humor, and when she hears some kind of ridicule in her address, she triggers a hedgehog defensive reaction - she pretends that she does not hear anything and whom she does not see. If such a defensive strategy does not help, then she pounces on the offender, screaming that such an image should not be joked with her. Such violent attacks happen to her frequently.

Arina's fate

Arina builds her own life. He comes to all important decisions independently. He never doubts what he does. When he feels some uncertainty, he can ask the parents for advice, but this rarely happens. She is confident in her abilities and persistent in her actions. She cannot stand still and is constantly moving forward, reaching in turn all the tasks set for herself.

Arina has a difficult fate. But a woman never complains or cries. She steadfastly carries her cross, without showing how heavy it is for her. Life difficulties cannot break her, on the contrary, they give her additional strength. From the outside it seems that someone is always helping her, but in fact, she achieves everything on her own.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Arina does not seek to climb career ladder... She does not consider it necessary. The girl is also indifferent to the idea of ​​starting her own business, because she does not like to lead and command. She is more accustomed to following the orders of the leadership herself and to do it with all her inherent responsibility.

Arina can come up with a perfect plan entrepreneurial activity, having calculated all the pros and cons, investments and costs, but he will not dare to bring this to life. Money for her is just a necessary means to meet her own needs. She does not set herself the goal of earning more and more from year to year.

Arina does not crave a promotion and does not want to be somehow distinguished from the background of other employees. If a woman achieves any success in her profession, as, for example, Arina Martynova (two-time Russian champion in singles figure skating), then she remains modest and never brags about her victories, because she knows that any person, with desire and perseverance, can achieve the same, or even more than her.

Marriage and family

In marriage, it is Arina who takes on the function of preserving love, tenderness and romance. In this regard, the husband is indifferent, for him only the material side of life is important. And everything that concerns feelings, he trusts his wife. She is a wise wife and caring mother who knows how to show love.

Arina has been thinking about the issue of adoption since her youth. Having married and having given birth to children, she still does not leave the dream of an adopted child. And if her husband supports her in this, then he can make more than one kid from orphanage... The number of adopted children can exceed three or even five, which does not cause approval and understanding among all relatives.

The possibility that the marriage with Arina will be upset is minimal. Because a woman firmly believes in the institution of marriage and does everything possible to ensure that her family is happy and prosperous. A woman will never even agree to a temporary separation from her husband if some serious quarrel arises. The break is possible only if she becomes a widow.

Sex and love

Arina, like no one else, plunges headlong into a storm of emotions and passions. Her head is literally dizzy from passionate novels and fleeting intrigues. But the girl does not experience such a feeling for long, if she does not really love. In relationships with the opposite sex, the main role is assigned not to sex, but to the feelings and emotions that she experiences next to a man.

She does not immediately move to intimate relationships - the ladies' men will not be able to charm her. As partners, he is looking for a man who can charm her with his manners and attitude towards her, and only then will show what kind of lover he is. He never takes the first step, considering it a man's responsibility.

Arina derived her formula true love- to be an inaccessible and mysterious woman. If she was brought up in a conservative family, then she keeps herself until she officially marries. In such a decision, she does not find approval from others, who consider her old-fashioned.


As a child, Arina is overly active, so there is a high risk of injury - she will often have to put a plaster cast on her arm or leg. This also happens because the girl is fond of roller skating, cycling and figure skating. It is impossible to prohibit her, it is only necessary to control such leisure.

In youth, there is no injury, because the girl is not up to active rest - all the time it takes her studies at the university. Sometimes experiences and nervous disorders associated with the educational process may occur, but negative consequences does not arise. The girl eats correctly, sleeps well.

Growing up, Arina can suffer from pain in the digestive organs, heart and lungs. But timely diagnosis will help doctors make the correct diagnosis and help the woman cope with the identified ailment. Any disease will be recognized and eliminated at the initial stage. A woman in old age will take a responsible attitude to her health.

Hobbies and hobbies

Arina from her youth can get involved in medicine, pedagogy, economics and journalism. She loves activities in which you do not need to make lightning decisions. Prefers monotonous work that requires perseverance and utmost attention.

Another woman is carried away different kinds needlework. Her hobby can be knitting or embroidery. If Arina cannot do this, then she tries herself in cooking - she tries to cook something extraordinary. He may get carried away with baking cakes and pastries, perhaps he will cook them to order.

Arina loves children, so she can earn extra money as a nanny in her youth - to meet a child from school, play with him, help with school homework. If necessary, she can become a nurse for an elderly man or woman. And she does this not because of money, but simply because such an occupation brings her satisfaction and improves her mood.

Arina name compatibility with male names

Arina's relationship promises to be strong and long-lasting with those men whose names are Alexei, Maxim, Oleg, Rostislav, Taras and Yuri. The novel will be dizzying and desperate, but there will be no question of legal marriage. Partners will be satisfied with what kind of "chemistry" occurs between them.

Arina should seriously think about marriage when meeting men whose names are Arthur, Moses, Peter, Samuel, Julian and Jan. They will be able to give a woman that tenderness and romance that her soul craves so much. And they will support her in her desire to adopt children from the orphanage.

As for Valery, Vladimir, Yegor, Irakli, Kondrat and Eldar, Arina shouldn't make any plans for them. Because these men are only ready for short-term relationships that do not oblige them to anything. Sexually, they will not be able to give a woman the pleasure she expects from them.

Arina should not associate her life with men whose names are Vasily, Eugene, Ivan, Karp and Pavel. They will disappoint a woman and inflict a spiritual wound on her, after which she will not soon be able to trust a man again. But in terms of cooperation at work, they will be able to make a woman good couple, the main thing is not to flirt with them and not agree to love affair at work... Then friendship and pleasant communication are possible.

Charm female name Arina lies in its ancient origin, dating back to the depths of centuries, and modern, rhythmic sound. Despite its foreign homeland, it has long been considered exclusively, thanks in part to the famous Arina Rodionova, the beloved nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The short meaning of the name Arina

The history of the origin of the name

The origin of the name Arina is not completely clear. There are several versions of its origin, the most common being ancient Greek. According to this version, Arina is a derivative form of Irina and means “peaceful”, “calm”.

Both of them came from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of peace and quiet Eirena, daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Arina and Irina accompanied each other in the history of the Russian state: only if Irina were mainly noblewomen, then Arina were called representatives of other estates: peasant women, merchants and bourgeois women.

According to another version, it is of Slavic origin and is associated with the name pagan god sun - Yarilo. In this case, Arina means "sunny", "bright". In Bulgaria, for example, this is the name of the Thracian goddess sunlight and has a corresponding interpretation.

However, this is not all, and the mysterious name Arina may have a Jewish origin if the male name Aaron is considered its source.

The intricate history reflects its complex but interesting fate - many peoples would like to see this sonorous name as their national name. However, there is every reason to assert that this is a Russian folk form named Irina, that is, is Russian roots. It should be noted that in Russia the popularity of the name Arina is constantly growing, while that of Irina is declining.

Name forms

V English language synonym for Arina's name is Irene.

Full form in Russian - Arina. Diminutive and short forms: Arya, Arisha, Arka, Aryukha, Arunka, Aryunka, Yarochka, Yara, Yarushka, Rina, Rinochka, Aryukha, Aruska, Arinka, Arinushka, Arinochka, Arka, Irusha, Irunya.

According to the church Orthodox calendar the days of several saints bearing the name Irina are celebrated:

  • March 7 - Martyr Irina (Smirnova);
  • September 30 - the venerable martyr Irina (Frolova);
  • February 26 - the Monk Martyr Irina (Khvostova);
  • April 29 - martyr Irina of Aquileia;
  • October 1 - martyr Irene of Egypt;
  • August 10 - the Monk Irene of Kappodokia;
  • May 26 - Irina of Constantinople;
  • April 29 - martyr Irene of Corinth;
  • May 18 - Great Martyr Irina of Macedon;
  • August 22 - Queen Irina.

Letter decoding:

A - the beginning, creation; striving for comfort;

P - clairvoyance; self-confidence, courage;

And - kindness, sincerity, peacefulness;

H - criticality;

A - the beginning; creation.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl determines her fate. Young Arins are active, active, very independent and even self-sufficient creatures. Meanwhile, the child is good-natured and sympathetic, she is always full of care for her younger sisters and brothers (if any), loves to play with small children.

Goodwill and sociability attract very many to her, but she is not open to everyone. Invisible in a child, secrecy can develop into isolation with age, which, however, will not interfere with her communication with people.

For a mobile and active girl, gymnastics, swimming, dancing are good.

In her studies, she is stubborn and persistent, strives to learn from one A. With the same tenacity she will receive higher education and engage in self-education all my life.


The characteristic of the name Arina reflects the life path of the outstanding owners of this sonorous name. Arina's fate is filled with interesting events and travels, creative work, and a rich personal life.

She is an excellent psychologist, knows how to get along with people, can pick up the key to any person, while remaining, however, for everyone a mysterious "black box". Human talents define her professional choice- she can become a good teacher, a wonderful actor and journalist, advertiser, politician.

Career and family

Although many Arins are responsible and executive workers, their careers are always in second place for them, and in the first place are personal relationships and family. Therefore, the most the best way- a family business, or creative tandem... In such a union, she will best open up and how good specialist, and like a wonderful wife. Interestingly, she does not get tired of close and constant contact with a loved one both at home and at work, but on the contrary, gains confidence and harmony.

Family for her is a small universe. In it, she diligently builds relationships with loved ones, builds the foundation family well-being, subordinating it all my life. She is especially concerned about the fate of children: she makes every effort to give them an excellent education, is engaged in their all-round upbringing.

Persistence and responsibility in work often leads to the fact that Arins achieve financial success and stability, and she turns her home into a cozy and comfortable nest, furnished with great love and taste.

Arina goes well with such male names, like: Alexey, Egor, Gleb, Oleg, Vyacheslav, Dmitry, Fedor, Maxim, Eugene, Peter, Victor.

Famous Arins

Famous people - bearers of the name, often have professions associated with public activities, with a large audience:

  • Arina Sharapova, Makhova - Russian TV presenters;
  • Arina Perchik - Russian model, TV presenter;
  • Arina Varskaya - famous Russian fitness trainer;
  • Averina - Russian rhythmic gymnast;
  • Arina Postnikova, Esina, Kirsanova, Aleinikova - Russian actresses;