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How to teach to speak Russian. How to quickly learn Russian for a foreigner

Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean at all that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that a person who can speak beautifully can be listened to for hours! And yet, it should be borne in mind that there is a considerable amount various nuances which are important to take into account when developing the skill of a rich colloquial speech.

It is important to breathe correctly when speaking. Surely, listening to the smooth speech of an announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if speech technique is developed. However, first of all, for this you need to learn how to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly. Pay attention to the fact that speech breathing differs from normal breathing. It is about a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. The shoulders and upper chest remain virtually motionless, and you can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between your stomach and chest - on the diaphragm area. When you breathe in, the abdominal wall rises slightly, Bottom part the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by a contraction of the muscles of the abdomen and chest. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is about one to ten). When the speech process occurs, the significance of the exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, it is worth taking a quick and deep breath, which is carried out both through the nose and through the mouth. Meanwhile, during speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved. Correct speech breathing can be called the basis of a beautiful sound of the voice. If you breathe incorrectly, it will lead to voice instability. Speak confidently, clearly and clearly When speaking, try to avoid mumbling - speak clearly, clearly and confidently. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed up the topic, but keep speaking with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of this manner of conversation in everyday life. You need to constantly train gestures and facial expressions. Gestures and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means of speech, which should also be trained. Try talking in front of a camera or a mirror to see if you are gesticulating too much and “out of order”. At times, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and excessive expression of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may just look ugly. Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.


Learn grammar. There are people who understand all the rules intuitively. They do not need to remember the entire grammar course in school to spell a difficult word correctly. So don't be surprised if your deskmate or work colleague never bothers to look up a word in a dictionary or memorize a rule. If you don't have this ability, just learn the rules. The school course is enough not to be mistaken in words. Therefore, the usual textbooks will help you in 5-. You can recall forgotten rules and take tests for knowing certain ones on the website

Don't rely on built-in text editors. It would seem we know if there is word and other useful programs? First, they can not identify all errors: some words in the context can be spelled differently. Secondly, you can easily get into a situation where it will not be possible to use the spell checker. Illiterate texts spoil the impression of about and significantly lower his reputation in circles educated people... Therefore, learn to find your own mistakes and, more importantly, not to admit them.

Do not allow yourself to neglect the correct spelling of words. Yes, you are chatting online with a friend. Yes, except for him, no one will see yours. But getting used to writing illiterately from time to time, you form in yourself the habit of doing it always. You are not required to have a perfect speech in ordinary life but try to avoid the most blunders.

Monitor your speech. Find a dictionary with words. Remember the stress in words that you often encounter in everyday life. For example, in any form, the word "call" (called, call ...) is placed on the last syllable. As in the words "bows", "cakes" (the stress falls on "s").

Read more. Good books not only allow you to develop as a person and learn something new, but also train your literacy. Have you met a well-read but illiterate person? Constantly having before my eyes correct option spelling words, you will become less likely to make mistakes when writing.

Explanation on the fingers often has to be used when learning new words. Masters of their craft are advised to use it only as a test of understanding. The words themselves need to be semanticized - to explain the meaning through pictures, gestures, playing out entire situations or defining them, and the latter works only for an advanced level.

Lessons should be made as fun as possible. If your group is sociable, simple people, then games will help you a lot. They can stir up the beech - you are unlikely to have to work with a completely closed person who does not make contact well. But if the student does not want to enter the game in any way, there is no need to force him.
Use interesting texts and videos for lessons. Pick topics that students are interested in. Ask their opinion more often, do not impose your own. And, when they have more or less mastered the vocabulary and grammar, place them in a real communication situation, for example, if your theme is "Restaurant", then in the end you need to go to a real restaurant.

Remember that in Russian lessons new vocabulary should be given on the basis of the old grammar, and the new grammar should be given on the basis of words and expressions already passed through. This will ensure correct assimilation and consolidation of the material, and it will not be too difficult for your students to understand you.

Spanish language is one of the most widespread in the world, as it is spoken by the overwhelming majority of Latin and South America... Many would like to learn it on their own. For this, it is important to learn how to use electronic resources and draw up a language learning plan.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - writing accessories;
  • - 2 notebooks;
  • - headphones.


Set clear goals. Think carefully about why you need to learn Spanish. If it’s necessary to develop memory and attention (or because of curiosity), then you should not make an hourly schedule for its development. But when it comes to the tight deadlines that remain before the interview or internship, the speed of development will be very different.

Always be in a positive mood. It is important to constantly have only the attitude, otherwise learning the language can turn into hard labor. For this reason, many people quit doing this business. Try to be emotionally involved in the process itself. Don't get attached to the result at first.

Pick up quality material for listening. You can do this on the same resource. Listen to Spanish speech every day for 2-2.5 hours. This will help you in the future to react quickly during a real conversation. In addition, using this method you will be immersed in language environment to speed up the process of learning Spanish.

Create a notebook to write down new words. As soon as you come across a new Spanish word from a self-study book or other source, immediately write it down in a notebook. Opposite it, write the translation and above - the transcription, if necessary. Review new vocabulary every night and every morning. At the end of the week, ask a friend or family member to check on you. Let your word on. You must provide the equivalent in Spanish. This method will allow you to quickly gain the lexical minimum for communication.

Start chatting with native Spanish speakers as quickly as possible. Once you’ve learned enough words, grammar, and listening to speech, then you’ll be able to communicate in simple phrases with Spanish speaking people. Do this by chatting on Skype or in in social networks... Practice as often as possible. Then success will not be long in coming.


For communication on entry level it is enough to master no more than 500-700 words.

Many foreigners would like to learn Russian, since in our country they are provided with a huge number of opportunities for establishing business and investment. Interest in Russian classical literature is not waning either. And some foreigners are easily fascinated by what is going on in the minds of these "reckless Russians" and want to learn to speak and think in the same language with them.


1. If you read Russian more well, but cannot master spoken language in any way, the easiest way out, of course, will be to move to Russia for permanent residence and learn to speak with direct continuous communication with its native speakers. However, if you do not have plans so far away, study only with a teacher for whom Russian is a native language.

2. When you are with your instructor, try to be active. Do not wait for the instructor to suggest valid assignments for you. Make up fascinating questions about the topic you are comprehending, remember a fascinating story (or even a joke) and offer to tell it in Russian. The teacher will like that the student is initiative, and he will give you additional material on topics and beyond them, so that you can and independently comprehend the language.

3. Determine what exactly, connected with the formation of the skills of spoken Russian, is more fun for everyone to do: learn short everyday expressions, memorize dialogues or texts, write out and memorize aphorisms and sayings, retell or spontaneously try to reason on the topic. You can only do what you like, or you can alternate different ways teaching Russian colloquial speech.

4. Concentrate on what you are going to say, what will be exciting for both you and the other person, and not how you say it. Think about what topics you are truly fascinated with, what topics you like to discuss on your native language... Imagine where and when it is allowed to start talking about this topic, and who will talk to you about it.

5. Take a piece of paper and write about what excites you in your spoken language as much as possible in more detail: what topics cause the most difficulties, what exactly would you like to learn first. All this will be faster and easier to learn than any material from a Russian language textbook. Of course, this textbook is also not canceled, this primitive motivating material will be a starting point for you to comprehend the intricacies of Russian colloquial speech.

Tip 2: How to learn to think faster and remember better

As is famous, a person energetically uses only 10 percent of his own potential. Meanwhile, continuous work on oneself, energetic mental action and gravitation towards the goal can greatly increase this figure.


1. Go in for sports. During physical activity, oxygen-intensive blood begins to flow to the brain. So, morning exercises will not only help to stretch the muscles after a night's sleep, but also activate brain action. For this, quite elementary exercises: jumping, squatting, bending and stretching.

2. Eat positively. For successful mental work, the body needs to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. Also, a full-fledged diet should include foods containing steel and folic acid... Everyday you should eat lean meat, fish, potatoes baked in a uniform, rye bread, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, milk, yogurt, bananas, apples, walnuts.

3. Determine your memory type. There are people who can quickly memorize a text, only after drawing up a plan, synopsis or mental map. This type of memory is called motor memory. For some lucky ones, it is enough to listen to the information only observantly and thoughtfully, and they are more ready to reproduce it. This is auditory memory. And the third type is visual memory, by owning which a person remembers the material read or viewed. Having determined that you belong to one type or another, it is much easier to cope with memorizing large amounts of information.

4. Have your hands. Both. If you're right-handed, try brushing your teeth, combing, and painting with your left hand. If you are left-handed, then the opposite. Make the task a little harder. Thus, the work of both hemispheres of the brain is activated.

5. New routes. Visit places where you have never been or where you have not been able to escape for a long time. It may be the newest supermarket in another area of ​​the city, or the amusement park, one that has not been possible to visit since the days of distant childhood. In addition, change your usual routes, look for new ways to work, study, and shop. They may take more time, but this is the next task for the brain.

6. Drop stereotypes! Exclusively in communication with other people. You are constantly in search of results, do not get rid of hackneyed phrases. Continuous monitoring of the conversation not only stimulates brain activity, but also trains creative thinking.

7. Learn languages. It develops memory admirably. In addition, when comprehending a foreign language, the ability to think associatively and stepwise, to lay out the facts in the head "on the shelves" improves.

8. Dial phone numbers from memory. In the age of mobile communications, when the numbers of friends and colleagues are stored in the memory of a cell phone, few people know a third of them by heart. Meanwhile, memorizing numbers is one of the most difficult and at the same time especially fruitful methods of developing memory. In addition, a broken phone will no longer seem like a common problem.

9. Analyze your day. Before going to bed, having completed all the affairs more closely, he will scroll in his head everything that happened during the day. Try to remember everything, close to minor events and trifles. What was the main thing that was done? And what, on the contrary, is postponed? What should be happy about? What to repent of?

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The Tatar language has greatly enriched the Russian language with its vocabulary. And at the same time he took a lot from Russian himself. In addition, Tatar has a logical construction. Consequently, it is quite easy to understand and learn to speak it.

You will need

  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - speakers or headphones;
  • - Russian-Tatar and Tatar-Russian dictionary;
  • - Skype program.


1. Learn the basics Tatar language, having learned the most primitive and common words (hello, bye, mom, father, thank you, etc.) Every day of systematic comprehension of new words will greatly increase your vocabulary. In addition, you will discover a native connection between many Russian and Tatar words. At this stage, the main thing is to have an idea of ​​the grammar of the language. Without understanding the grammatical features of the language, the subsequent comprehension of the Tatar language can take a long time and turn into obscene memorization of words, sentences, expressions.

2. Practice your listening comprehension. Listen to music in the Tatar language, watch films, programs, etc. This will allow your ear to get used to the sound of a foreign language, isolate and memorize more familiar words better. At the initial stage, it is desirable to have the text in front of you, the one that you are listening to. In the future, this need will disappear.

3. Read in Tatar. Reading stimulates more great memorization of words, as well as awareness of the logic and construction of the language. This way you will become familiar with many set expressions. On the Internet there is huge number materials (books, newspapers, magazines, publications) in the Tatar language.

4. Get to know Tatar culture, traditions and customs. It is inconceivable to speak Tatar without knowledge of the culture of the people. Not knowing the specifics of communication and accepted norms of behavior and etiquette, it is allowed to get into a dull, and sometimes even unpleasant environment associated with differences in linguistic thinking.

5. Chat with native speakers. There is nothing more effective in understanding the language than language practice. Go to a remote Tatar village, where you will have no choice but to interact directly with the Tatars. If you have no chance of visiting the Republic of Tatarstan, then it is allowed to find your interlocutors without leaving your home. Install Skype on your computer, find native speakers of the Tatar language there and communicate with them in real time.

Useful advice
To achieve a successful outcome, practice the language for at least 30 minutes a day every day.

In order to learn to speak any foreign language, you need to make the greatest amount of effort. The same applies to Armenian, as one of the attorneys of the Indo-European family of languages.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - cash.


1. Start learning the Armenian language on your own. Go to the website “Learn Armenian”. There you will be able to discover everything you need to get started: the alphabet, reading rules, grammar and spelling. Learn to read in this language by learning all the rules presented. Only then start speaking primitive phrases.

2. Use the tutorial for initial preparation. On the same source there is a self-instruction manual for comprehending Armenian language... The downside to this learning approach is that you won't be able to quickly learn to speak. True, with this type of training, you will not depend on anyone, and you will learn the language on your own.

3. Sign up for a language comprehension course. It's cooler than anyone to do it in Yerevan or in another huge Armenian city. This approach is one of the most productive, from the fact that you will be able to immerse yourself in the language environment and learn to speak under the supervision of an experienced teacher. This result is virtually unthinkable to achieve independently.

4. Find yourself a private tutor and set up a personal class schedule. Working with a teacher one-on-one will help you achieve the desired outcome in as soon as possible... You yourself will choose how quickly you move through the program. Tell them what you need to do is output to speech. The teacher will select required material, one that you will comprehend, both in class and at home.

5. Improve all your skills by communicating with the representatives of the Armenian language. Once you know how to communicate in primitive phrases, find yourself a circle of friends with native speakers. Now in our country there are Armenians who speak both Russian and Armenian.

6. Chat with them online or live. On the net you can find community groups or speak by voice on Skype. But it is cooler than everyone to improve their knowledge by communicating live. If possible, visit Armenia for a while and practice talking with everyone you can.

Tell anecdotes so that those present were happy, so that they in reality and in colors represent the whole situation, not given to everyone. But it is invariably allowed to learn how to present jokes in such a way as to be branded as a witty interlocutor, amusement and the soul of the company.


1. Practice in front of the mirror, practicing facial expressions, words and gestures. Similar rehearsals will allow you to correct your habits to hold on while telling a joke and look at yourself as if from the outside. It is clear that your short story should not be pronounced monotonously, muffled and with a sullen expression on the face.

2. Choose short and comical anecdotes- long stories invariably tire the listener. Some anecdotes may be a little longer, but you must be sure that you will be able to interest the listeners, whetting their curiosity and allaying impatience.

3. Try your knowledge on your family and friends - they will invariably point out flaws in your soft habits, recommend what else you need to work on, and evaluate you with an open mind. Check out new anecdotes on experienced people, so as not to disgrace themselves in front of other people, telling an old joke or presenting it with a completely different meaning.

4. Learn to filter your hilarious stories based on your audience composition. In the presence of children, young girls and pensioners, you should not tell anecdotes vulgar, obscene, or those who are not able to comprehend this circle of listeners for various reasons. In the company of friends, you can allow yourself less chaste anecdotes .

5. Do not drag out the joke, while making a mysterious expression on your face - you should pause for no more than a couple of seconds. Learn to make this most meaningful pause, the point of which is to prepare the listeners for the denouement, that is, the coolest part of the joke.

6. Be diligent to tell anecdotes directly, without hesitation and unbearable attempts to recall details. Stick to natural storytelling, only then your joke will be perceived in the right way. Never interrupt your story with laughter, the one that means that you remembered the essence of the joke and it made you laugh incredibly. Such a habit of telling anecdotes hefty unnerving.

7. While voicing a joke, vigorously help yourself with your hands, gestures and facial expressions - any story looks more exciting in faces.

8. If you did not wait for the necessary reaction from the audience, that is, laughter, then do not focus on this and do not begin to explain the essence of the joke, primitively switch to another topic or continue to tell your stories.

Suppose you have never had an inclination towards the Russian language, or you aggressively skipped dictations at school. However, knowledge to write competently is necessary in many professions, and not everyone has a secretary in the distance. If desired, defects in education can be quickly made up for.

You will need

  • - school textbooks on the Russian language;
  • - books of Russian classics;
  • - Russian language courses.


1. Get school books and manuals from the shelf. Finally, there are people with innate literacy who, not knowing a single rule, can write perfectly. However, the majority still has to memorize in which cases one is written in adjectives, and in which - two "n". If you really want to learn Russian, then with intense classes you can master the program in a couple of months. Write down the rules that you often make mistakes on in a notebook so that they are always at your fingertips.

2. Psychologists distinguish three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. People with visual memory, better than anyone else, remember the correct spelling of words, seeing them in front of them. Owners of auditory memory memorize words as they were dictated. People with the third type of memory memorize spelling by writing these words.

3. Find out what kind of memory you have and practice using your powerful sides. Arm yourself with a volume of Russian classics in a cool edition. If you have superbly developed visual memory, read as much as possible. Be diligent to use every free moment to look into the book. It will be easier for owners of auditory memory to study at home, they will have to read tea aloud to themselves. People with mechanical memory should rewrite several pages of classics every day.

4. An excellent result will be achieved if you combine the two methods of memorization. For example, after you rewrite an excerpt from a story, read it aloud. You will learn to write competently much faster.

5. If you cannot fill the gaps in your education on your own, Russian language courses will help you. Studying under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will be able to learn Russian in a short period of time.

"On a plank block terrace, the notorious freckled Agrippina Savvichna regaled the collegiate assessor Apollo Ippolitovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes." This tricky dictation was written by our grandmothers, proving their literacy. As a rule, very few people managed to do without mistakes the first time. On the other hand, the examinees memorized the spelling of those words that they could not cope with for the rest of their lives. Today, children need to first translate an excerpt from classical Russian to modern Russian. Because, teachers-philologists assure, the vocabulary of today's children and adolescents is rapidly decreasing.

Recently, in one of the Moscow schools, eleventh-graders, writing down an excerpt under dictation, together instead of "Griboyedov fought against obscurantists," wrote "with the rocobes." For "rock" and "demons" are somehow understandable, but no one has heard of "obscurantists". As well as about the "threshing" or, say, about the "brochure".

So if you want to raise a literate child, first of all, inspect the home bookshelves: after all, except spelling dictionary ed. V.V. Lopatin, it would be good to settle on them, at least, also Dictionary, and orthoepic. And, of course, teach the child to use them.

But back to the unforgettable freckled Agrippina: it turns out that the relevance of the text remains to this day. After all, almost every word in this dictation is based on a certain rule.

Judge for yourself:

  • "cobbled" - the suffix -chat- (the suffix -shat- does not exist);
  • "notorious" is spelled together, because it can be replaced with the synonym "known". And after the Russian prefixes for consonants, instead of and, it is s;
  • "regaled" - if in the 1st person the verb ends in -eva (I regret), then choose the suffix -eva-.

Well, let alone the spelling of such names and patronymic names as Agrippina Savvichna and Apollo Ippolitovich, you need to know for sure, because today the old names in great fashion... So in 20 years this knowledge may come in handy when you have to apply in writing to partners, colleagues, and even more so to your bosses.

Where are the literate ones?

"Recently, a 5th-year student of the philological faculty of a well-known and respected university came to our practice. Her summary for the first lesson began like this:" Hello children "- without a and a comma!" - says the director of the Moscow school indignantly.

And many are ready to share this indignation. After all, to say that universal literacy is falling is already somehow trite. Why is all this happening and what to do about it?

Reasons for illiteracy:

  1. The first, which is always called by teachers, psychologists and sociologists, is the lack of a reading habit. And not only children and adolescents do not read, but everyone in general. Or read, but not that: in "literary waste" not only samples competent speech you will not find it - there and with the proofreading things are very bad.
  2. Internet communication also makes its contribution: the abbreviations, slang, and careless handling of spelling adopted there are unwittingly transferred into normal written speech.
  3. We have to state the deterioration of training in schools and universities.
  4. Much depends on the fact that parents are looking for a problem in the wrong place. The child receives deuces in Russian, and he is scolded for laziness. He cannot put two words together, but he is pushed with all his might into a strong class with a complicated program: they say, it’s better to be lagging there than in an ordinary class, to be average. And as a result, they trigger possible speech therapy problems, which tend to manifest themselves as illiteracy.

The reason is the disease

So, in pursuit of literacy, the first step is to show the future student to a speech therapist. And the sooner the better.

“By the age of four,” says speech therapist Olga Kovalevskaya, “it is possible to determine whether a child is at risk. And this is exactly the age when the treatment will be most effective.”

What should alert parents and become a reason to go to a specialist:

  • the child does not pronounce all sounds clearly, replaces one with another (r - l, s - w);
  • does not distinguish by ear speech sounds (voiced - deaf, hard - soft, whistling - hissing);
  • skips syllables in words: for example, instead of "ve-lo-si-ped" pronounces "ve-lo-ped";
  • the baby is underdeveloped fine motor skills(cannot tie shoelaces, button up, etc.);
  • insufficiently formed visual-spatial representations (cannot copy the image, confuses right - left, top - bottom, etc.).

Reading and writing disorders appear by the middle of the 1st grade. For example, a dyslexic student may rearrange or skip letters and sometimes syllables while reading aloud.

And the one with dysgraphia, instead of lowercase d, writes lowercase y, and instead of c - f. It also skips or rearranges letters in words. And even if he learns all the rules, he will make many mistakes in the dictations. The latter problem is faced by those to whom a speech therapist can diagnose "dysorphography".

The myth of innate literacy

It happens that it is impossible to find the test word due to the meager vocabulary... But a speech therapist will no longer help with this problem - if children read little, where do they get rich vocabulary?

Respect for the book has been instilled since 3 years. And it starts with how often the child sees mom and dad with a book. And how often and how much they read to him.

“Sometimes I hear a person boasting:“ I have never learned the rules, but I write without mistakes! I have an inborn literacy! ”- says psychologist Andrei Sokolov. Don't learn, the result is the same? I'm afraid to upset those who believe in it, but the ability to write without mistakes is still an acquired property. It's just acquired by those who seem to be able to do it automatically, at an early age. "

What is necessary for the so-called "innate literacy" to appear?

First, you need to have excellent visual memory.

How to develop visual memory? There are many ways. Let's name the most common among them:

  1. work with pictures "Find 10 differences";
  2. game "What's missing?": lay out 7-10 objects on the table, and when the child says that he remembered all of them, ask him to turn away and remove something or rearrange. The challenge is to identify what has changed;
  3. one of the most effective exercise: Show the child a piece of paper with simple figures or patterns and ask him to try to draw them from memory.


Suppose the best way development of events: your child does not have any speech therapy problems, and the family has a cult of reading. All this does not mean that the child will become literate by itself. The process must be controlled and directed.

Before school

  1. When reading aloud, pronounce all words clearly.
  2. Talk to your child more. Every time you read fairy tales, have a conversation: who main character, where he lives, what he does ... And make sure that the child does not answer in monosyllables, but builds sentences logically.

elementary School

  1. In the 1st grade, we look at the words in which the child is mistaken, and we always work on the mistakes.
  2. We set tasks: find in the text, for example, proper names (including the names of animals, the names of cities). We ask: "How would you write them?"
  3. In the 2-3rd grade everything is the same, but we ask you to find, for example, all adjectives. Or all words with an unstressed vowel, etc.
  4. The so-called "letter with holes" is useful to consolidate what has been covered. That is, words in which stressed vowels and vowels, in which the child is sure, let him write, and skip those in which he doubts. Then to think about, pick up verification words of the same root. For example, they say ... to. The test word is "milk". This is a great trick for building self-control.
  5. When arranging home dictation, first be sure to read the text aloud and ask the child to close their eyes and, while listening, imagine what the text says. And only then start writing.

secondary school

  1. The greatest mistake of parents of frequently ill children (and today there are most of them) is to forget that homework- this is only a third of what students go through in the classroom. That is, just doing everything that was asked at home is completely insufficient: you must also complete all the exercises that are in the textbook on the missed topic.

And generally speaking, Golden Rule excellent student: best of all the exams are passed not by the most capable, but by the most diligent. That is, one who is not lazy to complete the entire routine of daily tasks. Then the spelling rules will be followed automatically. Moreover, there are not so many really difficult ones among them. And if they are not given, you need to turn to the teacher for help.

  1. As in primary school, correcting mistakes remains an essential weapon in the fight against illiteracy. It should be inevitable and necessary! Have good teacher all students start a special notebook, where they write out the words in which they made mistakes. Then dictations are made from these words: it is enough to write them 2 times a week for 5 minutes.


Does the child with unpleasant persistence forget the rules and mold a mistake on a mistake? It is very difficult not to break off and not scold him at the same time. But you will have to restrain yourself: all the same, there will be no benefit from shouting, and intolerance in this matter is a bad helper. Believe me, the more fun the fight is, the easier it is to win.

The Russian language is very logical. Take, for example, the same Agrippina Savvichna: what is on her nose - freckles or freckles? And it is immediately clear why "freckled" is spelled. An experienced teacher knows: if children laugh at a mistake, they will surely remember for the future correct spelling the words.

How do you remember all voiceless consonants? Try to memorize s - t - p - k - x - h - w - sch - z - f. Difficult, huh? Attention - we turn on the fantasy, and now: "Styopka, do you want some shchets? - Fi!" Here they are all, and it's easy to remember.

And, for example, the phrase "Zosia is waiting" includes all consonants, after which the suffix -chik- should be put.

Not sure how the words "men" and "women" are spelled? Include the housebuilding logic: "to the husband - rank, to the wife - cabbage soup". You definitely can't go wrong! Usually children are delighted with such pedagogical tricks.


12/02/2017 15:36:44, Rezada

A very good and instructive article. It will be very useful for young mothers, and not only for them, but for many others who want their children to study well and know their native language.

Comment on the article "Russian language: how to become literate. 9 ways and funny memories"

In a month and a half, I learned Russian like never before in school, admired every lesson - the subject in a strong school was a failure from the very beginning - phonetic analysis from the age of six they trained until they turned blue, and then from 4 ...


I studied with my son, albeit for a very long time, according to Rusova's textbook "Russian language for university applicants." Such a thin little book. There, all the rules of the Russian language and exercises for them were given in a very concentrated form. We went through this textbook with him in the summer after the 6th grade. We trained for 1.5-2 months for 2-3 hours a day. We never returned to this. But it was enough for him to finish school with an A in Russian and enter a university.

04/05/2018 04:10:03, mn-kononova

If there is no time at all, then only a tutor. Optimally - via skype, so as not to waste time moving. Rep will reveal failures, work out the necessary topics, and support morally. And it's not too expensive. Once a week is enough for the eyes.
If you want trash, then yes Foxford-Internet-lesson-self-education. But you need to understand that this is 10 times more time consuming.

How to improve Russian? Good afternoon everyone. Happy New Year everyone! Russian language tutor, preparation for the exam. Adult education: higher education, МВА, professional development, training, learning foreign languages.

Russian language: a literate child - how? Russian language rules: learn in the game. "Russian for everyone. Rules of the Russian language. 44 rules by which grammar is easy to learn!"


I subscribe to the request. You need the same thing, but online. In computer the right rule somehow easier to search. Thanks!

I don’t really understand what "a set of rules for the beginning" means: are they any special for the first 4 grades? There are just the rules of the Russian language. As for me, nothing has been invented better than Ditmar Elyashevich.

Russian language: a literate child - how? Russian language rules: learn in the game. Student literacy. With my daughter, this happened by the age of 6. In my childhood, the language in a special school began to be taught in the second grade, that is, at the age of 8.


But “To the top five step by step” somehow didn’t fit us (In Russian, practically in every trimester, the grade is decided - between 3 and 4, but in the last trimester I decided to tighten it up and took up this matter seriously. Every evening !! we wrote a dictation from the booklet of Uzorova and Nefedova (for his 3rd grade) and did 1 grammar exercise (sometimes more) from the same Uzorova and Nefedova (I think the whole course of the Russian language is called 3rd grade). each topic is given a lot of the same type of exercises that can be done in a textbook without rewriting in a notebook. In general, even the teacher noticed that things went better. As a result, the assessment was solid 4. The only difficulty is to get them to study additionally every evening)))

The ability to express yourself competently lies not only in the lexical combination of words and the correct placement of stress. It is necessary to learn how to distinguish the main thing from a large amount of information.

Imagine that you are watching an interesting TV show that your friends have been telling you so enthusiastically. After the tenth episode, the most interesting begins, and the producer, as luck would have it, stretched this moment and hid the climax behind a bunch of unnecessary details. After a few more episodes, you quit watching and switch to a more informative motion picture.

This is the case with speech. Opponents are not interested in listening to a story with a mass of minute details. The story should be concise, logically connected. Boredom pushes people away and kills interest.

Step # 2. Increase your vocabulary

Refuse to use those words, the meaning of which you do not understand. An explanatory dictionary will help to expand the area of ​​knowledge in terms of Russian speech. If you do not know the meaning of foreign words, refer to the World Wide Web. Such actions not only help to express themselves in different ways, but also contribute to infusion into different segments of the population. After a month of regular practice, you should be able to find mutual language with teachers, dancers and professors. Get in the habit of learning the meaning of 3-4 words a day. It is important to learn, understand and remember the aspects learned.

Exclude words that do not carry any meaning. These include "not the month of May." May is a specific period called a month. It cannot be a year or an hour. Also, common examples that do not represent separate information are considered to be "step back", "lift up", etc.

Step # 4. Retell the information received

Psychologists advise standing in front of a mirror and talking to a reflection. Of course, it makes sense to try this technique. But there is another way that a person can learn literacy. Once a week, gather your friends together (at least 4-5 people) and retell them the previously acquired knowledge. Have you seen an interesting movie? Highlight the essence and try to present the plot in an interesting, concise manner, without unnecessary preludes.

Watch the public's reaction. If listeners yawn, drop their eyes, or ask questions that are not relevant, they are bored. In this case, you have 2 ways out: to analyze on your own what exactly you did wrong, or to contact your opponents directly. A common mistake the newly minted "narrators" is the overuse of pronouns instead of naming heroes by name.

Step # 5. Avoid tautology

A tautology is a figure of speech when the speaker uses words that are close in meaning or with the same root. These phrases are difficult to read and should be avoided. An example of a tautology can be considered "oil oil" or "a similar analogue". Remember, this rule is fundamental to competent speech.

To learn how to choose the right words, you can follow the announcers on radio or TV, and then analyze their mistakes. People who have main jobs should look at remote article writing activities. Copywriting forces you to select words that are the same in meaning, but different in pronunciation.

Step 6. read books

Classical literature is rightfully considered a model artistic speech... Unconsciously, you will begin to adopt words and expressions from books that are ideal for a particular situation. Don't rely on reading for 15 minutes every day to make your speech literate. This process must be allocated at least 2-4 hours a day.

After a month, the information you read will make itself felt, you will no longer experience difficulties in choosing words and constructing sentences. People who learn through mastering fiction are called well-read. This is due to the fact that a person begins to express himself in words that were once learned, learned at the subconscious level.

Step 7. Follow the speech

In the Russian language there are a lot of slangs that are intended for specific situations... In a formal setting and during public speaking before the upper strata of the population it is necessary to use professional vocabulary... When talking with friends or "ordinary" people, you should give preference to youth slang. When it comes to expressive jargon, ditch it altogether. The words "khata", "bucks", "wheelbarrow" do not in any way intersect with competent speech.

Video: how to learn to speak beautifully