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The machine for making slag blocks with their own hands. The process of manufacturing forms for fill. Step-by-step making machine for slag blocks

The slagoblock is practical and at the same time not expensive building material. Suitable for building both a garage and a residential building. It is not expensive to build from slag blocks and quickly, and if you make them yourself, the savings will be much tangible.

And is it possible to make blocks yourself - you ask - whether there is meaning in this. Of course, if you have decorated a lot of construction (house, cottage) material will require a lot.

In this case, it is better to buy - cheaper will cost and faster. Well, if you need to build a garage, bath, shed or make an extension to the house and you have on the site a large number of Construction waste - another matter. Such an undertaking will be doomed to success.

Well, let's wonder about the manufacture of slag blocks with your own hands in order.

Size of slagoblok

The standard sllacobal is produced such dimensions: length - 390 mm; width - 190 mm; Height - 188 mm. There are also blocks for partitions (floor blocks), their size: 390 × 120 × 188 mm.

It is not necessary to make slag blocks according to standard sizes, you can reduce or increase if you are strong man. Depending on the voids, they weigh from 17 to 25 kg, so it is quite difficult to work with them (especially by the end of the day).

Shape for slagoblocks

For their manufacture, special metallic forms, vibrotols and presss, pressing concrete in shape with a load of several tone are used in production.

In the manufacture of slag blocks with their own hands, form is usually made of wood. Types and designs of such forms are diverse. But in essence just a container or in which concrete mix.

The form serves to hold the product before setting concrete solution. And what would the finished block be easier to get homemade forms often make collapsible and without bottom, putting the film under them.

For the emptiness device you can use conventional bottles (filled with water so as not to float), depressed in the right places in concrete. For the convenience of production and quality of products, cylinders or squares for emptiness (pieces of pipes or wooden barber), it is better to fix to the form by attaching them to the bottom or lid.

What to do slag block

As can be seen from the name, it is used for its production slag, throwing and you can say free material. Not only waste of metallurgy, but also waste from the burning of coal in the boiler room, old brick (crushed), and wood sawdust, which gives material good thermal insulation properties.

Of course, the mixture for the slag block includes cement, sand and water. For additional strength, you can also apply different.

Slag concrete proportions

Here, in principle, everything is the same as for, the difference is only that it is not crushed stone as a placeholder, but slag. Ingredients: 1 cement bucket - 3 sand buckets - 5 buckets of slag.

Cement take M-400, but it is better to use M-500, you can take it by 10 - 15 percent less.

Manufacturing technology

The slag concrete is made as an ordinary concrete mix for the foundation. You can do it in the concrete mixer (if any) or manually. After pouring the solution into shape, it is desirable to be sealing.

IN industrial production For this, used special equipment. It would be not bad at home to have a building vibrator, and if not, then you can simply push the shape outside the hammer.

This is done so that the concrete mixture is distributed throughout the volume by filling out all empties, as well as the air, with air bubbles, the strength of the product is reduced. Slagoblocks are removed from the forms after 2 to 4 days.

As well as when dried concrete, the blockage of the blocks should be avoided, for this they should be periodically sprayed with water or cover with a film. The strength of the slag blocks will be raised only after 28 days, after that they can be applied by appointment.

Look at the video: making slag block at home

Discussion: 10 comments

    Hello, could you answer my question, what proportion should be observed to make a slag block from the dropout, how much water should be added ????

    Vitaly, mostly water pour so to speak on the eyes. In principle, it is almost always it turns out somewhere half of the portion of cement.

    For example: Mass is mixed with the addition of one cement bucket, the water is added to the water bucket.

    very interesting .. I want to make the machine with my own hands ... Here I probably use your template for forms)

    I want to engage in the production of blocks. Hold the Council. Thanks

    Hello Gennady.
    First of all, you probably need to evaluate your financial opportunities. If this is all right then you need to make a business plan and already repel from it. You still need to register in the tax as an IP. Example Business Plan You can see here, or .

    Please tell me if it is possible to make a sludge from sand and cement without slag and other different components?

    Hello Sergey.
    Blocks can be made without filler, but it is the filler that gives them such properties as thermal conductivity. And the cost of the block only from cement and sand will be higher.

    good afternoon! For the construction of small structures! Type Garage. Banya! Is it possible to apply the composition of slag blocks 1 cement 4 sand.6-7otes slag! All numbers in buckets !!! The height of buildings is not more than 2 meters! Hold the slag block such a load ??? And what do you think about this ???

    Hello Andrey.
    1) This composition can be used, of course, better adhere to the proportions 1/3/5.
    2) If there is no heavy load on top, such as a concrete dome, then the sllacobal will withstand.

    good day! No load will not be! The foundation has already done! The garage will be 4x6 overlaps will be simple logs !! Thank you for the answer! Your information was important to me! Since I will only pour blocks in a couple of weeks! I am a welder and the machine did myself!

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The availability of materials and simplicity of the production of mounting blocks from the slag concrete allow you to make them with your own hands. Clag blocks can be done manually, but you can make it possible for this purpose homemade Machinewhich will significantly speed up the production process. Before creating a working drawing of the machine, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. For erection small facilities and household buildings will be enough 1-2 forms that will be required for the manufacture of mounting blocks. If required much large quantity The slag block for 1 operating cycle, then it is necessary to think about the manufacture of more powerful and productive equipment (for example, by 4-6 or more forms per cycle).

How to make forms for making blocks

As well as his physical characteristics make this material attractive for the structure of various architectural structures. Acquire ready equipment For its production is quite troublesome and worthwhile, but it is quite realistic to make the machine. First you need to create a drawing of forms, taking into account the size of the slag block - 390 × 188 × 190 mm. Then you need to decide on the number of manufactured blocks.

Here it should be borne in mind that if the slagoblock is produced on the vibrationtol, then the form must be signed single, because otherwise they will be easy to install them on the table for the damp. You can make a double container for with a gap of 5 mm between the same sections, where the separation plate will be installed. The same thickness it is necessary to take a steel sheet (from which we will produce forms). The process of their manufacture is simple enough:

  • we make marking of the metal sheet;
  • cut out desired size Details;
  • with the help of welding, we connect steel flap each other;
  • in the middle we weld the plate and cone-shaped cylinders, which will perform the role of hollow-formers.

Council Proraba: Welding sheets with each other is needed pointing from the outdoor side so that the metal does not behave, and inside there was a one-piece and smooth surface.

After the design of the design, a metal pallet will be made, which must be welded with the shape, and then from its edge you need to retreat 50 mm to the long side of 200-300 mm (there will be an excess solution after loading it). The height of the side must also be 50 mm so that the solution does not fall down when loading.

Constructive features of the machine

As we have said, you can cook with the help of the machine. Self simple design Can be made as follows:

  • as the basis of the vibrotol, we will use two characters identical in size, to each of which you need to fight two metal pipes. They will serve as supports of the table;
  • on top of the free ends of the pipes it is necessary to screw the springs, which will ensure the proper level of vibration for the urromestation of the work makeup in the forms. For this purpose, old motorcycle springs are perfect. They will also perform the role of shock absorbers;
  • vibrotol tabletop can be made of thick-walled steel. The rectangular canvas need to be welded to the vertically located springs of the supports. Then on the canvas strictly landing places electric motor (you can use the motor for this purpose for grinding machine Or from the household "Washing") it is necessary to privar bolts and tightly consolidate it. To ensure the vibration on the output shaft of the engine, it is necessary to install eccentric (you can use a nut with a shifted center or welcome the bolt).

It is possible to check the performance of the equipment by including the electric motor. If the machine starts to vibrate, then you can start making slag blocks.

Council Proraba: To facilitate the production process, you can make the design of the machine with a lifting frame that can raise the shape, after which the finished product remains on the floor. Frame itself has wheels for the convenience of moving the equipment.

We also note that for a small private production it is precisely machines with a lifting part that will allow you to speed up the manufacturing process.


At first there was an idea. Many light up buy your a private house, garage or cottage. Then get acquainted with real real estate prices, and the desire arises to build everything yourself. Next, the consumer goes to the market and gets acquainted with prices for building materials. And now, when you already want to make bricks and slag blocks with your own hands for the future structure or own businessYou will need to find the right equipment.

It is far from the secret that such devices are also expensive (from 60,000 rubles), so all the roads lead to a homemade machine for the slag block made by their own hands. In this article we will tell how to make it right to spend the minimum of money, time and get as a result good equipment, servant long years. The cost of our vibrostank for the slag block will not exceed 10,000 rubles, even when taking into account the purchase of a new electric motor.

Choose a slag block machine

To begin with, we define what installation we need to do. There are several types of homemade machines: one slag block and several pieces immediately. For home construction (shed, garage, summer kitchen) There will be enough equipment for the manufacture of one block in one right. They are done fast enough and for 1 day you can easily make up to 50 slag blocks. If we are talking About private business or construction big House, make sense to make slobal Machine At once on 3-4 blocks.

Now let's talk about the design of the machine. You probably have already seen some models, where the form is separate from the vibration installation, and on top there is still a powerful press that compacted the whole mixture in a few approaches. There are advantages in such a design, but it is expensive and do it for a long time. We will create a simple car for the manufacture of a slag block, which will have the same effect on the mixture, but consists only of a form with an electric motor. From pneumatic and hydraulic presses will immediately refuse - they do not fit into our budget and do not correspond to the criterion "cheap and angry".

We manufacture a simple and inexpensive slag block

As we have already talked, there are more practical and expensive installations, where there is a vibrotol, a filling form and a press, which is activated, but our task is to create an effective slag block home use from minimal cost. We will have a form that plays the role and vibrostanka, and forms, and the press at the same time. Consider how to make it right.

STEP 1: design and preparation of materials . To begin with, we need to determine the size of the styoblock machine. It is easier to make it easier. We have dimensions of one slag block: 390x190x190 mm, we will be repelled from them. We need to cut from metal 0.2 mm thickness of the following rectangles: 390x190 mm (three pieces), 190x190 mm (two pieces). You can take 5 mm everywhere with a margin so that the bricks are floating with a margin.

Step 2: weld up all together . Now it is necessary to collect our machine for the manufacture of slag blocks, but you need to weld everything outdoor seam! This is done so that the block will be perfectly smooth with normal edges, and not stressed or deformed. Since the metal is thick, you can use any welding machine - Such a seam will put it very simple even without the skills of the builder, and we do not need much more accuracy.

Step 3: delaem "Stuffing". To make the right machine for slag block with your own hands, you must put pipes into it. We take a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm, cutting it with three pieces of 190 mm (the height of the slag block), weld them in parallel between themselves and omit in the form. Of course, the top of the pipe must be fed (cut circles with a diameter of 90 mm or buy ready).

Step 4: Make Collection. This is a special apron, which is welded around the form so that it is more convenient to fall asleep building materials, you can make it in the form of a can. Cook metal plates at an angle. You can make a homemade machine for a slag block at all without apron, but it will be inconvenient to work, besides, the cost of such an upgrade technique is low.

Step 5: Make Press. Actually, all we need is to put pressure on the semi-dry mixture. For this, there is no need to make a lot of money, the manufacture of the machine for the production of slag blocks with your own hands can be cheap. We take a plate of metal 0.2 - 0.3 mm with dimensions of 385 x 185 mm (yes, a little less than our shape), then we lubricate the top of the pipes with oil, apply the plate and make a print. Now you need to cut as you even can be cut in plastic under the pipe, you can use a cutter or give this job by a specialist. After this job, it is necessary to simply weld two handles on top of the plate so that it is convenient to raise.

Step 6: we make a selection . It would be possible to tell you about the complex subframe system and eccentrics on the axes, which are driven by a strap from the engine, but the folk craftsmen found a way easier. It is necessary to welcome the fastenings for the engine with a capacity of 0.5 kW directly to the form, scout it there and hang on the shaft nut with an eccentric or clamp of the "cheek" type. The engine will rotate the turnover and create a greater vibration of the frame - what we need.

Step 7: put the shape on your feet . To make a mobile machine for the production of slag blocks with their own hands, you need to put this workpiece on the wheels at once. Cook a frame with dimensions of 40x30 mm, weld the wheels with the old car. All is ready. But this can not be done, because the slag blocks are made not very quickly, the material can be simply stored near or attribute.

IMPORTANT: Engine must be bought closed typeSo that dust and moisture do not get there. Simple Chinese devices are ideal, which are inexpensive and provide good protection against water and pollution. If you want to put the engine there washing machine or emery, then it will be necessary to periodically carry it out.

Actually, now you have built a machine for the manufacture of slag blocks with your own hands, you can congratulate you with the savings of tens of thousands of rubles and proceed to the manufacture of blocks. Such equipment will last for a very long time, it is almost eternal and consists of shockproof parts, securely cooked with each other.

How to make slagoblock do it yourself

The device we did, now the time to tell how to use it. Yes, this thing will also work! So we take our semi-dry mixture: large sand, gravel with a diameter of 5-8 mm, cement and water in a ratio of 6: 2: 2: 1 and bring to the consistency when the mixture will be compressed in a fist, but remains a bulk when falling to the ground. Now all this is falling asleep in the machine for slag blocks, made with your own hands according to the drawings of our master (thanks to him separate).

Turn on the engine in the rosette (it is better to make a "hot button" right on the form) for 2 minutes. We are waiting until everything goes out, then peel the dry mixture if necessary, we remove excess with the help of a trowel or girlfriend. Next, we put the plate-press from above and put pressure on it in a couple of dozen kilograms. You can make an extension and shake with a small amplitude of heavy sledgehammer or jump on top - without any difference. Now we take for the handle "Press", remove it and lay out from our vibrostank for the slag block.

We have a ready-made slag block that should be kept for about 48 hours before full of hardening, and it is possible to transport it already after 1 day, subject to natural drying at low humidity and temperature +25 C. We considered how to make a machine for slag blocks with your own hands and now we suggest to see interesting video This process.

Today, the market building materials Offer huge selection Building materials, for any choice and budget.

Technologies stepped far ahead, they also touched the building materials. The manufacturer applies all sorts of chemical compounds to speed up the production process, from here and abundance.

But the building material can be done by himself, ask how? Look further and learn everything, make your own machine for the production of blocks, build a house, garage, bath, yes what you want.

1. sheet metal 3 mm
2. Water pipe
3. News
4. Wire
5. Switch
7. Armature
8. Spring

1. Bulgarian
2. Welding machine
3. Hammer
4. Newspaper
5. Set of wrench keys
6. Schuncirkul

The process of creating a machine for the production of slag block.
And so should you start with what is a slag block? What makes it and what is its characteristics.

The production release of the slagoblock began in Soviet times, when to build houses, garages, factories, barracks, livestock farms and so on. It was required inexpensive and easy to produce material, they became the slagoblock.

The name itself speaks for itself from what this block is done, and it is made from the coal slag, which remains after the firebox of boilers in the coal boiler room. As aware of the material is free, simply waste production, which can be transformed into personal benefit for private construction or business.

The production of slag block is the simplest among building materials of this type and size, because it does not require additional temperature processing, unlike bricks.

The technology is as follows: the slag is taken mixed with sand and cement, water is added, attention is mixed! (semi-dry solution) in proportion 1 part of cement 3 of sand parts and 5 pieces of slag, as well as 0.5 water from the total mass of cement. The main thing here is not to overdo it with water, according to the author, the solution will turn out (semi-dry) to determine this can be as follows, take a little solution in the hand and squeeze, it should not highlight water and not crumble, and throwing it to the ground should crumble.

After cooking the right solution, it should be embedded in the form, turn on the vibrator, pinch the lid and turning off the vibrator motor to produce a form, the block remains on the ground to dry, and the form moves further for the next molding.
To begin to consider the drawings of the machine.

And so now let's look at how the author did his machine for making a slag block. First of all, billets made of metal sheet 3 mm are cut, it should be carefully operated.

Then the iron box is welded from the obtained billets.

For the convenience of filling the solution in the matrix, the author makes a special apron for a box, from the same metal 3 mm.

Welded on the box.

On both sides, the eyes are welded on both sides.

In the pipes, it was done in the upper part for their subsequent mount, and 3 propyl is done at the bottom, then it is crimped and coarsened, thereby creating a cone is necessary for better seizure of the form.

A locking mechanism is manufactured.

Make a slagoblock with your own hands well by the skillful builder. With a relatively low price for this species Building materials, the desire to save sometimes turns out to be the prevailing, and the craftsmen make attempts to independently cast the desired number of concrete blocks. Especially relevant for those who need elements of non-standard form or size.

What makes slagoblock, understandable by his name: the main component of the mixture is a coal slag. Connecting in the mixture is a building cement. The secret of neat and durable blocks consists in proper proportion Components. The most famous and tested is the following composition of the slag block:

  • slag of coal (domain or with GRES) - 7 parts;
  • large river sand - 2 parts;
  • gravel or rubble fraction 5-15 mm - 2 parts;
  • cement M400-M500 - 1.5 parts;
  • water - 1.5-3 parts.

The amount of water in solution can be different depending on the method of manufacturing parts from concrete. When pouring into ordinary shapes for the slag block, without pressing, it is recommended to use a mixture of a more liquid consistency for a good filling of the angles of the matrix.

When vibratingressing in the mixture, you can additionally add a plasticizer for concrete (or PVA glue) at the rate of 5 g per 1 slag. Considering that 36 pieces of finished products will be released from cement bag standard size (40x20x20 cm), it is easy to calculate and the amount of additive. The plasticizer makes concrete more resistant to moisture and reduces the risk of cracking in the product during drying.

Methods of molding blocks

Shape for slagoblocks

How to make slagoblock with your own hands if special equipment does not apply? With a small volume of construction (garage, bath, etc.), the desired number of concrete elements can be made by filling the mixture into ordinary shapes, similar to the formwork for the aboveground part of the foundation. The difference will consist only that inside the space must be divided into separate chambers forming the body of each concrete product.

How to make a shape for a slag block with your own hands, is shown in the picture, on the left. The number of simultaneously manufactured products may be different. It depends on the presence of boards of the desired length for the walls of the formwork. Specified cell sizes (20x20x40 cm) are suitable for the production of a standard block. If necessary, you can make a formwork with the cells of the desired size (for half-terminal, for example, 20x20x20 cm or other). The outer walls of the formwork are performed from planed boards The desired width. Between them can be copp using valve grooves. On the interior long boards Make cuts under separation plates. Special attention should be paid to the fact that in the assembled state, the form should have perfectly straight corners in the places of the connection of the walls and partitions. From this depend on the appearance of the finished product and convenience for the builder itself when laying well-suitable elements suitable for each other.

Empty EDS in simple wooden form can be glass bottlesto be placed in a flooded solution. At the same time, a certain amount of the mixture will be supplanted from formwork, so when using such a method, it should not be covered with the top cells. After installing bottles, you need to ensure that the solution in all cells is at the level of their edges.

In the manufacture of a matrix more complex design (Figure, Right) Empty Employers make from wooden cones, consolidating them at the bottom with nails or self-tapping screws. The presence of arms in such a form makes it possible to move it to install on vibrationtol.

Before pouring the composition in the forms of any design, the inner surfaces need to be lubricated by the spent automobile oil or similar lubricant.

This will prevent the mixture sticking to the form and facilitates its removal when blocks are ready. Remove the shape with this method not earlier than 24 hours after filling the cells. Finished goods must be strength for another 1 month before applying. After that, the walls of buildings, fences, etc. can be erected from the slag block.

How to make vibrostanok?

Making a slag block at home in the method of casting takes quite a long time. The quality of the products obtained is somewhat inferior to the one that can be obtained by using the vibropressive method. But for this requires special equipment - machines for slag blocks that can be bought or made independently.

The most affordable I. simple installation - Vibrotol. To create such a machine for slag blocks with their own hands, you will need:

  • boards or metal profile for base;
  • metal plate or wooden shield;
  • motorcycle depreciation springs;
  • two-voltage electric motor with a capacity of 0.5-0.7 kW.

To build a machine for the production of slag blocks with your own hands, work tools are required: drill, bollard or saw, welding machine, etc. Using drawings (drawing), house master able to assemble the frame for the base on which 4 springs are fixed. From above on this design, we must lay a durable wooden shield or metal plate. Mounting countertops to springs can be welded or threaded compound. The size of the base and countertops should be sufficient to install the available forms, or the matrices themselves can be made in size of the available plate.

On the bottom side of the table tops, it is necessary to firmly fasten the electric motor. In order for the vibration of the desired frequency and force when it is created, the eccentrics should be installed on the motor shafts. It can be metal plates with a hole, shifted relative to the center or pulleys, which have a small cargo from one edge.

The purpose of these parts is to unbalance the uniform rotation of the shaft and create vibration during its operation, which will be transferred to the table top attached on the springs. The size of the eccentrics or weight of the cargo will have to be selected individually, depending on the power of the engine and the number of revolutions.

A shape with a flooded solution is installed on the worktop. When the engine is turned on and the vibration produced by it, the solution is compacted and somewhat sets. The manufacture of slag blocks with their own hands using such a machine requires the filling of the matrix with a little snuff. Pressing on the vibrationtole is made until concrete laid in the form does not acquire strength, allowing to remove the formwork and transfer products from the table top to the drying place. For a homemade machine, this time is better to determine experimentally.

For a more complex model, the machine will need a sheet metal with a thickness of 2-3 mm and a welding machine. In this case, it is necessary to weld the box of the desired value with cells or single, for the manufacture of 1 block. The dimensions specified in the drawing (Figure) allow you to get a standard size of 20x20x40 cm.

Machine for the manufacture of slag blocks

The box does not have the bottom and needs to be installed on an even base ( metal plate). On its side (short) side for stability, you can additionally navigar 2 cutting pipes, longer than the width of the box. This will allow the construction not to overturn during vibration. On the upper perimeter, sides, which allow you to gently fill the matrix.

Emplifiers in this case are located on top and are round or square in the cross section of metal parts. Their width as the matrix deposit in the cavity should become less, forming an inverted cone or pyramid. It is necessary to lightly remove the box from the product. Empty formulations are fixed on the walls of the box with a narrow metal strip.

Inside the box at a distance of 20 cm from the lower edges, 2 limiters for the presser plate are welded. The plate should have a handle to remove it from the product and the slits in the form of a section of emptiness.

TO outside The matrices are attached an electric motor with eccentric. When the engine is running for 5-15, the mass of concrete, filled into the box, is pressed. The clamping plate is gradually lowered on the limiters.

When reached the limiters, the homemade machine for the manufacture of the slag block should be turned off with their own hands, remove the plate, vertically raise the box. The product is transferred to a flat pad for drying and a durability.