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How to make a slag block with your own hands. Buy equipment or make a machine for slag blocks with your own hands? The process of making forms for fill

This article is intended for those interested in the maximum reduction of building materials. From it, you will learn about the way of making a slag block with your own hands using a vibrostanka. We will tell about how to independently create a matrix for blocks and on the rules for the manufacture of blocks for walls.

Slagoblock is the easiest and most affordable of stone wall materials. Its history has more than 100 years, and the combination of the properties of a constructive and insulation makes it indispensable today.

Mass private construction on the periphery, especially in utility and farms, requires constant reduction in building costs non-residential premises. For the walls of Sarai, Khlev and Storage Rooms, it is hardly not all that comes on hand - from the naked to Mergel. In this article, we will consider the possibility of creating a vibrostank for the manufacture of slag blocks.

Note. For the manufacture of the machine you will need the skills of the welder and locksmith.

Appointment of homemade slagoblok.

It should be immediately agreed that the final product will not have high strength and durability compared to factory "prototypes". Home production does not allow to withstand the technology, since there is no possibility for a steaming procedure in which the material is saturated with the necessary moisture and gets optimum temperature For the binder reaction (cement). However, blocks are quite suitable for the construction of lungs of single-storey buildings with a service life of about 30 years.

Machine for slagoblok.

The main part of the homemade machine is the matrix or form for the raw material mixture. In essence, it is a steel box with elements installed in it in the form of voids or without them. The matrix itself is already a machine that can be used by performing part of manual operations.

For the manufacture of the machine will need:

  1. Welding machine.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Vice.
  4. Flooring tool.


  1. Steel sheet 3 mm - 1 square. m.
  2. Pipe Ø 75-90 mm - 1 m.
  3. 3 mm band - 0.3 m.
  4. Electric motor 500-750 W.
  5. Bolts, nuts.

Operating procedure:

  1. Remove dimensions from a standard slag block (W / B) or determine the necessary dimensions.
  2. Cut from the sides of the sides of the matrix from the calculation by 2 W / w with a partition in the middle. There should be a box with two equal compartments.
  3. Voids must leave the bottom wall with a thickness of at least 30 mm. From this calculation, we determine the height of the cylinder (or parallelepiped) to limit the voids.
  4. Cut 6 pipe segments with a length of equal to the cylinder height.
  5. To give the cylinders of the cone shape, it is necessary to cut through each of them along the middle, enhance the vice and connect with welding. Diameter decrease by 2-3 mm.
  6. Raw cylinders on both sides.
  7. Connect cylinders with each other in the form of a row along the long side of the block. They must copy the location (step, diameter) of emptiness on the factory sample. Along the edges, add 30 mm plate with a hole for fastening to the briefs.
  8. In the middle of each of the compartments of the matrix make feeds and trust the eyes with back side box. It is necessary for the possibility of temporary fastening of emptiness limiters. So you will get the opportunity to remove them, produce monolithic blocks.
  9. On one of the transverse walls (outside), navar 4 bolts under the fastening holes of the vibromotor.
  10. Spice apron and blades on the edges from the load side.
  11. Clean and polish all the details under painting.
  12. Make a press in the form of the body of the block material - a plate with holes, a diameter of more cylinders by 3-5 mm. The plate should freely enter a depth of 50-70 mm in the box where limiters are installed.
  13. To the press to privar comfortable handles.
  14. To paint the entire design of the primer and install the vibromotor.

Video Type of Mold Production for Slag Block, Part 1

Video Type of Mold Production for Slag Block, Part 2

To convert the conventional electric motor to the vibromotor, it will only be necessary to add to its shafts eccentric in the form of welded bolts. Their axes must coincide. You can screw the nuts on the bolts by selecting the desired amplitude and the frequency of vibration. More information You will find in our article "Vibrostol with your own hands."

Such a matrix can be the basis for a stationary or walking machine. To modernize it will need a developed skill of locksmith and more exact execution. Variants of machines Multiple and the main factor is the presence of a girlish material (metal).

Vibrostanok for slagoblock, video

Material for homemade blocks

Theoretically, the "home" blocks can be made from anything - clay, opilk concrete, ceramzite concrete, etc. The optimal composition of the mixture is 1 part of the sand, 1 part of the cement, 3 parts of the grams.

The crucial moment is the humidity of the mixture that is easy to determine "on the eye". The finished mixture should keep the shape of a lump and not crumble. These consistency raw materials can be laid in the matrix and press blocks from it. Instead of emptiness, you can use glass bottles, brick battle or acutent stone.

How does a factory machine for a slag block - video with explanations

Work with homemade machine

Before the first boot, lubricate all the contact planes with oil - the solution is smaller than the metal. The vibrator can be included at any stage, but most effective to do it before pressing. Take care of the reliable electrical insulation of the motor. The apron should close it from the mixture.

Ready blocks should be kept on open air In summer weather (from +10 to +30 ° C) for 3 days. Field S. finished products It is necessary to cover with polyethylene to avoid early peas.

SAMI simple form For blocks. Video process of work

Perhaps such a machine will not become a source of reliable and almost free material for the construction of a residential building, but will help to significantly save on the content of the farm or the construction of the garage. Applying for plaster walls masonry solution (1 part of cement, 3 pieces of sand), you will extend the life of the handling slag block at least 1.5 times.

Slagoblock - Universal building material for the construction of buildings and fences. Many developers prefer to make such blocks of convenient size and guaranteed quality with minimal financial costs.

With an independent manufacture, we will limit ourselves to only a special form. We mean that the hollow blocks from cement or a gramslak, that is, the waste of the foundry, as well as other fillers, multifunctional: they mutely muffle the sounds and hold warmly.

Features Capacities for slag blocks


Standard slag blocks with dimensions of 390x190x188 mm on sale adjacent to smaller semi-cylades - 390x120x188 mm.

BUT B. homemade slag blocks Size We will choose the most suitable for us. However, such free dimensions should not be too conspicuous and burde out products, otherwise it will be difficult to work. That is, the mass of the block will be no more than 20 kg.

By the way, an increase in the size of the block saves a solution during a masonry, and a decrease - significantly facilitates construction. And yet the price of 1 meter of masonry remains almost unchanged. In this regard, professionals are considered optimal blocks with dimensions of 330x145 × 330 mm.

Articles on the topic:

Production rules

  • Deviations in the altitude of the form must be no more than 5 mm.
  • Comrade plates of plywood, metal, Ghetynaks are suitable for separation parts.
  • Note that the distance between the crossing corresponds to the length of the blocks, their width - thickness. Therefore, the necessary drawings for slag blocks will not allow us to allow marriage: it is necessary to strictly observe the dimensions in the manufacture of this snap.
  • Wooden elements need to paint oil paintpushing moisture and facilitating the extraction of slag blocks from the form.
  • In order for the finished block to be easily removed from the form, it is better to make it collapsible, and instead of the bottom to put the film.

Types of forms for the manufacture of slag blocks

Collapsible from wood

In the household production of these blocks, wooden forms that are easier to make are comfortable.

  • Such a design is an elementary formwork, into which we pour a cement mixture.
  • To make a snap form, we need planed boards with a width of a slag block. And the length of them up to 2 meters - with the boards is longer and it is harder to work.
  • Then cross-plates from short boards divide the basis for individual cells in which slag blocks are formed.

  • It is advisable to put these details on the locksters - the valve grooves. These separation plates can also be installed in heated in long Boards elections.
  • IN homemade forms For slagoblock, we will put metal cylinders, pieces of pipes or ordinary plastic bottlesfilled with water (so that in the solution they did not float), heavy bottles from under champagne (9 pieces) with thick durable walls to form voids in blocks.
  • The bottom of the form can be made by cellophane.

For unhindered removal of raw slag block with tank mandatory condition The voids are his taper.


Welded metal cells with partitions are made by type of ordinary formwork or analogue of wood. By the way, from such a metal equipment, the slag blocks get it easier and easier, especially if it is pre-lubricating it with spent oil.

Instructions for the manufacture of metal tank and its use:

  • it is advisable to use sheet metal from 3 mm thickness;
  • from it, cut out the matrix in the size of the slag block, but with a reserve of 5 cm for the inevitable tamper;
  • next, we form a pass-through convenient box without the bottom;

All welding seams are making outside the slag block turned out smooth.

  • rubber upholstery around the perimeter of the base will protect the edge of the block of deformations;
  • to enhance the stability of the box from the end, the infinity of thin profile pipes;
  • in the manufacture of homemade blocks in these forms, we use a soft solution with an increased amount of water;
  • after a couple of hours, the solution will grab, and we will analyze the design, leaving the blocks to dry already in the free state.

Homemade Machine

Masters designed homemade machines for domestic production Slagoblock. They are equipped with vibrating devices, which speeds up the process: making without waiting for the pouring of concrete.

Developers use 2 options:

  • vibrationtol;
  • matching with a motor, while not even turn the shape to get the shag block formed.

The simplest such homemade block machine is assembled according to the "Non-Sab" scheme. It consists of a molding matrix - a drawer without the bottom and a vibrator on the side on the wall. This vibrator can be made from any low-power electric motor by 150 W (for example, from washing machine).

The drawer necessarily has a handle so that after forming a slag block, the form easily withdrawn, not at all damaging the cast itself.


Developers sometimes cast concosite in unique transformers.

The most optimal are collapsible forms.

  • For independent manufacture Blocks We will make shapes made of sheet steel or a strap board.
  • Void in form is preferable round.
  • This container is designed to obtain simultaneously multiple blocks.

  • The advantages of self-making blocks is that we ourselves control the quality of the blocks and save on construction.

Homemade slag blocks are ideal for capital construction and repair: the material is not heavy and heat. To acquire such a container, we can safely begin the production of slag blocks for your own needs. And the video in this article will introduce work with nuances.

Today, the market building materials Offer huge selection Building materials, for any choice and budget.

Technologies stepped far ahead, they also touched the building materials. The manufacturer applies all sorts of chemical compounds to speed up the production process, from here and abundance.

But the building material can be done by himself, ask how? Look further and learn everything, make your own machine for the production of blocks, build a house, garage, bath, yes what you want.

1. Sheet metal 3 mm
2. Water pipe
3. News
4. Wire
5. Switch
7. Armature
8. Spring

1. Bulgarian
2. Welding machine
3. Hammer
4. Newspaper
5. Set of wrench keys
6. Schuncirkul

The process of creating a machine for the production of slag block.
And so should you start with what is a slag block? What makes it and what is its characteristics.

The production release of the slagoblock began in Soviet times, when to build houses, garages, factories, barracks, livestock farms and so on. It was required inexpensive and easy to produce material, they became the slagoblock.

The name itself speaks for itself from what this block is done, and it is made from the coal slag, which remains after the firebox of boilers in the coal boiler room. As aware of the material is free, simply waste production, which can be transformed into personal benefit for private construction or business.

The production of slag block is the simplest among building materials of this type and size, because it does not require additional temperature processing, unlike bricks.

The technology is as follows: the slag is taken mixed with sand and cement, water is added, attention is mixed! (semi-dry solution) in proportion 1 part of cement 3 of sand parts and 5 pieces of slag, as well as 0.5 water from the total mass of cement. The main thing here is not to overdo it with water, according to the author, the solution will turn out (semi-dry) to determine this can be as follows, take a little solution in the hand and squeeze, it should not highlight water and not crumble, and throwing it to the ground should crumble.

After cooking the right solution, it should be embedded in the form, turn on the vibrator, pinch the lid and turning off the vibrator motor to produce a form, the block remains on the ground to dry, and the form moves further for the next molding.
To begin to consider the drawings of the machine.

And so now let's look at how the author did his machine for making a slag block. First of all, billets made of metal sheet 3 mm are cut, it should be carefully operated.

Then the iron box is welded from the obtained billets.

For the convenience of filling the solution in the matrix, the author makes a special apron for a box, from the same metal 3 mm.

Welded on the box.

On both sides, the eyes are welded on both sides.

In the pipes, it was done in the upper part for their subsequent mount, and 3 propyl is done at the bottom, then it is crimped and coarsened, thereby creating a cone is necessary for better seizure of the form.

A locking mechanism is manufactured.

Slagoblock refers to inexpensive and affordable materialsIt is used in the construction of both garages and residential buildings. The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a slagoblock with your own hands is quite possible to implement. How to do it, it is useful to know many developers.

General Information and Requirements for Building Materials

The slagoblock is a building material that is manufactured in the factory conditions by the method of vibratingressing. Concrete is usually used as the main material. Working with this material passes very quickly, and the structure of it will be quite warm.

Is it worth starting to make blocks yourself? If it is supposed to make several slag blocks for the construction of a garage or a bath, then the manufacture of slag blocks with your own hands will be fully justified and will save considerable amount. But for the construction of the House of Building Materials, it will take much more, therefore the cost of purchase essential materials will be significantly higher. In this case, buy slag blocks will not only wisely, but also easier.

In the manufacture, it is important to know the requirements that are presented to ready-made building materials:

  1. The size of the slag blocks may vary depending on specific requirements. Standard size It is 39x19x18 cm. There are still so-called slag blocks for partitions, or half-blocks, their dimensions are less: 39x12x18.8 cm. The standard weight of the slag block, depending on the type of void, can be 17-25 kg. Most often in each block there are 3 holes.
  2. For high-quality making, it is important to comply with the requirements for the composition of the slag block.
  3. Sand is preferable to use large.
  4. The quality of cement should be high enough (M400 or higher).
  5. Slag is better to take a domain. For the production of blocks, slag is usually used - coal processing product. But due to the active gasification of the slag, it is less developed, so now it is started to replace on a more expensive Zitobeton.
  6. Use special equipment For vibropressing.

Geometry is one of the most important requirements in the manufacture. If the slagoblock, with their own hands, made at home, has on the surface of irregularities, then spending on the construction of walls will be more substantial.

To obtain a flat slag block, the shape is filled not only completely, but even with a slide to make the concrete "donkey" after the tamper.

What can I do a slagoblock?

What makes slagoblock - it is clear from the very name of the building material. The composition of the slag block is one of the components of the solution is a slag that is formed as a result of coal processing.

Additionally, the blocks may include other materials: wood sawdust, crushed or old brick, Metallurgical waste or coal burning products in boiler rooms. All these materials do not interfere with the manufacture of slag blocks, as they give them good thermal insulation properties.

The mixture also includes the sand of a large fraction, water and cement. To increase density, you can add firming mixtures for concrete.

The standard composition of the mixture for blocks includes sand (2 parts), cement (1.5 parts), gravel (2 parts), slag (7 parts), 1,5-3 parts of the water. But in fact, not all the masters are adhere to the standard formulation, preferring to make the composition depending on the existing slag and the parameters of the future structure.

To ensure plasticity, it is possible in the manufacture of a slag block at home to add to the plasticizer (5 g per unit). This component allows you to improve the strength of the unit, its frost resistance and waterproofability, prevent the appearance of cracks. Add plasticizer already during vibrating.

It should be very careful to adding water to the mixture: it is important that the blocks do not grow when removing. Check the amount of water is very simple: if the composition is crumbled when falling to the ground, and the fist is well connected, it means that the water content is normal.

Making shape and vibrostanka

Before making a slag block, you need to make two main elements - specialware and vibrationtol. The better the form is made, the more high-quality will be building material. Before making specialware and vibrationtol, drawings of these devices should be prepared. Installation of vibrotol for the production of slag block is carried out on solid and smooth surfacewhich provides a high degree of stability. Forms for the slag block must be sufficient number (about 10) so that work went fast. It is important that they are about the same size.

Make a shape for a slag block will not be any difficulty. Forms are a formwork in which concrete is flooded. Most often, the shape is made of wood, although other materials are also suitable. To make holes, you can take advantage of the usual glass bottles: They will need 3 pieces per unit.

To make a sufficient amount of slag blocks for the construction of the bath, it will be enough wooden forms. For more large production It is necessary to master the technology of manufacturing slag block machines. To make a homemade machine, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • bulgarian, welder;
  • engine with a capacity of 0.5-0.7 kW;
  • iron leaf 3 mm thick;
  • armature (12 mm).

The block processing time will be up to 15 seconds. Then the vibroplatform can be removed, and start stored. On average, approximately 50 blocks can be made on homemade machines for the slag block.

Today you will learn:

✓ How to make a machine for a slag block.
✓ Mixtures composition recipes.
✓ Step-by-step operations manufacturing machine for slag block.
✓ Machine drawings for slag block.
✓ Video about the machine for the slag block.

Slag blocks are called building blocks (Wall stones) that are obtained by vibropressing concrete solution in shape. The composition of the concrete in the manufacture of the slag block should be like this: slag, coal burning waste, oola (other ingredients). But during the manufacture of a slagoblock, all available substances in your region can enter - it is also a rubble (stone, granite), ceramzit, brick waste, sand, gravel, sawdust (after processing), perlite and very much otherwise, which makes construction The material is cheap and attractive to the developer.

Before starting to make a machine for a slagoblock, you need to determine which machine you need. That is, it's easy to make a barn or a stupid-enough machine with one, two forms for the slag block. Well, if you have conceived the manufacture of building blocks as a small business, you will have to make a more productive machine with three and more matrices for blocks.

After it was decided, in this place you should understand that the most important part in the machine is the form (matrix). All other nodes and details are all additions to what this form is to fill, compact, raise, move, and so on. I would like to add that there are many mechanisms for sealing the concrete mix it and pneumatic and hydro press.

But we will focus on the simplest seal -Electrodot with displaced centers, which will create vibration. The engine which will be attached to the form can be taken from the old washing machine. But with this electric motor there is a small problem - it is open and the solution will constantly fall inside. If you are not too lazy to clean, you can leave it. But more reliable and effective sharpening machine Chinese production. It remains only to welcome to the shaft perpendicular to the bolt with nuts or screw metal washer with a shifted center. All this is a case, it is advisable to close the coves.

On the Internet there are many different drawings of devices for the manufacture of a slag block, but they all are mostly paid. Revising a lot of forums and photos of ready-made machines can be made one conclusion all this is an excitement and discharge of money. Everything is possible and for yourself, that is, it is better than offering for huge money.

We will be repelled from the final result, that is, the block itself. We know its size 190x190x390. So we will make a shape for the blocks of dimensions. A sheet of metal is taken from 3 mm to 5 mm are cut into the size of the workpiece. Since our slag block will be hollow, it is also necessary to make hollow equipment. The simplest thing is possible to take the pipes of the required diameter (cm rice). Pay attention to the drawing that the top and the bottom are different in size to be bone. It is necessary for better release of the form from the finished block. The taper can be ordered to order a turntable that would remove several millimeters on one side. There are also rectangular empty-formers, but with the same taper, it's already someone like. But you need to keep in mind that there should be 30% empty in the slag block, no more.

I would also like to pay attention to the manufacture of forms on the seams. They must be made by tacks through a small distance, which would not be led by metal. Seams are made with the outside leaving smooth angles Inside.

The height of the form should be higher on 5cm so that it would be possible to pour concrete mix and press the clamping plate. Also at the bottom of the form it is necessary to make a rubber perimeter, a wooden seal that would not deform the edges of the matrix. As an option to boil around the perimeter 2 centimeter plates from the same metal that the form itself.

After they made the form, proceed to the frame of the slag block. They are attached to the base for the convenient movement of the machine itself, after the block was released from the form. Material for construction take the fact that you have: Pipe, Profiter.

We make the length of the racks considering that in the raised position, the form must calmly move off, without touching the block.

Here let's estimate: block 20 + 3 cm gap + 22cm shape + 5cm Frame + still cm 3-5 on the top pipe. It has already been 50cm from the floor. Please note that the back of the trough interfered with the form to the end, it took the lever up. We offer racks to make a little authentic, will always cut off if that.

The main details, mechanisms are levers on the principle of simple mechanisms - a small shoulder, small. Everything is done under themselves, based on your growth and so on. After installing the knob, output the toggle switch for on / off the vibration motor. In the course of manufacture you will understand how to make so that quickly and with minimal cost Forces make a lot of slag blocks.

Remember, for the manufacture of blocks, we recommend doing so; Initially, we all mix in a dry form, then add water. The mixture is tested in this way: we take a mixture in the hand, compress, it should not fall apart and hold the form of an imprint, this is a proven method for years. The mixture should be semi-dry.

Makeup recipes for the manufacture of slag blocks You can not download files from our server

Step-by-step making machine for slag blocks