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How mother pray on marriage daughter. Orthodox icons and prayers. What to expect from maternal prayers

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos about marriage

Piecely family life is considered among Christians the most simple way Reach salvation. Supporting each other in difficulties, the spouses are performed by the commandment of God's love. When a Christian chooses a reliable husband, a support and protection in the life of herself and future children, any of her step preders the prayer of the Virgin about marriage.

But for the spiritual consolation of single girls and women, the church makes it possible to pray for a successful marriage of the house, in their own words, as well as order in the temple of prayers and special petitions "about health", with a secret thought to find a good spouse.

Folk traditions that existed in pagan Rus partially moved to church and sanctified, acquiring new, Christian meaning. Holiday cover Blessed Virgin Mary It was approved for the pagan holiday "Summary of the Autumn with Winter".

Before what icons of the Virgin, pray for a happy marriage

For a long time in christian families There was a custom blessing young before the wedding. Most often, newlyweds presented the image of the Virgin - the keeper of the family.

The icon was pinned on the anal during the wedding, and then installed houses in the "Red Corner".

Such images were usually inherited by children and grandchildren on the wedding day, so traditionally daughters who have reached the marriage age prayed to family images God's Mother On the gift of a pious spouse.

Some of the icons are most revered, thanks to the wonderful assistance of the Major Virgin, occurring after prayers in front of them.

These include:

  • Fedor's icon of the Mother of God. For the first time, she appeared in the family of Alexander Nevsky as a blessing from his father. After troubled time, the image turned Romanov and passed the heirs to the throne on the wedding day. Tsarist daughters prayed before him, and ordinary girls about the gift of the same happy marriageWhich difference between the Romanov family.
  • Kozelshchian. This image of the Virgin was brought to Russia from Italy Freilina Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Despite the "Western", the Catholic style of the letter, Kozelshchansky icon became famous for many wonders. The image patronized by the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Freillina, which she received in the dowry from the Empress. Families who lived under the roof of the house where the icon was, was distinguished by the world and love. Seeing the blessing of the Virgin, the mother was instructed to care for the risa (salary) icons, reading the prayer for the acquisition of a happy marriage.
  • Sexastric. On the icon depicts seven arrows piercing the heart of Our Lady. They symbolize her grief due to the death of the Son, Christ. They also see the image of seven human sins. Icons have another name - "softening evil hearts" The girls prayed in front of her about the gift of a loving spouse and the help of the Virgin in overcoming sorrows, inevitably accompanying love and family life.
  • "Three joys" or "Holy Family" - This is an icon depicting God's Mother with Joseph Wrap. In some images, Joseph trains the boy - Christ is a carpentry business, and the preching maiden with a monya looks at his son. This rare image encouraged lonely women to pray before him about the same harmonious family.

Church Savroge canons do not contain special prayer for her husband's search. According to the commandments of Christ, before you need to "seek the kingdom of God," and "the rest will be attached."

Fully rejecting fortune telling, conspiracies and love spells, the church left the tradition to pray to the Mother of God for the holidays of the Intercession and Christmas on the family of a family based on Christian love.

What a prayer for marriage of the Mother of God

The Sacred History suggests that the Prechilate Virgin itself was not going to marry, wanting to devote himself to God. But in ancient times it was impossible, a lonely woman surrounded many dangers. Therefore, she had to join the formal alliance with the older Joseph, until the end of his days we had to take the Mother of God as a daughter.

This event church reminds that in life ordinary woman The selection of the spouse should take place by the will of God, and not on its own lust. This is the main condition for a happy marriage.

The text of the marriage prayer, presented below, is compiled by an Orthodox priest to read the house or mentally, in front of the icon in the temple.

Before remembering, it is desirable to submit notes "On Health" to the liturgy, with the names of its parents, confess and coming. Careful preparation indicates the severity of the solution and will definitely be adopted by the Virgin, the patroness of female happiness.

Prechilateer of the Virgin! Your son also instructed you to take care of my students. For the difficult faith of the Church, you are the mother of all who love the Lord. The moths of your son give me, the poverty of his will, the joy of honest marriage. Help me, my spouse and our children to be loyal to the Lord and live according to his commandments. You know what the joy of motherhood is that it is to teach the baby to the first words, to bring up a child, let go of the growing child in adulthood, independent life. I beg, predicted, controversial and me the joy of maritime and motherhood. I will do all the strength to be worthy of this gift! Amen.

In order not to make a bad step, in prayers to the Virgin about marriage should not be called a specific name of the desired spouse. It is also forbidden to ask Most Holy Love A married man that will be abrasive in front of the sky.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Who pray for marriage and personal life

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In the Orthodox faith there is enough a large number of Various holy images. As you know, for each of them, believers are treated with certain requests and prayers. Surely many will agree that every girl dreams of marriage, but happiness in personal life can be waiting for a long time, and see the second half and at all over the years. If it happened that you for a long time Can't get married, you should not immediately run for help to magicians and psychics. Go better to the church and ask for help from those who pray for marriage.

Prayers about marriage and personal life

With prayer words about help in marriage and personal life, you can contact any holy image. But the strongest is considered prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, Ksenia Petergurgor.

Many believe that they need to read a special prayer. But the main thing is not the text, but that your words were sincere. It can be read both in front and in any in a convenient place where are you. It is very important that the request you have pronounced daily, while clearly and correctly formulated it.

It is important to understand that the prayers in which are asked to break the family trying to find their happiness thus will not be heard. Since it is considered a sin.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage

Orthodox versions are very loved by this saint. Prayer words, ascended to him are always heard, and people always get what they are asked about. Miracles created by him just not considered.

According to his biography, once the holy threw a single poor man who had three beautiful daughters on granting a bag with gold. The Father of the Girls was so angry that he had nothing to give them into the bold that even thought to attach them to forn. But thanks to the goodwill of St. Nicholas, the father died for a long time in his intentions. And in the near future, all three daughters have come out successfully married favorite people.

Such words, you can seek help for the Saint Face:

Oh, all-in-Nicolae, pleasede for the prey-free Lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the grief quickly assistant! To me, I am sinful and sad in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrey Moyya, in all lives, a business, word, thoughts and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul, the pomping of the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creator Creator, save the air of air solarms and eternal torment; Yes, I always glorify the father and son and the saint spirit, and your graciousness is now donated and forever. Amen.

Mother's Mother's Prayer for Marriage

The Mother of God is also very often treated with prayer. As you know, it is an intercession of girls, women and mothers. It is treated with petitions not only about marriage, but also asking for the health and protection of children.

There is quite a large number of icons of the Virgin. Many of the images are miraculous. They help get rid of diseases. Some images of the Mother of God are most helping to find family happiness:

  • Kozelshchanskaya icon of God's Mother. According to legend, it has Italian roots. The image itself appeared in the times of Elizabeth first. The icon brought a court lady, which soon received a proposal of hands and hearts. Since then, it is believed that the image helps unmarried girls And women gain happiness.
  • Icon "unfading color." This Holy Image appeared in 15-17 centuries. Its writing is associated with annual wonders. On the Holy Mountain, pilgrims brought the gift of God's Mother in the form of lilies. On the eve of the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin, all the colors were gaining strength and re-flourished. When Afonov's monks noticed a miracle that was written and this icon was written.
  • "Unfortunate bowl" of the icon of God's Mother. This icon is considered a miraculous. There are so many different stories about how prayers ascended in front of the way helped to find housing, find a decent pair and get rid of harmful habits. It is said that prayer for love and marriage read before that way since ancient times helps girls and mature women find their soul mate.

The text of the prayer of the Virgin of Marriage:

ABOUT, Holy Deva. Maria, I will accept prayer from me from me, unworthy of your servant, and worship her to the throne of God's son, and he will be gracious of our might. I am resorting to you as an intercession of our: hear us, you have a cover of us with the cover of yours, and we succeed at God's son of yours all the best: the spouses of love and consent, the children of obedience, offended patience, grieving complacency, all of the spirit of mind and piety , the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Save me from pride and pride, give me a hunt for hardworking and bless my works. As the law of the Lord God of our command commands people in an honest marriage to live, then bring me, Mother of God to him, not to help my desire, but to fulfill the purpose of the father of our saint, for he himself said: it's a bad person to be alone and creating him a wife in the assistant , blessed them to grow, cooled and populate the Earth.

The Most Holy Mother of God, hear a humble prayer from the depths of the Great Maternity: Give me a spouse honest and pious, in order to love you in love and in harmony glorified you and the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for marriage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Each girl, from the smallest age, dreams of being a princess. All of them with mildness look at the brides in long beautiful dresses And dream of being the same. Most mothers also dream about it, only they pursue other goals - happy marriage of daughters and mutual feelings, as well as respect. That is why most moms, when time comes, begin to constantly read the prayer for the marriage of the daughter of the Virgin "unfavorable color." It is considered a strong maternal prayer that can create wonders.

Value of a woman in Orthodoxy

It has long been given a separate definite role - wives and mother. Everything changes over time and our world does not stand still. Most modern girls will not agree with such an arrangement of priorities, saying that it is boring. Although another half of the beautiful floor, everything also seeks to successfully marry. In the list of a large number of prayers there is no one separately responsible for this aspect.

But most often with this purpose use the prayer of the Virgin "unfavorable color" about marriage. Each mother always wishes her child of all the best and especially she is experiencing her child who met her faithful friend or girlfriend and created sturdy seven. What mother does not dream of becoming a grandmother? Let even they are not particularly often talking about it with pleasure, but in the depths of the soul everyone dreams.

Prayer icon "Disadvantageous Color"

The prayer of the Blessed Virgin about marriage often utter girls or their mothers who want to get married daughters. It is considered a quick and strong prayer that will help:

  • quickly find a reliable partner,
  • build a strong family
  • successfully marry love
  • being happy in marriage.

Also, such a prayer is aimed at:

  • mistresses of other people's husbands will get rid of dependence and find her own man
  • get rid of love dependence, sinful passions,
  • forgive sins and help in love.

It is necessary to remember a very important thing - it is impossible to ask the Mother of God and the Lord permission to uvod from the family of someone else's husband. Such actions you will only worse.

"On the Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge! Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, scream your ear to molely our, Vladychitsa and Mother of our God, do not have a consensus that requires your help. Do not remove us sinful, at the sights and teach us: Do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Raptation our. Buddes us Mati and the patroness, hand you give a merciful cover to yours. Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins lose.

About Mathi Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, softening hearts evil peopleArranged on us. About Mati Lord Creator OUR! You are the root of virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we went to help us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts. Sunieve our spiritual eyes, but see the path of God's truth.

The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of any trouble and attack and are justified by your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son. He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen."

Meaning icon

The name of this icon is quite symbolic. Indeed, in this case, love is compared with the flowers that should constantly bloom in our soul and fill it with their beauty and fragrance. In addition, such colorful events should enforce a certain positive meaning and change everything for the better. As it is aimed at search suitable partner, I can read prayers in front of it not only girls, but also guys.

It will not be superfluous that if the mothers will read the prayer for marriage of daughters also before this face. In this case, such a maternal prayer will bear a very strong impetus to make a planned plan, as there is nothing miraculous than Mother's Mel.

In order for the desired faster to be implemented, do not forget that our sins and the wrong way of life builds the barrier between the Lord and us. It is for her destruction to revise their lifestyle and believe in a positive outcome.

When and where to read prayer

There are no special rules for her reading. This can be done anywhere, but preferably in front of the "unfavorable color". When reading, try to abstract from all the problems and what is grupped you in this minute. Ask what you sincerely want. It will not be superfluous and just during the prayer to look at the last minute candle. As they say that the flame of the candle helps to concentrate on what is happening.

It is possible to read it at least every day, but many noted that the prayer for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin about marriage is particularly valid. It was on this day that a large number of young girls come to the temples with the most cherished desire.

This holiday is on October 14, they also call a devotion day and patron of weddings. It was from him that the period of walling and festivities began. They said that those girls who want to get married quickly, should stand up, light the candle and read a prayer in front. The power of this prayer increases on this day and several times. It is believed that the Virgin Mary patronizes to all girls and tries to help them establish their lives.

"Oh, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, with the Prayer of Prayer from me, unworthy of your servant, and worship her to the throne of God's son, and he will be gracious to our. I am resorting to you as an intercession of our: you hear us, you are looking at your cover with your cover, and we succeed at God's son of yours all the best: the spouses of love and consent, children obedience, offended patience, grieving benevolence, all of the spirit of mind and piety , the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Save me from pride and pride, give me a hunt for hardworking and bless my works. As the law of the Lord God of our command commands people in an honest marriage to live, then bring me, Mother of God to him, not to help my desire, but to fulfill the purpose of the father of our saint, for he himself said: it's a bad person to be alone and creating him a wife in the assistant , blessed them to grow, fruit and populate the Earth.

The Most Holy Mother of God, hear a humble prayer from the depths of the heart of Maiden My: Give me a spouse honest and pious, so that we are in love with Him and in agreement to glorify you and the merciful God: Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Request the Lord and other Saints is not a bad thing. But it is necessary to remember that it carries out all our petitions and gives mercy, as well as grace, only the Lord. That is why it is initially worth contacting God, further to the Mother of God and after already to the other holy.

Do not forget that it is necessary to thank the favor given to you. It can be either learned words thanksgiving prayer or the words spoke from themselves from the pure heart. The most important thing is sincere faith in the pronouncing and positive outcome of prayer. If soon marriage does not occur - do not be discouraged. This does not mean that your words were not heard. Everything needs time.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? Prayer for love and marriage

Life without love is empty and meaningless. In the union of shower you can find a source of inspiration and happiness. Who to pray to find the soul mate? It should be known that the prayer appeal of love and marriage is a request for clean feelings, creating a family and the birth of children.

How to find a soul mate?

For the search for the second half, the relative souls can take years, and sometimes a whole life. How to speed up the long-awaited meeting? What kind of holy pray for love?

Prayer is a strong and effective tool that will help concentrate on desire. Request faithful to the highest forces with faith and hope will definitely embody into reality.

It is mistaken to assume that only learned prayers will help bring the request to heaven. Words spoken from the soul, also carry a strong energy potential. The structure of prayer consists of gratitude for already existing benefits, repentance in sins and requests for love (marriage).

Mind focus on desire will help you choose correct words. Do not ask higher power About love as an instrument of pleasure or self-affirmation. Purity of thoughts, sincerity must underlie prayer.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? You can contact the Savior, the Virgin, the Holy Patron, the Guardian Angel with a request for love.

Prohibited methods

It should be carefully applied to your desires, clearly formulate a request. Higher forces will not help if it comes to the destruction of another family. You should not ask for your happiness by burning other people.

In no case should not follow the believer person to contact the magicians, occultists, psychics. Such help can only harm, leave a sinful mark in the soul and fate of a person.

It is not necessary to organize your personal life. Cheating, blackmail, temptation will not bring happiness.

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg

The prayer of Ksenia Petersburg about love has not once helped girls to gain happiness. Request in front of the way will help to make spouses after a quarrel. The prayers of Ksenia Petersburg will be returned to the hope and happiness.

  • "Oh, all-large Maty Ksenia! Hunger and cold, thirst and stern undergoing. Under the Lord of the Intercession, Living, the Virgin of the knowledge and strengthened. You forgive all my forelegations, which is free or unwittingly committed. Help, Holy Ksenia, patients heal, family happiness sent. I ask you, fill my heart my love. Send the satellite of life capable of illicate our way. Bless, Maty Ksenia, our relationship, the heavens of predict. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg about love is pronounced in calm state. You can put a candle in front of the holy. The people's tradition states that prayer before the icon will help in finding their halves.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Prayer for love Nicholas Wonderworker will promote a meeting with his native soul. According to the legend, Saint Nikolay threw one father of the family of 3 nodal with gold, so that he did not give his daughters on the Blud. This money was helped to return the other life of the family. And the daughters safely married.

  • "Oh, Saint Nicholas, the ward of the Lord, our intercession in troubles and grief. Previously, I ask you to give the forgiveness of my sins. Help me, the popup, the strokes of our Lord, save me from Naj. and despondency. I ask you to give a spouse to life for a long time, so that you would be sworn in love and joy, you cared about children. Moths about us, St. Nicholas, our Lord, so that we live a peaceful and salvation of our souls. Amen".

There are many testimonies of men and women who helped prayer about love Nikolai Wonderworker. Holy willingly responds to the sincere requests of people about the device of family life.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

Miracles Matrona Moscow, her gracious assistance in finding a relative soul, family creation are known throughout the country. Prayer Matrona about love contributes to the long-awaited meeting.

  • "Mother Matronushka, up in my heart. Help to find the narrowed, who is looking for me and falls without love. Help to find someone I will love and who will love me. I ask you, humbly, humbly, you come to the legs of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Improving him to give me a family life. Let our long-suffering grace of God won't leave us in Yudoli. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and confirm, in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayer Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia for a long time are considered patrons of family and marriage. Their life is an example of love, loyalty. The prayers of their image are given a soul mate, will contribute to the family happiness, the birth of healthy children. Peter and Fevronia lived long life And died in one day. Prayers before the icon will help to quickly find the marriage union.

  • "Oh, faithful princess Peter and Princess Fevronia! With hope I pray and resort to your help. Ascend the prayers to the Lord to our and ask for goodness for me. I ask you about your petition, so that the king is our heavenly gov good deeds The success, piety unshapsible, the hope of good, the love is non-estate, faith is right. Amen".

Icons of the Mother of God

There is a great set of Mother God's icons. Some of them are miraculous, capable of healing patients, helping weak. The Mother of God is considered the great teacher man in front of the Savior. At long-time legends, some of the images of God's mother contribute to the quick gain of family happiness.

Therefore, to the question "Who praying to find a soul mate?" You can answer that several Icons of the Virgin will help in finding a satellite of life:

  • Icon of the Virgin "Kozelshchanskaya", according to legend, has Italian roots. It appeared in Russia during the times of Elizabeth I. The icon brought one of the courtes, which soon received the proposal of the hands and hearts. Since then, the Molva has gone, that the image helps to gain a happy marriage.
  • Icon of the Virgin "Unlifeful Color" Appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. Presumably, its writing was associated with an annual miracle. Pilgrims brought to the holy mountain as a gift of God's Mother of Lily. On the eve of the Assumption of the Virgin, the faded flowers unexpectedly poured by force, new buds appeared. Athos monks noticed this miracle, which served as inspiration to writing the image "unfavorable color."
  • The icon of the Virgin "Insprivitary Bowl" is miraculous. There are many stories about her help in gaining housing, healing from bad habits. Prayer for love and marriage in front of ancient times helped young devices and mature women in the search for the narrowed.

Prayer Paraskeva Friday

Holy Paraskeva gave a vow of virgin virgin and spiritual purity. Her image will help to find a long-awaited groom or the bride, will bring the world to the family, gives a miracle of childbirth desperate couples. Prayer for love and marriage in front of the icon of Paraskeva Friday will help chaste girls to find a soul mate. No wonder in Russia, this Great Martyr was named "Babya Holy" - she patronizes female care, households.

Closer to the cover of the girl prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: "Mother Paraskeva, I cut me as soon as possible!"

  • "Holy Bride of Christ, the Great Martyr Parashev! You loved the soul and my heart to love the king of Heaven, you were born to our savior, the property distributed to our poor. The chastity and piety your ray shines sunshine among the wrong things, the Word of the Lord disliked. With muddy you look at the icon, I welcome you, the long-suffering Paraskeva. The Savior's Savior, Personnel, maybe he will give salvation and grace the good, patience and grace in trouble. Let him give a petition and your concession, prosperity and peaceful life, health and approval in faith, will speed up their help in finding a narrowed and beloved. Yes, cleanse us, sinful. And, having imagining the salvation, your prayers, intercession and representation, the bride of Christ Paraskeva, we will glorify the most distinguished name in the saints of a true God God, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are confused, and forever. Amen".

Prayer for help in love

Prayer Most High about attracting a miracle of love in his life will help desperate people. Such requests instill hope in the heart of a person. The conversation with the highest forces can not consist of the learned phrases of prayer. Ask the Most High in my own words about the gift of love, family happiness.

The second half is a reward that should earn righteous affairs, sincere prayers. It happens that fate does not give a relative soul because it has not yet come time. Therefore, the humble wait, faith and prayer will help prepare the soul to the long-awaited meeting. The humble wait is the state of the soul, and not inactivity. A person with a large circle of communication, a rich life has more chances to find a relative soul.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? The Savior's prayers can not only pronounce the icon in the church. At sunrise, in front of bedtime, the Lord is about the gift of the miracle of love and reciprocity. You can write prayer in your own words and wearing a note as a talisman on the chest.

Prayer for marriage

Appeal to the highest forces should go from the heart. Each word of prayer is a concentration on communication, asking for help in their troubles, sadness, alarms. To begin with write your wish on a sheet of paper. It will help to figure out their feelings and thoughts. You can specify the mental quality of the one who would like to see the second half.

Be sure to think about what seems married lifewhy it is needed for. It happens that man wants to marry only for status in society. Therefore, the highest strength and do not send him a relative soul.

Prayer appeal About marriage is not only the fact of official marriage. This is a request for the gift of patience, wisdom in family life. This ability to pacify its benefit of the family. This is a request for children and grandchildren. This is a promise that all forces will be attached to save marriage.

Prayer for mutual love

Prayer with a request for reciprocity - not magic plot. Occult rituals suppress the will of a person, which helps to come to the desired result. Prayer appeal O. mutual love - Please make feelings without coercion.

Prayers for love men can be asked Andrei First-Called, St. Anne, Tatiana, Seraphim Sarov, Holy Patrows by name or date of birth. Deep faith will contribute to the acquisition of mutual feelings for many years.

The Lord fulfills the requests of those in need. Therefore, in your appeals after prayer, try to explain the angels why you need a wife and children. As their appearance in your life will allow you to change and develop for the benefit of everyone. Do not stop your prayers. Just specify your request to him.

Successful marriage of his daughter - the cherished dream of many mothers. I want the most native girl in the world for her husband, as for stone wall. How to give your favorite daughter to marry and most importantly - how to teach her to be happy in love, choose the right to choose men and not join in advance unprofitable relationships?

Communicate with my daughter frankly. It makes no sense to develop a marriage strategy if you are consciously different views on family life. Purchate, whether it is marriage, how does his future spouse sees.

Sometimes the root cause of the unwillingness to create with someone relationships are hidden in the uneasyless adolescent complexes. If a young woman had an injured gap with a guy, she would not harm the consultation of the psychologist. Another specialist can help return confidence that it is very important for tying new acquaintances and in order for you to successfully give the daughter to marry.

Get acquainted daughter with probable grooms. To find those, notify all your friends that your daughter is a bride for granting, smart and beautiful. Her would be young man matched! There is nothing galloping in it, because every mother wants to successfully marry her daughter. And in the old days, the parents were directly chosen her husbands for their children, and marriages were good.

In most cases, daughters do not quite encourage the activity of mothers in marriage issues, so show some flexibility. Invite the young man as a reason for some urgent need. For example, in the form of a computer repair wizard. Arrange a common tea party, because it is not comfortable to leave such a wonderful young man hungry.

Communicate your daughter with friends, so you will understand whether it has the reason to pick her husband from among those who make up her company. Be Her best friend, May the girl shall with you with your experiences. The recommendations of the mother will help her, and you will almost always know with whom she spends time and you will be easier to issue your daughter to marry.

Arrange the daughter's wedding invitation in the form of a bride's girlfriend. This event traditionally forces girls to think about the personal celebration, besides this, you can get acquainted with the likely fiance.

In the event that your daughter feels insufficiently decisive near men, as it does not consider himself beautiful, prove to her the opposite! Watch that she does not indulge in disheartening, often updated the wardrobe, looked fashionable and stylish. Seductiveness is, first of all, well-groomed, do not let your daughter neglected about it.

Do not make a daughter in the fact that it is still not married, but you want my grandchildren so much. Support it, more often talk that she is beautiful and clever, and the spouse will certainly be removed, it is worth only to believe in his happiness and gain patience. We hope that our advice helped you answer the question: "How to get a daughter to marry."

How to teach the daughter to be happy in love

Any parents wish happiness to their own children. BUT woman's happinessAs we know, lies in love. Understanding this, almost all the mother, and the fathers also want to teach daughters to be happy in love.

In order to be able to make a daughter happy, teach it something, you need to establish contact with her, to be her older friend or buddy, if this is speech About dad, to achieve her trust.

To teach the daughter to be happy in love, you need to instill with her conviction in inside yourself and a sense of personal dignity. Untravenously in itself, the girl will be hard to pay attention to the "right" cavaliers. She will rise their advantages, and it will be chasing the fear of being not recognized.

In attempts to reduce these risks, the girl will be validated and "attracting" to himself "unquestless" grooms. In relations, the girls who are often occupied by the position of the victim, allowing the representative of the strong sex to treat himself. So that with your daughter did not have anything like, praise her. Admire Her external species, successes, mind, skills. These unearned impacts will help you make a daughter happy, adding the girl conviction in yourself.

In order to teach the daughter to be happy in love, it is necessary to give her her love personally from childhood. The girl will constantly want to "return" the Love, which she did not have enough in childhood. Once such a girl is lucky, and a decent man falls in love with her, the girl will attempt to find all the love from him, which she missed in childhood.

This girl will be able to urge his love from his man for a very long time. A young man will first rush to prove her feelings, but the demands of an insecure young woman, in most cases, will grow. Ultimately, a man, not leading, most likely leaves such a woman. In order to issue a daughter to marry, make it happy and teach to be happy in love, parents are obliged to give a girl to understand that she is loved by them, and it is necessary for them. Little just love own daughter, It is necessary to show her this love: do not bother into tender words, arms, praise.

So that you manage to teach the daughter to be happy in love, parents are obliged to teach the girl to adore and self. The girl who added to being his favorite parents will adore itself, and will be happy in love. In order to teach the girl to love themselves, it is not enough to show their love and praise her daughter.

Teach the girl to perceive yourself as it is. Help the girl to learn to hide their shortcomings and emphasize the advantages. Teach your daughter to take care of yourself, look at your health, appearance and figure. We hope that our advice helped you answer the question: "How to get a daughter to marry."

The article offers you articles about marriage and happiness in the family, as well as tells how the saints should pray.

Happiness in personal life is the desire of every person. With your requests and dreams, you can always contact the saints, divide your joy or pain with them, pray for a good future. A special prayer can not be sought, it is enough to find simple but accurate words.

You can pray so holy and icons:

  • Lord God.You can contact him with any prayer with requests for a personal life and a person gained his happiness in love, marriage, children, family.
  • Mother of God. You can choose any icon that you can find. The famous icon "unfading color", which can be asked to help in choosing a life satellite. In one more, which is called "Uming", you can ask for a meeting with a good man. There is another image - "Surdhegian icon of the Mother of God" is perfect for praying for happiness in family and personal life, to gain a loved one.
  • The image of Peter and Fevronia Murm. These two saints are considered defenders, patrons and inspirers of people on a happy marriage, strong family, big love.
  • The image of the martyr Adriana and Natalia. These images are ideal for taking prayers about the acquisition of a loved one and strong happy marriage. It is also considered that Adriana and Natalia can be asked about the loyalty of the spouse.
  • The image of Nicholas Wonderworker. This holy can be made of prayers in any complex life situations, including, if a person suffers with loneliness and cannot promote his true love. Without a doubt, bring their prayers to Nikolai the Wonderworker, asking happiness in his life, the lives of loved ones and children.
  • The image of Matronov Moscow. It is known that this image you can take prayers for the loyalty of the spouses, the fortress and happiness of the family and even about the forgiveness of the treason.
  • The image of the Great Martyr Varvara. This saint is made to take prayers for the ownership of her husband and ask for a blessing for happiness in personal life.
  • The image of Holy Daniel of Moscow. This Holy is made to pray not only about a happy marriage, but also about a cozy house.
  • The image of the Great Martyr Catherine. Since the ancient times, this holy young girls raised prayers that they caught a good and loyal fiance.
  • The image of Blessed Xenia Peterburger. This holy has long been made to pray that faithful love is given to the request.
  • The image of a holy martyr of trifon. This image is well praying with requests for a happy marriage.
Tips on prayers and requests to holy

To whom and how to properly praying the mother about marriage and happiness in the personal life of the daughter: Icons name, saints

Each mother can and should pray to holy images that her daughter's personal life has developed. You can do it at home before the icon, but it is best to go to the church to the service. Criting to the holy, be sure to thank them for grace and everything is good that you have, and then name the name of your daughter and ask for her happiness: finding a real feeling, loyal and devoted love, imprisonment of a happy marriage with confusion.

What icons are suitable for these purposes:

Saints Peter and Fevronia Murmansk

Nikolay Wonderwork

"Unable color"

Paraskieva Friday

The image of Andrei is First-Called

Icon: Matrona Moscow

How to pray to the maiden about love, marriage to create a family and give birth to children: icons name, saints

Young girls should pray for happiness in the personal life of the saint patronenel of love (images, icons and names are listed above). However, the terrible intercession of women is considered to be the Virgin. Prayers for her are very strong and powerful, he gives young girls confidence in himself and help to gain true loyal love.

Interestingly: God's Mother helps women and girls also gain a strong marriage with a faithful husband, as well as helps to successfully endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Icon of the Virgin

What holy pray for an adult unmarried woman with late marriage to successfully marry the name icons, saints

In cases where the woman finds her beloved person late and is getting married after 30 (and maybe even at 40, as well as 50 years), the prayer for well-being and personal happiness does not place. Women who want to meet their "soul mate" also need to pray. To do this, select the icon with the image of St. Seraphim Sarovsky. He is considered a patron for people who have late marriage.

Seraphim Sarovsky

Who and how to correctly pray divorced about repeated marriage to find a good husband and married a second time?

The image of the holy trifon is made praying for re-marriage and gaining happiness in marriage. It is necessary to do it with a pure heart and soul, thanks to the second chance to find love and family.

The image of Saint Trifon

Who to read akathist about marriage? Who Order Prayer about marriage?

Akathist is a kind of church singing, which is accepted to carry with a laudatory words and thanks.

Akathist can be acted with prayers about the happy marriage, mentioning and asking for help from all saints, as well as the Virgin.

Prayer for marriage of the Mother of God is unfavorable color: words

The prayers of the Mother of God will definitely bring harmony into your life and will help you to achieve happiness in your personal life, find love and family.

What helps icon:

  • Find a blessing for a wedding
  • Get rid of temptations
  • Get happiness in marriage
  • Find peace of mind
  • Have a happy and loyal marriage

What are the icon pray about:

  • Not mistaken in choosing a loved one
  • Find a faithful life path
  • To be an example and inspire your children to true faith and love in the family.

How to ask for a keeper angel about marriage: words of prayer

The Guardian Angel, who is present in every believer, can not only protect against disease and evil, but also to attract grace.

How to ask Matron about marriage: words of prayer

Mother's prayer Matron Matron will help anyone asking for happiness and achieve the desired one.

How to ask the Lord God, Jesus Christ about marriage: words of prayer

The Lord God is the highest strength that directs a person for good deeds and helps him overcome different life difficulties. Turning to him with his requests for the acquisition of a happy marriage, you can find God's grace And blessing for marriage.

Icon of the Lord Abstrait Jesus Christ

How to ask Ksenia Blessed Petersburg on marriage: words of prayer

The prayers of Ksenia Blessed will help you to meet your "soul mate" and find with her happy, long and true marriage.

How to ask Peter and Fevronia about marriage: words of prayer

These saints are considered to be the keepers of the right marriage and true loveTherefore, the petitions about the family, the beloved man and Prayer Pratra and Fevronia will be very relevant.

How to ask Andrei First Called About Marriage: Prayer Words

Holy Andrey the first-call is not rarely called with prayers by those who are looking for forces and blessings on the way of gaining true love in marriage.

How to ask Nicholas, the wonderworker about marriage: words of prayer

To meet the true, the only and clean love at any age will help Nikolai Wonderworker. Pray for this image with your own requests and you will definitely be able to gain family happiness.

How to ask Kazan God's Mother of Marriage: Prayer Words

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered strong enough and it helps lonely people who seek people to meet a person who can share happiness in marriage with you.

Video: "Prayers about the happy marriage and family"

About love, happy marriage, children, romantic relationship Almost every person in the world dreams, especially the girls. Just once experience charms mutual relationship And the soul is transformed, becomes kinder, happier sincere.

Mothers who have loved love necessarily wish to feel her daughter. Even on the basis of the dry calculation, successfully give the daughter to marry to all family members. Believers to implement the conceived will help prayer about marriage daughter. To get married daughters, ask for help of heavenly forces, for example, turn to Nicholas-descendants, Matrona, Virgin.

Prayer helps even if before you did not consider yourself a believer, because sincere appeal to the highest forces will be observed, it is evaluated if it comes from the heart.

Love is a victim, giving someone a small portion of positive energy, you make a good act making happier, first of all, yourself. If the daughter dreamed of a successful marriage for a long time, at first, carefully listen to her opinion, do not hurry with the conclusions, only after its consent, proceed to the point.

Reading Prayer Case Not easy

Before praying the matron, realize the need to appeal to the highest forces. The daughter may be too young, inexperienced in family matters, it is quite possible, she is not yet ready, or does not want to marry at all. Prayer must be pronounced with complete confidence that now is the time to ask for help of higher strength. Prayer should not have evil intent, the actions should not expose the integrity of families, because there are cases when girls fall in love with married men.

When reading the prayer of the Virgin, Matrey try to learn the words by heart, believe me, learn a few simple offers It is quite simple, the effect of reading learned words is much better. When holding a ritual, remember the goal, it is impossible to be distracted, thinking about outsiders. In order for the mother to successfully concentrate, imagine the image of your daughter, what a happy it will be in marriage. It is not necessary to conduct a ritual in the church, however, it is better to go there for a better result, even if you have not been there for a long time. If you do not know who to turn to the daughter get married, stop at the Matron. So that the procedure came out successful, donate some of the money church.

Heavenly forces will help you find a soul mate

Mother's prayer about a successful marriage of his daughter is read before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The most famous icon depicting the holy is called "unfavorable color", ideal to read the prayer next to it. She will help to find the most worthy spouse, the main thing is to pray correctly, without distracted by the goal. The Mother of God will help and get rid of "love dependence" when the girl is a mistress of a married man.

Prayer Matron of Moscow "On Marriage of the Daughter"

"I beg you, Holy Matrona, about the happiness of his beloved daughter. Help her not to make a mistake with the choice and remove the wrong people from her. She went to her marriage of a bright and wedding life in God's laws. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen. Blessed Starith Matron Matrous, defend my daughter from marriages are detrimental and give her chosen of the faithful. Not a rich, not married, not walking, not drinking, he does not hit heavy hand. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen."

One of best prayers About the prosperous marriage that mothers can be carried out is to appeal to the blissful matron. Light three church candles, mentally concentrate on good marriage Daughters, think about her spouse to become her, first of all, a friend, an ally.

Prayer Prev Icon "Disadvantageous Color"

"O, Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge! Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, and your ear your ear to moles. Masters and Mother of Our God, do not contempt that requires your help and do not remove our sinful, tear and Teach us: Do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Rapting our. Buddes us mother and patroness, hand you hand yourself with merciful cover. Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins. Oh, Mati Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, softening the hearts of evil people who assume us. Oh, Mati Lord Creator OUR! You are the root of the virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we have helped us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, yes see the path of the truth of God. The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of any trouble and attack and are justified by your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son. He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

If you are not in the church, try to clearly imagine the images, visualize a happy daughter, married.

Matrona is not the only assistant and performer of plenty of help in marriage, try to contact Nikolay the Wonderworker.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker "On Marriage Daughter"

"I hope for you, the wonderworker Nikolai, and I ask for your favorite child. Help my daughter meet the chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measurable. Protect my daughter from the marriage of a sinful, lustful, demonsky and negligent. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen. Nicholas, defender and Savior. Help my daughter is a wonderful sign in the face of the faithful husband. Do not proceed to my request, but also not refuse light grace. Let the marriage come true, yes in the sky will come true. Let the marriage be laid, the miracle of God will rely. May it be so. Amen."

What result should expect

Sincere, clean, good prayer Matrona will not remain not heard by heavenly forces. Therefore, the result will necessarily be, and equal to the efforts, both from the mother, and from Chad. It is worth understanding that the highest forces do not give anything, even if praying. It should be expected that your daughter will fall into a situation where correct solution will allow her to gain happiness, coming out married.

Video: Prayer for marriage daughter

I bring to your attention strong prayer Matron about marriage daughter.
Prayer for marriage is a heart-formulated text that my friend Savarka recommends reading childlike parents.
If in the personal life of your daughter's solid suffering, and nobody calls, you can try to contact Moloto to the Blessed Matron of Moscow.
The power of any prayer lies in the bad faith, so do not touch it with a "cold soul".

To ask the Matron of God's intercession for the sooner marriage of her daughter, you will have to accurately execute the following regulations:

Orthodox prayer Matron about marriage daughter

one). Coming into the temple and buy 6 strong candles. Do not forget to wear a sanctified native cross.
2). Before visiting the temple, you should read the prayer of the Lord "Our Father" and Psalm 90.
3). If not available, you get there the Orthodox icon of the blissful old man Matrona Moscow.
four). You dial the holy water into a pre-prepared container.
five). Put 3 candles to the image of Matrona Moscow and read to yourself learned prayer:

Oh, the blissful Starius of the Matrona, ask the Lord God about the speedy marriage of my daughter. I'm sorry for her all the limits grave and lit the way with their grace. Amen.

6). Digidly be baptized and, without turning around, leave the temple.
7). You must have holy water, icon and 3 candles.
eight). Exactly at midnight Close in the room and light the candles. Nearby put the icon of matrons, prayers and a container with holy water.
nine). Look at the burning flame and imagine your daughter marriage. Believe that nothing will happen without your participation.
10). You read seven times in a row Prayer Lord "Our Father" and Psalm 90. In total, 14 readings. Digitly be baptized and clean the holy water.
eleven). Read seven times in a row with a sheet of prayer Matrona about marriage daughter:

Oh, Blessed Starius Matrona. With a prayer I fall to you and ask for my native daughter. Help her with marriage faithful and drank from heaven a single chosen. As the Lord God created Adam and Eve, so let my daughter will find the second half. If the enemy tried, pray for him in God's pags and Otrin all the shackles of evil celibacy. May it be so. Amen!

12). Pour the holy water with small sips.
13). Loading while all the candles are completely not faded.
fourteen). Extrafes from their flames, and the rest of the accessories, including prayer text, remove into the church corner.
fifteen). Nobody talks about midnight reading.
sixteen). After a while, all the activities need to be repeated.

It was strong prayer for marriage daughterfacing the Blessed Starrice Matron of Moscow.
It is not necessary to believe himself, then you will definitely work out.

Be happy!