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Manure as fertilizer. How to cook with your own hands. Compost pit, or compost box

Sadders and gardeners with little experience on land plot, especially those involved in organic farming, should know species and beneficial features Natural fertilizers. After all, it is impossible to achieve good harvest, not knowing for sure than the compost and humus or biohumus and avian litter. It is necessary to know where and in what quantities these fertilizers are applied.

Nature gave a large number of Organic fertilizers are wood ash, sawdust, manure, siturates, humus and herbal infusions. And these are only those types of feeders that use our farmers. And in other countries, this list is wider. It is possible to add a fish emulsion, flour from various herbaceous plants or remnants of animal origin, fading based on algae and many others.

Let's get acquainted with the organic fertilizers that are used by our summer houses.

Almost every land plot has a place for a compost heap. Garders throughout dacha season Send all the weary grass there, various food waste, fallen leaves, branches of trees and shrubs, wood chips and sawdust, as well as paper residues. The more components in this heap, the compost will be better.

At home, it is possible to prepare a compost using preparations purchased in retail chains with efficient microorganisms.

Favorable conditions for compost maturation are a sufficient amount of moisture and heat. To save and maintain them required amount time you need to cover composted bile dense opaque film. To speed up processes and fast maturation Compost It is recommended to shift it from time to time or watering.

If the compost pile ripened for 12-18 months or even longer, then the compost is used in its pure form. More fresher fertilizer before use must be mixed with gardens ground. In pure compost you can grow big crop Cucumbers, zucchini or pumpkin.

Bird and rabbit litter

it organic fertilizer Valcifiously large nitrogen content is convenient in storage and economically in use. Dachnips do not have to spend time on the preparation of this natural feeding, it can be purchased in a dry form in a comfortable packaging. In many characteristics, the litter exceeds the cow manure.

It is used in a pure form for the soil fertilizer during the autumn stroke peroxide. But it is more used to prepare liquid fertilizers. Package based on litter is prepared from 10 parts of water and 1 part of the litter. This infusion is necessarily maintained in a warm place for 24 hours, and then water is added (for each part of the infusion 5 parts of water) and are used at irrigation of crops.

Wood sawdust

Experienced gardeners recommend using sawdust when growing garlic, but also for many other vegetable plants this wood fertilizer It will become a real find on the beds. They not only feed the soil, but also make it loose, which provides good air exchange plants.

It is recommended to use sawdust only in overwhelming. The overheating method, which was used for compost, is absolutely not suitable here. If you leave a bunch of wood sawdust on for a long timethen they will cease to be useful feedingSince it is scattered without access of oxygen.

The rapid process will contribute to the rapid process. Any herbaceous waste is added to sawdust, stirred thoroughly and moisturize a little. You need to decompose the finished mixture into dense polyethylene bags (lightproof) and leave about a month for overheating.

Overwhelming sawdust - it's great natural fertilizer, Which is added to the beds at Popile, and also used as a mulching layer on areas with vegetable and berry crops.


Can be used to prepare fertilizer horse or cow manure. The excrement of cows, mixed with a small amount of hay, straw and feed residues, are called manure. It includes a large number of useful elements and trace elements - nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. It is recommended to make such fertilizer into the soil during the period of active growth of different cultures.

Manure is applied in fresh and overwhelming. The fresh manner mall is malline bushes and add it to warm beds. There is such an opinion among dacities that the dung of the plant can be "burning", therefore it is recommended to use a reworked manure for feeding. From the rewriter, the cowboy is prepared by liquid feeding in the form of infusions, and also make it in the soil during autumn people.

Manure is not only a nutrient storehouse that enriches land, but also habitat for useful rainworms and many other microorganisms. They make the soil in the beds of porous, water and breathable.

The main vegetable crops are customary to fertilize the specially cooked infusion of a cow. On one part of the manure, 2 parts of the water are added, stirred and left for insteading for 7-8 days. Ready concentrate can be stored for a while. It is necessary to dilute it directly before use in different proportions, which depend on the type of fertilizer and plant culture.

The disadvantage of this feeding is considered a high price when buying and saturated by the seeds of plants-weeds that will pollute the beds.


Most of the supporters of organic farming consider biohumus the most valuable natural feeding. So accepted to call the humble, compost or korlard treated with rainworms. In its large number of nutrients there is one of the important components - humic acid. It is she who contributes to the rapid upgrade and improved soil fertility. This fertilizer can be used to feed almost all plant species. Specialized stores are offered to purchase biohumus in the form of a concentrated liquid or dry.

Wood ash

This natural fertilizer contains a large number of potassium, boron, phosphorus and manganese. In organic agriculture, he has no equal. Most often the soil feed wood ashBut the most valuable is the ash obtained after burning straw. The quality and composition of the ash depends on the product of the product - its type and age.

For example, using waste deciduous trees, in the ash will large quantity nutrients than using coniferous rocks. The ash from old rotten trunks and branches of trees will contain several less useful elements than young plants.

The ash is used both in its pure form and as part of various feeding organic. In the compost pile, wood ash recommended to sprinkle the remains of plants. In complex fertilizers, the ash is mixed with bird litter or cow dung. In many recipes of herbal infusions for watering and spraying, also has ash.

Wood ash is used to feed many vegetable crops, as well as to protect plants from pests and various infectious diseases. Based on the ash, liquid fertilizers are prepared, solutions for prophylactic spraying and conducting a breakdown of young seedlings and adult plants. Such cultures as bell pepper, potatoes and tomatoes are actively reacting to the ash additives. Negative refers to this organic fertilizer only carrots.


Compost or cow manure, which ripened over two or more, is called humus. All plant residues were overloaded during this time and turned into a loose substance of a dark color, smelling fresh ground. The humus is an exemplary natural additive for all plants, it has no negative qualities.

None soil mixture Does not do without this fertilizer in its composition. It is used on open and closed beds, in greenhouses and in room conditions. The humus is an important component of the soil for indoor flowers, vegetable and berry crops.

No less useful and significant fertilizers based on herbaceous plants, as well as numerous siderats.

What fertilizer is better: mineral or organic (video)

Once my friend acquired a plot on the farm near Rostov. Not only that it was one of the islets of the surviving black soot of the meter thickness, it turned out that the scene occupies the place of an old stable stable of some kind of Cossack regiment: the victims were sometimes shot directly from the garden layers of ancient manure, dried and trees and trees like peat. I remember his despair about the garden: "I planted, like a white man, began to clean - I cured everything that I remembered! Imagine, I go for beets with a bucket - more than one in the bucket does not climb! Bow to carry - five bulbs in a bucket! The potatoes is not a polol, Bournan - in the meter, so tortured to carry! This is punishment, not a garden! " We would have a punishment ...

At the beginning of the century, the humus was examined in detail by scientists of the Anthroposophical School of Rudolph Steiner in Germany. They believed that each substance carries some kind of energy - "Forming force". This force remains and after the conversion of substances. Something like the "Mind Molecules". The strength of biological substances is very large. Therefore, the humus - the concentrate of living substances is the strongest stimulant of life. So considered anthroposophists. And they were right in almost everything.

Experiments are surprisingly beautiful. They learned how to direct the ripening by humus with the help of ragners of different herbs. Established qualitative differences different species Horing and compost. Proved: the quality of humus is directly associated with the quality of animal feed. And the quality, this "power" of the harvest, powerfully affects the health and force of animals and man. So, in the closed system "plants - animals - man" can increase the health and quality of all to the perfect state. So there was a biodynamic agriculture system.

For the "organist" humus - the basis of well-being. It is animated and belong to it very prematurely: "No humoring - no harvest." Caring for humus and communicating with it is the main one of all the works. Preparation of humus and compost - art and sacred. The smell of mature humus is one of the most pleasant for the "organist". Scatter, throw away the body - it's like a Russian peasant to throw bread for a Russian peasant. Because high-quality humus, on a facility on a plant, can double the harvest and strikingly improve the quality of vegetables.

Humus - alive In the correct sense of the word. This is a community of living organisms decomposing organics for plants. Our roommates Symbiontes. Assistants. Pushhek. Peer in a microscope: won, try. To take care of them is not difficult: the feed is already there. But it is necessary to ensure moisture and air. And feed feed - Return. And the conditions may be such that instead of humoring it is harmful acidic "silo". Let's consider, How to make useful humus.

What can be composting? First of all - any manure. If it is too liquid, it takes to dry it a couple of days, and then mix with straw, grass, sawdust, leaves, just shifting layers. Bird litter can be scattered on a compost pile with a thin layer: it is too concentrated. It is better to insist in water for liquid feeding, 1 part per 40-50 parts of water.

Sleeping grass, straw, foliage, sawdust, husk, residues of food and cooking, spoiled foods, waste of meat and fish industries - everything will turn into a compost for the summer, if we put the layers and trigger the earth each layer.

No need to throw fats, wool and bones into a compost bone: They do not rot for 3-4 years. And, of course, it is impossible to throw in compost synthetics. Dores, chips, branches - should be smashed and placed on the bottom of the heap: before they rotate, they will work drainage.

How to arrange the right bunch. Primarily - do not make holes. With our sublinks and rains in lowering water accumulates. And without air, putrid microbes freeze and multiply "ferodic-fed" - we are silage so make a cabbage Quasim. Such stinking silos is harmful to plants!

Therefore, find the wrong place. Mandatory in the shadows, otherwise you will have to often water a bunch. Do 2-4 square meters. meter by walls from boards, iron, slate, meter height. On the bottom throw a layer of straw, sawdust, leaves: they form a layer separating compost from the ground, and it will be easy to take for a pitchfork. Better if a bunch is arranged on concrete surface: It is more convenient to work in all respects. And you will have to carry the humus on the wheelbarrow - the tracks are needed.

"Cold" compost pile.

Walls can be three - without anterior. And maybe four, but the front should be removable: the humus has to shock and select. Completes the design of the film sheet, slate or rubberoid, covering the compost from above: the rains should not flush the nutrients. At the same time, the "cover" will reduce the evaporation of moisture. And the humidity is better than more stable. If a bunch is covered and in the shade, it is almost not necessary to water in the summer. And last: if you decide to make the capital walls of brick or concrete, take care to excess water Could flow from below, when it rains.

How to make compost mature. If the layer of the organic is moist and covered with drying, it, in general, is normally ripening and himself. But still…

First. If freshly acted grass, the more silent from dew or rain, pour the half-meter with a layer, it can compact much, and the mentioned "silage" will begin. Therefore, the grass is better to grasp the day. Or alternate with layers of something dry. But the air from the microbes should be! In general, the material layer should not do more than a meter.

"Hot" compost pile.

Second. You can double the ripening, if you scatter a pair of the blade of the Earth for each new layer of organics: bacteria for divorce. Launched by rewinding, seawned water - Leite on a bunch: food microbes.

Third. You can make a mature compost and for the month. For this applies Hot composting. In this case, the volume of the organic should be close to cubic (optimally -1-1.2 m high). In the walls there should be a gap for air (the best - the walls of the grid). Nearby should be the same empty volume to cross the compost. The volume is filled with layers, squeezed with a finished compost or ground, with a lack of moisture, the layers are poured. Here you need to know the properties different materials: Depending on the content of nitrogen or carbon, they behave differently. Azotista Grains, seeds, bread and flour products, food waste, rotting fruits and vegetables, as well as manure and feces are "firebox": their rotting heats up a bunch. Hot pile matures an order faster. But these "stiffness" contain little air and too acids. Therefore, they are glorified carbonic Materials: straw, foliage, grass, sawdust, crushed cardboard, paper. They are air, they themselves almost do not heat, and with rotten, on the contrary, nitrogen consumes. If you take the robust of those and others, the balance is normal. And this mixture is quickly heated. But after 4-6 days, the frying in the center of the heap turns out 70 ° C, and oxygen ends - the microbes begin to die. If a bunch is covered with a film - then after three or four days. Here you take a pitchfork and throw compost on free space. And so - four times. Troublesome. But already by June, it is possible to fall asleep the beds with a layer of fresh compost. And get three portions over the summer. Western farmers are often so composting.

Conclusions are: If in a pile, mostly nitrous materials, the finished compost should be sprinkled with ash, chalk or lime - to deoxine. If only carbon - add nitrogen: urea (carbamide) or nitrate with a kilogram on a cubic meter - rotates faster and feederness will save.

Mature compost (humus) find out simply. It is made dark and monotonous: the differences between different components almost disappear. But the main thing is the smell. All unpleasant odors disappear. Mature compost brightly smells fresh earth or forest underlink. More precisely, this land smells like a compost if there is an organic agent. If it does not smell - this is a dead earth.

Compost tea. One compost shovel is out of a week in 20 liters of water. It turns out a feeding. The same we do with manure or rosakan. Very beautiful reviving fertilizer! True, if there is a humorous mulch, such measures are for nothing - it feels the same, and keeps moisture.

We mention about worms. Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor Anatoly Mikhailovich Igonin dedicated his life to the technology of breeding rainworms. He saw that "... the human health is directly connected with the health and well-being of the rainwrites." And this is not an exaggeration. Flowing through the intestines and organic residues, worms create a unique substance - Biohumus. By nutritional value and biological activity, it is much more valuable to the best humoring or compost. Commercial agronomy primarily destroys the worms: they are afraid of dryness, acidity disorders, excess salts and lack of organics. Breeding worms as Igonin offers, too troublesome. And under the mulley they themselves are divided. You just need to welcome them and feed with plant residues. If the organic layer disappears during the summer from the garden - it's good: worms ate. Our business is to add it.

But where to take it? First, just not to throw away. Secondly, you do not have it simply because you did not ask such a goal. You can carry the leaves, mow bungyan, buy manure, husks, sawdust and other waste. In the West, all organic urban waste is cheaply sold farmers. We want - so it will be with us. For example, I have a composting grass from ten acres of meadows and the whole garbage of the paralisian. A neighbor gives manure. I also buy from the farm. And grabs. All the strength of the site concentrating in several beds. And these beds give incomparably more than the soil - at least as her Pasha and fertilize. Clear beds!


Korovik - fertilizer, which is used for thousands of years. It still does not have an accurate formulation and is in the center of the discussion of opponents and supporters of fertilizer. Let's try to collect the most reliable information on the preparation and use of this feeding.

What gives the use of manure?

Such feeding, despite the advanced technologies, still remains the basis of high productivity in the cultivation of crops. But the cow manure was not always used only as. In India, which has the Millennium of its history, so far this material is used even in the pharmaceutical industry. It serves as the basis of the tablets in contrast to the chalk used in european countries. The binding ability allows you to use it and in the manufacture of the Samana, the building material.

Corobyan is the most affordable organic fertilizer. It costs at times cheaper of various chemical analogues. Plants that focused by the organic matter have the best organoleptic indicators. Cow manure is not only a valuable fertilizer, it is a good protection of plants from garden pests and some diseases. To truly assess its benefit of both ambulance for vegetables, consider its chemical composition.

The content of nitrogen, potassium and calcium in cow dung above in comparison with other excrement of animals. It contains a significant amount of phosphorus. Also, cow manure contains up to 21% of useful compounds. Great water content (up to 78%) maintains the desired level of humidity in the soil. The presence of valuable trace elements in the cowboy is caused by the composition of the feed used for large cattleas well as from the type of bed used.

The organic extensive improves the structure of the soil enriching it with humus, the upper fertile layer. When using a cowboy, sandy and sampling soils begin to become more connected, due to which the humidity is held. Clay soilsOn the contrary, become more loyal. Through the use of cow's manure in such soils, their aeration is improved, air access to plant roots opens. When making fertilizer in different kinds The soil should be borne in mind that the full decomposition of the organic depends on the structure of the soil. In the sandy and sampling, the full period of disintegration of the manure occurs in 3-4 years. IN clay soils And manure lines decomposes up to 7 years.

Stages of readiness of manure and its use

The quality of organic fertilizers depends on the storage time, during which the loss of nitrogen and the decay of organic substances occurs. In any feeding of this type there is a litter (sawdust, peat, straw). In the content of the cows, the straw is most often used as a litter, according to which it is possible to distinguish the degree of readiness of manure to use.

In terms of storage (degree of decomposition), manure is divided into species. The first - fresh and weakly decomposed korovyan is distinguished by non-changing straw, preserving its strength. The second is a semi-surge organic, which contains a straw of dark brown color with poor breaking strength. In the third form, overwhelming, straw has a black color and easily scattered during rubbing. The last stage of decomposition is humorous, which is a homogeneous mass, similar toes with the chernozem. Although it significantly decreases the content of nitrogen, its use is still useful for increasing the fertility of the soil and life of microorganisms.

Introducing organic fertilizers in the soil, it is important to comply with some rules. Optimal option Non-dung bait - autumn plowing. In this case, it is necessary to make a semi-proverse korovyan, which until spring will have time to prohibit finally and the Earth will be ready for planting plants. In the regions with harsh winter and late onset of spring contribute fresh manure Late in the fall under the snow cover to the first frost. This allows you to preserve the soil from deep friction and in the spring a little earlier to start the fallout seedlings. Saving young seedlings from spring frosts can also be used using mulching in a row dry manure.

In already planted beds, it is not recommended to throw fresh manure. It highlights a large amount of ammonia nitrogen, which gradually causes the root of the root system of plants. In addition, it lives a large number of not very friendly microorganisms, due to which various diseases of crops may develop. Also in the litter may contain seeds of weeds, which, occupying in the soil, occupy a plot.

Fresh manure is better to leave for storage, but if there is a need to use fertilizer, then from such a faction, the cowboy is better to prepare a liquid solution for watering. In this case, the substance is bred by water in the ratio of 1:20.

When making manure to the soil, mandatory deep steps are necessary. The norm of manure is 4 kg / m 2. It is also necessary to take into account the structure of the soil: for light soils, the depth of plowing is 20-25 cm, and for heavy - 10-15 cm. Combined feeders can also be used. When using cow's manure, it is often added, given that their content in the source product is relatively low. The korovyak is used at the spring resistance, but it is better to take a rewind, it can be made immediately before planting plants. In the summer, manure is used in a dry form for mulching the soil.

Qualitatively improves the composition of any soil humus - manure, which has passed the full cycle of the biochemical reaction. Its use has a beneficial effect on all types of plants. In addition to potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen it contains magnesium, sulfur, copper and zinc. Humus is suitable for any cultures. Despite the great benefit of organic fertilizers, it is important not to overdo it in this matter. Excessive use leads to increased maintenance of nitrates in the fruits. It is believed that cow manure must be made in the soil at no more than three years. But if, for example, on the site Ros Sunflower, which, as is known, heavily depletes the soil, then the application of fertilizer after its cultivation is necessary.

Secrets of the correct manure blank

The cowing solution is used for watering plants, which significantly improves the yield and the quality of the fruit themselves. The feeder is carried out during the formation of the strings and during fruiting. The fertilizer solution is prepared in the proportion of ¼: 1 - cow manure, 4 - water. It is kneaded in a special capacity and insist at least 10 days. Two or three times a day, the solution must be mixed so that it is enriched with oxygen and the fermentation process began, as a result of which urine acid neutralizes, because its excessive effect on the roots of plants.

Raid solution increases the rate of formation of microbiological reactions in the soil, which affects the increase in yield. All trace elements contained in fertilizers begin to be absorbed by plants only after completely recycled with soil microorganisms. In the process of making a solution, the container must be kept tightly covered. In the concentrate prepared in this way, 10 parts of water are added. For feeding uses 5 l / m 2. Since it is impossible to store the finished fertilizer, because it loses its useful properties, it is better to calculate the volume in advance and cook a korlard at a time. To eliminate the unpleasant odor in the process of kneading and use in solution, you can add silica (powder).

In order to get high-quality fertilizer, and not the usual and low-oily biomass, the manure is placed in the pits (boots) layers, necessarily tamping each layer. From above, the recess is covered with leaves or straw. This method of workpiece in 5 months gives a semi-proverse fertilizer with a large content of nitrogen. With loose storage (without the coupling), a significant part of organic nitrogen evaporates. Sometimes, harvesting manure, each layer is pecking with phosphoric flour in order to increase the content of this element in organic fertilizer. In addition, the superphosphate binds nitrogen, without giving it to disappear. A nitrogen protects fertilizer from freezing.

3852 13.03.2019 4 min.

Each gardener near his garden contains a compost bunch. There is no need to simply throw out vegetable waste, because they can be used to obtain organic compost. The main components for its cooking are under your feet. Here you can use any vegetation. You can even get the leaf from the leaves.

About how the gasoline sprayer is used, indicated in this

What is it and what is his composition

The humus is an important element of the soil, which allows you to determine his fertility. It is formed during the life of microorganisms that are in the ground, decomposing complex organic residues of plants and animals on simple components. These parts will assimilate plants planted in this soil.

In addition to all, organic fertilizers have a positive effect on intricate and air food. It also takes direct participation in the development of bacteria and microorganisms, which live in symbiosis with the root system of plants. Thus, vegetable crops will be able to get affordable nutrient elements. A lot of humus is contained in chicken, cow and. After it decomposes, becomes a valuable fertilizer for vegetable plants.

How is the use of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. indicated in this

The video tells how to cook humus in the country accelerated technology:

Impaired influence

For normal development of the plant, he needs to constantly receive micro and macroelements. When planting a plant in a sandy soil, these elements are contained in small quantities, since they constantly flips the flow of water. When implementing in such a soil of organic fertilizer, you can glue the soil particles on which the chemical components useful for nutrition will remain.

However, one undisputed dignity can be distinguished - the ability to hold moisture from the roots of the plant and, so reliable protection from summer drought and autumn frosts. Use this tool instead of peat, as a soil acidifier.

The video tells about humus as a fertilizer:

A bunch should be tamped and covered with a film. Thus, it is possible to prevent the loss of potassium.
To maintain its valuable properties after winter frosts, a bunch of ground with a layer of earth, the thickness of which is 15 cm. Spring upper ground is removed, but leave the film.

How to use the means from the wires for sowing potatoes, indicated

The process of cooking - the case is simple, but requiring special attention and compliance with certain actions. You need to choose a suitable recipe with what kind of cooking components you have. There are no special differences in the plan of the relevant from the presented types of manure. All of them very positively affect the vegetable culture, contributing to the rapid development and strengthening the root system.

Natural fertilizers are not only obtaining environmentally friendly agricultural products, but also significant savings budget. How to make fertilizers at home and how to use them on their plot - told in this article. We will look at everything possible methods How to make fertilizers with your own hands based on a compost pile and humus.

The purpose of the composting is to get organic fertilizer. And how much is the game worth the candle? How nutritionally is compared to manure? In other words, can it be obtained as a result of proper compilation and storage compost to equate in nutrition to horse manure (from all the nurses of Konsky is considered the best in its properties)? This is a fundamental question.

Why? In horticultural practice, it is somehow forgotten that the initial goal of the composting is to make it from different organic residues (kitchen waste, hay, sawdust, peat.) Fertilizer is the same nutrient as manure.

Manure as fertilizer

We state the immutable truth: for pricework There is nothing better than the manure or dung humor. If the site is located next to the farm and allowed access to manure deposits - both freshly abstract and perennial, then nothing else is needed. For room colors, for landing holes, for bulbs, potatoes and tomatoes, you need to take an old, well-tailed manure, and for cabbage and cucumbers - from another heap of fresh manure. Beauty! All rushing, blooms and poured. Manure, as a fertilizer for crops, has a predominant position, since it contains everything necessary for active growth and development.

But when there is no manure? For compost, in our understanding of this word, in different countries Urban gardeners took in their small gardens, when there was a lack of manure, and his substitute was required.

In the cow manure contains approximately so many nutrients:nitrogen - 0.5%; phosphorus - 0.2%; Potassium - 0.5%.

This is if, roughly speaking, explore the "cake" left by the cow in the field. And if we talk about the underlining manure, into which straw or sawdust is added, then the content individual elements It can decrease.

With such a similar "percent" manure, however, is an excellent fertilizer when making 1-2 buckets on square meter, and under individual cultures or in surveillance Circles It makes 3 or more buckets.

In the horse manure a bit more nutritious elements: nitrogen - 0.6%; phosphorus - 0.3%; Potassium - 0.6%.

How to cook with your own hands

Consider the process of how to make humus correctly in its own area, which should be considered for this. If you want to make your compost more similar to horse manure, then just a little more comfortable to enrich it with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Horse manure has an additional purely "technical" advantages over cow dung. It is better warmed up when creating warm beds, but most of the gardeners do not apply these warmer beds due to the complexity of temperature control. In addition, horse manure contains less water than a cow, is also not a significant advantage for us. It follows from the above that today it is no sense to look for the difference between the horse and cow dung: they would both be the same desired source of fertility for our land.

In truth, most often the garden compost contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at times more than manure! In any case, to have 1.5-2% of nitrogen in the garden compost due to the splashes from the case towards the case of feces - it is typical. In the same way as 2-3% of phosphorus and potassium - at the expense of ash rises, is also occasionally. In general, in different composites, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can hardly ride, so it is difficult to specify uniform numbers for all composts. And those numbers that are given in different books are approximate and for accurate calculations are not suitable.

As for the trace elements, again, the content of them in the compost is often higher and more diverse than in manure. Therefore, in order to prepare humus do not need to use additional nitrogen fertilizers.

In the question of doses of composts per square meter, there is also a proportion of conventions. Compost can be made, like manure, 1-3 buckets per square meter, and if it is a rich compost (say, fecal or rally), then no more than 1 bucket per square meter.

Consequently, not only possible, but also need to strive to make compost equivalent to manure or even a nutrient. Get rid of the "sense of inferiority" - this important factor When composting, the gardener should not have the feeling that his "product" with all the efforts still displaces to the present manure. Strive to create an organic fertilizer, not inferior to manure, is our the main task When composting, not tribute to some newfold technology. In order to better cope with this task, it is not superfluous to understand a couple of simple things.

1. Home value Manure as fertilizers in that it contains a lot of nitrogen and carbon material. Nitrogen contributes to the growth and development of plants to the maximum size, and this is a crop growth, which, as we know, is necessarily observed when making manure. The carbon material replenishes or even hesitates the content of humus in the soil, thus laying fertility for the future. Manure not only increases the harvest, but also works for the future (according to its background, in the next 1-2 years, it can be made to the soil, for example, one ash - and it will still be noticeable high yield, All thanks to the dung carbon and nitrogen made with manure and nitrogen, which entered the humus). This is a significant difference between manure mineral fertilizer. And, accordingly, our compost will also be also distinguished by the content of nitrogen and carbon from mineral fertilizers.

In some cases, the gardeners are such a compost that there is almost no nitrogen in it, because they did not care about its content. Carbon is, and nitrogen is not enough. Such compost is obtained from peat, from sawdust, from straw, from fallen leaves. Sometimes - from bevelled grass: it was so long worried in a heap, trying to strictly observe the "biennium cycle" that gaseous nitrogen losses became excessive. Such without nitrogen compost, of course, well burst the soil, but, alas, the rapid growth will not cause.

Or - the opposite, many buy the so-called "liquid manure" - a solution of humate, which does not contain carbon material (more precisely, it is not enough there, although the solution and has a dark color: organic humic substances are there, but can I compare the amount contained in them Carbon with a truck of manure - with that "ton manure", which allegedly replaces the bottle of humate!). After all, few people understand the importance of carbon for soil. The solution of humate due to high nitrogen content will give good growth and an increase in the current harvest, but it will not increase the content of humus in the soil. Without humus soil is unreliable. With Gumus, it is reliable as in the black soil! The more humus, themer the color of the soil. It is carbon material that makes it dark. Hence, the conclusion: a compost from heavy sawdust will go, from straw, from tops - all this turns into a dark mass containing carbon. Otherwise, when combustion, all carbon leaves for a gift, in the air, in the form of CO2.

2. Manure to become a fertilizer, just fall to the ground. Just "slap on the ground" from the cow. Everything! Here is a cow on the field, lazily chewing the beam of grass, and throws off behind the pellets - all, the manure has already walked into the cycle of substances in nature. He is already in this form created by nature as the best fertilizer! No complex technologies for further departure of manure, according to its fermentation - are not required. They fundamentally do not change anything: the manure and without them is an excellent fertilizer, and, then happen on the garden, it would be worth only to pour out the earth to avoid losses of nitrogen. Until now, passing through the Millennium, the best for the crop is the technology of launching fresh or premature manure: let a shallow one, by 5-10 cm, but it must be mixed with the ground, so that the nutrients are more preserved, and the roots of the plants are abuse. And if there is a lot of manure, it is laid on the surface in the form of a mulch - and this is also a fertilizer: having won the hazardous stage of "burns", the roots are then suitable from below and receive food from his overheating.

To be traced an analogy with a compost: it most often serves good fertilizer For plants than it may seem. He just needs to give time. Even incorrectly cooked compost then recover in the ground, if you do not expect immediate action.

If you observe in the field for the further fate of the cow's cow's cow, then you can see how it is greedy and almost without a residue it will be divided during the next days between all grains. First fly flies to postpone the larvae, then when the pellet gets up, they will begin to eat from the inside of all sorts of beetles-insurgent. Only rain will have time to wash out something for plants, but they, according to nature, should be enough: unfortunately wondered around the fields once a fine amount, and they left a lot of litter. There were enough plants: with constant updating, it is not necessary to receive the roots of all the cake at the disposal of the roots. Strong shower or thawed water immediately carry soluble substances from fresh and allowing manure into the soil. Fresh manure does not burn roots, as every rain is washed out of it only a small part of substances in the form of weak solution. By the way, fresh manure is not so easily washed with rainwater: it swells in the form of a dense monolith, from which excess water is simply rolling. Who collected in the field a manure for a cow flock, will understand what they say: wetting it, it is easily and completely removed from herbs, like jelly. It is most often littering and its remnants accumulate in the felt of herbal litter, saturating humus upper centimeters of the soil. The usual process of soil formation. Each soil has on top of such "felt", and in each soil under this felt 3-5 cm its thickness has a sharply increased content of humus - this thin layer is stronger and love the roots of plants and, if possible, capture it first. The gardener must "fuck and cherish" first of all this upper layer, not allowing him to disperse, - with the help of mulch, which mimics "felt".

In other words, the "paths" of manure can be a different one, but in any case it will serve fertilizer. It can not be that manure is harmful. The error is mostly alone - allow the nitrogen to destroy during storage: it would be nice to pour out the earth. However, there is another common mistake in working with manure: to confuse, what cultures need fresh manure, and what is the last.

As for different technologies Working with manure and compost, they are all good in some cases: not because the best, but because in different situations It is more convenient to use this or that technology.

For example, a good liquid feeding is a herbal fertilizer, which is equal to the navitae, is obtained using anaerobic microorganisms, and the classic crumbling compost for the spring fertilizer of the soil - with the help of aerobic. Power quality for plants in both cases depends on what you will feed your microbes. Compost is a good or weak, - it is necessary to recognize this in time to straighten the situation. With the proper ability of the Organic decomposes confidently and quickly enough, because it is impossible to "hide" from the dispute of mushrooms, and for them the main thing is humidity and heat. Gardening composting technique does not feel any difficulties with the nutrition of their plants, it receives fertilizers in large volumes and quickly. He even has an excess fertilizer!

It is necessary to clarify such a concept as "humid". Under the word "humus" always understand the product of "experiences" of all sorts of organic residues, including animals. For example, it is written in the BSE that humus is "a complex of organic substances of the soil, formed during the decomposition and humification of plant and other organisms." Then by some authors and editors, for some reason, the concept of humus was obsessed: only the product decomposition of manure was stubbornly called. Like, when the manure sings, it is humus, and when the grass is singing, then this is something else. And how should the compost decomposition product be called?

Compost pile at the cottage

If you will simply drop all the waste in one place, then you will get a magnificent compost pile at the cottage! Is that possible. Having accumulated over the summer of all sorts of organic residues - and in the fall in the garden or the prioric circles of fruit trees. Or in the spring to wear (but if under fruit trees, it is better yet in the fall!). This is the path of the so-called one-year compost, that is, "from spring to spring". Even in such a simplified case, it is an excellent fertilizer. Considering the rather fast rate of decomposition of small organic substances, it is tolerant: per season of the organizing partially began to collapse, and in the ground everything will turn out completely quite quickly. But such a "raw" fertilizer will feed the plants over a long period. Only with such use must all the contents of the heaps need to be mixed before making so that later layers would be mixed with more decomposed bottom layers of compost.

Compost pile do it yourself

A compost pile with your own hands is it easier to now: put the box without the bottom of the appropriate sizes in any covered corner of the garden. The required component to the drawer is a flat track. If possible, put the track from light tiles to it, as it will come to rainy weather.

Mix the compost in the fall before making - it is not so difficult, as it may seem, you do not need to raise the whole heap on the willars. Stirring occurs by itself with another operation. After throwing down the box, you gradually need to chop the top of a sharp shovel. It is convenient to "comprise" a shallow crushevo from the edge, mixing the layers and immediately filling with them buckets. Since it happens in the fall, you can add to this compost and the collected foliage. And it is possible and the autumn vegetable tops. The main thing is to mix well before digging (when in the soil fresh tops falls with pieces of old brave vegetation, it serves "Racing", there is an acceleration of the destruction of the tops, everything will be ready in the spring best of sight). Either the fallen foliage and the tops are already on the next compost bunch. Only install a new box elsewhere.