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What to feed the seedlings of pepper in the greenhouse. What to feed peppers in the greenhouse? During the fruiting of pepper and for rapid ripening of fruits

It is difficult to imagine a modern table without sweet pepper. This vegetable attracts cooks with its excellent taste, nutritionists note low calorie with an excellent set of vitamins. The consumer likes a special taste and aroma. Therefore, in beds, a delicious pasty culture has won its place.

It is cultivated not only in the southern regions, even in rather cool places with a short summer try to grow an indispensable vitamin product.

Sweet pepper is a rather thermal-loving plant. It is grown both in the open soil, applying the simplest shelter and in the greenhouses.

As practice shows the yield inside the structures of the protected soil by 30 ... 50% higher than it is obtained on the field. It is sufficient to simply: there are no sharp drops of temperature, which during the cooling period overlap. Food from the roots is constantly, which is a guarantee of an increase in yield.

It is known that in order to obtain the greatest recoil when growing any agricultural culture, you need to create maximum conditions under which all positive qualities of the plant are manifested. So for pepper it is necessary to fulfill certain activities:

  • the soil layer should be sufficiently lightweight, the content of the sand component in the upper part, where the main root system is located, should contain at least 50% of sand;
  • weakly acidic soil reaction (pH \u003d 5.8 ... 6.3). In the preparation of the soil under the landing in it, 10 ... 15 g of hazed lime per 1 m 2 is added;
  • a good growth occurs at a light day lasting 8 ... 14 hours. Long summer days with high intensity of solar radiation are sometimes excess, they tire the plant, therefore it is desirable to cover from direct sunlight.
    In the greenhouses from polycarbonate, the bandwidth is at the level of 82 ... 87%. Therefore, the sun's rays act weaker. However, while reducing the light day, the bushes is preferably free, photosynthesis is possible only when irradiated at least 8 hours;
  • at the temperature of the soil 15 ... 23 ° C root system provides normal nutrition, the growth of stems and fruits occurs quite intensively. The air temperature is over 18 ° C but not more than 28 ° C is optimal for growth. At night, a temperature drop is needed to 15 ° C. Then sugar accumulates in the fruits;
  • sweet pepper is demanding of moisture. But watering should alternate with air flow to roots. Therefore, the organization of drip irrigation will be optimal. We need fairly warm water, not cooler 18 ° C. Therefore, when growing inside the greenhouses, the containers are set, where the heating fluid heat is heating during the day;
  • so that the plant develops during the entire period of the growing season is needed. They are produced by organic or mineral fertilizers. However, the use of manure from cattle or sheep is undesirable. Soil acidity increases.

How to produce undercam

Does special fertilizers need for peppers? How and when to make feeding? - These and similar questions ask novice dacities.

The frequency of subcord

In the greenhouse, peppers will have to be from mid-April to the last days of October. He can grow further. It is known that this plant is perennial. On the windowsides, many users are growing for several years, giving an abundant harvest.

Additional fertilizers must be made as the height of the stalk increases. After transplanting to emergency peat pots, it is advisable to give a small bait.

Seedling grows quickly. But she needs to grow not in height, and styling. Therefore, potash and phosphate fertilizers are needed at the potassium potassium. To get involved in nitrogen feeds during this period should not be.

Each plants pour out five to seven grains of potash salt and superphosphate. For the period from March to mid-April, when a landing in the construction of protected soil will be made, this quantity will be enough.

Before boarding at a permanent place, you need to eat the soil. Need to be made:

  • gypsum (powder), if pH \u003d 6.5 ... 7.2, or haired lime, at pH \u003d 5.2 ... 6.0. The amount depends on the soil reaction. Usually you need about 10 ... 15 g / m 2. It is not difficult to check out, there are leaflets of litmus paper, as well as indicator scales with which the level of the pH is specified;
  • boric acid in the amount of 3 g / m 2;
  • ammonia Selitra 15 ... 18 g / m 2;
  • superphosphate 22 ... 25 g / m 2;
  • potash salt 8 ... 12 g / m 2.

After making, mix thoroughly. The planting wells must be shed a pale-pink solution of potassium mangartage. The soil will take another small portion of potash fertilizers and the manganese, necessary for the growth of green mass.

Subsequent feeders are needed with a periodicity of two weeks. The most distribution of fertilizers are fulfilled in mid-September. Before closing the season, the plants will be used what was obtained for several months.

Green mass is not needed. The fruit ovary is stopped, there will be no colors. Influence of a reduction in the daylight.

Attention! In the telice, where the illumination and maintenance of the required temperature is possible, the cultivation of pepper can be continued. You need to give for about a month so that the plants rested. Then start feeding, stimulating growth and fruiting.

Pepper feeders

It is impossible not to tell about organic feeding. They are needed, since the use of organic contributes to an increase in soil fertility.

Organic feeding grass

Herbal infusion is used in cases where there is no manure or litter on the site. In this case, it is enough to have weeds.

You need to dial in the total mass of at least 6 ... 7 kg of weeding herbs. It is desirable that among them were:

  • nettle, it contains a large amount of protein, which, when moving, forms easily durable nitrogen and potash fertilizers;
  • the winch, it has a lot of sugar, as well as phosphorus. In decomposition, compounds soluble in the soil will be formed;
  • celest, contains iodine, potassium and sulfur. All these substances are useful for any plant;
  • dandelion and a shepherd bag are removed from the soil phosphorus and potassium. If you force these weeds to wander in solution, then they will be returned from the soil;
  • drinus creeping contains a huge amount of nitrogenous compounds, its rapid growth is the result of a magnificent absorption of nitrogen from the soil;
  • bean crops, for example, mouse peas will add all the necessary nutrient complex to the solution.

You can not ferment, but only grind all collected weeds. But they may be seeds that will start germinate, interfering with cultural plantations. When saving the germination of seeds is lost. They become unnaviable.

All collected weed plants are stacked in a barrel or a flag (the flag is preferable, the cover is tightly closed). Then pour water. It is not necessary to warm, the container will be in the sun, where it will warm.

When fermentation starts, the internal response will maintain a temperature of several degrees above the surrounding value. It is advisable to close. If there is no lid, then polyethylene stretch.

Attention! They are covered so that a rather sharp and unpleasant smell does not spread around the solution.

After 10 ... 15 days (with an average air temperature of 18 ... 22 ° C), fermentation stops. All nutrients from stalks and leaves moved into a liquid. You can use organic fertilizer. Before use, small portions are diluted at least 10 times. The concentration of nutrients is very high.

The sweet pepper is poured with a solution at the rate of 10 liters of liquid per square meter of landings. The solution can maintain its properties within one and a half months. If you keep the container open, part of the nitrogen is destroyed.

Competent gardens overflow the solution. The remaining overwhelming stems are used as a mulch, laying them on the bed. Time will make its work, laid items are rotting during the summer.

Organic denuncation manure (litter)

If there is a rabbit manure, then it can be used without prior preparation. Katios are scattered in the roar of pepper.

Watering with water, you can observe how the balls gradually dissolve and are absorbed in the soil. This is the soft and most useful of all kinds of organic fertilizers. It has all the necessary substances. Even trace elements are presented in full.

Other types of organods will have to soak. It is necessary to ferment, as a result of which the manure from the untouchable form will become affordable for plants.

4 ... 6 kg of organic inclusions must be dissolved in 40 ... 60 liters of water. We also have to close so that unpleasant odors do not interfere with others. As a result of fermentation:

  • plant seeds present in the Organic will die and never germinate;
  • all nutrients will switch to an affordable form and are dissolved in water.

It is necessary to water the plants, separating the resulting liquid one to ten. The remaining dry residue can be shoved. He will long give the remaining food in it.

Mineral subcords

The easiest way to feed mineral fertilizers. Nitroammofoska contains 16% of all necessary substances. It is bred in irrigation water. On 10 liters of water you need to pour 60 g of granules. Then pour an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter.

Nitroposki, in which all fertilizers are contained at 10 ... 12%, it is necessary to add more, about 75 g per 10 liters of water.

You can independently prepare a mixture of mineral fertilizers, and apply for regular feeding during the growing season. Sweet pepper will give a harvest in the greenhouse from mid-July to frosts.

Pepper sweet is a representative of the Polenic (along with eggplants and tomatoes). This multi-year view of the plant, the fruits of which are used both in fresh and in the treated form, is a shrub. Vegetable culture perfectly responds to substances entered into the soil. Especially good peppers tolerate nitrogen and potassium, but with chlorine you need to be careful - the vegetable does not like him.

What sweet pepper loves

In general, the pepper is known as a rather whimsical plant, but it is not worth it to be afraid and abandon culture. It must be remembered that it does not tolerate abundant irrigation, as well as the lack of water. Pepper is good fruit, when it is warm and sunny weather. Soil looser should be carried out carefully, since the vegetable culture has a surface root system.

It should be remembered that such a vegetable culture, like pepper, loves a loamy and fertile soil. The plant does not tolerate heavy earth, because it is acidic. If there is such a soil on the site, it should be facilitated. To do this, use peat or sand, which is introduced at the Packet of Earth. Together with this, you can add last year's organic mixtures, for example, cow manure or compost.

From factors such as seedlings, vegetable grade, weather conditions depends on the composition of organic and mineral fertilizers added to the soil. Also, you should understand why it is specifically used for a sweet bell pepper. For example, for the growth and development of the plant (before the start of the formation of the fruit), phosphoric additives are necessary. During the period of active formation of barriers, pepper requires potassium. Throughout the period, starting with the development and growth, and ending with flowering, vegetable culture needs feeding from calcium and nitrogen.

Did you know?
With long-term cloudy weather, the number of potash fertilizers should be increased, about 1/5 part. In the event that the street is dry and sunny, on the contrary, the amount of 20% should be reduced.

Podrelka on the open soil

When seedling grows up to the desired value, go to its landing into open ground. Peppers before that need to carefully easily. For these purposes, wood ash, potassium sulfate, as well as humid and superphosphates. To simplify the task, you can take advantage of the finished complex fertilizer for sweet peppers, which contain a balanced amount of beneficial substances. Fortunately, in the 21st century in the market can easily find such mixtures. After disembarking seedlings into open ground, it should be continued to feed with a clear frequency to the stage of formation of the first fruit.

In general, the deadline for the beginning of the feeding of pepper depends on such factors as the time of disembarking, the volume, number and composition of the first fertilizers. For example, in the case of feeding the soil in the fall, it will take less mineral fertilizers in the spring.

Sweet peppers planted on the outdoor ground traditionally feed once every 3 weeks. The seedling market is carried out when the height is reached by a height of about 15-25 centimeters, as well as when the buds are embedded. About 2.5 weeks after the transplantation of vegetable culture at a permanent place, it blooms. It is during this period that the first feeding is carried out.

To do this, use nonstable cow manure or a bird litter solution divorced in water. If there are no finished organic fertilizers, pepper fertilize with a composition dissolved in warm water, from ammonia nitrate, superphosphate, and potassium.

Useful fact

Beautiful fertilizer that contains all the necessary macro and trace elements serves herbal cocktail. It is very easy to do it yourself. For this, they will need herbs such as dandelion, nettle, plantain, as well as any weeds. Plants are finely cut and used as feeding.

Second feeding pepper

After two weeks, after the first payment of the beneficial substances, the second feeding should be conducted. It falls at the time of formation of inflorescences, up to the formation of the first fruit. In case the mineral agents were previously used, now organic substances should be used. To do this, you can use urea, bird litter, as well as manure since last year. The ingredients dissolve in water and insist during the week. The feeder is made as follows: five liters of fluid per square meter of the site.

How to improve yield?

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

Read ...

As already written above, peppers need various trace elements throughout the term of development and growth. These include phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, moldben, manganese and boron. Extra-corner feeding is an ideal way to make beneficial substances. In other words, pepper is subjected to spraying with a solution containing the necessary elements.

Fertilizer pepper in greenhouses

A strange fact, but pepper, which is grown in a greenhouse, and not on the outdoor soil, feeds with the useful substances in a completely different scheme. So, the organic has a positive effect on the number of future harvest, and minerals are responsible for the height and volume of bushes.

When planting pepper to a greenhouse, you should adhere to the following fertilizer application scheme:

Rules of subcord

There are a number of rules that must be observed when organizing feeding for seedlings of sweet peppers:

  • This vegetable culture does not very well tolerate fresh manure. Best for these purposes is suitable for last year's fertilizer.
  • Seedlings are forbidden to feed after the dive procedure, you should wait two weeks.
  • The fertilizer solution should be slightly warmer room temperature.
  • The feeder should be carried out carefully, without falling on the stems and leaves of pepper.
  • The best time to fertilize peppers is early morning or evening after sunset.

Pepper fertilizer types

Mineral feeding for peppers are applied only in liquid form. The powders are made to breed in water room temperature to the necessary consistency, after which the ground is soaked under the plant, without falling on the stems and leaves. To date, in the market of garden products, you can find various mineral mixtures. Specialists and experienced gardeners advise to acquire complex products that have a balanced composition.

As for organic fertilizers, here is the best option to last year's manure and bird litter. This type of feeding has a beneficial effect on the number of future harvest and its fruitful properties. Soil feeding fertilizer is carried out in accordance with previously developed diagrams, in order not to overlapping a vegetable culture.

Folk remedies for fertilizers from ash and shell

If you put the prepared fertilizer next to the sediment of pepper, the hydrogen sulfide in the air will be positively influenced by the plant, stimulating its development. Before making the resulting solution, the soil should be thoroughly fluffed.

How to eat yeast

The introduction into the soil yeast has a positive effect on the composition of the soil, completely rebuilding its structure. The feeding microorganisms contribute to rapid growth of seedlings, and also increase the yield of vegetable culture.

In order to prepare feeding, the following ingredients should be mixed: 10 grams of dry yeast, water bucket, 4 tablespoons of sugar sand. The resulting solution is concentrated, so before the fertilizer of the soil should be diluted with water in the proportion of one to ten.

Experienced garders sometimes replace yeast on wheat grain. To do this, they should be poured with water and leave in a warm place for a day. During this time, the grains will swell, after which they need to be confused in the toss and mix with sugar. Before using fertilizers, the mass is also diluted with water in proportion to one to ten.

Additional fertilizer application

Sometimes it happens that vegetable culture requires additional fertilizer's introduction over the main scheme and feeding rates. This can happen in cases where the soil is too acidic and the pepper bushes very slowly grow.

Additional feeding is performed in accordance with the following rules:

Perepariming soil can adversely affect the fertility of peppers.

When making fertilizers and feeding sweet peppers, it is necessary to understand, somehow or another affects the plant, as well as what consequences can be from an overdose:


Pepper is undoubtedly a popular vegetable on the Russian table. It is consumed in the raw form (adding to salads), as well as in the treated - marinated stew. Thanks to the peculiar taste and the useful composition of the vegetable won the love of gardeners.

Summing up, it should be noted that the feeding of such a vegetable culture as pepper has a great influence on its yield. It is important to make feeding according to the scheme and within the recommended norm, not overgrowing the soil. And remember, the plant, followed by the correctly caught, will definitely thank you with juicy fruits.

Options for feeding peppers

And a little about the secrets of the author

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ATTENTION, only today!

Pepper, as well as tomatoes, eggplants, belongs to the family of the Polenic. All these vegetable crops speak very well on Mineral fertilizers introduced into the soil, especially for potassium and nitrogen, and only the pepper needs in them are somewhat higher than that of tomatoes. Poor tolerate chlorine pepper. By virtue of this, the fertilizer should use components with minimal chlorine content, and even better, without it.

The composition of mineral fertilizers, which contribute to the ground, is highly dependent on both the varieties of the seedlings and its age, weather conditions and the size and quantity of the shaped strings.

It should be understood, for what purpose are those or other fertilizers. So for normal growth and development, since the appearance of the first sprouts and before the start of fruit, pepper needs phosphoric fertilizers. Throughout the growth time, development and fruiting, he needs nitrogen and calcium. In the period when plants actively form the ovary, so that they normally develop, it is necessary to feed the potash fertilizers.

So, if there is a long time on the street, there is a cloudy, little sunny weather, then you need to increase the number of potash fertilizers by about 20%. In case of constant solar weather, the number of potash fertilizers is reduced by 20%.

Before proceeding with the seedlings falling into beds, they must be prepared in a special way and easily. To the greenhouse soil must be made, at the rate of 1M 2, the following fertilizers:

  • 1h. spoon of potassium sulfate;
  • 1st. spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 Woody ash;
  • ½ bucket by humus or compost (last year's).

Mineral fertilizers listed above can be replaced with complex, preferably specialized, introducing, approximately 1-2 tbsp. Spoons for each m 2. Before making carefully read the composition specified on the package. If the fertilizer contains a large amount of chlorine, it is better not to use it, since the pepper is very poorly tolerates this substance. (See Fertilizer Tomato in Teplice)

After the fertilizers have been made to carry out the loosely shameful people of the ridge, and then shed it with warm water and covered with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, up to the time of plant landing.

Fundamental rules

  1. Feed peppers every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, stretched water. Its temperature should be close to the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse (approximately +25 0 s).
  2. Before making feeding, each plant should be wedged with warm water, and only then make fertilizers.
  3. After the procedure was carried out, the soil around each plantingly shamelessly shame, if it is not insured.
  4. It is necessary to alternate feeders organic mineral fertilizers.
  5. Any feeding should be carried out only by wet soil. Therefore, a couple of days before, the plants need to be shedding.

It is important: not to give peppers excess nitrous fertilizers, as this will lead to increasing by plants with a large green mass, to the detriment of the tying and the development of fruits.

Organization of the procedure during the season

When to feed?

The deadlines for the start of the feeding depends on what time and in what volume, as well as, the ridge was filled, on which pepper is planted. If the compost or humidiation was laid in the soil, and in the spring, the earth was fertilized in the spring, then the fertilizers need less and the feeding can be carried out somewhat later.

Peppers landed in small greenhouses can be fed somewhat less frequent in 15-20 days.

First subordinate

The planting of pepper seedlings into the greenhouse is carried out when the height of the plant reaches 15-25 cm, it has at least 8 real leaves and buds are already laid. Thus, about 14-15 days after the transplantation of peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom.

It is at this time that the first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is held. You can use a solution of any bird litter in water, in proportion 1:15, which has been fed no less than 5 days, or liquid korovyat in the ratio of 1:10, has been blown during the week.

In the event that there are no organic fertilizers, then 40 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate can be dissolved, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and rescued water.

Tip: Very good fertilizer containing all the micro-elements necessary for plants, is the so-called "herbal tea". Make it yourself very very simple: nettle, moc., Dandelion, plantain or mother-and-stepmother, that is, any weeds that you delete from your site, finely fuse or cut.

It is important that there are no seeds and roots on the plants. All this green "Kashitsa", the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will interfere with 100 liters of barrel. There are 1stand of any ash and a bucket of a cowboat. In rocked water, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed.

The resulting composition should flow at least a week. The first feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse, and any other crops, including pepper, is carried out by 1-2l per plant.

Two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of the barrows and the development of fruits, the second feeding is carried out.

Second subcord

In the event that the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, the second should contain organic matter. To do this, you can dilute 1 glass of urea, ½ bucket of any bird litter, 1 bucket of last year's manure. All components are poured with water and left for insistence for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of the solution for each 1M 2.

In the event that you have noticed the fragility of the stems or pepper shoots, as well as saturated dark green leaves, speaking about the excess amount of nitrogen in the soil, can be filing the plants, dissolving 1 t. Spoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Extra-green subcords

Throughout the term of growth and development of peppers, plants need both in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as in such trace elements, such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese.

It is a good way to convey all these necessary and important substances to the plant is an extraordinary feeder, simply put, spraying the entire plant with a solution of fertilizers.

If the plants are poorly growing, the extractive feeding will help to stimulate the processes of growth and development. For this you need to dilute in 10 liters of water 1 h. Spoon of urea.

In the event that plants began to drop flowers and wounds, it can help an extraordinary feeding of peppers with a solution of boric acid (solution of 1 h. Looping 10 liters of water). When the fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1C. Spoons of superphosphate in 5 liters of water.

Before proceeding with spraying, the prepared solutions should be strain, and then sprayed by means of a spray.

In order to protect the pepper in a greenhouse from pests such as a web tick and a wave, as well as to increase the stability of this culture to various diseases, it is recommended to periodically carry out extraxnealing plant feeding with an aqueous ash solution in which all the necessary elements are contained.

Bulgarian pepper belongs to the Polenic family and is a thermo-loving plant, depending on the climate of the region, it can grow in soil, greenhouses or greenhouses. This vegetable is required to potassium and nitrogen, so the question often arises: how to feed the pepper in the greenhouse? When making feeding, varieties should be taken into account.

In the initial stages of plants simply need phosphoric fertilizers, as they stimulate the development of the roots, and for stimulating the formation of fruits, preparations containing calcium and nitrogen should be used. The soil substrate in a greenhouse or a greenhouse for peppers should also have sufficient fertility, if the soil is scarce, peppers can dwell and do not give such desired fruits.

Pepper is a very thermal-loving plant, namely, all optimal conditions of humidity and temperature are created in the greenhouse, as a result of which Bulgarian sweet pepper from the greenhouse will delight you with species and taste.

    Preparation of greenhouse soil

    Technique of undercaming

    First introduction

    Second contribution

    Mode Podcord


Preparation of greenhouse soil

Growth processes directly depend on the composition of the soil, into which pepper seedlings plant, so before landing seedlings it is necessary to prepare greenhouse soil.

To do this, measures should be carried out, disinfecting soil, for this, use a weak-pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 liters of solution per square meter). The following solutions contribute before landing:

  • the solution of overwhelmed manure, for its preparation, use one liter of a cowboat, a spoon of copper municipal per 10 liters of fluid. This solution is made at a dose of five liters per meter approximately 5-6 days before planting pepper seedlings;
  • a mixture of 20 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and azophoski;
  • to prevent the appearance of excessive dampness, the soil should be sprinkled with ash or dolomite flour, these substances can avoid increasing acidity;
  • the introduction of sawdust, rewinding the manure and peat into the soil makes it possible to improve its structure, sometimes the chopped egg shell is used for these purposes.

In some cases, greenhouses are prepared in the autumn period of time, and 5 kilograms of fertilizer per meter can be used as nitrogen fertilizer, and the superphosphate can be made at a dose of 50 gr per meter.

After autumn feeding, in spring the soil is enough to overcoil with turnover of the formation.

In the varieties of pepper grown in the greenhouses there must be a long time of vegetation. Famous varieties of pepper for greenhouses are:

  • "Amik F1" is an exotic type of peppers with cream-colored fruits;
  • "Golden Pheasant";
  • "Sun";
  • "Orange Miracle";
  • red fruits have - "Veronica", "Anastasia", "Kolobok", "Shorokshara".

Technique of undercaming

To cultivate pepper in the greenhouse, it is very important not to abuse fertilizers, so it is enough to make useful elements with periodicity every two weeks.

Previously, peppers should be hid abundantly and only then make fertilizer.

Then the looping is carried out if the soil surface is not needed to rot. The organic and minerals need to be correctly alternating during the entire growing season.

For the correct feeding, you must follow the following deadlines and proportions.

First introduction

At the initial stage, feeding the peppers in the greenhouse is held 10-15 days after the placement of pepper bushes at a permanent place.

Often, the seedlings are planted at the stage of achieving a height of 20 cm. At the moments of formation of obscenities, bird litter should be made, observing the dosage 1 part of the litter and 10 parts of water.

Important! Experienced vegetables are recommended to consume both micro and macroelements - the collection of herbs. In this case, various herbs (nettle, wet, osry) are finely crushed, two choping of wood ash and a bucket of overwhelmed manure are added, put all this into a capacity of 100 liters and add water.

At the same time, herbal cleric should be about 8 kilograms. Such a solution is insist for 10 days, then watered, approximately 1.5 liters per bush.

Second contribution

For the second time, peppers feed in 15 days, it is during this period that an alternation should be considered, that is, if at the beginning, you carried out with mineral fertilizers, it means that the next time it is carried out by organ-containing elements.

As a feeding, the following useful substances are used: a glass of urea, half a bucket of aviation bucket of overwhelmed manure, all components fall asleep into a container or capacity of 100 liters and add water.

Then they give it to stand for 8 days, after which the watering is carried out, at the rate of 5 liters of the meter solution.

The rich-green color of the leaves and stems, signals that in the soil there is an excessive nitrogen content, in these cases should be prepared such a mixture: 10 liters of water are made for h. A spoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Spraying or extractive feeders solve several problems:

  • for stimulation of growth processes, peppers spray with a solution: one teaspoon of urea for 10 liters of water;
  • if the pepper drops the leaves and the fruits, the fruits should be carried out with a solution: a teaspoon of boric acid and 10 liters of water;
  • if the fruits are uneven, then it is necessary to spray with a mixture of one tea lodge of superphosphate and 5 liters of water.

To protect plants in a greenhouse from pests, spraying with an aqueous solution of ash.

Important! The pepper negatively refers to surpluses of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such an oversupply leads to the formation of a saturated green ground mass, but slows down the formation of uncens and fruits.

Mode Podcord

Develop the feeding mode during the growing season should be based on what fertilizers were made to the soil in autumn and spring time.

Peppers that grow in small greenhouses should be checked about once every two weeks 3 times per season.

Phosphoric fertilizers should be made during the entire period, one can say from seed to the fruit formation period.

Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system and accelerates the ripening of fruits.

Almost the same effect has magnesium and calcium, so the timely and regular introduction of such fertilizers will help to obtain excellent crops of fragrant peppers.

Organic fertilizers need peppers throughout the entire period, the main requirement for such fertilizers is the introduction of drugs in small doses.

Important! To save bushes, fresh manure should not be used as organic fertilizer, as it can cause damage and bushes will simply burn.

Effective fertilizer is a solution containing:

  1. Ammonia Selitra - 20 grams.
  2. Potassium sulfate - 30 grams.
  3. Superphosphate - 40 gr.
  4. 10 liters of water.

Conduct regular bushes inspections, and if you find the following undesirable signs:

  1. Twisting of focusing plates is noticed about the lack of potassium.
  2. If on the back of the leaves, the pepper appeared a darkened color (purple) - this indicates a lack of phosphoric elements.
  3. Gray color stalks and leaves signals a lack of nitrogen.

In such cases, it will help you with the help of spraying, a huge plus of extra-root feeding is that nutrients with this method quickly penetrate the leaves and stems and have a positive effect.

In rare cases, additional feeders are carried out, which have a targeted action, for example:

  • strengthening growth processes;
  • acceleration of ripening effects;
  • stimulation of the formation of uncess.


Of the above information, it is easy to understand that for obtaining a good crop peppers, three important actions should be done:

  • the right choice of varieties;
  • well prepare soil;
  • develop a competent scheme for feeding and knowing exactly what to bite peppers in the greenhouse.

Observing all the stages, be sure you will delight your loved ones and relatives sweet and fragrant fruits of the Bulgarian pepper. Good luck!

Pepper, like most Parenic, belongs to those vegetables that do not tolerate low temperatures. Grow a decent harvest is a real problem for cold climatic zones. Experienced gardeners and gardeners lovers know that for growing pepper Must have greenhouse (or greenhouse) and good fertilized soil. The soil must be saturated with the necessary substances and mineral additives for optimal growth and development of peppers seedlings. It is necessary to monitor the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in the ground, because these substances are fundamental for the development of the root system and the formation of fruits. Nitrogen has the property to wash out due to frequent irrigation, so it is added more often. There are a lot of money and recipes, than you can feed pepper in the greenhouse. We will talk about them in this article.

Perecorchi Perepsev

Follow the mode of making feeding - a prerequisite for the cultivation of peppers.

For the first time, feeding for peppers are brought 1 month after landing, then - regularly every 10 days.

For the first dressing, a mixture of cow litter and water is suitable in a ratio of 1 to 8. It is possible to add to the "korovyan" weakly concentrated mineral-containing fertilizers, in which case the proportion varies and is 1 to 6.

Once every 4 weeks spray plants with 0.12% calcium nitrate or phosphorosophone potassium 0.1%. Spraying is carried out during the ventilation of the greenhouse to avoid the thermal burn of the leaves.

Pepper feeder recipe in greenhouses

The recipe of our grandmothers is irrigated by navigasy - is also effective and able to create competition with industrial fertilizers. The recipe is simple:

  • 4 medium cow pellets wept with warm water of 24-27 degrees in a 12 liter bucket (you can use buckets from under putty). The ratio of a cowboy in relation to water should be 1:10. We close the lid and insist the day in warmth. Two bucket of the resulting null concentrate is added when watering on a five-liter bucket. You can also add double superphosphate (50 grams per 10 liters of the finished solution). Watering peppers with a root with a solution. Consumption: 1 liter of solution on 1 plant.

When the first colors appear and before the formation of zins in the greenhouses, we continue to feed the plants.

Methods of subcord

Shopping fertilizers contribute in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, the fir-handed fertilizers - in accordance with generally accepted doses. It is possible to adjust the amount of fertilizer according to the individual conditions of plant content in the greenhouse.

To shop fertilizers, useful for peppers, belong:

Ammonophos or nitroammophosphate;
ammonium nitrate;
potassium chloride.

From the primary fertilizers for peppers allocate:

Bariums manure;
chicken litter;
Organic fertilizers - nettle, ash, oph.

If a cow manure is familiar with almost every gardener and it can be used to any beginner agronoma, then chicken and barbies manure should be made very neat.

Chicken dry litter contribute only to a heater to prevent the "combustion" of the root of the plant.

On acidic soils except for feeding, ash and sawdust.

Passive feeding of peppers

In addition to the active feeding of peppers, it is possible to use the passive way to enrich the soil by nitrogen. Thanks to the root system of legumes, the nitrogen content in the soil increases by 10-15%. To do this, sit in peas or beans on vacationer soils before planting peppers. You can use straly varieties, they can be planted during the flowering period of peppers between the landing wells.

Despite the many nuances if feed peppers in greenhouse On time, do not forget about abundant irrigation and take care of seedlings from drafts, excellent harvest is guaranteed!