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What to feed the tomatoes during flowering: useful tips. Tomato feeding during fruiting feeding tomato during ripening

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Tomato feeding. During the vegetation, three - four root feeders.

Successful harvest!

I like the positive reaction of my tomatoes to the "green fertilizer". How do I cook it? Very simple. Recipes such a "green fertilizer" are a lot. The basis of it is a beveled green weed grass.

What fertilizers need to tomatoes

Once a month, Anna advises to make root feeding with organic fertilizer. She calls him the "compote of Kurdyumov", and I have this "green fertilizer". The process of its preparation is described in detail below.

Bifungin (Birch Mushroom (Chaga) - Sale in Pharmacy - Divide in Water to Eye to Dark Color.

So, two weeks passed, as you landed tomato seedlings to a greenhouse or an open soil. It's time to feed the plants. Undercalinking tomatoes in the open soil or greenice - is there any difference? What types of feeding are at all? Recent years, gardeners (those who know) give preference to the Organic, trying to use mineral fertilizers less, but they do not completely refuse them. Highly popular is the homemade cheap, but very effective "green fertilizer". But about him, just below.

  • Yeast. They are the best plant growth stimulant.
  • In 10 liters of water, 1st is bred. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, 0.5 l a bird's litter and as much liquid cow

The part of the "vegetable" community adheres to the opinion that the question of how to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse immediately after the disembarkation is not worth it. Such gilders believe that the first feeding of greenhouse tomatoes should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after the transplantation of plants per permanent place.

The first root feeder (20 days after the seedling landing). 10l water 1 tablespoon of nitroposki and 1 tablespoon of fertilizer "ideal". At the rate of 1 l on the plant.

When and what feeding

I have an old metallic 200-liter barrel. But the metal barrel is not advised to use for the preparation of this fertilizer, apparently, the metal oxidation process is negatively affected by quality. I have no plastic barrel. You yourself know, there are almost no hopeless situations. Bought huge 300-liter plastic bags. Invested one bag in another (for strength), placed them inside the barrel. Filled 1/3 water so that it straightened them. Polyethylene Sun blew a little bit, became elastic, stretched, bags tightly dressed outside on the edge of the barrels. I got my metallic barrel with plastic liner.

Every 2 weeks will not hurt to feed the tomatoes with an ash solution - 1 cup of ashes pour the water bucket, let it brew several hours. The ral solution contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, many different trace elements necessary for the development of plants.

On one teaspoon of boric acid, copper sulfate, magnesia, (boric acid and magnesia are sold in a pharmacy) + Manganese at the tip of the knife + large-grazed economic soap or 3 tablespoons of liquid soap dissolve in 10 liters of water.

There are two types of feeding. Root and extractive.

Recipe for cooking yeast fertilizer: 20 grams of yeast are bred in 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours, the resulting solution fertures plants. Rosmoment is a finished fertilizer that is produced on the basis of yeast. It is also suitable when planting tomatoes. This tool is the best growth biostimulator and further plant development. Using this fertilizer, you can be confident in his quality. "ROSTLMENT" is suitable for the fertilizer of tomatoes that grow in pots.

With a lack of phosphorus, the stem, the lower surface of the leaves and the accommodation on them becomes purple. If the plants have a weakly concentrated solution of superphosphate, then after a day, purple staining disappears.

. Each plant should get 1-1.5 liters of prepared solution.

Other gardeners hold opinions that for the "injured" transplant seedlings of tomatoes in a greenhouse, than to feed before, preferably immediately after the transplant, the better. For the first feeding, these gardeners recommend using organic fertilizers, or the so-called "green tea".

After it was spoken, either the seedlings of tomatoes were spared and planted in a greenhouse, many gardeners arise a question: how to feed the tomatoes after landing in a greenhouse?

  • The second root feeder (10 days after the first). On 10 liters of water 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate. At the rate of 5 l per 1 m2. Can be useful:So, the water in my barrel was already a bit, I add a bevelled grass there. Experienced gardeners advise to fill the barrel of bevelled nettle. But I didn't have so much nettle, so I sketched almost complete (2/3) barrel of different weeds, the nettle was also there.
  • Very important point: if you make an extraordinated feeder or root, then it follows in the morning or in the evening. Why is that? If we are talking about extraxorno, the nutrient solution should be on the surface of the leaves as long as possible, so that he can do. And with a bright sun spraying leaves can cause a burn. This is, first. And secondly, the sun quickly dries the droplets of the nutrient solution, he will not have time to absorb the leaves. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the solution gets not only on top of the sheet, but also from the bottom too.
  • Trichopol (10 tablets) + 1 small bubble green + 10 liters of water.
  • The root feeder uses the majority of gardeners. It feeds plants through the root system, that is, it is watering a nutritious mineral or organic solution under the root.

The ash is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and other trace elements. The ash is added before the seedlings in each well. For this take 3 tablespoons of ashes and mix it with soil. To enrich the soil soil, 3 cups of ash are required per 1 square m.

  • Calcium deficiency leads to twisting of the sheet plate inside and the disease of the fruit of tomatoes with vertex rot. In this case, the spraying of plants with a solution of calcium nitrate will help.
    "Herbal tea"To answer this question, it should be remembered why you need feeding tomatoes in the greenhouse. The first goal of making any fertilizer, obtaining a rich harvest of high-quality tomatoes, with a good taste. In order for each bush of tomatoes to please you with a large number of excellent taste fruit, it is necessary to provide full and balanced powered by plants.

The third root feeder (12 days after the second). On 10 l Water 1 l Cashitz-shaped cowboat or chicken litter or 1 tablespoon of sodium humate. At the rate of 6-8 l per 1 m2.

Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse or separated by fertilizers - mineral and organic

From above, she threw approximately 1 kg of wood ash, half a chicken litter, a liter of 2 dairy "shopping" serum (natural, they say, is enough of 1 liter), a pack of yeast of the bakery (100 g). Added water almost fair. Under the root watering plants with mineral or organic solution, too, is too early in the morning or in the evening. I prefer evening irrigation, and my neighbor in the country waters his cucumbers, tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground only early in the morning. The reasons also seem to be clear: water or nutritional solution, which fell during the day on the leaves can cause sunny foliage burn. It should not be forcing the plant to spend the forces to restore or heal the wounds. 1 teaspoon of boric acid, copper sulfate, urea (cab) for 10 liters of water.

  • Many know about the extraxorna, but they use it less often, and in vain.
  • A key role in the growing of fruits is playing tillage when planting tomatoes.

In the event that plants lack nitrogen, the plant becomes light green or yellowish, lagged in growth and become very thin. It will help to cope with nitrogen deficiency spraying "herbal tea" or a very weak urea solution.

Extra-green subcords

If there are few organic fertilizers or at all, then you can carry out a feeder, dissolving 1 tbsp. A spoonful of nitroposki in 1 bucket of water. On each plant consumes 1 liter of working solution.

This fertilizer is easy to cook with your own hands. For its preparation, you take a variety of herbs (various weeds, such as nettle, plantain and others), in which a bucket of a liquid cowboy and a glass of wood ash add a bucket.

Tomatoes, however,, like other representatives of the Parenic family, responsive, both on the application of fertilizers in the soil and on various extraxnealing feeders. However, it does not follow from this that the feeding of greenhouse tomatoes implies the introduction of a huge number of fertilizers to the ground and the constant spraying of plants. It is reasonable and carefully approaching the question of making fertilizers, and it is better to give plants less fertilizers than to reconcile them.The third and fourth feeder with an interval of 8-10 days are made with a solution of fertilizer "Signor Tomato" (1 tablespoon on 10 liters of water) or plug 1 complete teaspoon of dry fertilizer "feeders" around the plant before irrigated.

In some Russian regions, greenhouses are the most optimal conditions for the cultivation of tomatoes. There they grow better and make great harvests. However, this is a very time-consuming occupation, because if it does not take appropriate measures on time, this culture is much more often amazed by diseases.

How to fill the deficit of beneficial substances

This recipe has long been taken from the book "Reasonable Agriculture" Yu.I. Slashy. He calls this solution with the infusion of microbial organisms. The author, instead of yeast, recommends adding BRGG - 3 liters of nechlorized water, 150 g of sugar insist for 2-3 days.

Usually ask a question, how often do you need to hold the tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers? A brief answer is not very often. And, if more precisely, I spend them like root and extraxnealing in 10-15 days. That is, about 2-3 times in a month. Alternate them. Once - the extraordinary, next time - feed my tomatoes under the root.

  • Weak mortar of manganese.
  • Extra-corner - this is when we apply the same nutrient solution directly over the leaves, plants branches. Such a type of cudders of tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers has several advantages. First, it saves fertilizers. Because when we bring them under plants, a significant part of the nutrients is washed off with watering, during the rain, not all nutrients get a plant.
  • Chicken litter - quite valuable fertilizer. Its chemical composition is ahead of manure, and the nutrients are contained in a rather light form. Podcaming tomatoes with chicken litter has a prolonged action, even after two or three years after the fertilizer of the soil remains a metering and positive effect on the plants. Roofing from bird litter is preparing fairly easy. The concentration of the solution is prepared depending on what stage tomatoes grow. You can prepare the following composition: 100 g of fresh bird litter are added to 10 liters of water, they insist for 24 hours and plants watered. The feeding of the litter is made during the tillage, in the ratio of 6 kg of fertilizers per 1 kV. m. Chicken litter is not a universal fertilizer, so it is necessary, in addition to him, in the soil to make another feeding, such as ammonia nitrate, superphosphate.

It may impress that feeding the greenhouse tomatoes is too troublesome and not necessary. It is enough just to make fertilizers in the soil at spring and autumn people, and then plant a tomato to the greenhouse.

During the flowering of tomatoes, in order to prevent the vertex rot, the tomatoes should be sprayed with an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate.

For infusion, 50 liters of water take 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof finely chopped herbs, they add korovyat and ash, stirred and leave for several days to insist. Then the volume of the solution is adjusted to 100 liters. Under each bush, tomatoes pour about 2 liters of finished infusion.

Independent feeding of tomatoes when landing

During the flowering of the second and third flower brushes, the plants are sprayed with a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon of 10 l water). For cucumbers feeding. At the beginning of flowering: on 10 liters of water - for 1 tsp, a spoon of potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate and 1 cup of cascidious cowboat (or 1 tbsp. Spoon humate sodium).

As a rule, heat vegetables in greenhouse conditions usually grabs, so the main attention requires a tatter in a greenhouse.

The solution in the barrel wanders very actively and stench, sorry for the details, not the most pleasant one. And to mix the fertilizer at least once a day. All this week is 1.5-2. Then we take out the catching grass. When she dries, I put it under the zucchini. Why under the zucchini - I do not know. Somehow, so from the very beginning he was heard. Zucchini are very grateful.

Often asked: Does Tomato feeding allowed during fruiting? I answer: after the wound appeared, feeding - only under the root, that is, the root.

Milk-sour solutions (serum) with the addition of 0.5 sugar glasses (10 liters).And when we make a solution on the surface of the sheet, all nutrients pass through the leaf inside the plant. And this happens very quickly. Therefore, extractive acts significantly faster than the root. Secondly, it enjoys it to promptly help the plant suffering from a shortage of a particular trace element. I try to use an extractive feeder to seed out more often for plants that have recently planted in open ground or greenhouse, that is, for younger seedlings.

Methods of fertilizer for tomatoes

For a good result, it is not necessary to use expensive fertilizers, the main thing is not to exceed the dosage and in time to make them into the soil.

Indeed, if the soil is not exhausted and the correct crop crop rotation is practiced, you can get a crop. But if you carefully look after the plants and promptly respond to their needs, constantly take care of them, the crop of tomatoes in the greenhouse can be obtained significantly abundant and better.

To prepare it 1st. A spoonful of fertilizer is bred in 10 liters of water

Important: Mineral feeders, held at this time with many gardeners, have a single-sided effect on plants. Some of them stimulate the active growth of green masses, others - strengthen flowering. If there are no organic fertilizers, it is better to hold the tomatoes feeding by any complex mineral fertilizer.

An important role in the process of growth and development of tomatoes is played by mineral fertilizers.

During fruiting, 3 feeders are required. The first: on 10 liters of water - 1 cup of casczyce chicken litter and 1 tbsp. Spoon nitroammofoski, per 1 m2 - 5 liters.

Sometimes the tomatoes grow well, but at the same time they do not bloom. They only strongly develop steppes. In this case, such feeding tomato in a greenhouse as phosphoric and potash will help. In some cases, wood ash is well affected at the calculation of a half pack for each bush.

You can try to use such a mulch on other plants.

Extra-root spraying do during the first half of the growing season. That is, as soon as noticed that the first tomatoes began, stopping the spraying stop. And the root continue to make the entire period of vegetation (development) of tomatoes.

All these solutions for extractive feeding are very effective for nutrition and protection of tomatoes from diseases, especially from phytoophulas, other fungal diseases.

For extra-root feeding, lower concentrations of the solution are used than for root, so as not to cause a burn burn. It uses fertilizers that are completely dissolved without precipitate, which do not contain chlorine. Usually it is liquid forms of female mixtures, no matter what are mineral or organic. Try to prepare nutrient solutions to use non-chlorized water - rain or at least resistant water supply.

Stages of growing tomatoes on the garden plot

  • Nitroposka and other complex fertilizers are made in seedlings of tomatoes by 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  • After watching the video, telling detailed about various types of tomato feeding, you will make sure that you yourself can easily cope with a similar task.
  • So, if you think that the soil in your greenhouse is well fertilized, then the tomato seedlings can be done after transplancing. Then, the exemplary dress of the feeding will be like this:

We list the most significant fertilizer for this culture:

The second is 10-12 days after the first feeding: 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of cowboat and 1 h. Potassium sulfate spoon (or 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon of fertility). Per 1 m2 - 5-6 liters.

Undercalinking tomatoes in open soil and greenhouse - Practical experience

Most of all, the tattleship of tomatoes in the greenhouse is needed during the flowering period and in the formation of fruits. There are often cases when the abundance of fruits on bushes, but they do not ripen.

Nutritional infusion in the barrel is a little more than half. Pulling the barrel to the top. I take a ready-made infusion (500 ml), I add to wateringternally with water (6 liters), watering tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, pumpkins - floor-liter solution under each bush. Yes, I almost forgot. The effect will be better, but also harm feeding will not bring (there will be no root burn), if the soil under the plants will be wet. That is, before the root feeder, be sure to span the tomatoes in the open soil or greenhouse with an estimated water, if you use a plumbing, or rain.

Types of feeding tomatoes

The second popular question: feeding the seedlings of tomatoes after dive - than and when. The first time you should feed tomatoes in 10-12 days after the seedlings landing. And what and when read above.

It is not necessary to use them simultaneously, but, or in turn, as written, or choose those that, in your opinion, will bring the greatest benefit of plants. With the accumulation of experience you yourself determine, "what is yours."

Both root and extraordinary feeders are equally useful, both for open soil tomatoes and greenhouses. During the first half of the vegetation of plants, they are better alternating. In the second - go to the root. A greenhouse with high humidity should be more often ventilated, especially after spraying. In order for the plant to receive a maximum of benefit from any fertilizer, you need to know when - in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening - it is better to spend them.

Planting tomatoes begins with the use of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon on the well.

Tomatoes are quite demanding vegetable culture. This plant actively picks up nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals from the soil. In the germination of seeds, phosphor needs to increase the growth of plant roots, it contributes to earlier flowering, tomato ripening, increases yield, sugar, and dry matter in the fruits. Potassium is needed for normal fruiting, and nitrogen in ammonia form - for rapid ripening of fruits. During the bootonization, flowering and fruits, plants need nitrogen-potassium nutrition. If there is a lack of nitrogen or potassium, the growth of plants is weakened, and this leads to a decrease in fruit and a decrease in the crop.

During the formation of obscenities, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes with a solution of 2 l of wood ash and 10 g of boric acid divorced in 10 liters of hot water. The prepared solution must be insisted during the day so that all elements are completely dissolved. This mixture contains a large number of micro and macroelements that will help the crop to form more quickly. Each plant is watered 1 liter of cooked working solution.

The first feeding will be held, approximately

Extra-corneous feeding of tomatoes


The third is 12 days after the second: on 10 liters of water - 0.5 l cowboat or 1 cup of cascidular chicken litter, 1 tbsp. Spoon of nitroammofoski (or 1 tbsp. Spoon of the hero). Per 1 m2 - 5-10 liters. Corobyan and chicken litter can be replaced by the humate of sodium, ideal, breadwinner, fertility, gigner - 1 tbsp. spoon.

To speed up the process of smoothing, many resort to such a procedure as an extraordinary feeding of a tomato. Superphosphate is used for this. The composition is prepared as follows: Forty grams of matter (or approximately two matched box) dissolve in one liter of hot water, left for a day, and then diluted with nine liters of water. Many are interested in the question of how to recognize what langules lacks and how to help them.

I like the result of such an organic feeding - the plants are always green, the view of them is healthy, well tolerate bad weather, grow very quickly, the fruits are tied up a lot and it seems to me, less began to root, that is, their immunity rose.

Desirable, I would even say, the extraordinary and root feeders are required when tomato bloom begins. Do not skip the deadlines - the number of uncess and harvest will depend on it.

  1. Alternate extractive feeding with root. Below - Again, the experience of our readers from Novokubansk.
  2. One reader of our blog - Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubanska - shared his experience in the use of extraxornic and root feeding of tomatoes. Experience as far as I can appreciate - invaluable.
  3. 5 days after the landing, you can pour tomatoes with a weak solution of manganese.
  4. Tomatoes have high nutritional, taste and dietary qualities.
  5. The last root stecotomatoms are carried out during mass and active fruiting to speed up the ripening and improve taste. For this root feeding in 10 liters of water dissolve 2st. Spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. Spoon of liquid humat sodium.
  6. After 15-20 days
  7. Phosphorus;
  8. With root rotches: 2 tbsp. Spoons of copper sulfate - on 10 liters of water, 1 cup on a plant. If the leaves of cucumber after fruiting became spiny and rude: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of urea dilute in 10 liters of water, spray on the leaves. Cheat sheet for the summer here about all plants. What and what to feed.
  9. I must say that sometimes even specialists make it difficult to answer this question. If the bush is big, there are a lot of dark green leaves on it, it means that the dressing of the tomato in the greenhouse was made of fresh manure and continue to water his albeit.

Such a solution can be carried out root and extractive feeding. Extra-corner usually spend on young plants planted in an open soil or greenhouse. Watering under the root - every 10-12 days.

In the greenhouse or open ground, the feeder is carried out as follows. You need to feed individually every plant. If the soil under the plants is dry, then before the dressing it is necessary to moisten the soil. Pour tomatoes with clean water, the temperature of which is not lower than 20-22ºС. When watering in the greenhouse, try so that the water does not fall on the leaves - an extra moisture there is nothing. Water in the morning - after that, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. And after irrigation, pour the floor liter of the nutrient solution under each bush of the tomato.

Anna advises necessarily before each fertilizer under the root to pour the tomatoes with clean water - the accumulated plumbing or rain.

Root feeding tomatoes

Look, what kind of tomato alleys at Anna! Whether it is not proof that the strategy of feeding is chosen it right!

In the fall, when the soil is loosening, 4 kg per 1 square meter of humus or compost is made;

Excess nitrogen adversely affects the growth of tomatoes. It delays fruiting, a high probability of plant diseases appears.

In any case, a clear instruction on what time, as often and what fertilizers to carry out feeding of greenhouse tomatoes does not exist. Each gardener, knowing what vegetable crops were grown in the previous season and which fertilizers were used, follows an exemplary diagram of feeding, "adjusting" under the peculiarities of plants, the fadness of the weather and relying on their experience.

  1. After the transplantation of plants. For her use mineral fertilizers, ranging them in 10 liters of water:
  2. Nitrogen.
  3. There is such a canite, called "Flora-C"
  4. And it happens on the contrary: the bush grows poorly, on it pale leaves. In this case, you need to use nitrogen fertilizers - urea, saltper, and better in the complex.
  5. I have enough of this solution for a long time. But everything, of course, depends on the number of plants planted. If I feel that the "green fertilizer" is not enough, then after it remains less than half in the barrel, filling the barrel of the new grass. Nothing else, except for the water there I do not add. Waiting for 10-15 days - a new nutrient solution is ready.

When should you feed tomatoes

Extra-green spraying of tomatoes in the greenhouse I try to do in the morning so that in the evening the nutrient solution has absorbed. At night, the plants should be dry.

The first root feeder is not earlier than 10 days after the seedlings landing.

How often do feeding

Tomato Alley Anna Nepetrovskaya (Novokubansk) - Sino-San Sort

In the spring it is necessary to reflect the soil with mineral fertilizers: 80 g per square m of superphosphate and 20 g per 1 square M of potassium chloride;

Thus, to get a good yield of tomatoes, you need to create all the necessary conditions.

In addition to the usual root feeding of tomatoes, it is useful to use and non-smelly feeding - spraying the stems and tomato leaves. A feature of the extra-root feeding is that they are able to convey to the plant the necessary substances that are not enough in the soil. This is due to the fact that the leaves, in contrast to the roots, assimilate the elements that are not rendered to the plant.

25 g nitrogen;

Large importance for the formation of the root system and the tie of fruits is played by phosphorus. If the plants do not surrelatinate this substance, then tomatoes are poorly absorbed by nitrogen and other necessary batteries. The symptoms of phosphoric starvation at tomatoes is the appearance of red-purple spots on the underside of the leaves, as well as twisting of the leaves along the main alcohol, also slows down the ripening of fruits.


Than to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse or open soil

Often, purple shade appears on the seedlings or on the trunk. This is a consequence of the lack of phosphorus. Although it is usually in the soil, however, for some reason it is poorly absorbed. If the phosphorus is too much in the soil, then the leaves on the bushes begin to yellow or twist. This means that the next dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse should not contain this element.

This "green fertilizer" works well against phytoofluorosis. At least, it seems to me that after I began to use it, the appearance of phytoophulas on the leaves, the fruits almost did not. In 2013, only a few fruits of tomatoes (pieces 5) growing in the open soil threw out from one bush. On the rest of the bushes, the phostophors noticed. And the next two years, the phytoophulas at my tomatoes also did not. Although I suspect that the reason for this is not only feeding, but also dry hot summer.

If you have some time to care for tomatoes or it is difficult to find all the components of the feeding, which advises Anna Nepetrovskaya, then you can use fertilizers based on humate.

The second - after 15 days (two weeks) after the first.

Start feeding tomatoes in a week after disembarking.

How to cook organic "green fertilizer"

After planting seedlings, after 10-15 days, they plan first feeding, and the second - already at the beginning of fruit formation;

To do this, plant tomatoes is in the soil, prepared and pre-prepared and piled by a mineral organic.

If tomatoam lacks some particular elements than to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse is solved by making the lack of missing elements in the greenhouse. Spraying plants with a solution containing scarce substances, very quickly gives positive results, manifested, literally, in a few hours. If you contribute the same elements through the root feeding, the result can be seen only in a week or two.
40g phosphoric;

Thinking about how to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse should be remembered about the high consumption of this culture of potassium. This mineral contributes to the formation of stems, as well as assimilation and processing of carbon dioxide. In the event of a lack of potassium, the lower leaves accumulate ammonia nitrogen, as a result of which they first faded, and in the future, die away. In the photo you see how the result of the potash starvation of tomatoes is manifested on the leaves:

Feeding cucumber- soak dried bread (residues)
In general, growing vegetable crops in greenhouse conditions involves the existence of a certain calendar, which indicates periods of work carried out, including the introduction of fertilizers

But, for example, 2014, the garden began with rainy weather. Humidity, which is in the greenhouse, which is increased in the garden. I am to prevent the appearance of phytoofluorosis (tomatoes), milder or false torment on cucumbers, zucchini, additionally I still process the plant with a solution of brew whey (1 liter per 10 liters of water), which add 10 drops of iodine. This solution acts especially beneficially on tomatoes. The iodine contributes to an increase in the number of strings, and the dairy serum oppresses the growth, the development of pathogenic fungi.

I used the guise of Kuznetsov (natural elixir fertility) - the plants responded with good appearance and harvest. On 10 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of the elixir.

The third feeding will be most effective during the start of flowering, namely during the flowering of the second brush. On the first blooming brush, many gardeners advise to overturn the first terry flower, as the fruit is most often the ugly, differing from others. (But I would not call this recommendation mandatory - I very rarely saw such a flower on my tomatoes).

Here are the compositions of extractive feeding it uses:

In order for the fruits more likely to get a 0.5% solution of superphosphate or a solution of boric acid. The solution, which sat down, merge and spray tomatoes.

Enriched with organic materials and bio-fobilities of the soil is the key to the rich yield of tomatoes.

During flowering, thinking than to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, you can perform a non-corrosive feeding with a solution of boric acid and wood ash

15g potash.

Insist the day, two, stirring

The first dressing of tomato in the greenhouse is held on the eighth day after planning. The bushes under the root are poured with a cowbank solution at the rate of one part of the fertilizer for ten parts of water. The consumption of the solution is calculated from the ratio of one liter on each bush. Further watering requires caution to not wash the soil.

For the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis processing alternating. Once with a solution of breast serum, and the other is a phytosporin solution. This drug not only protects tomatoes from phytoofluorosis development, it also feeds plants with bioactivated trace elements, especially its new modification - phytoosporin-m. Sometimes I miss the milk-sour processing, but I will definitely replace it with a phytosporin solution, which is well suppresses the development of mushroom and bacterial diseases on plants.

The pledge of growing delicious and large tomatoes is their regular feeding. At each stage of development, the tomato requires certain vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the normal growth of the plant. The combination of organic and mineral fertilizers will allow you to get large tomatoes, increase the number of fruits and their ripening speed.

Root feeding Tomatov

Over the years of practice, gardeners managed to come to a single opinion that tomatoes need to be picked up at least 3 times per season to achieve their majority and juits.

Stage 1 - Fertilizer after planting seedlings

For the first time, tomatoes need to be filtered in 12-14 days after planting seedlings under film shelters or in open ground. At this stage, the plant requires nutrients that increase its overall stability and activate the growth of green mass.

  1. Fertilizer based on herbal mixture. You will need to take:
  • 2 kilograms of nettle;
  • 2 kilograms of plantain;
  • one glass crushed into dust;
  • fresh - 2 liters;
  • 25 liters of water.

Place all the elements of infusion in the five-dimension capacity, mix it up to a homogeneous mass and leave for two days. After the stated time expires, the infusion dilute with 25 liters of water. Under each bush you need to pour two liters of herbal infusion.

  1. Nutritional mixture based on ubbamide and wood ash. In the ten-tier tank with water, dissolve 25 grams of carbamide and 3 glasses crushed into dust of wood ash. Stir the mixture to dissolve all components. Make the resulting liquid of 0.5 liters per plant.


Stage 2 - Making fertilizers before flowering

To increase the amount of fruits, before flowering, support the potassium tomatoes and.

  1. A solution based on cowboat and nitroposki. In ten liters of estate water, dissolve 15 grams of nitroposki and one liter of fresh cowboat. The resulting solution of rain tomatoes, avoiding entering the leaves. One bush consumption is 1 liter.
  2. Nutritional mixture based on superphosphate, cowboat and wood ash. Prepare the infusion of a cowboard: take 5 liters of fresh cowhide, fill with 5 liters of water. Let it breed three days, mix it every day. Then, in the water bucket, pour the liter of infusion from the cowboat, pour the glass of crushed wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous state. Water on a liter under the plant.
  3. Support based on superphosphate, sulfur manganese, wood ash. Preparation of the solution: In ten liters of water water temperature, dissolve the pinch of sulfur manganese, a glass of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate. The resulting mixture, paint each bush, spending on each 0.5 liter.

Stage 3 - Putting fertilizers during the formation of stock

The third wave of feeding is the main, in the complex process of making nutrients. After all, it is at this stage that the fruits are formed. For fertilizer, use:

  1. Solution based on humate, nitroposki, superphosphate. Nitroposki crystals and superphosphate dissolve in one liter of water. Pour the resulting mixture into the water bucket, add 10 milliliters of humate. Stir until the complete connection of all components. Consumption per square meter is 5 liters. On average, one plant accounts for 2 liters of working mortar.
  2. , wood ash, boric acid. Boost five liters of water, pour 4 cups crushed in wood ash dust. Leave the infusion alone until completely cooling. After that, pour the iodine halfupress, add a teaspoon of boric acid. Insist 24 hours. Before use, turn the infusion with clean water. One liter of the mixture will take ten liters of water. The rate of consumption on one bush is one liter.

Extreme treatment

Increase the speed of ripening and large-groundiness allow not only root making of fertilizers, but also spraying the plant and fruits. You can increase yields:

  1. Boric acid based solution. Processing before the start of flowering in order to stimulate the growth of the already formed buds, as well as to activate the appearance of a new ovary. The working solution is prepared on the basis of a tablespoon of acid and bucket of water. One liter is enough for a spraying of one weave of plantings.
  2. Solution based on stimulants "Tomato", "Zajaz". Processing stimulants will increase the number of wounds, accelerate the growth of tomato, the development of fruits. As statistics shows, yield after spraying increases by 25%. Preparation of solutions:
  • based on the Tomato Preparation. Two ampoules with a stimulant dissolve in a water liter, add a few drops of detergent, stir the solution. Consumption per square meter of plantings is 0.3 liters;
  • based on the preparation "Zajaz". Packing with powder dissolve in 3 liters of water. Ten square meters of tomatoes are 0.5 liters.

Undercalinking tomatoes during flowering is very important if you want to have fleshy, large and juicy fruits. The abundant bloom of tomatoes signals that it is time to feed the plants. There are many different ways how to feed tomatoes, but each vegetable breeding applies its proven method of experience.

First of all, it should be noted that all feeding should be liquid so that the plants are better absorbed nutrients.

Undercantling of tomatoes during flowering should be carried out by substances containing potassium. It is he needed to form fruits. At the same time, it is necessary to remember about phosphorus, which is needed at all stages of plant growth and especially when the bloom of tomatoes begins. Phosphorus helps to strengthen the root system of plants.

The oversupply of fertilizers in the soil adversely affects tomatoes: they are pulled out, their inflorescences are beginning to be proposed and without forming ourselves. In this regard, it is important to know than to feed the tomato, and be able to correctly determine the dosage of feeding.

During the flowering period, it is contraindicated to feed the tomatoes with nitrogen fertilizers. From them there will be only a riveting growth of green mass and the appearance of new steps. But the potash-phosphoric fertilizers is exactly what it is necessary during this period.

Ash like fertilizer

A good and affordable potash fertilizer is wood ash. In addition to potassium, it contains more calcium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, boron (depending on wood), therefore it can be considered a comprehensive fertilizer. To feed the tomatoes along the rows, the grooves are made at a distance of 15 cm from plants and fall asleep their ashes, then sprinkled with soil and watered.

Especially useful as the ash weakened plants with thin stems and leaves.

You can also apply ash fertilizer in liquid form. The best ratio for the feeding of tomatoes is 100 g of ashes on 10 liters of water. When the soil is acidic, you need to increase the amount of ash to 150 g, if alkaline - reduce up to 50 g. The rally solution is made directly to the root of 0.5 liters for each tomato bush.

Another solid solution is used in the form of an extra-root feeding. She fertures plants, and protects them from pests. To prepare an extractive feeder, take 300 g of ashes, sieved, poured 2 liters of water and boiled 25 minutes. Then the decoction is adjusted to the volume of 10 liters and spray plants. It is better to do it in the evening when there are no heat. If it is supposed to apply a decoction against pests, then 50 g of soap is added.

When conducting feeding, we need to take into account the weather conditions, since nutrients in cool weather are poorly absorbed.

Also do not conduct feeding on dry soil, since the plants will not receive the necessary vitamins. It is best to make fertilizers after the rain or pre-watering the plants.

Tomatoes after fertilizing wood ash rapidly increase thick stems and form floral brushes, and the foliage becomes saturated green. If a week after the fertilizer of tomatoes did not have any changes, carried out the procedure again, adding a little more ash.

Yeast feeding of tomatoes

Many vegetable crops, including tomatoes, love yeast fertilizer. It is simply explained: the yeast contains proteins and other active substances that have a positive effect on the plants and improve their growth.

Pretty Tomators yeast is done three times per season:

  • for the first time they make it 2 weeks after planting plants into the ground;
  • the second time - when the bloom of tomatoes begins;
  • third - already during the formation of fruits.

A yeast solution for the fertilizer of tomatoes is made simply: you need to dissolve dry yeast in 10 liters of water (10 g) and let stand for a couple of hours, then you can water.

Undercalinking tomatoes without mineral fertilizers (video)

Other ways to feed tomatoes

It is small crystals of gray-white color, which are well soluble in water. Ammonphoska is also suitablewhich contains 30% of potassium and 24% phosphorus. Another fertilizer is nitroposka - contains ropes of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

When the first brushes begin to bloom, it is possible to carry out tomatoes with a solution of manganese, adding 20 g of sulphate potassium and 25 g of superphosphate (on the water bucket).

To bring the bloom, use iodine. In addition, thanks to Yoda, the yield of tomatoes increases. For the extraxorial dressing of tomatoes in bloom, 20 drops of iodine are added 10 liters of water plus 1 liter of dairy serum. This mixture has a beneficial effect on tomatoes.

You can use iodine and differently: 1 g per 1 liter of water. This fertilizer should be pouring under the root, trying not to fall on the leaves so as not to destroy them. Under each plant is consumed 0.5 liters.

The mixture is prepared at the rate of 1 g of acid per 1 liter of water. This solution not only serves as a fertilizer, but also prevents plant plants. Spraying need to be done in a windless non-fit weather.

You can make a "green fertilizer". In a large capacity (200 l) folded beveled weeds, pouring a bird's half-water, add a small pack of yeast (100 g), 1 l of home serum, 1 kg of wood ash and pour to the top with water. Leave to appease for 2 weeks, mixing the mixture daily. Then pull the catching grass, add the container to the top water - and can be used. Take 0.5 liters of this mixture on the water bucket and fertilize tomatoes 2 times a month. So that the roots do not bother, the soil must be wet - before feeding the plants, they should be pouring.

Tomatoes such an organic feeder helps a lot: they grow well, perfectly carry bad weather, they are less ill, more fruits are tied.

Knowing than to feed the tomato, as well as some subtleties of the care of it and correctly applying fertilizers, you can always get a good harvest.

Tomato feeding (video)

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Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse, always want to get the highest yields. It will be possible to make it if you correctly pick up feeding and on time from applying.

Any gardener growing tomatoes in the greenhouse wants to get the best harvest from its favorites. It is very important for this that the tomatoes should be filtered during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse. The entire future crop of plants growing in greenhouse conditions depends on the choice of correct and suitable feeding. From this article, you can find out and correctly pick up the necessary feeding.

For proper growth of tomatoes in any conditions are the following compounds:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Potash.
  • Phosphate.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Calcium.
  • Sulfuric.
  • Born.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Manganese.
  • Chlorine.

Although nitrogen and potassium are faster than tomatoes, phosphorus is considered the most necessary for the development of fruits. 94% of phosphorus is used to form fruits, and only 6% is absorbed by stems and foliage. When the phosphorus lack of phosphorus deteriorates the development of the root system and the failure rate of fruits is reduced.

Signs of nutrients shortage

The fact that tomatoam lack nutrients can be seen visually.

  • When nitrogen lack, the old leaves of tomatoes change the shade on yellow and soon fall. Young foliage minor and change their color to the light green shade. Plants begin to stick.
  • The lack of potassium can be determined by the young leaves of tomatoes that begin to spin inside. Old foliage turns around the edges.
  • With a lack of phosphorus foliage acquires a bluish shade. Stems become brittle, and the root system begins to dying.

The lack of these substances is very critical for plants. This should be considered, choosing something to feed tomatoes while flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse. As a fertilizer, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers, such as nitroposk. This fertilizer contains the correct ratio of these substances.

Kush Tomatov

  • Magnesium shortage is characterized by turning the leaves of tomatoes up. A well-noticeable yellowness is manifested between the veins.
  • With a lack of zinc on the leaves of tomatoes, spots appear. They have a brown color and different sizes. Soon, such leaves dry out and fall. New leaves have abnormally small sizes. Also, there may be spottedness.
  • The lack of molybdenum is manifested in changing the color of the leaves onto the light green. There are small brown spots between the veins.
  • With a lack of calcium on the tips of the young foliage, light yellow spots appear. On the fruits, the lack of calcium can manifest itself in the form of vertex rot. Such fruits are very quickly falling.
  • Signs of sulfur lack visually can resemble a lack of nitrogen. However, it becomes visible differences that the symptoms are first on young leaves, and only then start spreading to older leaves. The stalk of the tomato bush becomes very fragile and brittle.
  • Fitting of flowers without the formation of zagazi becomes a sign of lack of boron. Begin to die out the points of growth, and the steps begin to appear very actively. Such a phenomenon is found quite often, therefore, as a means than to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse, boric acid is very popular.
  • The symptom of the lack of iron becomes the lightening of the leaves, but the alkali color does not change. In some cases, they can become almost white. Tomato bush slows down in development.
  • With a lack of copper, the leaves begin to twist and wither. Leaf tips are covered. Young foliage becomes smaller, and her color acquires a bluish shade. Flowers are falling.
  • The yellowing of young leaves at the base is a sign of a lack of manganese. The drawing of the sheet becomes mosaic.
  • With a lack of chlorine between the veins of tomatoes, yellow spots appear. Young leaves become underdeveloped. Tops of Tomato bushes begin to wither.

If the first signs appear, the lack of nutrients must be made into the soil or as an extraordinary feeding the necessary elements. Otherwise, the plant may die.

When to conduct feeding

In total, 4 planned feeding of tomatoes are performed for the entire crop season. Below you can learn how to feed tomatoes while flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, and when you need to perform feeding data.

Use of mineral fertilizers

  • First feeder - 14 days after the transfer of plant seedlings into the soil. At this time, seedlings are coming in a new place and it is necessary for additional meals. For early rooting, tomatoes need phosphorus, and nitrogen is required for a set of deciduous mass. As organic fertilizers containing a complete set of necessary substances, a cow manure is used. Paul liters of the cowboat is diluted with a bucket of water. Under each bush, it is necessary to pour 1 liter of the obtained infusion. If it is not possible to use the organic, it can be replaced by complex mineral mixtures.
  • Re-feeding Tomato is held after 2 weeks from the first. The purpose of this feeding is considered to consolidate the effect, as well as increasing the resistance of plants by external factors.
  • The third feeding is produced in the mass flowering phase. At this time, the ovary is actively formed, and there are more phosphorus and potassium plants. Mineral fertilizers can use complex mixtures containing both elements. Wood ash is used as natural fertilizers, which contains a large amount of phosphorus.
  • The fourth feeder is carried out during the main period of crop maturation. Just like in the flowering phase, tomatoam is needed phosphorus and potassium. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is recommended to reduce, except in cases of lack of this element.

Correctly choosing, than to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, you can significantly increase the yield of bushes and speed up their maturation.

Fucking with flowering

After successful pollination on the bushes of tomatoes, fruits begin to form. As mentioned earlier, the main part of phosphorus is consumed for their growth. Therefore, fertilizers that contain phosphorus will be useful as feeding.

Preparation of organic fertilizers

  • As a fertilizer, ordinary wood ash, iodine and boric acid are often used. For the preparation of the solution, 2 liters of wood ash will be required. It must be dissolved in 5 liters of boiling water. After dissolving ash, this solution should be left for cooling. After that, you should add water so that the total volume was 10 liters. A small iodine vial is added to the finished mixture and 10 grams. Boric acid. The resulting mixture is the day, after which it becomes ready for use. On each bush requires 1 liter of such a mixture.
  • Instead of iodine, you can use a manganese, which is also an important element in the growth of tomatoes. Application does not change.
  • Boric acid is used to increase the pollinability of tomatoes. She lures insects, pollinating flowers, and also prevents the falling of flowers to pollination.
  • It is not recommended to use in the flowering phase of the pesticides. They scare away any insects, including bees. Deciding than to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, it is impossible to prevent natural pollination processes.

Facial feeding

As a rule, in fruiting, the same feeders are used as in the flowering phase. Experts recommend at this time to exclude denunciation with nitrogen fertilizers. They contribute to the development of the deciduous mass of tomatoes, and for this reason, the ripening of fruits may decrease.

It is necessary to limit the growth of tomato bushes, pinching the tops. This will significantly reduce the receipt of beneficial substances to support useless foliage. Old folia can be cut off.

Mineral fertilizers

Strongly born bushes of tomatoes and the active appearance of stepsing becomes a sign that it is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrogen-containing substances.

To accelerate the ripening of fruits and improve their flavoring characteristics, a solution is prepared: 2 Article is dissolved in water bucket. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. Spoon of sodium humate. This fertilizer is used as root fertilizer.

Clear rules about how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse does not exist. Each gardener uses those tools that help him increase the yield of tomatoes.

Care for tomatoes

In addition to the right fertilizers, Tomatoam also needs proper care. Caring for tomatoes does not differ in high difficulty and consists in periodically carrying out several activities:

Now knowing how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, each gardener will be able to grow only the best tomatoes. The time and strength spent in the cultivation of plants will pay off with interest at the end of the yield season, when the crop collection will come.

In addition to irradiation, tomatoes Need regular undercumbers. During active growth, liquid feeders are used. Composition and number of fertilizers Regulated depending on the development of plants.

Fundamental rules:

  • Feed tomatoes begin after landing, a week after the seedlings.
  • For feeding tomatoes use root and extractive feeding. Their composition depends on the stage of plant development, the magnitude of the fruits and weather conditions.
  • Root feeders are combined with irrigation, in extractive produced as needed.
  • Favorite component of tomato - potassium, and unloved - chlorine. Therefore, potassium chloride for feeding is not suitable, but potassium sulfate or ash is the most.
  • At a minimum of tomatoes, 3-4 feeders are needed, for their active growth and generous harvest.

First feeding of tomatoes: after landing in the ground

When? For the first time tomatoes Most effective feed 15 days after disembarking seedlings in open ground or greenhouse (bootonization, start of flowering).

What to get down? If the soil has been fertilized before planting the soil, they contribute:

Infusion of avian litter or cowboard with sludge ash, or
Herbal infusion (fermented grass),

Mineral fertilizers:

"Nitroposka" - 1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water. Solution consumption: 1 liter under the bush.
Any other complete (complex) min. fertilizer.

If before planting the soil was generously fertilized, they contribute:

Kalimagnezia - 1 h. Spoon on a 10-liter water bucket, or
Potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. Spoon on a 10 liter water bucket.

What should not be done? Apply with the first feeding of nitrogen fertilizers that will cause only a rapid growth of greenery.

Second feeding: during the tie of fruits

When? For the second time, tomatoes are fed 10 days after the beginning of the dissolution of the second brush, when it appears on it with a size of 1.5 cm (during the tie of fruits).

What to feed? In the finished solution of cowboat or avian litter (10 liters) lay 1 tbsp. A spoonful of full mineral fertilizer, 3 g of copper mood and 3 g of mangartee. Solution consumption: 1 liter - under low-speed bushes, 1.5 liters - for determinants, 2 liters - under tall.

Feeding for better fruit tying:

  • At the stage of active tying and filling of fruits, tomatoes are fed by an aqueous exhaust superphosphate in a dosage of 1 tsp. A spoon on a 10-liter water bucket (superphosphate is poured with hot water). Watering plants under the root of such a solution accelerates the fruit's zealing.
  • Improves the cutting of fruits and extractive feeding: 1 g of boric acid and 1 g of sulfate magnesium are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution spray plants at the stage of active flowering.
  • Stimulates the formation of barriers on tomatoes. Very affordable means - ash. It is simply scattered on the surface of the earth under a bush or prepare a solution: 10 h. Wood ash on a 10-liter water bucket. The solution insists 7 days, and then pour tomatoes. The recipe solution also accelerates the growth and ripening of fruits.

Third feeding: during fruiting

When? At the beginning of the removal of fruits, that is, during fruiting.

What to get down? You can use a solution of a second feeding, increasing the dose for tall varieties to 2.5 - 3 liters on the bush.
If the tomatoes are inhabit, that is, a greens are formed in an excess of quantities, and there are no flowers, it is worth excluding nitrogen-containing fertilizers and carry out the infusion of wood ash (100 g per 10 liters of water) or superphosphate (its water hood).

Extra-corneous feeding of tomatoes

Extra-root feeders produce as needed.

  1. Fingering for growth

It happens that even before the start of blooming, tomatoes are poorly growing, the stalks of plants are thin and weak, and the leaves are light. I will help out the extraordinary feeder with a solution of urea in the dosage of 1 h. Spoon on a 10-liter water bucket. Extra-cornery densectures of tomatoes are often combined with treatment against pests and diseases.

2. If the flowers fall apart ...

Hence, due to air overheating in the greenhouse, the process of pollination was disturbed. I will rescue the extraordinary feeding of boric acid in the dosage of 1 t. Spoon on a 10-liter water bucket.

3. If the light is insufficient ....

Spray the leaves with a solution of calcium nitrate in a dosage of 10-15 g per 10-liter bucket of water. The feeding will also help in the event of twisting the upper leaves, it will also be useful for the best pouring tomatoes.

4. If plants are weakened and thin ...

After the root feeding of nitrogen fertilizers, the leaves spray with a solution: 10 g of urea and 15 g of calcium nitrate to a 10-liter water bucket.