Repairs Design Furniture

Bedroom for a girl - what should she be? (80 photos of design). How to issue a bedroom of a young girl design room for a girl in a classic style

Each girl needs his cozy corner, where she can relax, relax, to pay for a little time. Usually, the role of such asylum is a bedroom. Therefore, the choice of style for a female bedroom is not easy and very responsible.

First, it is necessary to determine the starting point of the design design of the room for a young girl. That is, it is necessary to take into account her character, occupation, hobbies. Tip can also serve the style of clothing. For a quiet and dreamy girl, most likely, the romantic style with pastel colors and all sorts of ruffles - Country, Provence or classic, and active and temperamental - fusion or modern.

Whatever style of interior design room for a girl or choose choice, there are several general points that need to withstand.

Selection of lighting in a room for a young girl

The first thing you have to face, planning the design of the room for a girl, this provision of her right lighting. In her room should not leave the feeling of comfort and calm in the evening, and to be achieved with the help of muted light. And in the morning it is necessary to ensure sufficient lighting for making makeup. This means that in the bedroom for a young girl should certainly be several light sources.

An important detail of a room for a girl - mirror

Any girl needs a mirror. However, if you want to put a mirror in the bedroom to the whole height, remove it as far as possible from the bed and in no case do not place. This can be attributed to the requirement, and can be explained by elementary safety and aesthetics.

Ideas storage of things in the room of a young girl

The third moment to pay attention is. Each girl probably has a lot of pleasant things, clothes and accessories that have nowhere to fold. In this case, it should be put in the bedroom a cabinet to the ceiling height. On the upper shelves, and for accessories make small drawers. Trinkets can be folded in or baskets and put on the upper shelves. One, but a multifunctional cabinet, and better, can solve several important problems at once.

Selection of interior style for a girl: take into account all the little things

Of course, the stylist direction is thought out at the very beginning. And furniture, and mirrors, and the cabinet should fit into the designer direction on materials, decor, the method of manufacture. But important style strokes and "artist's strokes" will have to add to an almost ready-made interior. After all, the women's bedroom is more associated with romanticism. And inherent in him pastel shades In the design, many details: lacy inserts, openwork, floral pattern, decorative pillows. Do not overdo it with the design, because a romantic style involves modesty, and not an abundance of luxury.

If romanticism seems to you primitive and elder, quite suitable. Its essence lies in the practicality, separation of the bedroom on the zones and some contrasts. Highlight the zone over the bed inserting bright wallpaper. Modern style allows you to place a huge number of things in the room without cluttering the space. Furniture is roomy, easy to design, without curly decors and recesses, so it is easier for her to care.

For amateur glamor, furniture can be supplemented with stones and rhinestones. And for bright extraordinary personalities, you can advise the use of elements - a combination of incompatible.

Similar with the modern style interior style for a young girl -, but even more strict. Minimum details, maximum opportunities. The same element of the interior can perform several functions, allowing you to store more things in the same room: a sofa or, pouf instead of a stool.

Very beautiful bedroom for girl photo

The bedroom is such a place where you can not just sleep, but also take a break from bustle and problems. For the girl, the bedroom design is created with a cozy and comfortable, it will call to relax the body and bring thoughts in order.

At first glance, it may seem difficult to choose the design of the room, but if you know all the advantages of what a girl wants, it will not be difficult, on the contrary, it may seem fairly simple and cheerful occupation.

In order for the room to face a young person, it is necessary to emphasize its individuality and harmony of the whole character.

How to choose a bedroom for a girl

Any young girl from the small years dreams of his own bedroom. Each wants to make her cozy, comfortable and that her bedroom be a place where her personality was revealed, as well as character.

Leaning towards this belief, it is important to correctly choose the bedroom interior for the girl.

In order to reveal the individuality of her character there, give the interior to the whole charm. It is how to create a small corner, where comfort will be felt and warm.

Bedroom photos Girls

When a girl grows up, often it turns out that her room, you have to change.

Old unnecessary things usually throw out, and things that are very expensive the housewife of the room left for further storage, as a memory of happy childhood. The interior of the same bedroom, of course, needs to be replaced that it has already matured.

What style of picking photo

At the beginning of the creation perfect bedroomYou need to decide which bedroom itself. Many invent themselves the bedroom in the style of romance, and partly it is right.

After all, many girls are ready to choose exactly the same style is not just like that. More modest, cute and shy girls prefer tender and more warm gammas of their room.

Romantic style for girl bedroom

In the West, the more classic is considered a bedroom for a girl in a romantic style. Most often, when creating such an interior, tones of light gamut are selected, such as a soft pink shade, bluish, sandy, color of the sea wave.

If the bedroom has such colors, then the room also presents accessories from the auura or lace, the indispensable thing with such color gamma interior.

Furniture is preferable to choose not very coarse, without sharp corners. Also in the interior of this bedroom can come a large bed With not large patterns in the head.

But bed linen on such a bed is better to choose in large patterns and is also better in bright colors.

Let's talk about choosing a dress for toilet for a girl girl

Not an unimportant role has a table. He should be small. This is a very indispensable part in the modern bedroom of the girl.

It is mainly for any little things, as a rule, in young people, a lot of all kinds of things, which are usually scattered where it fell.

You can easily solve this problem with the dressing table, it will also look great in the bedroom. The color can also be more gentle and not very difficult.

Bedroom accessories

The curtains for the bedroom girls are better to choose with larger patterns, and the pillows in the form of decoration need any sizes and preferably openwork.

A soft bedspread, openwork or plaid capes, create an atmosphere of romance. In this style, the main presence of various baubles.

Unusual style for bedroom Modern

This style is suitable for modern bedroom Girls.

But in order not to spoil the room and it did not seem cold, you need to show creativity.

Furniture in the style of modern bedroom

To create in the room interior with modern style, lace and openwork here will be superfluous.

This style consists of modern design Rooms I. right combination flowers. Also in the room can not do without modern fashion accessories. Colors are preferable to give bright and dark shades.

Japan style bedroom design

He who loves relaxes and calm is suitable such a style like Zen. This uses warm and one ton of color, as well as softer light. This style is more relaxed, not catchy.

The minimum decor, not high furniture and materials of calm colors fit perfectly to such a style. This zen room is fits peaceful peace.

Sophisticated selection design and interior of your bedroom for a girl

Any young girl is unique. For a young and independent person, I want to choose your style of the room, he is chosen by characteristic traits Girls, as well as her taste criteria.

For more romantic girls, a romantic interior is suitable, with a secluded corner, as well as give a lot of tenderness of their mistress and fabulous love.

Stock Foto Bedroom design for girl

Speaking about interior design, usually implies a comprehensive solution to a large living room as a whole. The style is discussed, which chooses the customer from the options presented to it. At the same time, it is somehow overlooked that in a cottage or apartment, or some other housing there is not one person, and his family, Chad and households. And every member of this small team has its own taste, its preferences.

Today, with an increase in the well-being of people, few people can surprise the fact that every member of the family stands out his room, which is his personal space, and even parents can always be admitted, not to mention the brothers and sisters, grandparents. Especially if the room is given to the girl (girl). After all, they are more like others to romantic solitude and Gresses in silence.

In most cases, parents (they are - customers) believe that the right to choose the interior design of the room for a child belongs to them. Allegedly, parents know better what their daughter needs. Traditionally, remembering about your own children's games from Barbie in society girlfriends and sisters, or even brothers, Moms believe that the girl's room should be certainly in pink tones with ruffles and elements of airiness. Barbie's creators probably did not want to create a stereotype. But the interior design of the room selected little girl (teenage girl, young girl) should depend, exclusively, from its tastes and preferences. Creating a bedroom interior, especially for a girl, we must take into account her mind.

Color solution interior

Room design for a girl, for unknown reasons, most of the interiors offered for the girl's room are made using pink tones. Here and bright pink, and peach, and lilac, and gentle red, etc. The question arises: if you are young lady, then you should like pink color? Of course, this is not. Just colors choose parents as Mom's rules, giving tribute to stereotypes puppet Domikov and outfits.

And the children, being not able to insist on their own, make a decision of parents as inevitable. But the creator gave us a great variety of colors. There are blue, green, yellow, orange, sand, beige! Colors of nature, tropical fruits, sun, sea, beach. Creating an interior design of a room for a girl, you can give preference to gentle, pastel colors, because psychologically most girls prefer them to them.

But no matter how color preferences Adults, as theorists would not be sophisticated, no one can definitely determine the preferences of the girl (girls), besides her. Moreover, tastes and preferences change with age, it is important to take into account the design of a modern room for a girl. Today she is ready to take pink or other colors, tomorrow the teenage girl will say that everything is annoying in this room, and the day after tomorrow an adult girl will repaint the room in black and red colors, throws out signs of tenderness and starts to breed spiders (this is, of course, the alleged development option events).

Elements of the situation

The design of the girl for the girl - in the interior there must be such mandatory elements:

  • bed;
  • table for computer (written);
  • wardrobe;
  • case for books, CDs and other items;
  • mirror with a cosmetic table.

If friends and girlfriends are coming to the girl, it means there must be furniture for receiving guests: a small sofa, a chair (of course, if it allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe room). TV is a mandatory attribute, DVD - too. Big mirror, allowing to contemplate himself in full growth, will require a child compliance with the child appearance, already when she comes out of her room. There will be no superfluous simulator and gymnastic wall.

Interior design room for a teenage girl should be determined together with the hostess of the room. At the same time, a favorable situation arises, allowing the girl's skills, decoration, budget savings to the girl. Also, when working together, parents come closer to children, learn their tastes and preferences. And in the future, when dissatisfied with the girl from the interior of its space, you can say: "You have decided so that." Those. The child, making decisions, learns to respond for the consequences.

Teenager, as a rule, knows exactly what she needs. A wardrobe compartment of a huge size or additional space for receiving its guests, it already has specific color preferences. Together with it you can estimate the plan of the room, placing the elements of the situation, the color solution, and by choosing finishing and decorative materials. Watch the photo of the modern design of the girl's room, then it will be easier for you to decide on the choice.

An adult girl's room

Teenager, often, better parents know what she needs, considers himself smarter and advanced in matters of style, taste and fashion. That sin to hide, it is often so there. Young lady can take young men of male. Therefore, it is necessary to have storage locations that do not demonstrate these individuals. On the bed it is uncomfortable and indecent (too intimate), so there must be a small armchair.

The interior design of an adult girl must take into account the stylish preferences of the hostess. If a girl's room or a teenager can be just comfortable and beautiful, then the interior of an adult girl should be in a single style. It will emphasize her individuality, which is very important in gentle age.

In the personal room of the girl you need a wardrobe, a cosmetic table with a mirror, bedside table. TV with DVD and music center - indispensable attribute. All this must also correspond to a taste solution. Little girl room interior design can have a difference, but an adult young lady cannot afford it.

The design of the modern room for a girl can be made in any style: classic, country, foregad, modern, high-tech or in any other, just to choose the style of her. At the same time, the "highlight", which is inherent in the girl herself, should affect the interior of her room. So her friends and guests can make an idea of inner world hostess.

Snowboard I. other specialized equipment, allowing to clean the territory from snow order here.

Designers of the 21st century offer a huge selection of ideas of how to issue beautiful bedrooms in modern style. There is an unimaginable number of projects for which attractive rooms can be created. In them, girls will feel as comfortable as possible. The room of a young woman is no longer a nursery, but not even adult. Girls are very wounded and sophisticated nature, and therefore they need a room for sleeping, relaxing and their lifestyle, fully corresponding to their person.

The interiors of bedrooms for young girls are, as a rule, a romantic atmosphere, pastel tones, as well as a variety of teddy toys and pads. Romantic style is far from new option The bedroom department, and he has long been thought out by designers in full.

It is present:

  • Floral prints;
  • Openwork textiles, both on curtains and on upholstered furniture;
  • Original room flowers;
  • Photos in the original framework;
  • Appliques and panels on the walls.

Color options

It is worth noting that the choice of color, in the room for the girl there should be shades:

  • Pink;
  • Lemon;
  • Blue;
  • Olive;
  • Mustard;
  • Lilac;
  • White.

It does not mean at all that it is necessary to be limited only by them, since it is quite possible for the presence of bright accents against the background of a monochrome pale-pink wall, or a compartment of the sleeping area with a more juicy color.

IN lately In 2016, it is believed that great idea Install in the women's bedroom glossy stretch ceiling Pale pink color. Such an element in design is an excellent addition, and can also become a balancing detail. If the stretch ceiling is installed, then you should not choose a classic chandelier, as it will look inappropriate in this composition. For such rooms perfectly suitable french stylein which floral drawings and pastel shades of pink are also present.

Women's bedroom, decorated with textiles, which depicts small drawings of hearts, colors, symbols, and even notes, will become the most extraordinary place and will have to soul a young princess.

Fashionable bedroom interior for girl

Bedroom design for girls is a big job, during which every detail is formed, each nuance is thought out, and accessories are selected. It will be very practical to look panel on the wall or the framework baguette that is now in trend. Such products will perfectly decorate the room and become its excellent addition.

The interior can be decorated in two tones, and to be more accurate, then by combining several shades and materials. In order to apply the decor on the walls, you can use frieze. It usually performs print in the form geometric FigureThrough what is happening zoning the wall of the wall into two or more shades. In addition, in the interior you can use embedded wardrobes with mirror doors, and they should be positioned precisely symmetrically by windows, which will make the room more spacious and volumetric.

It is quite possible to repair the bedroom for the girl and without the help of designers, especially if there is a great idea.

Select the style you can do the most different, but if it is required that glamorous design is required, it is worth choosing Chanel, AR-Nouveau or Ampir. No less suitable will be Rococo style. As for the situation, it is necessary to give preference to elegant furniture, semicvel chandeliers, fur capes, contrasting textiles. Thus, you can form the most unusual interior capable of hitting a fine sex representative and deliver her maximum pleasure. Due to the fact that now there is a huge amount of finishing materials, that is, the ability to choose the most different from the proposed, combine PVC and textile finish, as well as environmental clean rattan furniture.

Bedroom Design Ideas for Girl

Applying efforts to bring the repair of the women's bedroom to the end A, also competently pick accessories, you can achieve an excellent result. The ideas of the bedroom finish for the girl can be the most diverse and one of the most popular can be called Provence style. It is distinguished by the lack of extra things and items, as well as attractive enough. No need to choose too dear coatings, exclusive decor elements and luxurious textile curtains. Everything should be simple, beautiful and elegant.

Some believe that modern styles are too robes and mothers, which is not suitable for such a room, but if you change their basic requirements, if you choose modular designs instead of large furniture, as well as wonderful products, like puffs, chairs, chairs, bag, That room will become perfect and even with a kind of side magic.

The most important thing is to competely design the finish of the future bedroom for the girl.

At the planning stage, it is necessary to decide on finishing materials, decor elements and accessories. Even such trifles like lambrequin and kind of curtains are thought out in advance to eliminate the oversight. The trend of this year is the zoning of space in the bedroom for girls, which can be a very profitable option for those rooms in which girls rest and work, learn or read books and musitize. Depending on the size of the room, you can choose the number of zones. Naturally, if the room is not more than 20 m 2, then here you can divide the space only in half. Each zone should differ with a tint, atmosphere, and sometimes the interior and naturally separated. Split two spaces of one room using the screen, curtain, wardrobe, high rack with large quantity Shelves. Designers prefer to zonail space, choosing various decoration Materials, for example, PVC panels and decorative plaster. Now there is a huge selection of various decorations, such as photo wallpapers, paintings on the walls, original exclusive paintings, as well as finishes in the form decorative stone or brick masonry.

Girl's bedroom 2016: what is relevant

As regards textile, then there are sets for every taste and age. This is not difficult to choose, because it is necessary only to choose the material similar to the style with the design of the room. The decoration of the ceiling in the bedrooms for girls in 2016 should be carried out by mounting a multi-level web, and not only in light shades, but also using Salad and blue tone. Asymmetric ceiling covers are perfect for the decor of such a female bedroom, and if you add them point lampsThe atmosphere will be truly fabulous. Creative Naturespreferring all creative and exclusive, designers advise you to choose for one of the walls room wallpaper with photo printing under the order.

The design of the room for a girl in a modern style - the task is not easy. And all because there are a lot of stylistic directions, and the room is one, and choose something particularly difficult. Basic requirements - originality, style and functionality.

The main features of modern destinations in design

There are a number universal solutionsthat use designers to create a cozy, bright and having an atmosphere indoors of any size. The room for the girl should be practical, therefore several functional zones are usually located in it. In fact, this is a bedroom, in which there is a working, guest zone and, if you allow the size of the room, a dressing room. Suitable, from the point of view of functionality, will be any popular modern style Thanks to its versatility.

Photo Gallery: Modern Girl Room

Good furniture, beautiful textiles and bright accents on a white background look exquisitely style Provence incredibly comfortable thanks to a large number of textiles Modular furniture allows component of items in an arbitrary order room in the style of minimalism is laconic and not cluttered with interior items Wooden beams on the ceiling, brick walls - all this is inherent Loft style Suspended bed Harmoniously looks in Country-style Baldakhin's room - an integral part of the romantic-style room. Combination of styles Romanticism and Provence fills the room with comfort and romance. Mixing Art Deco styles and modernity gives a stunning result. Tenderness and comfort. Style Provence provide pastel shades and natural textiles Bright accents And interesting textiles are inherent in the style of Ar Deco smooth outlines and mining furniture are characteristic of modern style. Retractable bed Significantly sack the wardrobe compartment accommodates many things and significantly saves the space bed transformer - an excellent solution for a small room

Room selection

Modern style is an eclectic or mixing of different directions, combined with a color gamut, materials and elements of the interior. First of all, the hostess of the premises should decide to which directions is its soul. Someone will suit the romantic interior, someone - strict and laconic - it all depends on preferences.


This style is characterized by a minimum of things and interior items. It provides a lot of free space, so suitable for small rooms. Tints are used neutral - gray, sandy, beige, black and brown. Ceiling white or contrast. Since minimalism is a modern version of the ancient Japanese and chinese stylesIt is often used in the furniture without legs, a decor in the form of a fan or Chinese VAZ, floor mats, instead of chairs, and swirms from rice paper. In the room you can position only the bed, a neat table and a wardrobe. Contrast details are allowed bright flowers - Plafones, paintings and pillows. The light is muted, neuropy. Laconic textile - instead ordinary curtains, Blinds or Roman curtains.

Photo Gallery: room for girl in style minimalism

The style of minimalism is sustained due to the laconic atmosphere at the apparent simplicity, the interior in style minimalism looks elegant and feminine style minimalism is characterized by minimum furniture in style minimalism.

Mediterranean and Scandinavian styles

They also welcome free space, natural materials And bright shades. The difference is only in the color scheme: the Scandinavian tones are warm, and Mediterranean cool. More often than other designers use lavender, light green, neapolitan yellow, gentle purple, white, blue and turquoise. In the room will be appropriate open racks, shelves for books of light shade, bed of painted in white color Tree. One of the walls can be decorated with photo wallpapers. Welcome built-in ceiling lamps and desktop ice lamps. Light floor - birch, white oak, ash or their imitation in the form of laminate.

Photo gallery: Scandinavian and Mediterranean styles for girl's room

IN mediterranean style interior often use cold shades
White color is often used in scandinavian style White furniture, abundance of textiles and blue accents give the room in the Scandinavian style comfort
Blue color is often used in the Mediterranean style
Sea topics It is characteristic of the Mediterranean style in the Mediterranean style, a decor from natural materials is used

High tech

High-tech interior is usually monochrome - it is gray-black tones diluted with white. Chrome and glossy parts and surfaces, technical devices and gadgets - a room in such a style is functional and reminds the office. Light point, for highlighting are also often used lED ribbons. Paul gray or dark shades, you can lay short-track carpet. The decor is mainly technician or reproduction with urban landscapes. One wall can be made mirror. Textiles are simple, made of natural fabrics. Instead of curtains - blinds for metal.

Photo Gallery: Room for Girl in the style of high-tech

In the interior of High-tech, bright accents may sometimes be present. The presence of a variety of equipment is characteristic of the style of High-tech urban notes emphasize the features of the style of High-tech concise design in gray tones One bright accent is characteristic of High-Tech style in the micay-tech interior is used by a minimum of furniture. Dark colors Frequently used in the design of High-Tech

Art Deco

This style is extremely popular thanks to his decorativeness and bohemity. The main thing in it is expensive decorations and decor items: fur, dark wood, steel and brass in contrasting neighborhood. The main color should be calm and not annoying - gray, beige, lilac, milk. The remaining color gamma is based on the main tone with small splashes of additional shades. Wenge Furniture, Dark Walnut, White Oak. Art Deco - style for glamorous girls. In the interior, everything is possible - curtains with lambrequins, crystal chandelier, stewed furniture from plush.

Photo Gallery: Ar-Deco Style Room for Girl

The Ar-Deco Style Room always looks expensive and exquisitely bright accents, incredible combinations inherent in the Art Deco style interior in the Art Deco style unusually elegant in the interior of Ar Deco is always there is a dear furniture Curtains with lambrequins inherent in the Art Deco Luxury and Chic style - characteristic signs Art Deco

Country and Provence

Wooden Furniture, Floral Prints, Natural Fabrics - Country style is first a comfort. Provence is characterized by lilac, lavender, salad and yellow colors Finishes. And all of them, as if blurred, burned in the South Sun. Vintage, wicker or forged furniture, antiques are welcomed. Conventional furniture is artificially etched or covered with crewing. The decor should be a lot - these are various boxes and boxes, vases and chests, dried and lively flowers.

Photo Gallery: Country Styles and Provence For Girl's Room

Flower motifs - Country style feature with a table for studying can serve a windowsill Vintage furniture - Raisin style Provence Gentle textiles and vintage furniture create a feminine and cozy atmosphere
A large number of Textiles brings comfort in the country style in the country in the style of country, uses aged furniture


This combination of styles minimalism and high-tech with optimal functionality, but without coupling parts. Distinctive features - geometric forms and extreme asceticism. For this direction it will be typical modern furniture "Gather yourself." Color solutions can be anyhow, but it is worthwhile too bright shades. Style is universal and unobtrusive.

Photo gallery: room for girl in style constructivism

Interior in style constructivism is not overloaded with household items decorated in style constructivism, suitable for a child of any floor in the style in style. Constructivism is used by a minimum of furniture. The folding bed helps to save the space of a small room. Laconicity and minimalism are the main features of constructivism. Quiet colors and formation of forms are characteristic constructivism


The style resembles constructivism, but is distinguished by the layout of the old and new. For loft typical brick or casually plastered walls (or imitation), rough wooden floor, metal parts and non-trivial decor: musical instruments, Pipe tube, microscope and so on. Soft furniture transforming. Loft lamps are original and unusual. This style is suitable for creative and freedom-loving people.

It should be remembered that the Loft is applicable only to a large room at the premises.

Photo Gallery: Loft Style Room for Girl

Unusual decor and furniture are characteristic of Loft style brick walls - Loft style business card. Neaked Loft makes the room of modern and non-bank. Brick wall and coarse wooden floor inherent loft style
Loft style is used for large premises Lamps in the form of spotlights complement the Loft style


This is another available and universal style that meets the most recent modes. Smooth lines, sophisticated colors (brown, gold, orange, beige), comfortable modern furniture, original lamps, natural materials - all this will create an elegant atmosphere in the maiden bedroom. Curtains necessarily strict best shutters Or roll tracks. For modernity, the most unexpected combinations are characterized: wooden and lacquered furniture, simple textiles and long-sized carpet.

Photo gallery: Modern style for girl room

Contemporary original furniture Well complements the interior in the style of modern brown color is often used in the modern style. With the help of a rack, you can split the room into two zones of the mirror visually increase the space in the modern interior is used quiet colors. Original lamps are characterized by modern style.

The choice is quite wide, so first of all you should navigate the taste, lifestyle and the nature of the future hostess. Refuse the cliché. Not all girls love pink, flowers and ruffles. Remember that tastes change, so use those materials that are easy to replace.

The older young person, the more attention is paid to the guest area.

Room decor for young girl

The interior creation occurs in stages:

  1. Selection of style and color decoration. The color decision must fully arrange the future owner. The room must be cozy and comfortable, so it is better to stay on neutral shades - white, turquoise, beige, tea rose color, smoky-gray and so on. When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the type of teenage temperament. For melancholic natures, cheerful shades are chosen, and for cholerics - calm and peaceful. The monophonic interior will quickly bother, so it is better to combine two or three colors. The main rule is bright colors are combined with pale. If the girl is like a bright color gamut, then one of the walls is drawn up, for example, the head of the bed. Interior items can be contrasting: furniture, lamps, lamps or textiles (curtains, bedspread). If the color of the walls are dark, then the furniture should be bright. It is important to remember that white color is suitable for any temperament.
  2. Zoning room. As a rule, three zones are highlighted in the room - for recreation, studies and reception of guests. Zoning can be performed using mobile or static plasterboard septal walls or puzzle plates. Interesting looks zoning with color. The sleeping area is separated in calm shades, and guest and educational - in bright and juicy. It can be versions of the same color. Zoning small rooms is performed using a shirm or curtain. The curtically deducting sleep zone looks especially pretty. In addition, the zoning often uses furniture - racks and cabinets. Special attention should be paid to the working (educational) zone. There is usually a table (computer or written) and shelves (lockers) for books. Most often, the table put the window to use the natural light. But the artificial lighting of the working area should be optimal. Zoning can be performed using lighting. In the evening, the lamps serve as determinants of the zones.
  3. Selection of furniture, textiles and accessories. The furniture is selected taking into account the size of the room and its style, and it should be high quality and comfortable. For example, a bed equipped with orthopedic Mattress and drawer for bed linen. The same applies to the sofa. If a chair is planned in the room, it must be folded. You can stay on soft-sac. If there is no place, then fat carpet and pillows are stacked for reception to the floor. Furniture color is preferable light, especially this is relevant for small rooms. Since the wardrobe of the woman at any age is impressive, better decision There will be a built-in wardrobe. There you can place clothes, shoes and other household items. Plus, one of the doors of the wardrobe can be made mirror. It is suitable and the usual two-door wardrobe. Well, most budget option Will be the shelves with baskets on them. Modular furniture is good in that at any time you can change its facades and update the interior.

Video: Teenage girl room

Small room design for girl

In a small room excellent solution It will become a podium, which is hiding a sleeping place, and the work area will be located on top. Another option for saving space can serve folded bedwhich hides in the closet. For small rooms produced compact modular furniture. It is worth paying attention to folded tables and folding chairs. The curtains should be abandoned, which grind space, and replace them with blinds or Roman curtains. The windowsill can be made wide, equipping a place to rest on it.

For registration of a small room better use light colors

Creating an interior - the work is creative and very interesting. That the result is not worse than the professional designers, it should be used by some tips:

  1. If you make a room in the neutral gamma, the interior is easily updated with a simple change of accessories.
  2. The ceiling is better to do white, and if it is low, then - glossy.
  3. Practical floor is a parquet or high-quality laminate.
  4. Cabinet furniture is good in that it can be replaced with facades.
  5. Decorative details can be selected gradually.

The bed on Fengshui should be installed so that the door can be seen. It should be new, not grandmother - the Chinese are confident that things retain the power of man and can affect fate. Aquarium I. curly plants Take energy, so they are not a place in the teenager's room. Do not have the mirror opposite the bed. The lamp in the northeast corner will contribute to success in study.

Video: Girl room design

Making the room design for the girl, first of all, you should listen to her wishes. But at the same time not to forget about the functionality and decorativeness of the interior. Only then the room will become a real embodiment of the dream.