Repairs Design Furniture

Repair in a small bedroom. Modern ideas for repairing bedrooms, photo interiors How to make beautiful repair bedroom

Repair is carried out bedrooms when you want to update the interior familiar to the eye. In the rooms, people spend a lot of their lives, so everyone wants to make it comfortable. That is why before the start of planned work it is necessary to choose the optimal, in terms of a person, design. Any photos of the ready-made options or a designer of the designer will help. Regardless of the selected method, it is first necessary to think carefully, otherwise unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided.

It is recommended to consider various design options in advance. For this, both furniture or thematic directories will be needed. It will not be superfluous to make a sketch that will help to see in advance how exactly the one or another item fits into the interior. It is desirable fate at this stage the size of the room, the degree of its illumination and the prevailing color range.

Increased attention is paid to the issue of zoning available areas. For example, if we are talking about the design of bedrooms, then it is done in isolation from other rooms. On the one hand, each centimeter of the square must be rationally use without overloading the interior. On the other hand, if there is enough area in the room, a wardrobe or workplace is placed.

Further stages of work look like this:

  1. Drawing up the cost estimates - the more accurately the materials necessary for the repair, the easier it is to determine the financial issue. Newbies can take advantage of specialized computer programs. We do this for the sake of simplifying the entire process, because they allow on the basis of the entered parameters to see the approximate estimate;
  2. Preparation of the future place of work - In order for the room to be conveniently carrying out the necessary manipulations, all the furniture and equipment should be taken out of it. In cases where the project does not provide for the replacement of windows and doors in the room, they should be pre-protected from random damage, dust and possible ink. For this, a special film is used to buy which can be in the building materials store;
  3. Removing old structures and coatings - In most cases, we are talking about unnecessary wallpaper, whitewash, tile or paint. This stage takes a lot of time and requires high caution. Real difficulties begin at the point of removal of the plinth and threshold.

Bedroom repair options: wall decoration and ceiling

In order for the bedroom to be transformed, you need to pay close attention to the walls and the ceiling. When it comes to the ceiling, then it is possible to change its appearance using: putty, setting the tension or drywall option. The first way to intelligently use sufficient construction experience to people, otherwise there are no multiple errors. It is easier to work with plasterboard.

First, they equalize almost all surface irregularities, and, secondly, allow them to hide unsightly communications with their own hands. Among other benefits, universality is allocated - the ability to use in the interior regardless of its characteristics. If the design of the room involves the use of a multi-level ceiling, then use plasterboard or stretch ceilings.

No less attention should be paid to the issue of wall transformation:

  • Plasterboard refers to inexpensive and simple ways to hide all surface irregularities;
  • If there is no desire to visually reduce the space indoors, the choice must be made in favor of plaster;
  • The finishing finish is carried out with the help of wallpaper and decorative plaster;
  • Different types of finishes will help explore photos in the thematic press.

Where to start repairing in the bedroom: under your feet you need to watch

Beautiful floor indoors should not be cold tones. A similar requirement concerns its temperature. To fully experience the benefits of a well-insulated floor option will help the system "Warm floor". If there is no financial opportunity for its installation, then several common types of materials will help to make a comfortable option. Opens a list of laminate leaving easy styling not even very experienced people.

After installing special care, it does not require - in addition, a good designer will offer a number of other options:

  1. Linoleum - Budget version of the floor covering. For decades, there was a furniture that could not harm the linoleum. If, from a functional point of view, the material confidently bypassed competitors, then with aesthetic - left much to be desired;
  2. Bulk floor - Creates a perfectly smooth surface with minimal time. Among other advantages - the ability to create the floor in 3D pictures;
  3. Suberic floor - Environmentally friendly and pleasant to the touch coverage. His only mine is a ban on the use of aggressive chemical cleaning;
  4. Parquet - Requires attention to himself in terms of care. At the same time, it allows you to create a designer floor. A significant disadvantage of the material is the high cost.

It is more correct to start with redevelopment, providing for disassembling individual elements. Similarly, it is necessary to do if we are talking about zoning space using partitions. In addition, at the redevelopment stage, heating batteries are replaced, installation of air conditioning, installation, or change in electrical wiring configuration, setting new double-glazed windows.

The material of the finish is selected taking into account the aesthetic and environmental factor. A phased work plan This aspect necessarily takes into account. The absence of dangerous dyes and other not always safe elements will have a positive effect on the health of the inhabitants of the room. If we talk about the system of windows, then the tree needs to be abandoned due to its inability to pass the air flow in the desired volume. The wrong microclimate will not be better reflected on the indoor air quality.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that high-quality sound insulation is needed in the apartment. Only plastic windows will cope with such a task. At the same time you need to remember one moment. If people with manifestations of allergies live in the house, then the plastic windows should refuse. A similar requirement concerns the doors. They are mistakenly perceived as a monolithic obstacle, designed to protect the inhabitants of the room from a military invasion.

  • The rate is made on functional furniture with a large number of retractable elements;
  • Visually little sleeping will expand the angular cabinet with glass sliding panels;
  • In rooms with extraordinary geometry it is better to use 2-3 notable visual accents. As such, a designer cabinet or picture will perform;
  • Whatever finishing option was chosen, it is necessary to eliminate excessive oversrage of the furniture space.

Repair in the room - the task is not easy, requiring good training. In the manufacture of the sketch, the architectural features of the room are taken into account, where it is planned to change the situation. Furniture, windows and doors are selected taking into account the preferred style in the interior. After approval of the estimates, the transformation of the room begins. The main thing is to keep the balance between the extent of the workload of the available space and the desired result.

Examples of repair bedrooms (interior photos)

In the life of every person, it comes sooner or later a period comes, which scares and makes a lot of accommodation - repairs. Carrying out repairs throughout the apartment, a separate attention should be paid to the room intended for rest, the comfort in which is a prerequisite. We are talking about the bedroom. It is very important to equip it in such a way as to be in the room it was pleasant, and the atmosphere had rest and remarkable pastime. After reading this article, you will learn how to make beautiful repairs in the bedroom, spending at least forces, nerves and financial resources.


Study design project

Before repairing any room, it is necessary to compile a competent design project, covering absolutely all aspects of the upcoming actions. Do not everyone know what the design project is which stages it includes whether they are needed.

Design projects call the set of necessary documentation, designer developments and a list of building materials.

To properly plan everything, you need to follow the following order:

  • Stage 1 - Discussion and definition of the budget. At this stage, all available funds are calculated, which can be invest in the repair of the bedroom. This stage helps to avoid unreasonable spending.
  • Stage 2 - Working with a designer. This stage implies the development of the interior, the preparation of plans and drawings, thinking of the smallest details relating to the situation. If finances do not allow, it is not necessary to resort to the help of a specialist, you can draw up a plan on your own.
  • Stage 3 - discussion of building materials. After discussing the interior design concept, it is necessary to decide which construction and finishing materials will be used for repair.
  • Step 4 - counting upcoming expenses. The next step will be calculated by the required amount of materials, as well as the upcoming costs compiled on the basis of real numbers. After counting, the budget can either increase or reduce.

From these basic stages and should be a design project.

Any minor additions, equipping the room with accessories and decorative elements that are not part of the finish are not prescribed in the design project.

Repair stages do it yourself

It is the opinion that the repair is easy to start, but it is impossible to finish - it can only be suspended for a while. However, this opinion is a delusion, because with the competent development of the project (as well as the coverage of absolutely all parts), the repairs can be considered completely complete.

Many do not risk trying out this process, because they underestimate their own strengths and use the help of third-party persons whose wages can be somewhat overestimated.

It is worth reading all the stages and the difficulties of this process in more detail, as it becomes clear that it is not so difficult to make the repair with your own hands.

You can slightly update the room, making a lightweight redecoration, affecting only the outer decoration of the walls, the ceiling and floor. Light cosmetic repairs will be relevant in the room where there are no serious damage and parts requiring immediate replacement.

With cosmetic repair, there is not even a need to replace furniture, so the room remains almost in the same form, as before replacing the finish, it simply acquires a slightly updated and more recent look. For fundamental changes, overhaul is necessary - with a complete replacement of furniture.

To make a capital renovation, it is necessary to embrace many details. It is worthwhile to understand what is included in the process of this type of repair, which important details must be taken into account.

Window replacement

In houses with old wooden frames that came into disrepair, as well as with plastic windows, which could be replaced by windows. Very often in the repair process, this stage is passed, because it seems excessively costly, but its absence can entail quite serious consequences. Old windows can pass the drafts, moisture and unnecessarily freeze in the winter.

The owned replacement of windows is not as expensive as perfect by any individuals from construction companies.

Just observe some sequence:

  • It is necessary to remove measurements from window openings and order the appropriate double-glazed windows in the firm or purchase them in specialized stores.
  • Next, the old window frames are dismantled. It should be carefully separated from the window openings, trying not to damage the walls.
  • Then you need to carefully prepare window openings to install new double-glazed windows. It is necessary to remove old materials used to install windows, as well as eliminate all damage caused by dismantling.
  • After that, you need to install a new window, securing it with special metal pins, without which it simply will not hold.
  • After fixing the window in the opening, it is necessary to close all the holes and slots using the mounting foam.
  • The final stage will be the putty of sections, closed foam, small slots, as well as dusting staining.

The replacement of windows is carried out primarily because it can entail damage to the coverage of the walls, which is undesirable after making decorating them. They may lose their primary appearance, and will have to work again.



The next step will be the dismantling of all other components of the previous repair, since the new finishing materials cannot be applied to the old ones. You need to read more in more detail with the process of dismantling old finishing materials and interior elements, as well as with some lifehams that facilitate this process.

With major repairs, it will have to get rid of the door - it will be necessary to replace them. Dismantling door openings is a very important component of the entire process. First you need to remove the door leaf with the loops itself, carefully dismantle the platband and the door box itself.

When replacing the old doors, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of the doorway, since in some cases it may be needed to expand or extension.

The process of removing old wallpaper may seem complicated and tedious if dying dry cloths from the unprepared wall. There are many lifhacks that contribute to the simplification of the task.

Here are the most effective of them:

  1. Wallpapers can be weted with warm water or soap solution. For convenience, you can use a sprayer or mqvabra. The canvas should be wet enough so that after a while they could easily remove them from the wall.
  2. If the wallpaper is wetted, and the process from this did not make it easier, you can use a water saparler.Hot couples in combination with already applied moisture will become a wonderful way, and the canvas easily comes from the wall.

If there is a tile room, it will be necessary to dismantle it.This process is perhaps the most time consuming of all, since the tile is attached to a special cement solution, which is incredibly strong and reliable.

First you have to get rid of the grout - by wetting, acute solid object, or a small grinder. The grout on a cement basis can be quite strong, so you have to make some effort.

Since the process of removing the old tile may be somewhat laborious, you have to be patient. It is possible to dismantle it with a strong iron spatula and hammer, but this method can take quite a long time. Much faster and effective will be the work of the perforator.

It is necessary to clean from old finishing materials and the floor, and the ceiling. Depending on the coating used, the cleaning method will be different. For example, laminate, linoleum and parquet are easy enough to remove, as well as the stretch ceiling canvas. But with whitewash and paint will have to tinker, armed with a spatula and skirt.

Wiring of necessary communications

If you wish to make a bedroom more convenient, it may be necessary to breed communications. You can select existing options for how to do it is better, as well as options for communications that can be held on the bedroom.

First of all, this is electricity. Sometimes the central lighting, located in the central part of the ceiling, may not be enough, so it is worth thinking about additional points.

To save space, the bedside lamps can be excluded using additional ceiling elements or wall scaves.

Divide electricity can be from the central point of lighting, if it is quite powerful, from the electrical panel, if the repair is carried out in the entire apartment, as well as from the nearest outlet. The bedroom should make a hidden wiring, for which the walls will take.

In the same way, you can carry out lines to create additional electrical access points - sockets.

If the bedroom is located next to the bathroom, toilet or kitchen, you can easily spend into a pipe room, equipping it with an additional water supply point.

This will require the following:

  • first of all, the plumbing permit obtained in BTI;
  • competently designed plumbing layout of pipes;
  • pipes for hot and cold water, other plumbing elements.

You should not make pipes in the floor, because when the leakage occurs, there will be extremely difficult to eliminate them without damaging the flooring. It is best to use for this wall, fastening the pipes and closing this area with special cabinets.

The central heating is also carried out in a similar way.

Chernovo finish

It is intended to begin the process of finishing the room, it is better to take care of the draft. Do not everyone know what the rough finish is for what it is needed. After all, not even every experienced specialist does it.

The rough finish is necessary, because without it it is impossible to make a qualitatively performed. Thanks to the preparation, it is possible to significantly extend the service life of the finishing materials, as they will be more reliably fixed on the walls of the apartment.

In addition, it is believed that the rough finish is capable of even slightly enhance the noise insulating and thermore regulatory properties of the room.. It is understandable, because with the draft finish, all small gaps and holes, missed during construction, will be embedded.

It is worth noting that the roughing of the communications and the construction of plasterboard structures are also attributed to the draft decoration.

It is necessary to analyze the main stages of the draft finish, the features of each of them, and also familiarize themselves with the list of necessary materials.


The most difficult to carry out the ceiling black finish, because during the construction of the slab can be laid not entirely, it may be necessary to align the surface. This need disappears if the tensile or suspension design will be used as the ceiling finishes.

If the repair is to be done in a new apartment, the room of which was not subject to the process of draft trim, may occur the need to eliminate cleft between slabs ceiling overlap. These slots can be large enough, so they simply need to be eliminated.

Elimination of the cracks is best carried out using a mounting foam. Make the surface of the ceiling to a more even help the level line, as well as a painting mesh and cement solution. All irregularities and differences need to be smoothed, creating a completely smooth ceiling surface.

The top layer covering the ceiling must lie down the plaster, which will become the basis for further action.


The roughing of the walls are made by primer, plaster and putty.

Primer It serves for better clutch materials with wall surface.

Via plasters The surface of the walls is corrected, as well as the closure of any seams and smoothing irregularities.

Putty It is the final detail of the draft walls. It is necessary for the further decoration of the walls.

However, this is not all. As already mentioned, part of the draft walls can be construction of additional partitions and interroom structures. If it comes to decorative partitions, it is enough to use fine materials, but for serious interior floors, more durable options are needed.

As for decorative partitions, in most cases there are plasterboard sheets, fixed on special metal profiles and forming hollow space. Such a partition does not provide noise insulation and does not hold heat in a separate part of the room.

For the construction of full-fledged interior floors, you will need concrete blocks or ordinary bricks. In addition, foam blocks and slag blocks are quite popular, durable and practical. The blocks are bonded with each other with a cement mixture, and the finished design is covered with a thick layer of plaster and putty.

Floor screed

Another phase of the draft finish is the work with the floor, namely, the exercise of the screed. The tie of the floor is called the intermediate layer of flooring, which shares the base, laid during construction, and decorative decoration elements.

Floor screed is a necessity for several reasons:

  • the basis is usually not very smooth, it has a lot of flaws, so the screed is made to align it;
  • if the pipe laying and heating is carried out under the floor, the screed will also be needed, since this wiring will need to be hidden;
  • the screed is necessary for the competent, safe distribution of thermal insulation properties;
  • the screed is made in the event that there is a need to create any slopes.

Laying the final floor covering without a screed will make the coating ineffective and reduce its heat-insulating and noise insulating properties several times.

The screed has a slight sound insulation effect. This is especially true for repairs in the bedroom located in a new building, since the noise insulating properties of such houses are usually reduced to almost a minimum.

The roughing of the walls and the screed of the floors allows to reduce the level of noise.

There are ties of several species, and each of them possesses any characteristic features.

Wet ties Made by connecting a dry mixture with an aqueous solution. Types of this type exist in two versions: the associated and floating (serving to ensure the greatest degree of sound insulation, which is ensured by laying a mixture into special mats).

Dry tie Are placed on the surface using clay and special plates. The surface is processed by plaster or cement mortar to hide the resulting seams.

Primer ceiling and walls

After leveling the surface and applying putty, it is necessary to prepare walls and a ceiling to the final finish. To do this, you must apply a layer of high-quality primer. The primer is a special solution that serves as a peculiar clutch between the surface of the wall or ceiling and finishing material.

The primer has both protective properties, preventing moisture loss by finishing materials. The thing is that the concrete has a feature of excessively strong absorption and moisture suction, which can lead to a rather rapid sickness of the material, loss of all elasticity and premature failure.

The primers are divided into several types and are selected in accordance with the surface to be printed. In addition, the choice of the humidity of the room and the purpose of the material is affected.

One type of primer is designed to serve as a layman between the construction and finishing materials, while others are needed only for processing the base of the wall or ceiling. And the third and at all differ in the properties of deep penetration, which is very relevant for walls of fragile, bulk material.

The primer may have to be applied in several layers, depending on the type of solution itself and the surface of the wall, to which it is applied.

You can start the final finish only after the complete drying of all layers of primer.

To determine whether the wall needs in additional priming, after drying the first layer it is necessary to spend on the surface of the hand. If dust remains on the palm from the material from which the wall is made, you should repeat the procedure.

Finish finish

After the draft and preparation of walls and the ceiling, it should be proceeded with the finishing finish. It includes decoration of walls, ceiling and floor with necessary finishing materials.

Materials must be selected in advance, since the preparation of walls should be carried out in accordance with the type of finishing.

It is not necessary to wisely wise when choosing materials. Overestimate your forces, you can simply not cope with the task and not complete the repair of the bedroom as I would like (or not complete it at all). However, the choice of material will be a little later, the main stages of final finishing and their features will be considered.

The finishing finish includes work on the surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors.

The sequence of processing parts of the room can be changed, which must be re-organized - depending on the selected finishing material.


The ceiling finish is performed primarily if plastering, paint, ceiling tiles are selected as finishing materials that are fastened with a special glue. This stage should be the first, since these materials are rather marked and can damage the ceiling and floor decor.

Blooming and paint It is necessary to apply to the primed surface, and here to fasten the tile decor will have to shortcate and suck the ceiling, since the adhesive is not always well connected with the concrete surface.


Primarily produced and construction of suspended ceiling structures and niches. Since such elements are made of plasterboard sheets, the surface will also need to be attached and supper, after which it is necessary to apply primer and paint. The process of staining in any case may entail pollution of the surrounding space.

BUT Installation of stretch ceiling carried out at the final stage of the finishing finish. Under the already stretched canvas, it will be very difficult for the wallpaper, and the decor of the walls will be plastering and is impossible at all. The stretch ceiling does not affect the purity of the walls and the floor, since it does not use any liquid adhesive and coloring materials for its installation.

For mounting the stretch canvas on the wall (in several centimeters from the ceiling), fastening of special metal profiles are constructed. After that, the web is heated by special air cannons and stretches around the perimeter of the entire bedroom. The edges of such a canvase are refilled for profiles - and thereby fixed.


With the stages of the ceiling finish, everything is clear, the next step is the decor of the walls.

The most suitable option is selected - depending on the surface of the wall itself, room temperature, humidity level and individual preferences.

If the choice fell on ordinary wallpaper with drawingHere everything is quite simple - high-quality glue with appropriate characteristics is selected, the wallpapers are cut on the canvas of the required length, the glue is labeled and attached to the wall. If necessary, you can apply glue and on the wall itself too.

If the choice fell on a wallpaper with a pattern that you need to docile and customized, you should cut the canvas in advance to the entire perimeter of the room - given the creation of a holistic picture.


After sticking wallpaper under painting It is necessary to dry well - and only then paint.


It is worth noting that it is possible to paint and simply projected walls, and the surface decorated with finishing plaster, with which you can create an interesting textured surface.

rules staining walls Do not differ from the process of dyeing any other elements of the room something special. First, it is necessary to bring paint to the edges in the field of the floor and the ceiling, as well as the corner openings, after which (armed with a roller with the corresponding surface) will need to paint the central part of the wall.

If the ceiling was pre-painted, you should be careful when applying paints in the top of the wall. No need to touch the surface of the ceiling.



Floor finishing is the latest step that finishes the repair, since the coloring of the floor surface is carried out very rarely, and indeed - the process of its decoration does not affect the safety of wall decoration and the ceiling.

What really should be taken into account before the finishing process of the whole room - this is the equipment of the floor heated mats (a system of warm floors, which will be very relevant for the bedroom - especially if the room is a balcony).

Some types of warm floors need careful consolidation. Putting mats on the already dried tie, they must be fixed with special glue or cement mortar. Some particularly powerful elements are even fixed before the surface screed is made.


Separate attention should be paid to the parquet and parquet board, since the final stage is to apply a special coating - parquet varnish.

Of course, an important aspect of any repair process is the choice of high-quality building materials. It is necessary to understand that it is necessary to consider when choosing, which should be paid to special attention, as well as find out the features of the most popular materials.

It is necessary to analyze the market of proposals - in order to identify the most advantageous price variations of the same product. The repair process (even if one bedroom) requires considerable investments, so small savings will not hurt.

It is worth considering what qualities and characteristics must be considered when choosing one or another material:

  • Any material should not have sharp unpleasant odors. The light smell remaining after the factory products will quickly weather, but the caustic smell characteristic of poor-quality cheap materials can be maintained for quite a long time, providing a detrimental effect on human well-being.
  • Material must have antistatic properties, preventing the accumulation of static electricity, which can disrupt the conditions for a comfortable stay.
  • Very good if the material contains antibacterial componentspreventing the occurrence of fungi and reproduction of harmful bacteria, which may also not be the best way to reflect on health.
  • Of course, the material must be beautiful and providing a wonderful holiday.Because the sleeping room is intended for this.
  • Any construction and finishing materials must be durable and wear-resistantSince the annual renewal of the premises by repair is overhead and unreasonable.

You can select the most suitable finishing materials for different parts of the room.

For ceiling

For convenience, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of various ceiling coatings on the example of a comparative table.

Features Benefits disadvantages
Poles the ceiling Performed with a sprayer, roller or brush. Easy performance, tidy appearance. Pre-alignment of the surface, high degree of marching, briefness.
Painting ceiling Performed with the help of water-emulsion or water dispersive paint. There is a choice of budget materials, simplicity of execution. It is rapidly irradiated, it is necessary to update every couple of years, it is necessary to put a preliminary spat.
Plasterboard Constructed from sheets of plasterboard and metal profiles. With a special technique, you can build a design of any form. Similar structures "eat" the free space of the room.
Suspended ceiling designs:
Cassette It consists of thin plates made of aluminum or galvanized materials. Easily mounted, easily clean, hide the imperfections of the surface. Low degree of sound insulation and noise suppression.
Brew Installation is made using drywall and decorative panels. The possibility of using different lighting, well holds heat and muffles noises. Decorative finish is needed, it is impossible to mount the ceiling wiring of electricity.
Rachet Consist of narrow aluminum plates. Different decorative decoration is possible, suitable for premises without heating. Not suitable for residential premises.
Wallpaper for ceiling Tight ceiling wallpaper and appropriate glue are used. Clean in the process, it is easy to hide ceiling defects, durability. Cheap wallpapers quickly lose their primary appearance and cannot be eliminated by pollution.
Stretch ceiling Constructed using metal profiles and a special canvase that is tensioning when heated. Suitable for rooms with high humidity, long retains the original appearance, it is possible to mount the lamps, refractory, does not require much care. Intramit to mechanical impacts with sharp objects.
Tiles for ceiling Tiles are made of expanded polystyrene, size 50x50 cm. Large selection of surfaces and shades, easy care. Working work, fragility of tiles, the short-life of the cloud of the base.

For walls

The best option for the decor of the bedroom walls - fliselin and high-quality vinyl wallpaper. It is best to choose meter, because it is more convenient to glue, and the whole process will take much less time.

The wallpaper is suitable for neutral light shades, because in the bedroom bright colors are not very appropriate.

For those who wish to add paints to the interior of the bedroom or create an atmosphere of something unusual fit decorative plaster or unusual photo wallpaperpasted on one of the central walls.

For floors

There are quite a lot of floor covering options, you can choose any - in accordance with individual tastes and needs. The simplest in the installation, for example, is considered linoleumwhich looks very attractive. In addition, the new-fashioned development is an eco-friendly linoleum, with hypoallergenic components in the composition.

Similar to the simplicity of installation is considered carpet - Carpet, distributed over the entire floor of the floor in the room. Such material can be kept in the bedroom if you are interested in softness and warm floors. The minuses include inconvenience relating to the care of such material. Pluses have a lot of carpet.

Laminate It is the most common floor covering. It is available at a price, practical and will serve quite a long time. There are quite a few design solutions: you can put on the floor white, brown, dark or color laminate.

It is impossible not to mention and parquet board. This coverage is better in quality than laminate, but it has one feature - it is necessary to cover the floor with a special parquet varnish.

As a special design stroke, you can use the construction structure two-level floordecorated with different finishing materials. The two-tier floor will be the highlight of the bedroom interior.

Carefully examine the ideas of the repair of bedrooms in small apartments are necessary before work. First of all, you should choose the stylistics of the upcoming transformations. Modern, classic, bold experiments or incredible forms and color solutions Futurism requires accounting for a variety of details. In order for the end result of the tenants, it is necessary to acquire thematic publications. They publish photos to make a preliminary opinion.

The need to dismiss the dark tones in the interior design of the room was due to the desire to visually expand the boundaries. In this case, the erroneous will be done exclusively on them. Avoid the feelings of the hospital chamber, where there are several bright accents from whiteness from whiteness. To do this, it is advisable to use the floor covering of a warm woodcut. Other options include a choice in favor of pastel tones: beige, sandy.

The overall stylistic direction will complement the furniture and reasonable amount of textiles made from natural materials. Close attention must be paid to the color solution of the wallpaper. From dark and shades close to them, it is better to refuse to immediately - they visually reduce the space. It will be right in small apartments to bet on light tones.

In addition, designers put forward a number of other tips:

  • Using the horizontal pattern on the wallpaper will visually expand the space;
  • The color of the ceiling must be as close as possible to white, which will add several visual centimeters;
  • Fans of experiments can make one of the walls to make shiny-white, leaving other pastel shades;
  • Adding bright walls of bright contrast elements will be positively affected by the perception of space;
  • Saturated pastel colors will assist visual accents in small rooms.

For those who plan to put on the floor laminate or parquet, it will be useful to know one trick. Mounting is carried out diagonally, which improves the visual perception of the room.

Little Bedroom, Ideas for Repair: Registration of the Input Group

Working with space in the room begins with the input composition. The smaller next to it is the redundant amount of things, the freight "breathes" inhabitants. The first thing to pay attention to is the distance from the entrance group to the wall, located opposite. It is recommended to leave it open. This will make a positive way on the sensation of space.

At the next stage, attention is drawn to the headboard bed.

On the one hand, its design should meet the overall stylistic solution to the room. On the other hand, it should not be too bright. In this case, the headboard will become one of the first visual indoor accents.

Designers allocate a number of other useful recommendations:

  • The use of small abstract paintings created from the photo will allow focusing the attention of indoors on an extended space;
  • In the studio room, the entrance group is advisable to separate the screen.

Repair in a small bedroom, photo options: attention to detail

Even small details are capable of a small room to make a visually spacious room. Effective in all respects options are mirrors. It is enough to purchase one large and several small mirrors. Reflective light will create a feeling of freedom. From the point of view of placement, you need to hang them in front of the window. Double mirror panels of the corner cabinet can add them.

The game of light and shadow will be positively affected by the emotional state of the tenants.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to several recommendations that allow you to visually expand the space:

  • Placing mirrors in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bed is not recommended;
  • Minor inclusions of blue in the interior will add liveliness;
  • Used with pastel or beige tones of shades of red positive will affect the perception of the room.

Before making real conversion indoors, it is advisable to view the finished options. As learning, you should remember one. Do not blindly copy your favorite option. In most cases, we are talking about the need for minor refinement.

As all ideas of future transformations are considered, one can safely move to practical implementation. First of all, it is necessary to create a second tier. From a functional point of view, in the room it will contribute to the optimization of the existing space. The color solution is organized in pastel colors. A slightly expand the room will allow the windowsill.

If in the interior of the standard bedroom it is used, maximum, for flowers, then with a skillful designer approach, a cute sofa will come out of it. Important condition for the implementation of such an idea are deeply planted windows.

As other tips for the upcoming repair, the following options are used:

  • Lack of space will help hide bright pillows;
  • Combining several functional areas allows you to make a cozy atmosphere, while leaving the space for work and rest;
  • The use of small furniture is the key to successful repair. Instead of standard bedside tables, it is recommended to make a choice in favor of high consoles;
  • For fans of the ecological direction in design, you can recommend making several crafts with your own hands. They are placed on the wall;
  • Curtains and textiles are used without pattern;
  • It is advisable to maximally exclude the emptiness between the furniture objects;
  • It is necessary to avoid the overloading of the room by low-rated objects.

The organization of space in a small apartment is comparable to a walk through a minefield. Each incorrect step destroys the scarce space. Designers recommend pre-thinking every step. Wallpaper color, texture and type of furniture, the presence of mirrors and small decorative elements - all this is the basis of the correct design of a small room.

Options for small bedrooms (photo)

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms, because this is a place to relax, sleep, and therefore we spend the third part of our lives here. This is the "heart" of houses or apartments, where every night a person restores his strength for the next business day. Therefore, many, taking care of the improvement of their housing, are often wondering: "How to make the repair of walls in the bedroom with your own hands." It is necessary to approach this process especially responsibly, not forgetting about the share of creative and ingenuity, because there are a lot of wall design options in the bedroom, and below you will find out more detail.

What are the requirements of repairing walls in the bedroom with your own hands?

In the ancient times, the bedroom belonged to the front premises. Members of the imperial families and noble Velmes were invited to the bedroom on the morning toilet of their favorites, and even unfamiliar people. This invitation served as a story that Fortuna smiled at them.

Since then, a lot of time has passed, and now the bedroom is an intimate place in the apartment. A special feeling in the bedrooms create walls, allowing to be tied to rest, love, meditation. Therefore, repair and their creative design should be given to maximum attention so that they meet the following requirements:

  • Ecology.

Of course, the walls in the bedroom, where a person spends a third of his life, should be environmentally safe, from what material they did not consist.

  • Exterior appeal.

Wake up and fall asleep always wants in a comfortable setting, so every morning and every evening the drawing should please the eye at any lighting.

  • Durability and reliability of the material.

It is unlikely that you will enjoy looking at dents and scratches on the walls. If you are not going to make repairs in the bedroom more often than 1 time per year, then prefer high-strength finishing materials.

  • Easy care.

At times, even the most accurate owners, force majeures happen - a drop of a drop from coffee, crushed mosquit on the wall. All this is capable of spoiling the appearance of the wall of the bedroom, as well as the mood of the owner. Therefore, so as not to be upset the walls should be easily clean and wash.

How to make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands? Step-by-step repair instructions:

  1. Designed design project.

It displays exactly what kind of bedroom type should be on the completion of the repair. The sketch is applied on paper or is created using a computer program.

Moreover, it is important to take into account all the sizes of the room, correctly produce zoning the space of the room. As a rule, the bedroom is isolated from other premises, but here you can organize a place to work or dressing room.
  1. Developed estimate for repairs.

Once you decide on the design of the bedroom, a list of materials needed to perform work is drawn up and costs are formed. At the same time, the underlying condition is to properly preserve the ratio of reasonable price and good quality to perform the repair of the bedroom with their own hands, the photos presented in the article will help you clearly understand.

  1. Prepared workplace.

First of all, from the bedroom you need to endure all the furniture, recruit switches, sockets and chandeliers. If you do not think to change the doors and windows, they must be protected by film from dust and scratches.

  1. Dismantling of the old coating, implies the removal of old wallpaper, paints, traces of whitewash, spoiled flooring, tiles, etc.

The dismantling process itself is a long procedure requiring special attention and certain skills. It is worth removing the thresholds and plinths.

  1. The room is re-posted, and its structural elements are replaced.

The process of repairing the bedroom with their own hands can begin with redevelopment, which provides a device or demolition of partitions. In addition, during repairs you can perform:

  • installation of air conditioners;
  • replacement of radiators;
  • replace doors and windows;
  • conduct electrical work.

Tip! Bedroom, more than other facilities in the apartment, need to finish with environmentally friendly materials that will be completely safe for health.

Repair in the bedroom do it yourself: wall decoration

The wall decoration is one of the main operations during the repair of the room. First of all, you need to align them. For this purpose, use one of the following options:

  • use of drywall. This is an economical, simple and efficient option. With the help of drywall, you can hide the large differences on the surface of the walls, creating a flat surface. Tangible lack of material is an unusual hollowness of the walls and a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • plastering. This is a long, more complex and cost-effective procedure. In addition, it cannot be used for premises, where there are serious surface drops. The advantage of this method is to preserve the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom.

For finishing walls in the bedroom, decorative plaster or wallpaper is most often used. The most optimal option is paper wallpapers that have acceptable cost and environmental cleanliness. Their only drawback is a short life. When choosing wallpaper, consider:

  • those who are used to approaching the organization of the interior creatively, you can buy fliesline wallpapers, designed under the color. These materials are environmentally friendly, passed air, they can be repainted, change the style and color of the room;
  • textile wallpapers that have a long service life, a variety of structures and colors, are quite original in the bedroom, provide good sound insulation indoors;
  • it is not recommended to glue in the bedroom vinyl wallpaper.

More expensive way of finishing walls - decorative plaster. It allows you to create unusual artworks in the bedroom, which makes the design of the room in the unique and only.

As a bed for a bedroom, it is better to choose:

  • light pink;
  • pearl gray;
  • light green;
  • blue.

So, how to repair the ceiling in the bedroom with your own hands?

Original wall conversion in the bedroom

If earlier the ceramic tiles used only in the kitchens and in the bathrooms, today the diversity today allows it to apply it even in such rooms as a bedroom. As a rule, a certain decorative pattern is laid out, or a cabin is framed.

Recently, such a kind of wallpaper began to use particularly popularity, as the prints made to order. They resemble a photo wallpaper, but as a picture is used some reproduction of a famous picture or photo from the family archive. Many prefers abstract solutions where fantasy has no boundaries. You can also use a special roller with a relief drawing and apply one or another pattern on the painted wall of the bedroom.

Also for the original design of the walls the stone is suitable. Moreover, it can be used not only as a facing material of the fireplace, but also in the overall interior design. Particularly beautifully, stones in the style of country or in Loft style (brick imitation).

For the original design of the walls there may be an ordinary plasterboard. With it, you can create arches, shelves, niches - an ideal solution for the dynamic of restrained style. The modern materials market offers a variety of surface coating options.

What furniture to choose for a bedroom?

The furnishings of the bedroom furniture is an important point, after repair. It is worth thinking as soon as possible, even at the stage of determining the design of the room. Moreover, choose interior items can not only with a set, but also separately, the main thing is to ensure their harmonious combination with each other. You need to start a choice from the bed, and the rest of the furniture should be chosen in unison to it.

How to put furniture right?

Especially relevant this question is for the owners of small bedrooms. After all, it is important to accommodate everything, and the places are very small, and I also want to have accessories and other cute things that adorn the interior. And below are several points, allowing to solve this difficult task:

  • the furniture in no case should not clutter the space, its correct placement is half of the success in repair;
  • if you are going to free up the place to feel comfortable and calmly breathe in the bedroom, it is not necessary to arrange furniture along the walls. This is a serious mistake;
  • take advantage of the cunning "Furniture-Invisible". These are chest of drawers and cabinets, as well as other overall furniture items painted in the color of the walls;
  • use the built-in furniture. A great way to get more places to store things, not to the detriment of space;
  • cape;
  • bedspread;
  • decorative pillows.

As you can see, repairing the bedroom with your own hands - the real savings of money and the opportunity to invest in the interior of the soul and their ideas. As far as good projects of professional designers, none of them can ideally know your tastes, desires and addiction as you yourself. Therefore, gain patience, accumulate money, choose the right time and make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands.

The bedroom is a place where every family member rests after a long day. Ideally, the repair in the bedroom must be made every 2-3 years, but since the room is used only at night, then the unclear state occurs significantly less frequently. How starts repairing the bedroom and what work you need to perform in more detail our readers.

First steps for beginners

First you need to decide which repairs in the bedroom to be. Conditionally in cost and complexity Repair work can be partitioned:

  • Cosmetic is the easiest option that can be performed with your own hands. From the material side, it is also less costly, but global changes in the bedroom will not happen. You need to just shove wallpaper and refresh the ceiling.
  • Capital - more labor and financially expensive. You will have to remove the entire old finish, align the ceilings, walls and floors and repair.
  • Global - everything is changing, including the style of the bedroom. Careful and complex option. It is more profitable to invite a designer and hire an experienced brigade, as experience is needed to implement some design ideas.

When you were determined with the works, let's start to prepare the room to repair.
Photos are increasing, press!

The first step should be removed old wallpaper, ceiling and floor.

Important! Wallpaper is easier to remove with the water. Spray a small portion of the wall of the spray and wait 10-15 minutes. Wallpaper should wet and start separating from the wall. With a spatula, they are easily removed.

With the second step, remove the paint from the ceiling, too, with a spatula. This stage of work depends on which ceiling is assumed in your repair. If you decide to install a mounted or suspended ceiling, then it makes no sense to remove the old coating.

We also do a floor, if you change, it is better to remove old.

Preparation of walls and ceiling

The surface of the bedroom before repair must be aligned. To do this, use putty, plaster, cement-sand mix or GLK, GVL.

Important! To work with the mixtures you need to decide which surface of the walls. They are selected individually under wooden, brick or concrete wall bedrooms. Do not save on mixtures, as inexpensive little-known compounds can have low quality.

For work you will need:

  • roller;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • skirts of various graininess.

The alignment is performed in stages:

    1. Over the entire surface, beacons are installed using a level.
    2. Clear gaps and irregularities.
    3. If the transition to the surface is more than 2 mm, then you need to use for the alignment of the cement-sand mixture. It can be purchased ready (price from 120 r.) Or do it yourself (1 part of the moisture-resistant cement + 2 parts of sand + water).
    4. We give putty dry and align the seams using the skin. It will be more convenient to work with a small bar. A leafleka of the skins and work is wound on it. Okuring - work is painstaking and uncommon. The quality of the sickness depends on how smooth the walls of the bedroom will be.
    5. Primer. The composition can be used inexpensive, most importantly, choose in accordance with the material from which walls and ceiling are made. The primer will strengthen the hitch between the material and plaster.
    6. The plaster is applied using a roller and tassels in hard-to-reach places. The walls of the bedroom are ready for painting or pasting with wallpaper.

You can finish the bedroom of HCL or GWL. For this, the lamp is made in terms of the level and the sheets are attached.
The seams between the sheets are sweeping and squeezed. Walls are obtained more even with less considerable strength and time.
But the doomle capture part of the area, so the bedroom will become a little less.