Repairs Design Furniture

Modern children's bedrooms for boys are the features of zoning and interior. Design of beautiful baby bedroom for boy, interior photo stylish bedroom for boy

Each child should have his own personal space. The room for him turns into a small world, where he spends most of the time, so special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the children's bedroom for boys.

In case the room is intended for a single child, then make it a multifunctional and comfortable will be easier than simple. It is necessary to move away from the boy's age. Most often allocate five types of bedrooms depending on the expression stage.

    • Baby to three years old. The main factor in such a room is safety. Avoid sharp edges and high items where the boy can climb. The color scheme should be predominantly pastel. Such shades contribute to the proper development of the baby.
    • Baby from three to six years. In this case, the owner of the room needs to play, create and develop. Therefore, consider these features by choosing interior items. Separate the boy place for games, classes and drawing. But do not forget about safety, since the child is still neakkurata at this age.
  • The child went to the first class. First-graders differ from preschoolers. Now children at this stage of adults need to be learned to concentrate in classes and lessons. To help the child faster adapt to a new rhythm of life, it is worth choosing a more discreet design, as well as highlight the school in the room.
  • Baby from 12 to 14 years old. Everyone knows that in adolescence, a person begins to form his individuality. Therefore, the child has its own preferences in the sections, favorite kinherogi. Take it on your note and realize these desires of the child to life. However, studies should not be dismissed into the background. NOTE Corner for musical instruments or boards for classes.
  • Baby from 14 to 18 years old. As a rule, the choice of design for the room during this period is not problems. The boy and itself is able to determine what he needs and how to place items in the bedroom. Your role is only that the overall picture is harmonious.

Choice of furniture

Main criteria when choosing furniture in a children's room: safety and functionality. Also pay attention to compactness, style and beauty. After all, these are also not few important characteristics.

The objects of the essential furniture include bed, desk, gaming rack, wardrobe, chair, sports corner.

Change the furniture in accordance with the age of the child. Today there are many different headcards, and you will easily pick you up.

Color solution

The color palette in the bedroom of the boy can be absolutely diverse. Be sure to consult a child, to avoid disputes in the future.

Several colors are distinguished, which are most suitable for the children's room: green, blue and predominantly gray. These shades are perfectly combined with any bright colors.

As a base color, it will be more suitable for gray, because on his background, catchy elements of the decor looks winning.

Selection of bedroom design

It is very difficult to choose the style for the children's room, since the child has tastes with age. But, nevertheless, you can assume that the boy's preferences will develop in what direction.

Minimalism style

This direction in the field of design is the most modern. He will be perfectly suitable for pedantic people who love discipline. Trace the behavior of your child. You should not stop on the represented style if your son is too active.

Space style

If your child is fond of space themes, then such a designer solution will be a find. Use 3D wallpapers, stretch ceilings in the form of a night sky. Pick bed linen with blue and blue shades.

Loft style

This style is an excellent option for a creative person. Especially in adolescence, the garage design will have to taste the boy. After all, at this stage, the man wishes to express and feel freedom.

Sea style

Most boys play captains of large ships or pirates. In order to embody the thirst for adventure to life, stop your choice on the marine subject. For wallpaper, take a blue color gamut with drawings under the style. Furniture Choose in brown tones, imitating ships.

High Tech Style

If your child has addictions to a computer, science and technology as a whole, then repair in the style of High-tech will be a wonderful solution.

Tales style

Little children adore cartoons. Many of the boys have favorite characters. Use this addiction. You can paint the walls or stick pictures with the heroes of the animated series. Low on the floor is an unusual carpet, and put a lamp in the form of a character on the couch. Moreover, take bedding and covered on a bed with images from your child's favorite films.

Provence style

The presented style is not very suitable for a young man. However, if your child is a romantic nature and fan of films about adventures, then use Provence, mixing it with the sea theme.

Modern style

Presented design will be a wonderful choice for modern youth. Unusual details and shapes, bright colors - this is exactly what you need. However, do not remove with the annoying gamma, as they negatively affect the nervous system.

Be sure to speak with your child the choice of style for the bedroom.

Room zoning

Try to locate in the bedroom work, relaxation, games. When lacking space, use folding headsets with an embedded table. Thus, at a convenient time you can free the place for active games. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, then install a sports corner with horizontal barns, swings and slides.

When several children live in one bedroom, let's say two, the territory is divided into two parts. Beds are placed on opposite sides. An academic table is put to the window, and free space is given to the games. If children are approximately one age category, their hobbies and tastes will coincide, so the choice of design will not be much difficulty. First of all, the walls and ceilings in those colors that boys will like the shower. From the furniture it will be enough to put a pair of beds or one bunk, wardrobe, computer table and chairs, you can hang a few shelves.

In the event that the difference between children is large, then provide each freedom of choice and mentally divide the room in half.

With a joint stay of a boy and a girl, it is necessary to delimit the bedroom not only visually, but also by installing the screen or partition.

Game Zone

Each child, especially small, you need to spill out your energy, implement fantasies - it contributes to normal development. For this reason, the space for the game must be allocated in the children's room. Arrange an entertainment corner, placing a soft aspic, a sports wall, a drawing board, drawers with toys. Teenagers are needed under various musical instruments, computer games.

Training area

So that the child succeeded in studying, parents should help him in this. In addition to upbringing, an important role is played and properly organized workspace. If the boy is comfortable to do at home, then its performance is noticeably improved.
During the lessons, nothing should distract, and even more so spoil health. In order to avoid reducing vision, install the desktop at the window. Choose a chair with an anatomical backrest and adjustment under the growth of the child.

Also, do not forget to embed a niche for books and textbooks. And the multifunctional shelves will become real assistants in their studies.

If the room is very small, then place the workplace in the corner. Thus, you will save space and create a maximum comfort. You can use both folding furniture that does not occupy a lot of space.

Sleeping place

The most important thing in the children's bedroom is a bed. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this subject of furniture. It should not be too short. Keep in mind that your child will grow, then the size of the bed must be needed. Also emphasize your attention on choosing a mattress. Ask only orthopedic in stores, because in bed we spend a third of life. It is in childhood that the posture is formed, do not neglect the good and high-quality mattress.


It is very important to draw attention to the lighting in the nursery. It is better to build lamps into the walls. So, the child will be easier to fall asleep. If you have stretch ceilings, the lighting around the perimeter will start an excellent option. And the usual painted ceiling is separated by phosphorus-containing stickers. They will glow in the dark, will become an excellent decor element. You can put them in the form of a starry sky. Also install the night light on the bedside end.

Do not forget about day lighting. In the children's bedroom, a large window must be located through which a sufficient amount of light penetrates.

In order not to english all the lighting, curtains and curtains sew prefeed in bright shades. However, the material from which they are made very dense.

Let's sum up

Each child needs his little corner where he could implement himself. Such a place is becoming a room in which the boy spends most of his time. The task of the parents is to mostly organize the space for him as rationally.

  • Carefully choose building materials for the presence of toxins in them.
  • Pay attention to color solutions in the room.
  • Discuss together with the child future design, style.
  • Consider the decoration of the child.
  • Do not take the time to selection of the bedroom style. Since the child will spend in the room far from a couple of hours, then this item is not much important. Look at his hobbies, listen to his desire, then you easily find the option you need.
  • Competently distribute the zones for sleep, games, training sessions. If several children live in the room, divide it visually. To do this, use the game with light, different color palettes, screen or partition.
  • Set comfortable lighting in order not to harm the vision of the child.

Before repaid in the bedroom for a boy, browse the photo of the examples, inspire new ideas, boldly try to work.

Video: examples of children's bedroom for a boy

Photo Gallery: 30 Photo of Baby Bedroom Options for Boy

The design of the children's room is a fascinating case, but very responsible! After all, children is not only a functional room intended for sleep, dressing, study and other useful studies. It is a small one child's world where he can play, dream, communicate with friends, engage in creativity. This article contains tips on the design of the room for boys of different ages.

Selection of design depending on the age of the boy

Age is the most important criterion in choosing the design of the children's room. It is clear that the bedroom of a biennial baby will differ significantly from a 14-year-old teenager.

1-3 years

  • Bright hues
  • Bright accents
  • Mandatory "field" for games
  • Sensation of utya
  • Safe furniture

It is these items that should be observed and embodied by creating a room for a kid. The child of this age is not yet clearly formed interests and addictions, so the room should not be issued in some particular topic. The main thing is that the child is cozy in their room. For this, it must be present to the favorite toys, comfortable, place for games (thick soft rug). Special attention should be paid to the safety of furniture.

Rounded corners, a high crib, commensurate to the child's table and chair, shelves with toys at the level of the hands - pay at least attention to the maximum.

3-5 years old

At this age, the child begins to manifest individuality. And even this age in pedagogy is called "Magic years from 3 to 5". The child is active, inquisitive. He has a thousand interests and classes. It is worth considering this when the boy's room is cleaned and thinking through it. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows - you can install any gymnastic devices (Swedish wall, rope, rings).

Room Design for Teenage Boy

The older the child, the more he is developed as a person. Already formed quite clear views on life, interests are defined, a circle of communication is chosen.

How to design a room for two boys

The first benchmark for planning such a room is its area.

If the room is small, it is worth thinking about, one writing desk (in any case, the double ergonomic table will take less space than two separate). The cabinet is also better to set one for two, dividing the shelves between the brothers for clothes.

The basic rule that will have to adhere to boys in this case are the sharing of almost all furniture objects. Simply put - everything will be common, for two. Only boys and separate shelves for books and trifles can be attributed to individual zones.

Another option if the room is large. Then it can be designed so that each of the boys have its own individual part of the room. And if the brothers do not mind, then everything can be common. Then the room can be divided by zones (sleep zone, play area, sports corner).

How to properly design a room for different children

The very first thing you need to stick to is the correct separation of it. And it's not about cutting square meters to each child. It is more expedient to divide the room along zones, and not "on children." This will successfully implement a single room of the room.

The sleeping area can be beaten in calm intense colors, adhering to the appointment of the zone (sleep and rest). The game part of the room can be framed bright and colorfully. The training zone should be such an design so that children are not distracted during class.

It's important to know! If children have a sufficiently large difference in age (or fond of drastically different hobbies) - their beds are better not to put nearby.

After all, in the common room, the bed is a kind of personal corner, the only one own space in the entire room. You need to give the opportunity to relax from each other, going into your sleeping area.

Children's room in a crunch

A modest metrah (usually 7-8 square meters) and a narrow elongated room - the characteristic features of the majority of bedrooms in Khrushchev. You can add low ceilings to the list of inconvenience. All this together makes the room at first glance hopelessly close with any design. But all these nuances can be successfully played (flowers, minimalism in choosing furniture, successful lighting).

It is obvious that the colors for such a room need to choose bright. This applies to both wallpapers, ceiling, floor coverings and furniture.

In general design, several bright stains can be included in the form of decorative interior parts so that the room does not look too simple and inexpressively.

Furniture must be functional and small in size

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

The unique world of the child requires the appropriate organization of the personal space of the growing man. The arrangement of rooms of restless boys requires parents to create a special atmosphere, conditions in such premises corresponding to the interests and hobbies of their sons. Thinking up the design of the children's room for the boy, moms with dads should certainly take into account, also, temperament and character of their Chad. However, first of all, the design project should certainly be created with orientation to the age of the small inhabitant of the room, since kids at different age have their own requirements for the comfort of living area, which should certainly take into account their parents.

General requirements

  1. Materials must comply with sanitary regulatory requirements, be natural, safe.
  2. Furniture objects, accessories should be thoughtful, excluding injuries, corresponding to the age of a child.
  3. The presence of sufficient lighting (natural, artificial).
  4. Independent verification of strength consignment elements used in the room.

Boy room by age up to year

The modern interior design of the children's room for the baby boy has certain nuances. In a room, which will constantly be a newborn baby, it is desirable to prefer light, calm shades, as in the photo. From the furnishing items it will be necessary to install a children's cradle, a changing table, a manzhik, a rack for toys either shelves. Most likely it will be necessary to divide the space of the room in such a way as to put the crib in a separate place, away from drafts and doors. It is necessary to take care of a warm field - it can be a heated floor or a carpet. Small, acute items should be avoided in the crumbage zone. Because the baby grows, on the wall of the game area, you can stick bright wallpaper with machine drawn on their surface, animals, tales characters.

What will happen to the boy from the year to three years?

Working out the design of a large or small children's room for a older boy (from year to three years), parents will have to provide for various areas in the room. Ideally, the room can be divided into game, sleeping, creative zones. Near the window, you can install a comfortable table with a drawing chair, modeling, etc. Since, at that age, the baby, as a rule, there are many toys, for them it is quite logical to install a locker or a box. Mandatory point - the presence of an outdoor carpet, because on it the small inhabitant of the room spends a lot of time behind the game. The cradle will need to change the crib. The installation of a night light in her headboard is desirable. Sleep zone is preferable to arrange in pastel colors, and for gaming and creative zones - to choose bright, funny shades.

Boy's room design aged three to five years

By issuing a premises for a boy with age from three to five years, the child's characteristic desire to imitate the fairy-tale, cartoon, characteristic of this period of life, should be taken into account. It is worth it for the design of the children's room accordingly: on the walls paste thematic wallpapers, acquire harmonious elements of decor - toys, wall pictures, etc. At this age, the boy can already buy or order a bed in the shape of a ship, cars, a starship. It will be necessary to install the chest or a delicate cabinet. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a book shelf or allocate for books a place in the closet. It is advisable to equip at least the minimum zone of the sports corner (in particular, you can install a Swedish wall or a transformer simulator).

Room of a boy age from six to seven years

This age for boys is a turning point. Yesterday's preschoolers go to school. This should be necessarily reflected in the interior of their rooms. The zone for children's creativity is transformed into the study area. Instead of a children's table, you will need to install a full-fledged desk or parties with a comfortable chair, as well as with the appropriate correct lighting. Parents must necessarily provide for the presence of the shelves for textbooks and school supplies.

What will happen for children with age from eight to nine years?

This age clearly defines the inclinations and preferences of the boy. Children's topics of the interior design of the room becomes no longer relevant as the child grows. Parents most likely have to change the wallpaper on the walls, and maybe on the ceiling. Ideally, one-photon materials in neutral colors are suitable for the design of the room. The presence on the walls of the room thematic pictures and posters reflecting the inner world of the owner will help you give it a special flavor. If the boy visits the sports section, it is advisable to correctly equip the zone corresponding to his passion.

Boy room with age from ten to twelve years

This age assumes the presence of a hobby from a child, therefore, equipping the room for a grown boy, preferably take into account this moment. You can pick up a photo wallpaper on the walls of the room, design items together with its owner. The child must be proud of his room, gladly invite his buddies to her. Most likely, it will be necessary to replace the written table onto a computer, and the bed is on a comfortable sofa.

Children grow rapidly, with the same speed also their tastes, character traits, behavior model. All these moments have to take into account when creating the design of a children's room for a boy, even if it was recently born and does not distinguish green from blue. If thoughtfully approach the solution of key issues of space design, the result will delight not only the parents who have invested the whole soul, but also happy children.

Children's design depending on age

The rapid development of the child is the main factor on which attention should be paid when organizing the interior of a nursery for a boy. Who will live in it: a newborn with a minimal set of needs or teenager, fond of music? The room is a place from which the kids begin to know the world develop and form as individuals. Therefore, to choose the right design - it means to make your contribution to a happy future of Chad. All elements must be relevant, interesting and pleasant inhabitants of the room. Consider the basic rules for design for each stage of life!

Boy up to 3 years

In the early years of the boy, the child's design is more important to parents. A comfortable bed, cognitive toys, a lot of space for movement and study - this is quite enough to have a developing baby. The furniture should be safe, without sharp corners. On the floor - a warm carpet, which is easily erased.

It is desirable that the interior is performed in pastel colors, not too bitter, but at the same time quite diverse so that the child learned to perceive shades, allocate its objects. Funny aesthetic stickers will help to decorate a small "world" of Chad.

First, the children's room for the boy is better to organize minimalist to add new, more complex parts and items over time.

Boy from 3 to 5 years

During this period, the individuality of children begins to form. They try to express their desires, which also concern the filling of the room. Boys appear their hobbies, so in a convenient location you should be located a small table and a chair - miniature workspace.

Entertainment and informative toys still remain an important part. Parents gradually teach boys to order, so storage space should be as comfortable as possible.

Interior of a schoolboy room

The content of the interior is complicated. Due to the fact that the boy is loaded by the school program, the priority is to purchase a full-fledged workplace with shelves for books, drawers for notebooks and so on. Already at this age, the child must independently organize a personal zone, while maintaining order.

Games gradually acquire the form of hobbies. For example, in the room of a young musician you need to find a place for piano, an artist - for Easel.

Until this time, at least once the need for finishing update arises. The decor of the walls in the children's room becomes more serious, stickers are replaced by paintings. A wall with a large map of the world will be relevant to look, which also creates color accents in the interior.

Teenage boy

During this period, there are not much from the tastes of parents, as from the budget of the family. A teenager boy shows independence in the arrangement of the room, but it concerns the easier of decorative elements: walls, plated posters, figures from comic fans and so on.

What style to navigate?

The stylistic options for the design of a children's room for a boy is not so much, but even they will not perform in a canonary interpretation. In the arrangement, parents are often repelled from some subject, focusing on the child's hobby.

The use of a certain style will help correctly create a design, as well as enter it into the general image of the apartment. In addition, in a more mature age, teenagers usually refuse children's fun, giving preference to the presentable form. Consider the most popular solutions for boys of different ages.

Baby for a boy in a modern style

Perhaps the most universal option. In such an interior, you can enter an interesting furniture of an unusual form (for example, in the form of a typewriter), walls with photo wallpapers, bright colors. At the same time, toys and techniques look harmonious, being a continuation of the room design.

Furniture functional, comfortable, without unnecessary decor and details. Multi-level solid kits are relevant, which combine several zones at once: for sleep, entertainment and study.

Children's for a boys in a cosmic style

Of course, this is not futurism, but rather a more primitive imitation with the active introduction of cosmic subjects. Very popular with boys of younger age, after all, who did not dreamed in childhood to become a cosmonaut? Even if in a harsh adult reality, the child will have to abandon this fantasy, partly in the desired role, he will still have time to feel.

When placing such an interior of the children's room for the boy will have to be repel primarily from the budget. But the usual mounted ceiling with a starry sky, a few glowing globes and toy space ships will look very interesting.

Baby for a boy in pop art style

This style will fit well into the room of a young amateur comic or video game. Bright colors, stylized posters and paintings, outrageous figures - your child will be delighted with such a space. An option for creative children who are aimed at leaving their place in the world of art and are definitely not losing enthusiasm over the years.

With competent design, such a children's for a boy can look solid and stylish, the main thing is not to overdo the paints. Geometric forms, as it is impossible to fit into space.

Baby for a boy in Loft style

If the house is decorated in the Loft style, then the children's room will most likely suffer the same fate. For boys, this will only become a plus, because nothing is so much enhanced by the adventure, like naked brick walls, as if in old castles and catacombs, brutality and unique decor objects.

Modular furniture characteristic of this style is ideal for a developing child, the needs and number of things that grow every year. Loft is an excellent "canvas" to which the boy will overcome bright paints of their hobbies.

We select a color gamut

In the modern world there is a tendency to deviate from typically female and typically male flowers. Indeed, the tastes of the child may vary: someone likes a calmer gamma, others - bright or saturated. However, at a young age, the color is played by the last role in the formation of character, so for educational purposes it is better to navigate the cold palette.

Blue Children for Boy

In view of all the shades of blue - from blue to rich marine. This color is not in vain is considered the most popular solution for boys: it affects them positively, helps to calm and balance.

In addition, the blue is associated with the sea, dark tones - with space, and this is perfect for the thematic interior of the children's room. Better, if it is a dominant shade, since in combination with bright colors, the soothing effect is simply leveled.

Green Children's For Boy

Another optimal option that will help to instill a love for nature. Natural, aesthetic color will create a peaceful atmosphere in the interior of the nursery, especially if combining it with white or brown.

White Children's For Boy

A great decision in the first years of the baby's life. In the future, it is necessary to inscribe bright accents so that the child does not become boring in such a children's room, since with illiterate use space can acquire a feeling of sterility.

Gray Children for Boy

Serious presentable color, which will help the child to feel adults. The gray shade is well combined with other options, balancing them. In order not to make such a design of a baby room for a boy faceless, add interesting furniture items, paintings or posters on the walls, and also fill the space with natural light.

Purple Children's For Boy

Cold shades are suitable for sensitive creative natures, while maintaining a male character. The design of the whole child in such a color will look unnecessar than bright, but purple textiles, one side of the finish or other elements attracting attention - will look very interesting.

Finishing of the children's room

Aesthetics of space is definitely important and plays his educational role, but do not forget about the health of the child. It is necessary to accommodately approach the selection of materials for finishing, preferring hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly bases.


Boys under 6 years old spend a lot of time on the floor, where they learn to walk or play cars. The coating should be smooth, but not slippery, elastic and easily cleaned. The familiar parquet loses the last parameter, as the dirt is often clogged into the slots between the boards, from where it is difficult to remove in conventional ways.

An universal and environmentally friendly option for the children's room is considered to be marmoleum, which has high aesthetic properties.


Wall coating should easily wash and replace. This is associated with the dynamically changing tastes of the child, which eventually wants another design, as well as with active actions of kids, often painting or packing partitions.

In this case, wallpaper will cope with their tasks. Only to give preference should be eco-friendly options, such as paper, liquid or eco-wallpaper.


Simple white ceiling, even with small irregularities, remains a universal option for any interior. More interestingly in the children's room for the boy will look like a stretch ceiling with a star or cloudy sky - only some dreamy children such a solution will accurately hurt quickly.

The selection of furniture for children depends on the stylistics of the interior and the age of the owner of the room. But there are general rules that will help make the right choice.

Convenience and safety in the first place. Make sure that items do not have sharp corners, high location, uncomfortable landing. The workplace, like the bed, should be approached by the physiological features of the developing body, without causing pain or curvature.

Despite the comparative high cost, furniture made of natural materials in priority. The tree is not only harmless, but also has a positive effect on human well-being. Pay attention to the coating headset: it must be hypoallergenic and not collecting dust.

Little Children Design for Boy

Unfortunately, not all the inhabitants of our country can highlight a spacious room for their child, in which he will be enough space to meet all needs. But you should not despair! It can be comfortable and beautifully to make a small-sized space if you follow easy recommendations.

The easiest advice that at least visually saves several square meters - pick a bright color gamut, not forgetting about bright accents. At the same time, the decor should be not very much to avoid the effect of crushing design.

When planning a nursery for the boy will have to move away from standard solutions. For example, try moving the radiator by organizing the working area by the window - this place is often empty.

If the height of the ceilings allows, think over the podium for the bed, which will additionally play the role of storage space. Multifunctional walls will also help competently plan the interior, aligning several zones at a small area at once.

Children's room for the boy is often filled with many parental mistakes. Let's start with the fact that the traditional blue-blue gamma in which they like to decorate the interior of the children's bedroom for a boy, not all of its inhabitants in the soul. Often, adolescents are trying to close the hated blue wallpaper or deliberately do not block the bed with a blue bedspread. Consider what else can be improved in the bedroom for the boy and make it feel comfortable.

In order for you to create a better room for your Son, see the following articles:

  • want to save place in the bedroom - use
  • education of the child is not only from parents and social institutions, but also from the things around him - about photographic and how to choose them - read in
  • what criteria should be responsible?

Personal space

In conditions of small-sized apartments, the kid can get the smallest of the available rooms. There barely wicked children's furniture. For the rest of the free place you have to walk carefully, so as not to hurt the corners.

Boys love active games, and the remaining Piglet space does not contribute to the satisfaction of this. If the bedroom is designed for two children, then the data will help below the tips on the audience and actual expansion of the room.


In a small bedroom, the bed should take little space. Cheap baby sofa bed or folded chair are suitable more than a sofa book or a stationary bed. If your children's for three or two children - you can buy multi-tiered or functional beds that save space.

You can read about the right choice of bed for a boy's bed.


Overall Chiffiode for 2-3 Sections - Not the best solution for a small room. Especially if he is low and getting from your grandmother. Take advantage of the novelties of catalogs from furniture stores and purchase an angular cabinet for your chad. On the one hand, he will take not much useful place, and on the other hand, it will be quite roomy for all things of your sibling. Parents who love to fold their belongings in the Son's closet should review their habits. Personal space of the boy spreads to the place of clothing storage.


One of the most uncomfortable and incorrectly placed furniture items. As a rule, it is trying to put it in an angle or to the wall, without worrying about the vision of the child. Or force the computer, and the lessons have to teach, cutting the place between the keyboard and the mouse. When choosing a written table, refuse computer models and emphasize for additional boxes and countertop size. Put it better perpendicular to the window. Then the work surface will be covered in the afternoon, and in the evening - chandelier.

A computer.

Instead of a personal computer for a son, buy a better laptop. Mobility and free space are unnecessary money. If you have several children, then everyone should be a personal computer. You can purchase inexpensive models for the price - in this matter the main thing is not the performance, but the presence of personal virtual space. An additional advantage will be if the bedroom for two children and laptops will significantly save space.

Color spectrum

Many parents, having heard fashionable color theories, begin to rudely try to influence the character of the child. The active child is arranged interior in purple or green colors, and shy, on the contrary, in oppressive-red shades. And the other option will cause psychological discomfort and the only desire to leave his room.

Sand-orange gamma.

Probably the most neutral coloring for the room. It can even be suitable for two boys with different characters or for girls and boys of different ages. As a third color, the inclusions of the neurocale, but juicy yellow or one of the shades of brown are allowed. Excess halftone is undesirable, but it is possible.

Green gamma.

Bed in more dark colors, and curtains and walls - in bright. If the room leaves the windows to the north, then it is necessary to use a warm herbal hue as the main tone. For the south side, a cool turquoise is suitable. You can also arrange a bedroom in the style of "Marina". It is not too confident in itself the boys of melancholic type. In the room decorated, they will feel protected, comfort and your concern.

Red gamma.

Contrary to the problem on the expense of color aggressiveness, make up in red children's bedrooms for boys of adolescents of active behavior. Only cholerics will be able to withstand so screaming color, and at the same time he will be consonant with their inner emotions. After watching the entire day on an overwhelming red color, a pulverial boy will easier to fall asleep.

Purple gamma.

Ideal for phlegmatics and children "in yourself." The muffled dark tones of the design of the children's bedroom help them understand themselves and in the future with confidence to communicate with the remaining world.

SERO-black gamma.

Many parents face shades of black in the decoration of the children's room. It seems to them that such a gamma will attack suicidal thoughts. It is worth dispelled by such fears. If the presence of black color in the interior will be about 20%, and gray and white will be approximately equally, the room will look original and alive. In such a gamut, the bedroom for two boys with a friendly temperament of the Sanguinik will be ideal.


Children's room is not a place to excessive zone distribution. From the use of contrasting colors and wide plasterboard walls, the small room becomes similar to a host of hostilities, which in the end threatens to grow into a serious interference, if children's for three or two children is calculated. By making the transition more smooth, using, shades of one color range or hanging a bamboo curtain instead of installing a monolithic wall. You will improve the perception of the room as a whole.

Do not stand in the children's bedroom for one child, where furniture items are delivered, glue different wallpaper or painting the walls in different color. It is quite enough to perform a bed and a table from a veneer of different shades, or on the bed thump covers with a contrasting flaker.

Zonality is shown if:

  • A large room. Zonalness will help to make a note of originality in a single decor.
  • Bedroom for two boys of different ages. The color separation of the beds will help to achieve a visible presence of personal space for each child. The working area should be tagged with third color. Bedrooms for two children can be comfortable and harmonious if you put a little strength and money;
  • Bedroom for boy and girls. In addition to color separation, it is worth taking care of a portable floor curtain. If necessary, it can be quickly decomposed and allow one of the children to change clothes, not confusing the other. Bedrooms for two diverse children are the most difficult zoning option. For a girl and a boy, various work desks and their places for storing things and toys should be provided.
    A boy has a specific hobby teenager. Actually, if the child is interested in sports, chemical research or he is just a big library of artistic books. Such an emphasis on this hobby will show that you are not indifferent to his favorite occupation.

Assortment and prices

Children's bedroom for the boy and her purchase is a fairly troublesome business, you can buy it in any big furniture store.

  • IKEA.- Traditionally begin with it, as the store has a very wide range and you can see the live design of the children's bedroom. Prices are from democratic to high.
  • Shops furniture factories - If you want to buy a children's bedroom for a child, we advise to look in the side of the stores representing furniture factories. Prices here can be the lowest on the market, as the factory is in the chain - the factory store there is no mediators. The range may be not too diverse and mostly traditional. Rarely when you find Functional Beds or Comfortable Corner Racks
  • Furniture shopping centers and malls - The widest range of possible furniture for the children's and the widest price range. Prices can compete even with shops of furniture factories. Such shops can be small and in each in addition to the exhibited products there are catalogs with photos and prices of additional bedrooms that can be ordered.
  • Furniture manufacturing to order - The most expensive option, but with it you can create an individual bedroom for 2 boys or for 3, given all their wishes and providing all the nuances of the zoning room, a color scheme and a personal space.

    So, when creating a room for a boy, a teenager should be considered:

    • Personal space
    • Color gamut
    • Zonality
    • Suitable prices for you

In the video below you will see a selection of photos of bedrooms for boys: