Repairs Design Furniture

Drainage shield. Teplosfer LLC is the DRA Drainage Pump Station. Appointment and functions of control cabinets

Most septic arts for wastewater Very capricious to the volume of unclean and temperatures on the street. Sports is significantly complicated if a strong frost is on the street and the system does not work regularly. Our management system will protect the operation of the septica into difficult moments for him and will extend its service life. Also, septicifs are not workable at the time of turning off the electricity. In these cases, it is necessary to monitor the level of unclean. The system will also warn you about the need to do preventive work Or cleaning septic. It will help not overload a septic tank or protect against frost. And it will also be very convenient if you get all this information on your smartphone.

Functions of the Ready Solution "Sewage Management"

  • Monitoring water leaks
  • Drainage management
  • Capacity overflow control
  • Sending SMS messaging with a message to the consumer when water leaks occurs, septic overflows, turning on the drainage pump
  • Sending SMS messages by the SMS request controller.

Program for EXM12-DC-DC-R "Drainage pump management". (.esms, 400 KB)
The program controls the level in two drainage wells or pitfalls, notify an SMS message about the exceedment of emergency water levels and controls the pumps. Float or Conductometric sensors can be used as a level sensor

You can assemble the system yourself. For its sewage and install it on its site or in the house. But it will be easier and faster to order a system collected by our specialists.

Modern comprehensive smart home system installed in private cottage is impossible without convenient control sewer. Total special equipmentcontrolled by the controller, makes it possible to monitor the outflow of drainage water, domestic uncleanness, the level of filling septica, etc.

Automated sewer management system, this is exactly what will ensure the life and life of a person, not to be distracted by the solution of ordinary tasks and do not worry about the random overflow of drain reservoirs, engine freezing and other undesirable circumstances.

In modern life, for today's intelligence, the presence of sewage and centralized runoff to excrete liquid waste from the house is so common and "invisible" that we sometimes forget about the importance and importance of this process. Meanwhile, if the pipes and septic are stopped performing their direct purpose, the situation arises, comparable to the "catastrophe" - it makes it difficult or becomes impossible to use kitchen water pipes, bathrooms and toilet roomsthat, in turn, causes a lot of household problems.

Control of the septic septicization system, drainage pumps, allows you to automatically monitor the condition of the pipes, filling drain tanks, eliminating uncleanness from the house. The intelligent system equipped with sensors and a central module (block) independently tracks the specified parameters and manages processes. In the event of situations that cannot solve automation (filled with septic tank, the temperature reached the maximum minimum, takes place technical malfunction), the system will notify the owner about it.

Interaction with the system is possible on site, through the controller menu, and also provided remote control sewer using SMS messages and the Internet. Now management of all the processes of the house is available at any distance where the mobile and global network catches.

The decision to buy and install the drainage management system is an important step To a calm and stable life. Try most concerns with reliable automation, it means to get rid of yourself from unnecessary trouble and free extra time to communicate with your loved ones, close people.

Management shields are intended for manual and automatic control. drainage pumps and auxiliary equipment of sewage and pumping stations intended for pumping and further disposal of household waste.

Also, the control panels of the KNS are used in the rain pumping stations, the main activity of which is related to the pumping of surface storm water drains, as well as for drainage pumping stations intended for transportation drainage waterIn the event that there is no possibility of the transition of water by gravity or there is no possibility to build a deep blowout of samotane collectors.

Our company manufactures panels from polyethylene, as a rule, they are supplied to the customer in a single complex with monitoring and pumping systems for pumping units. Monitoring the water level occurs due to plastic sensors, but if necessary, work in an aggressive environment, it is possible to install analog sensors.

The automation plays a major role in the organization and tracking of the uninterrupted operation of the pumps, participates in ensuring uniform wear of each of the existing pumps, monitors the process of performing work, as well as disconnecting the entire equipment during an unforeseen situation, which can lead to breakage, and as a result of this, expensive Repair.

The shields of the sewer pumping station are manufactured taking into account the wishes of customers, and, as a rule, contain certain additional improvements, under a specific place of operation.

The control panel of the KNS and the principle of its work.

The control system monitors each pump and after the next inclusion chooses the work / reserve priority, so that the pumps have the same level of wear. When the working pump is disconnected, the emergency mode is turned on and a backup pump is automatically entering. With a large wastewater reset, the control system includes an additional pump and activates the emergency mode. This mode of operation will function to the extent until the water level returns to the usual position.

Alarm On all occurred situations is reflected on the front surface of the device in the form of a light-sound signaling and through a special "dry" contact is transmitted to the duty console.

The KNS automation provides for switching to a backup power supply, and the control shield itself is in a protected casing on the trunk exhaust ventilation. In addition, the shield does not require additional insulationSince it is originally equipped with a system for maintaining the optimal temperature.

On our site (possibly the first in Russia) presents typical solutions on pump control cabinets in format with current price and detailed technical specifications.

We are manufacturers of pump control cabinets and can guarantee:

  1. High quality of our products (We use Verified Equipment Schneider Electric, Hyundai, ABB, ESQ, ELMA, DKC)
  2. Low price on pump control cabinets (Availability own production and direct deliveries of components allows not to overpay by third parties)
  3. Term of the Typical Control Panel - from 7 days
  4. Engineering I. technical support At all stages of the transaction

If necessary, we can connect and PNP control cabinet on the object

Drainage pump cabinets (KNS control cabinets)

used to manage the operation of pumps intended for drainage, sewage and leads of ravery and fecal wastewater. Pump control cabinets are used in the operation of sewer pumping stations (CNS), claimed facilities, technological impressions, storm sewerswhere it is necessary to ensure the pumping fluid to prevent the level rise above a certain level.

Basic functions of drinning pumping cabinets (CNS)

1. Management of pumping pumps in automatic / manual modes by signals from discrete level sensors

The number of floats in the system usually depends on the number of pumps and height of the sewer well ("barrels")

  • 1 pump \u003d 3 floors
  • 2 pumps \u003d 4 float
  • 3 pumps \u003d 4 Float (if the system works according to a circuit 2 of the main + 1 standby) or 5 floats, if there are all three operating pump in the system.

2. Protection of pumps and cable lines

  • From current overloads and kz
  • From voltage jumps, skew and phase break
  • From overheating of the pump engine (by signal from the heat relay or the thermal sensor of the RTS)
  • From water in the cavity of the engine submersible pump (if the pump has a humidity sensor)
  • From the disappearance of the voltage (as an embodiment of Shun with ABR for nutrition)
  • Uniform development of the power of pumps

3. Alarms of the user about the state of the system (with the ability to form signals for ACS TP *)

  • Power availability
  • Work pumps
  • Emergency states of the system (current overload, short circuit, phase skew, exceed Umax / umin, illogical combination of level sensors, engine overheating, water entering the pump)
  • Indication of water level in the tank, including emergency level (overflow)

* By default, this information is displayed visually using the lighting equipment on the front panel of the case. Also possible data transmission via GSM communications.

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. SCADA Options

Visual interface of the drainage pump control panel (on an example of control 1 engine for 3 floors with AVR power supply)

Technical Specifications of CNS Management Caps

  1. Number of connected pumps: 1,2,3,4 (with the possibility of choosing a worker / standby)
  2. Engine power: 0.75-90kW (Other on request)
  3. Engine type: three-phase asynchronous
  4. Nominal power supply voltage: 220 / 380V.
  5. type of drive: Direct Start, smooth start, frequency drive
  6. Management type:relay on the basis of programmable relays based on PLC controllers
  7. Sensor Type:float (default), electrode, ultrasound, laser
  8. Number of nutrition: 1 (without AVR), 2 (from AVR), 3 or more, on request
  9. Climatic performance of the hull: U3 is internally execution, U1-street execution
  10. The degree of protection of the hull:IP54.
  11. Guarantee:3 years

Algorithm for the control cabinet of the pumps of the KNS-Drainage pumps (on the basis of Shudn-1)

The control cabinet has 2 modes of operation: Autoand Manual. By default, the scheme of the cascade launch of pumps is implemented in our shields, where all pumps are workers.

In manual mode, pump control is carried out from the Start / Stop buttons located on the front panel, regardless of the position of the level sensors.

In automatic mode, signals for starting and stopping pumps come from external level control devices (see Functional Scheme)

Control 1 pump

  • Float №1-shutdown pump
  • Float №2-launch of the pump
  • Float №3-overflow (signal to dispatching item)

Management 2 pumps

  • Float №4-overflow (signal in dispatching)

Managing 3 pumps

  • Float №1-shutdown pumps
  • Float №2 launch of the first pump
  • Float №3 launch of the second pump
  • Float №4 launch of the third pump
  • Float №5-overflow (signal in dispatching item)

The control cabinet includes:

  • Cabinet assembly *
  • Set of schemes (power scheme, automation scheme)
  • Passport, Recommendations for Connection
  • User Instructions (when ordering Shu from PLC)
  • Certificate of conformity of T.

* Additional options: Protection of dry pump + sensor, LCD panel on the front panel of the cabinet, electricity meter, transferring data to SCADA on system status.

Photo of the pump control cabinets of our production assembly

Control cabinet 2 pumps for 18 kW with payroll control (direct start) based on Schneider Electric equipment

ShUN CHUTN 2 Pump 18kW (Smooth Start) UHL1 IP65 based on Smooth Start Devices PSR, Modicon M221 Controller

Control cabinet 2 pumps 4kW (direct start) UHL1 IP65 based on GV2 motor machines, Modicon M221 controller

Control shield 3 drainage pumps with ABB (direct start) based on ABB equipment, MODICON M221 controller

Control shield 3 pumps by 22 kW with payroll control (smooth start) based on ABB / Hyundai equipment

KNS control cabinets based on Danfoss / ABB / Schneider soft starter, Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200 / SEGNETICS controllers, with accounting nodes and touch control panels

To buy pump control cabinets as in photos, please contact our company

Price on the CNS Caps of Our Production

The cost of controlling the drainage pumps of our production is made up of the equipment of leading world manufacturers: Schneider Electric, ABB, Hyundai, DKC, ESQ. If necessary, it is possible to calculate the price of the Shu KNS on the basis of the components of other manufacturers.

Our company is the direct manufacturer of this equipment, which will allow you when ordering KNS cabinets to count:

  1. On a compressed period of production
  2. Technical support from our technical and commercial engineers
  3. Operational solution of all warranty issues or issues related to commissioning

To find out the exact price and buy pump control cabinet (Shun, Shudn, KNS, Schund) Send a request to [Email Protected]website Or simply place an order on the site. We can also calculate the price and produce non-standard cabinets CNS management, such as for example.

Service autonomous System water supply includes control over pumping equipment and the health of communications, network conservation during a long lack, rational automatic control.

Automation is easy to implement, setting the pump control cabinet in a specially designated place - a compact switchgear operating in several modes. We will tell you in detail how to competently make it assembly and installation. Following our advice, you can competently perform the equipment.

We led to a typical set of control cabinet. Described what additional functions Can be installed and used. The information proposed for consideration completed useful illustrations and video.

Technical stuff different models It differs, since control points have an individual functional orientation.

Manufacturers offer ready standard schemesBut they do not always meet specific requirements, so there is such a service as the manufacture of a control unit to order. To begin with, we will try to consider general positions that combine all models.

Functional duties of the control cabinet

The main function of any distribution station is to organize the operation of the equipment connected to it, in this case - the pumping. From one control panel (and this is convenient, if the distance between objects is large) is effectively controlled over the engines of drainage, surface, well pumps.

The number of connected aggregates may be different. The minimum connection is one well or that carries out water supply and provides it with the entire water supply system (heating, fire extinguishing). In addition to it, the drainage pump is connected to pump water in domestic and emergency situations.

Gallery of images

Automatic switching on / off pump engines facilitates the life of the owners of the private house, allowing you to spend your free time in a family circle, and not behind the manual switching of the togglers.

A few more convenient features that can be "entrusted" by automation:

  • control voltage in the network required for the uninterrupted operation of the equipment;
  • protection of mechanisms from power supply and short circuits;
  • control of water level in the well (or other reservoir) and responding to its disadvantage;
  • fixing pressure jumps and adjust the optimal parameters (stopping the engine when the critical mark is reached, launch when aligning the indicators);
  • remote control borehole pumps, direct access to which is impossible;
  • load distribution between multiple aggregates or emergency connection of the spare option.

As a result of centralized automatic control, it becomes more productive, and the service life of the electrical equipment increases significantly. Modern electronic systems allow you to program mechanisms and include them in a convenient mode (for example, only during the daytime).

Protection devices from voltage jumps, the disappearance of the phases, the incorrect connection protect the mechanisms and do not allow them to work in emergency mode. They correct network settings, and only after aligning the indicators automatically connect the equipment.

Approximately the overload protection is also functioning. For example, there is a ban on the simultaneous activation of two pumps, which leads to excess costs and irrational use of equipment.

Almost all debt systems have the ability to move with completely automated control on manual. It is necessary for maintenance, repair work, replacing worn or burned parts

Suppose if one pump has failed, it is possible to easily remove and send it to repair, turning off the automation and using manual control.

Additional options and opportunities

Various manufacturers include additional features that expand control capabilities. For example, Alta Group offers the AUR system - turning on the backup power in automatic mode. The need for this feature is explained by the fact that the operation of the pumping station is part of the life system of the house, therefore, the network should work in constant mode.

The principle of operation of the AVR is as follows: as soon as the main power supply is stopped, the backup network is automatically entered. It acts before the renewal of the main source.

When it is turned on, the intelligent system checks the optimality of the parameters, and only with a positive response again connects the main network. If the test test is unsatisfactory, the system will continue to work from the backup source.

Low temperatures I. high humidity - Enemies electronic stage Cabinet, so manufacturers offer additional insulation services. It is relevant for the northern regions and for any regions if the equipment is on the street.

The so-called "warm package" is a layer of insulation, laid from the inside. Heat insulated shuns are operated with a large enough temperature range - from -40ºС to +55 ºС

A fairly widespread supplement that allows you to protect the engines of overload pumps - a smooth start system. It consists in a neat, gradually increasing voltage supply mode, thanks to which the engine is protected from a sharp start, is introduced slowly and carefully.

Modern dispatch function allows you to control at a distance. The remote alert systems are constantly connected to the GPRS, radio mode or the Internet, so that the blocking system immediately turns into an emergency, and the signal is transmitted to the receiving device (telephone or laptop).

A convenient option that allows you to specify a specific program is possible through the use of the controller. It automatically can independently affect the operation of the pumps, connect additional devices, optimize the functioning of the system as a whole.

The indication implies the location on the cabinet cover of the electronic scoreboard with the testimony of voltage and current, as well as statistical data: the number of launches, engine working hours, water volume

Another successful option that allows you to get information about stopping the system or emergency situations - installation of light alarm and sirens. Upon the occurrence of force majeure, the flashing beacon lights up with a bright light, and a special audio device gives a loud repeating signal.

Samples of electronic technical connection schemes

Equipment assembly occurs in production conditions, there are also compiled schemes Pump control cabinet. The most simple are the schemes of connecting one pump, although the kit additional devices It may complicate the installation.

As a sample, take Shun-0.18-15 (Rubezh Company), designed for manual and automatic control of the pumping station drives. The control circuit is as follows:

Possible modes of operation: circulation and drainage on analog sensor or pressure switch. Two options for the algorithm of work suggest a joint or alternate inclusion of pumps


  • Voltage - 1x220 V or 3x380 V, 50 Hz
  • Power of engines of connected equipment - up to 7.5 kW per engine
  • Temperature range - from 0 ° C to +40 ° С
  • Degree of protection: IP65

If an emergency and breakage of the pump electric motor (due to short circuit, overload, overheating), the equipment is automatically shutdown and the connection of the backup option occurs.

Wilo SK cabinets

SK-712, SK-FC, WILO SK-FFS brand are designed to control multiple pumps - from 1 to 6 pieces.

Some automatic schemes Wilo SK-712 cabinet greatly simplifies the operation of pumping stations


  • Voltage -380 V, 50 Hz
  • Power of engines of connected equipment - from 0.37 to 450 kW
  • Temperature range - from + 1 ° C to +40 ° C
  • Degree of protection: IP54

During operation, all technological parameters are displayed on the display. In case of an emergency, an error code is displayed.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To learn more about how pump control cabinets function, you can from the following videos.

How to make the simplest shun do it yourself:

An example of a typical shun on the test bench:

The use of pump control cabinets allows you to effectively use well or drainage resources and save electricity. Knowing specifications Your pumping station, you can purchase the Basic Shun Model or make an order by an individual scheme.

Reliable water supply - an integral part of a residential building, public building, production premises. But drainage issues are not less important. To maintain the proper level of comfort at the facility and increase durability building structuresIt is necessary to perform emergency water pumping, as well as in any conditions, ensure the performance of the drainage and sewage system, not allowing sweepings and overflows. It is for this that "fighters of the invisible front" are working - fecal and drainage pumps that independently work somewhere on panstone or in depths utility rooms. Automation for the drainage pump makes equipment is truly practical and as efficient as possible.

The drainage pump is also called "pump for dirty water"Since it can pump fluids containing a large amount of solid particles. In surface or immersion execution, this equipment is indispensable for pumping water from tanks that need to maintain the "level": buttons, pitfalls, wells, accumulating containers, collectors, large waste pipes, drain pits, etc.

Cascade of two pumps with float switches and control panel

Such devices will help protect vulnerable areas that are periodically subjected to flooding (basements, cellar, ground floors). Also drainage pumps are used for service (clean, divert excess water) artificial reservoirs With the ground bottom, they allow you to swing water without problems for watering farmland from natural sources - rivers and lakes.

Important! The ability to pump and transport liquids with mechanical inclusions does not mean that the drainage pump will not swing clean water. It is often used to fill accumulative capacities, for example, when implementing a two-stage autonomous water supply system of the cottage.

The main functions of the automation

the main task Automation for drainage pumps - enable and disconnect the pump upon reaching conditionsDue to which it appears not to simply forcefully dry and recruit the containers, but to maintain the necessary safe fluid level without the participation of the homeowner.

Pumps - expensive devices. They "don't like" work without water, which, being a pumped working environment, also plays an important role in lubricating some moving parts and cooling equipment. The dry stroke for the drainage pump is also harmful as for any other device. Practice shows that it is impossible to be one hundred percent confident that this will not happen, even if the level in the source / tank is actively replenished. Avoiding such situations allows automatics that turns off the power at the desired moment.

Options for configuration of the drainage pump control station

Automation for the drainage pump is not just a switch. It should be considered as a complex multicomponent device, the so-called "control panel", which, among other things, protects the power equipment from:

  • short circuit;
  • voltage drop (from elevated and too low);
  • leakage current (including a person from shocking);
  • cliffs of phase wire and phase skew (for 380 volts devices);
  • increasing current force (when encouraging workers wheels);
  • cutting / sticking contacts and terminals.

There are fully prepared consoles on sale, which you only need to connect the necessary sensors and produce programming. If you have experience, you can also collect a functional control unit yourself on a DIN rail.

Important! Devices controlling the drainage pumps make it possible to include / disable other electrofesy-dependent devices, such as Tanes, as well as with the help of sound buzzer or lamps signaling the status of equipment and emergency situations.

How to automate the work of the drainage pump

Drainage equipment management is always carried out by changing the fluid level. There are several variants of devices, but they all function by feeding or turning off the power (the circuit is broken or closed). Consider the most common solutions for drainage devices.

Methods for using float switches

Universal devicewhich allows you to control pumps when you need to pump a liquid or fill the tanks. The float switch is a small hermetic box of plastic with a stationary connected three-or-four-cable cable up to 10 meters long. This type of automation is equipped with simple household pumpsBut the "float" can be bought separately.

Install the float switch immersion in the pumped liquid, it is attached to the wall of the tank or fix on power cable pump. To more accurately set the operating level range, a sliding load is worn onto the switch. By changing the length of the cable between the switch and the Loading, set the optimal points of the activation of the float.

In fact, the float switch is simultaneously a level sensor and a switting device. It works very simple. A metal ball is moving inside the housing with positive buoyancy on a special channel. When lifting / lowering the float at an angle of about 45 degrees, the ball goes extremely position and hit the key of the two-position microswitch, which, in turn, powers the chain or breaks it.

Important! Automation for the drainage pump with microswitch in the float is an inexpensive solution, but it cannot provide high accuracy Level control. In addition, the float switch does not allow to completely dry the tanks. It is also characterized by problems with the imposition of contacts, which, however, is solved by using auxiliary contactor.

Automation Device Scheme with three Conductometric Sensors

Conductometric level sensors

The principle of operation of such a control system is based on electrical conductivity of pumped liquids. Electrodes from of stainless steel immersed in water. One of them, the control, should always be in the water, and others, signal, mounted at their levels. Small currents are constantly transmitted between them on the work environment. If water reaches a lower signal sensor, a layer of air appears between it and the control electrode (which does not carry out electricity), which immediately catches the control unit. And when the water rises to the upper sensor, the air, on the contrary, is supplanted with liquid, and the signal circuit closes.

Important! A metallic wall of the tank or grounded pump housing can be used as a control electrode.

If the floats can work with both the remote control, and independently, then such automation is necessarily equipped with a remote control unit. It is to it that signals are received on the state of low-current circuits inside the tank, and then the controller is already given the command to trigger the switching device (for example, a magnetic starter) to turn on / off the pump. By the way, multoelectrode sensors can control several pumps that are triggered simultaneously or alternately, including those installed in different tanks.

Conductometric sensors with multiple electrodes can be used in the system (for tracking large number levels), but configurations are also possible, where only one electrode functions. This variability allows you to collect automation for the drainage pump with your own hands, which will be most effective for specific conditions. In any case, the conductometric control devices are reliable and much more accurate than the control systems with float switches.

Video: Automation for pump