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What will happen if you find the key. Snacks "Lose Keys": People's beliefs, interpretation, tips on neutralization of negative consequences

Do you believe in various signs and beliefs that even our great-grandmothers tell us about? Everyone knows that any sign has never been created from scratch. Some actions are definitely leading to natural consequences. For centuries, the people on the grooves engaged in collecting and their interpretation. So almost all of them (signs) and reached our days. Whether in our advanced time to believe in various superstitions? And let's just remember some of the takes and follow, which will come true and what is not. Talk today about the keys. Rather about the signs about them. What awaits someone who inadvertently lost their key or found someone else's? What promises the disappearance of keys from the apartment, and what are the consequences if you lose the keys from the car. So, what do you accept the loss of the keys?

All important - under the lock

Note that the signs associated with this subject (the key) appeared immediately after people came up with the castle. It is not difficult to assume why the key initially symbolized wealth and wisdom: priests, and later various inventors and scientists kept their books and works under the castle. The keys to the castle were always with the owner. The same with wealth: chests or wardrobes with good locked on the key. Accordingly, if the keys had happened, the sign was not good, since this incident did not promise anything positive.

Key from home (or apartments)

If we speak frankly, then the loss of this important thing that causes a storm of emotions. These emotions are not painted in beautiful colors of happiness. For example, losing the keys to the apartment - the sign and today clearly hints at the problems. At a minimum, you will get some unpleasant hours of life when you look for a key or make it duplicate. And then you will master the most different fears and fears: because the lost key can someone find and use it. Or worse - suddenly the keys deliberately stole intruders, and they already prepare the robbery of your home? Inevitably begin to believe that the sign of losing the keys to the house really acts. If you do not handle the alarm, then the locks from the house will have to be changed, and this is a significant loss in the financial aspect.

And what did the people spoke?

Old signs suggest a variety of events. For example, for young and non-burdened family obligations of people, a sign - losing the keys to housing - the promise of successful incidents and well-being in love. So young people seem to be very careless to the safety of keys, in the hope of finding the love of the whole life. And girls - in the hope of successfully married.

For serious people

It is believed that any key has strong energy. Accordingly, losing the keys by decision foreshadows the cardinal life changes even for serious people with family and decent work. The changes will be so large-scale that it is immediately decided to decide on them - a difficult step. How to prevent unexpected changes on life path? It turns out that it is not difficult. It is enough just to be more respectful to such a small but strong subject, like a housing key.

Prevent loss

Always keep your keys in special places for storage. Different attacities are not in vain invested, on their hooks you can hang a key chain that bonds the keys necessary to get into the apartment (or house). Purchase a special key-pocket, then your key will not be able to slip out of the handbag unnoticed.

Theft of Property and Forces

Specifications: The lost key that disappeared, despite all precautions and respectful attitude (the keystitch, a noticeable key chain, attention paid to the things) is still considered a precursor of the loss of property through possible theft.

There will be a bad sign that if the keys are constantly "lying" from your hands and fall - someone deprives you of energy. Nearby is the so-called energy vampire, squeezing your vitality. To protect yourself from of this person, Wear a small mirror with you. The mirror side of the subject should be directed from himself to reflect the attack of the vampire.

Dangerous find - keys

To find lost keys - Sketch is not at all better than losing this subject. Of course, once it was for a long time ago: if a person inadvertently found a key, he learns some kind of secret. Also, the find promised the resolution of all difficult life situations for lucky. The person who happened to inadvertently pick up this subject, carried it with a reverence in his home and put on the night under the pillow - for a more successful life. Over time, many began to notice that instead of good luck, they get something completely opposite. And today, the situation (and together with it and the sign) has undergone a radical change, which gives an explanation of such a strange metamorphosis with the execution of traditionally good signs in the opposite direction.

And that's why

Just in case you should know:

  • The key lying at the crossroads, time immemorial, is considered a bad find. Such an item could not be lost by someone, but it was fully subsened. Otherwise, such a thing is called a "lining". The lining is known for its malicious force for found. On the lock or separately the key makes damage and "lock" their "word". The key is thrown at the crossroads and go, not looking around and not talking, from this place. If you are inadvertently noticed this thing - do not check the truthfulness old signs. Follow past and do not touch the dangerous find.
  • One of the magical rituals is associated with "locking key failures." The magician conducts a certain rite associated with this subject and a loser person, and in the completion of the ritual, the sorcerer throws a closing link (key) into water. It can be any reservoir, from the puddles at the house, to the ocean in distant edges. Found the key in the water? Do not touch it, otherwise all the troubles that these troubles are removed from which these troubles.

More Signals about the keys

What kind of signs - lose the keys from the car or break the key? There is an attempt to hack in the near future. Push up from failure in advance - change the lock.

The keys began to rust - the sign indicates a gift. Perhaps one-time money infusion into your budget. Often rust keys are covered - expect a spiritual gift.

On the table keys left - not to avoid the scandal. Also lying on the table, the keys promise a monetary loss and other losses associated with finance.

There are craftsmen whistling "in the keys" - such virtuosos need to be warned that if they do not stop a similar action, they will soon lose their memory.

So that the husband loved his wife hard, the keys should be stored in one place.

Ring the keys - probably this person will have a problem in the mental sphere of life. So as not to be at risk of madness, you should forget about bad habit And stop enjoying the metal clawing of these items (at the same time and the psyche of those surrounding the coast, and the karma cleansing is accurate for you).

What do you think to lose or find the key - the sign is good or bad? Believers - the folk storehouse of wisdom, which reached our time from the ancestors - will help you find out what to do when they fell, lost or have keys.

Find the key - sign

So what does the sign say if you are the key? Many believe that if you managed to find a piece of metal, then this suggests that you will soon receive a profit. If you have found the key, you can be sure that your misfortunes will leave, the black strip is completely completed and all the problems will begin to solve themselves.

It is believed that you found the door to the door in new life, happy and joyful. However, remember if you found the key, you can only look at it and see that your life will now be full good moments. To touch it and lift is categorically prohibited.

Superstitions convince that in no case can not be raised things on the road. On unlike items could be done damage, and if you raise it, then you will become a hostage negative programAnd the black magician will pull out of you.

Sometimes some things remove the evil eye and throw out that again makes them dangerous. In rare cases, find the key - means finding the mascot from the black strength, as it is often that this magic attribute was used as a charm. After all, since ancient times, this attribute was a symbol of solving problems, as well as receiving secret knowledge, wisdom. If the talisman was thrown away, it got rid of it, it means that there is negative energy on it.

This also applies to similar things that were found in water. Since ancient times, the rite has reached us, during which it is necessary to transfer all its failures and adversity to such an attribute. This allows you to locate the door with problems.

After that, the key is necessarily ejected into a natural reservoir. In this case, if you not only take the subject to your home, but at least just pick up, then all the troubles from which the previous Valdo worker got rid of you.

Of course, there are not pleasant phenomena. However, if you trust the signs, then young lonely people are just joy. Be sure, from now on your personal life will work out, and you will finally meet your soul mate.

For more senior people, the loss of keys foreshadows various changes. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to say, they will be pleasant either. If we talk about businessmen, merchants, then the sudden loss of the key will bring them success.

The conclusion of a very profitable deal is not excluded, an increase in profits. However, the positive interpretation of signs are relevant only if it is a single phenomenon. The constant loss of keys speaks about the troubles and possible theft. Just drop the keys - to call on misfortune.

Our ancestors believed that if you were driving the keys before traveling, it would not meet your expectations. Vastly trouble either on the way or at home. But the loss of the attribute in front of the test, an important performance prophesies joy and successfully completion of cases. Lost keys before the wedding suggest that the spouses will be happy together.

A broken key indicates that someone tried to rob in either this will happen soon. Be as you can care.

And you frightened a kept key? Believe me, you should not worry. Superstition prophesies to receive big amount Money, pleasant surprises and expensive gifts.

Never put the keys on the table, in a similar way you attract differences. And meaning and magazine and dinner table, and tables for storing things that are in the hallway.

Our rapids were confident that if you often ring the bundle of keys (especially on Wednesdays), then the reason can be lost. Whistling in this subject is also forbidden, you will earn very little. It was forbidden to constantly knock the keys, it called for a disorder.

Close the door for the night could only be a senior man in the house. It was believed if a woman takes place for this, then partners would definitely be sent. If you want to pull in your life wisdom, knowledge, become more volitional and decisive, wear a small key of silver or gold at your neck.

If you wear three keys, then you will become the master of 3 powerful faces: for health, love and welfare. Using such an attribute, you can even get rid of nightmares or other fears. To do this, it was necessary to simply put this thing at the head of the bed.

Each mother wants to protect his Chad from the unclean and negative energy. For this, a small key also put under the pillows to children. Also, the Gods were a very peculiar way of deliverance from impotence. To do this, it was necessary to simply put the key under the mattress.

Folk signs help to make our life better, warn about the possible negative events and joyful news that you will get in the near future. Do not ignore small signs that fate sends, and you can change your life in best side.

A bunch of keys from the house with a lot of keyfobs, the key with the tag that opens the door in the office, big key From the safe. Such little things have each of us. We casually throw them on the nightstand, returning home, looking at the bottom of the bag, standing in front of the door, forget, but we never think about the importance of all these actions, and even more so about the value of keys as such.

But the symbol of the key since ancient times met in different cultures. In the beliefs of the ancient peoples, the key had several values. The priest depicted in the hands, the key was considered a symbol of wisdom, access to unexplored secrets. With keys depicted and gods. In their hands, he symbolized power. In the Middle Ages, the key was considered a symbol not only power, but also security. Conquered cities handed over the new ruler key as a sign of recognition and adolescence.

If we consider the key as a symbol, then in most believes it has positive value. Therefore, his find does not promise anything bad. Found key brings good luck and foreseen the ambulance permission. However, in each individual case, the interpretation of such a find has its own nuances.

The key found on the road foreshadows the successful resolution of a difficult situation. If you bring it home, it will help close access negative energy In the life of households.

Sick find a clean and brilliant key promults well-being in the financial sector. Rusty key does not foreshadow anything bad, but on the contrary promises a quick receipt of a gift or profits. In order not to miss good luck, it is necessary to raise it, bring home and hide in a safe place.

If a person finds a whole bundle of keys, in this case a folk sign promises well-being in family life, as well as a successful way out of the confusing situation.

But there are such keys that you should leave where they lie. For example, in no case should not pick the key found in the reservoir. There is a possibility that he was there after holding a ritual aimed at locating all the adversity under water.

Do not take the key lying on the intersection. This belief is also associated with a similar ritual. In addition, it is believed that a multiple person may drop it at the intersection. And the thing itself can carry his energy.

Sketches to lose the key

With the loss of keys in his life, everyone came across, and in itself this situation is not pleasant. That is why at present many are convinced that his loss promises exclusively trouble and trouble. However, if you think about, all the difficulties after the loss of keys are reduced only to the domestic issue of the replacement of locks, which is not connected with folk signs. Most will attack the loss of keys with coming change. True, in each case, they have different character.

So, if a young girl will find the loss of keys from home, then the signs promise to her change in his personal life. For people dealing with business, such a loss promises profit in affairs.

But mothers are better careful to watch the keys. It is believed that losing the keysticks from the apartment, the mother can be expected to be disclaimed in relations with children, quarrels and misunderstanding.

The interpretation will adopt may depend on the situation in which they were lost. For example, their loss in front of an important event, such as standing or exam - a good sign. But before the far expensive, the opposite is bad. Lose the keys after the wedding or moving means that life in the new status or in a new place will be easy.

Sometimes, after we already said goodbye to the thing, she suddenly detected in an unexpected place. In this case, it should be rejected doubly. In addition to the fact that there was a loss, this situation also promises the beginning of a new light strip in the life, completion of trouble and troubles.

The keys fell

Regardless of the size of the bundle of keys, this thing often strives to slip out of the hands. In general, this situation in the belief is negative. The keys falling in front of the entrance door - the sign is bad. If this happened when leaving the house, you expect small trouble ahead. But if the bundle fell out of the hands to return home, then soon the door can do large problems.

If the keys fall regularly, it may be a sign of warning. In the room, the keys from which constantly fall out of the hands, someone is going to penetrate the unkind intentions.

You should think about and having heard a loud ringing sound from falling keys. In the house where it happened, the probability of quarrels and misunderstanding is great.

Other Signals related to keys

It is believed that quarrels in the family of promlit and habit leave the keys on the table. The table and other horizontal surfaces in the house were considered the conductors in the other world. Therefore, with the help of keys that lie on the table, the dwelling can penetrate dark forces. So the keys are better to highlight permanent place Not on an open horizontal surface. This will protect them from hitting their hands to unfriendly.

Hidden meaning can have and key rings that we wear on the keys. By correctly choosing a decoration for a bundle, you can attract good luck. Conversely, if approaching the choice of this accessory is inappropriate, there is probability of sticking trouble.

It may seem to see the rule that one should not decorate their keys to the keychain in the form of negative characters. Often on key bundles you can find figures in the form of weapons, skulls and the like. But such things simply cannot bear positive energy.

With caution, you need to treat trinkets with the image of unknown characters. For example, the ancient runes may bear a negative value, while the owner of such a thing may not even guess about it.

As for positive characters, it largely depends on self-imposition. For example, if you believe that the key chain with the image of the horseshoe or sign of the zodiac is able to bring good luck, then the thing is really able to help its owner.

In addition, it is believed that if you hang on the keys to the keychain in the form of the one that you want to possess, it will help to achieve the desired one. For example, you can decorate your ligament reduced copy of the car, houses or coins. And the travelers are perfectly suitable key rings in the form of sights of those places where I would like to visit. So the keys may appear miniatures Eiffel Tower or Egyptian pyramid.

There are many accepts and superstitions about findings. Of course, finding other things, you should treat them with caution, because they keep the energy of their master, and who knows what kind of curse in themselves contain.


The key is a very unusual and mysterious find. Many nations believe that this is the highest sign and will soon open the passage in new world. But nose Key Not always definitely, much depends on the place, the quality of the items found. Main Signs:

  1. Find keys - means changes in the near future, most likely pleasant. It should be cleaned the keys from dirt, dust, store them in dark place And the find one should not speak anyone, and then luck can leave.
  2. Broken keys. Not good signThis is a warning, possible theft and fraud. Also broken keys warn that the dark strip will come soon large quantity difficulties.
  3. Find a bundle of keys speaks of a soon out of difficult situation. It symbolizes the strengthening of relations in the family and the rapid end of the dark strip in life. You should carefully view a bundle, if one of the keys is broken, perhaps you will be expected to mean or deception.
  4. If you have found a long-lost your own key. Perhaps soon you are waiting for a large sum of money. Good luck will not leave you.
  5. Find new keys - a symbol of good luck and success, opening new perspectives and opportunities. Old, felling - carefully, changes are expected and difficulties. You should not touch the hands of completely old keys, they will bring grief and disappointment, it is better to just pass by.
  6. Rusty key talks about the immediate end of difficulties and unexpected luck and good luck. The keys should be lifted and carrying such a plan. This universe sends a sign of speedy changes for the better. Keys should be rinsed in the spring, withstand in the wind and sun and hide into a secluded place.

Place Nakhodka

In the widget of the key plays an important role. In no case should one touch the keys lying at the crossroads. After all, it is at the crossroads of the sorcerer make their rites, and who knows what aura of this subject. The same applies to the keys, found at the bottom of the Lake River. As a rule, love magic is connected with water, locks the heart to the castle. Do not check your karma strength, do not touch the key at the bottom.

Believe in signs or not - everyone decides for himself. But it is not necessary to deny that there are many phenomena in our lives that cannot be described from the point of view of science. Believe in miracles and the universe will not leave you without attention.

There are many interpretations associated with found objects. In esoteric, the key is considered the subject with a huge magic power. It is used in various rituals and rituals, most slavic conspiracy Contain access to it or mention, for example, "key. Lock. Language "and others.

In mythology is a symbol of wisdom and source of knowledge. Often, the ancient gods were portrayed with the keys in their hands. In magic, it is of particular importance: it is used both as defense, and as a way to open the door to the future. Therefore, any key, like you, will be of great importance for your destiny.
To know exactly what the sign "Find the key" means, you need to pay close attention At the place of the find and the appearance of the "laundering".

Find out on the street

Gypsy magic definitely interprets the key found on the road. If you discovered it on the street, then you are big lucky. Whatever the find - rusty, broken, new, old, - in Gypsy, it means a major luck and turn in fate to favorable times.

In order for the found "Lock" to fulfill its purpose and became a real gift of fate for a new owner, a number of such conditions must be observed:

  • find to hold some time in cold running water;
  • put under the pillow;
  • sleeping with "Found" for 7 nights.

After that, the find must be put to valuable things so that it once disappeared and good luck did not turn away from you.

At the crossroads

And here the interpretation will be exactly the opposite: the subject discovered at the crossroads can no longer be raised. It is believed that the intersection is one of the secret passages to another world. Therefore, any "value" found and selected here, the more having a big magical force, will lead to unpleasant consequences.

The subject raised at the crossroads may bring the disease, quarrels and monetary difficulties. Therefore, it is better not to raise the find, but leave to lie in place.

In a water reservoir

If you found a key in a water branch with running water (spring, river), then the find promises a rich win in the lottery for a man or good luck in love affairs for a girl.

"Lock", found in a reservoir with standing water (swamp, lake), will not bring anything good, no matter how beautiful and attractive with the appearance of it. In some magical rituals thus get rid of ailments and diseases. Therefore, so as not to become a victim of the magic subflade and conspiracy, it is better not to touch it.

In the woods

Selfiece keys found in the forest are promoting positive changes in life. First of all, they will be associated with new work or by changing the place of residence. Interpretation Signs depends on where in the forest you will raise the magic subject:

  • in the grass - you will find a new interesting job;
  • on the tree branch or bush - there will be a housewarming soon;
  • on the forest path - you will meet a person who will help you and will have a big service.

Large luck is considered to find lost keys in the forest under stone: it promises permission from an important life problem.


Detect on the street "Loaf" covered with rust, a wonderful sign. He suggests that it is very soon for material wealth: a sudden inheritance, a large lottery win, valuable gift. Rusty key is a real smile of Fortune. Therefore, it needs to be preserved and carry out a small magic ritual over it:

  • hide the find in the ground a pot with a plant;
  • to read the conspiracy: "Discover the key, the lock, my pocket will be gold!";
  • after 7 days the subject to get out of the pot and reliably hide from strangers.

So that the sign came true, you need to talk anyone about my find and the more not to show it.


If one day you will get a broken "Misty" on the way and you will take it yourself, it is worth preparing for trouble. The raised object with a defect will not bring good luck: on the contrary, it can cause inexplicable mental alarms and anxiety.

The broken key will bring a disharmony into your life, due to which insomnia can disturb you and nightmarish dreams. In addition, leave such an object in his house means inevitable conflicts With loved ones, especially children.

If the subject is broken by one or more teeth - we can fool yourself fraudsters and apartment thieves, you can become a victim of deception or robbery.

From apartment

Finding "Loaf" from the door of the house, including from the Intercom, to luck. So fate gives you the opportunity to take advantage of a new chance that will soon appear on the horizon. Interpretation Signs also depends on what day of the week you discovered a happy find:

  • monday - Wait for raising at work;
  • tuesday - promises acquaintance with the right person;
  • wednesday - success in school;
  • thursday - expect cash remuneration;
  • friday - Good luck on the love front;
  • saturday - sharp changes for the better;
  • sunday is an unexpected recovery of a loved one.

Masters and the time of day, in which the find was made. If you discovered the key from the apartment in the morning or during the day - the prediction will come true in 2-3 months. The subject was chosen in the evening or at night - the sign on the found keys will work not earlier than six months.

From the car

Find the key from - it means to go to a pleasant journey soon. According to another interpretation, the signs, the small car accessory promises its new owner the following pleasant surprises:

  • a man - success for the opposite sex;
  • a woman is a rich cavalier.

The only thing that should be taken into account when the "knee" is discovered from the car, - it should not lie in a puddle. Otherwise, the sign is interpreted as bad, and the find can lead to problems with safety on the way.


If one day you found someone else's bundle of keys, it is worth recalcifying them. The interpretation of the event depends on the number of objects in the bundle:

  • two - will bring trouble, you should not take it;
  • three - a big luck sign. If one of the three keys is small in size, expect a speedy addition in the family;
  • four - promises loneliness and loss of a loved one; Leave them where they lay.

A bundle in which is contained from five and more "bastards" can be a faith for your home. To the sign of the found keys embodied in reality, it is necessary to hold each of the found items to hold on fire church candles. After that, the bundle must be hung over the door. Thus, they will protect your home and family members.

Losing the key - what does this mean?

Interpretation of the situation depends on where you lost them. If they drop them out on the street, then you are waiting for a failure in an important matter. Especially this sign will manifest itself if you have an easy event from day to day: passing exams, interview, signing a business contract. In this case, luck, unfortunately, will not be on your side.

If you can not know it, knowing that the item should be within the apartment, - in this way you warn you: it is worth changing the nearest plans associated with any risk (large cash purchase, meeting with unfamiliar people, Long trip). It is better to correct the future to not harm yourself.

I broke in the castle - what to expect?

If the key broke in the castle, then interpretations of such signs depend on the following circumstances:

  • broke in entrance door From the inside - you need to pay attention to your health stealier;
  • in the entrance door with outside - take care of new people in your life, one of them plots the unkind;
  • in someone else's apartment is a good sign, promises to change for the better.

If the breakdown in the lock of the entrance door occurred in your new home or apartment for 7 days after check-in, it is a bad sign. He suggests that serious troubles lie at a new residence. They will be associated with problems with neighbors, breakdowns. household appliances, frequent colds and ailments. To get rid of it, it is best to sprinkle an apartment and the door to holy water on Thursday. Then this sign will not work.

Often, the "laundry" breaks in the locks of suitcases, cases, table boxes. Typically, such events are not foreshadowed by major troubles and most often talk about excessive fuss in your life.