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How to quickly find a job - advice, recommendations. How To Find A Good Job - A Comprehensive Guide For Those Who Are Looking For The Job Of Their Dreams

There was a moment in my life when I sat at home without work. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't find my niche. On one of the forums, I came across tips for a successful job search. It was they who, subsequently, helped me to cope with the search.

Council number 1. Act in all directions.

I was somehow fixated on searching through online newspapers. Taking advantage of the advice, I connected my relatives, friends and acquaintances to the search. I have notified everyone! Suddenly they hear somewhere or accidentally stumble upon a job offer. I bought local newspapers, phoned, sent out resumes. I went to the websites of companies, looked at vacancies.

Council number 2. Determine the scope of activity.

Initially, when I was looking for a job, I did not think about anything specific. I thought I’ll find something and it’s good. It turned out that looking for “I don’t know what” is very difficult and almost impossible.

I thought about it. Then, proceeding from its life experience, the specialty received at the institute and my own preferences, I still decided on the direction of job search. This, indeed, greatly simplified my task!

Council number 3. Do not rush, but prepare well.

Finding a potential employer, I was not always confident in my abilities, but I always went to an interview. Sometimes, even quite quickly, I agreed to the terms of the meeting time, which were assigned to me.

Once, I called a company and they made an appointment in 2 hours. Do I need to tell how I was going ?! Naturally, I didn't look very good, and I was not offered a job. Although the resume was taken away.

After this incident, I thoroughly prepare for the interview. I decided that I should have at least a day to prepare for the interview.

Council number 4. If the employer is not very interested - continue your search!

I realized that it’s not worth wasting time and going to interviews if there is no real interest in the proposed job. Especially if you have time. And since I wanted to find a permanent, well-paid job, I carefully chose the employer.

Council number 5. We are looking not "for a while", but "forever"!

This is another motivation. I subconsciously thought that I had to go to all the interviews and take on what was offered. After all, if you don't like something, you can always go to search new job... And that was one of my main mistakes. You need to look for permanent work, work "forever"!

And, you know, when I began to adhere to these tips, I managed to find "my" job in a short period of time. I am very glad that I came across these tips in time.

What advice can you give so that your job search does not drag out?

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We all love Twenty Ways to Do and Thirty Ways of It articles: structured lists, concentrated information - just what you need to read on the run or during your lunch break.

Today I want to write an article in the same style based on personal experience and refuting traditional ways job search for the soul.

When I got tired of working in the financial sector, then, like many in a similar situation, I wondered - what would I really like to do? Without answering this question on my own, I, in the spirit of the times, dumped it on the Internet: OK, Google, how can I find a job to my liking? Google gave out a bunch of information. Only it did not help me very much, and here's why.

What do you usually advise in such articles?

Remember who you wanted to be as a child?

Childhood, they say, is disinterested and not clouded everyday problems, and therefore, it is childhood dreams that will lead you to your true vocation. Great, I remember very well who I wanted to be as a child. An astronaut and a princess. I don’t remember exactly whether at the same time or not, but both professions at my current 38-year-old age look a little doubtful for implementation.

I wanted to become an astronaut when I reread the science fiction books of Belyaev and Krapivin: looking for new worlds, surfing the universes, heroically creating a bright future for earthlings - it seemed romantic and the right thing to do.

I dreamed of becoming a princess solely to wear beautiful dresses to the floor and ride a horse, always white, in your own kingdom. In my opinion, this dream appeared after the film "Three Nuts for Cinderella", if anyone remembers that.

What now? Now I am not very attracted to explore space, I prefer earthly nature; I don't really like long dresses - I prefer jeans with sneakers. So both of these dreams, although they remained touching memories, did not help me in any way to find a new occupation.

Asking yourself: what do you love the most?

Write a list of three to five to ten favorite hobbies and think about how you could make money from this? What are the professions related to your hobbies?

Write book reviews? Honestly, I'm not sure that you can make good money with this, but this is also not the business to which the soul lies. I don’t want to make reading a duty.

Write: writer, copywriter, translator.

By the way, copywriting is the closest thing to my liking. I thought about it for a long time, studied content exchanges, demand, literature. But something in my heart was totally against it. I realized that: since writing has always been my biggest and most reverent dream, writing advertising texts and articles to order for me is akin to betraying this dream.

Don't get me wrong, I think high-quality copywriting is very worthy occupation... But this is just my cockroach: I'm afraid to write texts to order. I'm afraid that this will become a routine, kill the magic and the desire to write what you want.

Travel: here, by the way, there are many options.

Travel journalist for magazines like GEO National Geographic (that's cool, yes; it also implies an epic mastery of photography).

A tour guide or guide in another country (but this is more likely not a travel job, but an opportunity to earn money abroad).

Photographer. Stewardess. Cruise ship employee ...

All these professions imply that most of the time will have to be spent traveling and treating the environment in a practical way: looking for camera angles, interesting places for reviews, non-trivial attractions for tourists. It's all great, yes. But when traveling, I like the leisurely contemplation of nature and architecture, away from hiking trails and in the most tourist off-season. In addition, with a teenage son and a Siberian cat, I can't afford to travel around the world all the time. Alas.

Seals: veterinarian or breeder. Oh no. Both professions are not immediately. The vet makes me like an elephant ballerina. Everything related to treatment, injections and, God forbid, blood, I am afraid of panic. The breeder does not either: otherwise all the kittens will simply stay with me, because I will not be able to part with a single fur lump.

What's the bottom line? Anything I like is not very suitable for the dream job. It turns out that it is not enough to look for something to do in the sphere of your hobbies, it must also intersect with character traits, personality type and personal cockroaches. Here the following frequent advice comes to the rescue.

Take tests for career guidance

Passed. Not a bad way, in principle. Produces a wide variety of options. Various tests offered me to work: a journalist, a lawyer, a scientist, a creative manager, an interior designer (which is very hot), but they did not find out the main thing: I am a terry introvert. Any work with people I prefer to work alone, ideally - remote and with correspondence in Skype.

One of these tests gave me the following verdict:

“People of this type are distinguished by analytical skills, rationalism, independence and originality of thinking, the ability to accurately formulate and express their thoughts, solve logical problems, generate new ideas. They often choose scientific and research work and conditions that give freedom to creativity. Work can captivate them so much that the line between work time and leisure time is blurred. The world of ideas may be more important for them than communication with people. Material well-being is usually not in the first place for them. "

And as suitable profession I was offered the profession of web analyst. Let's say it looks like the truth, but it's still not the same. I have always dreamed of creativity, and if I choose a business to my liking, then it definitely should contain a decent share of creativity.

Other common methods

Asking the opinions of relatives and friends, moving forward a year or five and presenting myself in a new capacity, thinking about what I would like to learn - also did not work very well for one reason or another.

How to proceed? I don’t know if I was just lucky or the system worked, but I was lucky to find my favorite business. I am goosebumps in my new profession of 3D interior visualizer, and every new day that I spend creating my 3D worlds, I am infinitely happy. But when I started looking for a job to my liking, I had no idea about such a profession at all.

How did I come to her? I tell you and I suggest you try to repeat my path.

Create an image

Find a time and place where no one and nothing will distract you. Forget about childhood, about "it is necessary" and "so accepted", about loans and rent, about your education, about honors and other crusts, about many years of experience in the profession, forget about everything. If you are reading this article, it means that not everything in your life suits you and it's time to imagine a new life.

So, imagine that you have already found your dream job, no matter what it is called at this stage. Take a piece of paper (it is better to write by hand than to type on a computer, here special neural connections of the brain are turned on) and describe: how do you imagine yourself in a new capacity?

For me, the ideal job is me, a laptop, a cat, quiet workplace in my apartment or in small house, my family is near, and nothing else. No tedious trips to the office, traffic jams and crowds, no open-space, meetings, meetings, business meetings, dozens of colleagues, hundreds of reports and a bunch of bosses. No more overwork and staying up late - how many years of my life have I killed for this!

Occupation: something highly technical to use the brain; something creative enough not to be cramped or boring within the given framework; something vast enough to never stop learning and to never be the limit of perfection. Something like this.

What is the ideal job for you?

Find out what it's called

Now that you have formulated a future image for yourself, try to identify the work that will lead you to this image. There are several ways. Try everything.

If you are comfortable working for a permanent employer with full or part-time employment, look through the vacancies on the largest job search sites: and

The trick is in the filters. If you already know what industry you would like to work in, look in it. If you don’t know, see everything. Most likely, you can hardly imagine what a variety of professions are now required and will be greatly surprised by their range.

The main thing at this stage is to crush in yourself “I can’t do it” and “I can’t do it”. Now you just need to determine the name of the profession of your dreams.

Here are vacancies (in brackets - salary) in the section "Work in the field of entertainment, art, mass media in St. Petersburg": copywriter / content marketer (50,000 rubles), dancer of exclusive dance show programs / dancer ( 90,000 rubles), potter instructor in the studio (45,000 rubles), author of texts / copywriter (in English) (60,000 rubles), doll decorator (45,000 rubles), quest administrator (50,000 rubles) , wedding organizer (40,000 rubles), actor (Santa Claus / Snow Maiden) (15,000 rubles). The quest administrator made me especially happy!

Search using different areas and filters without even being limited to the city of your search.

If your dream is freelancing, look for your dream job on freelance exchanges.

I recommend monitoring demand on four exchanges:,,, The last two are international, suitable for searching if you own English language at least at the level of a student. But they will greatly expand your opportunities in search.

See what projects customers need, how much they are willing to pay for them, what are the basic requirements. You will definitely like something from the demand.

Here is a quick look at a selection of the most popular queries: website design, creating landing pages, video editing, promoting an online store, maintaining groups in social networks, copywriting, logo creation and many, many others. Of the nontrivial ones I came across: make a calculation of smoke exhaust, create a car booking system, go to the library ..., but this vacancy made my day: "Sex toys 3D modeling for 3D printing, only advanced level" ...

If you have a specific goal, such as living and working on an ongoing journey, start by finding and reading blogs from people who inspire you who are already doing it.

Most often, in their blog, authors directly or indirectly indicate their occupation, you just need to carefully read. For example, for those who dream of travel, there is a fairly well-known blog by Masha Dubrovskaya, which contains a huge mass useful information... Read, study, be inspired!

If you are brave, original and dream of doing something completely unique, look for lists of unusual professions.

Professions like seller of dreams(the company for the fulfillment of desires is located in the USA, in Chicago), brain remover(this is the kind of specialist who must get the brain from the heads of killed animals and send it to restaurants for preparing delicacies), brader(plait braid) train pusher(such a profession has already appeared in Japan and the USA, payment is made for each person packed into a train), professional sleepyhead(to test the comfort of hotel rooms), caretaker of a tropical island, water slide testers and deep ocean explorers- in fact, they exist and applicants are periodically invited to them. Go for it :)

If you are not 100% fond of anything, choose the job that suits you best as a starting point, even if you are not happy with everything about it. There is one trick here, described in the next paragraph.

Believe in the universe and the space of options

It is difficult at first. The secret is that as soon as you start walking the road from point A to point B - to the work of your dreams, completely new opportunities and options open up for you that could not open in any way at the starting point A. You get to know someone, you learn new information, you get new offers that you would never have received without moving from your place. Therefore, if you did not manage to find the right option right away, and you could not plan your entire path to the end, but you intuitively feel that you are walking in the right direction - believe this feeling.

It was this step that led me to the profession of my dreams. I started my journey with the profession of "interior designer". Understanding its fundamentals, requirements, teaching methods, I came across a description of the specialization of an interior 3D visualizer, and the insight came right away - this is it!

Likewise, you will: start the path, start learning, communicating with new people, with professionals and mentors, and this path will open up many other forks for you. You will definitely have plenty to choose from!

Try on a profession

Try a new job profession. Sign up for training courses. Take an internship, intern, assistant professional. Feel your feelings. The feeling of joyful excitement, the desire to learn more and more nuances, the desire to grow and develop in the chosen direction did not leave you until the end of the courses or practice? Hurray, you have found your business!

If you left and you are disappointed - well, it doesn't matter! It's great that you tried it, otherwise how else would you know it's not yours? Crossing out the options brings you closer to the cherished one. In addition, you have gained useful experience and new acquaintances! You can take a break and try something else.

Take a big step towards your dream

So, have you found a job to your liking? Congratulations! The most important thing remains: to take a step from a dream to its fulfillment. Do it! Just prepare properly first. Work in your chosen field in the evenings, on weekends, on holidays (this is temporary), earn your first money, first clients and first experience.

For your current job, make savings in the form of a financial pillow for the first time (ideally for six months). Have the patience and support of your household. Believe in yourself. Remember that at first it will be difficult, very difficult and unusual, but if you don't give up at this stage, then everything will work out.

Have you done everything? Bingo! Get a bonus as a gift - happiness. I'm not kidding, doing the business of my dreams, accepting pleasant reviews from customers, growing and developing professionally in the chosen field, earning money by doing what you love - this is the most real happiness available, in general, to each of us.

Join us! Share your achievements, doubts, victories and difficulties.

This is a responsible and complex issue. Few people are interested in constantly changing one place to another. That is why, when choosing a position, one should take into account all the positive and negative sides vacancies. This will allow you to go to work with pleasure in the future.

Selection bias

Perhaps the most important thing that an employer pays attention to when selecting a candidate for a vacant position is work experience in the required field. This criterion is more valuable than education. That is why the question of how to find a job is much more acute for young specialists. However, even if you do not have the necessary experience yet, you should not despair.

In any Moscow organization, there are such positions for which a person without experience can be hired. These are assistants in various departments, as well as sales consultants. Sometimes the employer accepts a young professional as an intern.

Labor market trends

The negative phenomena that exist in the issue of employment of Moscow residents primarily affected young specialists and those who have not yet had time to get professional education... How can such applicants find work? What to do to find a job and what can you expect?

It is no secret that at present there is a big difference between the regions in the amount of remuneration for labor. That is why there is a constant migration of workers. In terms of wages, Moscow is the most attractive place. This is where the main stream rushes work force... The capital encourages people with an ever-expanding labor market. New jobs are constantly being created by Russian and foreign companies, which native Muscovites do not seek to get into. Level wages, which has developed in the capital, is an order of magnitude higher than in other regions of the country, as well as in the states the former USSR... This is why the capital is attractive for those who are looking for work.

Vacancies for graduates of Moscow universities

How to find a job in the capital if you get higher education in one of her educational institutions? Of course, it will not be difficult to find a job if the student has influential friends or relatives. Of course, not everyone can boast of this. Without connections, you should take care of finding a vacancy in advance. Many large companies are happy to accept students in their final years of study. Of course, the salary of such specialists is much lower than that of experienced employees. On the other hand, students are not required to special requirements... Thus, after graduating from the university, a young specialist can boast of work experience in his chosen specialty, which by the time he receives a diploma will be one to two years. When choosing the main place of employment, this fact will be decisive for making a positive decision about employment.

What is important to know when interviewing

In addition to writing in work book you will need to make a good impression when you first talk to an employer. To do this, it is important to look neat and behave confidently and calmly. It is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the main activities of the company and the responsibilities that are included in job description vacant position. You should ask about the salary only at the very end of the conversation.

You should not be afraid to change your life. You just need to consciously approach the question of how to find a job in Moscow. It should be understood that the search for the required vacancy is one of the life stages. Even if it is unpleasant, it is very important. In addition, the solution this issue can significantly affect the future.

Employment outside the place of residence

How to find a job in Moscow? This is especially difficult for those who live outside the capital. In this case, in order to successfully search for vacancies, it will be necessary to conduct an analysis of the Moscow labor market in advance. You can arrange an interview with a future employer even before arriving in the capital. Of course, a scheduled meeting does not guarantee that the position will be offered to you. Therefore, there should be several such agreements for a certain date of arrival. This will greatly increase the chance of getting a job.

It should be borne in mind that in a small private company you will be able to work already on the day when you successfully pass the interview. Large firms, on the other hand, will spend much more time on drawing up the corresponding approvals. This should be taken into account when calculating the necessary material resources for living.

How to quickly find a job in the capital? A recruiting agency or HR company will help you with this. This organization recruits staff for various firms. At the same time, not only highly qualified specialists are invited to vacancies, but also workers of various professions, as well as employees who have no experience.

The manager of the recruiting agency can be contacted via the Internet. An employee of the HR company will tell you how to fill out the questionnaire. Through this agency, without coming to the capital, you can go through a preliminary interview. In the event that you are approved in the position, and you agree to the conditions proposed by the employer, you can safely buy a ticket and go to Moscow.

Employment with training

How to find a job without experience in the capital? Recruiting agencies help to find vacant positions for primary care specialists. Such applicants are offered work with training in the necessary skills. However, there are pitfalls here. Some firms are dishonest. By typing a certain number young specialists, such companies give them a salary that is an order of magnitude lower than that which was agreed in advance. Of course, many employees are not happy with this order of things. They quit and look for new jobs elsewhere. And the dishonest company carries out a new recruitment of applicants for vacated positions, doing with them in the future in the same way. This is how you save on wages.

How to find a job without experience so as not to fall into the hands of unscrupulous companies? Blacklists of such employers can be found on the Internet. Choosing a new place of work, it is worth collecting more information about potential bosses. This will eliminate the likelihood of such a deception. Companies that work honestly, already at the conclusion employment contract negotiate the amount of real wages. By the way, especially unskilled specialists should be alerted by an excessively high income.

The most demanded specialties

How to find Good work in Moscow? To do this, you should study the information that is contained on the websites of metropolitan employers. Most often, those who have no experience are offered the work of a sales assistant, loader, picker, promoter, worker and handyman. It should be borne in mind that financially, this segment of the labor market cannot boast of decent remuneration. If young professionals have the appropriate education, then they can be offered a job as a driver, locksmith or an employee of the advertising department. These specialties have a slightly higher salary level.

Life realities

How to find a good job? For many, unfortunately, the answer to this question will be disappointing. Only serious connections can help to find a good job. In the employment market, a similar situation has developed for a long time. And this applies not only to Moscow. Personal connections with the right people help build a career around the world.

Jobseekers can contact employment services, recruiting agencies, or search for jobs on the Internet for help. However, as a rule, the results of these efforts are less successful. But at the same time, luck is always present in life. It is quite possible that a person who is wondering how to find a job and is making every effort to do so will still get a good job. But it is worth remembering that only intensively developing companies offer a wide range of opportunities. big cities... For those who do not know how to find a job to their liking, we can advise you to organize your own business.

If the source of income is the Internet

Without experience in Moscow, you can get an online job. For some people, she moved from the category of a small part-time job to the level of a real source of income. The monthly earnings of those who work part-time on the Internet are from five thousand rubles. Anyone who works in the Global Network on a permanent basis receives from twenty-five thousand rubles a month. There is also such a category of those who want to make money, which takes this work with all seriousness, developing and discovering new earning opportunities for themselves. As a rule, such people in order to receive good income, open a variety of Internet projects. These can be different sites. This type of work belongs to home work.

Often people with disabilities, pregnant women, mothers on maternity leave, etc. want to work without leaving their homes. That is, all those who cannot become an employee of any company. How to find a job at home? And this is also where the global network comes to the rescue.

How to find a job on the Internet? To do this, you should clearly articulate the task in the query string. There will be a huge number of offers to work in the network. You just have to find for yourself suitable option and get around the existing pitfalls. Dishonest people offer jobs, capitalizing on the trust of citizens. Fraudsters usually ask for an initial payment, which is supposedly needed in order to complete the documentation, and so on. Naive people pay money, and then they cannot find their employer anywhere.

Seasonal work

In the summer, students and high school students can temporarily find a job. This will help you gain invaluable experience and earn some extra money. How to find a job in the summer? First of all, you should contact the district center of your administrative district, which oversees employment issues. Employees of this organization will provide an application form for filling out. After all the formalities have been settled, it will be possible to proceed to the direct search for vacancies.

Offered vacancies

It should be borne in mind that in the employment center, schoolchildren and students will be offered only those jobs to which adolescents can be attracted. These include landscaping and landscaping of the city boundaries, restoration and restoration of historical and architectural monuments.

If a teenager does not know how to find a job to his liking, then you should take your time with the choice and carefully study all the offered vacancies. Their list may include the following:

Small ancillary and repair work;

Serving events of a cultural nature;

For some reason you have become unemployed, the question arises of how to quickly find a job ─ and no matter the reason for dismissal, the job is needed. Statistics show that after losing a job, a person long time is in search of a new job, they are looking for a job that is most suitable for qualifications and remuneration for work.

Whenever a person receives the status of unemployed, he wants to find a new job as soon as possible. Searching takes a lot of time, many do not understand how to look for a job, there are many employers, you need to correctly assess the offered vacancies, and most importantly, be able to introduce yourself to the employer. We also recommend that you read the material - "" and "".

Always after the dismissal of a person, a disorder seizes, especially if it is not legitimate, a panic mood may arise, you do not need to succumb to this state ─ how to quickly find a job and use the search time to rethink your own potential capabilities, that should come first.

    identify and write down all the professional reasons that annoyed you or reflected negatively on your past work;

    analyze corporate communication and how you were treated.

There is a wisdom thought out by the people, which says: "When you find work to your heart, you do not need to work at all." The mood for looking for a new job should be appropriate, purposeful. All the technologies that exist for finding a new job are based on your independent search and your actions, for this you need to try, namely to listen to the recommendations, these are:

    Create a resume, reflect your abilities in it, do not belittle them. Try to concisely state what you can do, what skills you have, choose an ambitious presentation style. Place your best photo on your resume page, the employer can accept positive attitude for an interview with you. If you quit your job from your previous job on their own or abbreviated and you good relationship Take a letter of recommendation about your job opportunities right away with your management at your previous job. Attach it to your resume.

    A new goal, these are new priorities, you need to understand what you are striving for in order to answer competently in a conversation with an employer. You need to clearly understand for yourself what kind of work you want to do. It is possible for these purposes to be tested to determine the profession. With a resume, visit all the agencies in your region that offer work, many of them are looking for candidates at the request of employers, as a result, the job itself may "knock on the door."

    Use such a query in a search engine, it is: "... how to quickly find a job on the Internet?". You can use the resources of the network to search for companies, leave the created resume on specialized resources.

    Persistence in the search plays an important role, if you are not answered on the left resume and there are unresolved questions, do it yourself, call, find out the reason. Organize your day to maximize the impact of your job search by dialing employers from print ads, check resume resources, and don't shy away from interviews.

    Dress appropriately when going to an interview, have a pleasant appearance, do not be late and do not interrupt the employer's conversation. You can take a pause when you find it difficult to answer the question posed right away, better choose the words, think about what to say. Important!!! The employer is looking for specialists, and you are a suitable job for you, he needs you more than you need him!

Job search in the capital

The reason for the question of how to quickly find a job in Moscow is on the "surface", it is:

    a high level of remuneration in comparison with the same work in the regions;

    more vacancies, more opportunities to get a decent job.

Experts recommend starting your job search in Moscow by posting your created resume on special Internet resources indicating the city in which you are interested in vacancies. Examples of these resources can be: hh .ru, job .ru, other network resources. What does it do? You can start your search without leaving hometown, and for those who do not know how to create a resume, there are templates ready on the resources, answering the questions, you compose a biography of your work activity.

In the ads, find employers who offer the vacancy you need, send them your resume. It is always difficult to communicate with personnel officers from agencies at a distance, they prefer to see a candidate for a vacancy "with their own eyes."

Your actions are:

    find the company you need via the Internet;

    determine if there are vacancies in your profession;

    call the managers of the company, ask to appoint the day and time of the interview for you;

    have several companies for an interview, this will give you the opportunity to talk with several managers on one day of arrival and find a job in Moscow.

It is necessary to understand that the people who spoke with you independent decision on hiring they do not, they select the best from all candidates. When you get a call from the company and get another interview, it could mean that you are successful in finding a job.

Any position in Moscow requires an interview, you need to be ready for it, appearance is the main element, and be sure to build your own presentation of yourself in a concise way. When there is additional features(rights, ownership foreign languages, other specific skills) feel free to show them. Always show your willingness to provide maximum assistance to the employer's company, your willingness to work "overtime".

How to find a job after being laid off

There is always an unpleasant "aftertaste" after being fired, but you should not despair of how to quickly find a job after being fired, most of those laid off think about this. different reasons of people. Experts categorically do not recommend in a conversation with employers of another company to "blaspheme" and speak negatively about your past bosses, to discuss their methods of enterprise management.

It is necessary with dignity, calmly to explain the reason for your dismissal. Often the employer asks this question in order to understand how you feel about the leadership, which ultimately characterizes your character, and not the bosses who supervised you.

To find a job you need:

    be sure to have a prepared biography of your work activity;

    think over which points in the new company need to be emphasized, to reveal them more widely;

    you need to make a story about yourself and your achievements in work, show what you have achieved and what you already know how;

    picking up a new job, do not waste time, you can do it special education by profession or remotely learn new skills, get a distance education, undergo retraining.

It is not recommended to drag out the process of looking for a new job, even when your life situation allows you to do it. There is a direct dependence on the time period when you are unemployed and the employer's interest in you as a candidate for a job.

How to quickly find a job, advice from employment specialists, this:

    Always have documents for searching for a new job, these are: a letter of recommendation, a resume, a plan of a conversation with an employer. Spend your free time with activities such as:

    do not succumb to despondency, everything that happened is yesterday, select enterprises and companies where your specialization is needed;

    analyze work experience in the profession, focus on finding the best job;

    if there is an opportunity to take recommendations about you as a specialist from past work;

    involve recruitment agencies, acquaintances, relatives in the search circle;

    if there is an opportunity at the CPC to study for another specialty;

    Think over the answer to the question about your dismissal, this is important, you need to reasonably and calmly answer.

    When you are looking for a job with the aim of increasing the material reward of work, an unpleasant environment of communication in the team can contribute to this. To search, use the following, these are:

    printed regional publications with announcements;

    home PC;

    ready-made electronic resume.

How to find a job if you have no experience

When a specialist analyzes the ads that employers give, we can conclude that they want something like this employee:

“... a model view, 5 languages, higher education, work experience of at least five years, a complete understanding of the PC and work on it with any programs, the ability to drive a car on high level, the ability to maintain a conversation, women who are able to go on maternity leave are excluded. "

Each specialist understands that the manager is always looking for a vacancy best professional, therefore, how to quickly find a job without experience, only after graduating from an educational institution, worries many young people. For this reason, there are specific recommendations, these are:

    show at the interview that you have participated in conferences and have experience in communicating with representatives of the profession;

    every leader tries to recruit active young people, show that you are ready for further professional training;

    strive for an internship at the enterprise, as a young specialist, in order to demonstrate their skills;

    you can start labor activity before graduating from an educational institution, then having experience in the company it is not difficult to go from a courier to the category of a manager;

You will need

  • The best job sites in Moscow are,,, Students and young professionals should visit and


Despite the fact that the crisis seems to have passed, the number of unemployed has not become much less. Now the labor market is still the employer's market, not. Therefore, employers, as a rule, are looking for employees slowly - they know that they can always find a decent specialist willing to work for small ones. Accordingly, not all applicants are considered.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be found. There are companies that are ready to hire a candidate with high salary expectations, if only he is a real professional. Contrary to the popular myth that it is now possible to get a good job in Russia only through "connections", many people find decent jobs in such companies. To do this, of course, you will have to go through a rather tough selection.

The first stage of selection is, of course, a resume. Most job sites have a specific form that you need to fill out. Keep your resume simple, concise, clear about your key skills, and strengths... Especially worth mentioning are their work achievements as well as experience. leadership work if it was. In the event that you do not have it yet, focus on the good knowledge gained at the university, strengths of character and the desire to learn on the job.

If the employer is interested in your resume, they will call you back and schedule an interview. Before the interview, you should go to the website of the company that invited you and find out as much as possible about it. Try to think about what questions an hr manager might ask a candidate like you. It will be useful to read articles on passing interviews and thematic forums. Even at this stage of selection, you may be offered a test or asked a couple of questions in your specialty, if, in addition to the hr-manager, there will be no department in which the employee is looking for. So you should be ready for that too.

The final stage of the interview will usually be a conversation with a representative of the company's senior management. The most successful candidates reach this stage. At this level, it is important to discuss the details of the work, the benefits package. You, in turn, will be tested for self-control, sociability and loyalty.

Do not forget about other methods - ask your friends if they need a specialist in your profile. Few people like being obligated to other people, but what if you really are a good candidate for a vacant position in their company. Do not be afraid to act, in the end, you may have to help them someday.

Helpful advice

A lot depends on the impression you make in the interview. There are no templates, all people are different, but there are things to remember. A confident and active candidate will always appear more competent and suitable. Positive attitude the candidate and openness will also make a better impression than being too serious and tight-lipped: the employer does not need people with problems or those who seem to be.


  • how to find a job in Moscow

At work, we spend a huge part of our life. If at the same time it is boring and difficult - this will certainly lead us to depression and dissatisfaction. Interesting job, bringing income and pleasure, can be found for everyone. The main thing is to correctly define your goals.

You will need

  • - Internet access.
  • - Email.
  • - Business Cards.
  • - Summary.


Very often we get this or that education, not realizing the subtleties. future profession... As a result, we run the risk of being boring and low-paid. It's never too late to change your life. It is the awareness and desire to change the situation in order to get pleasure from work, and should be your first step. Think about what you would like to do (leaving aside). Where do you see yourself in the future? What activity makes you feel good about it? This will help you determine the field of future work. It may seem to you that the chosen type of activity is interesting, but will not bring a lot of income. More often than not, this is not the case. With the right skill, enthusiasm and zeal, you can always turn your favorite activity into profitable business.

Once you have identified your goals and scope, select a specific list of jobs that you would like to perform. Tired of the monotonous office routine? The world labor market is gradually moving towards the home-office system, teleworking and attracting freelancers. If a free schedule is important to you, prepare necessary base to work. Cellular telephone, notebook, mobile modem, organizer, high-quality business cards - all this should always be at your fingertips, because about or a project can appear at any time.