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What profession is suitable for young men. Zodiac sign Sagittarius: work and finance

Distinctive trait "Streltsov" is strongest optimism, physical and spiritual mobility, the desire for personal freedom and independence, independence. People they are multilateral and straight, too frank and without the slightest falsehood, hardworking and workable, deft and breakfast, passionate, merciful, compassionative, loving nature and animals, trips and travel. Character is balanced, nature is philosophical. Justice and justice in the first place. There is some tendency to exaggeration, adventurism, risk.

"Sagittarius" are represented by two types. The first is different vital power and activity. This is a semi-trimmed, unbridled type, not a loving civilized world, but easily and easily fascinating other people. The second is the type of scientist and thinker, or a policy and a fighter for the idea.

"Sagittarius" - far-sighted citizens of the world, hate dogmas and templates, a blessing lifestyle and thinking. They rise to the highest steps of society thanks to the internal and external expansion, the desire for authority, independence, independence. They are all the things call their own names.

"Sagittarius" is very divided and talkative, but their tongue is sharp, satirical. They are considered the best speakers and preachers.

The fragmentation and spraying of physical and mental strength causes a disorder of feelings and mental tension, loss of spiritual comfort and tranquility.

In such a state, a person is hampered in making a certain decision, although this may require confusing multilateral interests and goals, dreams and desires. At "Sagittarov" constantly on the agenda the problem of residence, housing problemAnd also frequent business, even foreign trips and travel.

Success at work to "Sagittarius" comes through the skillful concentration of thoughts and knowledge of business and things essentially. Own views and opinions, beliefs and worldview are protected with a great spiritual force and full return. In disputes and disputes with competitors, opponents, opponents and enemies, they behave very correctly, honestly, immaculately, almost always come to victory. As a rule, they will never remain in those places where they were born, and leaving to look for their happiness in other edges to other countries.

According to statistics, the many "Streltsov" occupies senior positions and positions in many sectors of the national economy and in the industry, key posts in the field of exports, serve in various offices abroad, presenting various firms, offices, bureaus. Significant part of them are busy in jurisprudence. Many "Streltsy" will meet on public service In ministries and departments, in the authorities and state security, in the armed forces and police, in the ministries of popular education, secondary and higher education, in educational institutions of various profiles, on the diplomatic service abroad.

Many of them are popular political figures, theologists, clergy or representatives of various religious sects. Some of them are busy in publishers and bookstores. In science, their favorite areas are natural sciences, physics, medicine, philosophy, psychology, geography and theology. Under this familiar, a whole Pleiad of travelers and missionaries participating in many expeditions and discoveries, as well as a whole playwood of athletes with world glory. Favorite sports disciplines - equestrian sports, athletics, football, tennis, skiing and skating, as well as breeding and raising dogs.

Women are "Sagittarius" in the majority work in the sale trading sector. In life and at work, they are well helped by learning foreign languages, the ability to handle people and animals, especially with horses and dogs. They are wonderful artists and athletes.

Sun in Sagittarius and Born close midnight: Born close to midnight have exceptional abilities to music.

Sun in Sagittarius and born after noon: a tendency to travel and travels, often serve abroad.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Sagittarius girl in profession - most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Lion 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Scales 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Fish 21.02 - 20.03

Professions for Streltsov

Already in young years, the Sagittaries dreams of future professional successes, marks high enough, inclined to reassess the possibilities. For the most part, when choosing professions, the people of this sign of the zodiac are focused on the call, dream of getting the opportunity to deserve themselves, their creative abilities. What professions are suitable for the archers from an astrological point of view?

Before them opens a large scope for self-expression. Usually these people want their activities to be aimed at public benefit, to restore justice, so often choose the path of investigators, criminologists, reporters, judges. They like to keep the situation under control, Imprises them and risk element in these professions: the presence of danger in the work does not scare them, but on the contrary, becomes an additional incentive, because excludes the routine. If a person was born under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius, his profession could be associated with high speeds, men often achieve noticeable success in the role of pilot, test pilot, rider. Of these, outstanding athletes can be obtained, in particular, gymnasts.

Born during this period are aimed at self-affirmation in society, often preferred prestigious activities, allowing to be in sight, attract attention, cause admiration, feel indispensable and in demand. Sagittarius can choose a variety of specialties, but at the same time will do everything to become professionals high-class. They are unlikely to feel comfortable in the role of workers and employees of the lower link.

The profession of Sagittarius may be related to the fact that in many people the creative beginning is pronounced brightly. They have wonderful linguistic abilities, well feel the word, romantic and sensitive, have excellent taste. All this makes them promising writers, beautiful storytellers; Suitable for them and related publishing. A lot of representatives of the sign Sagittarius can be found among journalists, televisers, representatives of show business. One more suitable profession For Sagittarius - translator.

This sign can not be called money attracting money and able to extract them literally from the air, but at the same time, its representatives often become quite weissious people. However, often the obstacle to this is their independence and freedom. Help to achieve success in commerce mind, excellent imagination and readiness to put something new to your life to put it on your service. The people of this sign of the zodiac often try to achieve success in the field of trade transactions, resale goods, simply speculation.

Sagittarius are not mistreated heavy workBut too simple, not requiring the cost of creative and physical forces, they are also not suitable. They do not accept routine, monotony, as well as expectations of classes. Also, the archers are well suited to professions, where a wide range of or global approach to solved tasks is in demand - they can find themselves in philosophy, stories, they can stimulate and bring scientific thought to experimental substantiation.

The typical human activity of such a sign of the zodiac is a horoscope calls missionary, San of the clergyman. Sagittarius need spiritual teachers and after some time lapse tense internal work themselves can act in this role.

Professions for fracturing women on calibration are not so and female - rather, on the contrary. These bold ladies do not fit the role of housewives, like any calm and inconspicuous work - they are focused on social activity. They are able to climb the service staircase on a par with men. The Sagittarius woman often reaches its destination in the prestigious structures, from the referent secretary to the governing post. She can become a specialist high levelWhat a lot is facilitated by the flexibility of mind, activity, dexterity, sociability and personal inner charm.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Lion 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Scales 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Fish 21.02 - 20.03

Sagittarius - Profession Zodiac Sign

As a rule, Sagittarius choose their own vocation. They seem tempting the opportunity to apply their brilliant mental abilities, to show their talent for the organizer. The sign of the zodiac Sagittarine is needed by professions in which the work goes as part of the team, implying social responsibility, and on the other - they need a certain proportion of independence, so as not to be ruined countless orders and orders.

Professions Zodiac Sagittarius

People who are born under this sign are suitable for work related to risk, creativity, searches.

The most optimal for the archers of the profession of a journalist, a detective or criminalist. They allow you to use our knowledge for the benefit of society, for the disclosure of the truth and the celebration of justice. In addition, these professions make it possible to control the situation and risk, which always attracts irrepressible and fearless fittings.

Risk leaning and addiction high speeds Makes Streltsy capable pilots, riders or test pilots. Risk and danger give representatives of this sign incentive to new achievements.

What professions are suitable former

Another preferences of the Archers are prestigious professions that allow us to realize the need for publicity, awareness of their indispensability, demonstrating brilliant professional skills. Most of the shooters achieve certain success in professional activities, regardless of the path chosen.

Important for the Sagittarius and the realization of the need for creativity. Especially developed from representatives of this sign linguistic abilities, as well as a sense of word and rhythm, taste, sensitivity and romanticism. All this often makes Streltsov famous poets.

Sagittarius do not care too simple, lightweight and small professions, monotonous, routine work and any activity that does not have promising tasks and new tempting horizons. Therefore, the work teacher, an engineer or farmer - not for them.

Women born under the constellation Sagittarius often prefer difficult professions that are considered prerogative of strong sex - for example, geologist or lawyer. However, they are contraindicated to do household or work as a beautician, since these classes contradict them the desire for social activity.

The most successful for Women-Sague profession of the secretary in a fairly prestigious organization. Thanks to its charm, sociability, dexterity and living mind, she will feel here like fish in water, faithful to become a high-class specialist.

Career, profession, work and business horoscope for zodiac sign Sagittarius

What work is suitable for Sagittarius?

Representatives of this zodiac sign endowed enviable characteristic feature - They know how to concentrate and perform one thing for a long time.

However, the horoscope Career Sagittarius says that this person is rarely stopped in one specialty.

This is a sign of fearless people who can engage in risky work, which scares representatives of other signs.

In this regard, a fireman's profession, a pilot, a lifeguard or a policeman is a great job for Sagittarius.

Often you can meet representatives of this sign, endowed with creative abilities, especially in the field of music. Sagittar career can develop quite well, if he chooses a profession of a musician, composer or tool manufacturer.

What professions are suitable for Sagittarius?

A representative of this zodiacal sign has been dreaming of career heights from the small years, which has a property to overestimate his own capabilities. By asking the question of which professions are suitable for the archers, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this person is attracted by risk and dangerous professions.

Fiery temper, activity and hardworking Sagittarius helps him achieve success in almost all endeavorsAlthough the risk will always be great, which reached the top of the top, he will decide that he wants to master a completely different specialty.

Nevertheless, no matter what the representative of this sign did not do, it is completely immersed in the selected scope of activity, as it believes that it is necessary to work either in full strengthOr do not take care at all.

Work for Sagittarius - the area in which it should be an absolute leader, regardless of whether he is a boss or one of the performers.

With his boss, this person remains in trust and friendly relations Until that moment, until it notices a biased or unfair attitude towards anyone. This person is preserved in truth and justice, which is why it is able to confront even the boss.

Considering the question of which profession to choose a firing should take into account the fact that the representative of this sign loves to travel, and best option I can be specialties that imply frequent moving - journalism, hotel business, sports.

The representatives of the beautiful half of this sign are perfectly soldered with children and have the ability to teach and awaken their interest.

In this regard, the best professions for felt-women - pedagogy and children's psychology.

Business for Sagittarius is an area in which he can show himself as an organizer, a generator of ideas and the performer, because the only thing that causes his pessimism and depression is inaction.

In the partnership, the representative of this zodiac sign is very active and is able to make some artistry in any case.

Nevertheless, the Sagittari business horoscope says that this energetic person is like a gambling player and needs a partner who would be able to keep it from unreasonable solutions and deeds.

Sagittarius: Characteristic and description

Find out the most interesting about Sagittarius. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Horoscope Zodiac

for all occasions

What profession is suitable former

Their peculiarity is that on the one hand they need a team, because they love people and communication. On the other hand, their freedom-loving nature and the sharp mind will not allow them to obey the stupid orders of the bosses. They need the possibility of independent decision. Character of the shooter of a man This is what he is looking for risk, adventure, freedom.

The word "justice" is not an empty sound for them. Sagittarius is pleased to be able to apply their strength and knowledge for the benefit of society, the celebration of justice. The representative of this sign can work by the investigator, the prosecutor, will become an incorruptible journalist. It is characterized by risk for these professions, but they control the situation that it is very impressed by the active arrangers.

Fire signs feed weakness to high speeds. Therefore, many of them drive sports cars, and some become riders or test pilots. They love risk and enthusiasm test mechanisms.

Another weakness of Sagittarius is a desire to receive public recognition. He likes to feel his indispensability, be necessary people. When choosing any profession, it becomes a high-class specialist.

If the Sagittarius becomes the leader then he will give daily a large number of Orders, because he remembered a variety of ideas. Do not hurry with their implementation - the head is not picky and about most of the orders he will just forget. He has good intuition, so it will make profitable transactions. To catch it in the office is not so simple - he loves business trips and spends most of the time in the road.

Sagittarius subordinate optimist and believes in the best. It is not too attentive, but manifests the initiative, and if it is passionate about the performance, it does not follow the time and will easily be delayed after the end of the working day.

For him, the retirement age is dangerous. Left is not at the affairs, he quickly falls in spirit, degrades. Close one must prepare for him some exciting occupation. With the tense aspects of the horoscope, it can become a sinister or shoeler. Easy earns, but it's not capable of saving, the money goes through his fingers.

Description of the Sagittarius of Women It always includes information about her professional activity - this lady is not from those who prefer to sit at home. Often she chooses complex specialties that expand her horizons and make it possible to travel. Woman Sagittarius can become a geologist or a teacher - it is active and full of enthusiasm. It is not recommended to work as an accountant or being a housewife - she comes bored and fall into depression.

At the beginning of a career, she will be able to work as a referent large company. Woman Sagittarius initiative, energetic and quickly make friends with employees.

Zodiac Sagittarius Profession

If other representatives of the zodiac signs do not think about career and work with early yearsfor sign zodiac Sagittarius Profession Very important since childhood. As a rule, the people of this sign often overestimate their capabilities. The work they choose by calling. They want to reveal their creative potential and show themselves from the best side.

There are a large number of professions that will help the firing to open. Many sign representatives prefer to benefit society, restore justice. They like to work by the investigator, judge, criminist, reporter. Among the representatives of the fiery element are quite a lot of fearless people. Man born zodiac Sagittarius, profession often connects with risk. Sagittars are not afraid to risk life, so among them there are many good rescuers, firefighters, policemen, pilots. Also people of fiery element attracts speed. They can be professionally engaged in sports, especially gymnastics.

Sagittarius do not like heavy physical and routine work. Simple worknot requiring a creative approach and mental work, they also do not fit. They refuse to associate their lives with unpromising projects.

Many fitters are endowed with creative abilities, so they can succeed by choosing a profession of a musician or composer. Well versed in music, they will be able to make musical instruments. In addition, they have pronounced linguistic abilities. They have a good taste right speechSo they will be able to become beautiful writers, corrector. People sign zodiac Sagittarius Suitable profession translator.

Sagittarius often associate their lives with journalism or hotel business. Representatives of fire elements love to travel, so sign zodiac Sagittarius Such profession will bring great pleasure. They will not stop moving and business trips.

Female Sagittarius are perfectly soldered with children. They get to find with them mutual language, awake interest in knowledge and creativity. Of them are obtained good teachers, educators and psychologists.

In most cases, people of this sign are not limited to one profession. Their main features of character are hard work and purposefulness helps them succeed in any field of activity. They relate to their professional duties seriously work on conscience. Regardless of the post, the Sagittarius always remains at the height. He fully devotes himself to work. Having achieved tremendous success in one matter, he can change their mind to engage in them and start looking for a new job.

All signs of the sign make a living hard work. They do not know how to extract money from the air. But thanks to its hard work, they can make well earn.

Many Sagittarius are in good relationships with the manual. But if they manage to turn the bosses in unlawful actions, they will not be silent. Sagittarius has a congenital sense of justice, so it can confront management. People of this sign will not tolerate a biased attitude towards themselves and colleagues.

zodiac sign Sagittarius girl in profession

Professions Sagittarius: Scientist, religious, judge, lawyer, lawyer, merchant, officer, traveler, doctor, cook, banker, professor, philanthropist. Aircraft and cosmonautics, hotel, travel business. Guide, translator, diplomat, economist, accountant, auditor. Sagittarius can be a literary critic, philologist, criticism, religious. Worker public organization, People's Deputy. Sagittarius shows all the professions associated with exports, imports. Business interests abroad, network marketing, marketer, promotion, advertising.

Science I. higher education: Philosophy, philology and foreign languages, jurisprudence. Financial and economic sciences and geography. In the field of physics - optics.

Production activities: Foreign trade, legislative activities, diplomacy, religion, justice, philanthropic activity, shipbuilding, navigation, transport, management and policies. Sagittarius are successful, as travelers, writers, preachers, scouts, pioneers, as well as judges, teachers of universities. Transportation (long-distance transportation).

Medicine: Like any firemarkSagittarius is related to medicine, in particular, to surgery, vascular surgery, and vascular therapy. Intensive therapy, various new treatments, tool therapy.

Sport: Sagittarius is a sports sign, like any fire. Often it is a sports outdoor stadium, as well as archery, horse riding, sailing.

Art: Writers, actors, especially theatrical.

Sagittarius work: At the disposal of the Sagittarius a wide choice of professions, but it would be better to start from work that would have given the opportunity to move and travel at least communicate with people from abroad. Best of all the Sagittarius functions when they trust and provide enough freedom in action.

Sagittar career: Having the natural abilities of the head, the Sagittarius readily and even aggressively begins his career. It usually has many ideas whose success is based on its intuition. He needs to be patient. Caution and thrift do not play in the life of a fracturing an important role. Inclined to make hasty decisions. Sagittarius is not capable of a lie, direct and frank himself, it often cuts the truth-uterus. He loves others to appreciate him and his work done.

Business Sagittarius: If the Sagittarius is going to spend old age abroad, he must be sure that all these years lived honestly and decently. Good ability to foresee development in the future, its forecasts are very accurate. Loves to travel to other countries in thoughts or reality. Ambolism, freedom, passion for sophistication. Most of all the Sagittarius loves freedom and independence, it is energetic and frank. Reaches the purpose of positive thought. The beneficiary - the owner and the keeper, in case of need, it will always help, although sometimes only at the last minute.

Sagittarius - Head.

Roughness and even rudeness are the main features of the nature that the new employee notices in his head-Sagittarius. But, looking closer to him, he will find something in it from Don Quixote. Is it strange? A month or two after the new servant unsuccessfully tried to explain to the head that it is impossible to behave with subordinates and clients and that therefore he is going to apply for care, he suddenly discovers that that:

a) honest and truthful;

b) democratic, sincere;

c) criticizes only in the open;

d) always ready to apologize for the insults inflicted;

e) generous when it comes to premiums and vacations;

e) in general good guy, "Your own board".

If you suddenly played "in the smoke" on the run, he will not refuse to give you a monthly advance, just just reproaching you that you did not consult with him to put on what horse. And if you suddenly quickly quarreled with your girlfriend and go to the water omitted, he will release you after lunch, so that you can reconcile.

The Sagittarius is fighting for his work and the prestige of the firm and causes respect to himself. So who is your boss - sinner or holy? Rather, both, like all people managed by Jupiter.

Leader-Sagittarius loves travel, change, freedom, dedication, creative employees, big plans, bright light, animals, good food And drinking, does not tolerate egoism, pessimism, misfortune, hypocrisy, secrecy, cruelty, deception. Working with such a person, you do not know what will happen tomorrow, but today it's fun.

Sagittarius - subordinate

Sagittie-employee makes a pleasant variety to the team. He is not a nurse, and if he is sometimes inappropriate to the tips of a card file or fill the paper inverted a cup of coffee, it will completely compensate for this with his cheerful temper and unchanged willingness to help in any business. Most employees born in November-December do not die from modesty when the authorities praises them, as they believe that they are still underestimated. The promise of the boss that in a year or two Sagittarius will receive an increase to the salary, it suits a little: he gives money now. Nevertheless, the archers are very executive and conscientious workers. They do everything very quickly and from the side may seem that even carelessly, but the brilliant intuition, which Jupiter awarded, does not allow them to be wrong. These employees are extremely curious and not content with one by the order of the authorities - they must know what lies behind him. When the stay in the office brings to such an employee, the longing - send him to venture on a business trip - after all, they all love to travel, and the suitcase with everything you need always worth it at the ready.

If other representatives of the zodiac signs do not think about career and work from an early age, for the sign zodiac Sagittarius Profession Very important since childhood. As a rule, the people of this sign often overestimate their capabilities. The work they choose by calling. They want to reveal their creative potential and show themselves from the best side.

Astrologa Council:Each person is likely to have no qualities for him. This is due to the fact that many have condescension from heavenly phenomena, for example - retrogradity of the planets, the position of the planets relative to the Earth, etc.

There are a large number of professions that will help the firing to open. Many sign representatives prefer to benefit society, restore justice. They like to work by the investigator, judge, criminist, reporter. Among the representatives of the fiery element are quite a lot of fearless people. Man born zodiac Sagittarius, profession often connects with risk. Sagittars are not afraid to risk life, so among them there are many good rescuers, firefighters, policemen, pilots. Also people of fiery element attracts speed. They can be professionally engaged in sports, especially gymnastics.

Astrologa Council:Life is short, a rare opportunity for a cardinal correction of personal life in best side, it appears only once in life. Do not miss it - order and specify when luck will be in your hands!

Sagittarius do not like heavy physical and routine work. Simple work that does not require creative approach and mental work, they also do not fit. They refuse to associate their lives with unpromising projects.

Many fitters are endowed with creative abilities, so they can succeed by choosing a profession of a musician or composer. Well verst in music, they will be able to manufacture musical instruments. In addition, they have pronounced linguistic abilities. They have a good taste, the right speech, so they will be able to become beautiful writers, correctors. People sign zodiac Sagittarius Suitable profession translator.

Sagittarius often associate their lives with journalism or hotel business. Representatives of fire elements love to travel, so sign zodiac Sagittarius Such profession will bring great pleasure. They will not stop moving and business trips.

Female Sagittarius are perfectly soldered with children. They turn out to find a common language with them, wake up interest in knowledge and creativity. Of these, good teachers, educators and psychologists are obtained.

Astrologa Council:Oriental horoscope, the same strongly affects the resource laid in man when the light occurs. Explore deeper on our resource in the heading.

In most cases, people of this sign are not limited to one profession. Their main features of character are hard work and purposefulness helps them succeed in any field of activity. They relate to their professional duties seriously work on conscience. Regardless of the post, the Sagittarius always remains at the height. He fully devotes himself to work. Having achieved tremendous success in one matter, he can change their mind to engage in them and start looking for a new job.

All signs of the sign make a living hard work. They do not know how to extract money from the air. But thanks to its hard work, they can make well earn.

Many Sagittarius are in good relationships with the manual. But if they manage to turn the bosses in unlawful actions, they will not be silent. Sagittarius has a congenital sense of justice, so it can confront management. People of this sign will not tolerate a biased attitude towards themselves and colleagues.

Despite the fact that Sagittarius is distinguished by preferably and excellent performance, they often change their areas of their activities, starting all their lives from scratch. Sagittarius will feel in their plate if they choose a profession associated with responsibility. But they will not be able to endure the pressure of the authorities and the permanent orders. In the workplace, they need to fully show their individuality, to use all their unbridled energy to make one or another solution.

Often, Sagittarius choose dangerous professions, associated with risk:

  • Firefighter
  • Policeman
  • Military journalist

It is these areas of activity that are opening new aspects of life for Streltsy. They are very active, monotony and routine definitely not for them.

Capable Sagittarius is remarkably to express themselves and on leadership posts. In this case, for honesty and justice subordinates, they respect them. The ability to negotiate and beat any situation to your side helps to bypass competitors, and with possible conflicts to extinguish them quickly and "without smoke."

With money, Northwesters are usually no problem. Although easily incoming money often leave "Through your fingers." It would follow to learn how to control their expenses in order to not be at the feature of poverty in old age.

There is a tendency to the music, especially if this talent began to be fixed in childhood. They can find themselves in the profession of the artist or composer.

Politics Also favorite sphere of Streltsov. Usually, they are interested in a school bench, and if parents did not interfere with this interest, then Sagittarov can often be seen among successful political figures.

Often movable, the Sagittarius choose themselves in the profession sport related: Athletics, speed skating, skiing, tennis and many others, all and do not list.

The career staircase is not even, as it could be, but interesting and somewhere even exciting. Incidentally, death is similar to them, so very often work they put the above family, friends and personal interests.

If you are interested in more full information About a person born under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius, read other special horoscopes.

Sagittarius - positive people, extremely lucky in affairs. Silence and calm, one only thought about danger and risk excuses their blood. Lucky, hardworking Sagittars easily open their business, full of optimism and hope for the future. Rare failures in affairs - reason to start life from scratch, change the place of work and residence. Very self-independent and independent, do not need support, but sometimes they have difficulty trying to understand their numerous hobbies. Too active to stay on something one. Horoscope work will help the archers clearly arrange priorities, they will be able to determine their calling, find a matter of life.

The ratio of the shooters to work

Freedom-loving fittings do not tolerate pressure, so they try to organize their own business or take the post of head. Sociable people are easily hardened by the necessary dating, they are not afraid of difficulties, boldly begin to implement their plans. They behave politely, even if difficulties arise and misunderstanding. Work a lot, responsibly relate to their duties. Tested to change places, so not at all against working business trips. If the firm plans to open a branch at the other end of the world, you can not doubt that it is the representative of this sign that will agree to head it.

Communicable Sagittarius-Chief easily finds contact with subordinates. He welcomes the enthusiasm of employees, with pleasure participates in the discussion of working issues. Positively perceives any changes, has the ability to wrap trouble in their favor. Sagittarius is an active leader, does not like downtime in the work, constantly coming up with new ways to increase productivity. Often makes working trips, from business trips will bring not only impressions, but also valuable ideas, the implementation of which will help improve the work of the whole team.

Sagittarius-subordinate has a good relationship with the leader. Often offers quite interesting work methods. The fact is that the people of this sign cannot live without adventure, they need to create movement around themselves. It is worth encouraging such an attitude to work, otherwise the Sagittarius bresses. It can be sent to long business trips, for him business trips - great joy, not a grave service. Sagittarius-subordinate with enthusiasm will take over a large-scale project, and it will cope with the task brilliantly. But in solving small questions, he is inattentive, the routine responsibilities cause boredom in it, so it works after the sleeves.

Professions for Streltsov

Independent Sagittarius All solutions are accepted independently. Since childhood build plans for future life, Early seek to gain freedom, so they choose a profession guaranteeing good material wealth. Inquisitive archers usually have several specialties in stock, they are pleased to learn. But trying to become real professionals in one matter, so they study additional literature, carefully work. They can easily leave their native edges, since childhood you dream to learn and work abroad.

Sagittarians choose professions associated with risk, the need to prove courage and courage: military, policeman, rescuer. The tendency to defend their opinion, the desire to achieve justice at any cost is reflected in professions: lawyer, lawyer, investigator, bailiff. Ambitious shooters try to take guidelines In all spheres industry: oil, chemical, fuel and energy, metallurgical. They can take place in the natural sciences, they drive the desire to take part in the expeditions.

Sagittarians are open to the new one, they can take place in any profession. They read a lot, they are glad to work in book publishers, possess an excellent oratorical gift, can become successful journalists. They like to study languages, so often choose the profession of a translator or work in international companies. Creatively gifted women are distinguished not only by their talent, but also with great performance, they do not at all attract the fate of the housewife. Can take place in the following professions: TV presenter, actress, producer.

Career Streltsov

Archers expect to occupy high position, and with early age put bold goals. Although a light manner of communication, sincerity, life is not issued in their ambitious people. They make the impression of the dumplings of fate, but they always work hard, ready to constantly move the sake of his beloved business. Sagittarius often have to solve housing and domestic issues: a change in the place of work delivers many troubles. These are decent people, extremely scrupulous in the methods of achieving their goals. Do not think that the Sagittarius took the place of the leader thanks to a dishonest game. Even if something from the planned failed to implement, I will not be discouraged for anything, while there is enough forces to dream and create, it is invulnerable.

Business Streltsov

People of this sign are inspirationors, but the successful implementation of plans is usually charged to partners. Sagittarius thinks largely, literally obsessed with new ideas, looking for ways how to make people life better, better. They themselves do not like problems, difficulties and try to protect others from them. They do not see sense to live in longing and despondency, they want to make everyone want to make everyone around. Of course, they strive for financial stability, but money is not the most main reason. People of the fiery sign must constantly move forward, expand the frames of the permitted. Try to open the case, different from the rest, for example, it can be the entertainment industry. Completely can organize excursion tours In Australia, and lectures will be lectures will be well-known scientists. However, they are suitable and standard species Activities, Recommended Types of Business: Hotel, Tourist, Public Relations, Trade, Marketing.

Attitts ratio to money

Attitude towards money from representatives of this sign is rather controversial. In periods of failures, the Sagittarius becomes stingy people, but as soon as the material situation is improving, instantly turn into a transzhir. Good luck and luck accompany them not only in affairs, but also in gambling, so if desired, you can quickly and easily earn. Much depends on the level of education, human temperament. Some of Sagittarov never experience material difficulties, others are constantly looking for more and more new ways to replenish their budget.

Male-Sagittarius relate to money quite calmly, will not make himself make him earn as much as possible. But also to endure the bad financial situation. Possessed sufficient number Knowledge, hardworking, so it takes a rather prestigious position guaranteeing decent earnings. Sagittarius is very generous to his loved ones, makes dear gifts to his wife and children. Unfortunately, often experiencing fate, feeds a passion for gambling, it becomes easily agreed on the most insane bet. He should be more responsibly approaching the issue of financial risks.

Woman of this cheerful and optimistic sign of the zodiac like to indulge yourself beautiful things, ready to support cheerful company Friends in hikes on entertainment institutions. Always glad to go to an exotic journey. This lifestyle requires considerable costs. Therefore, the woman-Sagittarius or is trying to save, or is looking for additional earnings. But he does not like physical work, she likes the intellectual activity more, for example, can do translations.

Compatibility of Streltsov at work and career

Sagittarius will not be able to work with rigid people who constantly dictate their conditions, for them the main thing is freedom of action. Sagittar partners should be able to fulfill routine responsibilities. Active Aries and Sagittarius, fountaining ideas, will be able to embody the most bold ideas in reality. Virgo and Sagittarius are treated with great respect, cooperation is most favorable. Two Sirings are infinitely inspired by each other, invent original methods of work, allowing you to enter new level. Sagittarius and fish are creative personality with great potential, but they need less looped on personal problems.

It is better not to deal with twins, they are distinguished miscellaneous approach to business. The conscious and wounded cancer is not able to cope with the director of the Sagittarius, which considers several options for developing events at once. Cancer is not able to keep track of his thoughts. The collaboration of Sagittarius and Libra is possible if each of them will be engaged in its duties without constraints of freedom of another: less words are more. Sagittarius and Capricorn will be able to work fruitfully, if they do not make each other complaints.