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Test to work for girls. Test: What profession is suitable for you


Each of us at least once in life was thinking about his destination.

What would you like to do that work brings at the same time and pleasure and good income? What occupation is ideal for you?

Complete this simple test, and you will learn what work will suit you.

You have 10 seconds for each question. Just choose the answer A, B, C, D or E, and then summarize the points.

What work will suit you

Question number 1:

How would your friends describe you?

A. irresponsible, loving to think;

B. Comfortable, trouble-free;

C. Creative, chatty;

D. Friendly, easy to lift;

E. Smart, sociable.


Question number 2:

Are you a lazy person?

A. Like each person I have moments of rest.

B. Too busy, no time to rest. I would like ...

C. I would like to rest, but I really have nothing to do.

D. No, but sometimes I miss.

E. All the time lazymanic! And I am proud that I'm lying!


Question number 3:

Is your favorite subject or topic you are interested in?

A. Health / History / English.

B. Technologies / Gardening.

C. Mathematics / Economy / Computer.

D. Art / Drama / Music.

E. I have no interests, I hate school and learning!


Question number 4:

What do you do in your free time?

A. Gym / video game / repair or decoration of the apartment.

B. Wear / communicate in chat rooms / I go to parties.

C. I drank and fool.

D. I swallow on the Internet / inject order in the room.

E. I am engaged in your favorite thing / I go to the movies.


Question number 5:

Who can you join the party?

A. To a small group that leads a lively conversation.

B. To someone in mind an interesting.

C. To anyone!

D. To the group of people playing the game / only to their friends.

E. To a large group in which a lot laugh.


Question number 6:

What section in the press do you prefer to read?

A. Entertainment.

B. No, I do not read newspapers and magazines.

C. News or section on real estate.

D. Main page / Sport.

E. Science / Medicine / Urgent news.


Question number 7:

Is your favorite movie genre?

A. Comedy / historical / documentary.

B. Action / Horror / Adventure.

C. Sci-fi / political / substantive drama.

D. Erotic / parody.

E. Romantic / fantastic / inspirational movie.


Question number 8:

You have the opportunity to participate in reality shows. Which show did you choose?

A. Show that will give me a good practical experience.

B. Show, where I can show my talent.

C. Extreme, tickling the nerves of the show.

D. Show, where I can apply my communicative skills.

E. All reality show is an empty time spending.


Question number 9:

In the future, are you going to rely on someone?

A. Never anyone!

B. Yes, just rely on someone I can!

C. Only if in some things on work.

D. If only in extreme cases, then yes.

E. If I say there is no, then Liv.


Question number 10:

Which of these classes do you prefer?

A. All I want to make love all the time.

B. Teach, give advice or help someone in solving their problems.

C. Use your creative (musical) abilities to create something beautiful.

D. Develop business plan.

E. Use their skills to solve complex tasks.


Now summarize all the points.


From 0 to 70 points:

Possible options:

Thief, professional beggar, trashman, employee of a charitable organization, volunteer and a different type of activity bringing a small income.

From 80 to 150 points:

Possible options:

Cook, athlete, repairman, waiter, mechanic, electrician, plumber, merchant, sales agent, coach, etc.

From 160 to 240 points:

Possible options:

Teacher, policeman, fireman, doctor, teacher, employee of the personnel department, stewardess, worker in the social sphere of labor, etc.

From 250 to 320 points:

Possible options:

Writer, singer, actor / actress, artist, designer, fashion designer, journalist, engineer, photographer, fashionable observer, etc.

From 330 to 400 points:

Possible options:

Event Organizer, Accountant, Private Detective, Lawyer, Web Developer, Programmer, Publisher, etc.

What profession suits you? The question of choosing the profession is relevant not only for schoolchildren of senior classes. Many of us make a mistake, do not do at that university, and then the rest of my life hate your work. The beginning of the present success lies where a person finds his calling. The one who is engaged in a favorite thing gets a big charge vital energy And motivation, quickly mastering the necessary practical skills and achieves impressive results.

Test for profession out of 8 questions

Question 1. Which of the specified activities do you prefer?

A. Repair broken items.

B. Chat with people.

G. To restore order in the papers.

D. Build plans.

E. Draw.

Question 2. What do you usually spend your free time?

A. Wash new items with their own hands.

B. Look for answers to questions you are interested in (on sites, in books).

B. Meet native and loved ones.

G. Watch TV shows.

D. Engaged in self-improvement.

E. Listen to music.

Question 3. How do you usually solve the problem?

A. I am trying to cool the situation and take a logical decision.

B. Deeply analyzing the problem, I produce several options for its solution, and then implement the most suitable option.

B. I ask the Council of close man Or appeal to professionals.

G. Very much worried and wait until the problem is resolved by itself.

D. Trying to find a person who will help solve my problem.

E. Trying to appreciate the situation on the positive side.

Question 4. Which of the descriptions listed below mostly characterizes you as a person?

A. Hardworking and patient.

B. Smart and attentive.

V. Good and decent.

Honest and responsible.

D. Resistant and purposeful.

E. Charming and sensual.

Question 5. What gift from loved ones would you like to get for a holiday?

A. New technique (for example, smartphone, laptop, tablet, car, food processor).

B. Useful literature.

B. Beautiful and fashionable clothes.

Dear souvenir.

D. Any stylish thing (for example, leather purse, silver handle).

E. Licensed disk with an interesting film.

Question 6. What is especially important for you in the future profession?

A. Clear task.

B. The ability to constantly develop their abilities.

B. The ability to work in the team.

G. Stability.

D. High wages.

E. Unforgettable impressions, interesting and unusual tasks.

Question 7. What subjects at school delivered you a special pleasure?

A. Labor training, physical culture.

B. Mathematics and physics.

B. Russian language and literature.


D. Social Studies, Foreign Language.

E. art, world art culture, music.

Question 8. What is a genuine success?

A. Availability of good work.

B. Ability to always learn something new.

B. Loving family and devotees.

High and stable money income.

D. Power and influence.

E. Permanent receipt of pleasure.

Test results

Now write all six options for letters on a separate sheet of paper (A, B, B, G, D, E). Consider how many times you chose the same letter. For each choice, accruem 10% yourself, reflect the results obtained on the sheet.

If you scored 60% and more than one of the letters, then you have a high tendency to this kind Activities. 30-50% is the average tendency. If you scored less than 30% for any letter, then this version of the activity is not suitable for you.

Examples of occupations

  • A. Realistic type. Characterizes people who prefer to work with hands, for example, to repair, inventive or maintain equipment. Suitable professions: Fitter-collector, mechanical engineer, engineer-technologist, construction engineer, electrician, agronomist and others.
  • B. Intelligent type. Mental labor workers. Suitable professions: scientist, programmer, writer, linguist, lawyer and others.
  • B. Social type. People who interact well with the social environment. Suitable professions: lawyer, teacher, doctor, caregiver, customer service manager, sociologist and others.
  • Conventional type. For employees of this type, traditions are characterized by traditions, as well as high organizedness and discipline. Suitable professions: seamstress, clerk, accountant, secretary, kartographer and other.
  • D. Entrepreneurial type. Such personalities are aimed at managing other people and doing business. Suitable professions: individual entrepreneur, cEO, manager, public servant and others.
  • E. Creative type. The name speaks for itself. These are people feelings, emotions and non-standard solutions. Suitable professions: actor, writer, choreographer, publisher, Teatranted, designer and others.

Test for profession out of 43 questions

Test "What profession is suitable for you?"

To go through the test you need a sheet of paper and handle.


All professions are important, all professions are needed. But among such a huge trade relationship, you must find your place under the sun, so that work is for you and the holiday, and the way of earning. After all, from how much you like your work depends on the result of your work. Find out if you are not mistaken in your time with the choice of profession?

Dough Questions:

1. Who did you dream of becoming in childhood?

A. I do not even remember (0 points).
B. Teacher (1 point).
V. Who I just did not want to become! (2 points).
G. President (3 points).

2. What was your favorite subject in school?

A. Labor lesson (amateur flowerness and gardening) (0 points).
B. Drawing (2 points).
B. Mathematics (1 point).
G. Favorite items have a lot (3 points).

3. What school subject did you not like most?

A. Languages \u200b\u200band literature (1 point).
B. Physical culture (3 points).
B. Mathematics (2 points).
Chemistry (0 points).

8. What were you guided when choosing a university?

A. Selected in accordance with his hobbies (2 points).
B. Specialty picked up, based on knowledge of certain school items (1 point).
B. Evaluating the demand of the profession in the market in the near future (3 points).
G. on the advice of parents (0 points).

3. By what criteria do you choose a job?

A. Level of earnings (3 points).
B. The possibility of career growth (0 points).
B. Official Employment (1 point).
The possibility for creativity, the absence of routine (2 points).

4. How often do you change place of work?

A. 2-3 times a year (2 points).
B. 1 time per year (0 points).
B. 1 time in three years (3 points).
G. 1 every five years (1 point).

5. In which companies do you prefer to work?

A. with foreign investment (3 points).
B. with a friendly team (0 points).
B. With those offering good social package and medical insurance (1 point).
G. With a good reputation (2 points).

6. What did you spend your first salary?

A. I did not spend it and postponed money (1 point).
B. on parents (0 points).
B. Updated the wardrobe (2 points).
G. Made a business card and bought a good mobile (3 points).

Test results:

0-4 points. You are an excellent artist, a very diligent and price tag of an employee in any company. You are very hardworking and able to work on the result, but are deprived of special ambitions, you do not know how to manifest yourself at work, you are not able to take the situation in our hands and are not able to make constructive proposals. Ideal posts for you: middle manager, administrator, service staff (including medical specialties, osteopath, for example), athlete.

5-10 points. You have a very well developed logical thinking. Exact sciences and world numbers are your element. You love accuracy and pedantry in the work, diligently fulfill your duties. But also appreciate the stability of the company in which you work, it is very important for you to be confident in tomorrow. Ideal posts for you: cashier, accountant, financial analyst, bank employee.

11-14 points. From childhood, you have different from childhood, always had a violent fantasy and very bold desires. In the wardrobe you love originality, and in communication with people - their non-standard thinking. Profession you choose the appropriate. Perfect posts for you: interior designer, fashion designer, printing designer, photographer, stylist, makeup artist, journalist.

15-18 points. You always make a clear goal and, as a rule, always achieve them. Your element is a huge team in submission. You are very competently able to organize a workflow, create a department or a project from "zero". You are able to think in advance, developing important strategic plans For the company. Ideal posts for you: Head of any profile, senior manager, director, businessman

It often happens that a person in life leads the opinion of other people, whether parents, friends or some authorities. We all live and make decisions under pressure from society. Decisions on the choice of place of work and career, satellite life, place of residence. But is these solutions always optimal? Of course not! Most people in the world do not do what they want. They seek someone else's life. To be like them, every day with longing to drag into the unloved job - if you want? It is not necessary to spend your life to work that you do not fit! Sometimes it is enough to look at yourself from the side and understand that something with your life is not so, it's time to change it long ago!

Magazine Iqr. Developed psychological online Test « what work comes to me " We offer all the wishing to pass our expert testing test for free - it takes only two minutes. You do not have to spend money and time, filling large boring questionnaires that offer various career guidelines. The main professional leanses of a person can be revealed to short testing.

How to choose a profession - test

How to choose a profession

it test for choice type Professions. Having answered only 12 short questions, you will receive a percentage of various types Employment in its psychotica. The summary will indicate an exemplary list of professions that you would like the most.