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Intuitive meal: Dr. Stephen Hawks Methods. Intuitive meals: a new diet or the way there is everything and lose weight

The authorship of the intuitive nutrition system is attributed to the doctor from the US to Stephen Hawksu. In 2005, he conducted a practical study that helped him reset about 23 kilograms. It was formulated by the technique called "intuitive nutrition". The own method of weight loss nutritionist called "power of common sense." IN short time The principles of intuitive food have become very popular in America.

However, American Tayim Vader applies to the authorship of the idea, which in the 70s of the last century opened a clinic in the United States for those who wanted to lose weight, where the principles of intuitive nutrition were used. Professional medical institutions helped to lose weight, without resorting to exhausting diet. Here they taught women to listen to themselves and recognize the real feeling of hunger, distinguish him from false. In the interruptions between trapes, the patient led an active lifestyle, moved a lot. The food that they ate was diverse, tasty, rather calorie.

Tayim Vader before the opening of the clinic for many years worked as a psychologist with children suffering from diabetes, watched their food habits. She drew attention to the fact that children, since childhood, having restrictions in food, in adulthood often suffered from overview and overeating problems.

Currently, you can meet the "intuitive nutrition" synonyms: "Nutrition Setup", "Non-Power Approach", "Customized Power".

In general, intuitive nutrition is an unconditional permit to eat all that I want complete freedom from the dietary "thinking." Of course, restrictions exist as certain rules And the principles, but they do not have relationships to diet.

According to the authors of the methodology, many people do not know what a feeling of hunger is. Most used to eat on a schedule, for the mood, when the hunger is not even experienced. In many cases, food consumption is regulated by an emotional state: eating when sad, anxious, boring, there is an overwork, anger, desire to reward oneself certain work.

In addition, when eating does not depend on hunger or mood, it may be a consequence harmful habits: There is a company, under the pressure of situations (general feast), in a specific context (cafe) and so on. Such an unhealthy practice can cause overweight and general discontent with itself.

According to supporters of intuitive nutrition, a person is born and has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat food and in what quantities he needs. You can make sure that you can, watching the newborn and its appetite. Subsequently, various factors intervene in the "body wisdom": fashion, norms of behavior in society, conviction of adults and so on. So, children begin to eat on schedule or when more convenient to adults, according to the advice of the pediatrician, based on the "development norms".

Thus, as they grow and developed, a person loses the ability to intuitive nutrition. However, it is possible to return it at any age without making special efforts, just listening to your body.

Basic principles of intuitive nutrition

Before switching to the intuitive nutrition system, it is necessary to understand several simple truths for yourself:
  • A person is not created by thin or thick - we are all different. Before moving to intuitive meals, try to realize that it is not so in your life, what problems you are trying to decide, seeking to lose weight.
  • In 99% of cases of completeness - it is only a symptom that is a manifestation of various internal problems.
  • The basis for a set of excess weight becomes personal qualities: Perfectionism, the desire to everyone likes, feel valuable, important, inability to protect against rudeness and someone else's opinion, the impossibility of controlling your own emotional state.
  • It is important to be properly motivated for weight loss. The root is incorrectly dreaming about Heroon only to wear nice dress, look like a top model, be slimming girlfriend, get good in the photo. Drop kilograms are necessary only if they interfere with your activity, do not allow the desired lifestyle.
If the above-mentioned truths are close and understood, that is, it makes sense to study the principles of intuitive nutrition, which formulated Stephen Hawks:
  1. Refusal of grueling diets. Be sure to lose weight easily, forever and without any effort is a myth. Also, no diet will help you lose kilograms forever. It is necessary to radically change the system and stick it all life. Only in this case can you lose without harm to health.
  2. Listen to hunger. Try to distinguish your feeling of hunger and feeling appetite. As you do not need to eat without feeling hunger, it should not ignore it. Without entering the body of food at the right moment, he will "decide", which came the "crisis", and will go into the accumulation regime - the metabolism will slow down, and it will be more difficult to lose weight. To quench the feeling of hunger, it is necessary to eat five times a day with small portions (about 200 grams). In addition, it is worth sticking to a balanced diet - to combine proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Teach yourself to food only to meet hunger.
  3. Do not feel a sense of guilt. Challenge the control of eating eating. Do not blame yourself for the eaten candy. If you really want something, let yourself the will. Perhaps the body will give you a signal that it is glucose - this is a substance that you in this moment necessary.
  4. Food - not the enemy you. Do not perceive food as a culprit of your overweight. Allow yourself eat tasty and right. When you refuse yourself in a certain food, over time, the restriction will turn into an unrestrained traction, and this most often leads to a breakdown. Therefore, it is necessary to allow ourselves "prohibited" products in reasonable quantities so as not to provoke breakdowns.
  5. Listen to your own body. Learn to recognize signals that are talking about saturation. Note the moment when you are comfortable from the eaten and no feeling of hunger or overeating. According to the recommendations of the author of the technique, it is necessary to evaluate the sense of saturation along a ten-point scale, where 10 is overeating, 1 is a strong sense of hunger. It is enough to stop on the conditional mark of 5-6 points.
  6. Look for pleasure not only in food. Remember that food is not joy in life and should not be squeezed to nausea and abdominal pain. Try to consciously enjoy every piece of food. When you eat your favorite products in a good setting, the feeling of pleasure increases. If you do not get pleasure from food due to its quality, the subconscious will do this due to the number.
  7. Do not eat "on emotions". In order for the "intuitive nutrition" diet, try to find ways to distract, calm and encourage themselves without food. Do not "be searched" stress, joy, sadness, alarm. To raise the mood, it is enough to dance under your favorite music. Even 10 minutes of rhythmic dances are able to change chemical composition blood.
  8. Love your body. Do not forget about genetic features. If you have from nature a figure by the type of "apple", then syntify yourself to get thin waist it makes no sense. You will not be able to achieve a small volume, but in your power to make the waist taut and attractive. Love and respect yourself regardless of what figures show scales. Remember that it is possible to easily lose weight with positive setting.
  9. Find a favorite sport. Despite the meaning, laid in the title, intuitive meals concerns not only food. It is important and practicing physical exercises. But you do not need to jump on the steppe to the step two a day, if you like yoga or fitness more. Sports should be enjoyed and just that they will benefit. You can choose a suitable occupation for samples and errors. Get a subscription to the gym, where there are integrated exercises: group cardiosales, dancing, gym classes, swimming pool. Try all kinds and highlight your favorite.
  10. Choose "Healthy" Nutrition. Pick only those products that will benefit your body. Try to be less weighed, and more look at yourself in the mirror. Alternatively, you can do measurements of volumes and navigate to centimeters. Remember that the muscles are severe fat, but less in volume.

Advantages and disadvantages of intuitive nutrition

The method of this nutrition has many advantages that are beneficial to distinguish it from traditional diet for weight loss:
  • Security methodology. You choose yourself that there is. At the same time, you eat food in normal quantities, without overeating and harming the body. Proven nutritionists that fractional food is optimal for a person.
  • Fashion convenience. Rules of intuitive nutrition are simple and understandable, no painful diets and starvations. Adhere to healthy rational food easily and easy.
  • Efficiency. If you follow all the above principles, then in a month you can see the first results. Of course, efficiency directly depends on the source weight, lifestyle. It is also important to remember that a miracle will not happen in a week and without regular exercise.
  • Accessibility method. It can be used absolutely any person, including those who do not suffer from unnecessary kilograms. You continue to eat favorite products, only controlling meals.
Note that the minuses of intuitive nutrition are quite insignificant. However, those who adhered the techniques sometimes note the following disadvantages:
  1. Difficulties with the preparation of the menu. Some have to start learning from scratch the basics healthy nutritionSince essentially an intuitive technique "consonant" with traditional balanced nutrition rules. The author of the method does not offer any particular diet. A person must independently determine for himself useful and delicious foods, be able to stop in time.
  2. The need to always have "favorite dishes" at hand. A working and busy person does not always have the opportunity to cook a favorite meal, because it needs time. It is much easier to buy ready-made fast food or products that can be prepared quickly. However, you can always buy something delicious when you feel hunger.

How to start eating intuitive

In any case main difficulty It is to start it. To effectively and without any problems, go to intuitive meals, you can adhere to such recommendations:
  • When you sit down, eliminate distracting factors: TV, books, internet, serious conversations. Your attention should be focused exclusively on food. Analyze every piece of food, pay attention to taste, smell, color, own sensations from the product.
  • Sit down only when you feel hunger. Move the plate when they felt the first signs of saturation. Trust the body - it will tell me when it needs food, and when not.
  • Start the "food" diary. Record in the log, notepad that you ate, at what time, what events preceded meals and happened after it. So you will be able to analyze the reasons for which you eat. If this negative emotionswhich you are aspire to "ourselves", then review your food habits.
  • Stop counting calories. If you for a long time The calorie content of food and sat on diets, it is difficult to abandon old habits. But it is necessary to make it necessary to remove the internal tension.
  • Reflect the taste preferences. Ask mentally, what you would like for lunch or dinner, for example, salted, sour, sweet, sharp and so on. You can also rely on the structure of the products - soft, crispy, solid.
  • Start moving more. To begin with, it can be at least evening walks on fresh air. Subsequently, the physical activity program must be more complicated.
  • Make a dream of resting the rest. The results of the intuitive nutrition will not wait to wait if you are not only correct to eat and move, but also rest. It is necessary to take 8 hours on a healthy dream. Spend less time in social networks or front TV, it is better to sleep before you sleep.
How to go to intuitive meals - watch video:

IN last years Many people who suffer from excess weight are interested in how to lose weight on intuitive nutrition, since this technique has become very popular. This is explained by its simplicity, convenience and effectiveness. No need to exhaust the body with painful starvations and diets, just to be attentive to your own body and not to eat more than "requires" the stomach.

Professor Hawks is firmly convinced that diet is rather harmful than they benefit. The diet teaches us to limit the desires, refuse the body in its requirements, which further leads to breakdown and commerce, since the body still requires its own.
People will be able to lose weight if they stop counting calories and start paying more attention to themselves and whether they really are hungry. And the intuitive nutrition should be the principle of "give the body exactly what he demands, hear him, and he will be satisfied and calmed down." Hawks teaches his followers to listen to the desires of his body, and not feed it according to the scenario invented by someone else.

Principles of intuitive nutrition:

1. Taking your own body. Many people do it with difficulty, but it is necessary to understand that your body is not an enemy, with the desires of which should be struggling. Your body is your wealth, and to make it more beautiful and slimmer, it needs to appreciate and love.
2. Recognition of harm diets. "The diet does not lead to the results that people are expected from her, and therefore I try to help them raise a negative attitude towards diet," says Hawks. "You have to say to yourself: I will not base my diet on dietary plans, power rules, good and bad products, and the like. People who are deeply mired in all these dietary constraints and rules, such a change in the relationship is given with difficulty. "
3. There is only if hunger occurs, but not by emotional or other reasons. After all, very often we eat not because we are tormented by a feeling of hunger, but because it is so accepted, a moment came or everything around it. Upset? It is necessary to get sorrow ice cream. Holiday? Cover big table. In other words, we are walking stress, eat when we meet with friends, celebrate food all the holidays, and we reward themselves for good luck. In order to control your weight, first of all, it is necessary to determine all kinds of dependence on food and find the best way to manage emotions.
4. The ability to recognize your feelings regarding food and be able to respond to them correctly. At first, the study of body signals may seem a challenge. But Hawkers proposes to evaluate the saturation degree of the 10-point system, where 10 is essay, and 1 is a minor feeling of hunger. Adepts of intuitive nutrition always seek to be somewhere in the middle, and hungry, they eat until they are satisfied with 5 or 6 points. After that, they cease to eat, even if the food remained on the plate.

People who are accustomed to adhere to strict food rules, the most difficult to agree that the theory of intuitive nutrition allows any food. In other words, no product is prohibited. It is often very frightened by people: they think that it is only for them to solve themselves how the body will immediately begin to demand only candy and cakes. But it is not. In fact, our body wishes high-quality and healthy food. Hawkers proposes to keep prohibited previously products are always at hand. And shortly after the ban will be removed, you will understand that you start to lose interest to them.

Rules of intuitive nutrition:

- Stop sitting on diets.
- Stop counting calories and the number of fats in products.
- Try not to keep home products whose use leads you to overeat.
- Pay close attention Feeling of hunger and satiety. Learn to recognize these physiological conditions and distinguish them from psychological states: stress, boredom, etc.
- Try to eat moderately without moving.
- Eat slowly, thoroughly chewing food and enjoying every piece.
- Do not pay attention to the rules from childhood about when, what and how much you need.
- Do not hang "labels" allegedly bad and good products.
- Learn to love your body, your body and rejoice in life. By the way, research is proved that

Ways to lose weight passed rapid transformation from hungry days to mandatory meals 6 times a day. The names also changed: the word "diet" was replaced with a psychologically more pleasant "power system". And now for replacing them comes "Power intuitive". What it is: only old story, wrapped in a new wrap, or is really a cool way not to focus on calories, but at the same time not to gain weight? Woman "S Day broke together with an expert Anastasia Borisova, a candidate for the master of sports, the creator of his fitness platform.

What is intuitive nutrition? This is as a rule, aware of the choice of products. That is, you learn to listen to your body, understand his true needs and trust themselves. For intuitive nutrition, there is a big philosophy of love for yourself and freedom of choice, that best diet - The lack of such, and the smart body will ask himself that he needed.

In Russia, the intuitive nutrition was massively spoke after the book of Olga Holchepova "Goodbye, diet!". In it, the woman told about his own experience and shared the exercises that are designed to help hear their body and recognize the so-called true hunger or hunger false. In other words, you eat or really time to replenish energy reserves.

For Olga, many followers appeared, who under the hashteg # IP, took the new trend in the social network. Quickly catching interest in the slogan "Eat all and lean", Hosteg picked up bloggers. And this is a good start by suddenly turned into a new-fashioned diet. When thinning happily began to have everything, while gaining extra kilograms, intuitive food turned out to be discredited. Let's still understand what IP is and with what it is eaten.

Why it all started

Originated this concept In America, the famous doctor Stephen Hawks, who fought all his life with unnecessary kilos, in 2005 published his research. After that, intuitive meals became a very popular topic in the United States.

But at that time the system existed for more than 30 years - in the 70s, Teima Vailer proposed an adeecy approach. The system of psychology is tied: as soon as you banned something, immediately wanted the strongest. And plus, who was replicated by IP adherents: Himself do not need to be limited, but to eat what I want, but it is rational. There is not from boredom, for the company or for the sake of decency visiting. You need to be honest with you and know what you really need it.

Here at this stage are extremes. It is impossible to treat this choice too seriously. The solution should not be suspended to the slightest details, because the time and effort on its adoption is also included in the price of the issue that it must be minimized.

Such a rational system does not imply any rules, extremes, rejects attempts to eat perfectly and encourages not suffering from prohibitions and restrictions.

The meaning of intuitive nutrition is that the feeling of hunger is the only reasonable foundation for eating. It is replaced by social norms and stereotypes. When a person eats up too much, he gets fat. This is logical. There is no feeling of hunger harmful to the body and figures. But just as harmful to endure the feeling of hunger. If you really hungry, you need to eat. If you wait for the moment when hunger becomes strong, eating can not be avoided. Rotating to meals, you will eat more than you need.

The main rule - no rules

The fact of the matter is that the concept of intuitive nutrition does not share the products on bad and good. So far there are forbidden foods, a person will pull to them.

Here the system is so - you can eat anything, while complying with two conditions: you are hungry, and your body requires this particular product. And here the template breaks. Lovers diet scares such an approach. This is absurd, they think they are anything! And it is terribly allowed to allow forbidden products after you have convinced you for many years that it is impossible. Such a lessed on diets it seems that they will have some harm. But research prove the opposite - human body Itself chooses that it is what he needs at the moment.

Bright example - children. Observe them. They eat exactly as much as they need, and the desire to stuff is unscrewed by scandal. But when parents begin to push food, then there are problems with overweight, sugar levels and in general perception of food. The children's body is clean and not spoiled by imposed food habits and chemicals, he himself chooses the appropriate food to him. Adults can make the same, but time and patience will need to be restructuring. Once again - time and patience! Do not expect that after perennial restrictions, you immediately catch this wave. Time is a major test for new hypers. After all, everyone needs everything immediately.

But if you definitely decided to try, it is important that a variety of food is available. In general, people with violation food Behavior It is difficult to determine when they are truly hungry, and notice the very moment of saturation to stop the meal. And get out of the table with a feeling of easy hunger - not about it.

How to learn to recognize the moment of saturation

To stop on time, you need to adjust the speed of food. Do not rush, do not be distracted by a TV or computer. There are and understand what you eat.

There is an interesting technique of pause. For example, you see that they ate enough, but still do not feel complete saturation. Therefore, just postpone food for a couple of minutes and do something else. It is necessary to move - it awakens the feeling of satiety. But you do not need to roll to dietary control. Trying to listen to the body, and not limit yourself for force. If you feel hungry, continue to eat.

Practice this technique as often as possible, and gradually you will begin to feel the moment of saturation and predict it. Such strict but effective rules Japanese diet are used.

Basic principles

The very idea of \u200b\u200bintuitive food is to listen to yourself. It is necessary to trust in its body, satisfy his desires and resolve themselves all sorts. And yes, it is possible if you are hungry. And if you want this piece of cake, you can easily eat it without any problems. Key moment - If you really want. But there are some rules in intuitive nutrition. Here they are.

  • It is necessary to understand I. take a feeling of hunger. The nutrition must be a golden middle.
  • Do not control the power and do not consider calories. It is necessary at an intuitive level to understand the body. If you feel the need for a piece of chocolate - ahead.
  • Make friends with food, Which you chose yourself during the day, she will surely answer reciprocity. Remember the feeling after the end of the diet, when you were thrown on the forbidden foods and then with a sense of guilt condemned yourself and frustrated, which could not be kept. Forget about it, you can all!
  • Eat with pleasure. For example, in eastern countries, people are usually not just eating to fill vital energyThey try to enjoy food. If you eat in a pleasant atmosphere and you like what you have in a plate, you will get more energy, and nothing else will be deposited anywhere. It is necessary to enjoy each piece, and not just score the stomach to stop the exhausting feeling of hunger.
  • Do not solve problems with food! This story is not about what the guy threw me, I go. Often it is precisely during stress, the experiences begin an unconscious essay, which allegedly helps to cope with Handrea. But this is a psychology. After the gluttony begins self-session about the eaten. Often it turns into a habit of which it is difficult to get rid of. Decide the problems not by food, but by action, and mood lift with other things: go to workout, walk, meeting with friends.
  • Love, appreciate and resperate your body.. Take it as it is. It is beautiful now. Understand what it is what you did it. Love your reflection in the mirror, please yourself and start improving yourself in a healthy sense. Do those sports that brings joy. Or do not do it at all, if you do not like.
  • IN do good productswho benefit and pleasure. If it is chocolate, then real chocolate, and not his similarity, if it is cheese, then cheese, and not a cheese product. Love yourself and let yourself be the best of what you can afford.

Holidays are always a period of frills in food, after which the time of repentance usually comes. Someone begins to limit themselves, starve, extinguish physical training - in other words, does anything, to return the previous attractive forms and get rid of hated extra kilograms. However, according to Professor Stephen Hawks, it is necessary to postpone all the advice on diet nutrition And just start listening to your body, as he himself gives tips. Stop counting calories, hate yourself for overweight and use food for other purposes, except for satisfying a completely natural feeling of hunger. Learn to respond to the tips that your body gives you that requires more nutritious products, then you will not notice how you begin to eat correctly.

The main ideas of the theory of intuitive nutrition

The author of the theory of the theory Professor Stephen Hawks for his life tried not one diet. Fasting hunger, he spent calories count, but lost kilograms returned inexorably. Finally he came to the development intuitive nutrition systemswhere he was able to lose about 23 kg, while retaining his new weight. It is worth noting that Hawkers does not limit himself, if desired, he can eat ice cream, chips and candy, any food.

Today, Professor Hawks has negatively relates to all diets without exception. In his opinion, any finished formula, which indicates you, how and what is, is limiting. This statement he relates not only to, prohibiting certain products, such as carbohydrates or fats, but also to the food pyramid.

According to Hawks, all the irony is that, refusing restrictions and rules in relation to food, you can learn intuitively in accordance with the prompts that our body gives, then the food will be approximately healthy as it is presented, for example, in Food pyramid.

Arguing about the harmful food habits of modernity, Hawks is sharpening at the following moments:

  • the cult of thin, which contributes to the spread of all sorts of strict diets;
  • fast Fud Wednesday, representatives of which compete among themselves in the size of servings, and not as or nutritional food;
  • refusal of a normal attitude towards food, which implies the situation, aesthetics, freshness, preparation, nutritional and enjoyment.

According to Hawks, most people in less developed Asian countries are intelligible consumers. They simply did not have time to work out the wrong attitude towards food, therefore they do not perceive it as a way to communicate, fighting stress and demonstration of social status. They believe that the food is intended for food and pleasure. They take food only when they have hunger, and stop when they are satisfied. They have a healthier attitude towards food, they are experiencing much less problemsrelated to food, and what is characteristic, much less often suffer from obesity.

Intuitive nutrition is not a diet

Hawks believes that intuitive nutrition is not a diet. Diet teach a person limit own desires, deny the body in its needs, which leads to breakdown and essay in the future, since the body requires its own. The intuitive meal follows a simple principle: hear your body, give him what he demands, he will receive satisfaction and will be calm. Horuch teaches his followers to listen to the desires of his own body, and not to present it to the food on schedule, which was someone else.

To truly become intuitive eater, it is necessary, first of all, change your behavior and attitude. First you need to take your body. Many this task seems unbearable, but it is necessary to understand that the own body cannot be an enemy, with the desires of which it is necessary to fight. Your body is your heritage, and that it becomes slimmer and more beautiful, it must be loved and appreciated.

Next, it is necessary to recognize the fact that. According to Hawks, the diet does not lead to the most anticipated results, so he is trying to help people bring a negative attitude towards diet. You must refuse to compile your own diet based on dietary plans, good and bad products, nutrition plans, etc. Those who are accustomed to all dietary plans, such a change in relationship can go with difficulty.

The next step must be learned only when there is a feeling of hunger, and not for a number of social, emotional and other reasons. Quite often we take food not because we want to eat, but because it is so accepted, it is time for lunch / dinner, or everyone is eaten. You didn't work out something and you were upset - the next reason to eat ice cream. A holiday is expected - you need to cover the large table. We eat at a meeting with friends, stress stress, celebrate good luck with sweets ... To keep weight under control, it is necessary to initiate all kinds of cultural, emotional and socially dependence on food, and also to find more the best way Manage your own emotions.

Among other things, it is necessary to learn to distinguish your feelings towards food (feeling of hunger or just a strong desire to eat something from certain products), and also be able to react to them correctly. At first, the study of body signals may seem problematic, in this regard, Hawks offers ranking the degree of saturation on a scale of 10 points, where 1 is a sense of strongest hunger, and 10 - comicing to nausea. Those who adhere to the theory of intuitive nutrition are trying to hold onto the golden middle, and when they feel a feeling of hunger, they eat up to saturation on 5-6 points. After that, they stop food, even if not all eaten.

The most difficult way to agree with the basics of the theory of intuitive nutrition in the free choice of food to those who are used to adhere to strict rules in this regard. Under the ban there is not a single product that often scares people, as they think that in this case their body will only wish for sweets and flour. However, this is not the case. In fact, the body needs useful and healthy food. On the theory of intuitive nutrition, you can have any products and in any quantities. In addition, according to Hawkers, the products that are previously prohibited should always be at hand. After you yourself allow yourself everything, anything, you just will lose interest.

Together with his colleagues, Professor Steve Hawks held a slight study with the purpose of experiment. 32 college students participated in the tests, 15 of which were among the groups of intuitive consumers, that is, those who understand the internal signals of the body regarding hunger and saturation of food and the correctly responds to them. The study was aimed at assessing the relationship between intuitive nutrition habits and general participant health indicators.

The results showed that those who relate to intuitive consumers have a lower body mass index, while they are lower than the level of triglycerides and above the level of lipoproteins. high densityThat in general reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the future.

According to Professor Hawks, these results experimentally prove the fact that intuitive nutrition can become a healthy alternative to existing diets and allows you to keep weight under control.

The intuitive nutrition system is based on principle conscious choice Products. She teaches listening to his own body, trust him and understand his true needs. Intuitive nutrition is the philosophy of competent selection of acceptable products with the complete absence of diets.

Against the background of the set effective diets The principles of intuitive nutrition are a mansion. They allow a person to lose weight wisely without resorting to the need to limit themselves and exhausted the body. Western nutritionists argue that such an approach involves stabilization of weight without harm to health. A person has no need to count calories every minute, to train and control the appetite, it is enough to learn to listen to their body, and the result will not wait long.

Stephen Hawks and intuitive power theory

The first studies of the results of this principle were carried out back in 2005. Professor Sciences About Health Stephen Hawks (USA) published the results of his tests and at the same time stated that he had lost 22.7 kg himself, practicing intuitive meals. The publication caused considerable interest among the public, and many of America residents began to adhere to the principles of this instinctive diet.

The main law of the theory of Stephen Hawks says that it is necessary to listen to the organism. If its needs are provided, it will be satisfied and calm, and therefore will stop "stocking" excess fat. A person should not ignore such signals as hunger, because nature never deceives. The followers of the IP seek to establish a subtle relationship with their feelings, re-examine the diversity of food, determine the body's reaction to it, and then allocate for itself the most acceptable.

Intuitive food technique - listen to the body

During the existence of this theory, many studies confirming and refuting its effectiveness were carried out. After studying the concept, everyone should decide for himself, whether he is suitable for such an intuitive diet.

Eight basic intelligent power rules

  1. Full refusal of diets. It is necessary in order to break the cycle "Weight set - diet - harmony - a weight gain", which disrupts natural metabolism. After all, after the result obtained, most of the lost weight will break down and cease to control calories. Of course, intuitive nutrition should be practiced in cases when today's weight is satisfied. If you have extra kilograms, pre-slimming is recommended.
  2. The ability to recognize hunger in a timely manner. Harmony with his body can be gained, only learning to promptly recognize the feeling of hunger and saturation. The problem of many people is that they later pay attention to the desire to eat, and sitting at the table, continue to eat food even after saturation. The theory of intuitive supply for weight loss teaches to determine the signals of the body, give an assessment of hunger and satiety (from 1 to 10) to avoid acute desire to eat and sensate excessive satiety.
  3. Lack of guilt. Rebuilding diet while weight loss, a person ceases to experience the feeling of guilt in case of a breakdown. Removing food prohibitions, no longer so you want to eat any calorie and harmful. It should be understood in the reaction of the body into the received food, pay attention to further well-being. If you constantly feel the severity in the stomach, it is worth abandoning it.
  1. Failure to eat habit. Many of us want to lose weight, but never stop the meal if the food remained on a plate or the package has not ended. It is necessary to refuse this habit and stop sorry to throw away the food left.
  2. Enjoy. Determine the food, bringing pleasure, taking into account the above principles. It is impossible to dry and eat on the run, you should allocate for meals at least half an hour. Serve the table, eat from beautiful dishes.
  3. Do not "eat" problems. Do not "thank" yourself with sweets for good things and do not remove stress. Food should not be associated with holidays and making a person happier. Find others real methods Getting rid of stress is a meditation or hobby. Increase your self-esteem, this can help a psychological book or an appropriate specialist.
  4. Training. With intuitive nutrition, no one causes a person to love sports, but you should choose an acceptable type of training to accelerate metabolism. It may be walking, cycling, swimming, dancing. This method of additional calories will significantly improve the quality of life and support a good physical form.
  5. Full sleep. Few people do not know about the need healthy sleep To maintain weight, because it plays a crucial role in the metabolic processes of the body. Practicing instinctive food, should sleep at least eight hours a day. Go to the new schedule will help the long-lasting stay in social networks and watching the TV is still.

How to lose weight on intuitive nutrition. "Underwater rocks"

After reviewing the above principles, not every person immediately will be able to learn to correctly recognize the desires of his body. For example, many prefer the cakes before bedtime, considering this the need of the body. This attitude towards the power is unacceptable, since in its diet it is necessary to leave the most useful.

Comment Article "What is intuitive nutrition"

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On competitions you can wrap in the pita bread.
I like to bake in silicone forms. Convenient, because in the minced meat, you can add everything that the soul wishes. Here is a zucchini - makes mince liquid, but dietary ... in the forms baked and not falling apart. You can add oatmeal, only twist in advance.
And in general - the cutlets get small, one bite, which is convenient outside the house, and not fat. I hang in the album.

Spoke about intuitive meals. Which year is trying to delve into this theory and I can not come to not want the flour and sugar. Assortment and prices in our online store. [Link-1] I want to lose weight, Renon rapid slimming, I want to lose weight, at 25kg ...


But if there is an excess weight to lose weight, of course you need for health. Daete Dukhana and Sortzal helped me. I dropped 25 kg for half a year. It took 3 three years in spring place. Very pleased with itself.

You need to lose weight not for a man. And for myself. If you need it - witch, but there is no love one that you are ... and love you will love you .. that's for sure.

How to lose weight without diets. There is everything and lose weight: what is intuitive nutrition. The people who watched Brin? About meals, as I advises Brin! Slimming and diet. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and chat with losing weight. Good everyone ...


Everything is simple, there is a concept as body quality. If you do not follow the products that you eat, well, for example. Instead of eating during the day healthy foods for breakfast lunch and dinner, and consume the cake, froth potatoes with big poppy and go to a run or in the hall, then you certainly do not rally, and maybe you will not look like, but you won't look beautiful, everything will be a flabby and sagging, but thin . And if you want to have a beautiful body, then no bigmaks and sweets.

A person is trying to convey the second law of thermodynamics. 1. Products may be useful, but if their caloric content is higher than you spent, you are fat. 2. If you eat in one chocolate, but its caloric content is less than your costs, you lose weight. Here the usefulness of food for the body is not considered and how long will you ship on chocolate too.

What is intuitive nutrition. Harmony with his body can be gained, only learning to promptly recognize the feeling of hunger and saturation. The theory teaches to determine the signals of the body, give an assessment of hunger and satiety (from 1 to 10) to avoid acute desire ...


When I was very thin and could not realize for a long time that I was not fat. Yes, I saw a slim girl in the mirror, and in sensations I felt a lot. I wore clothes a much smaller size and in my reflection in principle I liked (although I saw the shortcomings), but felt like a complete one. Strange sensations. The body and psyche get used to and adapts to themselves new.

and if nickname ---- Girl with an apple :)

What is intuitive nutrition. What to do? Contact methods that are guaranteed to bring beauty and will benefit ... How to lose weight: diet for weight loss and maintenance low level Sugar in blood.

Section: We need advice (Intuitive meals listen hunger). Intuitive meals - Chu hunger - question? By the way, when learning intuitive nutrition skills is the so-called legalization forbidden productsWhen a person allows himself what he really wants in any ...


I do not really like an intuitive approach, I'm probably mixed. I focus on being 3 times a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner, if we are essential in breaks - acc. Reduce or remove the main meal. Those. I focus on the overall calm, 1-2 protein dishes per day, not counting the piece of cheese, the salad at least once is the type of mandatory program. Plus, carbohydrate samples, cereals in the morning, boots to tea, I want to chew fruit or kefir, a bun or a cupcake once a few days.

I can get hungry earlier than the food time, but often hunger is muted by affairs, water / tea, everything is so. I prefer to wait for dinner time (if at home - then in different ways, there are more at home). I know how much I need to eat, so as not to starve and not get fat, if you remove all these orientations and leave only hunger - I think I will eat too much. On the one hand, hunger (emptiness in the stomach) arises too often, on the other hand it can be drowning, everything is so, as you say. I do not see the point of torture, this is hunger or not, if I already know that 3 times a day I am irrelevant :)

And yes, I'm waiting for my colleagues to go for lunch, or for some reason I move the time of food, and I do not see anything wrong with it. We are people, we have needs. In addition to feeling hunger, emotional and all sorts of others. We have food for joy, and not for intuitive nutrition :) All these stones are for me - another extreme of irregular food behavior.

I read that if I want to eat, but there is no possibility or just it is undesirable, then the usual glass of warm water gives a distracting effect for an hour or two. Herself did not try.
I myself prefer to eat something in order not to experience explicit discomfort.

How to lose weight on fractional nutrition. Slowweight weight. Intuitive meals: 9 stories. What I do not like when they give only a menu, this is what the principle is not explained, that is, how it works and why the kilograms go.


Calorie deficiency. With so much calories, the weight soon will completely rise. Well, the protein 200 gr is bust and health can be lost.
It is necessary to eat healthy, diverse food in sufficient quantities And more move, so the whole secret. You need to lose weight with comfort, you do not need to syntict yourself so :(

intuitive meals - Chu hunger - question? On the one hand, hunger (emptiness in the stomach) arises too often, on the other side of it what is intuitive nutrition. Harmony with his body can be found, only learning how to promptly recognize the feeling of hunger ...

What is intuitive nutrition. How to lose weight without diets, restrictions, feelings of hunger and exhausting training. You can eat everything! Can I have everything? The first and most an important step On the way to the development of intuitive nutrition - a refusal of dietary thinking.


the effect of receiving the polyfepan, like the SR-Wa from the neurodermit, only if you drink it through or an hour before meals, in connection with this, the power mode is normalized, no snack, T, it turns out once))))) Polyface, then eating. Take from Neurodermit - from this it accurately helps, and even better do not eat canship., Food with, and from the skin. I will cure, and lose weight

Intuitive meals: 9 stories. Stop hoping that there is some kind of every year, there are unless fashion dies and promise to create a miracle, but no one is like to lose weight on fractional diet. It even helps to improve the whole organism and improve ...


And how about if not there after 19.00, eliminate completely bread and mayonnaise, drink at least 2 liters of water and walk three times a week in the pool, my girlfriend 115 kilos, thus thus threw a 37 kilogram, and It has big problems with thyroid, hormones, disturbed metabolism + kidney, but here it is so that it was able to lose weight.

I also did not help a single diet. But as soon as it began to stop the pressure and several times it was bad with the heart immediately appeared the stimulus will wake up. And it began to successfully get.

Diet, proper nutrition or intuitive nutrition. Proper food I had enough mind not to sit on a diet. There is everything and lose weight: what is intuitive nutrition. No matter how paradoxically, we overeat for the same reason.


Dr husband. Listed does not make sense, but the guests have been using!
I well done, of course, but how to shake me now - I can not imagine ...

yeah, the day of the increment (((s: buckwheat with vegetables, o: millet porridge with a row, a package of marmalade, a cheese, milk, milk pizza, apple juice, and now dinner attention (((: 2! Soup plates, 2 boots with cheese, little chocolate, cookies - stomach nabe, I feel a horseback, and what broke me out ?? (


Diet is not nada)) just to start some rules:
1. Do not eat after 18-18.30 (you can apple or kefirchik)
2. There is no flour, sweet, oily ...
3. Feed breakfast lunch dinner must not break
4. Leave for vegetables, greens, buckwheat, rice, meat, fish ...
5. Move more big, walking at least ...
6. I use a coffee scrub and tightening cream ...
Girls will complement the list I think ...
and this is not a diet and the style of life should be! join us)))

What is intuitive nutrition. The ability to recognize hunger in a timely manner. Harmony with his body can be gained, only learning to promptly recognize the feeling of hunger and saturation.


it seems to me that this is a psychological state.
try to sort it yourself?
i have it when I am overvolt

In addition to jokes, if you can, consult the gastroenterologist. I had a feeling like you. Cause in the gastrointestinal tract. A lot of extra kilograms. At first I figured out the sores, then went to lose weight.

What is intuitive nutrition. Any diet sooner or later leads to food breakdown or adverse changes of metabolism and, ultimately ... What is intuitive food. How to lose weight without diets, restrictions, feelings of hunger and exhausting training.


Hey! I feel that you need to scatter this little book (until you wrote a husband to scan the basic rules and pictures) - it is in the wild deficit, you will not find accurately in stores. You can try cash on delivery. C.
What can I immediately help you, I will write the basic theses. Just sorry if they won't surprise you, maybe even upset. I will know so start to flip, and write:
Gold rules for gynecoid type:
Regularity of classes - Love fitness classes
Embassibility of classes - from 1 time per week, up to regular 2-3 times a week or in time 3 hours a week
Intuition - intuitively find the type of load from which you will not only lose weight and have fun
A variety is not focused on one form of classes, but to diversify the load.
Be sure to control your pulse

The book gives a clear sequence where to start and what muscle groups, and how much time to spend time.

Theme food - the sinusoid diet "carbohydrate alternation" is given, I have a printed, write to me. The main principle - the number of carbohydrates varies during the week, which will accelerate the exchange of a substance. The products are all simple, the diet is cheap, the number of kocculia per day is 1400-1600. With that, there is an opportunity to share products according to the principle of separate nutrition, that only an additional plus. Special is the day of food permissiveness. The time of entering the diet is a 2 weeks for the most seizures. The result is already visible in one month :)) What can not but rejoice.

a separate topic in the book is a workout for the house, several blocks for 30 minutes each.

Samo massage - how to do at home

A separate topic is pharmacology that you need to drink and that not to drink at all with loads and in the fight in weight. There is a selection of vitamins - how many options. I'm not afraid before him, but I feel it necessary :)))

in general, I have only rainbow impressions from this book, it is written easily at ease. Authors - St. Petersburg instructors, specially conducted studies for a long time. Very many moments become clear and understandable, at least I can now instructors in the club not torturing with stupid questions :)))

But what moment hooked -
if you started the struggle for your beauty, it is impossible to stop, the break in 2 weeks will cross all the results! That is, classes must be permanent and until the end of life.