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The best weight loss diet for 10. Effective diet for weight loss at home. Quick weight loss rules

Diets for losing belly fat in a week by 10 kg is an extreme nutrition plan. A more acceptable option is considered to be a gradual weight loss - at least 8-10 kg in 2 weeks, or even a month. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm to health, and the lost kilograms can return in record time.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

The main causes of a voluminous belly are not always fat deposits. Sometimes the problem is increased gas formation. The most effective diets allow you to eliminate both shortcomings at once, that is, to break down fats and prevent flatulence. However, these are mostly rigid nutrition programs that are contraindicated for people with chronic diseases. Therefore, before embarking on a particular diet, you need to consult with your doctor.

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    Allowed and prohibited products

    Any medically approved nutrition plan should include the following components:

    • Complex carbohydrates, mainly buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
    • Fibrous foods that help eliminate gases and toxins and reduce a bulky belly. These are bran, apples, zucchini, seaweed, which can be used as a condiment.
    • Fruits other than bananas, grapes, figs and dates. But they need to be isolated in an independent meal. In extreme cases, with a very strict diet, they can be attached to oatmeal or cottage cheese.
    • Low-fat varieties of meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts. All this serves as a source of protein, without which normal metabolism is impossible.
    • Vegetables - they are eaten raw or prepared as a salad. But you need to fill it with lemon juice and vegetable oil, and not ready-made mayonnaise.

    With any healthy eating system, the total amount of food is divided into 5-6 meals to prevent overeating and normalize metabolic processes.

    At the same time, there are foods that are prohibited with every diet:

    • fatty meats and fish;
    • smoked products and offal;
    • wheat bread, rich pastries;
    • whole milk and cream;
    • chocolate, caramel, ice cream, other sweets;
    • carbonated drinks, milkshakes.

    Starchy vegetables like potatoes or squash can be consumed, but in very limited quantities.

    Popular diets

    Diet is a good way to get rid of extra pounds and put the body in order, improve the whole body. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of the chosen method of nutrition.

    There are many diets. The main thing is to study all the information before starting to lose weight. The following diets are considered the most effective and help to lose up to 10 kg per week. However, they will not work if there are contraindications to them.


    During such a diet, you need to eat vegetables (except potatoes), both raw and cook soups, salads, sauces, cocktails from them. Passing is not allowed. For dressing salads, you can not use sour cream, mayonnaise, store sauces - only soy sauce, corn, olive or linseed oil. Greens are allowed cereals.

    There are no contraindications, but you need to be careful, as raw vegetables can cause digestive upset.


    In addition to pure water, freshly squeezed juices, any tea (unsweetened), meat broth, jelly, compote, low-fat milk drinks are allowed. It is supposed to alternate them during the day.

    This fast diet has the following contraindications:

    • kidney failure;
    • diseases of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system;
    • allergies to the products used.


    The use of protein foods is not limited: meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese. At the same time, carbohydrate and fatty foods are excluded (potatoes, pasta, pastries, cereals, butter), but some fruits and vegetables are allowed.


    • kidney problems;
    • liver;
    • heart;
    • digestion (especially dysbacteriosis).

    super fast

    Only one of the following foods is allowed per day:

    • boiled potatoes (1 kg);
    • fresh cabbage (1 kg);
    • cucumbers (1 kg);
    • raw carrots (1 kg);
    • apples (1 kg);
    • boiled rice (up to 100 g of dry cereals);
    • kefir (up to 1.5 l);
    • milk (up to 1.5 l).

    The amount of salt should be minimized.


    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • problems with the digestive system and kidneys.


    The main product is buckwheat porridge. It is prepared only by steaming overnight. Take 1 cup of cereal for 2.5 cups of water. You also need to consume 1 liter of kefir every day. It is allowed to add green apples, fresh cucumbers and other vegetables, fruits, herbs.


    • peptic ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • intestinal disorders;
    • diabetes;
    • severe metabolic problems
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation.


    Potatoes should be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven, but not fried. 1 kg of this product is allowed per day. You need to eat 6 times a day, and overeating in the afternoon is prohibited. Salt should be limited. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water.


    • low acidity in the stomach;
    • diabetes;
    • hypotension;
    • allergy to the product;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation.


    Every day you need to drink beetroot juice. After cooking, it is supposed to be left for 3 hours and then diluted with boiled water, carrot juice or rosehip broth. You can also use beetroot salad with the addition of carrots and apples, low-fat cottage cheese, steamed protein omelet, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge.


    • diseases of the kidneys and digestive tract;
    • diabetes;
    • allergy to beets;
    • pregnancy and lactation.


    Every day you need to eat up to 1.5 kg of cucumbers. It is allowed to make salads, soups, cocktails, but salt cannot be added. It is allowed to supplement them with carrots, radishes, apples, oranges, herbs, small pieces of boiled meat or fish (up to 100 g).


    • urolithiasis disease;
    • gastritis;
    • enterocolitis;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • hypertension;
    • liver disease;
    • individual intolerance to the product.


    All types of cabbage are suitable for the diet. Laminaria is also allowed. For breakfast, it is best to drink a glass of still mineral water or tea. For lunch - there is cabbage soup, steamed meat or fish. For dinner - a salad of cabbage and greens, seasoned with olive oil, as well as 1 boiled egg and any fruit (unsweetened). Before going to bed you need to drink kefir.


    • enteritis;
    • increased acidity in the stomach;
    • gastritis;
    • myocardial infarction.

    Medical Diet

    It was developed by physicians for severely obese people who are being prepared for surgery when body fat gets in the way. You will have to eat very little, sometimes - completely starve. For example, on odd days you can drink 1.5 liters mineral water. On even numbers, 800 ml of milk and 1 apple are allowed. You can replace them with vegetable salad and unsweetened tea. The third option is a boiled egg, 100 g of meat, vegetable broth, an apple.

    Contraindications are problems with the cardiovascular, digestive system, kidneys, liver, anemia. The diet is not suitable for people with increased physical activity.

    diet for the lazy

    With her, be sure to drink water often - half an hour before meals and an hour after it. She must be room temperature. Do this before any snacks. It is allowed to eat cereals, fruits, cottage cheese, vegetable salads, kefir, a small amount of meat and fish.


    • diseases of the urinary system;
    • calcium deficiency;
    • pregnancy and lactation.


    All products of animal origin are excluded from the menu. Sometimes it is allowed to eat only 1 boiled egg. Dairy and sour-milk products can be consumed low-fat.


    • sugar;
    • salt;
    • Dessert;
    • sweets;
    • bakery;
    • canned food;
    • marinades;
    • pickles;
    • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
    • caffeinated drinks;
    • semi-finished products.


    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • rehabilitation after surgery;
    • exacerbation of various chronic diseases.


    The first 2 days are drinking, the third is apple, the fourth, fifth and sixth are chicken, the seventh is wine. Food should be according to this scheme.


    • depression;
    • increased physical activity;
    • diabetes;
    • pregnancy;
    • renal and heart failure;
    • diseases of the digestive system.


    It is necessary to exclude meat, poultry, fish, seafood, offal, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products from the diet. It is allowed to eat only fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, soybeans, nuts, cereals and, in limited quantities, vegetable oil.


    • anemia;
    • depression;
    • infectious diseases;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • rehabilitation after serious illnesses and operations;
    • intestinal disorders.


    The main product is various vegetable soups. Salads are also allowed. From fruits, apples, bananas are allowed (sometimes - melon, pear, kiwi, citrus fruits, pineapples).

    Contraindications are diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

    Protein lightweight diet for athletes

    The amount of protein in the menu is calculated from the ratio of 1 g per kg of human weight, but for male athletes - up to 5 g per 1 kg. For women - about 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight. Carbohydrate products (buckwheat and oatmeal) eat no more than 2 times a week.

    Contraindications are urolithiasis and other kidney problems.

    Diet Maggi

    It is one of the varieties of the egg diet. The name is associated with the name of the creator. This is one of the few regimes in which you do not have to starve - the diet includes a sufficient amount of meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables. For breakfast, you should always eat a boiled egg and grapefruit or orange.

    A contraindication is only the presence of individual intolerance to the product, an allergic reaction to it.

    salt-free diet

    A salt-free diet is considered one of the most effective. It reduces weight, removes excess water, which can linger in the body with obesity or the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

    The rules of the diet are very simple: you just need to completely eliminate salt when cooking. Then by the end of the month you can achieve a weight loss of 5-7 kg.

    Maintaining a low-salt diet is difficult. To improve the taste of dishes, you can add when cooking:

    • lemon juice;
    • fresh or dried basil herbs;
    • dried tomatoes.

    With this diet, it is undesirable to eat sea fish, since it is a hidden source of salt. It is better to choose a pond - pike perch.

    The diet has contraindications. Salt is a necessary component for the production of hydrochloric acid, which is needed for the breakdown of proteins. Therefore, with a number of gastrointestinal pathologies, including hypochlorhydria, which is characterized by a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid, the diet cannot be used. In the absence of salt in the stomach and intestines, pathogenic microflora can develop, cravings for sweets appear.

    Such a diet cannot be followed for a long time, so you need to get out of it after a maximum of a month and not salt food for some time, otherwise the weight will quickly return.

    Kefir diets

    Diet food almost always contains fermented milk products.

    Kefir and cottage cheese diets come in a variety of options, each with its own benefits.


    It is designed for 7 days. Kefir can be alternated with cottage cheese of the same fat content. It should be noted that both of these products contribute to the leaching of potassium, sodium and iron from the body. Apples help make up for this loss.

    The nutrition plan is designed for 7 days, during which you can reduce weight by 5-7 kg. If you manage to play sports, then weight loss will be 10 kg, but only in people with a fast metabolism.

    A sample menu for each day can be made as follows:

    With oatmeal

    A more benign option. It will help you get rid of 4-5 kg ​​in just 5 days. At the same time, the process of losing weight will not harm health.

    With bran

    A feature of this nutrition plan is that in each serving of kefir (200 g) you need to add 1-2 tsp. bran, previously soaked in water for half an hour. You can drink unsweetened herbal tea throughout the day. Meals are designed for a week, during which time it is possible to lose up to 8 kg.

    If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the kefir diet is contraindicated. To avoid a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, you can eat a handful of nuts or seeds as a snack once a day.

    onion soup diet

    The advantage of the onion soup diet is that a person does not feel hungry. Nutrition helps to shed excess weight- up to 7 kg per week. During this time, you can periodically add boiled meat or fish, other vegetables and fruits to the menu, so the body will receive all the vitamins.

    To make onion soup you will need:

    • medium bulbs - 2-3 pcs. ;
    • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
    • green onions, celery root, olive oil - to taste.


    1. 1. Tomatoes are peeled and seeds are peeled and finely chopped.
    2. 2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan.
    3. 3. Add finely chopped onion and celery.
    4. 4. Stew over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
    5. 5. Stewed vegetables and tomatoes are dipped in boiling water and boiled for a few more minutes.
    6. 6. Green onions are added to the finished dish.

    It is allowed to eat 3-4 servings of onion soup per day, distributing them between main meals. A sample menu for the week can be compiled as follows:


    Ration for the day


    3-4 servings of soup, for a snack - any fruit, except bananas and grapes

    3-4 servings of onion soup, for a snack - vegetable smoothies, for example, from green vegetables, you can add a small amount of cottage cheese

    3-4 servings of onion soup. For a snack - smoothies from non-caloric fruits, you can add a small amount of nuts

    3-4 servings of onion soup. Snack - banana

    3-4 servings of onion soup. For lunch, you can eat a piece of boiled meat. Snack - applesauce

    3-4 servings of soup, for a snack - a salad from fresh cucumbers and bell pepper. For lunch, you can eat a piece of boiled meat or fish


    A portion of rice is added to the usual amount of onion soup. For a snack, you can choose vegetable smoothies or salad.

    During the day, you need to observe the drinking regime, drinking at least 2 liters of water. Moderate physical activity will also have a positive effect.


    It is believed that the apple diet also allows you to lose up to 10 kg per week. With this technique, the following menu is recommended for active weight loss:



    1st day (pure apple)

    • breakfast: 2-3 apples, grated without peel (a handful of lemons are added to them and sprinkled with lemon juice);
    • lunch: 3 apples, chopped on a coarse grater, mixed with chopped parsley and green onions, adding grated egg white to this, seasoned with olive oil or yogurt;
    • dinner: 3 apples

    2nd day (apple-rice)

    • breakfast: boiled rice and 3 apples;
    • lunch: applesauce from 3 fruits, mixed with boiled rice;
    • dinner: a portion of boiled rice

    3rd day (apples and cottage cheese)

    • breakfast: 100 g of curd paste with chopped sugar-free apples added there;
    • lunch: a salad of sliced ​​​​apples (so that they do not darken, you need to sprinkle with lemon juice), nuts and cottage cheese, you can add 1 tsp. honey;
    • dinner: no more than 100 g of curd soufflé

    4th day (apples and carrots)

    • breakfast: a salad of 2 large carrots and an apple, seasoned with vegetable oil for better absorption of carotene;
    • lunch: the same salad, only with honey and lemon zest;
    • dinner: baked apples with honey

    5th day (for a change, make beet-carrot)

    • breakfast: salad of boiled carrots and beets, seasoned with oil;
    • lunch: oatmeal on the water and with an apple;
    • dinner: carrot salad with brown sugar, can be spiced up with lemon juice

    The 6th and 7th days repeat the first two.

    If you feel worse, you need to gradually leave the diet, because it is very tough.

    liquid diet

    A liquid diet involves eating every hour. But it is represented exclusively by liquids:



    oatmeal broth

    vegetable broth

    Hot water (but not boiling water as it is bad for the stomach)

    Freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice, not too concentrated, it is diluted in a ratio of 3: 1

    A glass of milk

    Hot water

    Dried fruit compote, it contains all the necessary minerals

    Weak meat broth

    Hot water

    Diluted fruit juice from apples or citrus fruits

    vegetable broth

    Hot water

    drinking yogurt

    The duration of the diet is a week. They prepare for it for 3 days, gradually reducing the calorie content of the diet.

    Decoctions are prepared as follows:

    Meat broth (from chicken or rabbit) must be filtered during cooking.

    The liquid diet comes in a variety of forms. For example, there are juice-only menus and those where the consumption of protein shakes is combined with ordinary clean water.

    6 petals

    This diet is designed for 6 days. Each of them will help to lose 0.5-0.8 kg, depending on the characteristics of the metabolism. The author is Anna Johansson, a nutritionist from Sweden. The essence of the program is that you need to choose 6 petals - that is, six mono-diets, one for every day. This allows you to make food varied, while this approach improves the psychological mood, which is also important.

    There are no strict recommendations for choosing mono-diets. For example, you can do this: buckwheat diet, then apple, kefir, soup, cucumber, drinking on juices, etc. You need to choose so that the regime is easily tolerated and does not cause a breakdown, otherwise the kilograms will quickly return.


    The diet allows you to lose up to 8-10 kg in just 10 days of such a diet. It is based on 2 principles: limiting the daily energy value to 1500 kcal (but if a person is engaged in intensive mental work - up to 2200 kcal) and the natural acceleration of metabolic processes. Unlike many other diets, there are no snacks and coffee breaks, but you can eat foods high in protein. The amount of carbohydrates and fats is reduced, since they are the cause of weight gain.

    The French diet also has contraindications: it is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, chronic kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

    In this case, you need to adhere to a certain power algorithm:




    • breakfast: a cup of black coffee without sugar;
    • lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, lettuce and a couple of tomatoes;
    • dinner: 200 g boiled chicken or turkey and lettuce
    • breakfast: a cup of black coffee with crackers or toast;
    • lunch: a serving of lean chicken or turkey meat;
    • dinner: the same (lunch), but with lettuce
    • breakfast: traditional black coffee and crackers;
    • lunch: carrots stewed in vegetable oil, one tomato and an orange or tangerine of your choice;
    • dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of good quality boiled sausage, leaf lettuce
    • breakfast: black coffee with crackers;
    • lunch: boiled egg, a couple of pieces of cheese and carrots (raw);
    • dinner: a salad of apples, pears, kiwi, citrus fruits, but without any dressing, even yogurt, a glass of kefir can be drunk in an hour
    • breakfast: carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice;
    • lunch: boiled pike perch and tomato;
    • dinner: boiled turkey
    • breakfast: a cup of black coffee;
    • lunch: boiled chicken breast and lettuce;
    • dinner: 200 g of any lean meat in boiled form


    • breakfast: a cup of tea;
    • lunch: a standard portion of boiled chicken or turkey and an apple;
    • dinner: 200 g lean ham

    It is quite natural that with such a meager diet you want to eat constantly. If it becomes especially difficult, you can drink water or green tea.

    For 4 servings take:
    • rice - 1 tbsp. ;
    • chicken breasts - 450 g;
    • diced carrots - 1 tbsp.;
    • green peas (can be frozen) - 1/2 tbsp.;
    • onion - 1 pc.


    1. 1. Sauté onions over moderate heat, add chicken and lightly fry.
    2. 2. Pour rice and wait for it to become translucent.
    3. 3. Add water or weak broth, carrots, peppers.
    4. 4. Bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour.

    The dish contains a lot folic acid, protein and fiber, which allows you to make the stomach flat.

    Diet pancakes

    For a glass of flour (coarse grinding) you will need:

    • baking powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • premium flour - 95 g;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - to taste;
    • egg - 1 pc. ;
    • milk - 1 tbsp. ;
    • blueberries (not frozen) - 300 g.


    1. 1. The dough is prepared as for ordinary pancakes.
    2. 2. Pour into a non-stick frying pan and put 1 tbsp each time. l. berries.
    3. 3. After a couple of minutes, turn over and bake until cooked.

    How to get out of the mono diet

    During severe restrictions, the body experiences stress. The instinct of self-preservation is triggered, therefore, after stopping the diet, weight can be gained very quickly, since the appetite and even the sense of smell increase.

    You must adhere to the following rules in order to save the result:

    • It is necessary to maintain fractional nutrition, that is, up to 6 times a day. At each meal you need to eat a small portion. The total calorie content for at least a week should be 1200 kcal per day, and then you can gradually increase it.
    • When leaving a mono-diet, for example, kefir or buckwheat, you need to add no more than 2 types of new products daily.
    • The drinking regime must be left the same - up to 2 liters of clean water per day.
    • Fasting days should be carried out (once a week). The basis can be kefir, vegetable salad, fruits.
    • You should not drink alcohol after leaving the diet, so if losing weight was necessary to get in shape for the holiday, you will have to refrain from alcoholic beverages during the feast.

    With strict diets, physical activity is limited to walking in the fresh air, since the body otherwise does not have enough energy for vital processes.

Proper nutrition is the main component of good health, a toned body and a good mood. To lose weight in 1 month, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with starvation or hard training. It is important to review your eating habits and switch to a healthy, balanced diet. This will help not only lose weight by 10–12 kg per month, but also restore the functioning of the digestive tract, speed up metabolism, and completely heal the body. It is recommended to approach a change in nutrition meticulously, choosing an effective diet for the individual characteristics of your body.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

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    Diet for 1 month: advantages and disadvantages

    All men and women who are losing weight are advised by nutritionists to lose weight gradually. Losing weight in 1 month is the optimal period for painless weight loss without harm to health. The body is rebuilt to a new diet without the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases or failures. The 30-day diet is useful in that it not only helps you get rid of excess fat, but also allows you to change eating habits later in life. A light diet for a month is used to lose 10–12 kg and makes it possible not to gain them again.

    The duration of the diet is its feature, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is difficult to comply with all restrictions for a long time. But if in thirty days you managed to tune in to the correct dietary regimen, get used to it, then the result will be a good mood and well-being, getting rid of extra pounds and a toned figure.

    Pros and cons of a diet for 1 month:

    The choice of methods for losing weight depends on the goal. To lose 5, 10 or 20 kg of weight, different approaches are needed. This determines the diet and the level of physical activity.

    Mistakes preventing weight loss

    Bad habits and non-compliance with certain rules become an obstacle to losing weight. These include:

    1. 1. Use is not enough water. To enhance the effectiveness, you need to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning and during the day in small sips.
    2. 2. The last daily meal later,than 3 hours before bed. After eating, there is an increase in blood sugar levels and the production of insulin. Muscle growth stops, adipose tissue is formed. For this reason, eating at night is not recommended.
    3. 3. The combination of carbohydrates and fats in one meal. These are not compatible food products, they require different chemical environments for their assimilation.
    4. 4. Sleep deprivation. Sleep well while on a diet. Healthy sleep is the key positive attitude and cheerfulness. A hormone is produced that breaks down fats, so there is no feeling of hunger.

    Basic rules for losing weight

    In order to achieve sustainable results during a monthly diet, dropping up to 10-12 kg of weight, you must follow the general recommendations:

    1. 1. Eliminate or minimize the use of salt and sugar.
    2. 2. Eat regularly, in small portions, at the same time.
    3. 3. Drink up to 2 liters of pure water per day, except for tea, juices and broths. Water reduces hunger and increases metabolism.
    4. 4. Do moderate exercise, which will accelerate the burning of calories.
    5. 5. Adhere to a proper balanced diet, taking into account the norm of BJU, the compatibility and caloric content of products, as well as the gradual reduction in quantity and portions.

    With this approach, the lost kilograms will not return, health will not be harmed.

    Allowed and prohibited products are presented in the table.

    Diet options for the month

    There are enough dietary methods, but all of them imply, in addition to the basic rules for eating behavior and food selection, the rejection bad habits slowing metabolism (smoking, alcohol), and moderate physical activity.

    Light: minus 10 kg

    You are allowed to choose your own diet, subject to general recommendations. Five balanced meals a day in small portions will help not to feel hungry. If the menu is varied, you can do without taking multivitamin complexes.

    An example menu for a light diet is presented in the table.

    Correct: minus 15 kg

    If the goal is to lose 15 kg, then a more limited menu and intense physical activity are required. Diet guidelines - complex carbohydrates With long term absorption and high content of polysaccharides. They eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, saturate, do not lead to body fat. These include fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish.

    The transition to a new diet should be smooth. With a limited diet, for effective weight loss and good health, the body needs a balanced diet.

    An example menu is shown in the table.

    As snacks for second breakfast and afternoon tea, you can use:

    • 1 st. kefir;
    • natural yogurt;
    • any fruit - 1 pc.;
    • 1 st. freshly squeezed fruit juice;
    • 1 piece of black bread or cracker.

    Strict: minus 20 kg

    The diet is low-calorie, requires endurance. During the first week of a new diet, restructuring occurs, dizziness, weakness may occur. Usually these manifestations pass quickly. The body gradually gets used to reducing calories.

    A strict diet requires preparation. A week before the start, it is recommended to gradually reduce the calorie content of food and portion sizes, reduce or eliminate sweets, and also give up alcohol and smoking.

    Rules for following a strict diet:

    1. 1. The day before the transition to a new diet, the intestines are cleansed with an enema or with the use of a laxative.
    2. 2. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommended menu.
    3. 3. A plentiful drinking regimen is needed, which will speed up metabolism and weight loss, eliminate constipation.
    4. 4. It is recommended to spend the first days of the diet at home in order to more easily endure bouts of weakness and increased fatigue.

    Menu 1, 2, 3rd weeks of a strict diet:

    Menu of the 4th week of a strict diet (combined mono-diet):

    The last week is crucial, at this time there is an intensive weight loss. The body begins to get used to the new diet, well-being improves. At the same time, it is possible to lose up to 8 kg of excess weight.

    Michel Montignac's Weight Loss Method

    The Montignac system is based on a few simple principles, following which you can rebuild your diet, get rid of excess weight. The technique does not apply to strict diets, as it does not imply food restrictions. Its effectiveness lies in the right choice of products and suitable combinations.

    Basic Rules:

    • restriction or complete rejection of carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index;
    • exclusion of saturated fatty acids;
    • the use of plant foods with unsaturated fatty acids;
    • choice of combined vegetable and animal proteins.

    Advantages of Michel Montignac's nutrition system:

    • no salt restriction;
    • a varied diet;
    • lack of feeling of hunger;
    • normalization of metabolism;
    • improvement of the body and gastrointestinal tract.

    The first stage of the technique is weight loss

    The first stage involves limiting carbohydrates for weight loss, switching to foods with a low glycemic index (no more than 36).

    High GI foods increase blood sugar levels. To balance it, insulin is produced by the pancreas. Consistent high GI diet leads to problems with insulin recognition. Then its production becomes excessive, and the level of sugar does not decrease. This causes disruption of the digestive enzymes, the accumulation of excess body fat.

    You should strive to ensure that, after eating, the level of sugar does not increase, and the amount of insulin remains low. At this stage of the Michel Montignac diet, it is important to stick to the choice of low GI foods. This results in the burning of excess calories, body fat, weight loss.

    Table of products with a glycemic index (GI):

    High GI Foods Medium GI Foods Low GI Foods
    The product's name GI value The product's name GI value The product's name GI value
    Dates146 Wheat flour, unleavened bread69 Grapes, fresh peas, hominy (corn porridge), freshly squeezed orange and apple juice, cereal bread40
    French baguette136 Wheat groats68 Fish fingers38
    Beer110 Croissant67 Wholemeal vermicelli37
    shortbread cookies106 Swiss muesli, quick oatmeal, pea soup, pineapple, biscuit66 bean soup36
    Watermelon, bagels103 Jacket-boiled potatoes, canned vegetables, semolina, bananas, melon, black bread65 Oranges, Chinese vermicelli, soy milk ice cream, dry peas, figs, natural (fat-free) yogurt, dried apricots, maize, fresh carrots35
    Wheat bread toasts100 Raisins, macaroni and cheese, bean soup, beetroot64 Pears, sprouted rye grains, chocolate milk34
    Glucose96 Sprouted wheat grains63 Peanut butter, strawberries, whole milk, beans32
    baked potatoes95 Wheat flour fritters, Twix bar62 Green bananas, black beans, Turkish peas, berry marmalade, soy milk, 2% fat milk, peaches, apples30
    Rice flour94 White rice, pizza with tomatoes, pea soup60 sausages28
    Buns for hamburgers92 Pies, sucrose59 strawberries27
    canned apricots91 Papaya58 red lentils25
    Pasta, mashed potatoes, honey90 Arabian pita, wild rice57 Cherries, crushed yellow peas, grapefruits, barley porridge, plums, green lentils, chocolate (70% cocoa)22
    Donuts88 Mango, oatmeal and butter cookies, fruit salad55 Fresh apricots, peanuts, dry soybeans, fructose20
    Ice cream87 Sweet yogurt, tomato juice52 Rice bran19
    Corn flakes, boiled carrots, popcorn, white bread85 Bran51 Pickled White cabbage, celery, red bell pepper, black olives16
    Mashed potato powder, boiled potatoes, white rice83 Sweet potatoes, kiwi, buckwheat, buckwheat bread and pancakes, sherbet50 Walnut15
    Beans, potato chips, crackers, muesli with nuts80 Oatmeal49 Spinach, dill, squash caviar, chili pepper, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower boiled, fresh turnip, green onion (feather), blackcurrant14
    brown rice79 Canned green peas, grape and grapefruit juice without sugar48 Zucchini, radish, squash13
    Canned corn78 fruit bread47 Fresh tomatoes, green peppers, avocado11
    Waffles unsweetened76 Candy, pineapple juice without sugar46 Eggplant, broccoli, mushrooms, green peppers, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, leaf lettuce, lettuce, garlic10
    Zucchini, pumpkin75 bran bread45 Sorrel, onion, leaf lettuce9
    Ready orange juice, ground crackers, sweet potato74 Canned pears, lentil soup44 sunflower seeds8
    Millet71 Colored beans42 Parsley6
    Ravioli, dumplings, milk chocolate, starch, boiled corn, sugar-coated fruit chips, marmalade, jam, Mars and Snickers bars, turnips, sugar70 Canned Turkish Peas41 Basil, oregano4

    The second stage - fixing

    During this period, the emphasis is on stabilizing what has been achieved and consolidating the results. For this, it is recommended to adhere to the selected diet with a permissible expansion of the list of products.

    An important condition is to drink up to 2 liters of clean water every day.

    The rules of the second stage of nutrition according to the Montignac system:

    • a large number of fish and fish dishes;
    • consumption of whole grain bread;
    • refusal of sweets (including honey, jam, sweets, sugar) and starchy foods;
    • drinking decaffeinated coffee;
    • refusal of sweet lemonades and carbonated drinks;
    • the use of vegetable fats;
    • with the simultaneous use of fats with carbohydrates - the addition of fiber in the form of vegetable salad;
    • minimum or complete exclusion of harmful carbohydrates (carbohydrate foods with a high GI).

    John Pegano's Therapeutic Diet

    The method of nutrition, developed by the American John Pegano, helps to completely heal the body. It is especially effective in the treatment of skin diseases. The doctor used three principles: proper nutrition, regular cleansing of toxins, wellness treatments, positive mood.

    The method is based on the use of products that maintain a healthy chemical balance inside the body: vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, plenty of pure water. The diet leads to the restoration of the acid-base balance and complete recovery.

    Acid-base balance and health

    The principles of John Pegano's technique:

    Action Target Methods Duration
    Cleansing the bodyCleansing the intestines and gastrointestinal tractFruit mono- or combined diet based on citrus fruits or apples; bowel cleansing (colon therapy); enterosorbents7-8 days
    WellnessNormalization of the intestines, elimination of toxins, strengthening of the immune system, healing of the jointsDiet based on alkaline-forming foods, bowel movementsConstantly
    Physical exerciseImprovement of the spineTherapeutic exercises for the spineConstantly
    Wellness and cosmetic proceduresSkin cleansingBath, sauna, masks, body wraps, complete rest and recovery, relaxation, comfortable environment, reading, musicConstantly
    Normalization of the psychological situationpositive attitudeCreating a calm, harmonious environmentConstantly

    Basic nutrition rules:

    1. 1. Do not exceed the norm of acid-forming products at one time.
    2. 2. Do not mix meat and starchy foods.
    3. 3. Do not consume citrus fruits and dairy products at the same time.
    4. 4. Eat separately cereals, fruits, cereals.
    5. 5. Eat watermelons, melons, bananas and raw apples separately from other foods.
    6. 6. Drink tea without milk, sugar and cream.

    According to the recommendations of John Pegano, up to 70-80% of the total diet is alkaline-forming foods, and only 20% are acid-forming. By correctly combining the products allowed in this method, you can lose weight, get rid of cosmetic problems, improve the body.

    Product Category Allowed Forbidden
    Berries, fruitsApricots, grapes, kiwi, peaches, apples, figs, dates, citrus fruits, bananas, melons, most berriesPrunes, blueberries, plums, strawberries, strawberries, cranberries
    VegetablesCarrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, onions, garlicPotatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant
    Fish, seafoodFlounder, salmon, tuna, trout, halibut, perch, cod, sardines (baked or boiled)Fried, fatty and smoked fish, shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters, anchovies
    Eggsboiled eggsfried
    MeatLean lamb in boiled or baked form (170 g at a time), dietary skinless chickenAll types of red meat, goose, duck meat
    Meat products- Sausage, sausages, ham, offal (heart, liver, kidneys, brains)
    Milk productsFat-free or low-fat dairy and sour-milk products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, unsalted cheese)Fatty dairy products, ice cream
    cerealsRice brown or wild, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn grits, millet, wheat, barley, branWhite rice, semolina
    Baking, flourCornmeal, Wholemeal Pasta, Whole Wheat BreadYeast baking, baking, industrial confectionery, white flour pasta
    OilSunflower, olive, cottonseed, corn, rapeseed, low-fat butterMargarine, spread, high fat butter, coconut oil
    BeveragesHerbal teas, decoctions and infusions, freshly squeezed juices, decoction of watermelon seedsTomato juice, alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks
    Nutritional supplements

    Granular lecithin 1 tbsp. spoon a day

    Other additives

    Menu according to the Pegano method:

    meal 1st day 2nd day 3rd day
    BreakfastOatmeal with dried fruits on the water, green or herbal teaCheese sandwich with fresh cucumber, soft-boiled egg, herbal teaCottage cheese casserole, berry kissel
    DinnerVegetable soup, boiled breast, compoteBuckwheat soup, fresh cabbage salad, boiled veal, fruit teaSoup with chicken and mushrooms, cucumber salad with spinach, baked fish, compote
    afternoon tealow fat yogurtFat-free cottage cheese with fruitBiscuits, compote
    DinnerBaked fish, cucumber salad with herbs and lemon juice, herbal teaLean lamb with stewed or baked vegetables, compoteStewed vegetables, pasta, fresh pineapple, herbal tea

    The diet according to the Pegano method should be followed for at least one or one and a half months in order to notice cardinal changes in the external and internal state of the body.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

Need to lose weight urgently? The most effective weight loss diets will help you lose 10 kg in a week! Reviews of people who have tried these weight loss methods say that 10 kg in 7 days is not the limit!

Rapid weight loss is the dream of many girls. The main thing to understand is that the process of weight gain is gradual, it does not happen abruptly. Therefore, losing extra pounds is not a matter of one day. There are techniques that allow you to say goodbye to the maximum number of kilograms within a week. But be prepared for the fact that you have to gather all your will into a fist, because diets that allow you to lose up to 10 kilograms in just 7 days offer an extremely limited diet. Let's look at the most popular and effective options.

Diet "Beloved"

This system assumes that you will take a certain type of food every day. It will be difficult at first, but by about the third day, your body will get used to such a limited diet.

Here's what the "Favorite" diet offers:

  • First day. It's called drinking. Throughout the day, you will have to take only liquid in unlimited quantities. It is allowed to use water, teas without sugar, smoothies from fruits, broths (but only low-fat ones), natural juices from fruits and vegetables. You need to drink water all day, but in the evening it is better to give preference to kefir or vegetable juice, but not broth or fruit juice.
  • Second day. It is called "vegetable". It is supposed to draw up a menu exclusively from vegetable salads. They should add white cabbage, as it perfectly burns fats. You can also add cucumbers, carrots, onions, lettuce leaves, greens, tomatoes to the salad. As a dressing, it is better to use olive oil or freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • The third day. Another drinking day. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations related to the first day of the diet.
  • Fourth day. This day is fruity. Moreover, the use of fruits in any quantities is allowed. Particular attention should be paid to grapefruit, which is recognized as a natural fat burner. For the first half of the day, leave all sweet fruits, namely bananas, oranges, grapes. But in the second half you can please yourself with apples, kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit.
  • Fifth day. Its name is protein. That is, you make up the menu only from products that include a large amount of protein. Eggs, chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt are allowed. Distribute the products as follows: cottage cheese or yogurt for breakfast, eggs for lunch, and leave the fillet for dinner. Cabbage can serve as a side dish (minimum amount).
  • Sixth day. Again, only liquid is allowed. See recommendations for the first day.
  • Seventh day. These days are dedicated to the correct and safe way out of the "Beloved" diet. The menu should be limited, but it can already be diversified. For example, for breakfast, eat a couple of eggs and drink a cup of tea. A snack can be represented by fruit. And for lunch, cook vegetable soup. Then you can have a snack with fruit, and for dinner eat vegetable salad.

Table: menu for the week

diet day Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
1 day 150 ml yogurt200 ml chicken broth without salt200 ml unsweetened tea250 ml kefir
2 day 2 fresh cucumbersSalad of cucumbers, fresh cabbage and herbs2 small tomatoesCucumber, Tomato and Pepper Salad
3 day 200 ml fruit juice or unsweetened compote200 ml chicken brothvegetable juice200 ml kefir
Day 4 1 banana, grapesFruit salad of oranges, kiwi and apples2 applesPineapple or grapefruit
Day 5 Steam omelet of 3 whites and 1 yolk100 g lentils, 200 g boiled chicken filletFish on the Prue (low-fat variety)150 g cottage cheese
Day 6 200 ml unsweetened tea. Fruit smoothies are also allowed.200 ml chicken brothMilkshake with berries200 ml kefir
Day 7 Apple, 2 boiled eggs, grapefruitPea or chicken soup (low fat)BananaCucumber and tomato salad (you can add olive oil), steamed fish

Reviews claim that it does not cause any particular moral anguish, and if you tune in to the result, everyone is quite capable of surviving it. But in the end, you will see minus 10 kilograms on the scales. The main thing after leaving the diet is to remember the measure, and not start eating everything.

onion soup diet

The essence of this food system boils down to the fact that every day there should be a miracle soup on the menu, which is prepared according to a special recipe. The whole secret is that among the components of this dish are greens and onions, which contribute to the speedy breakdown of fats.

Easy to make onion soup. You will need to cut a head of cabbage, onions (6 pieces large size), tomatoes (2 pieces), bell peppers (2 pieces), parsley and celery (one bunch each). All this is folded into a saucepan and filled with water. The soup should boil and simmer for 10 minutes. The resulting dish must be used every day.

Here is an example menu:

  • Monday. You eat onion soup and fruits in unlimited quantities. Believe me, you will not want to eat a lot, as the dish is quite satisfying. And also choose low-calorie fruits, giving up grapes and bananas.
  • Tuesday. Now vegetables are added to the soup. You can eat them raw or stew them. Do not add oil or salt to this.
  • Wednesday. It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and, of course, soup all day. Avoid potatoes.
  • Thursday. Same as Wednesday, but you can add 1 banana.
  • Friday. Soup should be consumed with tomatoes and lean meat. Per day it is allowed to eat 400 gr. chicken fillet, and tomatoes - in any quantity.
  • Saturday. The same as on Friday, but only tomatoes should be replaced with cabbage, lettuce, bell pepper and cucumbers.
  • Sunday. Quite a busy day. Vegetables, juices from fruits and unclean are added to the soup. rice.

By following the soup recipe and recommendations for making a diet for every day, you can achieve excellent results - losing 10 kilograms per week. It is very important to exclude alcohol, but water should be drunk no less than 2.5-3 liters per day. Onion soup should be eaten three times a day - for example, in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Buckwheat diet

Having arranged for yourself, you can easily get rid of 10 kilograms of excess weight. This cereal is low-carbohydrate, therefore it makes it possible to achieve such excellent results. You should definitely consult a doctor, as the diet is planned to be extremely limited - only buckwheat cooked in a special way, and liquid.

First option

The easiest cooking option is to pour a glass of cereal with one and a half glasses of boiling water. After a few minutes, the water must be drained, and then the cereal should be poured with new boiling water again. In this form, leave the dish until tomorrow morning. As a result, the next day, divide the amount of porridge received into 5 equal parts and consume during the day. Before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon.

This system also allows a "liquid" diet. It includes green teas, plain and mineral water without gas, vitamin teas, and black tea. You can add some homemade vegetable juices.

Second option

If you just don’t like buckwheat, you can try the option with the addition of kefir. An example menu might look like this:

  • For breakfast, 50 grams of cereal is poured with a glass of kefir (it is better to do this in the evening so that you can eat it right away in the morning).
  • Breakfast number 2 - drink a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch - you can eat 50 grams of buckwheat and drink a glass of yogurt (necessarily fat-free).
  • Dinner is the same as in the morning.

If you follow all the recommendations, then it is quite possible to lose 10 kilograms in 7 days. The main condition for success is the successful choice of "your" product for a mono-diet. That is, if you cannot stand buckwheat, you are unlikely to be able to withstand such a seven-day marathon.

Recommended during such a diet, take multivitamins. If you are completely unbearable, one secret will help you not to break loose: you can eat a couple of pieces of prunes or dried apricots, fresh cabbage salad, an apple, greens.

Here are 12 more tips to help you lose weight quickly and effectively:

During any diet, the stomach decreases in size, so a sharp exit from it threatens not only with a set of lost kilograms, but also with a deterioration in well-being. Therefore, it is worth limiting yourself within reason for some time.

What diet do you think is the most effective?

The essence of the super diet for weight loss

A super effective diet gives a breathtaking result, every day those who want to lose weight lose one kilogram. How safe is it for health? Is the super diet really that effective?

Super diet is designed for 10 days, the result ranges from 8-10 kg for the period of dietary compliance. The secret of the diet is that in one day it is allowed to eat only one product in the amount of 1 kg. Many nutritionists probably shrug their shoulders and say that such a diet would be unsafe for health, but if this is the only way to become slim and beautiful, then why not try.

Attention: at the first signs of malaise and feeling unwell, it is important to immediately seek qualified medical help.

Quick weight loss rules

So, as mentioned earlier, the main rule for fast weight loss with a light diet is to reduce portions of food. Try to eat products of natural origin, containing a minimum of preservatives.
Strictly follow the diet. Make a schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And eat according to a set schedule.

Thus, the body will adapt better to absorb and process food, because it will know at what time it will need to process food.

The next rule is to refuse or reduce to a minimum the salt content in food. Salt, of course, gives taste to food, but it retains fluid in the body and contributes to its even greater accumulation. Therefore, eating salt, losing weight will be very problematic.

It can easily be replaced with other natural ingredients, such as: bay leaf (when cooked), onion, garlic, other herbal spices (only natural).

Each individual light diet may have a different menu, but they all have one thing in common - eating in small quantities. Even if you eat a little more often than usual, the main thing to remember is that each serving should not exceed 200 grams.

Super diet for effective fat burning

The diet menu looks something like this:

  • the first day - boiled potatoes;
  • the second is fresh cabbage;
  • the third is boiled beets;
  • the fourth is raw carrots;
  • fifth - apples;
  • sixth - fresh cucumbers;
  • seventh - repeat of the fifth day;
  • eighth - 1.5 liters of milk;
  • ninth - kefir 1.5 l;
  • tenth - boiled rice - 100g.

Numerous reviews of those who have lost weight indicate that it is not difficult to maintain such a diet, the main thing is to set yourself up mentally and physically, do not think about sweets and do not drink alcohol, which will completely cross out all attempts to become slim and fit.

And for those who want to lose another 10 kg over the next week, there is another daily menu that will help you easily get through this entire period and get stable high results.

Monday - a piece of boiled beef - 200 g, one egg and 2 tomatoes.
Tuesday - half less beef, 2 apples, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice, unsweetened herbal tea.
Wednesday - the same amount of beef, a piece of rye bread, 2 pears and apples each.
Thursday - beef, bread, 2 eggs and half a liter of kefir.
Friday - a portion of potatoes, 700 g of apples, kefir.
Saturday - boiled chicken meat, 300g, 2 eggs and 2 cucumbers, unsweetened green tea.
Sunday - 2 apples, 4 boiled potatoes, a glass of kefir.

What foods are prohibited during the diet

As mentioned above, you can eat everything, but in smaller portions. The word "everything" should not be taken literally as "anything". There are products that dieticians strongly do not recommend for people who are overweight or on a diet.

Deny yourself the use of pickles and salty foods. Retaining water, salt causes not only an additional load on the human heart, but also provokes the deposition of fat cells.

Keep your sugar intake to a minimum. Sugar is actually very bad. Sugar-containing products (cakes, cakes, sweets, etc.) are absorbed very quickly inside the body and fatty tissues and deposits are formed from them. It also contributes to the growth of cholesterol in the blood and negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas.

Another component that is banned is starch. Try to avoid foods containing starch. Such food products include: potatoes, bread (from the highest grades of flour) and others.

The most effective diet for weight loss

Perhaps, of all diets, this is the most effective. It's called the jockey diet.
It is quite tough, so get ready for the fact that you may feel a little dizzy and experience a breakdown. Try to set aside time for this diet when you are not required to high costs energy. It is best if you are at home during this time.

So, this effective diet will quickly drive you up to five extra pounds in three days if you stick to the following diet:

On the first day, one small baked chicken will serve as your food. The skin must be removed from it. Bake without salt and spices. Divide it into three meals. Eat nothing else!
- On the second day, the diet is tightened. Your entire diet for the day is a 300-gram piece of baked veal, which is divided into portions of 100 grams.
- The third day is the hardest. On this day, you can drink natural coffee 4-5 times without adding sugar and milk.

If you can hold out in this mode for three days, this express diet will exceed all your expectations.

Effective diets for fast weight loss

We have selected only the best for you. Let's look at each in detail.

Vegetarian diet

With this diet, you can build up to three kilograms in three days.
It is based, as the name implies, on the diet of vegetables and fruits. You can forget about other products, including milk, eggs and cheeses for this time.

This diet has undoubted advantages. In addition to losing weight quickly, you will cleanse the intestines and get a good portion of vitamins.

The first and third days consist exclusively of vegetables, and the second - only fruits. Below is a detailed menu.

Vegetable days:

For breakfast, bake four medium-sized tomatoes in the oven, drink vegetable juice and coffee.
- For lunch, choose one of the dishes: fresh cucumber salad with green onions or green leaf lettuce, drink tea.
- For dinner, boil or stew cabbage with spinach with a teaspoon of lemon juice and drink tea with lemon.

fruit day:

For breakfast, prepare yourself a salad of grated fresh apple with the addition of citrus fruits (grapefruit or orange) and drink tea or coffee.
- Have lunch with the same salad and half a medium-sized melon.
- For dinner, eat the same as for lunch

This simple diet will help you lose weight quickly. There will be a feeling of hunger, but you can endure three days for the sake of harmony.

Buckwheat diet

A gentle, but at the same time effective diet, with which you can get rid of four extra pounds in a week.

All this time you will eat exclusively buckwheat, washing it down with green tea and kefir.
Buckwheat should be prepared as follows: in the evening, rinse a glass of dry cereal and pour two glasses of boiling water over it. Wrap up well. This is all your food for the next day - no more, no less.
In the morning, divide the porridge into several meals.
This is a very effective diet for 7 days.

Kefir diet

This is one of the most popular diets at the moment. There is a kefir diet, in which only kefir is allowed to drink. And for unprepared people, nutritionists have thought out an easier way to harmony. It differs in that on certain days, in addition to kefir, you can use another product.

On the first, second and third day, in addition to kefir, you can eat boiled rice.
- On the fourth, fifth and sixth day, you can add boiled chicken to the diet, from which you must first remove the skin.
- For the next three days, add apples to your daily menu.

Rapid weight loss on this diet will be about six kilograms in nine days. And this is a very good result.

Diet on prunes

Nutritionists often hear the question: What is the most effective diet? Well, what is the answer to it. All this is purely individual, as different organisms need different products.
But there are diets that give great results, no matter what.

For example, a diet on prunes. This product has a number of undeniable advantages, such as low calorie content, mild laxative effect, high content of potassium and other trace elements. Due to this, the prunes diet can be called a kind of therapeutic diet aimed at cleansing the intestines from toxins and strengthening the heart.

According to some women, this best diet for fast weight loss.

You need to follow it for four days, during which you will lose about four kilograms of excess weight. In this article, we provide the exact menu for all four days of the diet. If you want to achieve visible results, in no case deviate from it.

First day:
- In the morning you need to eat one boiled egg, grapefruit, drink a cup of tea and eat two pieces of prunes.
- For lunch, cook borscht without adding potatoes. You can take a piece of bread, but only black. Add two walnut kernels and 8 pieces of prunes to dinner.
- In the evening, you can refresh your strength with a small portion of baked or boiled fish with egg, orange and tea.

Second day:
- Breakfast we have today is very modest - just a small piece of cheese and two prunes.
- But the lunch is quite satisfying: a plate of cabbage soup without potatoes, a slice of black bread and a 100-gram piece of beef.
- For dinner, we eat only a light vegetable salad and 4 pieces of prunes.

The third day:
- Breakfast is light but pleasant. Allow yourself a small sandwich of diet bread with a slice of ham and cheese and complement your breakfast with three prunes.
- For lunch, as always, vegetable soup. In addition to it are: a small piece of black bread, a tomato, one potato (boiled in their skins) and two prunes.
- For dinner, drink a glass of milk or yogurt, supplementing it with a small piece of bread and five prunes.

Fourth day:
- For breakfast, eat half a glass of oatmeal with milk (no need to cook) and four prunes.
- For lunch we have a plate of borscht, a slice of bread, fresh cucumber and tomato, and two prunes.
- We complete the menu with a small black bread sandwich with ham, a handful of raisins and six pieces of prunes.

This diet is fast and effective, it is easy enough to follow, as there is no feeling of hunger.

Diet by time of day

This diet is designed specifically for those women who are unable to withstand the conditions of a strict diet.
And it consists in a reasonable distribution of food during the day.

In the morning, the metabolism in our body is at its peak, which means that it is at this time that you can eat quite satisfyingly and plentifully. But you still need to watch what you eat. You can eat lean fish or ham.

During the day, you need a lot of energy and therefore this is not the right time for hunger. Eat your fill of fish and any vegetable salad again.

It is undesirable to eat in the evening, but you can “deceive” your hunger by snacking on fruit and drinking tea.

This effective diet for a week will help you lose weight without feeling hungry.
The result of weight loss is not fixed, everything will depend on what you eat. The lower the calorie content of food, the more noticeable the result.

Salt-free diet for four days

Created specifically for those who do not have time to prepare complex dishes. With its help, you can throw off up to five kilograms of excess weight.

The main condition of this easy diet for quick weight loss is not to overeat.
During this diet, you can not eat salt, oil, sugar and alcohol. You can eat to your full, but only one certain food per day. So, what kind of food is allowed.

First day: on this day you are allowed to eat only boiled potatoes without salt and oil. You can drink any drink that does not contain sugar.

Second day: on this day we eat only boiled pasta without salt and oil. We drink any drinks without sugar.

Third day: the menu of this easy day diet for fast weight loss is chicken boiled meat. You can drink, as usual, any drinks without sugar.

Fourth day: on this day we eat potatoes again. We drink sugar-free drinks.

We looked at very short diets that get rid of two to six kilograms of excess weight. Let's move on to longer diets.

Express diet for three days

Express diet for three days will help you lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in just three days. In addition to losing weight, you perfectly cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. All three days of the diet are identical.

In the morning, after waking up, drink a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. Wait 15 minutes and have breakfast with a glass of milk with one tablespoon of cocoa and honey. This is the fastest diet, and you will have to limit yourself in food.

Eat a grapefruit shortly before dinner. After fifteen minutes, have lunch with a small portion of boiled fish or chicken. For a side dish, you can eat a vegetable salad with olive oil.

The rest of the day you can only drink vegetable broth. To prepare it, pour one and a half liters of water into a saucepan, crumble a kilogram of leeks into it, half as many tomatoes and carrots. Sprinkle in some cumin seeds. Boil for twenty minutes, then strain. You can drink as much as you like, but the last dose should be no later than two hours before bedtime.

This most effective and fastest diet will give you a slender figure in three days if you follow all the instructions.

Ten-day diet for weight loss by 10 kg

The most effective diet for weight loss, which gives weight loss up to ten kilograms, is designed for ten days. Such results are guaranteed for people with a significant excess weight. For the rest, they will be a little less.

It is worth immediately warning that the diet is quite tough and not everyone can withstand it. But if you have a great desire to lose weight, then stop on it.

During the diet, all foods containing carbohydrates are excluded, except for one day. Another condition is a large amount of liquid drunk per day. All food is divided into several receptions. You need to eat every two hours.

So, the diet will quickly get rid of the hated folds on the sides if you stick to the following diet:

Day 1: Only boiled eggs can be eaten on this day. Five eggs are allocated per day. Salt should not be eaten.

Second day: on the second day it is allowed to eat only boiled fish without salt in small portions.

Third day: Boil a large skinless chicken breast.

Fourth day: boil five potatoes without salt.

Fifth day: half a kilo of boiled chicken or beef

Sixth day: any fruit, except bananas.

Seventh day: any vegetables.

Eighth day: half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese.

Ninth day: one and a half liters of kefir.

Tenth day: decoction of rose hips.

If you decide to quickly lose weight by 10 kilograms, then try to ensure that the portions at each meal are equal, and the interval between meals is two hours.

From the diet you need to go out gradually, daily increasing the amount of carbohydrates. It is desirable that the exit lasted at least a week. Otherwise, the weight may return.

If you have a chronic disease, then before the diet, talk to your doctor about the presence of contraindications.

Is it possible to lose weight quickly: reviews

So we reviewed all the most popular fast weight loss diets. Reviews about them confirm that it is quite possible to lose weight quickly. The human body is individual and a certain diet may help one person, but not bring any benefit to another. Therefore, choose the most effective diets for weight loss, based on the characteristics of your body. Most of those who have been on fast diets say that they require a lot of willpower, but the result is pleasing. The main thing is to gradually return to a normal diet, and not to eat up on the very first day after the diet.

10 extra pounds spoil your perfect figure? It's time to get rid of them! Find out how long it takes to do this, how to eat in order to gain harmony, and whether exercising will speed up the process of losing weight.

Being overweight is a problem for many people. And although many of them suffer from obesity, which requires long-term professional treatment, in most cases overweight is about 10 kg. You can get rid of them yourself for quite a short term- from 1 week to 1 month. Therefore, diets for weight loss by 10 kg are the most popular among those who want to bring their weight back to normal.

Features of losing weight by 10 kg

There are many options for effective methods designed to get rid of so many kilograms. They differ in duration, severity of restrictions, a set of products, the direction of the impact on the body and other parameters. It is only necessary to choose the optimal diet and diet for yourself, which will not cause discomfort, harm the body and at the same time allow you to quickly achieve the intended results.

When choosing a weight loss technique, it should be borne in mind that with such a quick and rather large weight loss - in 7 or 10 days minus 10 kg - the diet will be unsafe for health and have whole line contraindications. Therefore, it must be used very carefully, extremely rarely and only when absolutely necessary.

According to experts, even 1 month is a fairly short time to get rid of so much excess weight. However, this option is more acceptable, since it allows you to make a completely balanced menu with the correct ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, but with almost complete exclusion of fats.

In general, when choosing a method of losing weight by 10 kg, regardless of the duration of the diet, it is recommended to take into account several nuances:

  • products that dominate the menu;
  • tolerance and likelihood allergic reactions for permitted products;
  • existing contraindications.

It is also necessary to understand that very fast and effective methods that allow you to lose 10 kg in a few days are usually not the best in terms of effect on the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to find such a weight loss option that will optimally combine all the benefits and at the same time minimize the harm caused to health by all restrictions. Having decided on how long it takes to get the desired result, you need to choose a diet that is suitable in duration and, of course, corresponding to taste preferences.

Types of diets according to severity

Of the whole variety of diets for quick weight loss by 10 kg, there are several of the most effective, which include:

  • strict - the most rigid of all;
  • cleansing - softer;
  • for the lazy - the most sparing.

Of course, the most effective of all is a strict mega diet that allows you to lose 10 kg in 7 days.


Strict diets are called, the diet of which consists of a minimum amount of low-calorie foods that help cleanse the body, remove fluid and increase fat burning. The most common options for such weight loss methods are rigid mono-diets, in which the menu is limited to 1-2 products.

Essence and rules

The effectiveness of a strict technique is due to the creation of a calorie deficit, due to which, to obtain the necessary energy, one's own fat reserves begin to break down. The calorie content of the daily diet in this case depends on the characteristics of the body, but most often it is in the range of 800–1200 kcal.

The advantage of a strict diet is only rapid weight loss - 10 kg can be lost in just 1 week. But this happens mainly due to the high-quality cleansing of the intestines and the removal of excess water from the tissues.

The disadvantages of this technique are much more. With frequent use, the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and exacerbation of any chronic diseases increases significantly. In addition, with such a rapid weight loss, the lost kilograms often return, and with a makeweight, and excessive dietary restrictions are rather difficult to endure.

To achieve maximum results and reduce discomfort, in the process of losing weight, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • to reduce the feeling of hunger, increase the number of meals should be increased up to 6–7 times, and single servings should be reduced to 200–250 g;
  • do not use any other foods other than those allowed, especially with a mono-diet;
  • to speed up the purification processes, you should drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day.

In terms of duration, strict diets are usually 3-10 days long, but it takes at least 1 week to get rid of 10 kg.

sample menu

There are quite a few varieties of a strict menu on which you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. In fact, you can lose weight on any useful product or a combination of them, the main thing is to significantly reduce the energy value of the diet. The optimal duration of the technique, which allows you to get rid of such a number of kilograms, is 7-10 days.

For 7 days

Even the toughest weekly diet is presented in two versions:

  1. Daily use 1.5-2 liters of kefir and the same amount of pure water.
  2. Every day, instead of kefir, eat 1 kg of apples.

There is also another menu designed for 7 days and a loss of 10 kg:

When choosing a diet, it should be borne in mind that each of them is practically starvation, which is not only accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger, but also creates powerful stress for the body. In addition, before the start of the 7-day weight loss period, you need to go through the preparatory stage. To do this, within 1 week, you should gradually reduce the amount of food consumed, giving up all junk food. And after the end of the diet, you will have to gradually leave it for at least 2 more weeks, observing a low-calorie diet and adding 1-2 products per day.

For 10 days

The menu of the 10-day strict diet is more varied, but due to too many restrictions, it is also quite difficult to tolerate. Throughout the entire period, every day you need to eat only 1 product according to the following scheme:

In addition to these products, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

If you need to get rid of 10 kg in 10 days, the diet should be as strict as possible. Therefore, any flavoring additives are excluded, and the salad is allowed to fill only with lemon juice.

On onion soup

This diet option is based on the use of onion soup, prepared according to a special recipe and has strong fat-burning properties. To get rid of 10 kg, you need to eat it within 1 week.

For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 6 bulbs;
  • 1 small head of cabbage (or half a large one)
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 bunch of celery.

Cut everything into small cubes, pour 3 liters of cold water, do not salt, do not pepper. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat until tender. In addition to soup, you can eat raw plant foods throughout the day.


A strict Japanese diet is designed for 14 days and a loss of 10 kg. During the entire period, you need to eat only certain foods, which include:

  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • cottage cheese.

The ratio may be as follows:

  • breakfast - coffee;
  • lunch - stewed cabbage, 2 boiled eggs, tomato juice;
  • dinner - fish or meat.

To properly exit a strict diet, you must:

  • the first week after the end of weight loss, eat only vegetables, fruits and dishes from them;
  • from the second week you can enter meat on the menu;
  • increase the caloric content of the diet gradually - every day by 150 kcal.

The result of such strict dietary restrictions will be rapid and effective weight loss, as well as bowel cleansing.


Using this method, you can get rid of 10 kg in 3 weeks, but on a more gentle, although also quite “hungry” menu. In the first 2 days, only 2 liters of milk and 2 slices of wholemeal bread are allowed. Then for 19 days you need to eat as follows:

  • breakfast - apples (2-3 pieces depending on the size);
  • lunch - vegetable soup, fresh vegetables;
  • snack - fruits;
  • dinner - vegetable cutting.

In fact, the English diet is fruit and vegetable, so it supplies the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and can be observed for 3 weeks.

When choosing such strict diets, it must be borne in mind that they can be used only in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, various chronic diseases and other serious health disorders. If there are any contraindications, it is better to lose weight on milder cleansing techniques.


A weight loss program based on cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid, although less rigid than strict options, is also characterized by low calorie content. This is due to the fact that the diet should not only remove all unnecessary, but also force the body to burn its own fat reserves.

Essence and rules

For cleansing nutrition, products are used that contribute to the high-quality removal of toxins and harmful salts, eliminate the effects of intoxication of the body, and reduce the volume of problem areas of the body.

The rules of this methodology provide:

  • complete rejection of animal products, fatty, fried, smoked, sweet and other high-calorie foods;
  • the use of cereals, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products;
  • compliance with the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of useful liquid (water, unsweetened herbal teas) per day;
  • 4 meals a day in small (200–250 g) portions;
  • The last meal is 4 hours before bedtime.

The main advantage of such a dietary cleansing is minus 10 kg in 10 days, along with the improvement of almost all organs and systems, as well as an improvement in appearance and general well-being.

sample menu

The basis of such a diet is vegetable broth, which is prepared at the rate of 400 g of vegetables (carrots, celery, cabbage) per 1.5 liters of water. The menu itself should be compiled according to the following scheme:

  • in the morning - a portion of oatmeal boiled in water;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable broth, cabbage salad, ginger tea;
  • snack - carrot juice;
  • in the evening - vegetable broth, grated apple with yogurt, ginger tea.
  • in the morning - buckwheat porridge, vegetable slices, kefir;
  • in the afternoon - a decoction of vegetables, 2 boiled potatoes, cucumbers;
  • snack - fresh fruit;
  • in the evening - fruit salad with pumpkin seeds, herbal tea.
  • in the morning - vegetable broth, buckwheat;
  • in the afternoon - rice porridge, carrot salad, fruit broth;
  • snack - fresh berries;
  • in the evening - vegetable broth, cabbage salad.
  • in the morning - fruit salad with nuts and rice, yogurt;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable broth, rice with dried fruits;
  • snack - fresh fruit;
  • in the evening - vegetable broth, buckwheat.
  • in the morning - rice, ginger tea;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable broth, boiled beans, chopped cabbage with oil-lemon dressing;
  • snack - vegetable broth;
  • in the evening - vegetable stew with rice, ginger tea with lemon.

There are no significant drawbacks to such a cleansing diet. But the diet will have to be controlled by giving up the usual dishes, as well as adjusting your lifestyle to it. If this is too difficult, it is better to use a special technique, which is called so - for the lazy.

For the lazy

Since the desire to lose weight is often hindered by the inability to follow a meal schedule or prepare special meals, nutritionists offer a special weight loss system for the lazy, with which you can get rid of 10 kg, and also maintain your weight in the future.

Essence and rules

The main secret of the effectiveness of the "Lazy" diet and its basic rule is 2 glasses of warm water, which must be drunk before each meal. At the same time, no dietary restrictions can be adhered to.

The essence of this method is that water fills the stomach, reduces the feeling of hunger and, accordingly, the amount of food consumed. In addition, the intake of water in large quantities stimulates the metabolism, preventing the deposition of fats.

sample menu

Meals should be 3 times a day. At the same time, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can eat the usual food without changing your diet. But before each of them you need to drink 2 glasses of warm water. If a strong feeling of hunger appears during the breaks, a snack is allowed, but only before it you also need to drink 1 glass of warm water.

After eating, any liquid can be drunk only after 2 hours. It is advisable to limit the use of sweets and starchy foods, then the effectiveness of losing weight will be maximum.

It should be borne in mind that the intake of a large amount of water into the body leads to the leaching of minerals, so the entire period must be taken with a mineral complex. For the same reason, the lazy diet is not suitable for kidney problems.

In addition to the diets described, for losing 10 kg in a short period of time, you can use other, very popular methods, choosing them according to your taste preferences. These include weight loss systems on protein or vegetarian products, various cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.

Types of diets by composition

Nutrition systems based on products that promote weight loss are considered very effective - kefir, water, cereal cereals, protein and plant foods. At the same time, a protein diet is considered the most effective and non-hungry.


The protein diet gives excellent results in terms of losing 10 kg in 10 days, because it allows you not only to lose weight, but also to keep your muscles in good shape. At the same time, the use of proteins provides fast and long-term saturation.

Essence and rules

The mechanism of action of protein weight loss methods is based on the almost complete rejection of carbohydrates and the maximum use of proteins. At the same time, the food turns out to be quite diverse, saturated with many substances necessary for the body, and also quickly gives a visible result without the risk of returning the lost kilograms.

A 10 kg protein diet for weight loss is based on the following rules:

  • complex carbohydrates provided for in the diet can be consumed before 2:00 pm, it is best if it is buckwheat or oatmeal in an amount not exceeding 7 tbsp. l. in a day;
  • meals should be 6 times a day with breaks of 2-3 hours;
  • when cooking, you can not use fats, and their allowable daily intake is 35 g, this is 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for dressing ready meals;
  • to improve the taste, as seasonings, only lemon juice or balsamic vinegar is allowed.

A feature of any such weight loss system is that the consumption of proteins in large quantities must necessarily be combined with increased energy costs, that is, with active physical activity.

sample menu

To lose 10 kg on a protein diet, it usually takes 1 to 4 weeks depending on the amount excess weight body and body features. In this case, the menu is offered for 7 days, and it should be repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the goal.


  • 10:00 - 150 g of rice porridge;
  • 13:00 - 200 g of lean meat (veal);
  • 16:00 - 200 g of vegetable slices;
  • 19:00 - 2 eggs, 250 g of fish;
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 glass of fresh juice (citrus or apple).
  • 7:00 - coffee or tea (possible with milk);
  • 10:00 - cottage cheese (150 g);
  • 13:00 - half a chicken breast, 150 g of buckwheat;
  • 19:00 - scrambled eggs (2 eggs), fish (150 g);
  • 7:00 - cocoa in milk;
  • 10:00 - fish (200 g);
  • 13:00 - rice or buckwheat (150 g), seafood (100 g);
  • 16:00 - vegetable stew with rice (200 g);
  • 19:00 - scrambled eggs (2 eggs), lean meat (150 g);
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 glass of fresh juice (fruit or vegetable).
  • 7:00 - fruit or vegetable broth;
  • 10:00 - 1 breast;
  • 13:00 - rice and vegetable soup, 1 slice of rye bread;
  • 16:00 - vegetable cutting (200 g);
  • 19:00 - fish (200 g), 2 eggs;
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 2 apples.
  • 7:00 - kefir, 1 cracker;
  • 10:00 - vegetable stew with rice (200 g);
  • 13:00 - 2 potatoes, fish (150 g);
  • 16:00 - cottage cheese (200 g);
  • 19:00 - 100 g lamb, 2 eggs;
  • 2 hours before bedtime - vegetables (200 g).
  • 7:00 - any drink;
  • 10:00 - 1 cracker (bread), 2 eggs;
  • 13:00 - buckwheat (150 g), meat (100 g);
  • 16:00 - vegetable cutting (200 g);
  • 19:00 - fish (200 g), cottage cheese (150 g);
  • 2 hours before bedtime - any fermented milk drink.


  • 7:00 - any fermented milk drink or milk;
  • 10:00 - fish (200 g), tomato juice;
  • 13:00 - rice (150 g), lean meat (150 g);
  • 16:00 - vegetable cutting (200 g);
  • 19:00 - scrambled eggs, 2 apples;
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 glass of fresh juice (orange or carrot).

In the indicated diet, you can change dishes to equivalent ones in terms of group and calorie content. But in the afternoon, it is recommended to eat only vegetables and protein foods. If for some reason it is impossible to lose weight on protein foods of animal origin, you can use an equally effective vegetarian weight loss system.


There are different types of vegetarianism:

  • veganism - a complete rejection of any food of animal origin;
  • lacto-vegetarianism - the use of plant foods and milk is allowed;
  • lacto-ovo vegetarian - eggs are allowed in addition to milk.

In accordance with this division, several varieties of vegetarian diets have been developed. Any of these methods is great for losing weight and, most importantly, cleansing the body, not only for vegetarians, but also for anyone who wants to lose weight and at the same time improve their health. Vegetarian nutrition allows you to get rid of 10 kg for a different period of time - from 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the diet.

Essence and rules

The principles of vegetarianism include the rejection of all or some animal products. For many people, this method of nutrition is not a diet, but a life ideology. But also on it you can quite effectively normalize body weight, if you reduce the calorie content of the diet.

The rules for all types of vegetarian methods are the same:

  • you can use only approved products;
  • food should be 4 times a day, in small portions;
  • the diet should be made up mainly of cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, and in some cases - low-fat dairy products, as well as eggs;
  • obligatory is the observance of the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of useful liquid per day (pure water, herbal infusions, fresh juices).

In order for the process of losing weight to be as effective as possible, you should even give up healthy sweets - honey, dried fruits. It is also recommended to increase physical activity.

sample menu

When compiling a diet, it is desirable to give preference to products that are not subjected to heat treatment. They are not only more useful, but often less high-calorie. Only lemon juice can be used for dressing vegetable slices.


Vegan food is considered the most limited in terms of a set of products. But even it has at least 2 options - only on vegetables and fruits or with the addition of cereals.

Option 1

The menu can be arbitrarily composed of vegetables, fruits, berries. You can use them at the same time, but the alternation of vegetable and fruit meals or even days is most effective.

An example diet would be:

  • on an empty stomach - apples, citrus fresh;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable stew, tomato juice;
  • snack - fruit salad;
  • in the evening - vegetable salad.

The diet menu is quite strict, but useful in terms of cleansing, saturating with vitamins, getting rid of excess weight. To lose 10 kg, 7 days on such a diet will be enough. It is not recommended to observe it for a longer time, since severe metabolic stress for the body is possible.

Option 2

The introduction of cereals into the diet greatly facilitates the process of losing weight, but somewhat reduces its effectiveness. It is recommended to eat according to the following scheme:

  • on an empty stomach - oatmeal, fresh fruit;
  • in the afternoon - buckwheat, vegetables;
  • snack - fruits (berries);
  • in the evening - vegetables, vegetable fresh.

To get rid of 10 kg, it will take at least 10 days on such a diet. In general, a vegan diet is recommended during the summer, when plant-based foods are available in a wide variety and are inexpensive.


The diet in this case consists of the same products as the previous one, only dairy and lactic acid products are added to them, which makes the food more varied and healthy. The presence of protein contributes to:

  • maintenance of muscle tissue;
  • reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • longer saturation.

You can take the following menu as a basis:

  • in the morning - oatmeal, tea with milk;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable stew with rice, fresh fruit;
  • snack - cottage cheese, kefir;
  • in the evening - vegetable salad, 1 apple.

This version of the vegetarian weight loss method is designed for 2 weeks, during which it will also take up to 10 extra pounds, but with a more gentle menu.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian

This method of losing weight is called a vegetarian version of the Kremlin diet, from which it differs only in the absence of meat and fish. You should also follow a few special rules:

  • prohibited - coffee, alcohol, hot spices, all products harmful to the figure;
  • lunch - the most nutritious and satisfying;
  • breakfast - carbohydrate due to honey or dried fruits;
  • dinner - meager, preferably vegetable.

On such a diet, 10 kg per month go quite easily and without harm to health.

To compile a weekly menu, the following example is used:

  • in the morning - 150 g of oatmeal with honey, tea or yogurt;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable soup, 150 g barley, vegetables, 1 slice of bran (whole grain) bread;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs, 200 g of baked vegetables.
  • in the morning - an omelet, 50 g of dried fruits, tea;
  • in the afternoon - a mix of vegetables with celery, 2 slices of bran bread, 2 potatoes, yogurt;
  • afternoon snack - natural yogurt;
  • in the evening - 150 g of zucchini caviar, tomato juice.
  • in the morning - 2 apples, 150 g of cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • in the afternoon - a serving of soy soup, 50 g of cheese, 150 g of vegetable stew with rice, 1 orange;
  • afternoon snack - kefir;
  • in the evening - 150 g of stewed mushrooms with vegetables, tomato juice.
  • in the morning - scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, 2 apples, kefir;
  • in the afternoon - 2 potatoes, 150 g of beans, 1 slice of bread, 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • in the evening - 200 g of pepper stuffed with vegetables, tomato juice.
  • in the morning - oatmeal with honey, 1 banana, kefir;
  • in the afternoon - soup with lentils, 200 g cabbage, 100 g buckwheat, 2 pears;
  • afternoon snack - ryazhenka;
  • in the evening - 200 g of stewed vegetables, tomato juice.
  • in the morning - 200 g of cottage cheese with honey and berries, kefir;
  • in the afternoon - borscht, vinaigrette, 2 slices of bread, 1 apple;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • in the evening - stewed cabbage, tomato juice.
  • in the morning - 200 g of cottage cheese casserole, 1 orange, tea;
  • in the afternoon - a portion of vegetable soup, 150 g of boiled rice, 50 g of cheese, kefir;
  • afternoon snack - 2 apples;
  • in the evening - vegetable casserole, 2 eggs, tomato juice.

All subsequent weeks until the expiration of the monthly period of weight loss, approximately the same menu should be repeated. Dishes in the list can be interchanged, alternated arbitrarily, but taking into account the rules described above.

Since any vegetarian diet actively cleanses the body, it is extremely important to drink enough water when following it, even if you do not feel thirsty. In general, the correct drinking regimen is one of the most important conditions for effective weight loss. There is even a special water diet that allows you to lose 10 kg in 7 days.


The mechanism of action of this weight loss technique is based on the use of a large amount of pure water on a schedule. Water is the main participant in all body processes, therefore, without it, it becomes impossible to effective work. In addition, quite often the feeling of hunger is confused with thirst, and it is enough to drink plain water to drown out the appetite. That is why the water diet gives excellent results - minus 10 kg in 7 days.

Essence and rules

The whole point of the technique comes down to two rules:

  • drinking water according to the established schedule;
  • switching to a balanced diet.

Drink should be normal clean water room temperature, observing the following recommendations:

  • for 1 reception drink 200 ml of water in small sips;
  • the first use - immediately after getting up, 30 minutes before breakfast;
  • then - 30 minutes before each meal and 30 minutes after it;
  • You can't drink while eating.

The total amount of water drunk per day must be brought to 3–3.5 liters. After 19:00 food intake stops, only water is allowed.

sample menu

The diet is made up of the following products:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • fish - boiled or baked;
  • lean meat prepared in the same way;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) on the water;
  • fat-free dairy products.

The menu for each day will be as follows:

  • 7:00 - 150 g of porridge, 1 apple;
  • 10:00 - 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • every hour - 1 tbsp. water (total 3 cups);
  • 13:00 - 200 g of meat or fish broth, 150 g of vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • every hour - 1 tbsp. water (total 3 cups);
  • 16:00 - 1-2 fruits (you can have a handful of berries or 30 g of dried fruits);
  • every hour - 1 tbsp. water (total 3 cups);
  • 19:00 - 200 g of raw vegetables, 200 g of lean meat or fish;
  • every hour - 1 tbsp. water (total 3 cups).

After a week of dieting, the body gets used to this regimen and begins to require water regularly. It is necessary to maintain this good habit in order to ensure sufficient fluid intake in the future, but reduce the daily intake to 2 liters.

Before such a diet, you should definitely consult a doctor, since water in large quantities puts an increased burden on the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system. If there are any diseases of these organs, it is better not to take risks, but to use an equally effective buckwheat method.


Minus 10 kg in 10 days are the very real results of the buckwheat mono-diet. However, they are quite difficult to achieve, since eating buckwheat alone gets boring very quickly. But the process of losing weight proceeds without a strong feeling of hunger, because porridge is allowed to be consumed in any quantity.

Essence and rules

Buckwheat is a very healthy nutritious product rich in vitamins and microelements. Due to the low glycemic index, porridge breaks down for a long time, providing a gradual release of energy. This prevents its excess from accumulating in body fat. The presence of such qualities has made buckwheat the basis of many weight loss programs.

To get rid of 10 kg in 10 days, a rigid form of buckwheat diet is used, the basic principles of which are as follows:

  1. During the day, it is allowed to use only buckwheat prepared in a special way and drink pure water or unsweetened tea (in the buckwheat-kefir version, kefir is also not more than 1.5% fat).
  2. Buckwheat is prepared without salt, by steaming it with boiling water overnight in a ratio of 1:2 (usually 1 tablespoon of cereal is enough for 1 day).
  3. Before each meal, drink 1 glass of water.
  4. Meals should be done 5-6 times a day with breaks of 2 hours, which will eliminate the appearance of hunger and ensure saturation in small portions.
  5. The entire period you need to take multivitamin preparations to meet the needs of the body.

Despite the limited diet, it is recommended to play sports every day on a buckwheat diet, preferring cardio training - running, brisk walking, cycling, and other activities that cause profuse sweating. This will allow you to remove excess fluid along with sweat.

Also, for a more active removal of water, it is necessary to carry out additional procedures, for example, body wraps, visit a sauna, use diuretic herbal infusions or special teas for weight loss.

It is contraindicated to use a strict buckwheat mono-diet and other additional measures in the presence of serious diseases, a weakened body, or women during pregnancy and lactation.

sample menu

For all 10 days, the diet should consist of only one dish - buckwheat porridge. To prepare it in the evening you need:

  • Pour boiling water over 1 cup of cereal, immediately drain the water;
  • pour 2 cups of boiling water;
  • wrap, leave overnight.

In the morning, the porridge will be ready to eat. If the density is not suitable, you can slightly reduce or increase the amount of boiling water.

Steamed buckwheat should be consumed throughout the day according to the following scheme:

  • on an empty stomach after sleep - 1 glass of water;
  • breakfast (after 30 minutes) - a portion of buckwheat;
  • then eat porridge when you feel hungry, preferably every 2 hours.

During breaks, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. If desired, you can enter 1 liter of kefir into the daily menu, using it together with porridge or separately. But then, to get rid of 10 kg, the duration of weight loss should be increased to 10 days.

Both options, although not hungry, are quite difficult to follow, like any other mono-diets. To lose weight by 10 kg in a more gentle way, it is better to turn to the cabbage diet.


The kale diet is very effective and is ideal for cabbage lovers who want to lose 10 kg of excess weight in 10 days while eating their favorite foods. In the process of losing weight, it is allowed to use cabbage of any kind - white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi.

Essence and rules

The effectiveness of this technique is due to the fact that cabbage of any kind is a low-calorie product that perfectly saturates and supplies a whole range of useful substances. The least energy value is white cabbage, especially in sauerkraut, as well as broccoli and cauliflower.

For quality weight loss, the following rules must be observed:

  • daily caloric intake should not exceed 700-800 kcal;
  • the basis of the menu is cabbage, it is also allowed to eat dietary meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, plant foods;
  • from cabbage you can cook a variety of dishes without the use of flavorings and fat;
  • the use of 1.5–2 liters of clean water is mandatory.

You can repeat the cabbage diet after 2 months.

sample menu

The rules of this technique do not establish a strict menu for all 10 days. You can make your own diet using the following scheme:

  • in the morning - cottage cheese with herbs (150 g), coffee;
  • in the afternoon - meat or fish (200 g), cabbage salad with oil and lemon dressing;
  • in the evening - stewed cabbage, 1 soft-boiled egg, 1 orange.
  • in the morning - 2 slices of whole grain or bran bread, 1 apple, tea;
  • in the afternoon - meat or fish (200 g), sauerkraut;
  • in the evening - sauerkraut, scrambled eggs, yogurt.
  • in the morning - kefir, 1 banana;
  • in the afternoon - cabbage soup, meat or fish (200 g);
  • in the evening - sauerkraut, scrambled eggs.
  • in the morning - cottage cheese with dried apricots (150 g), tea;
  • in the afternoon - lean meat or fish (200 g), 1 egg, cabbage with dressing;
  • in the evening - stewed cabbage, kefir.
  • in the morning - 50 g of cheese, coffee;
  • in the afternoon - lean meat or fish (200 g), sauerkraut;
  • in the evening - cabbage with dressing, 2 eggs, fermented milk drink.

In between meals, when a strong feeling of hunger appears, you can chew cabbage leaves in any quantity. This helps to endure the entire process of losing weight without disruption and quite comfortably achieve your goal. But only if cabbage is a favorite product. If not, then it is better to choose a different diet, such as potato.


In almost all diets, potatoes are prohibited foods because they have a fairly high calorie content. However, losing weight on potatoes is not only possible, but is even considered very effective, since it allows you to get rid of 10 kg in just 1 week.

Essence and rules

Potatoes have many advantages - they are loved by many, have a low cost, and are easy to prepare. The most interesting thing is that during the entire period of weight loss it is allowed to use it in a fairly large amount - 1.5 kg per day, which eliminates the appearance of hunger.

The main rule of this technique is the correct preparation of potatoes. It can be boiled or baked, excluding any additives, that is, in its pure form. Potatoes are pre-soaked in cold water to wash out the starch.

In addition, all foods should be excluded from the diet, except for those allowed (in a sparing version), which include:

  • vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • lactic acid products;
  • vegetable oils.

Potato mono-diet is designed for 7 days and the loss of 10 kg of excess weight. In a less rigid version that allows the use of other products, but it will take 2 weeks to achieve the same result.

sample menu

The potato diet exists in 2 types:

  • mono-diet based only on the use of potatoes;
  • a sparing option with a more varied diet, including some additional products.

In the first case, the daily ration is 1.5 kg of potatoes, which are boiled or baked, divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day. It is also necessary to drink at least 2 liters of healthy liquid per day, including clean water, unsweetened tea, herbal infusions.

The gentle option menu may be as follows:

  • breakfast - mashed potatoes on water or whey, kefir;
  • lunch - potato soup, vegetables;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes (according to the morning recipe), 1 egg.
  • breakfast - potatoes baked in the oven, yogurt;
  • lunch - potato soup, vegetable stew;
  • dinner - potatoes "in uniform", tomato juice.
  • breakfast - boiled potatoes with herbs, tea;
  • lunch - potato soup, stewed cabbage;
  • dinner - potatoes "in uniform", kefir.
  • breakfast - baked potatoes, yogurt;
  • lunch - potato soup, vegetable slices;
  • dinner - boiled potatoes with garlic, 2 eggs.
  • breakfast - potatoes "in uniform", tea;
  • lunch - potato soup, boiled beans;
  • dinner - boiled potatoes with mushrooms, kefir.
  • breakfast - potato casserole with cheese;
  • lunch - tomato-potato soup, carrot salad;
  • dinner - potatoes "in uniform", sauerkraut.
  • breakfast - potatoes stuffed with vegetables;
  • lunch - potato soup, stewed zucchini;
  • dinner - baked potatoes with greens, kefir.

As a snack, it is recommended to use 1 potato cooked "in uniform". To lose weight by 10 kg in a shorter time, dinner should be excluded. In other cases, it must be before 18:00. If potatoes are not among your favorite foods, then such a diet and diet may seem too tough. In such cases, nutritionists recommend other - less strict weight loss options, for example, on cereals, in particular, on oatmeal.


Oatmeal is the most recommended cereal by nutritionists, especially as a healthy breakfast. Losing weight on oatmeal turns out to be quite satisfying, but effective - it takes about 1 kg per day, and it takes 10-14 days to get rid of 10 kg, depending on the severity of the diet and the individual characteristics of the body.

Essence and rules

Before starting to lose weight, it is recommended to carry out preliminary cleaning on oatmeal broth. For cooking, you need to take 0.5 cups of oatmeal, boil in 1 liter of water at a slow boil for 2.5 hours, so that the amount of liquid is reduced by half.

The resulting jelly-like drink is consumed for 1 week daily, 1 glass on an empty stomach instead of breakfast. After taking it, you can eat and drink only after 4 hours. In addition, during this preparatory period, it is necessary to switch to proper nutrition, giving up fatty, floury, sweet, and also have dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime. At the end of the preparation, you can proceed directly to the process of losing weight by selecting suitable option diet.

sample menu

The oatmeal diet has many options - from a strict mono diet to oat-fruit or oat-vegetable.


In the strictest version, during the day you need to eat only oatmeal boiled in water or drenched in water overnight without adding salt, sugar, or oil. A single serving of porridge should be 250 g with 6 meals a day.

In addition to oatmeal, it is only allowed to drink water in the amount of 2 liters per day. You can stick to such a mono-diet for no more than 10 days, during which up to 10 extra pounds should go away.


Such a menu will be less strict, as it includes fresh and dry fruits, which is most relevant for lovers of sweets. It is best to combine oatmeal with apples, pears, kiwi oranges, any berries, as well as dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes, raisins.

A portion of porridge remains the same - 250 g, and the amount of vitamin supplements depends on their type:

  • dried fruits - 50 g;
  • sweet fruits - 200 g;
  • unsweetened fruits - 300 g.

The components can be consumed together or separately - porridge in the main meals, fruits during snacks.

This diet option is observed for 14 days. You can lose up to 10 kg if you strictly follow all the recommendations.


Vegetable oatmeal is just as delicious as fruit oatmeal, but more beneficial for weight loss because vegetables are lower in carbs. Cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, herbs are best suited raw, as well as asparagus, eggplant, zucchini, steamed or baked. Vegetables can only be seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

The diet is very simple:

  • 3 times a day for the main meals you need to eat a portion of porridge with vegetables;
  • snack on salads in between.

When compiling the menu, you can experiment with allowed products, but within the established rules.


This diet option involves a combination of oatmeal with vegetables and fruits. An example menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit or dried fruits, tea;
  • lunch - vegetable salad, fresh fruit;
  • lunch - oatmeal with vegetables, 1 apple, tea;
  • afternoon snack - oatmeal, tomato juice;
  • dinner - oatmeal, fruit salad.

The combined oatmeal diet is varied and nutritious, but due to the lack of proteins, it should not last more than 4 weeks. Although this period is quite enough to get rid of 10 kg. If you need faster results, it is better to choose an oatmeal mono-diet or an even more effective cucumber weight loss method.


Cucumbers are made up of water and fiber, so the cucumber diet is the best way to get rid of 10 kg in 7 days. But all day, for a week, you will need to eat almost exclusively these vegetables.

Essence and rules

The cucumber diet is one of the most effective methods of losing weight, allowing you to lose up to 1.5 kg per day. This is due to the ability of cucumbers to accelerate metabolism and the breakdown of fat, the decay products of which are excreted along with the liquid due to the diuretic effect.

The rules of the cucumber diet are quite simple:

  • you need to eat 5 times a day;
  • salt, sugar, all fatty, floury, fried foods should be completely excluded from the diet.

Despite the abundance of liquid in cucumbers, you also need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

sample menu

Every day, cucumbers should become the main component of the diet. They should be consumed at all meals, as snacks and when there is a strong feeling of hunger. The daily norm is 2-2.5 kg of cucumbers.

The menu for the week might look like this:


  • lunch - cucumbers, 200 g of stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, 1 apple;
  • breakfast - cucumbers, a slice of rye bread;
  • lunch - cucumbers, 50 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, 1 orange;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers and herbs;
  • then until the end of the day - cucumbers, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • breakfast - cucumbers, a slice of rye bread;
  • lunch - cucumbers, 50 g of boiled fish;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, 1 pear;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers and herbs;
  • then until the end of the day - cucumbers, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • breakfast - cucumbers, a slice of rye bread;
  • lunch - cucumbers, 150 g of boiled vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, 1 apple;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers and herbs;
  • then until the end of the day - cucumbers, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • breakfast - cucumbers, a slice of rye bread;
  • lunch - cucumbers, 200 g of cabbage salad with herbs and lemon juice, 20 g of hard cheese;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, 1 orange;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers and herbs;
  • then until the end of the day - cucumbers, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • breakfast - cucumbers, a slice of rye bread;
  • lunch - cucumbers, 1 egg, 1 tomato;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, a handful of berries;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers and herbs;
  • then until the end of the day - cucumbers, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.


  • breakfast - cucumbers, a slice of rye bread;
  • lunch - cucumbers, 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers, 200 ml of kefir;
  • dinner - a salad of cucumbers and herbs;
  • then until the end of the day - cucumbers, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

The entire period is not recommended to play sports. But moderate physical activity is essential. You can go for walks or light jogging. The cucumber diet is very rigid and low in calories, so it requires a lot of willpower to follow it. It is much easier to lose the same 10 kg by peeling on rice. True, it will take a little more time, but there will be fewer dietary restrictions.


Rice has an excellent cleansing effect, due to which it allows you to get rid of 10 extra pounds in just 7 days. Absorbing all the substances that clog the intestines, it helps to speed up the metabolism and prevents the formation of fatty deposits.

Essence and rules

The advantage of the rice diet, in the first place, over cucumber and other rigid mono-diets, is the absence of an exhausting feeling of hunger. Although it is difficult to call it very sparing, since there are quite serious restrictions.

During the entire period of weight loss, only boiled rice with raw vegetables and fruits is allowed. From useful additives - 1 tbsp. l. olive oil for dressing and 1 tsp. honey to eliminate sugar cravings.

sample menu

The diet of this technique is based on boiled rice, which is prepared in a special way:

  • in the evening, 1 cup of cereal is washed and soaked in cold water;
  • in the morning, the rice is washed, poured with other water and boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes.

Such a portion is prepared for every day, divided into 5 doses, and then used according to the following scheme:

  • 7:00 - rice with honey and pieces of fruit;
  • 10:00 - rice, vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil;
  • 13:00 - rice, stewed vegetables, fresh fruit;
  • 16:00 - rice, 1 any fruit;
  • 19:00 - rice with vegetables.

This menu contains most of the substances necessary for the body, so it does not create severe metabolic stress. At the same time, high-quality cleansing and real weight loss occur. But due to the lack of protein, such nutrition can lead to a loss of muscle tone, especially in people who actively train. In such cases, it is better to turn to the lightest of all protein diets - fish.


One of the most useful varieties of protein weight loss methods is the fish diet. Fish contains a lot of protein, which provides a feeling of fullness, as well as omega-3 fatty acid, which significantly accelerates the breakdown of fat reserves, calcium, phosphorus and many other useful substances. According to its composition and nutritional value, fish is much healthier than meat. Unlike chicken breasts, beef or rabbit, it is completely absorbed, therefore it does not cause decay processes in the intestines.

Essence and rules

Losing weight on fish does not apply to mono-diets, so you can additionally include vegetables in the diet, as well as use any available fish. The technique is designed for 2 weeks and the loss during this time of 10 kg of excess weight.

The rules are relatively simple:

  • strictly adhere to the specified menu;
  • use only sea salt;
  • steam fish and all other dishes, boil or bake;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water.

In order for the muscles to remain taut during weight loss, physical activity should be increased.

sample menu

The diet of a 2-week fish diet, providing disposal of 10 kg, should be as follows:

  • in the morning - 150 g of fish (pollock), 100 g of stewed cabbage, tea or coffee;
  • snack - 200 ml of fish broth;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of fish, 100 g of boiled asparagus;
  • in the evening - 250 ml of kefir, 1 cube from a bar of dark chocolate.
  • in the morning - 100 g of fish, 1 loaf, coffee or tea;
  • snack - 200 g fish cakes, 100 g boiled asparagus;
  • in the afternoon - 1 fruit, 250 ml of kefir;
  • in the evening -100 g of fish, 1 tomato.
  • in the morning - 100 g of tuna, canned in its juice, 1 cucumber;
  • snack - 1 fruit;
  • in the afternoon - 150 ml of fish broth, 100 g of fish;
  • in the evening - 200 g of boiled shrimp.
  • in the morning - 100 g of fish, 100 g of boiled cabbage;
  • snack - 100 g of slightly salted salmon;
  • in the afternoon - a portion of vegetable soup, a slice of bran bread;
  • in the evening - 200 g of fish.
  • in the morning - 200 g of fish, 1 loaf;
  • snack - 1 boiled egg, 1 loaf;
  • in the afternoon - 300 g of fish soup;
  • in the evening - 200 g of fish, 100 g of baked vegetables.
  • in the morning - 100 g of 0% fat cottage cheese, tea or coffee;
  • snack - 1 fruit;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of fish, 150 g of zucchini;
  • in the evening - 200 g of fish, 250 ml of kefir.
  • in the morning - 200 g of fish, 250 ml of kefir;
  • snack - 1 fruit;
  • in the afternoon - a portion of vegetable soup, 100 g of fish;
  • in the evening - 100 g of fish, 250 ml of kefir.

Within 14 days on such a fish diet, you can not only lose weight, but also enrich the body with valuable substances for the body contained in fish. For those who do not like fish, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with an equally useful option for quick weight loss - on beets.


Beetroot is a familiar, healthy, affordable vegetable that can be consumed all year round. But few people know that he is able to provide effective weight loss no worse than pineapple or grapefruit. On beetroot nutrition, you can lose 10 kg in 10 days without harm to the body.

The main secret useful action beets - the presence of betaine in it, which actively promotes the absorption of animal proteins, a decrease in the level of fatty acids, and the regulation of lipid metabolism. Betaine is available as a sports nutrition supplement designed to normalize homocysteine ​​levels, an increase in which reduces fat burning and inhibits muscle growth.

In addition, beetroot works like a “brush” for the intestines due to the presence of fiber, and also stimulates peristalsis due to the content of pectin. Having a laxative and diuretic effect, the root crop removes harmful deposits and excess fluid well. At the same time, beets have a low calorie content, perfectly saturate, dull the appetite.

Essence and rules

The beet method of losing weight involves the rejection of all foods that contribute to weight gain, with the transition to a diet in which beets prevail in any form. You only need to follow a few rules:

  • 6 meals a day;
  • 2 liters of water per day;
  • small portions;
  • no overeating.

The calorie content of the daily diet should be no more than 1200 kcal.

sample menu

The diet can be made independently, guided by the above rules and based on one of the menu options.

Option 1:

  • in the morning - a portion of porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal or rice), boiled beets, tea;
  • snack - raw beetroot salad, 1 apple;
  • in the afternoon - lean beetroot;
  • snack - 50 g of nuts;
  • in the evening - beetroot salad with prunes;
  • before going to bed - 1 glass of kefir.

Option 2:

  • in the morning - beetroot salad with cottage cheese;
  • snack - baked beets with cheese;
  • in the afternoon - 150 g of boiled breast with a side dish of boiled beets;
  • snack - beetroot salad with lemon juice;
  • in the evening - 200 ml of beet-kefir cocktail;
  • Before going to bed - 1 glass of yogurt.

In addition, you can lose weight by 10 kg even on beetroot juice. It must be prepared 3 hours before consumption, combined with carrots, pumpkin, apple to improve the taste. They start drinking fresh from a few spoons, gradually bringing the one-time volume to 1 glass and drinking it before each meal. Weight loss on beetroot juice is designed for 1 month. During this period, it is necessary to switch to a proper healthy diet without any special restrictions. With such a diet, you can lose weight by 10 kg per month safely and quite comfortably.

The disadvantage of the beetroot diet is that it contains little protein. Also, it is not suitable for people who do not like beets, especially raw.

If these 2 factors matter, then it is better to lose weight not on beets, but on cottage cheese, which is rich in protein and many useful substances.


Cottage cheese is useful for people who have problems not only with weight, but also with a violation of the psycho-emotional state, because, being a dietary product, it is able to strengthen nerve fibers. Therefore, even a strict curd diet is tolerated quite calmly. In addition, this product, rich in protein and calcium, ensures the good condition of muscle and bone tissue. And the methionine present in it improves liver function and activates the breakdown of excess fat.

  • drink 2 liters of water per day (you can use green tea without additives);
  • use low-fat dairy products.

Physical activity should be moderate, as the calorie content of the diet is very low. 20 minutes of walking daily will be enough.

sample menu

During the week, every day it is allowed to consume 400 g of cottage cheese and 1 liter of kefir. You need to eat every 2 hours, dividing the indicated amount of food into equal portions. Cottage cheese can be combined with kefir or alternated. It is recommended to use cottage cheese for the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and kefir for snacks when a strong feeling of hunger appears.

There is also a more gentle option for losing weight on cottage cheese - Magi's cottage cheese diet, designed for 4 weeks. The menu below must be observed strictly, without interchanging dishes and days.

In the first week of the diet, breakfast is always the same - 200 g of cottage cheese with any fruit in unlimited quantities. The rest of the meals by day are shown in the table:

The second week - breakfast remains the same, the products for lunch and dinner change somewhat:

Third week - you can eat in random order the following foods:

Fourth week - nutrition is similar to the rules of the third week (you can eat arbitrarily when you want), but the number of foods per day is limited:

days diet
1 3 slices of chicken or beef, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 can of canned fish in its juice (tuna or sardines), 1 slice of whole grain bread, fruit
2 250 g meat, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 can of canned fish in its own juice (tuna or sardines), 1 slice of whole grain bread, fruit
3 350 g cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 loaf, fruit
4 300 g chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 slice of whole grain bread, fruit
5 2 eggs, greens, fruit
6 1 chicken breast, 150 g cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 glass of kefir, fruit
7 350 g cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, 1 can of canned tuna, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 loaf

The food is quite varied, so you can lose weight by 10 kg per month safely and quite comfortably. The difficulty lies only in the need for strict adherence to the menu, which is not always convenient. If you need a simpler, but no less "tasty", nutritious and effective technique weight loss by 10 kg, then the pumpkin diet is quite suitable.


Pumpkin is a low-calorie product (28 kcal per 100 g), so it can be consumed in large quantities to ensure non-hungry and quite comfortable weight loss. For 10 days on a pumpkin diet, you can lose 10 kg, while getting rid of anemia and cleansing the body well.

Essence and rules

A feature of this technique is the inclusion of pulp and pumpkin seeds in the diet. In this case, the pumpkin should be consumed at least 3 times a day, and 2 tbsp. l. eat seeds for breakfast.

You need to eat for 10 days according to the following scheme:

  • 5 days unloading;
  • 5 days of diet;
  • alternation - every other day.

Need to start with unloading day. On diet days, only healthy foods can be included in the diet. It is best if, in addition to pumpkin, cereals, dairy products and vegetables are used. The last meal should be no later than 19:00.

sample menu

The ration is not very detailed. On the days of unloading, only baked pumpkin is allowed - 5-6 times a day in small portions. On the days of diet food(even - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) the menu can be like this:

  • breakfast - porridge (rice or millet) with pulp and pumpkin seeds;
  • lunch - kefir or yogurt;
  • lunch - pumpkin soup with vegetables;
  • afternoon tea - cottage cheese;
  • dinner - pumpkin puree.

Since the size of the dishes is not limited, it is recommended not to overeat, but also not to cut portions too much. You can drink tea and water in normal quantities. But if pumpkin is not a favorite vegetable, then such a diet will be too complicated. In any case, fruits are considered the most suitable for losing weight by 10 kg, and almost everyone will like a fruit diet.


When you need to lose 10 kg in a week, without experiencing great hunger and without harming your health, a fruit diet is often used. Fruits are a low-calorie product with a lot of fiber, which provides fast satiety, high-quality digestion of food, and thorough bowel cleansing.

Essence and rules

There are many varieties of "fruit" weight loss of 10 kg. Their diet can include a variety of fruits, and often other healthy foods - vegetables, cereals, nuts. Despite this, this diet is quite stressful for the body due to the low daily calorie content. But with proper adherence to all recommendations, any risks are minimized, and the diet itself provides great benefits:

  • provides noticeable lightness due to the removal of toxins and toxins;
  • eliminates cellulite, makes the skin cleaner, evens out complexion;
  • has a short duration;
  • does not require time-consuming preparation of special dishes.

Its main rules are:

  • careful observance of the proposed regimen and diet;
  • use of small dishes;
  • drinking enough clean water;
  • refusal of salt, sugar, junk food.

Also, the effectiveness of a fruit diet is significantly increased in the presence of powerful motivation, good psychological mood and regular physical activity.

sample menu

There are a lot of options for a diet in which you can quickly lose weight. But when choosing certain fruits, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of allergies or the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, which impose a restriction on the use of a large amount of fiber.

mono diet

In this case, any one type of fruit or berry is selected for the menu. Most often, it is recommended to use apples, citrus fruits, watermelons, but you can use any other to your liking (except bananas and grapes).

The diet is quite simple - you need to eat fruits or berries every 2-3 hours, dividing the total amount by the corresponding number of equal servings. At the same time, it is allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of any fruits or berries, and when choosing a watermelon diet, 1 kg of pulp for every 10 kg of your weight.

With vegetables

The menu of this variant of the fruit diet involves the introduction of a small amount of vegetables (with the exception of potatoes). In this case, the diet can be as follows:

  • 8:00 - fresh with pulp, 1 fruit;
  • 10:00 - fruit salad;
  • 12:00 - vegetable salad with lemon juice, fresh fruit;
  • 14:00 - fruit salad;
  • 16:00 - fruits;
  • 18:00 - vegetable salad, fresh fruit;
  • 20:00 - vegetable juice.

In between meals, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.

With proteins

The basis of this diet is fruits and animal proteins - eggs, white meat or lean fish. All other products are excluded. Take fruits and protein foods separately, alternating them throughout the day as follows:

  • 7:00 - fruit salad, fresh;
  • 10:00 - 2 boiled eggs;
  • 13:00 - fruits;
  • 16:00 - a serving of chicken breast or fish;
  • 19:00 - fruit, fresh fruit.

This weight loss system is more gentle, since the presence of protein eliminates the occurrence of negative consequences for muscle tissue.

With milk

The easiest variety to follow is on fruits and dairy products. It has 2 options - with milk or with kefir. The daily menu in any case consists of 1 kg of fruit and 2 liters of milk or 1.5 liters of kefir.

With the fruit and milk version, the diet should be built according to the following scheme:

  • 1 day - 0.5 l of milk, 1 kg of fruit;
  • Day 2 - 1 liter of milk, 1 kg of fruit;
  • Day 3 - 1.5 liters of milk, 1 kg of fruit;
  • 4-7 days - 2 liters of milk and 1 kg of fruit.

You can drink milk or kefir together with fruits, preparing salads or cocktails from them, as well as separately, alternating components throughout the day.

Of all the above options, the mono-diet on fruits will be the most effective in terms of plumb. The most common and affordable is apple - a classic method of losing weight, which has won great recognition.


Diet on apples in 7 days can get rid of 10 extra pounds. In fact, this is pectin nutrition, since apples contain the largest number pectin - a substance that can actively burn body fat, regulate bowel function, improve the absorption of nutrients by the intestinal walls. Pectins absorb all harmful substances and fats, and then bring them out, significantly speeding up the process of losing weight.

Essence and rules

Weight loss on this technique occurs due to the increased content in the diet of apples, other fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber. This allows you to improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce weight without a strong feeling of hunger.

During weight loss, it is recommended to give up smoking, alcohol, and high physical exertion. The body must work in a gentle mode. During the day you need to drink 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water, green tea with a small amount of honey is allowed.

sample menu

The above diet requires strict adherence to:

Day 1 - on apples:

  • dinner - 4-5 apples.

Day 2 - apple-rice:

  • dinner - 100 g of rice.

Day 3 - apple-curd:

  • breakfast - 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 2-3 apples;
  • lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey and walnuts, 1-2 apples;
  • dinner - 120 g of cottage cheese.

Day 4 - apple-carrot:

  • breakfast - a salad of 1-2 apples and 3 carrots;
  • lunch - 150 g of apple-carrot salad with 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice;
  • dinner - 3 baked apples.

Day 5 - no apples:

  • breakfast - boiled vegetable salad (1 beetroot, 2 carrots) with lemon juice;
  • lunch - 150 g of oatmeal, 2 eggs, 1 grated raw beets;
  • dinner - salad of 1 raw carrot with 1 tsp. honey.

Day 6 - back on apples:

  • breakfast - a salad of 2-3 apples (depending on size) with walnuts and lemon juice;
  • lunch - a salad of 2-3 apples with 1 boiled egg, onions and herbs;
  • dinner - 4-5 apples.

Day 7 - apple-rice:

  • breakfast - 100 g of boiled rice, 2-3 apples;
  • lunch - 150 g of rice, mashed potatoes from 2-3 apples;
  • dinner - 100 g of rice.

If during the day between meals there is a strong feeling of hunger, you can snack on an apple.

The diet is quite heavy and risky, it affects the body a lot, but it gives amazing results. In general, any technique in which rapid weight loss occurs is considered harmful to one degree or another. Only an absolutely healthy person can get rid of 10 kg in 7–10 days or even in 1 month. But in this case, it is better to consult a nutritionist. Moderation must be observed in everything - even in an effort to lose weight. And so that the lost kilograms do not return, you need to competently exit the process of losing weight, as well as eat right in the future.

Getting out of the diet

You need to get out of any weight loss correctly. But this is especially important in cases where a strict diet option with significant weight loss was used. In this case, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Introduce habitual food into the menu gradually, 1-2 products per day.
  2. Start with healthy food.
  3. Fatty, fried, other heavy foods can be consumed no earlier than after 7 days, but it is better to completely abandon it or minimize it.
  4. Gradually increase the caloric content of the diet - by 100 kcal daily.

It is always necessary to leave the diet during such a period, which will be 2 times the duration of the process of losing weight. The main thing at the same time is that the transition should be smooth, with a gradual return to the usual diet.

It will also be helpful to completely rethink your eating habits. It is necessary to adjust the diet and lifestyle in such a way that in the future there will be no problems with being overweight.