Repair Design Furniture

Solar collector and air conditioner. Solar-powered refrigerators and air conditioners. Photovoltaic solar air conditioner

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There are several types of air conditioners that use solar energy in one way or another to reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of electricity from the grid. The operating principle of such devices, called “solar air conditioners,” will be discussed in this article.

Despite some absurdity of the concept of “solar air conditioner” (traditionally the sun is associated with heat, and air conditioning with cold), it is quite understandable, because it is on a sunny day that the need for air conditioning is greatest. Thus, it would be very logical to link the operation of the air conditioner to the sun: if there is sun, there is a need for cooling, if not, there is no need for cold.
Basically, solar air conditioners can be divided into two groups.

Representatives of the first, active solar air conditioners, use solar energy directly - as thermal energy. In turn, passive solar air conditioners use solar energy, usually converted into electricity.

Solar air conditioners with desiccant

Typically, about 30% of the useful cooling capacity of an air conditioner (and in some cases up to 50%) is wasted on the formation of condensation, which is then simply drained down the drain.

To avoid the appearance of condensation, which occurs due to the fact that the evaporator temperature is lower than the dew point of the air coming from the room, you can either increase the evaporator temperature or lower the dew point. The first method leads to less efficient air cooling and therefore requires an increase in air flow. In addition, excess moisture from the air still needs to be removed.

The second method - lowering the dew point of the air in the room - can be implemented in several ways, and one of them is to pre-dry the air supplied to the air conditioner.

Solar air conditioners with desiccants (desiccant) are active solar air conditioners and have increased energy efficiency due to the absence of condensation. Moisture is removed from the air stream by desiccant agents before the evaporator. Thus, a dried air mass with a dew point below the evaporator temperature enters the evaporator, which ensures that no condensation will occur.

The desiccant (this could be, for example, silica gel) rotates on the disk. Having absorbed moisture from the internal air, the desiccant is carried with a disk into a space open to the rays of the sun, where the absorbed moisture evaporates. The desiccant is thereby regenerated and the disc returns it to contact with the internal air.

Additionally, we note that with the scheme described above, on sunny days, the air dehumidification mode does not require turning on the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle of the air conditioner, which leads to significant energy savings: electricity is spent only on rotating the disk with the desiccant.

Absorption solar air conditioners

Another example of active solar chillers are absorption chillers that utilize solar heat. As is known, in absorption machines the working substance is a solution of two, sometimes three components. The most common binary solutions of an absorber (absorbent) and a refrigerant meet two main requirements: high solubility of the refrigerant in the absorbent and a significantly higher boiling point of the absorbent compared to the refrigerant.

To obtain cold in absorption refrigeration machines, thermal energy is required (as a rule, waste heat from enterprises is used), which is supplied to a generator, where practically pure refrigerant boils away from the working substance, because its boiling point is much lower than that of the absorbent.

Despite the fact that absorption chillers are a very promising area of ​​development of refrigeration technology, their use is limited, as a rule, to industrial facilities, since only there there is a sufficient amount of waste heat.

At the same time, in absorption solar air conditioners, the thermal energy supplied to the generator is obtained from the Sun. This allows us to expand the scope of application of absorption machines and use them not only in the industrial sector. Considering that the thermal energy received from the Sun is free, the cost-effectiveness of such solutions in operation is obvious.

Photovoltaic solar air conditioner

The operating principle of photovoltaic solar air conditioners involves perhaps the most obvious use of solar energy: powering the air conditioner from a solar battery.

Indeed, solar power plants using a renewable energy source - the energy of the Sun - have been known for quite a long time, and a lot has been said about them. A number of projects have already been implemented and are being successfully operated in various countries.

On a more modest scale, solar panels are used to supply energy to small objects, for example, cottages: from photovoltaic panels installed, as a rule, on the roof, they receive electricity, which is spent on household needs.

Even less often, it is proposed to power various equipment from solar panels. If we consider that, unlike other household appliances, air conditioners are used precisely on sunny days, then it would be logical to connect the air conditioner to the solar battery R.

Similar solutions are already offered by many foreign manufacturers of air conditioning equipment, for example, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, LG. However, it is obvious that the air conditioner, being an energy-intensive equipment, will require the placement of a fairly large number of photovoltaic panels. Therefore, different manufacturers use solar panels in different ways: to power only fans, to partially power an air conditioner, or to completely supply it with electricity.

In any case, a power cable from the electrical network is supplied to the air conditioner, but priority in terms of energy source is given to solar panels. For example, direct current is used to power solar air conditioners from GREE and MIDEA. In normal operation, the current comes from the photovoltaic panels, and in the absence of sun, through a rectifier from the building's electrical network.

However, we note that the efficiency of modern photovoltaic panels does not exceed 25%, which cannot be called efficient energy conversion. Even with the development of crystalline silicon-based combined batteries, the efficiency of which reaches 43%, more than half of the energy is still lost during the conversion process. This is why it is believed that photovoltaic solar air conditioners are inferior in efficiency to, for example, absorption ones.

Eco-friendliness as a driver for solar air conditioning

Today, much attention is paid to the environmental friendliness of certain solutions. The environmental issue is particularly acute in the field of air conditioning.

Solar climate systems are still not widespread. However, the focus of global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and rising prices for traditional energy resources can be a good incentive for the development of solar climate technology.

It is obvious that the energy consumption of the air conditioning system with parallel use of solar energy will decrease. In addition, the use of thermal energy from the Sun can expand the scope of application of absorption refrigeration machines operating on safe working fluids - water or saline solutions.

What emotions do the concepts of sun and air conditioning evoke in you?

What relationship do you see between the sun and the refrigeration machine?

What have you heard about running an air conditioner without electricity?

I was prompted to ask you these questions by information that I found on my facebook page entitled: “How does the sun create coolness?” I really liked the materials I looked at, because the air conditioning diagram presented is a new stage in the use of solar energy. To figure it out and explain everything to you in clear, simple language, I turned to my colleagues, the Climate Planet company, for advice.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Solar thermal air conditioners.

This new product, the given functional diagram, reflects a hybrid solar air conditioner, where the sun's energy is used to operate the air conditioning system. Solar thermal energy combined with an efficient compressor allows significant energy savings from the electrical grid. The compressor traditionally uses electricity to create the required pressure and heat the refrigerant to temperatures above 180 °C.

I will not describe the well-known operating cycle of a refrigeration machine. Let me just draw your attention to the fact that as an additional heating of the refrigerant, from the compressor to the condenser, a solar collector is connected in series. In the vacuum tubes of the collector, solar heat heats the refrigerant gas to a temperature of approximately 270 °C, and this helps to significantly reduce the energy consumption of the compressor.

According to the manufacturer, such a thermal air conditioner is capable of delivering a seasonal efficiency ratio (SEER) of about 16. But I will refrain from recognizing this indicator for now and will tell you why in more detail, a little lower. I will only add that the effect of this unit is that the brighter the sun shines, the higher the temperature becomes, the more efficiently this system works.

This is surprising. After all, we are used to thinking, and all operating instructions for air conditioners say that as the outside temperature increases, the efficiency of air conditioning decreases.

The above scheme really allows you to use heat to generate cold. The question is different. Is it worth installing such an air cooling scheme for a house or apartment? In all likelihood, it is intended for large, voluminous rooms.

And one more question arose while finding out the details of the solar thermal air conditioner. What air conditioners or refrigeration machines (absorption, compressor) can operate in such circuits? Read more about modern compressor split air conditioning systems here.

Absorption refrigeration machines.

If information about solar thermal air conditioners can be considered new, then absorption refrigeration machines have been known for a long time, and experts believe that they should be used in the design of public buildings with air conditioning. They are silent in operation and do not create vibrations.

The main thing is that only they are able to extract cold from the warm rays of the sun. It turns out that such a unit combines two antagonistic concepts - heat and cold, sun and air conditioning.

To make sure that it is really possible to get cold from heat, let’s, without delving too deeply into the physics of the processes of the refrigeration machine, let’s try to understand the essence of the issue. First, an interesting fact. In nearly 70% of Japanese buildings, air conditioners operate using cold obtained from heat in lithium bromide absorption refrigeration units (LBRs).

No offense to the reader, but I will lead my further story from the teapot. Yes, yes, a kettle is used to boil water, and everyone knows about it. The boiling point of water is 100 °C, and if you supply a coolant to the kettle that exceeds the boiling point, the water in the kettle will boil and the coolant will cool. The boiling point of water is at normal atmospheric pressure of 1 bar (at the surface of the earth).

From physics we know that water has certain properties when it can boil at a low temperature, at reduced pressure in the volume where it is located. If the pressure is reduced to 0.007 bar (almost a vacuum), then the water will begin to boil at a temperature of only 4 °C.

Under such conditions, it is enough to bring a coolant with a temperature of, for example, 10 ° C to the kettle, and with the help of this coolant the water in the kettle would boil, as if from the flame of a gas burner, and this coolant would cool, for example, to a temperature of 7 ° C, like how the products of gas combustion are cooled under a boiling kettle. Coolant cooled from 10 to 7 °C is called coolant, and it can be successfully used, for example, in air conditioning systems.

In the ABKhM evaporator exactly such processes occur. This machine does not use freons as a refrigerant, but, like in a kettle, ordinary water, which boils in an evaporator, the pressure inside of which is close to absolute vacuum.

ABHM diagram (A - absorber, I - evaporator, G - generator, K - condenser (1 - vacuum pump, 2 - refrigerant water pump, 3 - absorbent pump, 4 - heat exchanger), X - cold consumer, T - source heat, Gr - cooling tower.

It is clear that a refrigeration machine is more complex than a kettle, but anything complex consists of simple elements. So in our case, from the above diagram you can see how steam is formed in the evaporator when water boils. The more steam, the less boiling (the pressure increases), so the steam must be removed. In conventional compressor refrigeration machines, refrigerant vapor is removed by the compressor.

ABCM uses a solution of lithium bromide in water. A special feature of this solution is its ability to greedily absorb (in scientific terms, “absorb”) water vapor. If a concentrated solution of lithium bromide, called an absorbent, is sprayed into the same volume as the evaporator, then the vacuum in this volume will be maintained, since the steam will go into solution.

To prevent the absorbent from losing its ability to absorb, heat is transferred to the recycled water circulating through the absorber coil and released to the atmosphere through the cooling tower. In addition, in order to maintain the absorption capacity of the solution at a constantly high level, it is necessary to evaporate excess steam from it, and this is done in a generator using thermal energy from a third-party source.

This is where we come to the answer to the question of how cold is produced using heat in a lithium bromide absorption refrigeration machine. Any source of energy can be used as an external source of thermal energy at 83 – 88 °C and, as we said at the beginning of the article, the heat of solar energy. That is, we can produce cold without electrical energy only in ABKhM.

Another area of ​​effective application of ABHM are buildings with cogeneration units that generate electrical and thermal energy. If compressor refrigeration machines are used for air conditioning in such buildings, then in the summer the thermal energy will have to be released into the environment, and cogeneration in this case will not be effective. At the same time, a set of equipment “cogeneration unit + ABHM”, called trigeneration, will ensure a high level of fuel energy use.

It should be noted that, despite a number of positive properties, it is necessary to keep in mind that the refrigeration coefficient of ABKhM in the usual version is 0.7, this means that with 1 kW of consumed thermal energy, only 0.7 kW of cold can be obtained, and at the same time , 1.7 kW will be released to the environment.

The refrigeration efficiency of compressor refrigeration machines is five times higher. True, compressor machines consume electrical energy rather than thermal energy.

So, let’s answer once again the questions posed at the beginning of the article.

1. Despite the fact that we are accustomed to thinking that heat and cold cannot work in tandem, after reading the above information, we are able to change our point of view in favor of using solar radiation as an alternative source of energy to create cold. The sun and air conditioning can interact.
2. A striking example of the use of solar energy to produce cold is lithium bromide refrigeration machines. Only they are able to extract cold from the hot rays of the sun.
3. Absorption refrigeration machines deserve to be more widely used in the design of public air-conditioned buildings. In addition to the fact that they practically do not consume electrical energy. They are safe because they operate at pressure below atmospheric pressure, they do not pose a threat to the ozone layer of the atmosphere, because instead of freon they use ordinary water.

Good afternoon. We are starting experiments on using solar energy to create a refrigeration unit. Since there is a lot of sun in summer, there is nowhere to put it. We are not very concerned about hot water supply. We are interested in a home air conditioning system based on a solar collector.

Video blog “Odessa Engineer”

What are the parts in a solar powered air conditioner?

We will use an ammonia refrigerator, its compressor part, and unit as a refrigeration machine. Crystal 404 is an old Soviet device. Disassembled and removed. How does he work? There is a ceramic heating element, electrical power is 100 watts. When heated, a reaction of ammonia and water occurs. Different boiling temperatures. If we heat up in that place, we will get cooling. I checked it, turned it on electrically, it works. Therefore, it was decided to use it.

Assembling cold manifold parts

What task? We pulled out the heating element, the tube higher and lower, and heated it to about 150 degrees. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees, there’s pressure here, we’ll see. Even if 150 degrees doesn’t work out, we can warm it up to 120-130. We use a small solar concentrator, it remains, its dimensions are 1.10 by 80.1 square meter.

While they put stainless steel here, it was left over from our experiments. Instead of a vacuum tube, they installed a pipe. Why? It is difficult to make a circulation system with coolant at a temperature of 120-130 degrees. Therefore, we will heat the iron pipe and make a transition so that the heat of the iron pipe is transferred to the refrigeration unit.

It stood in the sun. It's 79 degrees here. Although the sun has risen a little. Although it was understood up to 89. This is not enough, it is most likely necessary to reduce the diameter of the pipe, the losses are large, stainless steel cannot cope. The power needed is small - 100 watts. But the temperature is preferably at least 120-130 degrees. The rotation drive was not installed here. There was no tracking either; in general, it was all elementary. We turn the screw and catch the focus.

The task is to transfer heat, this is heat, temperature to the refrigeration unit.

If we can physically do this, then all that remains is to slightly alter the solar system so that in the summer it works like a cooling system for the central air conditioning of a house. Where does the water in radiators cool? We'll probably put small fans and a cooler under the radiators. If possible, of course, we will make a photo panel so that it is completely energy independent. Thus, we get an air conditioner that runs on the sun in the summer and does not depend on electricity.

Nowadays, technology that implements the principles of energy saving is popular. This is possible thanks to the use of solar energy. Some air conditioner models use this process to reduce or eliminate energy consumption.

This equipment was called a solar air conditioner. Despite the fact that in the usual understanding the sun provides heat and the air conditioner cools the air, it is very simple to connect these two concepts. After all, it is on a hot, sunny day that there is an urgent need for air conditioning.

That is why it would be effective to use solar energy in the operation of climate control equipment. It’s hot and sunny – we cool the room, cloudy and cool – there’s no need for this.

Types of solar air conditioners and their design

Based on the principle of operation, two groups of air conditioners can be distinguished. These are active and passive. The first use thermal solar energy. The second type of technology converts solar energy into electrical energy.

Nowadays, most of this technology involves partial use of solar energy. At any moment, the split system is ready to switch to backup power from the network. In the future, manufacturers plan to completely adapt equipment to be powered by solar energy.

This equipment is made of three parts. This is a solar panel, indoor and outdoor unit. The internal part is responsible for converting solar energy into electrical energy using a special collector. There is a special photo panel on the outside of the equipment. It is capable of absorbing solar energy.

And the last component of the equipment works on the principle of a solar battery, collecting and storing energy. The solar panel is located on the outside of the split system.

Currently, many manufacturers have begun producing solar air conditioners, actively disseminating information about various innovations in this production. Also, the popularity of this equipment is due to its environmental safety. In the near future, it is planned to completely switch over to the use of this equipment, even with the ability to connect various home appliances to it. For example, devices such as lighting lamps.

Advantages of using solar climate control technology

An undeniable advantage in favor of using such technology is the environmental safety of the technologies used in its creation. With solar air conditioning, the use of natural resources will be reduced. This will reduce the negative impact on the environment. For example, inverter air conditioners consume up to 60% less electrical energy.

Also, solar climate technology has significantly reduced dimensions. The compactness of the equipment also reduces the use of natural resources. Efficient operation thanks to design changes (minimizing refrigerant leakage).

Watch this video to see what a solar air conditioner looks like in real life.