Repair Design Furniture

Why you can't glue magnets to your refrigerator. Why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator: truth and myths. Types of refrigerator magnets

The refrigerator is an indispensable household appliance in our kitchen. Modern refrigerators come in different colors and designs. But there was a time when they were all very similar, differing little from each other. Perhaps this is why magnets appeared with which we began to decorate our refrigerators.

Magnets come in different types. Advertising magnets are produced to attract customers in various fields of activity. They are given as prizes, placed in packaging, or simply given away. Souvenir magnets are an inexpensive gift that can be given if there is an occasion, or brought back from a trip as a souvenir.

There is an opinion that magnets are harmful. Many people have become interested in the question of why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator? To investigate this hypothesis, experiments were conducted to determine the effect of magnets on a refrigerator. They found that magnets actually affect the operation of the refrigerator, increasing the average temperature in the refrigerator compartment. But these indicators are so insignificant that it is unclear why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator? After all, they do no harm to the refrigerator or the products in it.

To find out the effect of magnets on the human body, the researchers turned to doctors. A response was received stating that in medical practice they very often resort to healing. They are used to treat the musculoskeletal, digestive and respiratory systems. Magnetic bracelets worn on the wrist are very popular. They have a general strengthening effect and give good results in relieving muscle tension and increased fatigue of the body.

Those who have cardiac defibrillators and pacemakers should be careful with magnets, as magnets can change the functioning of the heart apparatus. If no one in your house has heart problems, I would like to ask why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator? After all, they do not pose any danger to your health.

With the advent of magnets, various signs associated with them began to appear. For example, why can’t you hang magnets on the refrigerator with a picture of an animal or a person? It is believed that these items have the ability to bring bad energy, which can transfer to the food in your refrigerator. You may not want to eat them. In order for items on the refrigerator to carry positive energy, it is recommended to hang magnets on it with images of various foods, for example, vegetables, fruits, sandwiches, etc.

Nowadays, various companies produce refrigerator magnets. In shape they are embossed, flat and voluminous. They are made from ceramics, metal, glass, paper, fur, wood, plastic, rubber. These are modern materials that are absolutely safe for both humans and the refrigerator.

If you think you might scratch the surface and this is a reason not to hang magnets on your refrigerator, take our advice. Place adhesive tape on the magnet and it will not leave any marks on your refrigerator.

Decorating your home is a natural need for almost any person. It is for this reason that all kinds of decorative elements appear in apartments, among which magnets are given a special place of honor these days. As a rule, they are hung on the refrigerator door to add individual features to the kitchen interior. Funny, amusing and simply beautiful, such magnets can be found in almost every home. However, more and more often housewives are clearing their refrigerators of them, as they are convinced that such decorative elements are not at all as safe as they seem at first glance.

Damage from refrigerator magnets

Scientists came to this opinion after studying the properties of these decorations. However, it should be noted that the recommendations of specialists are of a purely individual nature. We are primarily talking about old refrigerators that lack additional protection. In this case, decorative elements attached to the door create magnetic fields that penetrate inside and have a negative effect on food. However, modern types of household appliances have such a well-thought-out design that magnets do not pose a serious threat to them.

Well, perhaps from an aesthetic point of view, and only in cases where the decorations themselves hang on the refrigerator door for too long. In this case, characteristic light spots remain under the magnets, while the door itself turns yellow under the influence of external factors (constant heat in the kitchen, soot, grease and dirt). As a result, after the magnets are removed, its appearance leaves much to be desired. Therefore, if you want to avoid such a problem, then the magnets should be moved from time to time, and the door itself should be thoroughly washed. However, if you move the magnets quite intensively, the coating on the refrigerator door can simply be scratched. And these are, perhaps, all the problems that lovers of such jewelry have to face.

True, it is worth mentioning separately about people who have heart problems and use built-in pacemakers. The magnetic fields created by such decorative elements can have a negative impact on the operation of such equipment and, accordingly, lead to serious health problems. But for this, the magnets themselves must be very massive, and their number on the refrigerator door must be simply huge. By the way, it is not recommended to hang large magnetic decorations on the refrigerator even in cases where there are small children in the house. Their natural curiosity is so great that tearing off and dropping such a magnet is a common occurrence for kids. As a result, a child may get injured or simply get scared when a decorative carrot or a plastic head of cabbage falls on his head.

Fridge magnets: signs

Despite the fact that refrigerator magnets appeared in our everyday life relatively recently, various signs are associated with them. It is believed that not all decorations can be hung on the door, otherwise there is a risk of causing disaster. The best option is if you choose magnets for the refrigerator that are directly related to its contents. Those. It is entirely acceptable to hang images of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, drink bottles on the door, as well as leave stylized inscriptions regarding food and its intake. At the same time, many consider it a very bad omen to decorate the refrigerator door with figures of people or animals, all kinds of mythical creatures and cartoon characters. No matter how beautiful the decoration is, it is believed that it charges the food stored in the refrigerator with its energy. However, there is no guarantee that the figurine of a dragon or spider-man carries a positive message and not a negative one. Such superstitions can be treated with irony and distrust, but it is still better to play it safe once again and protect yourself from the unwanted influence of forces unknown to us.

Probably every person likes to hang various magnets on the refrigerator, because where else can you hang them at home? This is especially popular in Russia. Russian people really love beautiful, bright things, and magnets are such original little things that lift their spirits. Someone brings travel magnets, someone receives gifts from loved ones, someone likes to collect magnets, and someone wins one of these magnets along with their purchase in the store.

According to the ancient science of Feng Shui, on which many successful and developed cities and countries such as Singapore are built, magnets should not be hung on the refrigerator, as this is not good for our health and life. Especially dangerous are images of people, which can negatively affect human physiology and psyche. It is worth removing such magnets from the refrigerator.

Pictures can hang on the refrigerator only fruits and vegetables. They create a special atmosphere in the kitchen.

Images of animals are also not advisable.

Another reason why you should not hang magnets on refrigerators is that the magnets create a negative magnetic field. They negatively affect the health of people, especially those who have health and heart problems.

Fridge magnets can damage pacemakers, even from a distance of three centimeters. Also, the magnets themselves negatively affect the operation of the refrigerator.

Magnets also negatively influence on the top surface of the refrigerator if you do not remove them carefully from the refrigerator or if the surface is not a pure white standard color.

It is best for the magnet to carry some kind of functional load. For example, hang a magnetic drink opener or a magnetic handle on the refrigerator door. You can also hang a notepad or calendar.

There is a myth that magnets negatively affect the internal parts of the refrigerator. There are no facts confirming this.

In general, of course, refrigerator magnets brought from different countries bring a lot of pleasant impressions, pleasures, and memories. So, it’s nice to come back from vacation from your favorite country and hang another magnet on the refrigerator.

But maybe we should listen to science Feng Shui, she tells us not such stupid things. Better buy a magnet board and hang all your magnets, photos, and so on there.

Along with a cheerful mood, we often bring colorful magnets from our travels. To preserve vivid memories of our vacation longer, we decorate our refrigerator with magnets. Agree that with them it becomes much more fun and brighter.

True, there is an opinion that magnets do not need to be placed on the surface of the refrigerator. Because a fun hobby can negatively affect your health. So Why You can't hang magnets on the refrigerator? Now let's try to figure it out.

What does Feng Shui say about magnets?

Guided by ancient Chinese teachings, the refrigerator door does not need to be hung with a huge number of magnets. Pay attention to the pictures depicted on these decorative items. It is acceptable to place magnets with vegetables and fruits on refrigerators. They charge with positive energy and are associated with proper nutrition.

Avoid magnets with images of people and animals. Such souvenirs charge food with bad energy, which is transmitted to the person.

The effect of magnets on human health

Feng Shui theory is far from the last reason that raises the question among many: “ Why can't you keep magnets on your refrigerator??. These cute souvenirs very often have a detrimental effect on human health. The reason for this is magnetic fields. True, not all magnets are so dangerous. By choosing souvenirs made of iron and ferrite (black and grayish shades) you cannot harm yourself. They have weak magnetic fields that have virtually no effect on the human body.

Dangerous magnets are neodymium (silver or gray in color). Such souvenirs have a negative impact on people with heart failure. If, for example, you have a pacemaker, then from a radius of three centimeters a magnet can disable it. Therefore, you should refuse to place colorful souvenirs on the refrigerator.

Magnets and refrigerator operation

Another reason why it is undesirable to keep magnets on the refrigerator is damage to the door shell. A large number of souvenirs can simply scratch the paintwork and ruin the appearance of the refrigerator. Regarding the influence of magnets on the operation of the freezing unit, this fact can be disputed. Scientists note that small metal souvenirs cannot interfere with the operation of the refrigerator, damaging its internal parts.

Should you place magnets on your refrigerator?

Despite the disadvantages of magnets, most of us find positive aspects in them. Manufacturers often offer multifunctional souvenirs, equipping them with a beer opener or a notepad for notes. In addition, magnets lift our spirits, reminding us of a wonderful time spent on a sunny beach or at ski resorts.

Sometimes, using magnets, you can easily hide dents or scratches on the refrigerator received during transportation. Therefore, you should not be skeptical about these souvenirs.

Not long ago, another horror story began to appear in the media about the dangers of souvenir refrigerator magnets. Almost every home has these interior decorations; we all buy them in tourist shops on every trip - as a souvenir for ourselves and for the joy of our friends. So are they really not harmless? Why can’t you hang magnets on the refrigerator, how can they harm equipment and human health?

Will the refrigerator be damaged?

In fact, souvenir magnets are so small in size that they are not capable of harming equipment in any way. Do not forget that the refrigerator door is of sufficient thickness, and all important structural elements are located behind its rear wall. But there are still reasons why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator. The first of them is the risk of scratching the enamel. Also, under the influence of light and air, over time, the outer coating of the refrigerator body still changes its color. If you don't move your jewelry for a long time, unsightly light spots may remain in their place. Therefore, carefully inspect refrigerator magnets when purchasing: the surface of the elements that fit tightly to the iron base should be perfectly smooth. Also, do not forget to regularly remove all decorative elements from the refrigerator, wash the door and re-hang them in any order.

Is there a danger to humans?

If we talk about why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator, then you shouldn’t forget about the likelihood of them falling. This is especially dangerous if small children live in the apartment. A child can knock down a magnet by hitting the refrigerator, sometimes the decorative part peels off from the base. The least dangerous are flexible and acrylic flat magnets. But still, all reports about the dangers of magnetic souvenirs cannot be attributed to fiction. Magnets can indeed be dangerous for those who have heart problems and are forced to use electronic pacemakers. Malfunctions in the operation of devices of this type can occur even when approaching the radiation source by 3 centimeters. Therefore, if you or someone in your family uses pacemakers, it is advisable to stop collecting magnets and try to minimize the presence of sources of magnetic fields in the house.

Healthy people and modern technology can

To date, no other reasons have been identified why magnets should not be hung on the refrigerator. For this reason, all people who do not have problems with the cardiovascular system and own working modern refrigerators can safely continue collecting souvenirs from different countries. However, you can often buy original magnets in your city or receive them as a gift at some event or exhibition. You can try to make such decorations with your own hands. In the event that collecting captivates you so much that the refrigerator space is no longer enough, consider purchasing a separate iron board or panel. You can make a similar base for placing magnets with your own hands.