Repair Design Furniture

Round furniture for a round house. A house without dark corners. How to build a round house. Advantages and disadvantages of spherical houses

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Today, perhaps, it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with an architectural solution when building a house. But not a domed house! This type of building is unique in itself, as it is unusual for our area. But this is not the only advantage of a domed house. Each project will be different from the other, since there is the possibility of variation in literally every detail of the house. This is a significant advantage of such buildings, because the usable space in such a house is as functional as possible. Therefore, this architectural solution is becoming increasingly popular in construction. In this article we will look at domed houses in detail: projects and prices, photo examples of finished buildings.

Building a spherical shape is a great way to stand out from the monotony of neighboring houses

Formally speaking, a domed house is a building with a spherically rounded roof. Outwardly it may resemble an Eskimo dwelling - an igloo. But, nevertheless, modern domed houses have gone much further in their design. Project design can turn into reality tasks that would seem completely impossible from a construction point of view.

Thus, one main sphere can be combined with five additional ones, which will present us with an abstract and bold solution by the designer. Yes, exterior photos, designs and prices of domed houses will largely depend on the imagination of the architect-designer team.

History of domed buildings

Domed houses appeared in the Byzantine period. It’s hard to even imagine in what year the Eskimos began building round houses out of snow in the north. The northern peoples of Scandinavia used a more durable material, like stone, in round-shaped buildings.

One thing is certain - houses have been popular in the past. And most likely, appearance is not the main requirement for a spherical house. People have noticed that the wind resistance of such houses is much higher than that of corner houses. Here you can also add earthquake resistance and much more.

For your information! Buckminster Fuller in 1951, noticing the spherical shape as an option for building houses, decided to patent a structural solution in architecture.

Photos of domed houses

And it really is possible to make it a reality! The smooth lines of such a house look very natural in nature. Such houses fit perfectly into any landscape picture. Wherever you build such a house, in the photo it will always look like a dream house.

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Projects of frame houses with photos and prices. From this review you will learn about frame construction technologies, prices for some models and many myths about frame houses.

Technologies for the construction of domed houses

In order to build a dome-shaped house, you first need to build a frame. The material required for this is quite strong, although it can be light. Wood is ideal. It is very convenient to install because it does not require additional costs, installations, etc.

Foundation for construction

The frame is placed on a strip or pile type foundation. Here's a little more detail. For each area, the layer of black soil will be of different sizes, but it must be removed. Having reached the clay layer, it is necessary to compact the area where the foundation is planned. goes in one layer of mesh, the cell of which is 10X10 cm - 15X15 cm. The thickness of the reinforcement can be from 8 mm to 16 mm. The mesh is knitted with a starting point of plus 10 cm or more, on each side of the expected wall thickness. The layer and grade of concrete is calculated depending on the mass of the building, according to the construction project.

Frame construction and finishing

The frame, as already mentioned, can be built from wood, but metal can also be used, which makes construction more expensive. It is also possible to build domed houses from polystyrene foam.

In some cases, an additional so-called temporary frame or supports may be used. Its role is reduced to supporting the dome until the materials are removed, after which it will be dismantled. Sometimes the design provides for supporting columns or piers on which the dome also rests. They are erected simultaneously with the frame. The main frame, external, is mounted according to the principle of triangular edges, which allows you to vary the shape of the house in any direction.

Helpful advice! To obtain an even sphere, it is better to make the frame fragments according to one template, then putting them together and checking them. The more accurately the copies are made, the less displacement will be during the installation process.

At the junctions of triangular blocks, as well as on the vault of the dome, it is better to use special industrial connectors, called connectors for dome houses. They undergo technical testing for loads and performance properties.

When using basalt insulation, it would be correct to use waterproofing impregnation. By impregnating the wool blocks with such a solution, the humid environment will not subsequently threaten the development of fungus or mold on the walls.

Openings in round houses must have reinforced frames. This is especially true for doorways. As for windows, unlike doors, they can be of completely different shapes. Spherical-shaped houses can be covered with bitumen shingles, which is very convenient due to its flexible properties. In operation, bituminous shingles have no equal. Its waterproofing properties are of the highest level today. All that remains for the home owner is to decide on the choice of the manufacturer of this material.

Interior finishing is carried out using the same materials and work procedures as ordinary houses. Gypsum and cement-sand putties, cement screeds, wooden paneling, tiles, parquet, linoleum, wallpaper - all this is easily applicable in round houses.

Layout of a domed house with your own hands: main points

The real flight of fancy begins with the layout of the interior space. The spherical design allows you to implement very interesting design ideas. It is worth noting that not all of them may be due to practicality and functionality. We invite you to look at projects and photos of round houses:

Advantages and disadvantages of spherical houses

The advantage of domed houses over conventional houses:

  • Appearance;
  • Wind resistance;
  • Seismic resistance;
  • Light weight of the structure;
  • Lightweight foundation;
  • Does not require special equipment;
  • Possibility of all-season construction;
  • Economical;
  • Energy intensity;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • 100% functionality of the area;
  • A feeling of unsurpassed comfort.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • Difficulty in calculating the project and building materials due to the spherical shape;
  • To carry out the work, it is better to contact builders specializing in buildings of this type (this way you will incur minimal costs);
  • Non-standard window shapes, which can complicate their production and cost;
  • Finishing any curved surface will cost more, be it wallpaper, plaster, tiles or drywall.

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Dome houses: projects and prices, photos of designs

Through search engines on the Internet you can easily find domed houses, projects, prices and photos, as well as a highly qualified team for the construction of this type of structure. It has always been and remains the best decision to seek help or advice from specialists. Only through practical experience can you approach construction competently. Especially when it comes to non-standard solutions.

A spherical building complicates the work by an order of magnitude and requires mathematical, geometric, physical and mechanical calculations. And this is not all that such a project requires. Geodetic data, landscape measurements - in a word, many directions in calculations when building a domed house indicate that qualified specialists should be invited to the task.

About the cost of domed buildings

You can buy a domed house at a price approximately 30% lower than usual. First of all, the cost reduction occurs due to roofing materials, since their supporting structure is not needed. The basis is the walls of the house themselves. And the saving of masonry material is hidden in the very formula of the spherical figure. With detailed calculations, this becomes visible to the naked eye.

Is it possible to build a “round” house from monolithic concrete in Russia? What are the advantages of houses without dark corners? What do they look like inside? And how to place furniture in a house with “round” walls?
Recently I had the opportunity to go on a “tour” of one of the domed houses being built in the Moscow region by the LotosDom company. I went there for work, and I’ll say right away that for the Zelenograd Info Portal, for which I was preparing an article about the house, it was advertising material*. However, I personally have no obligation to post this material on my blog and I do so solely because I consider this unusual topic worthy of your attention. I also do not have the goal of convincing you of the superiority of these houses, however, I also do not set myself the task of critically evaluating the arguments of the “manufacturer” of such buildings. Therefore, the narration will be conducted in the format “what I bought for, I sell for.” So, we've sorted out the formalities and prefaces. Go!..

The house we visited is located in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region, beyond Klin and even beyond Vysokovsky. The journey by car from Zelenograd to this remote place took an hour and a half. The house stands in one of the cottage villages, standing out noticeably among the surrounding buildings.

On the outside, due to the rounded walls on the second floor, it looks more compact than on the inside.

At the moment when we were there, the facility was 70-80% ready, finishing work was underway.

Entering the house and passing a small hallway and the entrance to the bathroom, we find ourselves in a spacious rounded room with an area of ​​about 60 square meters. meters.

The total floor area of ​​the central dome is 128.6 square meters. meters. On the second floor there are three living rooms and another bathroom.

To make it clear, I’ll show you a house plan. Taking into account the two extensions on the sides (we will return to them later), the total area of ​​the house is 160 “squares”.

Here's a short video tour of the house to make it easier to navigate.

Our guide to the “round” house was the general director of the LotosDom company, Sergei Prelov. He has been working in construction for several years. I started, of course, with ordinary “rectangular” houses. One day, while thinking about how to overcome their shortcomings, Sergei came across a round shape and realized that its geometry simply eliminated all the questions that faced him. So he became a staunch supporter of domed houses.

By the way, let's look at the form. There is a so-called Fuller shape - roughly speaking, the top of the ball. If you build houses of this shape, they will seem flattened, and the walls will have too much of a slope. Sergei Prelov’s company builds spheres that can be compared in shape to an egg, and not with the “butt” of the egg, but with the so-called bit part. Therefore, their houses are more elongated upward, and the walls, at least on the first floor, are almost vertical. So there is no problem in going close to the window or hanging a picture on the wall (we’ll return to the question of furniture later).

This form was invented by the architect Vitaly Grebnev. In 2006, he built a domed house in Saltykovka (Balashikha microdistrict) near Moscow. The house still stands safely. :)

Here's a video about him.

Sergei Prelov, however, had to struggle to reduce the cost of production technology. In general, he is a real fan of his business and wants to carry out mass housing construction, and not build individual exclusive houses. As a result, they came up with an option with pneumatic formwork - all the equipment necessary for pouring the dome fits into a regular Gazelle. In short, the technology can be described as follows: after pouring the foundation, builders inflate a balloon on it and “throw” it with concrete; the resulting monolithic concrete dome is sheathed with “rock wool” and then covered (tarcrete) with an additional outer layer of concrete. Next, windows and doors are cut out in the sphere, and work begins with communications and internal space. This is most clearly shown in the video.

The cost of the house is calculated using the formula “30 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter without finishing" or "40 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter with finishing.” The living area of ​​the largest dome (9 meters in diameter) is 128.6 square meters. meters, the smallest (4.5 meters in diameter) is 16 square meters. meters. Sergei Prelov assures that they have no hidden costs.

In addition to spheres with a diameter of 4.5 and 9 meters, the LotusDom arsenal also has domes with a diameter of 6 and 7.5 meters. They can be combined with each other in any combination, so house designs are limited only by the capabilities and fantasies of customers. On the LotusDom website you can find fantastic projects like this...

But in reality, the house in which we are located (a central “dome” with a diameter of 9 meters and two spheres of 4.5 meters each) is so far the largest of the projects implemented by Sergei Prelov’s company. Here is a computer visualization of such a project (however, in our house the doors and windows are located differently).

As you probably immediately noticed, the first and second floors in the house in which we are located are separated by a ceiling with a circular cutout. This “hole” (as well as the transparent dome on the “roof”) can be abandoned, but this will worsen the natural lighting of the first floor, disrupt air circulation, which ensures higher energy efficiency of “round” houses compared to “rectangular” ones, and it will simply deprive the house of one of its main features. One of the potential customers of Sergei Prelov’s company, on the contrary, is considering as an option the idea of ​​planting a tree on the first floor - so that it grows through the hole to the second floor. This is the avant-garde!

The ceiling height on the first floor is three meters, on the second - at least four. From the floor of the first floor to the top of the dome - 7.6 meters.

The main advantage of a “round” house over a “rectangular” one, according to Sergei Prelov, is its greater energy efficiency and, as a result, cheaper operation. The surface of the ball is 25% smaller than the surface of a cube of the same volume - therefore less heat escapes through the walls. Due to the shape of the sphere, the warm air in it is distributed evenly, without clogging into the corners on the second floor (that’s why the “hole” between the floors is so important), which means it’s easier to heat such a house. In addition, in the case of the LotosDom buildings, we are dealing with monolithic seamless structures in which there cannot be any cracks or gaps. And finally, the streamlined shape of the ball reduces the wind load, minimizing losses from cold winds. In general, according to Sergei Prelov, a fireplace in such a house can only be installed for beauty.
When we were in the house, three small heat guns were working, which the builders used to dry the walls, and it was really quite warm (at sub-zero temperatures outside the window). We took off our outerwear pretty quickly.

Lighting the house also requires less electricity than in a “rectangular” building - due to the presence of a transparent dome, a large number of windows and the absence of dark corners.

By the way, the standard design of a 9-meter sphere includes 13 windows. Moreover, they can be positioned almost anywhere. In practice, some customers even refuse some windows. For example, in this house, there are two less of them.

Well, let's get back to the interiors of the house. This is one of the rooms on the second floor.

And this one is different. As you already understood, the rooms are separated by partitions, which in some places form those very vertical flat surfaces suitable for installing cabinets next to them.

For smaller furniture, other walls will also work. Using a stack of laminate flooring as an example, Sergei Prelov showed us that when you place a rectangular bed against a “round” wall in such a house, you actually don’t waste any space at all.

However, one cannot, of course, fail to admit that the arrangement of furniture and the design of premises will still have to be approached responsibly. The hole in the floor, by the way, will, of course, be fenced off with railings.

Now let's look at the extensions. One of them will have a guest bedroom. Area - 16 sq. meters. On the basis of such spheres, LotosDom makes, in particular, grill gazebos, in which a grill with an open fire is located in the center, and people are around it. Such a gazebo can also be “built in” directly into the house.

And in another extension, the owners of this house decided to arrange a sauna with a dressing room and shower.

Actually a steam room. They say that thanks to the presence of the vault, the efficiency of the heating is “simply crazy.”

In general, Sergei Prelov has a project for a bath complex, which should consist of a large central sphere where the pool would be located, and several smaller extensions where there would be different types of saunas and steam rooms. In addition, LotosDom has developed a “round restaurant” project for potential investors. Sergei’s thought is this: many companies spend a lot of effort to stand out from competitors and attract consumers, and if such a building is built, the architecture itself will help them in this. The thesis, in my opinion, sounds quite sound. I myself, for example, other things being equal, would gladly stay in a “round” hotel.
I can’t judge how promising such houses are on the housing market. Whatever one may say, the decision to build such a house requires a certain courage and willingness to tackle some problems (well, okay, we can call them features) with the layout. Nevertheless, of course, I wish Sergei Prelov, as a person who is sincerely passionate about his project and confident in its excellence, every success.

In conclusion, I’ll tell you two funny stories about this object. They say that until windows were cut into the concrete dome, the neighbors in the village organized a real pilgrimage to the construction site to find out what it was. The foreman even joked that it was necessary to put up a sign with the inscription: “This is a residential building, it will have windows, it is two-story, the area is 128 square meters. meters."
And the second story is about an employee of Sergei Prelov’s company, whose phone died on the way to the site. He didn’t know the exact route and couldn’t use a navigator or call his colleagues. I stopped in a village and, having no other options, got out of the car and asked the first person I met: “Do you happen to know where they are building a round house here?” And to the goal, by the way, there were still about five kilometers and two turns. But the builder immediately received a comprehensive answer with the exact route. :)
In general, the house has already become a local landmark. Or maybe it will be after construction is completed, when, according to the customer’s idea, it should take on the appearance of a bouquet of three lotus flowers blooming in the middle of a stone lake. I hope that closer to summer we will be invited to look at it in its finished form.

*The author of the photo in this post is my colleague at the Zelenograd Infoportal Vasily Povolnov. By agreement between the customer of the advertising material and the contractor, the photos are “watermarked” in the form of the logo of the developer company (apparently for reasons so that competitors do not use them for their own purposes). Accordingly, I have no right to use these pictures without logos for personal purposes.

Who hasn't heard about the Pantheon in Rome, African huts, Eskimo yurts? All these designs have one thing in common - they are round. The construction of square or rectangular residential projects is rapidly developing on almost every continent, but round houses, well known since ancient times, continue to inspire architects. However, recent trends in the art of building construction show that a modern round house can be innovative, economical and functional. Get acquainted with interesting designs of round-shaped houses that will inspire you to build such housing.

Round houses: photos of the most interesting projects

At the beginning of “humanity,” people sought refuge in circular caves. Why not go back to your roots now? It would be great to live in a round house. Hemisphere-shaped structures are now being actively created. Among such buildings today there are beautiful, exclusive proposals, but also more modest ones, charming with their originality.

Round residential building - an original modern solution

21st century architecture knows no boundaries. You can build houses from straw and clay, ice and iron. Currently, increasingly complex projects are being created. Modern domed houses are built from various materials. Some of them are more environmentally friendly, others, on the contrary, consist of innovative prefabricated elements. But there is one feature that is common to all - they have a dome that dominates the body of the building. Round houses look quite strange, but interesting and attractive.

Turnkey round house: why do people today prefer such designs for living?

Owners of round houses say that their property has two important features: practicality and low cost. At the construction stage, domed houses are 30% cheaper than traditional, rectangular residential premises. Such a building does not have a roof or gutters. It's all one big roof. They look small on the outside but impress with their spacious interiors on the inside. Innovative houses do not require financial costs associated with ongoing repairs and are cheaper to heat.

Round structures - houses of the future

The house has a 600-year warranty! It sounds incredible, but this unusual solution really works! The round house can withstand any hurricanes and earthquakes. The dome has one unmistakable feature that cannot be achieved in a traditional square building, it is able to store energy inside, due to which it has a positive effect on the people living inside. Yes, a round house is a way to be original!

Features of building a round house

Round houses are not often found, but in recent years they have become more in demand as private housing. In most cases, such buildings are built using the technology of inflatable reinforced concrete skeletons. The developers are reportedly providing a 600-year warranty on the round houses! The building is created on a ring foundation with reinforcement. Skeletal inflation lasts six weeks and requires constant monitoring of the impact devices. The inner frame is covered with polyurethane foam, which is the insulation for the entire dome and the support to strengthen the whole, then it is sprayed with concrete on the outside. The entire construction takes about 10 months. This is a rigid, fireproof and durable building that has many advantages:

Round private house made of wood

Modern companies offer to build wooden round structures, so-called domed houses. The building is cheap to construct and its shape reduces heating and cooling costs by 50%. There is usually only one room in the middle. See what this house might look like from the inside.

House like a monolithic dome

Monolithic domes are made of solid concrete, geometrically closer to the ideal half of a sphere. They have a compact and continuous canopy. Therefore, the construction of buildings using such a dome makes them more durable and resistant to all external factors. Monolithic houses can be built on the surface, or partially buried in the ground.

Construction of round houses - a look into the future with an appeal to the roots

The idea of ​​​​building a round house has an increasing number of supporters around the world. Spherical buildings are a kind of return to nature. Having such an extravagant structure is undoubtedly much more economical than traditional rectangular buildings covered with a traditional roof. Supporters of the so-called “Round City” emphasize that in the past people sat in a circle around a fire and formed larger communities where they communicated with each other. Circular cities must also follow the original principle of the so-called common good. Since time immemorial, man has built houses in the shape of a sphere. Circle buildings are based on the idea of ​​returning to intimacy, to building positive relationships in calming, healing and adding energy. The circle is a divine symbol, an ideal shape. A round house is a home that takes care of you!

Round house inside - functionality and savings

The interior arrangement of a round house is interesting and practical. The project may not look very attractive from the outside, but it is stunning on the inside and is also very practical and budget-friendly. If you value large space, semi-circular rooms and a spacious living room, then a round sphere house is your ideal choice.

Modern round houses look a bit like objects from science fiction films. However, looking back into the past, architecture of this form has been in demand since time immemorial due to its practicality, durability and convenience. Round houses - the architecture of the future. Get your dose of inspiration with great photo ideas. The original buildings not only look gorgeous, but are also built quickly enough and last for centuries, protecting their residents from various natural disasters. Think, perhaps a round-shaped bunker house is your life's dream.


This project interested us from a planning point of view, because... We want a cob house. It practically matches our thoughts and drawings, with minimal adjustments. We need 1-2 more bedrooms, and the winter garden is also a little longer.

Attractive design of a round and spacious thatched house with an area of ​​150 sq.m. The highlight of the house is the winter garden, which constantly refreshes the indoor air and allows you to grow flowers and herbs all year round. The height of the plinth 40 cm is sufficient to protect the thatched walls from moisture in winter and summer, the shape of the roof allows you to place two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor with a spacious 38 m2 hall. The living room on the first floor is combined with the kitchen into a comfortable studio. A large number of windows provide rooms with natural light throughout the day, saving energy, and thick heat-saving walls, thanks to their round shape, save heat in winter and cold in summer much more effectively. Thus, during sunny winter periods, the house practically does not need heating.

Total area 150 m2,Living area 78 m2

The absence of right angles allows energy to circulate evenly and not stagnate; the free layout limits us only to the presence of a central column made of solid logs. A round house, having the smallest area of ​​external walls compared to a rectangular one, can significantly reduce the heat loss of the building. The desire for the sun - the source of vital and thermal energy - inspired people to make maximum use of its power. Designed according to the principles of solar architecture, the house has virtually no windows on the north side, which also allows heat to accumulate during the day. The main highlight of this house is the winter garden attached to the south-west side of the house, which will allow you to have your own green vegetables on the table all year round, and in warmer times it will also be a buffer for heat accumulation and circulation through the rooms.

Round houses - projects, photos and the best design solutions. The round house is a rather unusual design that will definitely appeal to everyone who has visited it. People began building houses of this shape many years ago, and this is not at all surprising, since smooth lines were and are still considered more natural, since they are much more common in nature.

Now popularity is growing, and round house projects have become much more in demand, and this applies to dachas and. Why are they good and what materials can you use to build such a house with your own hands? Let's find out.

In general, buildings of this type began to be built from natural materials, for example, straw, reeds, stone, wood or clay. These houses were popular with Aboriginal people from many countries, including Cyprus and the Far North. In such a house it was both cool and warm at the same time. The mystery of such a unique climate lies in the smoothness of the lines of the roof and walls, since the thermal conductivity of the walls is lower - in round houses a person is like in a thermos - warm in winter, and pleasantly cool in summer.

To date, four unique round house designs have gained particular popularity:

Note, that since dome-shaped houses are more common in construction, it is this type of project that will be discussed in the article.


Of course, the designs of round houses and cottages are extraordinary, and each type is inimitable and unique in its own way.

The architect who will develop the project must take into account many factors:

  • Useful area of ​​the building.
  • The topography of the area where the house will be located.
  • Seismic and climatic features of the region.
  • Wishes of what such a house wants regarding arrangement from the inside and so on.

Important! Such projects are considered individual, and they will be much more expensive, but there will be savings when purchasing materials.

In addition to uniqueness, there are many more advantages:

Helpful advice! You can build a round house from almost any material. For this, trimmed logs or straw are often used and clay is used for joining, as well as panel and frame structures, wooden and metal supports.


Cylindrical or spherical buildings are difficult to design, since you have to deal with curved figures, and it is difficult to calculate the loads in them. For this reason, it is better to entrust the preparation of the project to professionals, but you can handle the construction yourself.

In general, building a round house can be divided into several steps:

  • Making a round house project in which a sphere or hemisphere will be divided into fragments or triangles. This will make it easier to calculate the load, and especially since it is much easier to sheathe a structure made of triangles.
  • Then we proceed to the foundation. It would be most effective to make the pile option. But a slab base in the shape of a circle is used just as often. It is not difficult to make a lightweight foundation, and it will harden faster. If you wish, you can make a basement or underground garage (but only if this was provided for by the project).
  • The easiest option for assembly is a frame-type house. In this case, a metal profile or beam for the dome frame is placed on the site. Metal elements are used for fastening.
  • Now you need to sheathe it. For this, sip panels are often used, which have an outer and an inner layer, as well as insulation in the form of mineral wool or. The triangular-shaped panels simply need to be inserted into the frame and all the cracks filled with insulation.
  • According to the project, the internal walls should be covered with sheet material or a finished panel. The house can be furnished as you wish. But keep in mind that the curvilinearity of the walls will not allow you to place rectangular-shaped furniture closely, and therefore you will have to think through the layout in advance, and maybe even order designer furniture.

Important! Do not forget about hydro- and vapor barrier at home. If you do not use film during construction, the inside will be uncomfortable and damp, and the walls will quickly become unusable due to moisture.


No one will be left indifferent by the photo of a round house - non-standard projects are always remembered. Everything in such a building is unusual - from the interior to the appearance as a whole. Not every person can live in such a house; you will need to get used to it. But such houses will appeal to creative people and those who are crazy about modern technology.