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Useful breakfast: oatmeal with apples. Oatmeal with fruit Hercules porridge with apple recipe

Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat porridge with apples - very tasty, satisfying and useful breakfast. With the addition of different components, the dish can be both a full-fledged food and a separate dessert. There are many variations of porridge - on milk, on water, on a mixture of water and milk, you can cook them in a slow cooker, in the oven, microwave.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

So that the apple dessert is not tired, you can diversify the range of croup.

The most popular Porridge with apples is considered rice. Fig contains vitamins PP, B, E, proteins, microelements (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium), carbohydrates. Absorbent cereals helps to remove toxins and slags. It is included in the children's menu, advise people who are prone to allergies.

Choosing and preparing rice:

  • round rice is suitable for porridge, it is better welded;
  • the croup is sworded, dark grains are removed;
  • before cooking rice is washed 3-4 times with warm water to wash part of the gluten and starch;
  • it is possible to dunk rice in cold water for an hour, porridge weld faster.

Oatmeal Not less loved by supporters of healthy food. A complex of vitamins, minerals and fiber makes this CROUE indispensable for the diseases of the stomach and intestines, reduces cholesterol levels, prevents an increase in blood sugar.

Preparation of oat flakes for cooking:

  • choose those oatmeal that are designed for long cooking, they are denser, they have a rich taste;
  • the solid croup passes less treatments, which means the most useful;
  • from dense oatmeal, a dish of the right texture is obtained;
  • be sure to check oatmeal on the absence of bugs and delights;
  • flakes Hercules can not be flushed;
  • from one piece of cereals, the end is the four parts of the porridge, so it is important to comply with the proportions.

- The most, perhaps, useful and tasty. Amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, rutin make a corpse with a powerful antioxidant. Buckwheat helps strengthen vessels, helps with anemia.

Preparation of buckwheat:

  • crow carefully move from dark grains, outsiders;
  • you can choose both roasted and light buckwheat;
  • the croup is washed several times, all the pop-up grains are cleaned;
  • buckwheat increases in size 4-5 times, it should be considered when adding water.

Apples Give a small backdrop sweet caress. Dessert becomes more rich and completed. After all, too sweet porridge does not like everyone, and with an apple there is a completely different taste.

Ripe fruits need to be selected - worm, rotten, should not be applied with stains. Then apples wash, clean from the peel and cut into small cubes. You have to choose sweet varieties with small sourness, but if there are no such, any. The taste can be adjusted by changing the amount of sugar in the caress.

Capture secrets

Liquid, viscous, crumbly - such a consistency of porridge depends on the proportion of water and cereals. It will take a saucepan of stainless steel to prepare a dish.

Sounds of cooking delicious porridge:

  • the buckwheat croup is placed in cold water, rice and oatmeal is better to fall asleep in boiling water;
  • buckle can be pre-rolled in a frying pan;
  • if the cereals were knocked in advance, then it is necessary to take into account, then the water will be needed less than indicated in the recipe;
  • it is advisable for porridge to take pure soft water or pre-boil it;
  • on milk dish, it turns out to be more calorie, so during a diet or post porridge boils on water;
  • dairy porridge is faster than the body;
  • milk fat helps the absorption of vitamins, including vitamin A;
  • if the porridge needs to be welded in milk, then first the croup is boiled on the water until half-welded, then hot milk is added;
  • 10 g of salts are used per 1 kg of the finished product, the milk dish requires salt two times less;
  • in the porridge besides apples, butter, honey, raisins, kuragu, cinnamon, nuts are added;
  • prevent the product slowly, starting from the bottom, from top to bottom;
  • so that the oatmeal is burned, the bottom of the pan is smeared with oil;
  • if frying apples in a skillet, they are obtained by crispy;
  • when the porridge wakes up, it is not necessary to interfere, you need to close the lid, turn off the gas and leave to swell until the full readiness is 20 minutes;
  • after cooking, porridge can be poured with condensed milk, honey, chocolate.


Porridge with apples, in addition to the classic way - in a saucepan on the stove, you can cook in the oven, in the microwave, a slow cooker. Strengthen the taste with the help of various additives and spices. Every day you can enjoy delicious and useful food!

Rice porridge in a slow cooker

It will take:

  • rice glass
  • 2 glasses of water,
  • 2 apples,
  • 5 spoons of raisins,
  • creamy oil 30 g


  1. Washed rice pour into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour the water.
  3. Enable the program "Dairy porridge", cook for 30 minutes.
  4. Until porridge is brewed, cut the apple cubes, rinse raisins.
  5. After the program has ended, pour apples and raisins into the bowl.
  6. Make oil.
  7. Prepare in the "Baking" mode for another 15 minutes.

Porridge in the pot in the oven

In the oven porridge gets crumbly and delicious. Cools for cooking on this recipe is suitable: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal (cereals, not flakes!)

Products for 4 pot:

  • 3 large apples
  • 2 glasses of cereals,
  • 6 glasses of water,
  • 3 spoons of sugar,
  • incomplete teaspoon salt,
  • 40 g butter creamy.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. In each container, pour in half a cup of cereals, pour water - a half cup, sugar sugar and salt.
  2. Clear apples, cut into large slices, move in Fig.
  3. Cover the pot covers and put in the oven for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.
  4. After readiness, water should fully absorb, if not, then cover with a towel until it comes.
  5. Put oil into the finished dish.

Porridge with milk and spicy apples

Flakes for making porridge on this recipe you can take any, including the mixture to your taste. The main thing is that they should not be quick preparation, it is necessary to choose a product designed for long cooking (from 15 minutes).


  • blend of flakes 170 g
  • apples 0.5 kg,
  • milk 0.5 l,
  • brown sugar 3-4 spoons,
  • 2 cinnamon sticks,
  • 3 cardamon pods,
  • 2 pcs. Carnations,
  • ginger root ground - half a small spoon,
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut fruit.
  2. From the cardamom to remove the grains.
  3. Connect apples, cardamom, carnation, part of sugar, ginger in the dishes, all helm.
  4. Pour boiling water, boil 10 minutes.
  5. Separately weld the croup on milk by adding sugar and salt.
  6. To impose porridge in a plate, put spicy apples top above.

Oatmeal with apples


  • oatflakes (or blend of flakes) - 50 g,
  • apples - 100 g,
  • butter cream - 20 g,
  • a glass of milk,
  • sugar - 30 g,
  • salt to taste
  • cinnamon at the tip of the knife.


  1. Apples cut into plates.
  2. In boiling milk pour a croup.
  3. Add sugar, apples, cinnamon, cook for 5 minutes, continuously interfere.

Video: millet porridge with apples

Buckwheat apple porridge


  • buckwheat - 150 g,
  • apples - 70 g,
  • honey - 15 g,
  • walnuts - 50 g,
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Washed buckwheat cooking on the water, salt.
  2. In the pan warm honey, apples chopped with cubes, crushed walnuts, water 2 spoons, stew 5-6 minutes.
  3. Finished porridge top pour apple-nut mixture.

Diversity daily cereals will help nuts, dried fruits, prunes, citrus fruits, bananas, pieces of marmalade or fruit jelly. Porridge with apples can be served for breakfast with tea or instead of dinner in the evening.

In this article, you have a selection of recipes for delicious and useful rice porridge with fragrant apples.

Basic recipe

Preparation of rice porridge with apples on water:

  1. Pour rice into a deep bowl and rinse in water until completely disappeared. In the presence of time you can first soak rice for a quarter of an hour;
  2. Place the croup in a saucepan, add cold water. On the half a package it will be necessary to take a half-table of water;
  3. Pan to put on the stove and cook a little more than half an hour. It takes about so much time so that the dish is the necessary consistency;
  4. After the croup boils, you need to add salt;
  5. While she is brewed, wash the apples and choking them finely;
  6. Ready rice to remove from the plate and cover with a lid;
  7. Meanwhile, the creamy oil is placed on a hot frying pan. When it melts, pour out previously prepared apples;
  8. Stewed apples under the lid about 3 minutes, then pour sugar and stir. Continue to prepare the mixture for a few minutes without having reduced fire;
  9. After that, put the croup to apples. Mix thoroughly, cover the frying pan with a lid and turn off the fire;
  10. The dish must be withstanding under the lid a few minutes so that it is impregnated with apple taste.

Dairy rice porridge with apples for a child

The presented recipe for porridge on milk can be administered in the diet from the first year.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 cup of milk (cow / goat);
  • half a cup of water;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of rice fine grinding;
  • 1 small apple;
  • half of a spoon of butter creamy.

Dish cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie: 67 kcal / 100 gr.


Rice bash with apples is ready: children will definitely appreciate this sweet and gentle dish!

Rice porridge with raisins, apples and cinnamon

Required ingredients:

  • foundation of rice;
  • 3 middle apples;
  • 1 t. Spoon of butter cream;
  • full cabinet milk;
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of raisins;
  • 1 tbsp. Cinnamon spoon;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Dish cooking time: one and a half hours.

Calorie: 105.5 kcal / 100 gr.

How to prepare a rice porridge with apples, raisins and cinnamon:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a GRU: thoroughly take over if necessary, rinse in a cold jet of water to its transparency;
  2. Pour warm water for about ten minutes, then rinse again in the cold to get rid of turbidity;
  3. Shoot the cereal to a saucepan with cold water. Prepare on strong fire. After the water begins to boil - put on a weak and wait until the fluid does not completely disappear (about a quarter of an hour);
  4. Pour milk, add raisins, carefully wash porridge. After pouring sugar and salt. Cooking for another half an hour, interferes periodically so that nothing burned to the bottom;
  5. Cut apples with medium slices;
  6. Melt the creamy oil in a skillet. Share apples and fall asleep part of cinnamon (about a spoon), add sugar to them. Translate fire to the average and pass the mixture for about ten minutes;
  7. To interfere with the resulting caramel apple mixture into porridge or just decorate the dish when feeding. From above sprinkle a cinnamon portion.

  1. For washing the cereals in cold water it is more convenient to use sieve;
  2. It is not necessary to remove the skin with the apples, because in the process of cooking it will become soft;
  3. You can crush the finished apple mixture in a blender so that the dish is more homogeneous, and when applying can be decorated with portions with pieces of apples;
  4. It is not recommended to use cow and goat milk for kids up to year. Porridge on water or maternal milk is suitable as the first dust. You can add a dish in lures from 6 months;
  5. Also, children up to a year hard to chew and absorb major grain cereals, so it is necessary to change them to the powder state. To do this, you can use the coffee grinder. If there is no such, then the finished pitch wipe, using a sieve or blender. As the first feeding is better to take baby food, following the instructions on the package, and after cooking on the items given in the recipe above;
  6. Milk must be poured with a thin weaving so that the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps.

For special sweets, you can add a spoon of honey and nuts to taste - dishes will acquire a special aroma and piquancy. Best of all the walnut will suit the rice porridge with apples.

Oatmeal is the most delicious and useful breakfast, which will give you a charge of cheerfulness, energy and a good mood for a whole day. If oatmeal can be used regularly, at least four times a week, then you can extend the life and strengthen your health. So that the oatmeal is not fresh, it can be diversified with all sorts of additives - nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, fresh fruit. Such breakfast will be even more useful and tastier. Hercules porridge with apples is very tasty, and if you add a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon, then the dish will play with bright colors and acquire a spicy taste. Also try to prepare on another recipe.


1. An important stage is a choice of flakes. Choose high-quality and proven products. Squeeze the desired amount of flakes and pour into the plate.

2. Apples better take green and sweet. Wash them, cut into cubes. Optionally, you can clean from the peel.

3. Many boil oatmeal on the water, so it turns out dietary. If you cook it on milk, you will get a nutritious, satisfying and tasty dish. Put a saucepan on the stove and pour fresh milk into it. Bring it to a boil. Give fire.

4. Sweet milk, add half of the sugar. Then gradually spare flakes and stir.

5. Boil the pitch until the readiness, constantly stirring. Cooking time will be 12 minutes. Then cover the saucepan with the lid and give it.

6. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Put the pan and warm the creamy oil in its place. Pulling up apples in a pan. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Fry the apples for three minutes, they must be crispy, but soft. Watch that the apples did not work out.

7. Apples add to oatmeal, stir, pour cinnamon. Oatmeal with apples is ready. Spread on plates, decorate pieces of fruit jelly. You can serve a table with hot tea or coffee.

I want to advise you another similar recipe -.

Video recipe

Delicious, useful, satisfying and nourishing bash - the best beginning of the day. Such oatmeal will like absolutely all kids and adults. From the given number of ingredients, 6 servings are obtained, so you can feed the whole family. Cooking time will be no more than 40 minutes. To diversify this pitch, boldly replace the apples with other fruits or berries. Great banana, raspberry, apricot, strawberry, pear. You can mix with nuts and cottage cheese, you will get a useful dessert.

Oatmeal porridge with apples is a great way to assemble the whole family at the table. All your households will appreciate your efforts and will ask for additives. A unique combination of apple, cinnamon and make a dish perfect. Sweet, fragrant, with caramel hidhouse will give you a wonderful mood. During cooking, such a tempting fragrance will spread throughout the house. Few people can resist such a dish. Prepare the Hercules Pitch over a proven recipe and enjoy the result.

Only one component added to the boning oatmeal is able to radically change its taste and aroma. And if it is oatmeal with an apple or other useful fruits, then the benefits of the finished dish increases at times.

For such oatmeal, fresh and harvested fruits are suitable, so you can enjoy it all year round.


Oatmeal cooked for breakfast with an apple and cinnamon will be an excellent day of day.


  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 cup (200 g) gluten-free cereals;
  • 3 pieces of apples;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • salt to taste;
  • maple syrup;
  • powder cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Method of cooking

  1. In the saucepan melt the oil component.
  2. Add oat saline and kneading well, lean it for 2 minutes.
  3. Clear apples from the peel and core. Cut with pieces, add to the saucepan. Pour water, salt.
  4. Bring, stirring the composition to boil. Reduce the level of fire and cook 30 minutes until most of the liquid evaporates. Stir every five minutes.
  5. Add cinnamon. After cooling, add syrup.
  6. Oatmeal will receive a pleasant creamy apple taste, and syrup and cinnamon will trust this composition with a gentle aroma.

Dish residues can be left in the refrigerator, and then warm up before serving in the microwave or in a frying pan.

Oatmeal Banana Porridge

Tasty porridge with banana and oatmeal we advise you to prepare those who care about the figure and does not have much time for cooking breakfast. We offer to prepare delicious, fragrant, useful oatmeal with a banana whose recipe will require only 10 minutes of time.


  • 1 cup of oatmeal cereals;
  • 1 banana;
  • seeds of Chia - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon with hammer;
  • sea salt - 1 pinch;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1.5 cup of milk;
  • peanut butter - 2 tbsp. l.

Method of cooking

  1. In a deep cooking capacity, mix oat component, a banana, chopped into pieces, chia seeds, cinnamon, salt. Pour water mixed with milk.
  2. Boil, having linked fire, cook 10 minutes so that part of the water is evaporated. Stir every 2 minutes.
  3. Cooking time may be more. It depends on the type of cereals, which should absorb liquid and become softer.
  4. Ready dish decompose on plates. Add bananas to one portion, peanut butter or paste - to another.

In the receptor of oatmeal with peanut paste, you can make the last independently. To do this, beat up to the pasty state toasted, peeled peanut peel. Add sugar and butter. Get off once again on medium speed. The amount of sweetness and oils should be adjusted according to their preferences. The more these components, the less will be the mass of density.

Oatmeal porridge with melon

The original way of cooking porridge oatmeal with melons is offered to lovers of unusual combinations.


  • 1 musk melon (with a dense pulp);
  • 0.5 glasses of fast cooking oatmeal;
  • 0.5 cup of milk;
  • 0.5 glasses of Greek yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Pumpkin seeds (purified and roasted);
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 0.5 h. L. cinnamon with hammer;
  • 0.5 glasses of blueberries.

Method of cooking

  1. Products should not be cold. In the tank with high sides mix oatmeal, yogurt, milk, seeds, honey, cinnamon. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Melon cut into 2 parts. Remove in the middle of seeds and streak.
  3. To the educated deepening, lay out half the mixture.
  4. Leave for night.
  5. Before feeding, put on top of the stuffed melon halves with blueberries, lightly watering honey.

Such an original porridge can be prepared with fruit, which before bookmarking should be knocked out with sugar, adding vanilla or cinnamon. But mostly recipe then reduce the amount of sweet component.

Porridge with peaches

From what can be added to oatmeal, more often use fruits that are on sale or in their garden. But when in the cold season, so I want to pamper yourself with summer species of fruit, you can use the organs made of them, jams, jam.

Porridge with oatmeal, cooked with a peach, will be tasty, which will make it wake up even the most resistant leierby.


  • 2 cups of oats flakes;
  • 0.25 cup of brown sugar;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 0.5 glasses of crushed almond;
  • 2 glasses of almond (oat) milk;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 0.25 h. L. almond extract;
  • a half cup of sliced \u200b\u200bpeach slices.

Method of cooking

  1. Prepare oatmeal: pour oatmeal, pre-washed and cleaned from garbage in a ratio of 1: 3 boiled water warm. Leave for night. If there is almond milk, it will reduce the amount of cost time.
  2. In the morning drain the liquid.
  3. To the cake add sugar, butter, peaches. Put the container on the fire of the average heating power.
  4. Add gradually oatmeal, stirring. Zlak should be soft, and thickens thickening.
  5. Add cinnamon, almond extract.
  6. You can add nuts and slices of fresh peach in the warm porridge.

Porridge with lemon

Oatmeal prepared with lemon is a great solution to improve the protective properties of the body, since this citrus representative is a carrier of an impressive amount of vitamin C.


  • 2 cups of milk;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 cup of oat flakes;
  • 1 lemon juice;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tsp. Flaxseed;
  • 0.5 h. L. lemon zest;
  • salt is a pinch.

Method of cooking

  1. Soak for several hours flakes in water, adding 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice.
  2. Water merge. Add milk with water. Boil. Add flax seed. Boil while oatmeal does not get liquid.
  3. Add a zest, lemon juice, salt. Mix. Add broken in Kashitz banana. Mix well.
  4. The consistency should be thick.
  5. Consose cooled.

A pleasant useful appetite!

Do you know that millions of the British start their day with oatmeal? This is a very nutritious and useful porridge. Moreover, unlike other croup, it does not harm the figure at all!

But does not oatmeal be sought if every morning there is it for breakfast? By no means. After all, there are many variations: oatmeal with apples, with berries, with dried fruits, on water, milk, cream, kefir, rippy, with honey, bananas and other goodies. And if you also use different spices and spices, then the number of recipes will increase at times.

This article deals with only a small product of the possibilities that open in front of you if there are oatmeal and apples in the house. So that the porridge came out not just edible, but also tasty, some nuances of her cooking should be known.

There are no special tricks here. The process of cooking porridge is so elementary that it can be entrusted to at least the younger schoolboy.

Benefit of oatmeal

It is enough to look at the British's breathing health to understand: this porridge is worth it, and more often. After all, oatmeal expelts the splin, which brings the weather of foggy Albion.

In addition to improving the emotional state, flakes stimulate the work of the brain, remove the extra salt and harmful cholesterol. Porridge improves the intestinal work, protects the mucous membrane of the stomach, removes toxins. The one who wants to lose weight should be more often oatmeal.

But do not forget about the dangers of such a porridge. Flakes are washed out of the body useful calcium. Therefore, a special diet has been developed: oatmeal + cottage cheese + apples. The fermented milk product saturates the body of calcium, flakes normalize the work of the intestine, and the fruits are given vitamins.

Oatmeal is useful for both children and elderly people with a delicate stomach. Such porridge is well absorbed by the body.

Food for those who really want to lose weight

Maybe oatmeal with apples on water and not the most delicious option, but certainly the most low-calorie. First, we will make fruit.

  1. One large or two small apple is mine, cutting thin plates, along the way, pulling the bones and fruit boxes.
  2. Pour in the saucepan of half liters of water. Put on fire.
  3. When the liquid boils, add a pinch of salt and half a glass of oatmeal.
  4. We stir and lose fire a little. We will wait for the re-boiling.
  5. Cook 20 minutes (ordinary flakes) or five - "Hercules" of fast cooking.
  6. When porridge becomes soft, falling down in a saucepan apples. Some people love to feel a crunch of fresh fruit in oatmeal. In this case, you need to turn off the fire immediately. Want that apples ricked up and become soft, how to compote? Then let the whale breathe another 5-7 minutes.
  7. After turning off the fire we bite the saucepan with a towel. Ten minutes later, lay a porridge on plates. As a sweetener, it is permissible to add a teaspoon of honey.

Oatmeal with apples on water and milk

If you are not fans of weight loss, you can afford a little reflection in a diet. Milk will add a dish a little calorie, but it will also eliminate the harmful side effect of oatmeal - flushing out calcium from the body.

The process of cooking such a porridge is somewhat different from the previous one. Fall in the saucepan of half a cup of oatmeal, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Top of laying a small piece of butter.

Fill 400 milliliters of water. We put the dishes on a small fire. Cook, sometimes stirring until the flakes will take the whole liquid. Slowly we divor the porridge with milk to the desired density. Squeezing prepared apples.

Another way of cooking porridge

Recipes of oatmeal with apple on milk a lot. The easiest way is a similar cooking manna porridge. That is, you bring, stirring, milk to boil. Here you need to be alert so that it does not "convince."

After boiling, we make the flame minimal and fall asleep in the saucepan of oatmeal. Mix carefully so that no lumps remain. We add sugar, salt. At this stage, I stir porridge almost continuously, trying to not having burned.

Milk with apples in contact badly. Therefore, if you want to achieve the softness of fruits, refrigerate them in a frying pan. But if you like crispy apples in the porridge, sprink them immediately.

Mix and keep cooking about five minutes. Do not rush to spread porridge on plates. Let it relax in the saucepan under the lid. It should be remembered that sweet milk has a tendency to burn. Therefore, sugar put the minimum quantity. You can sweep the porridge to taste already in a plate.

Oatmeal with spices

It is known that the apples are wonderfully harmonized with cinnamon. This duet is often the basis of many desserts, especially christmas. To prepare oatmeal with an apple and cinnamon, you can use both water and milk, or a mixture of both liquids in different proportions. Consider the last version of such a porridge.

  1. Water (170 milliliters) put on the stove.
  2. In parallel, in another saucepan boil 160 ml of milk.
  3. Feather apples, cut into small cubes. You can clean them, but so you, together with the skin, remove many useful substances.
  4. Oatmeal flakes (40 grams) Suck in boiling water. Immediately pour there and hot milk.
  5. A spoonful of sugar mixed with a pinch of the ground cinnamon. We introduce to porridge. Will not forget to salute.
  6. Apples add under the very end of cooking. It should be said that one can not be limited to one cinnamon. You can add all those spices that are traditionally used to prepare mulled wine.

Cold porridge on kefir without cooking

It is known that oatmeal swells and soften in any liquid. Even if you do not cook these grains, they will still become edible. Another thing is that it will be needed for more time.

After all, the boiling water is accelerated from boiling water, and even more so by cooking. Three products - kefir, oatmeal, apple - are included in many diets.

You can, of course, use them separately. That is, in the morning, eat water, to eat an apple to dinner, and before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir. But life will seem more pleasant if you connect all three components in one caress.

For this, Flakes are flooded with kefir (about 300 milliliters) and leave so night at room temperature. In the morning, add a shabby apple, a pinch of salt, honey. A similar porridge can be made on other fermented milk products - prostrochy or ion.

Is it possible to make cottage cheese and apples?

We have already mentioned that flakes should be combined with products in which there is calcium. Most of this substance contains cottage cheese. But can I make a porridge with him? Sure!

In the portion of the Piles we will decompose cottage cheese. It is better to take farmers, greasy, gentle, not very sour. At the rate of one to two, add "Hercules" of fast cooking. Pour boiling water so that water covered flakes. Cover the piums so that their contents take carefully.

Meanwhile, you can do apples. You can take one small fetus for a portion of porridge. Cut the pulp of apples with small cubes or three. When the flakes are swelling, we enter fruit into porridge, sprinkle with cinnamon and powdered sugar, mix and enjoy a tasty and useful dessert.

Porridge with fruit

As cinnamon can be supplemented with cardamomon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and apples should not be the only ingredients in oatmeal. They can be connected to other fruits. Here are some ideas about what you can enrich and improve the taste of oatmeal with an apple:

  • banana,
  • raisins,
  • dates
  • fig
  • peaches
  • apricots
  • fresh grapes,
  • any sweet berries,
  • dried apricots,
  • prunes
  • pear,
  • nuts.

It should be remembered that dried fruits need to soak in hot water to swelling. If you put sweet fruits into porridge (dates, for example), then sugar or honey is not worth added.

All fruits must be finely chopped. By the way, the apples themselves can separately bake in the oven. Then they are added to the finished porridge.

Cooking porridge with kitchen helpers

In a multicooker or microwave, oatmeal with apples is no worse than in a saucepan. To cook porridge in a microwave oven, you need to do the following:

  1. In the appropriate dishes pour 45 grams of flakes and pour them half a glass of water.
  2. Stir and add 170 ml of milk.
  3. Add a handful of steamed raisin and grated apple. This container should be covered with a plate or food film.
  4. Microwave Turn on the power of 600 watts. Timer put four minutes.

It is also easy and simply can make oatmeal in a slow cooker. In the bowl of the unit, we pour 200 ml of apple juice and twice the milk. Add two tablespoons of sugar.

In Multipowner mode, we set the temperature of 160 degrees. We bring fluid to boiling. Suck 150 grams of oat flakes. Cook five minutes.

Add two grated apples, a handful of steamed raisins, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 70 milliliters of cream. We continue to cook another 5 minutes.